The Beginning or The End ? Prophecies new edition 2012, by Peter Nuthall

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Transcript of The Beginning or The End ? Prophecies new edition 2012, by Peter Nuthall

THE PROPHECIESFrom Within The Veil Of Light

The Beginning Or The End?PETER C. NUTHALL

The book you are about to read is what i t i s . You can debate i t , d iscuss i t and ponder i t ’s content unt i l the cows come in. However, the sad fact as to the horrors that are unfolding upon this planet could l i teral ly br ing tears to a glass eye.

I have deleted the dates and t imes for the global prophecies to fulf i l l themselves as in the greater schedule of t ime, i t does not mat ter. However, what does matter are the col lect ive l ight ent i t ies locked into this i l lusion. Therefore, understanding this i t would be wise indeed to prepare oneself for the future .

On this , I remain.

- Peter C. Nuthal l

To Whom It May Concern…

The rights of Peter C. Nuthall to be identified as the author and artist of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book including all artwork may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, whether electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the copyright holder.

First Release 2012

Copyright © 1995 PETER C. NUTHALL

Prophecies From Within The Vei l Of Light

I commenced the wri t ing of this book in 1993 and completed the book in 1995. For a l l these years this book has been under lock and key. The reason, the t ime was not r ight for i t to be released to the publ ic . However, the t ime has arr ived for this book to be released as fear is everywhere and is total ly out of control .

There is much to discover a t a deep and personal perspect ive when viewing and reading this book. May your l i fe and al l l i fe be enhanced through the l ight of l i fe .


- Peter C. Nuthal l

Dedicat ion

This wri t ing is dedicated to a l l the f i rs t survivors of the coming apocalypt ic events scheduled to take place upon this ear th . I t i s fur ther dedicated to the survivors who l ive through the second scheduled cleansing process .

This wri t ing is fur ther dedicated to a l l the l i fe s t reams of l ight and memory, as the third s tage of c leansing is t ime. Mil lenniums of t ime that shal l breed out a l l pol lut ions of the darkness imprinted and carr ied in the blood of these remaining survivors unt i l there is no need of this dedicat ion, for i t never was.

Dedicat ion

- Peter C. Nutahl l

Introduct ion

This wri t ing is wri t ten with great respect and humil i ty. I t i s to be of service. There are count less souls l iving upon this ear th who l ive their l ives in total horror, pain and suffer ing caused from the ravages of disease and deter iorat ion. Untold vast numbers of people everyday go to their graves prematurely because of the disease process of darkness . You would think that there would be some sor t of common denominator that would uni te and bind mankind to a l leviate this horror.

In my opinion, as sad as i t i s mankind has lost i t ’s way from the pathway of l ight and fol lows the pathway of darkness that i l luminates upon this ear th . The darkness that leaves nothing in i t ’s path except destruct ion and needless waste . However, in spi te of this horror of real i ty, there is something s t i r r ing at a deep unconciousness level f rom within the very fabric of mankind.

Introduct ion

- Peter C. Nutahl l

The Kingdoms

The Kingdom of Light and the God’s are f rom within…The Kingdom of Darkness and the God’s are f rom the outs ide…

Therefore , there is no choice, you can not have one without the other. As Above So Below. In essence, dual i ty in being.

- Peter C. Nutahl l

The Kingdoms

The Awakening Process

And what is s t i r r ing deep within mankind? The unconsciousness level of mankind is awakening and i t knows the horror is a l l wrong. I t knows that the act ions manifest ing from the horror must cease upon this planet . I t fur ther knows, that in the event the horror does not cease and desis t , f rom its current orchestrated pathway… then mankind will be forced into the self and/or external terminat ion process . This terminat ion process shal l t r igger and set into motion the next program of evolut ion. Trust ing that mankind may awaken from the horror and get i t r ight .

The Awakening Processs

- Peter C. Nutahl l

The Vision

I have seen a vis ion, a vis ion of events that shal l come to pass . Therefore , understanding this , there can only be one course of act ion and that is to survive. Those who are prepared and able to ra ise their vibrat ional f requencies shal l survive. Those not prepared or able shal l per ish. The t ransi t ion process of the events as witnessed from the vis ion is wel l under way and is being fel t by al l who inhabi t this planet .

The Vision

- Peter C. Nutahl l

Well , this is a l l fantast ic and enl ightening, so what , you had a vis ion, big deal say those shrouded in darkness . And I agree with those who are in the darkness . However, the vis ion is no isolated occurrence on this planet as there are mil l ions upon mil l ions of people worldwide who have seen the vis ion. Then there are count less numbers of people who have deep feel ings of despair, dread, and uncertainty that something is not just r ight . Therefore , I bel ieve and by bel ieving then i t i s just good common sense to be prepared. For i t would be a fool indeed not to pay heed to a l l the warning s igns of our t imes.

The Vision

- Peter C. Nutahl l

The Golden Age Of I l luminat ion

I bel ieve in the vis ion, for i t ushers in the golden age of i l luminat ion and enl ightenment for mankind. We the people of the world must uni te as one and change the ser ies of events scheduled to take place upon this ear th . In essence, we can do i t the hard way or the easy way, i t i s our choice.

The Golden Age Of I l luminat ion

- Peter C. Nutahl l

The Inquis i t ive Souls

So what have you seen in this so cal led vis ion of yours? Ask those enl ightened souls f rom within the vei l of darkness . My reply to these inquis i t ive souls would be the fol lowing prophecies…

The Inquis i t ive Souls

- Peter C. Nutahl l


From Within The Vei l Of Light


The Prophecies…

T h e P r o p h e c i e sThe Time Line Is Now!

Prophecy I

Total upheavals , destruct ion and el iminat ion of nat ions and their respected cul tures .

Prophecy II

The dismantl ing and complete e l iminat ion of a l l current re l igions and indoctr inated bel ief systems.

Prophecy III

The end of a l l current f inancial and government systems of control .

Prophecy IV

The use of advanced technology creat ing global i l lusions and

brain s t imulat ion of the masses .

Prophecy V

This br ings into being higher levels of emotional warfare to heighten greater levels of fear. This heightened level of fear s t imulates hyster ia and the total submission of the masses .

Advancement and accelerat ion of the methods used to control the masses .

Prophecy VI

The release of advanced genet ical ly engineered diseases…

Creat ing incurable diseases and plagues, with swif t and deadly consequences that wil l eradicate bi l l ions of souls f rom this planet .

Prophecy VII

Creat ing massive ear th shif ts and ear thquakes that resul t in count less deaths .

Increased cl imat ic changes on a global scale…

Prophecy VIII

Increased cl imat ic changes on a global scale…

Creat ing massive hurricanes, typhoons,tsunamis, drought and flooding that resul t in count less deaths .

Prophecy IX

Increased cl imat ic changes on a global scale…

Creat ing air and water pol lut ion with unstable

temperature changes causing global starvation and disease that

resul t in count less deaths .

Prophecy X

Mutl i -wars being waged on al l cont inents…

with disastrous effects and count less l ives lost .

Prophecy XI

with dis t ras tous consquences to a l l l iving beings.

Nuclear weapons being employed as a show of power…

Prophecy XII

used to ensure total and complete manipulat ion and capi tulat ion of a l l s ides .

The introduct ion of a new super weapon of mass destruct ion


Prophecy XIII

classif ied as useless eaters .

The systematic e l iminat ion and removal of a l l beings…

Prophecy XIV

New charismatic leaders coming and going, promising

everything and nothing, with new saviors and messiah f igures appearing

to save mankind.

However, to no avai l .

Prophecy XV

The arr ival , in tervent ion and interference of a mult i tude of a l ien races with planned

agendas for control of the planet and other a l ien groups with open agendas.

Prophecy XVI

The release of secret and hidden information regarding the human race, destroying al l

preconceived and indoctr inated bel iefs and knowledge.

Prophecy XVII

The creat ion of a one world system of control that wil l rule for a mil lennium, breeding out a l l defused ref lect ive l ight c leansing the blood for the new age of enl ightenment .

Prophecies The Warning

Prophecies The Warning

And to those selected few who know and who have been informed of this apocalypt ic event for mankind, and to their own personal agendas, ini t ia t ives , by way of a l ternat ives to survive this t ransi t ion be forewarned, you shal l not escape the retr ibut ion of the chaos, for i t i s the col lect ive judgement of the l ight . The very l ight that f lows through your veins . In essence, the water of l i fe shal l be subject to the energy and vibrat ions of this preordained event , for no one escapes.

And to those l iving on planets near or far away, and to those whether in synch or out of phase of this dimensional plane, you shal l feel the chaos and be subject to i ts recourse. And to those l iving deep within the bowels of this planet and to those l iving on top of a mountain or wherever, be forewarned, no one escapes.

Prophecies The Warning

The Seven Project ions To Survive

Awaken in the l ight and r ise f rom the t rance induced coma inf l ic ted upon mankind from the darkness .

The Firs t Project ion

The Second Project ion

Search and acquire the elusive substance that is the pr imoral essence of a l l l i fe , for i t i s here on the ear th and avai lable to a l l those elect ing to r ise above the subl ime of the nothingness .

The Third Project ion

Raise the internal l ight force energy of your whole being through s teadfast bel ief and self preservat ion of self .

The Fourth Project ion

Surround your third and mult i -dimensional bodies in a golden shield of protect ive l ight . Broadcast the golden l ight in mult iple energy pat terns that are mutable , adaptable in matching paral le l energy force, in order to neutral ize and balance the negat ive vibrat ional f requencies being directed from the evi l operat ing from within this dimensional plane.

The Fif th Project ion

Maintain internal zero point balance through self manifestat ion of unat tachment . Thereby, creat ing f loat ing l inear balance points f rom within, that wil l direct your l ight of l i fe in spherical motions of perpetual l i fe force energy to sustain self f rom directed at tacks from evi l operat ing out of phase or synch from the mult i -dimensional col lect ive l i fe force mainstream energy f low.

The Sixth Project ion

Fai th is the golden foundat ion of a l l awakened consciousness ent i t ies . I f there is no fai th , then who or what shal l bel ieve you when you say you are awake and worthy of such an adventure in the l ight .

The Seventh Project ion

In essence, i f you do not have fai th and bel ief in self , then i t i s far bet ter to remain asleep in the comfort of knowing, that in the greater scheme of things one day you shal l awake.

Therefore , in the meant ime enjoy the horror of your s leep.

Help Is Close At Hand

Help Is Close At Hand

As Big Brother Is Here To Watch Us. To Help Us And To Protect Us.

Is I t Wise, We The People Of The World Should Have No Fear…

Today, in my opinion, a t this moment in t ime, I see nothing that would cease the horror unfolding upon this planet , except more horror. Further to this , in my opinion, I assure you the power, control , money, weal th and big business of this world wil l do absolutely nothing unt i l i t i s too la te .

Help Is Close At Hand

However, they wil l col lect ively use the hive mental i ty process . They wil l act through their puppet governments , agencies , e lected pal l parrots and s tooges, to set into motion l ip service to the horrors unfolding on this planet . These acts are nothing more than an exercises in fut i l i ty. They are nothing more than pretending to go through the motions of doing something. However, these acts of doing something are nothing more than acts of i l lusion to appease the sheep who are sound asleep.

Help Is Close At Hand

Help Is Close At Hand

Yes, they wil l have news conferences, world days, chi ldren days, family days, world forums, meet ings, seminars and publ ic awareness ra l l ies . Yes, they wil l make beaut i ful te levis ion commercials , pr int beaut i ful books, magazines and information brochures .

And yes, they wil l enl is t a l l the experts of the world and pour bi l l ions of dol lars into research and feasibi l i ty s tudies to baff le and bewilder you. And of course, pass more laws and taxes that bind and restr ic t personal f reedoms. All of which do nothing to rect i fy the problem except enhance global fear and hopelessness which serves the hidden agenda of the darkness . All of which the world gets s icker and s icker.

Help Is Close At Hand

In my opinion, I see nothing that wil l cease the horror except the destruct ion of mankind as we know i t . There are l i teral ly bi l l ions of people the world over who are having dreams, vis ions and premonit ions that something dark and terr ible is about to happen to the planet . Are you one of them?

Help Is Close At Hand

In essence, be one of the survivors , for I assure you, not a l l shal l per ish when mother ear th unleashes her wrath. Did I say mother ear th? Yes I did, for mother ear th is a l ive and i t shal l be her who so to speak shal l put the ic ing on the cake. Or as they say in the show business world…

Help Is Close At Hand

Get Ready For The Grand Finale

And what is the grand f inale? The best way I could descr ibe i t , i t i s the end. That being, the total and complete annihi la t ion of a l l souls inhabi t ing this ear th and beyond who s tand in or have been pol luted by the darkness . In essence, the terminat ion of the bacter ia that feeds upon mother ear th . As i t i s the bacter ia that has gone total ly out of control and must be brought back into balance and harmony.

Help Is Close At Hand

Is Help Close At Hand?

What Is Your Opinion?

So What Can Be Done?

Simple, buckle up, hang on and enjoy the r ide of a l i fe t ime as i t i s going to be a rough one.

The Nemesis

The Nemesis

There is a center point that runs l inear f rom within al l l iving matter that keeps in check the two opposing opposi tes of created matter. You could cal l this center point The Nemesis . The Nemesis acts only when balance is dis turbed…

Therefore , The Nemesis shal l soon appear, i t i s just a quest ion of t ime and t ime is an i l lusion. So beware imbalance.

Therefore , i t i s the blade centered upon the sword of l ight that s tands on guard for e terni ty against the egos of the two opposing opposi tes . However, i f one comprehends this , then what has happened to our world that we l ive in . In my opnion, i t would appear there is great imbalance.

Therefore , The Nemesis shal l soon appear. I t i s just a quest ion of t ime. And t ime is an i l lusion. So beware imbalance.

The Nemesis

The Art Of Personal Survival

When one witness and experiences the horrors human beings suffer in this world, i t would be wise indeed to prepare oneself just in case something does manifest . Therefore , a t a personal level i t would be wise to s tock up on the necessi t ies of l i fe .

The Art Of Personal Survival

-Peter C. Nuthal l

Insure that you and your family have: water, food, medical suppl ies , some form of protect ion to defend yourself , precious metals , in case of a f inancial col lapse. A place to re t reat to that is on high ground (500 meters plus above sea level) . Further you require protect ive clothing and temporary shel ter. In essence be prepared and be a survivor.

The Art Of Personal Survival

-Peter C. Nuthal l

The Chronicles Of Horror

258 million “Death by Government”, 180 million evil deaths caused by government or religion in the 20th century, 220 million Karl Marx inspired killings, 100 million African Slaves, 80 million Chinese by Mao Tse Tung, 30 million Mao Tse Tung Famines, 30 million Stalin Purge / Famines, 10 million Stalin by executions, 9 million WWI Military, 30 million Asians WWII, 20 million Non-Japanese Asians WWII, 20 million Russian WWII, 15 million WWII soldiers, 10 million Chinese civilians WWII, 3 million German soldiers WWII, 1.5 million German prisoners WWII, 1.5 million Russia soldiers WWII, 3 million Japanese WWII, 2 million Chinese WWII, 30 million Taiping Rebellion, 30 million Chinese killed by Japanese, 6.5 million Poles and Polish Jews, 6 million Chinese by Japan, 6 million Jewish Holocaust, 3-6 million Died on African slave ships, 5 million Korean War, 2 million Vietnamese, 2 million Cambodia Killing Fields, 2.5 million Rwanda, 7 million Afghanistan war deaths, 1.5 million Armenian Genocide, 1.2 million Tibet by Chinese, 1.1 million Azeris by Armenians, 1 million Muslims, 1 million Bangladesh by Pakistan, 3.5 million Sino-Japanese War, 2 million Korean War, 3 million Eritrea, 1.3 million Afghanistan: vs. Soviets, 1.2 million China: Civil war, 1 million Sudan, 1.4 million Somalia, 3.2 million Bosnia, 12 million East Timor, 2 Million Missing Children, 10 Million Missing Adults just in USA and UK every year. How many people are missing globally? Where are all these people going each and every year? How can they just disappear from the earth? Where are all the bodies? Something is very wrong!


Evil Always Works I ts Magic Of Control And Decei t Under The Safe Vei l Of Darkness . . . So Get Out Of The Darkness

And Destroy Evi l ’s Magic.

Only Through Your Eyes

Shal l You See. . .

But Can You See Through

The Eyes Of Another?

For I f You Can,

You Do Understand. . .

The Horror Of I t All .

- Peter C. Nuthal l

The Horror

A Brief History Of Mass Murder

The Chronicles Of More Horror

Did you know that approxiametly 2 million children and 10 million adults go missing each and every year from the USA and UK. This has been going on since 1993. That means from 1993 to 2010 over 205 million people have completely disappeared from the earth. Something is terribly wrong. Imagine how many people are missing on a world wide scale. Where are all these people going each and every year? How can they just disappear from the earth? Where are all the bodies of the missing? Something is very wrong.

Did you know that over 925 million people from around the world starved to death last year? How is this possible? Something is terribly wrong! This does not make sense when the militaries of the world spend well over 2 billion dollars per day supposidly protecting and defending us the people of the world from who? Think about it, 2 billion dollars a day times 365 days a year equals 730 billion dollars. I think you could prevent a few people from starving to death in this world. Something is very wrong.

Did you know that over 23 thousand hectares of forest are cut down every day. Did you know that over 10 thousand hetacres are turned into deserts every day? Did you know that over 50 species of animals die every day? Did you know that over 50 million tons of carbon dioxide are put into the atmosphere every day? Did you know that over 55 million barrels of oil are taken out of the earth every day? Something is very wrong.


Pure Greed... It’s Mine I Saw It First.

I Claim It Because

I Say I Saw It First. If You Come Near It

I Shall Defend It.

Even If It Means I Must Destroy You

- Peter C. Nuthal l

Pure Greed

A Brief History Of The Missing, Starving And Destruction Of The Earth

Pure Madness...I See What You Have. I Must Have It. I Know I Do Not Need It. However, I See What You Have.

Therefore, I Shall Do All That I Must Do To Have It.

Reflect ions Through Imagery

The Shame Of I t All

There is no animal placed from within the animal kingdom that commits

the atroci t ies mankind executes upon himself

Understanding this . . . . .

Maybe the t ime has come for mankindto wake up and real ign i tself back

into the l ight of l i fe

- Peter C.Nuthal l


Something is wrong in the world.

What’s wrong with this picture?


Something is wrong in the world.

What’s wrongwith these pictures?

Something IsDefini te ly Wrong In The World…

Maybe I t ’s Time To Wake Up

And Do Something…

Before I t ’s Too Late!



Something is wrong in the world.

The Horror

Give Peace A Chance

Never before in a l l of the his tory of mankind has the weal th of the world been so concentrated into the hands of a selected few. Understanding this , one can come to the real izat ion as to why so many human beings l ive their l ives in hardship and poverty.


Something is wrong in the world.


Something is wrong in the world.


Why Do I Have To Die From Starvat ion?

There is something terr ibly wrong with this world,ask the mil l ions who die each year f rom starvat ion.

In A World With So Much…

Why Is ThereStarvat ion?

Maybe It’s Time To Wake Up

Before It’s Too Late!

Something IsDefinitely Wrong In The World…

The Countless Vict ims

You Got To Have Fai th… Lots and Lots Of Fai th .

Contemplat ion

Where ever there is , then there is not . When ever there is l ight , then there is darkness . When ever there is peace, then war is inevi table . Where there is white , then there is black. Where there is love, then hate exis ts . For as long as these two extreme polar i t ies exis t in opposi tes then chaos rules the day.


To change these opposing opposi tes . The opposi tes must be inverted into a s ingular i ty of zero balance energy. By this I s ta te , a neutral polar i ty must be created, cancel l ing out each of the opposing magnet ic f lows of pr imoral mat ter. Thereby, manifest ing s t i l lness in l ight .


For the s t i l lness in l ight to take place upon this ear th . There shal l f i rs t be great chaos that shal l lead to mass e l iminat ion of pol luted minds and s t ructured bel ief systems. However, as I s ta ted previously, there shal l be survivors and for your considerat ion, are you one of them? In essence, these great ser ies of events are nothing more today than the ref lect ions of the vis ion. The vis ion preparing the way for change. In my opinion, and from what I have witnessed, I assure you great change there shal l be upon the face of this ear th .


In my opinion, the vis ion is no longer abstracts in i l lusions but is instead real and tangible . The great ser ies of events has commenced and i t has for a long t ime. No one in their r ight mind can bel ieve everything unfolding in the world today is okay. You would have to be on drugs to bel ieve this . On the behalf of those who are on drugs and bel ieve the fairy ta les . Your al ready dead. You just have not la id down yet . But you shal l… unless you wake up.


Think about i t… thousands upon thousands of years of our his tory laden in conquest . War, murder, rape, pi l lage, s laughter and mass exterminat ion of count less souls . Why is this? Could i t be because of fa lse doctr ines and bel ief systems implemented to control the s laves of the world.


Yes, I bel ieve in the vis ion, for i t ushers in the golden age of i l luminat ion and enl ightenment for mankind. The golden age, the ul t imate process of c leansing that shal l breed out a l l d i ffused ref lect ions of l ight , refocusing the internal l i fe force l ight back to where i t came from. An event that shal l las t for over one thousand years before the next cycle of awakening commences for mankind.



Therefore I s ta te…So i t begins as above, so below.

The perfect ion in

the l ight of our l ives .

-Peter C. Nuthal l

Of The Highest Honour

Of The Highest Honor I State…

To those who s tand in the l ight of the Creator there is nothing to say, you know.

- Peter C. Nutahl l

Of The Highest Honor I State…

To those moving towards the l ight ,keep moving your a lmost there .

- Peter C. Nutahl l

Of The Highest Honor I State…

To those seeking the l ight , do not search, wake up and see the l ight .

- Peter C. Nutahl l

Of The Highest Honor I State…

To those in the darkness , there is nothing to say, you are in the dark.

- Peter C. Nutahl l

Of The Highest Honor I State…

To those leaving the l ight to re turn into the darkness congratulat ions, enjoy the adventure .

- Peter C. Nutahl l

Of The Highest Honor

In essence, may I suggest… bel ieve everything and bel ieve nothing. Treat everything that you have

read in this book as nothing more than pure f ic t ion and pure fai ry ta les . And here i t shal l remain, unt i l

you see the pure and t rue l ight of your l i fe .

- Peter C. Nutahl l

In Closing

Once upon a t ime there was a kingdom great and glor ious but through i ts own act ions, the kingdom was destroyed. Today only fragments of their memories exis t recorded in his tory by way of s tor ies , fables , songs and rel ics .

Today are we a kingdom great and glor ious, a mere ref lect ion of what was, what is and what shal l be? I t rust not , for i f i t i s , then i t shal l be our act ions that shal l destroy our present kingdom.

We who elect to survive today are the survivors of tomorrow. Let us not repeat this exercise again and again and again. For the warning s igns of impending chaos are here and they are crystal c lear to those who know.

- Peter C. Nuthal l

My family and I res ide in the Kingdom of Thai land. In 2011 we were informed of an impending f lood. We looked into the matter and found i t was a tangible real i ty. We prepared for i t by s tocking up on food suppl ies and boats . We advised al l our neighbors and fr iends to be ready in case i t comes to Bangkok. What was the response from our neighbors and fr iends? There response was, we are crazy and nothing wil l come to Bangkok. Further, we were fool ish to spread fear and waste our money on food and suppl ies . In addi t ion, we were cal led luni t ics for moving our furni ture and personal belongings onto the second level of our house. You can imagine what they cal led us when we moved al l our vehicles to high ground . However, nevertheless we warned them and guess what , the water came and destroyed there homes and vehicles .

Our home was submerged under 2 meters of water and the road way in f ront of our house was 3 meters deep. However, we were prepared and we had no problems. For 2 months we surrounded by an ocean of water. All our neighbors and fr iends were not prepared and I share with you they paid the pr ice . For the record, to see thousands upon thousands of people suffer ing because of the f lood was sad indeed Therefore I s ta te i t never hurts to be prepared for a disaster, as one day i t may be your l i fe that is a t r isk. Thank you for shar ing your t ime and I wish you al l good heal th and great success in the coming years .

-Peter C. Nuthal l

On A Personal Level



As in a l l great adventures sooner or la ter you wil l come to a fork in the road. By this I mean, in your pathway of l i fe your pathway shal l divide into two. For a l l those who arr ive at this point of balance the quest ion remains. Which path do you choose? Do you go to the lef t or do you go to the r ight? To put this another way, do you choose the l ight or do you choose the dark?

- Peter C. Nutahl l

However, fear not , for sooner or la t ter these divided pathways in your road of l i fe shal l real ign as one again, and off you must go again on the pathway of l i fe . However, wil l you be one of the ones who reemerges above this i l lusion. I t rust you shal l .

Epi logue

- Peter C. Nutahl l


For Whom Do You Serve?


- Peter C. Nutahl l

The Quest For Truth

- Peter C. Nuthall

Life , Love, Peace and Freedom to al l who seek The Truth. . .

Let The Truth be known to al l . . .

who seek the wisdom of The Grand Creator.

By seeking The Grand Creator ’s Wisdomis to see The Vision Of Life . . .

On this i t shal l be. . . Let The Quest Begin.

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