The Balliett Philosophy of Number Vibration in Questions and Answers. L. Dow Balliett. 1913

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Transcript of The Balliett Philosophy of Number Vibration in Questions and Answers. L. Dow Balliett. 1913


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    In Questions and Answers




    Author of "Body Beautiful," " Success Through the Strength of Vibration," "Philosophy of Numbers, Their Tone and Colors," " Nature's Symphony, or Lessons in Number

    Vibration," " Day of Wisdom According to Number Vibration." "Musical Vibration

    of the Speaking Voice," Etc.

    Published by the Author ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY

    BI. Vi. Cor. Pacific and Pennsylrania Ales. 1918

    L. N. FOWLER & CO.

    No. 7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E. C.

  • Copyright by MR&. L. DOW BALLIETT


  • MRS. L. DOW BALLIETT This picture was reproduced from cc First Citizen-, of New Jersey."

    A STATEMENT In justice to those persons who have desired to purchase the principles found in the Balliett Philosophy of Number Vibration or to co-operate in building different kinds of books upon its structure, to those the founder states: No right has been granted in any country to such persons, and if there are books built upon it, they are an infringement of the copyright and must be discontinued. Lecturers and Teachers are heartily welcome to teach its principles, but the Balliett publications must be used as textbooks.

  • INDEX ....................................................................................... PAGE

    What is Art? .......... 01 How was the Balliett System of Numbers made scientific? 03 What is the use of Birth Vibration? ......................................... 03 What does your name stand for? ............................................. 03 When was your first birth? ...................................................... 04 Is man a planet? .................................................................... 04 What should be the first step in reading a name............ 04 Can the name be changed? ........ 04 How can we read names quickly?. . 06 What does the birth path show? .......... 08 Which is the most important, the name or birth number? 08 Should the name number be higher than birth number for success? .............................................................................. 09 Can a person make high name numbers as easily when he has low birth numbers as when he has a high birth number? ............................................................................. 10 Who has the Path of Youth? ................................................. 11 What do 4, 3, 6 and 7 persons lack? .................................... 11 Is it better to be connected with all the elements? 12 What is the advantage of using a master number if it is in your consciousness? ..................................................... 12 When should sex life and the marriage relation be active? 13 When is No. 1 limited? 13 Is the highest vibrating thing most loved by the masses? 15 Why is John Wanamaker's 8 placed higher than his II ? 16 What is meant by the strongest and weakest part of the body? .... 16 If the earth atoms only go as far as 7 in vibration where do the 8, 9, 11 and 22 yet their body atoms from? . . . . 16 What does the first Trinity of 1, 2, 3 show? . ......................... 17 What does the group from 8 to 11 show? ............................. 18 What does the independent, individual worker show from 4 to 7 ? 18 xi

  • VIBRATION OF NUMBERS xii ............................................................................................... PAGE Can a person with only limited numbers find freedom?............ 18 What is the meaning of a double 6? ......................................... 19 The numerical and number chart ............................................ 19-20 Does the keynote of birth show the quality of force the person chose for himself when he made a body to work in? .......................................................................... 20 Do esoteric values show in numbers? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Is an esoteric value to be found in gems? .... 20 Which is the higher vibration, 11 or 22? .............................. 21 Why do we not either add 22 or II? ....................................... 21 When do we divide a name? ................................................. 22 Is the teaching of Vibration of Numbers a dual one? ............ 22 Why do you call this the Christ pirit? . .................................. 23 Are you positive the theory of Reincarnation is true? ............ 24 Is anybody out of place? ....................................................... 26 When we go into the silence, where do we go? ..................... 26 What do you mean by cosmic adjustment? .......................... 26 Do states have colors and varied possibilities for differ- ent individuals? ............................................................ 27 Can you tell the quality of people of various States and Countries ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . 27 What is the difference between the development of man and the development of outside things? .............................. 27 Can character be as correctly read by means of the vowels alone as by the use of the vowels and consonants together ? 28 When are demands made logical? 28 Why do we often find life burdensome and lonely? . . . . . . . . 29 Are we gods? ...................................................................... 31 Does magnetism or electricity hold the higher plane? ........ 31 Is an electric or magnetic person the most convincing as a speaker? ......................................................................... 31 What is the vibration of money? .......................................... 32 Of what use is prayer? ........................................................ 32 What is the law of Nature? .................................................. 32 Do we get what we deserve? ................................................ 33 Does God need man on Earth? ............................................ 34

  • BALLIETT TEXT BOOK xiii ........................................................................................................................................... PAGE What appears to be "The Lost Chord?" ..................................... 34 How do we find the Christ Spirit in Nature? ................ ....... ..... 35 Is there danger to mind or body in opening one to the Cosmic Forces? ................................ 35 What does the Balliett System teach? 36 Does the same light enlighten us? .. 37 What is the Law of God? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Is God personal? .................................... 38 1s the healing power a gift of God? ..... ......... ........................... 39 Can horse racing be aided by the use of numbers? Also to use its principle in stocks? ..... ......... ........................... 41 Can weather be read through the vibration of numbers?.. 41 What should be man's ideal? .............. ......... ........................... 41 When shall we to know our past as well as our future? ....................................... ......... ........................... 42 Can a person rid himself of inharmonies by moving his body away from them? ............... ......... ........................... 43 Can a place hold an individual who has grown too big for it? 44 Can anything which has ever really belonged to you be lost? 44 What influence would your "game of life" have upon the coming generation if it were taught in schools? ................44-45 What effect would the chapter on "When the Shadows Fall" have upon the "wandering ones" who do not understand their Law of )wife? .............................................................. 45 What is the soul? ..................................................................... 45 How can I enlarge my view of life, and draw to myself a larger vision of my desires? .............................................. 46 What is the Light of the World? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Do people with limited vibrations more easily find friends to help them over their troubles? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Have colors an individual meaning? ......................................... 47 Is the trinity found in every color and sound? .......................... 48 Should rooms be furnished in our own colors? ......................... 48 Should a hotel to be congenial vibrate to our consciousness or to our birth force? ...... 49

  • VIBRATION OF NUMBERS xiv PAGE When the keynote of your birth is struck what happens?.. 49 Is the spirit of one's birth intelligent? . 50 Have individual days their own vibration? .. . ... .. . .. . ... 50 hould store display of goods and windows be made in the colors of the day? ......................................................... . . 50 Should we pay heed to the individual color of the day?. . . . 50 Have colors any effect upon food and water when subject to their rays? ....................................................................... 51 Do different days show a power to aid those .who trust their

    overruling spirit, found in the digit of clay, month and year? ................. 52

    What months are best for creation ? . . 52 How do you find the color and sound of your name? ............ 52 What have I been doing in the past? ..................................... 52 What is the Spiritual Birthday? ............................................ 53 Are yo usure the colors as given in this system are correct?. 53 Does every planet and star have its individual note? . . . . . . . 53 Which of the constellations, as we call them, now have reached a free note? ....... 54 How do you find your life song?. 55 How is original music made? .... 55 Does music belong to trees? 55 Of what practical use are colors and keynotes? . . . . . . . 55 What is the Music of the Spheres? . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 55 What does the Music of the Spheres sound like? ................. 56 What is Astral Music? .................. ....................................... 56 When will men become masters? . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 How can we know a master when we see him? . . . . . . . . 57 Are all those people masters whose names give master numbers? Should a person with master consciousness marry in the same trinity? ........................ ....................................... 58 Can a person marry a man whose name vibration she has not made? .................................................................. 58 Are the masters who function either in the flesh or in the spirit interested in the activities of earth? ................... 59 Where is the quiet spot to be found in everything? ............. 60 Who are the natural parents? . . . 60

  • BALLIETT TEXT BOOK xv PAGE What do you mean by living in matter instead of in spirit? In writing stories should people go outside of their own experience or actual knowledge for material? .... 61 How can a writer get a practical solution of his problems?. 62 What kind of stories should different people write? ... 62-63 To what do words appeal? ........................................ 63 What is the leading characteristic of all writings to win success? ............................................................ 64 What are the three planes of life? ......................... 64 Does the blending of God's will with the will of the man make man a weakling? ...... .......................... 65 How can one change the weight of his body? ........ 65 Should one live exclusively upon one plane to the exclusion of the others? ........................................................ 66 Where should we live? .......................................... 67 Do nations, like individuals, have periods of development?. 68 What did the calling of George Washington to lead the American colonies to victory show? . . . . . . . .. . . . 69 When the dark forms of the South asked for their free- dom of men-and it was not recognized-what took it up? 70 When the great war of nations was to take place what kind of a man was needed? ....... 71 What is the difference in the consciousness of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Woodrow Wilson? .......................... 72 Would John Joseph Pershing make a good president at this crisis of the world's growth? . . . 72 Is an eleven, twenty-two, nine or eight person considered the most safe as a ruler? ...... 74 What was the vibration and date of the day independence of the colonies was proclaimed? .................... 74 What vibration was active when General Lee surrendered ? . 74 With what vibration was the armistice signed between Ger- many and the Allied forces? ................................. 75 Could the vibration be higher? ............................. 75 What does the thirteen years of war in this century mean?. 75 To Teachers .............................................. 76-77-78



    NUMBER VIBRATION In Questions and Answers


    Question. What is Art? Answer. It is putting the Christ Spirit into form which is visible to the senses. Art belongs to the Trinity 1-2-3 and represents the 3 principle of all expression. Question. Will nature assist the artist who complies with her laws? Answer. Yes, when he recognizes that his work is Nature's effort to reproduce herself through him, and that he is Nature's instrument of expression she will with master intelligence guide his hand and colors into the true form. The Nature Mystic understands Nature's intelligence and her rights. Question. Is light to be found in everything? Answer. Yes, if the object is true to itself. No doubt the Sun's rays come from its inhabitants, and colors are only various vibrations of light. Question. How should we look at a picture to see all its beauty? Answer. Through the feelings, holding the pupils of the eyes still and breathing not from the lungs alone, but draw the spiritual breath from all parts of

  • VIBRATION OF NUMBERS 2the body, recognizing the equilibrium of the lines and the rhythm. All art should be viewed in the same manner.

    Question. Why was the Balliett Philosophy called the Vibration of Numbers? Answer. Because each letter in the alphabet of any language has its own individual

    vibration and the vibrations of all the letters of a word added together when the digit is taken, reveal the quality of the thing. This quality is the pervading spirit of all the vowels and consonants combined and shows the governing force made by the united vibration.

    Question. Why does the system of Number Vibration call the digits of names consciousness?

    Answer. It is an undying force which withstands death. Question. What is the meaning of "Consciousness ?" Answer. As it vibrates 9, we see it is an objective manifestation of mental and

    physical force and relates to all things in the world of thought and nature. It holds within its system the urge of 8, which is the vibration of God. It is an

    undying quality whose collection of memories we carry through with us after the body disintegrates. It brings back its memories into another life time as they are undying.

    Question. Are our past incarnations remembered through consciousness? Answer. Yes, when the Spirit can use the intellect we are able to see the past

    and pint it into words according to the strength of the consciousness.

  • BALI,IETT TEXT BOOK 3Question. What is a fixed kind of consciousness? Answer. It is sometimes found in the birth name, and for these people it does not seem possible to go any higher. If they change their name they will not live up to a higher level of consciousness. Question. What is the law for foreign languages? Answer. Exactly the same as for English. Find out what each letter vibrates in the language under consideration, and then proceed in the same way as in English. Words in any language show the manner in which the race regards the thing. Question. How was the Balliett System of Number Vibration made scientific? Answer. From a musical standpoint in the use of the trinity 1-2-3 as the musical note must respond to harmony and prove itself true according to the Law of Opposites as given by Pythagoras. (See Success through Vibration.) In this way thoughts and emotions are shown correctly through the fundamentals of this system. Question. What is the use of Birth Vibration? Answer. It shows a person the kind of work he came to do and the quality of the material he came to work with. So when wishing to hire an employee one can determine the person best fitted for the place. Question. What does your name stand for? Answer. Your name is the only mental assurance you have as to who you are and what you stand for in the community. It stands for the man or woman. It shows the physical man standing in conscious relation to other men.

  • VIBRATION OR NUMBERS 4Question. When was your first birth? Answer. When your soul left the Thought of God, at Creation's Dawn when all things were made. Question. Has every birth since been eventful? Answer. Yes, greater is the birth of soul than the making of a planet. Question. Is man a planet? Answer. Yes, he contains within his body all the constituents of a planet. Question. What should be the first step in reading a name? Answer. Look at the digits of all the names to see if there is a trinity present of 1-2-3 or 8-9-11 or 22-9-11. If so, even if though the digit of the whole should be a limited number, the person has an immense power of concentration This is shown in Mary Baker Eddy where Mary vibrates 3, Baker 1, and Eddy 2. Here we find the trinity of 1-2-3 and although her name digit was only 6, she had the power of doing the work of three people. Question. What is the next thing to do? Answer. Look over the full name and find the value of the vowels. They will show you the uplift of the person; see how they harmonize with the prevailing consciousness. Question. What is the third point? Answer. Take each and every name of the person and find out how many Different Vibrations there are shown by them. You do this to find the flexibility of the character.

  • BALI,IETT TEXT BOOK 5Question. What next? Answer. Find the digit of the day, month and year of birth, then add to get the digit of the whole, and see what energies center upon this life and what they mean. This is the keynote of birth. Question. What does the number of the month mean? Answer. You can answer this question as you do all others in this system by spelling out the word. Then you find the vibration of month is 7 which is also the vibration of the Earth, so we see your tie to Earth is of such value as the digit of your month shows. John Ellicott was born October 30, 1877. October is the l0th month of which the digit is 1. The 30th day gives the digit 3. The numbers of the year added give 23, of which the digit is 5. So we have the numbers 1 plus 3: plus 5 equals 9. Question. What does the day show? Answer. Day vibrates 3 and shows the digit of your day is of this quality. It meets Nature's changing vision 365 times each year. Question. What does the year mean? Answer. Year spells 22 and shows the year is a master of this span of life, and changes less than the month or day. Question. Do the numbers of your day, month and year show what you are particularly interested in in a material way ? Answer. Yes.

  • VIBRATION OF NUMBERS 6Question. What does the birth digit, or the sum of these digits show? Answer. The vitalized point of Cosmic Energy on the day you were born in its relation to the sun. It is Nature's over-ruling Spirit individualized in your life and its work. Question. Does the soul know what it wants? Answer. Yes. It places itself in the body of a mother of its own choosing. It is then born in the place it selected at the time when the dominant force active at the time, will bring it the events it needs to meet, for its experience. It thus places itself in harmony with the force of Nature's domain. Question. Can the birth force be changed? Answer. No, it cannot be changed - it must be met. Question. Can the name be changed? Answer. Yes, we have many levels of consciousness and should be able to live upon them all. Question. How would this show? Answer. By having names so flexible they will show digits from 1 to 11 or 22. Question. Are there people who can live upon all of these planes, and if so, how do they do it? Answer. By fidelity and practicing their own Law of Life. Question. How can we read names quickly? Answer. Learn the following - Remembering always the name is what you are and the birth number is what you hope to be.


    A 1 is an adept and creator; a 2 is a seer, all even numbers are collections of many things, their work is collective; a 3 is an expression of both 1 and 2. 1-2-3 form the first or creative trinity. 8-9-11 are unlimited expressions of the 1-2-3 trinity. The 11 stands for 1 ; the 8 for 2 and the 9 for 3. A 4 person is composed of mental and physical force; a 5 person is a limited master as sage spells 5 ; it means the starting of a new metaphysical life-regeneration. A 6 person is a Cosmic Mother; a 7 person is just ready to become a master number; an 8 person is a free collection; a 9 person is a master of law, and complete expression; a 22 is a master of the number before it; an 11 is a psychic master. Question. When the name digit is 1-22 or 1-11,, what does it mean? Answer. It means if 11-1 that the person is a psychic adept, if 1-22 he is a master adept ; if 2-22 he is a master seer and collector of mental and physical things; if an 11-2 he is a seer and psychic and will deal with spiritual things and its manifestation; if 3-22 he will be a master adept and seer, dealing with all of nature's forces as music, art and scientific inventions: if he is a 3-11 he will see deeply beneath the surface of nature and incline to science in the religions of the world. If a 4-22 he will be wise about books and education, athletics and make a success in buying for stores or himself. If a 4-11 he will try to harmonize religion and science, be an active worker: many evangelists are of this vibration. If a 5-22 he will write upon all new things which come into expression relating to every

  • 8VIBRATION OF NUMBERS current topic; the magazines are a good outlet for their versatile, charming minds; a 5-11 will see and know many things other people fail to take note of, fine active minds are these 5-11's and 5-22's. Question. How should we read a name? Answer. Read each name of the whole name separately, finding its value according to the value of the letters in the name. Then add all the names and find the digit of the whole. The digit of all the names held at birth is the most important as it shows the quality of consciousness the person started life with. The name he uses now, shows his growth and how the world regards him at the present time. His name digit shows his rate of consciousness. Question. What does the birth path show? Answer. The digit of the day, month and year shows the part we came to take in life, either great or small. It cannot be changed, it must be met. It show the things we came to work with as it relates - to things in Nature's plane - the things we do with hands and feet. Question. Which is most important, the name or birth number? Answer. The name shows you as you are-what you have made and are conscious of doing. Your birth number shows your body quality and what you are trying to do -- your birth number belongs to the Spirit of Nature; both are necessary and important, but the name is the strongest as it has been made.


    Your birth number will register in your name in some way when you are conscious you have made it. Question. Will the world accept any name a person chooses to take? Answer. Not unless the person is conscious he has made the vibration of the name. If he has not made it, people seem to instinctively know it does not belong to him and will not call him by it. A confirmation name shows the person's relation to the church and if he has accepted it and been known by it, the name is his. Any name you have been called by and answered to you may claim as your own and they are open doors to different levels of consciousness. The confirmation name digit shows the church's influence upon your life. Question. Should the name number be higher than the birth number for success? Answer. For easy success, yes, as the person with a high birth number and lower name number shows he has not reached the height of consciousness it is now his desire to reach. He is traveling in a new country and the road is difficult for him to find. But when these people are living at their best, they will always find the world ready to lend a hand, but as they seldom understand their plan of life, they are often inclined to complain of the many hardships they find in the way and the many failures they make. When they once realize this they will rely upon the advice of those who have made higher rates of consciousness, and it is the duty of the Masters to realize that they are their

  • 10

    VIBRATION OP NUMBERS brother's keepers, and to help these weaker brethren as if they were their children. Question. Do those persons with name numbers of master vibration-8-9-22-11-and birth numbers of 4-5-6-7 need help also? Answer. No, they can bring out their own strength if let alone. They have power to rise again even when they fall into error. Question. Does the quality of the different letters forming a name have any value? Answer. It does. A trinity of letters found in a name shows strength according to the value of the letters. Question. If a person has high digits to all his separate names, and yet the digit of the whole should be only 5, what does that mean? Answer. The person has excellent qualities in parts, but as a whole finds himself only a 5, a limited master called a sage. Question. If a man's name is made up of small numbers, yet the digit of the whole shows a master number, what does that mean? Answer. The person has dealt with the limited vibrations of life, but has exalted them into mastership. Question. Can a person make high name numbers as easily when he has low birth numbers as when he has a high birth number? Answer. He can do it but he is working with in-adequate tools to carve out his plans. He is usually more diligent than one with master numbers.

  • 11 BALLIETT TEXT BOOK Question. Why are the numbers found in the name often repeated as the birth digit? Answer. No doubt the person has come to make the same vibration over again upon another plane. Question. Do the vowels of the birth name often show the key-note of birth? Answer. Yes, very often. It shows the Spirit wants that person to have the practical experience shown in that special vibration upon another plane. Question. Who have the Path of Youth? Answer. The five people. Question. Who are great helpers of the world, bearing messages from higher masters? Answer. The five people. Question. How is the six person balanced on the material plane? Answer. By his three times two. Question. What does he lack? Answer. He has only two times three, which shows he lacks the perfect power of expression. Question. What does the five person lack? Answer. He has two planes of two and one of three, he lacks the one. Question. What does the four person lack? Answer. He has only two times two which makes four. He lacks balance. Question. Is a seven person balanced? Answer. Yes, on the material plane as like the six he holds a trinity of the plane of two.


    Question. Why are 6 and 7 people balanced on the Water Plane ? Answer. Because they hold a balance of 2, and water vibrates 22. The even numbers hold the water element. 1 functions in Air also in Fire, as Fire vibrates 11, and Earth as a whole is 7. Question. Is it better to be connected with all the elements ? Answer. Yes, an harmonious combination is more to be desired than to contain the struggle of the aggressive element which is trying to claim its own. Question. When a man shows a mixture of Fire and Water what does it indicate? Answer. It indicates more energy than composure. Question. What does a balanced and developed name show? Answer. It must show a balance of Earth -7-, Air -1-, Water -22-, and Fire -11-. Question. What is the advantage of using a master number if it is in your consciousness? Answer. When a person uses a strong number which belongs to you, it stirs your consciousness to a vivid realization of your own reality, and the vibration has a seeming effect upon others. Question. Should the home of a person vibrating a master number contain ideas and articles of many countries and colors? Answer. Yes, as he belongs to all nations and tribes


    and represents a fabric woven by many different hands. Question. Has one with a master number more power than one vibrating to one of the limited numbers? Answer. Their power is decidedly greater. If the channel is not clogged by unholy living, it is lying in wait for you to call it forth. Question. When should sex life and the marriage relation be active? Answer. It should be active from 1 to 7; diminish in 8 and 9; and 22 and 11 should become guardians of the race. Question. When is No. 1 limited? Answer. 1 is limited until it goes into the 8 when it becomes free. It finds limitation in 4, and goes out of the Earth vibration of 7 and begins a new life. Question. Is 9 a self-reliant number? Answer. Yes, but its balance is found in the even numbers. Question. Do 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 see with more limited vision than 1-8-9-22-11? Answer. The first set of limited numbers see more in detail and can describe more in detail, but they are less liable to see the thing in its relation to the universal. Question. Which kind of numbers is it best to have? Answer. Each is especially good for its own special work and its own way.


    Question. Why is 9 an adjuster of hearts? Answer. Because he feels their throbs upon three planes. Question. Why wait for 11-22-9-8 to ask for help before offering it? Answer. Because they contain in their own system all the help they need and do not need your help. So it is time enough to offer it when they ask for it. Question. Why is an 11 person so often indifferent to many things in life? Answer. They see farther and realize that certain things are unimportant. They feel strongly and love widely and enduringly. Question. Why are master numbers worse when they fall than the lower numbers? Answer. They have power to rise higher and to sink lower than weaker numbers. Question. Why are 4-5-6-7 considered both independent as well as dependent? Answer. They possess less wisdom but are inclined to use more intellect upon their problems. Question. What is meant by odd and even numbers ? Answer. Those that will not divide by 2 are odd numbers. 2 is both odd and even as it is composed of two 1's, making two. Question. Are even numbers lacking in inspiration and intuition? Answer. No, they are strongly intuitive.


    Question. Are the 2 and 4 people miserly? Answer. Not unless they are living outside of their true selves. Question. Why do 4 people always paint objects in action ? Answer. They are the most active of all the numbers, and usually possess the motive temperament. Question. What is meant by 5 people beginning a new or regenerate life? Answer. At this period of their development they have reached a level of consciousness when they recognize the worth and use of a Christ consciousness, which means regeneration. Question. Why have 5 people often wandering eyes? Answer. They look out at life as birds from a nest, everything seems interesting and they are trying to take everything in. Question. Why are 6 and 7 people money makers? Answer. Because each has three planes of 2, which governs the material plane. When a 1 is associated with them he takes on their condition and assists them in their efforts. Question. Is the highest vibrating thing most loved by the masses ? Answer. No, coffee vibrating 4, and the dearly loved oyster vibrating the same number, are better loved by the masses than tea which vibrates 8, and clam which vibrates 11.


    Question. Why is John Wanamaker's 8 placed higher than his 11? Answer. His consciousness is 8 ; this he had made at birth and his being speaks 8. His birth vibration is 9-11 ; this he has not made or his name does not register it, except that he was given an honor which vibrates 11-2 His birth 9-11, and consciousness 8, makes for him a master working trinity with which he can do what he wills. Question. What is meant by the strongest and weakest part of the body? Answer. The strongest part is always likely to be abused by overuse, but recuperates promptly. The weakest part does not recover so promptly. Question. If the Earth atoms only go as far as 7 in vibration, where do 8-9-11-22 get their body atoms from? Answer. As there is always on sea and land, a cosmic or star dust present, they no doubt take their atoms from such of these as vibrate in their trinity. Question. Who are money makers? Answer. In a 6-22 we find a money maker in both the 6 and the 22 as the 6 has a balanced material plane of three 2's, which make it six. They belong to the Cosmos and are masters of the material forces of nature, they believe and know much more about the unseen forces of nature than they can express; if a 6-11 they have a harmonious balance between the master psychic of 11 and the 6 as the 11 shows by its vowels that it


    loves a 6. It makes good teachers and preachers, also money makers.

    If a 7-22 it means the person is a master mind of real estate and a good writer and teacher of occult truths; a 7-11 person will be mystical and fitted for any profession as they cover the earth with the breadth of their thought.

    If the person is an 8-22 it shows he is beyond limited expression, and sees and feels like the master mystic he is; if an 8-11 they may be tempted to lose the human heart sympathy for things they believe to be more important-a proud vibration.

    A 9-22 should be a master of law and of love, he should know how to deal with men and their interests.

    A 9-11 would be welcomed upon the platform of any congressional hall or in any place where great human interests are at stake. They are good writers on world topics.

    11-22 means that two masters are present, one of whom will cling more to the

    material than the other. To make this vibration effective another number should stand with it to give it a definite point from which to work. If there is none, the birth vibration will be used as the active center. Question. What does the First Trinity of I-2-3 show? Answer. This is the Creative Trinity-the outward expression of the Christ principle of the Trinity.

    No. 1 indicates a strong nature with the power to create. It requires a complete overcoming of self


    before it attains its highest success. It makes all other vibrations active rather than acting as an individual principle. No.2 has the mother nature and is intuitive. They are too fine to stand alone like No. 1, The ore that predominates in their composition is gold. They know better how to deal with material things than does No. 1. 2 is the conjunction of material and spirit. Arbitrators are found under this number, they are peacemakers for individuals. No. 3 means expression of what 1 and 2 stand for. It is always the vibration of expression. Most musicians, artists and actors vibrate to one of the threes. These three numbers-1-2-3-compose the sacred trinity of creation. The Law of Opposites is one and many. Question. What does the group from 8 to 11 show? Answer. This group is of those who should show mastership. They have both knowledge and wisdom stored within their being and are called free numbers? Question. What does the independent, individual worker from 4 to 7 show? Answer. These people are inclined to work alone and in their own way. They are the greatest of all the students of books and schools; they work mainly upon the intellectual plane. Question,. Have they wisdom or knowledge? Answer. More knowledge than wisdom. Question. Can a person with only limited numbers find freedom?


    Answer. Yes, by living in the Spirit of their highest part, satisfactory freedom for them can eventually be found in any vibration. Question. What is the meaning of the double 6 ? Answer. The ancients taught that the two 6's stood for the Bather and Mother of Nature, and as their digit is 3, it would appear as if 6-6-3 might be the expression of Bather, Mother and Child. 6 is considered the Sign of the Beast. In the Bible it is used as 6-6-6. The digit of this combination is 9, and 9 stands for humanity. As the word beast vibrates 1 1 with a heart of 6 it represents all of humanity from the lowest to the highest. On -the beast or lowest plane we find men fighting and destroying wantonly; from that plane they will ascend to the soul plane where they will deal with moral strength; and from that to the highest or spirit plane where they will show forth the Christ Life. Jesus understood the three sixes and dealt with man not as the lowest, but as one who could understand the highest. He degraded himself from the highest to the lowest by the Law of Opposites in order to help mankind. Find the musical key by birth vibration.

    c d e f g a B1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9

    11 expresses the octave of C. 22 expresses the octave of D. To find your own numbers divide the alphabet into nine parts thus


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9A B c d e f g h iJ K 1 m n o p q rS T u v w x y z

    The system is founded upon the ten fundamental law of opposites. Question. Does the key-note of birth show the quality of force the person chose for himself when he made a body to work in? Answer. Yes, the key-note of birth shows the quality of spirit force the person is best fitted to work with. Question. Does not this prevent the person from making master vibrations during this life? Answer. No, a person can make master numbers in any vibration of birth with the inadequate tools the limited numbers show. It is fidelity of effort that counts when the soul wins, and the result is registered in the consciousness, the vibration of the name tells the story. Question. Then there is only one propelling force in all things ? Answer. Yes, and this is always spirit. Its expression in form of any kind is Nature's use of the spirit force. Question. What numbers show form? Answer. The even numbers, 2-6-8-22. Question. Which numbers show expression ? Answer. 3 and 9. Question. Do esoteric values show in numbers?


    Answer. Yes, the vowels show the esoteric value, Question. Is an esoteric value to be found in gems? Answer. Yes, as in everything else. Nine shows few gems of reliability, but it is said the names of gems vibrating 9 have been changed during the years, more than any other number. Question. Which is the higher vibration, 11 or 22? Answer. 11 is the higher as the vowels of 22 make 11 showing the 22 wants to make 11. The vowels of 11 are e-e-e of 6 value, showing the 11 wants to be a Cosmic Mother. Question. Why do we not add either 22 or 11? Answer. Pythagoras lived in the sixth century before Christ and recognized only the 10 or 1. The Jews held 7 as their sacred number. As the tribes advanced in evolution, the priesthood, who ministered in the Temple, went farther, as their names show. The Levites, Sacred Priesthood and other names vibrated 11, and in principle, they lived similar lives with the Christ. The Bible says the Law and the Prophets should be fulfilled when the Messiah came. We find this proven as all the master numbers appeared in his name. Jesus and Messiah both vibrate 11; Lord vibrates 22; prophet vibrates 8; Law vibrates 9; and the so-called limited numbers come out in Priest and King vibrating respectively 6 and 5 -- a Cosmic Mother, and a limited Master Sage. We leave the numbers 11 and 22 untouched because they should live up to the Christ teaching.


    9 has been called the "Vanishing Number" as it shows qualities no other number shows. When added in a name it often makes no change in the digit, merely adding its law of inspiration and fuller expression to the person's life and character. Question. When do we divide a name? Answer. We never divide a name. When a name makes, by adding together vowels and consonants, a digit of 11 or 22, it is already divided and stands as a master in the midst of the other names. We get the vibrations of the remaining names and set them beside the master name, thus showing what it is master of. We never separate a full name to make a master number, although it is sometimes done, and then shows a broken law. For instance, Prank F. Butcher is a 7 in consciousness. If he should divide his name into Prank (5) and F (6) and then call himself 11-5, by adding the vibration of Butcher as a separate vibration, this would be a false act. His consciousness is only 7, and when he reaches 11 his name will in some way legitimately show it as his key-note. Question. Is the teaching of the Vibration of Numbers a dual one ? Answer. Emphatically, no. There is but one power Who is the maker of the heaven and the earth. This Power is pure Spirit. Its expression is different according to the form in which it is enmeshed, and the plane of action on which it is functioning. When Spirit is enmeshed in form it is beyond the sight of the ordinary eye, but at the centre of every-


    thing around which form has grown there gleams the light we call the Christ Spirit or Sonship of man.

    Question. Why do you call this the Christ Spirit?

    Answer. The Christ plane is the soul plane and dwells in everything seen and unseen.

    The centre of everything is Spirit and this spirit is the real undying consciousness of the natural product built around it. From this spark it gets its life movement, and when it dies, that which does not belong to spirit goes back and relives around some other centre. This centre we call the consciousness, and the name of the thing shows clearly the amount of spirit the object can express. In the birth force it shows the kind of spirit force tile Cosmos is giving to aid the person.

    Question. Can you make practical a method of finding the spirit in everything? Answer. Think of your own being whose centre is a radiating light throwing the

    rays of its spirit-self in every direction. This is your soul, composed of pure spirit and the highest consciousness of your body which holds all the fruit of all the experience you have gained in your various life-journeys.

    After you have a realizing sense of your own centre, then push out from this centre rays of spirit force to meet anything you wish to contact.

    Think only of the spiritual part of the thing, as it is from this spiritual centre the circumference must be reached.

    Nations and everything else have a centre of spirit and can be reached by the individual if he realizes how to meet spirit scientifically and knows the wonderful


    law of action pertaining to Nature's domain. The purer the instrument, the higher is the quality of spirit he can comprehend and possess.

    Question. Should one see the rays of radium pass out of his body into the soul of all things when he connects himself with the Cosmos?

    Answer. Only at the beginning should he see the rays pass out. As he continues the

    rays go higher into the unseen of higher vibration of spirit, and only the silence remains, where all spirit intermingles.

    Question. Are you positive the theory of reincarnation is true? Answer. If you will look back through the years your birth shows, you will

    remember that somewhere in the journey of life you have laid down the old and taken upon yourself new conditions, often so absorbing that you almost forget the old life. You may have changed on the physical, moral (soul) or spirit plane. You may marry and change your name, which will serve to indicate the kind of new life you are entering. You have a new body at least once a year, science tells us. The change is so gradual we do not realize it. From these recollections of our present life we judge of the long past since Creation's dawn, when as we are told in the Bible, God made everything that was made, when. creation definitely stopped.

    Thus we know our spirits must have taken aeons of time to become individualized

    and become a living soul, which ever since has been living in various bodies of gradually increasing fineness, gathering experience to be developed into soul quality. The majority of us do


    not know where we have been nor what we have done, because we are not sufficiently developed to have acquired Cosmic Consciousness. But the few who do remember past lives - and there are more of them than many believe - are certain because they remember. It is no longer belief with them; they know. To these the remembrance forms a philosophic basis for the settlement of problems which cannot be solved logically without a belief in the continuity of life. Rut whether one believes or not, he has chosen the life to live in the new incarnation, it is bound to fulfill those obligations. If it does not, it will have to repeat its work in a following incarnation. When a lesson is once learned and the harmony of the Christ Spirit brought out, the growth is made and you will be done with that lesson forever. Question. How do we get our bodies? Answer. The soul draws atoms from the parents and builds a body from nature's realm around the nucleus of the Ego placed in the womb of the mother. The body is of the kind and form the Soul will need in its new life journey just beginning. It is forming the best instrument possible for its soul's growth Question. Must we return to the world and live over exactly the same experiences? Answer. We are never likely to have exactly the same experience over again. But when a soul has refused to learn the lessons set for it in an incarnation, the same lessons will have to be learned later in another form. While out of the body, the soul is free;


    it goes where it desires to make a more perfect manifestation of spirit. It is a Paradise. Question. Is any body out of place? Answer. No one is out of place as our highest part chose our path in life and also chose the rate of vibration most suited to our need. Question. Can the Law of Vibration of Numbers make plain what it means to live in spirit? Answer. Spirit has no words to describe it, it vibrates too high; it is the life opposed to the life lived in the senses. Let your own vision enter and you will then know what the senses fail to reveal. Question. What is the meaning of substance? Answer. We see that its vibration is 5, and its vowels are 9; this is the same vibration of Christ with the same vowel value. Also the initial of substance is 1 and the initial of Christ 3, both belonging to the same trinity. It must be met in the impersonal. Question. What does force mean? Answer. Force vibrates 11 and that is the vibration of Jesus who had the human body which enshrined the Christ. Question. When we go into the silence, where do we go? Answer. To the Soul Plane. Question. What do you mean by cosmic adjustment? Answer. When the forces of the day, month and year at any time are in harmony with our own digit of


    birth, we are then working in harmony with cosmic consciousness.

    Question. Do States have colors and varied possibilities for different individuals?

    Answer. Yes, far more than we realize. Some States help a project, while others will be negative and refuse any help


    Questions. Can you tell the quality of the people of the various States and Countries?

    Answer. Yes, by noting the vibration of the vowels, which shows the quality of the inhabitants. Certain soil and its vibration draw people of like quality; some States are greater than their people, although it is probable that later on the people will have a chance to catch up with the ruling spirit of their State.

    Question. Do different countries also show this characteristic?

    Answer. Yes. When a country vibrates higher than its inhabitants, its people

    will do best in their own country; if the people exceed the country, they do as well or better in another country.

    Question. Can you describe different parts of cities in the same way?

    Answer. Yes. Question. What is the difference between the development of man and the

    development of outside things? Answer. The development of man is a working from the soul centre within to

    the physical body in order to develop it into a more and more finely organ-

  • 28

    VIBRATION OF NUMBERS ized instrument for his use. Man cannot lose the growth he makes by soul culture. It speaks without words, and as Being it cannot die but is eternal. Man works with things on Nature's plane, through the vibration best suited to its need, and in order that the intellect may comprehend it, attached the intellectual form of numbers. Question. Can character be as correctly read by means of the vowels alone as by the use of the vowels and consonants together? Answer. No; the vowels and consonants together show the three planes of life-body soul and spirit. The consonants show the body, the vowels the soul and the digit of the whole, called the consciousness, shows the abiding spirit. Body and soul cannot be separated without disruption. When the body separates from the soul and spirit it causes so-called death; when the soul sleeps, the man is serving negative forces. There are times when advanced beings function on the soul plane and then they use the spirit of the vowels, but this is seldom of long duration as men are more sane when they meet the world level-eyed, as few can remain on the heights for any length of time. Question. When are demands made logical? Answer, Not until you have consciously made the connecting link between God and the Universe. Question. Just how can this be done? Answer, As the Triune God created all things in the Universe, he logically owns everything, including ourselves. Through belief in His Son, and obedience


    to the Father, man becomes a co-worker with Christ and heir with Him of all things the Father has.

    If man uses his own will to take of the possessions of God, who is Spirit, he takes what is not his own, as the promise is to those that believe. If a man does not fulfill the requirements, and trust God to give him what belongs to him, but makes demands for what he wants he uses powers outside of the spiritual domain. Although he may succeed in getting what he demands, the result will not bring him happiness. A demand lacks in courtesy.

    Question. When should we affirm?

    Answer. When the recognition of God is made, and we are willing to use the action of the body to send out the vibration of the Christ Spirit in sending out love and opulence to all the world. We must use our will only upon ourselves to make us hold to our work, then only can we see results of our own harmony with God and Nature - not until we can do this should we affirm we have anything - not until we can see practical demonstration that we actually dwell within the heart of nature, should we affirm. When you can do this, then affirm and the intelligent Nature Force knows you are speaking the truth and the Universal Law, which is the manifestation of the Three Planes accepts it and registers it in your being.

    Question. Why do we often find life burdensome and lonely ? Answer. Because we fail to touch the heart of things where dwells the indwelling

    Spirit. To reach this we must first realize Spirit within our own bodies,


    then by action radiate its glow by pushing it out from the centre of our being, out to the centre of every living thing. Go to this Light and light your own light as a candle is lighted from a fire. When you can do this, you touch all lives and things and everything grows dear - to you and you will realize that you are one with the universe, and there will be no more loneliness. Question. Will this return to us a lost love? Answer. True love never is lost; when real it lives on eternally and is likely to be found in other lives. When you do this exercise, do not think of any special person, but just send out universal love and if the person you think of is alive, he will either return to you, or others will come into your life who will completely supply the lack. Question. If we deal alone with the Spirit Centre, will that affect the individual or the things we want? Answer. Yes, Spirit moves the thing you want from the Spirit Centre. It could not come to you unless you by your own force moved it. Question. Should we never expect to receive? Answer. Yes. Always wait for the return current, and let it store your body full of the Spirit Force of good from the Spirit of All Things. But to give is the way to pay the debts of your body from the longsuffering realm of Nature. Question. Is it right to affirm, "I am perfect?" Answer. There is a perfect spot in everything. But what you are trying to do is to develop a perfect body


    plane and you are trying to do it through God and nature. To do this you must recognize the Spirit within working to remake your body. Until you can see that it has succeeded, keep still until you can show it by action and there will be no need for words. Being speaks. Simply give thanks for blessings you now have of incentive to work and you will speedily see its results. Question. Are we Gods? Answer. In the centre of our being is the God urge, pleading with us to regenerate our bodies. When this is accomplished, and we live solely in the sole life, we are worthy of worship, which is God's right. Then all Nature obeys our commands. Question. Does magnetism or electricity hold the higher plane? Answer. Magnetism vibrates 11 and its vowels have a digit of 6 showing it to be the highest messenger of the Cosmos. Electricity vibrates 3 and its vowels give a digit of 1, showing it purely a Force. Magnetism is comprehended by people and is used by people who can comprehend it, while electricity supplies all the force used. So as electricity seems to consist of blind force, and magnetism is the messenger to use the force, we can say that magentism is the higher of the two. Question. Is an electric or magnetic person the most convincing as a speaker? Answer. If the birth force is 9 or 11, then the body is magnetic and convincing. If the birth force is of


    the first trinity, then the person is electric, and not as convincing as the magnetic person who knows how to use the 1-2-3 force -to express his meaning. Question. What is the vibration of money? Answer. It holds the vibration of 9 as a whole, with an esoteric vibration of 11. Silver money is 4-9; paper money is 9-11. To attract money one should draw it by the Christ Spirit it contains and then be willing to work for it. Question. Of what use is prayer? Answer. It utters the soul's desire and links the body to the other two planes of soul and spirit. Prayer vibrates the highest - 11. Question. Why are not all prayers answered? Answer. Because we ask amiss. They are often contrary to the laws of right for man and the nation. Prayers made by people who are big enough and wise enough to place their own heart in the heart of God do have their prayers answered. 'Prayer vibrates 11 and holds within its centre the Cosmic Mother-6. Question. What is the Law of Nature? Answer. Impersonal action. At the present development of the race. Question. What does man own? Answer. Nothing but the Spirit of Christ which abides in his soul. All that he cannot take with him is borrowed from Nature's domain. Question. Can you demand from Nature the things you want for your personal use?


    Answer. Yes, you may enter and lake from her the things you want, but she will make you suffer for your theft and in time will cause its return. Question. What is her Law? Answer. That of Compensation. She gives you to use what you have earned. In past lives you may have earned riches by working for the Nation's uplift, in which case wealth comes easily in this life; but you can have your needs supplied by squarely facing the Law of Compensation - she gives back to you exactly what you earn. Question. Then we really get what we deserve? Answer. Yes, it does not seem so, but the fault lies in us. Question. In what way does the fault lies in us? Answer. Nature is always true; she neither lies nor steals nor breaks promises. When we follow the law she fills all our needs; when we do not, she corrects us as we do our children. Question. Is Nature ever cruel or unkind? Answer. No, never. Man holds this vision, but Nature gives us for our use her world of things to use as materials for getting experience from which to develop our character into soul growth, and man abuses the gift when she allows him to fight, kill and destroy forms she will again make anew for others to use. She protects the just and allows man to punish himself. Question. Does this show in the name number? Answer. Yes, the consciousness shows the manner in which you will view it.


    Question. Does God need man on Earth?

    Answer. Yes, just as much as man needs God to lead him aright. The Earth or

    Nature is suffering from man's sins and only through man can the Earth be redeemed. Man looks to God - Nature looks to man. Every atom which forms part of man's body, in time leaves it blessed or cursed by the taint or blessing man has left within its system. Nature falls or rises by his influence.

    Scientists say a cambric needle dropped in the ocean causes a readjustment of its waters - just that fine is the Law of Compensation.

    Question. How can we reach Nature?

    Answer. By working with impersonal methods. Nature never gives, she only lends, and for everything she gives you she demands a return.

    Question. What appears to be "The Lost Chord?"

    Answer. The tie uniting man to nature.

    Question. How can this be done? Answer. By becoming absolute master of himself; after that he can co-operate with


    Question. How does Nature act?

    Answer. Through substance, force and consciousness.

    Question. In all Nature are two things ever exactly alike ?

    Answer. No two things are exactly alike, nor are day forces ever exactly 'the same, but the overruling consciousness returns in its own way about three times

  • BALLIETT TEXT BOOK 35 in each month When this digit is the same as our birth digit we call it a new birth, or Spiritual Birthday.

    Question. How do we find the Christ Spirit in Nature ?

    Answer. By concentrating upon it, and taking the vibration of everything - the vowels showing the Christ urge, while the digit of the consonants and vowels together show the consciousness attained.

    When man sees the turmoil of humanity living upon the body plane he should go

    into his soul home and there find rest in the knowledge the spirit gives of the motive of all the working out of the problems of wars, divorces and all other inharmonies in the body plane. Man has brought these things upon himself by desecrating God's laws by his own selfish actions and disobedience. These things will not cease until man finds his own will must be used upon himself instead of upon others. He must learn to leave others alone. The average man is not fit to govern himself; how then can he justly govern other men? When his will is sufficiently trained he finds his place in the Spirit home as a co-worker with God. But he will probably not enter as the leader of the choir but as one taught by the Spirit of God until he realizes he cannot stay con-stantly in his spirit home as that is dedicated to the Triune God. The planes are all of equal value and should all be lived in as they are like head, hands and feet to the individual.

    Question. Is there danger to mind or body in opening oneself to the Cosmic Forces?


    Answer. Yes, just as there is in opening oneself to the teaching of different


    Question. Is there any safe way?

    Answer. Yes; no one can be obsessed if he every day consciously says, "I admit nobody but God into my body or environment." Then hold to this as God will send His messengers without name or personality to teach you every truth you desire to know.

    Question. What does it mean to be a true nature mystic?

    Answer. It is to be a man or woman who dwells at the inmost heart of things and thus understands the motives which govern action. To such a one Nature has become personal as well as impersonal.

    Question. Are we grateful?

    Answer. Sometimes, when we are touching the spirit of truth.

    Question. What does the Balliett System teach? Answer. It teaches that through the Christ Spirit man is enabled to function

    sanely and properly upon the three planes of his system, called body, soul and spirit. It makes a working, scientific basis from which to bring forth in every act the practical Presence of God.

    Question. What is the Christ Spirit?

    Answer. The Christ Spirit is the spirit of love which lies at the centre of

    everything. It is always the living centre, and only by the Law of Nature can it be made to glow and gleam and come into expression.

    We can express physical power by using our will


    upon it, but this should only be done upon our own centres. Then we push out the Christ Spirit of Sunship until it meets all the other centres of the Christ Spirit. But the power always resides in spirit which moves matter by the force we give it upon the physical plane.

    The Christ Spirit is that quality of spirit which nature uses as a centre around which

    it can attract the material to build a body of so-called matter.

    Question. Has this spirit always been in the world?

    Answer. Yes, it was present when God created the world. The form "Let Us" was used, showing that the Godhead was plural.

    Moses and the Prophets used this force when performing their miracles. It is a permanent God-consciousness. If anything from man to a grain of sand did

    not hold within its system the contact with the Christ Spirit, it would not have the proper consciousness to move in unison.

    Question. Does this same light enlighten us?

    Answer. Yes; at the centre of everything exists an atom of this light or spirit-if it

    were not so things would have no balance or rhythm. Around this centre the atoms of nature cling, moved by their own law as shown by their key-note, and each has its own note and color.

    Great and small are words of man's coining, and do not belong to spirit. When the

    God consciousness abides at the centre of your being, then the Christ body possesses it and makes it your own, so that no one cafe enter except the owner, whose key is made of truth


    and faith. Prom this centre man then looks out and finds the Christ system in everything that he desires; be sees its contact of spirit and from contact with his own spirit, he speaks the word and it obeys him as his co-worker. Only the spirit of the Real can draw to this centre. At this centre reign undisturbed peace and rest. Those who are not willing -to obey God's will, must fight it out for themselves on a lower level, until they have learned to go up higher.

    Question. Do all things perceived by the senses contain Heaven and Earth? Answer. As everything holds the Christ Spirit, and the Earth has built the forms, so

    both planes are represented as found in Heaven and Earth.

    Question. Is it wise and practicable to try to live the life and do the works Jesus tried to teach His disciples to live and do?

    Answer. If we believe Christianity to be a sane teaching, then we should all try to do the things Jesus as its pattern taught His disciples to do.

    Without following this teaching the race will lose its vision of the Real and the

    True. If the Christ is held as the highest ideal which we try with all our might to reach,

    then all the atoms of our being will be satisfied.

    Question. What is the Law of God? Answer. Personal and impersonal action.

    Question. Is God personal?

    Answer. God is both personal' and impersonal upon the spirit plane; there you can

    ask for both personal


    and impersonal things. The very hairs of your head are numbered. The soul plane is where difficulties are adjusted-it understands motives. The Physical Plane is Nature's Plane, and in it is everything we feel, touch, taste or handle. Our bodies come from this plane and it is the plane of action not motives. One need never ask a favor of Nature, as she is impersonal and is governed by her own Law. She will yield favors to you when you fulfill her law by making instruments she can use. Ask favors of God, He moves your desires in Nature's realm into action and brings you her treasures. Question.. Is the healing power a gift of God? Answer. Yes, but all things must be earned before the gift is yielded. Question. In what way? Answer. By making the body a fit instrument for nature to use. Question. If the healer fulfills nature's law, should he be paid in -the coin of the realm? Answer. Yes, the gift is of God, but the instrument comes from nature's plane, and in the present stage of race development, the Healer must be fed and clothed. Question. Are there different planes of healing? Answer. Yes. If you train your body to heal from the mental plane, you use words of strength, and strong affirmations. If you work on the soul plane, the Divine Mind denies the reality of matter. The collection is obliter-


    ated by the vision of its universality and the person rises out of the body plane and functions in spirit as a soul which is freed from the body. The other kind of healers consider the body of equal importance with the other two planes, of soul and spirit. The 1-2-3 people usually use this method. The 4 people make strong affirmations and denials. The 6 and 7 people have an imperfect mind trinity, and reach success more easily by developing the Christ body than by obliterating the body plane. The 9 reaches the spirit plane without serious effort. The great healers of all vibrations reach a plane where words are lost in the feeling of the Universal. Then the body takes in the needs of all nations, and those associated with the healer receive the baptism of the spirit. It is easier for an 8-9-22-11 to function in this way than for those of other vibrations. Question. If a person heals another and is given a gift for his work; is it really a gift? Answer. No, to offer a gift instead of making payment does not make it a gift, neither does it follow nature's law of payment. Question. Should money be taken if a cure has not been made? Answer. No, otherwise the law of the physical plane will again be violated. No one can possibly receive something for nothing - in some life, either in this one or another, we must surely pay for every deed we commit, whether of good, or evil. They will continue to meet us as the cycles roll, until they are met and paid in full. This is the Law of the Physical Plane.


    Question. Can horse racing be aided by the use of numbers? Answer. There are those who use them to help in this way. The vibration of the day is considered together with the name of the horse. If the day, the name of the horse and the name of the driver were all in harmony, it would be likely to show out as success. A master 'horse should never be guided too closely. Question. Can numbers be used to gamble in stocks ? Answer. In all kinds of speculation, buy when the numbers are growing from 1 to 5; sell when they reach 7 or 22. Question. Can the weather be read through the vibration of numbers? Answer. We have many experts who read the changes and conditions of the weather very truthfully. One must always remember the same atoms exist in the Cosmos as in man and read accordingly. Question. What should be man's ideal? Answer. Our Lord, Christ Jesus. Ramah became a good representative for he was said to be the friend of every living thing. Question. What does it mean to be the friend of every living thing? Answer. For one thing, never give advice on an important matter unsolicited, but when asked, do not shirk. Listen to the voice of God within which will give you the absolute truth, above personality. This


    is the spoken word. It can be done without the loss of business or friends. The matter has been thoroughly tested. Question. When shall we be able to know our past as well as our future? Answer. When we are able to live in the knowledge of the sixth sense, which is now opening to many, and is considered super-normal. This will mean living in harmony with the Cosmos. We now live mainly in the sub-normal - the normal seldom being held for more than a short period. Question. Will it make us happier? Answer. Yes, if we have earned enlarged vision through nature's action, we shall be able to understand the heights, breadth and depth of the things we desire to know. Question. Does Nature want us to know? Answer. It looks as if she does as she lends many outside aids to those who try to read the future. Question. Does it show growth when we use outside aids in order to see ourselves ? Answer. It shows weakness when we are obliged to use other aids to do what we ourselves should be able to do. To know is to grow, whatever the method. A bee would get no honey if he always stayed in the hive, and the hive would get nothing if the bee did not return to it. When we are real masters, the past, present and future will be as one-and the world has but one teacher - God.


    Question. Must we do our own part in life before we can expect Divine help? Answer. Yes, we must do our part in life according to our own Law of Life. When we have done our utmost with the materials placed under our hands to work with, God always comes in and gives us a change of materials to do other and higher work. In time the reward comes, unasked, for work well done. Question. Can we afford to. rest in the belief that God will take care of us, and do no physical work? Answer. To do this would be to break Nature's Law. Nature's Law is the law controlling the body. One must be active as to the things presented to our vision. Then trust and do your best, and do not worry. Question. When we transgress one of Nature's laws, do we sin? Answer. They are the only ones found upon the Statute Book of God. Question. Can a person rid himself of inharmonies by moving his body away from them? Answer. The law of growth shows you must have a centre of attraction within yourself to draw either, happiness or misery to you. You must meet every experience life holds for you. When domestic or business troubles arise to molest you, try to realize that they could not have come to you unless you yourself contained within yourself their source. You may remove yourself to a different environment, but this will not cure the diseased condition within your own system.


    Question. What is the cure?

    Answer. Let everything else go and deal only with yourself. If it is a matter of work,

    do twice the quantity you have been accustomed to doing, until your employers do not want you to leave them. Then stay on until you find the joy in - the work you are doing. Another place to your liking will offer. The Law of Compensation always works when action has reached its uttermost.

    If domestic trouble arises, know your inmost being is not ringing true. When it fails to speak harmony, let everything else go, and work only on yourself in an impersonal way. Remove all thought from others - centre only on the Godself within.

    Question. Can a place hold an individual who has grown too big for it?

    Answer. No, it can not. It may sometimes seem as if he had grown beyond it, but somewhere there is a weakness in the moral or physical law, and the person has not yet reached the removal period. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

    Question. Can anything which has ever really belonged to you, be lost?

    Answer. Yes, if you have broken faith with it, it may pass from you never to return. If you have promised it protection, then grown tired of it and changed its color or altered it in some way which would change its vibration, you may lose it; otherwise it is sure to return.

    Question. What influence would your game of life


    have upon the coming generation, if it were taught in the schools? Answer. It would serve to draw the pupil's attention to the beauty and necessity of absolute truth and honesty. Question. What effect would the chapter on "Where the Shadows Fall," have upon the "wandering ones" who do not understand their Law of Life? Answer. It would point out to them the way the Cosmos is now working, and help them to live in the higher life of Spirit, where inharmonies are more quickly passed. Question. Can states like Heaven and Hell be told as to their meaning by vibration? Answer. Yes; both of these states vibrate 1; but the vowels of Heaven are 11 while the vowels of Hell are 5. Thus Heaven has the full round of Earth vibration while Hell only goes to 5, the limited spirit for help. Question. What is the soul? Answer. The soul according to the master Delsarte is the spiritual force lying between the body and the spirit. It is the highest part of the body and the lowest part of the spirit - it is the part which receives the stored up knowledge gained by experience and transmutes it into soul growth, which is eventually evolved into spirit. It holds a never dying consciousness, which withstands death, and carries our memories to different planes of existence.


    Question. How can I enlarge my view of life, and draw to myself a larger vision of

    my desires? Answer. The first step is to decide what you are willing to give to God and man and

    be willing to take the consequences unflinchingly and with no thought of retreat. Mentally give up all to God, yourself, your friends, all your possessions, and ask

    God to give you what you need.

    Realize that there is only God and your new self within the Temple, and He will supply all your needs. Your body is only the instrument of -the Christ Spirit.

    Question. What is the Light of the World?

    Answer. Christ is the Light of the World, sent to lighten every man who comes into the world. It is the same light which dwelt over the waters when God said, "Let there be Light."

    This Light has always existed, doing its work as recorded in the Old Testament, when Moses and the Prophets used its force to do their miracles.

    Afterwards, it was born in the flesh of Jesus, the Christ. In Him all the master

    numbers are found in the names the world called Him, showing that He was indeed the Christ.

    Question. Do people with limited vibrations more easily find friends to help them over their troubles?

    Answer. Yes; it is the law for the stronger to help the weaker.

    If you are a 1 you need a 2 to gather for you the materials you need in creating. If you are a 2, you


    need a 1 to create for you. If you are a 3, you need a 1 and 2 to get together the material necessary for your expression. If you have a 1-2-3 in your name or birth force, you can do the work of three people. If you have them not, associate yourself with one who has the number you need. If you have instead 11-22-9 they can take the place of 1-2-3; 11I for 1; 22 for 2; and 9for 3. Everything is made in the 1-2-3 Trinity. This is the Creative Trinity. If you are a 4 you belong to the intellectual and physical domain. If you are a 5, you are a limited philosopher. If you are a 6, you are a Cosmic Guardian. If you are a 7 (the highest of the Jewish numbers), you are a reservoir of knowledge, but are limited in expression. Question. Can a person reach a higher vibration by effort ? Answer. Yes, anything that causes your thoughts to concentrate upon the desire throws you into Nature's rhythm and Nature rules our bodies and cares to work for our ultimate good as we trust Nature's God. Question. Have colors an individual meaning? Answer. Yes, if you bear a basic color, as yellow, blue or red, it shows you are making a foundation for a new start. A 4 person has blue, a 9 has red, a 6 has a limited amount of scarlet and orange, an 8 a mixed yellow in canary. The 11 has yellow in all shades, as


    9 has red from pink to deepest shades of red. The 4 starts the individual numbers and 8 the master numbers; the 11 the fulfilled yellow with mixed red and blue in violet.

    Question. How do you find your controlling number color?

    Answer. The color that vibrates highest in your name - this is your controlling color.

    Question. Is the trinity found in every color and sound? Answer. Yes, there is not a spoken word nor sound of your voice but holds the

    three planes of body, soul and spirit. These are easily found when sought. Every color has three parts, the artist calls them white, black and gray. The three parts are in music and the listening ear hears the highest part as an


    Question. Should rooms be furnished in our own colors?

    Answer. Yes, particularly the birth color, as every person should love his own special color.

    Everything in the universe works according to Law. If we deliberately furnish

    a room in which we expect to live in a vibration which is not in harmony with either our name number or birth force, we show our intolerance of Nature's Law, and thus often repel the friends we wish to draw to us.

    Question. Suppose we must live in a room or house selected by some one else which holds a wrong vibration for us?


    Answer. This may be a test for you of overcoming difficulties. It is your duty to accept the inevitable and make the best of it. When this is done, you will be moved, and there will be no inharmony in the going. Doing your best is the secret key that unlocks every door.

    Question. Should a hotel to be congenial vibrate to our consciousness or to our birth force? Answer. A hotel should vibrate lower than the owner or manager. If it vibrates to your birth force, you will find yourself making many calls, and finding numerous new acquaintances within the hotel. Hotels as well as stores, exactly like individuals, take on the character of their vibration. To the casual observer this may not appear, but those who see the whole, feel its truth. The vowels of a place show the people they draw. Question. Why is this? Answer. Because the people are higher than the place, and feel the truth or untruth of it; and like draws like. Question. When the key-note of your birth is struck, what happens? Answer. The untold wealth of things vibrating the digit of day, month and year awakened and are immersed in the illumination of the cosmic light. They are active and brilliant. Question. Which digit is most powerful? Answer. The key-note of them all is the spirit of


    the whole, and is the governing power of the day you were born and of your life work.

    Question. Is the spirit of one's birth intelligent?

    Answer. Yes.

    Question. Can you trust it to lead you aright?

    Answer. Yes, when you trust God who governs Nature's laws. And understand the different kingdoms found in our bodies which vibrate in unison with us. Those of our own vibration have a message for us to help us in our development; and in return we owe them recognition and help. They should open our vision and show us what countries we have come from or are going towards.

    Question. Have individual days their own vibration?

    Answer. Exactly the same as people's vibrations. We find their color and note in the same way.

    Question. Should store display of goods and windows be made in the colors of the day?

    Answer. Yes. The colors and goods are more brilliant and attract the attention of customers.

    Question. Do they especially affect us?

    Answer. Yes, all days are good for somebody, but certain days lend us more aid than others. If we develop into true masters, we will find all natural Cosmic forces and conditions our helpers.

    Question. Should we pay any heed to the individual color of the day?

    Answer. It seems only courteous to the day which


    is affording us light and help, to put on somewhere a bit of the individual color of the day. The entire digit will tell you in what any special day is particularly in-terested, and if you are working for universal good, the Day will gladly clasp hands with your share of the universal force. She cares little for personal wishes. To woo her you must see the good of the whole nation and be willing to work for it in an unselfish manner; then the Day will love you and prove it after you have won out.

    Question. How can we know when Nature feels kindly towards us?

    Answer. When events fit into their proper places and you feel a Cosmic peace.

    Question. Where do food, clothing, home and all the things we use in life, belong?

    Answer. In Nature's realm, and we are indebted to her for lending us all the

    things which conduce to our comfort. Question. Have colors any effect upon food and water when subject to their

    rays? Answer. Yes, the colors according to their character permeate materials and give

    of their strength.

    Question. Should we eat food vibrating to our birth number or that which vibrates to the day?

    Answer. To both, if they do not conflict. Do not be a slave to anything. When you want a thing belonging to one of the strong vibrations present, you will find it most invigorating. The trinity to which they belong should be recognized as a part of the day.


    Many students of Vibration use salads, sweets and other dishes made in accord with the day, and are always assured of spirit flavor and success. Question. Do different days show a power to aid those who trust the intelligence of their overruling spirit, found in the digit of day, month and year? Answer. Yes, the day whose digit is most favorable for a creative act is best sought in first trinity. For settlement of a matter, use the close of a trinity or a 6 or 7. Question. What months are best for creation? Answer. October, November, January usually find their fulfillment in December, March or September. Question. How do you find the color and sound of your name? Answer. Find the digit of all your names, or the digit of the names you now use. Bind their color through their digit and their note from the musical table of sound. Question. What have I been doing in the past? Answer. If your full name has many parts, or makes many numbers or all the digits from 1 to 11, you have been a faithful worker in the past and have been worthy of the many rewards your name has drawn to you. They record faithfully each vibration as made by marriage, a business or a pen name. If you do not have these and have come with a high birth vibration this shows you are awakening to a desire for growth.


    Question. What is the Spiritual Birthday? Answer. The day you were born contained the dominant forces which were present and assisted at your birth. The digit of your birth force shows the quality of the thread which attaches you to the Universal Life. It is the key to the collection of Will which opens your doors. These forces return about three times in each month, usually every nine days. When their cycle is touched, we seem unable to control some of our thoughts. This was the vibration which gave you your color and sound. This is for you, the highest spiritual force of Nature and is your friend and helper. If you recognize this force when present, and try to work with it, you will find the plan of your life more open and plain on these days than on other days. Question. Are you sure the colors as given in this system are correct? Answer. The method of finding the name from 1 to 9 as taught by Pythagoras we find the meaning of everything; if true in one part it must be true in all. Question. Are there other colors belonging to each vibration besides those set down in your books ? Answer. Yes, hundreds of mixed colors. Any color or thing found by spelling out the name and getting its digit, tells you its own story. Its spiritual urge and moral aspiration are shown in the vowels. Question. Does every planet and star have its individual note?


    Answer. Yes, as well as everything else in the universe.

    We find the troublesome bird, the sparrow, vibrates the highest of all vibrations - 11 - with a spirit centre of 7. We are sure this bird is not what it was intended to remain, and do not know what note is heard as coming from it in the great choir of the universe. There, in the Spirit World, great and small are terms unknown. Question. Which of the constellations, as we call them now, have reached a free note? Answer. Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces have a sense of freedom unknown to the other constellations. Sagittarius and Pisces are the strongest of all, as both of these vibrate 8 and are ruled by Jupiter, who vibrates even higher than the constellation itself. Jupiter and Venus are two soulful planets, as both vibrate 9 and their vowels are 8. Question. What does this show? Answer. The inhabitants, if inhabitants there are, are of the soulful quality of 9-people having free expression upon three planes. Question. Should one be ruled by his stars? Answer. The stars rule undeveloped humanity. As soon as a person is strong enough to stand alone, he should work in harmony with his stars instead of being ruled by them. The rulers of the stars were intended to help humanity to manhood. When he is able to control himself, they withdraw their help, after which he should look to God as his Helper.


    Question. How do you find your life song?

    Answer. By the month, day and year of your birth. Use their digits to find your musical notes.

    Question. What value does this note contain?

    Answer. These birth notes of day, month and year contain the material things you deal with, as shown by their vibrations. Your own digit shows your place in the great overhovering Presence that covers the whole earth.

    Question. Should we learn our own song? Answer. Yes, and whistle or sing it.

    Question. Is original music made in this way?

    Answer. Yes,