The Beauty of Coffee Beans

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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Coffee beans are essentially the very seeds of the coffee plant. As the source for the popular coffee drink, this is the pit that is found inside the purple or red fruit of the coffee plant that is commonly referred to as the cherry. Even though they are the actual seeds, they are called beans because of their uncanny resemblance to actual beans.

Transcript of The Beauty of Coffee Beans

  • 1. The Beauty of Coffee Beans

2. Coffee beans are essentially the very seeds of the coffee plant. As the source for the popular coffee drink, this is the pit that is found inside the purple or red fruit of the coffee plant that is commonly referred to as the cherry. Even though they are the actual seeds, they are called beans because of their uncanny resemblance to actual beans. More info on: 3. These fruits of the plants, or coffee berries, have two stones on the inside that have two flat sides facing one another. While most coffee berries have the two beans, there are some cases where there is a peaberry, or one bean inside. It is thought that these singular beans have more flavor than the traditional dual beans. More info on: 4. Coffee is well known for being one of the most widely consumed beverages in the entire world, making coffee beans a massive cash crop. An important product of export, coffee counts for well over 50% of the revenue for some developing nations. More info on: 5. Two of the most economical varieties of the coffee plant product robusta beans and arabica beans. Arabica consist of between .8 and 1.4% caffeine and robusta consist of between 1.7 and 4% caffeine. More info on: 6. Coffee beans need to be fully processed before they are used for drinks including cappuccino, espresso, latte and any other sort of specialty coffee drink that uses a coffee maker or another type of coffee machine. More info on: 7. The process will begin with the bean being completely removed from the coffee berries and then the fruit is discarded and often used as a fertilizer. The seed, or coffee bean, is then ground up and used for the preparation of coffee beverages of choice. More info on: 8. The difference between espresso beans and your traditional coffee beans is that espresso will generally be a collection of various beans. The majority of the beans that will go into espresso will include mostly dark roasts such as French roast or Vienna roast. More info on: 9. Today, there are all sorts of bio beans, aromatic beans, flavored coffee beans and much more that you can choose from. If you are a coffee lover, you will be in for a treat if you are able to sample a cup that is brewed by a master roaster. More info on: 10. A master roaster works to make sure that their coffee beans are roasted to true perfection so that they are able to achieve the ultimate flavor. There is a true technique to both the roasting of beans as well as the process of decaffeinating them. More info on: 11. If you are hoping to select nothing but the best when it comes to coffee beans, you are going to find that there is a trick to it. There are varieties that will have a darker roast flavor and then others that will have a mild flavor or even less caffeine if you choose. More info on: 12. No matter what, when you love coffee, the chances are that you will sample new varieties whenever you get a chance. The more that you learn about the beans and how they are processed, the more insight you will have on the perfect beans that will give you the ultimate coffee beverage. More info on: