The Beat 17 June 2016

Post on 02-Aug-2016

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The Beat 17 June 2016: die pos,the post,the beat,nuus,news,misdaad,crime,sport,skool,schools,vaalwater,naboomspruit,mookgophong,nylstroom,modimolle,warmbad,warmbaths,bela-bela,waterberg

Transcript of The Beat 17 June 2016




17 June

Two Bela-Bela residents made afortunate escape after a part oftheir home was engulfed in aninferno that destroyed part oftheir three-bedroom home inVan der Merwe Street.The housekeeper, Rebecca

Maimale, said that she andJinnah Park learner IsabellaMokwatlo were watchingtelevision at around 19:30 onWednesday, 8 June, when theyspotted flames in two adjacentbedrooms.Maimale said that she and

Isabella immediately evacuatedthe house, and Isabella ran toget help at the police station afew blocks from their house.Isabella’s parents, Samuel andElizabeth Mokwatlo, were notat home during the incident.Nearby residents, members of

the Bela-Bela Crime SupportGroup as well as members ofthe local community PolicingForum battled the blaze fornearly two hours before it wasextinguished.

The roof of the two rooms thatburned had collapsed and all ofIsabella’s belongings, includingher school books and clothes,were destroyed in the fire.Samuel and Elizabeth lost theirclothes and bed, as well asimportant documents. Maimalelost her identity documents inthe fire.

The remainder of the housewas covered in soot, and mostof the windows were damaged.

Samuel told the media that therooms which had burned downwere not originally part of thehouse and were added to thehouse when they moved induring 2000. He added that theyhad planned to constructanother room to the house.

Elizabeth said that it wasbelieved that the fire startedwhen a lightbulb fell onto a bed.

The family has since receiveddonations from the community,various community forums, andthe Jehovah’s Witness church.

Anyone wishing to contributeaid to the family may contactRebecca on 073 775 8801 orElizabeth on 072 136 6094.

Justin Steyn

Rebecca Maimaleand IsabellaMokwatlo, tworesidents of Bela-Bela who escapedfrom a raging fireat their home.Photo: Justin Steyn

The house’swindows werecovered in sootthe morning afterthe fire. Photo:Justin Steyn

Samuel Mokwatlostands outside theburnt down roomhe said wasconstructed afterthey had moved in.Photo: Justin Steyn

Two escape fromblazing house

2 | 17 June, | Website:

Following the Crime Awareness Campaignheld in Modimolle on Friday 10 June, it isnow apparent that the infamous and deadlynyaope drug tops the list of challenges facedby the society.

The event which was attended by a largenumber of learners and parents was held atthe Ephraim Mogale Stadium. The SAPS heldthe event in conjunction with Department ofSocial Development and Modimolle LocalMunicipality.

Representatives of the Department ofEducation, National Prosecuting Authority(NPA), Community Police Forum (CPF),School Governing Body (SGB) and Ministers’Fraternal were among those who attended theevent.

Speakers from different parts of societyexpressed that most social challenges relate tothe use of drugs.

Before addressing members of the public,Modimolle SAPS Station CommanderColonel Isaac Maila thanked his colleaguesfor organising the awareness campaign.

He said it was important for the police andthe general public to get together on such

Community unite in a battle against drugs

Mzamane Ringane

Motivational speaker Freddy Chisi (left) and Pastor Malesela Mosima during theevent. Photo: Mzamane RinganeModimolle SAPS Station Commander Colonel Isaac Maila. Photo: Mzamane

Ringaneoccasions, in an attempt to addresschallenges that the future leaders of thiscountry are facing.

When encouraging young learners to focuson their studies and stay away from drugs,Colonel Maila quoted from one of the lateMuhammed Ali, who said: “To be a greatchampion you must believe you are the best.”

“So because you want to be greatchampions, you must believe that you are thebest, but you cannot be the best if you aredoing drugs,” Colonel Maila said.

Maila said the police are concerned becausedrugs like nyaope are now being distributed atschools.

He called on all members of the communityto join hands with the SAPS and CPF in abattle against drugs.

Speaking on behalf of local SGB’s, PastorMalesela Mosima admitted that the issue ofdrugs was a serious challenge at local schools.

Pastor Mosima advised learners to boycottdrugs by isolating themselves from their peerswho distribute drugs at school.

He said that if learners continue to supportthis business, the battle against drugs will notbe won.

Motivational speaker Freddy Chisi alsoshared a motivational talk with learners

AG Report: Mismanagement ofLimpopo municipalities continues

The DA in Limpopo said that they notedwith great dismay the poor performanceand poor state of theprovinces’municipalities in the AuditorGeneral’s (AG) municipal report releasedrecently.

They raised concerns following what theylearned that the province still recordsunacceptably high levels of irregular,unauthorised and fruitless and wastefulexpenditure at R1,359 billion, R1,207billion, and R81million respectively. Theparty said that the nearly R3 billion spenton irregular, unauthorized , fruitless andwasteful expenditure could have improvedthe lives of the poor, improved education,created and improved service delivery.

“It shows a shocking level ofmismanagement and maladministrationthat not a single municipality in Limpopohad a clean audit. The lack of a clean auditprovince wide is due to weak governmentleadership and accountability,” said theDA Provincial Leader Jacques Smalle.

“The province had one of the poorestoutcomes based on the number ofmunicipalities with disclaimed and adverseopinions or outstanding audits with 21%.The mismanagement of Limpopomunicipalities needs to be brought to anend. Limpopo is largely underdeveloped

Mzamane Ringaneand effective management at municipallevel is of utmost importance to improvethe situation. The number of municipalitieswith findings on compliance decreased inall provinces except Mpumalanga andLimpopo, which remained at the samelevel.

The municipalities in Limpopo wereamong the main contributors to theregression with regard to contractmanagement, which was caused by a lack ofconsequences for transgressors and weakcontrols around contract management,”Smalle said.

The DA said that the AG’s report hasmerely affirmed the well-known truth thatLimpopo’s current leadership has failed thepeople through incompetent and inefficientmanagement. They highlighted that wherethe DA governs in the Western Cape, theAG recorded the largest number of cleanaudits countrywide.

The DA called for the MEC forCOGHSTA Makoma Makhurupetje to holdmunicipal managers of underperformingmunicipalities accountable. They said thatCOGHSTA must assign more money tosupport the department’s monitoring andevaluation of municipal operations.

“I will write to SCOPA chairperson,Snowy Kennedy to investigate the financialirregularities,” Smalle concluded.

The BEAT still awaits audit reports fromeach municipality in the Waterberg District.

YBBPF up for transformation

TK Mashaba

A new NPO in Bela-Bela, known as theYouth Black Business Professional Forum(YBBPF), held their first meeting at theBela-Bela Community Hall on Thursday, 9June.The meeting was attended by youth

involved in business and other stakeholders.The convener of the forum, Abdul Aphiri,

said that this forum focusses on solving theproblem of the high unemployment rateamong the youth of Bela-Bela.“There is a lot to be done to transform this

town, as it has to start with the forumchallenging things that affect us as theyouth,” he said.In their memorandum, Abdul said that they

are demanding answers from variouscompanies, such as Forever Resorts, lodgesaround Bela-Bela, the Municipality, Eskom,and Spoornet, to name but a few.Regarding Forever Resorts, Aphiri said

that they want to build a relationship whichwill focus on skills and trainingopportunities for the youth of Bela-Bela.

The convener ofthe Youth BlackBusiness Forum,Abdul Aphiri,during their firstmeeting. Photo:TK Mashaba

He also said that Bela-Bela has 296 lodgeswhich, he believes, can assist in socialcooperative responsibility.“We don’t want these companies to

continue exploiting workers. Instead, wewant them to assist our graduates in findingjobs in their companies,” he said.The other thing that he mentioned was a

demand for a quotation project in themunicipality.“We demand that 40% of three quotation

projects to be given to the youth of Bela-Bela, and 60% of the tender project must besub-contracted to the youth,” he said.Another thing that Aphiri mentioned was a

probe into the land at the old golf coursenear the Bela-Bela Police Station, which hebelieves can create business opportunities ifdeveloped.“We also want to know what happened to

the Bela-Bela Lapa, and what is happeningwith the clinic and land at Extension Six, asthe clinic was built there but nothing furtherhas been done,” he said.The forum plans another meeting where

the business sector will be invited to helpchart a path forward.

who attended the event.Chisi, who grew up in Modimolle,

encouraged parents and leaders to supportyoung people in their academic andsporting activities, if they wanted to wintheir battle.This motivational speaker was one

example that Modimolle, like any other smalltowns has the potential to producecelebrated people.Having studied at the local Phagameng

High School, Chisi has now become anotable radio commentator known acrossthe country.

| 317 June, | Website: GOVERNMENT / POLITICAL

Laerskool Warmbad suffers burglary

Andries van der Heyde

Laerskool Warmbad at Bela-Bela hasbecome the latest in a series of victims ofcrime after the school was broken into andburgled between Thursday night and Fridaymorning.

Other schools which have been targetedincludes Laerskool Eugene Marais atMookgophong, Laerskool Vaalwater andLaerskool Bosveld at Lephalale.

According to Louis Fourie, vice-principalat Laerskool Warmbad, the thieves plannedtheir crime very well. They knew exactlywhat to damage to prevent their crime from

being discovered immediately.The thieves broke open the lock on the

gate in Pienaar Street and so gained accessto the school.

They then apparently made a hole in theroof of the office building, where they cutthe wires to the alarm system as well as theInternet system.

From there, the thieves broke open theoffice door closest to the hall and the safetydoor at Reception, and then made their wayto the school’s safe.

They covered the windows on the MoffattStreet side of the office and cut open thesafe with a saw. They emptied the safe of,among others, money, a camera and

laptops.The thieves also removed the security

cameras’recorder.After sowing chaos in the office, the

criminals proceeded to the school’scomputer centre, where they stole some40 laptop computers. A number ofcomputer mice were found outside theclassroom.The next morning the personnel found

the damage, which brought the school toa standstill.Fourie said that because of the damage

to the school’s phone lines, they areunable to make phone calls or work ontheir systems to complete the reports and

registrations.The most shocking thing about the crime

is that the criminals apparently defecatedat two places on the school’s grounds,using the school’s own toilet paper.The damage is believed to be in the

thousands of Rands, and the police areinvestigating the incident.A security guard has been appointed in

the meantime, Fourie said. No messagewas received that someone was tamperingwith the systems at the school. A fewweeks ago a group of strange men soughtentry to the school’s reception area, butthe personnel did not think anything moreof it, said Fourie.

Thieves cut open the safe of Laerskool Warmbad last weekafter covering the office windows with blankets so as not todraw attention while they plundered the office.Photo: Andries van der Heyde

This part of the school’s premises was cordoned off after thepolice found human excrement believed to belong to thethieves. Photo: Andries van der Heyde

The thieves made off with 40 laptopsfrom the school’s computer centre. Anumber of computer mice were foundoutside the classroom.

This is whatLaerskoolWarmbad’s safelooked like afterthe thieves sawedit open and stolecash, laptops, anda camera from it.Photo: Andries vander Heyde

Over R12 million set aside for Mookgophong’s capital projects

Lizzy Bapela

Mookgophong mayor Sarah Monyamane encouraged hermanagers to work with the local community for thebetterment of service delivery in the municipality. Photo: LizzyBapela

Mookgophong Local Municipality has setaside R12 386 million aside for it capitalprojects for the 2016/2017 financial year. Inher recent budget speech and State of themunicipal address, the local mayor SarahMonyamane indicated that R1 974 million ofthat money is put aside for the constructionof paving and storm water control in thearea’s Extension 3, while R6 421 million isbeing set aside for sanitation, meaning thesewer outfall, reticulation and yardconnection in Phomolong Section. R3 289million of the money will be for upgradingthe local sports field, with R702 million forhigh mast lights in Extensions 5 and 6.

Management in the Mookgophong Local Municipality. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

These are some of the things that wereamongst grievances raised by angrycommunity members during their servicedelivery protests previously. They are alsoamong the reasons why residents seemed tobe against the amalgamation ofMookgophong with Modimolle.Monyamane confirmed in her speech that

there will be a net reduction of 21municipalities resulting in a total number of257 municipalities in the country. The nameof the newly established municipality is asyet undecided.The mayor said that management within the

municipality has a significant role to play instrengthening the link between thecommunity and the municipality’s overallpriorities and spending plans. She added that

the goal should be to enhance servicedelivery aimed at improving the quality of lifefor all people within Mookgophong.The municipality’s total operating

expenditure has grown by 4,04% or R6 683million for the 2016/2017 financial year ascompared to the 2015/2016 adjustmentsbudget. The operating revenue will increaseby 9,09% equating to a total revenuegrowth of R14 196 million for the 2016/2017 financial year as compared to the2015/2016 adjustments budget. This resultsin a total of R170 301 million for the totaloperating revenue, with R172 252 millionas the total operating expenditure and adeficit of R1 950 million for the year20162017.The municipality’s largest revenue source

in the 2016/2017 financial year is electricitycharges at R52 791 million (31,00%), withtransfers from the national governmentbeing the second at R49 319 million(28.96%) and property rates as the thirdsource, totalling 27 047 million (11,92%)“The electricity, water, sanitation and

refuse revenue has to increase rapidly toensure proper cost covering for these tradeservices. This growth can be mainly attributedto the decreased share of electricity surplus inthe operating budget over the past years andthe increased costs of replacing assets andemployee costs in these adjustments. Bybudgeting for improved cost reflective tradedepartments, the municipality will becomelessor dependant on external transfersreceivable,” said the mayor.

4 | 17 June, | Website: / POLITICAL

| 517 June, | Website: EDITORIAL

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Student chapter hosts aprovincial youth dialogue

Lizzy Bapela

Young professionals, academics andbusiness leaders from all localities acrossLimpopo gathered at the New PeterMokaba Stadium’s VIP Suites for aprovincial youth dialogue, an event hostedby the Progressive Professionals’Forum(PPF) Student Chapter. The event was heldon the evening of Thursday, 2 June underthe theme: “Bringing Public and PrivateEntities Closer to the People”.

Provincial Coordinator of theorganization Thabo Mabotja said that theevent was targeting young people drawnfrom both the public and private sectors ofthe local economy.

Deputy Minister of Trade and IndustryMzwandile Masina, SABC ChiefOperations Officer Hlaudi Motsoeneng,Limpopo MEC of Agriculture Joy

Matshoge, PPF President and Former CEOof Government Communications andInformation Jimmy Manyi, Limpopo MECof Public Works and head of LimpopoGovernment Business Jerry Ndou, SekokoResources Executive Chairman Dr TimTibeila were the guest speakers of the day.

The year 2016 marks 40 years since themomentous events of 1976 Soweto YouthUprising. The organization joined the restof the country in paying tribute to the classof 1976. They saluted and celebrated thestalwarts’selflessness and courage with aprogram that seeks to empower and unlockdoors for fellow young people withinformation that will change their life forthe better.

The heroism of the Youth of 1976 isimmortalised by the iconic image of thelifeless body of Hector Peterson, whichwas carried by Mbuyisa Makhuboaccompanied by Peterson’s anguished

sister, AntoinetteSithole. The popularphotograph wascaptured by veteranphotojournalist,Sam Nzima, and hasbecome a symbol ofthe struggleworldwide and achilling tribute tothe class of 1976.Nzima was part ofthe No Guts, NoGlory, No Storyseminar forjournalists whichThe BEAT reportersattended in 2007.

The Bela-Bela municipality intends toconstruct a 132 kilovolt substation alongthe major power distribution lines in Bela-Bela near the R516, north of the main town.The project is being undertaken by Eskom

and NGT Consulting, and is currentlyawaiting authorisation from the Departmentof Environmental Affairs.The Municipality has commissioned a

basic assessment report which will allow itto identify issues of concern as well as thesocial and environmental impacts of such asubstation.In a telephonic interview with The BEAT

the Chairperson of the WaterbergConservancy Forum, Chris Wagner, saidthat he does not foresee any problems withthe construction of such a substation butadded that he would have to assess theframework proposed before providing anofficial statement.“We will have to see the response from the

people who live in that area if such a

Modimolle resident and Limpopo MEC of Agriculture Joy Matshoge was among theguest speakers at the provincial youth dialogue Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Planned substation atBela-Bela to cost over R40 Million

Justin Steyn project is to be undertaken. I have not seenthe basic framework as yet and cannot givean official statement on the matter,” he saidThe executive officer for NGT consulting,

Nkosinathi Tomose, said that the projectwill be estimated to cost the municipalitybetween R40- to 60 Million rand and canbe phased in two stages.“We estimate anything between 40-60

Million Rand. This could be phased into 2stages to split the capital such that phase 1is R25-to 35 million and Phase 2 is R15 to25 million.”Tomose said that a contractor will be

appointed in due course through atransparent bidding processAccording to Tomose, there are two sites

currently being evaluated for the substationto be built: Near the cemetery on the oldtesting station ground, next to the existingWarmbaths stationHe said that the site near the cemetery is

currently the preferred option and willlikely be the site barring any issuesidentified in the environmental impactanalysis.

A damaged sprinkler is said to be the causeof a leak in the town park at Bela-Bela.Tshepo Dlamini, a resident, said that he

grew concerned when he noticed themassive amount of water that has beenleaking from the park’s pond area, whichhas transformed much of the grass into amarshy mess.“I visit the park quite regularly with my

children, but I have noticed a leak thatseems to come from somewhere near thepond area. I am concerned that the areamight become unpleasant for those who

Justin Steyn

Bela-Bela park a soggy, swampy mess

A damaged sprinkler is said to be the cause of leakages coming from the town’spark pond area. Photo: Justin Steyn

visit the park,” he said.The manager of the neighbouring bowling

courts, Nick Pretorius, said that he suspectsthat the leakage is caused by a damagedsprinkler pipe.Pretorius said that he has reported the leak

to the town’s municipality, but the matterhas not been attended to in the months sincehe had.The municipality’s Head of Technical

Services, Risimati Ntikela, said that he wasnot aware of the situation but said that hewould dispatch a team to investigate theleak.He has since encouraged the community to

report similar events to his department.

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6 | 17 June, | Website: / LEGALS




CONSENT USE ON PORTION66 AND 67 THE FARMROODEPOORT 467 KR, BELABELANotice is hereby given interms of clause 21 of theBela Bela Land Use Scheme,2008, that the undersigned,being the authorised agent,intends applying to the BelaBela Municipality for specialconsent to use portions 66and 67 of the farmRoodepoort 467 KR and/orbuildings thereon for thepurpose of a Farm Stall,Place of refreshment,recreation, Tea Garden andancillary uses.Objections to orpresentations in respect ofthe application must belodged with or made inwriting to: The MunicipalManager at the aboveaddress or Private Bag x1609,Bela Bela, 0480, within aperiod of 28 days from 10June 2016Further particulars withregard to the proposed use isobtainable from undersignedGEO PROJECTS, P.O. Box 919,Warmbaths, 0480,Tel: 082 881 7252. (17/6).CONSENT USE, BELA BELANotice is hereby given interms of clause 21 of theBela Bela Land Use Scheme,2008, that the undersigned,being the authorised agent,intends applying to the BelaBela Municipality for specialconsent to use:1. Portions 69 of the farmDroogekloof 471 KR and/orbuildings thereon for thepurpose of a Guest House,Place of Refreshment,Recreation and ancillaryuses.2. Portion 14 of the farmRoodekuil 496 KR and/orbuildings thereon for thepurpose of a Guest House,Place of Refreshment,Recreation and ancillaryuses.Objections to orpresentations in respect ofthe application must belodged with or made inwriting to: The MunicipalManager at the aboveaddress or Private Bag x1609,Bela Bela, 0480, within aperiod of 28 days from 17June 2016Further particulars withregard to the proposed use isobtainable from undersignedGEO PROJECTS, P.O. Box 919,Warmbaths, 0480,Tel: 082 881 7252.(24/6)

Deborah de Lange, a residentin Bela-Bela, said that she isshocked about the workingconditions at the Bela-Belastate veterinary at theToowoomba Research Centre.De Lange said that she

recently took her cockerspaniel to the vet as she hadbeen suffering from cat flu, butwas shocked to find how littleequipment was available to thedoctor on duty.“I was not sure what illness

my dog had had been sufferingfrom, but the doctor identifiedit immediately as cat flu. I wastold that the doctors oftenstruggle to care for animals asthey have little to no medicineavailable,” she said.De Lange said that she had to

buy a drip for her dog from aprivate vet as one was notavailable at the state vet.She added that her dog was

tended to by the vet but could

State Veterinarianwithout supplies

A local resident said that she is shocked about the conditionsof which the doctors at the Bela-Bela state veterinary have towork in. Photo Supplied

not be kept for treatment, as isthe usual procedure in the caseof contracted cat flu.“I am very impressed with the

doctors and how hard theyworked to save my dog’s lifewith the little that they haveavailable to them. My dog isalive because of them. I amalso just concerned aboutpeople who do not have themoney to send their animals toa private veterinarian,” shesaid.The BEAT enquired about the

circumstances at the facility butwas told that the matter canonly be corresponded to theprovincial Department ofAgriculture, Forestry andFisheries.At the time of going to press,

The BEAT received noresponse to an e-mail enquiryand attempts at telephoniccommunication wentunanswered.Last week, The BEAT reported

on an outbreak of cat flu inBela-Bela.

Justin Steyn

Bela-Bela hospitalagainst HIV cures

TK Mashaba

Bela-Bela Hospital’s spokesperson, ButiMoagi, said that they wish to caution thecommunity that HIV tests should always beverified.

The test results may differ between tests,and there is a window period for HIVtesting where an infected person may stilltest clean. Moagi said that enquiries couldbe directed to the Provincial Department ofHealth.

The Department of Health did not respondto requests for comment.

This comment comes on the heels ofSolomon Sekgaolele from Bela-Bela, whobelieves that healing people is his calling.

Sekgaolele, who made headlines fouryears ago after announcing that he couldcure HIV with his own medicine, brought apatient to The BEAT who he claims to havecured of HIV.

The patient, who preferred not to be

named, said that she tested HIV positive,but later tested negative after being treatedby Sekgaolele. She provided The BEATwith the negative test results as proof.Sekgaolele, however, says that he is still

shunned by members of the communitywho say that he is making false claimsregarding his mixture.“Look, this isn’t something I chose to do,”

he said. “It’s my God-given gift to heal andhelp people with my mixture.”The patient, who alleges that she was

healed through taking his medicine, saidthat her family advised her to get tested forHIV at the hospital, where she testedpositive.“My test was a shock to me,” she said.

“But I stayed positive in my mind and I metwith Sekgaolele, who prescribed me hisherbs and within a month I tested negativefor HIV.”Sekgaolele said that the Department of

Health never believed in his healing, andrefused to discuss his medications.

Solomon Sekgoalele from Bela-Bela isconvinced that he can heal HIV.Photo: TK Mashaba

The two reports from the patient. One of them shows a positive result for HIV, whilethe other shows a negative result. Photo supplied

A child fromRatanang Day-Care Centre inBela-Bela’sExtension 6 posedfor a photo by TheBEAT reporterduring thecentre’s visit atthe local policestation recently.Photo:Lizzy Bapela


A new vegetable garden has beenplanted to help feed thecommunity of Spa Park.

The project was started by the

A team of donors from Wesbank inJohannesburg and abroad visitedThusanang Special School in Bela-Bela recently to lend a helping handwhere needed. The donors wanted togive back to a community withchildren with special needs andchose Waterberg as their landingarea, with the school capturing theirhearts and minds.

The team brought a set of painting

Modimolle is witnessing yetanother pair of achievements inthe Mabunda-Baloyi family asbrothers Klaas Mabunda andThabo Baloyi, recently climbedyet another step in the successladder. When Mabunda makes itin politics, Baloyi does the samein sports and the two have longbeen among the newsmakingyoungsters in Modimolle.Mabunda was among the

nominated candidates for branchleadership positions in the ANCat their localities during therecent list conference, whileBaloyi has been appointed tocoach the UniVen’s (Universityof Venda) handball team. Moredetails regarding the ANCnominations will be announcedonce the list is complete.Both the brothers’achievements

result from their skills,contribution and dedication intheir respective fields that theygrew up in, having served in highranks. They were both seen

Vegetable garden to flourish

The South African ChristianMovement has started a veggiegarden in Spa Park to lessen theburden of feeding children afterschool and to provide jobs to thelocal community.Photo: Justin Steyn

Within a few months the community of Spa Park will be ableto enjoy a fresh crop of harvested veggies. Photo: Justin Steyn

Justin Steyn

South African ChristianMovement (SACM) inBela-Bela as part of theirbid to develop localcommunities in order to

many as 80 children that come tothe centre and we sometimessuffer to provide for them becausewe fund it ourselves,” she said.Alberts said that the garden will

lessen the burden of providingmeals and could create jobs forunemployed residents.The SACM chairperson, Daphne

Pretorius, said that a total of sixbeds have been made wherecabbage, beetroot, morogo, coaland carrots will harvested in afew months.“We are looking forward to

assist and teach locals how tofend for themselves, rather thanproviding handouts, as this is partof our mandate as the SACM,”she said.

teach residents to fend forthemselves.

The venture started onWednesday 8 June at thePhiladelphia help centre which isrun by Fatima Alberts.

According to Alberts the centreassists in providing meals tochildren after school and acts as asafe haven for residents and theirchildren.

“I started the centre to assist thecommunity with meals and tohouse children after they comehome from school. There are as

Samaritans lends a hand at School

Lizzy Bapelamaterials to the school and evenhelped paint a number of classes.They also donated equipment forvarious sports such as hula hoop,mini soccer and dibeke andengaged in the activities with thelearners.

The visitors wanted to spend afew hours at the school with thelearners so to see how they spendtheir school day and how theyengage with each other duringsports periods. They chose sportsas it is a means of keeping people

healthy and have strong and healthyminds.The school management team

commended the visitors for makingit to their school on time and havingthought of bringing gifts that thelearners do not only welcomed andenjoyed but also benefit from them.The donors, school staff and thelearners enjoyed a meal after all theactivities had taken place and it wasa good day well spent as the visitorsdeparted to their places of work andstay.

Thusanang SpecialSchool learnersposed for a photowith the donorswho visited theirschool recently.Photo: LizzyBapela

Both the learners and donors engaged in sporting activitiesduring the visit. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

The donors helped paint the school,working with the school managementteam. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Modimolle family excels

Due to popular demand, theMiss Mookgophong pageantwill this year accommodatemale candidates and will nowbe known as Mr and MissMookgophong.Speaking to The BEAT on

Tuesday 14 June, co-organiserGeorge Khosa said there was aplea by many potential malecandidates who requested thatthe pageant be extended to boththe male and female categories.Khosa said that the auditions

for the Mr and MissMookgophong 2017 pageantwill be held on Saturday 25June, at the MookgophongCommunity Hall.The auditions will start at

10:00 in the morning.Both male and female

candidates between the ages of16 and 23 are eligible toparticipate in the auditions.Khosa said they chose to host

auditions before the main event,so that they can be able toidentify energetic young peoplewho will be willing to serve

occupying numerous positionssince their emergence back in theyears and are still going strong tothis date.Baloyi did not only play with

and coach handball youngsters inhis locality but also went national,coaching teenage teams. He alsocontributed to a number ofplayers’ success who also wentnational and even played abroad.He is now a DJ, coach, unionmember and player to name a fewactivities he is participating in. Heis also in the Limpopo HandballFederation as one of theexecutive committee members.Meanwhile, Mabunda is a

political activist, motivationalspeaker and writer among others.He has also written severalarticles for The BEAT’sphilosophy corner and Mail andGuardian’s motivation corner. Hewas also the ANC Youth League’sLimpopo Provincialspokesperson.Both the brothers expressed

gratitude and humbleness overtheir achievements and say it isall God’s doing.

Lizzy Bapela

Political activistKlaas NonoMabunda. Photo:Lizzy Bapela

Handball starThabo MojalefaBaloyi aka DJGhetto. Photo:Lizzy Bapela

Annual Miss Mookgophongpageant expands

Mzamane Ringanetheir community.

The winners and runners-up inthe Mr and Miss Mookgophongwill be given tasks to identifychallenges within their area ofresidence and to also findsolutions to such issues.

“There are poverty strickenfamilies in our area, so we wantto play a role in uplifting ourcommunity. Between July andDecember, we will be runningprogrammes where will beassigning tasks to ourcandidates. Our finalists will beindividuals who would havecompleted their tasks andproved to have the interest oftheir community at heart. Wewant young people who will begood examples in thecommunity,” Khosa said.

He also told The BEAT thatthey will be addressing socialchallenges including teenagepregnancy and also assistingchild headed families and oldage homes.

For more information,interesting candidates areadvised to contact Caro on076 056 4346 or Rosette on071 537 2240.

8 | 17 June, | Website:


Waterberg SAB League championsMokopane Ratanang FC held anawards ceremony at Aletuke Dropin Centre on Saturday 11 June toreward honesty and hard work.

Although the formal ceremony washeld inside the events’hall, fromtime to time it felt like one majorsoccer spectacle with playerssinging on top of their lungs.

Chairman Mokopane Kekana, whoreceived massive support from hisfamily, locals and the chieftaincysend out a clear message thatMokopane Ratanang FC will beparticipating in the ABC MotsepeLeague play-offs at the end of theseason.

He also reaffirmed in the presenceof community members that theteam’s status will not be sold.

“I would like to thank my family,supporters, the business community,the royal house and everyone whokept praying for us when we went

Waterberg’s school teams willnot be participating in theUnder-12 Danone Nations Cupsoccer competition.According to Themba

Tshabalala from SAFSA (SouthAfrican Football SchoolsAssociation), they still do notknow why the Waterberg haspulled out of the competition,and said that they would besaddened not to have Waterbergteams in the finals.“This is not something we

expected to happen,” saidTshabalala. “It was going to

Waterberg championshonour achievers

through times during theleague seasons,” he said.

Speaking during the awardceremony, SAFA WaterbergRegional Executive OfficerRefiloe Khoza recalled howthe Ratanang FC chairmanvowed to win promotionwhen the SAB Leagueseason commenced.

Khoza said it was a hugeachievement for the SAFAWaterberg Region’s SABLeague team to gainpromotion, and mostimportantly to obtain firstposition during theprovincial play-offs.

Local businesses VukiChuene Transport, SunriseSecurity, Folang MedicalCentre, Makgaloa LiquorRest and Doc on Call werealso recognised withcertificates for theircontribution in the club.

Chief Lesiba VaaltynKekana made a clarion callto the business fraternity tothrow their weight behindthe Mokopane based team.

Chief Kekana said that supportingthe home team will be a goodinvestment, as the children fromMokopane were poised to benefitfrom this development.“I used to be a fan of other

soccer clubs from elsewhere, butnow I am going to be a numberone fan of Mokopane RatanangFC,” Chief Kekana pledged.He also committed that the

chieftaincy will work hand inhand with the local wardcouncillor to seek support for theMokopane based team.SAFA Limpopo chairperson Jack

Maluleka and SAFA Limpoposecretary Pat Seema were amongthe dignitaries who were invitedto the event.Five individuals received special

awards namely KgaotsangStephen Maaka (leading goalscorer), Kamogelo DesmondKekana (team player of year),Lebogang Quincy Tlomatsana(young player of the year),Malesela David Mashishi(goalkeeper of the year) andSehona Tshepo Mpjana(footballer of the year).

Mzamane Ringane

Chairman Mokopane Kekana celebratesafter receiving the club’s award.Photo: Mzamane Ringane

The recipients of individual awards (back row) with the dignitarieswho attended the event. Photo: Mzamane Ringane

Waterberg pulls out ofLimpopo Danone Cup Finals

Benny’s Sports Development, last year’s winners, were fromVhembe District. Photo supplied

TK Mashabagive these boys an opportunity.”

The games were expected totake place on Thursday, June 16at Hoërskool Noorderland inPolokwane.

Four districts will be takingpart in the tournament, includingVhembe District, MopaniDistrict, Sekhukhune District,and Capricorn District.

The winner will join the othereight provincial winners in abattle for the national title whichis to take place at Boksburg on25 June. The winner on that daywill have the right to representSouth Africa at the DanoneNations World Cup finals inFrance in October.

Stick yourneck out and




Bela-Belapark flooded

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