The Beginning and End of Civilization is Communication file"The beginning and end of civilization is...

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The Beginning and End of Civilization is Communication

Submit by prasetyafisip on April 13, 2018 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 1028

From right, Yudhistira Massardi, Nisa Almira, Verdy


"The beginning and end of civilization is communication," said Yudhistira Massardi when initiated a workshop on Performance Research Methods in Communication Research. The event was organized in 7B floor's meeting room Faculty of Social and Political Science Brawijaya University (Fisip UB) on Thursday (05/Apr/2018). According to Yudhis, whatever is the business, from the desire to eat to becoming an entrepreneur, what is needed is communication. Communicate your ideas and work. Performer research not only produce papers which are only in the closet, but could be applied, the product is there," Yudhis pursued.

For writer who has been active in literature world since Junior High School, writing makes himself has capabilities to create anything. Not only poetry, Yudhis also writes book reviews and song lyrics.

"Then I write a bit serious to Kompas, Horison magazine. I write poetry and drama. There are so many rooms could be opened in the brain in both." Yudhis said.

In addition to Yudhis, the speakers in the event were Nisa Alfira, S.I.Kom., M.A., a Communication Science lecturer at Fisip UB, Verdy Firmantoro, S.I.Kom., Master's program student on Communication Science and Gema Isyak (Unikola). On the occasion, they discussed about Performance Research from various speakers' perspectives. At Brawijaya University, performance research starts to do by Communication Science students. Besides, Nisa and several other lecturers also have long been doing this research using this method in a theme of corruption.

Performance research itself is an ideas dissemination, share the review to the public in many ways in order to target cognitive and emotional which collide academic and humanities research. "Here we have some perspectives about PR to be implemented in combination research between theory and practice. Researcher as agent of change, is expected that after the research is finished remained to continue the research," Nisa said. [Charisma/Humas FISIP/Humas UB/trans. Denok]

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