The ARC Advocate - September 2012

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Spetember of the ARC Advocate newsletter - serving Mentally and DEvelopmentally Disabled Arkansans and their families

Transcript of The ARC Advocate - September 2012


“What Does the Future Hold?” The new Arc of Central Arkansas intends to help you find out!

Welcome, The Arc of Central Arkansas! Moms, a dad, a sister, an attorney, an accountant, a retiree, and a software developer created a new chapter of The Arc in Little Rock this August. The new Arc of Central Arkansas will serve Pulaski County and its immediate surrounds. Rose Virgil of Little Rock was elected President. Our first act will be to staff an exhibit table for The Arc at the upcoming Developmental Disabilities Council Conference at the Peabody Hotel in Little Rock, September 13 and 14. Among the materials we’ll offer the anticipated crowd of more than 500 individuals with developmental disabilities and their families are brochures on the new resource and information clearinghouse run by The Arc, “Autism Now.” Check out This fall, The Arc will kick off “What Does the Future Hold?” a topical discussion series beginning October 16 with a presentation on the Community First Choice Option, a new program in Arkansas that will essentially replace the Medicaid waiver system for people with developmental disabilities. For more information on the program contact

The Arc of the Tri-Lakes Region Hosts Family Day Sixty people gathered at Haven United Methodist Church on Sunday August 19 for The Arc’s “Family Day.” Reverend Harold Eichelberger incorporated themes of the day into his sermon during the morning worship service. According to verses from Genesis about Noah’s Ark, at the end of Noah’s ordeal, the arc of a rainbow appeared and God made a covenant of peace with man. A mime performed an interpretive liturgical dance, to the astonished enchantment of visitors to the service. Hot dogs, disco music, basketball, information tables and arts projects followed for a fun afternoon. Mary Jo Brown was elected President of The Arc of the Tri-Lakes Region.

The Arc of the Tri-Lakes Region presents “Positive Behavioral Supports,” a training workshop for parents and professionals, Thursday, 6 pm, September 20 at Haven UMC

Haven UMC will be the site of The Arc’s training workshop on positive behavioral supports on Thursday evening, September 20, 6-8 p.m., for parents of children and adults with challenging behaviors and the professionals who work with them. Our featured speaker will be Karan Burnette, Assistant Director of Partners for Inclusive Communities and the state’s leading behavioral specialist.

The Arc of


The Arc of Arkansas 2004 Main Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72206 501-375-7770

Look for The Arc in your October issue of TIME Magazine!

The Arc hopes to again be featured in a special advertising section introducing TIME’s 19 million readers to the work of The Arc and our national network of 700+ chapters.

The Arc of Arkansas

2004 S Main St

Little Rock AR 72206



We’re on the Web!

The Arc of Arkansas Advisory Committee

Local chapter presidents will come together September 25 for their first meeting as the Advisory Committee to The Arc of Arkansas. As representatives of the grass-roots membership, they will provide guidance and direction to The Arc Board of Directors and staff and help set the organization’s future agenda. In exchange, they will carry state policy and program initiatives to local communities across Arkansas, too. Jane Browning, Past President of The Arc of Arkansas, Chairs the Advisory Committee.

The Arc of Arkansas State Conference on FASD

The Arc of Arkansas is putting together a statewide conference in February, 2013 for its membership and for professionals from the medical, justice, and law enforcement fields on the subject of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is the largest preventable cause of intellectual and other developmental disabilities. David Deere, Director of Parents for Inclusive Communities, a University Center on Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, is spearheading this initiative, and has lined up two key speakers for the event. William Edwards, JD., Deputy Public Defender of Los Angeles County, is renowned for his command of knowledge on FASD and the criminal justice system. Sheryl Dicker, JD, Assistant Professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, has been an advocate for children challenged by poverty, disability and placement in the foster care system for over 30 years. Ms. Dicker was Counsel to Governor Clinton on Human Services during the 1980’s. Additional workshops will be offered on self-advocacy leadership skills, engaging in the Arkansas legislative session, and expanding membership in the nation’s premiere advocacy organization for people with developmental disabilities and their families.

Self Advocates with FASD in Action! With support from The Arc, SAMHSA, and the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Center for Excellence, a nationwide network of self-advocates with FASD has come to life. The “SAFA Network” organized, attended, and helped facilitate a self-advocacy track at an annual SAMHSA-funded meeting on FASD. They have been active at state level conferences in Arizona and Virginia. They came together as a group with their sponsors at a gathering in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and sent members to lobby at the U.S. Capitol in May. For more information contact

National Conference and International Forum

The Arc of the United States invites you to Washington, D.C. to attend the 2012 National Conference and International Forum, October 25-28, 2012, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. For information and registration, go to

Walmart Foundation Awards $3 Million to The Arc US

The Arc secured $3 million grant from Walmart Foundation to support the School-to-Community Transition project, funding programs at 49 chapters across the country.

The Arc of Central Arkansas Schedules Transition Topics The Board of The Arc of Central Arkansas decided on a series of topical discussions on issues associated with transition for its year-long program schedule. “Families settle into a routine with special education entitlements and are taken by surprise when their child becomes an adult,” observes Arc leader Andy Carpenter of Little Rock. “When a person turns 18, they become their own guardian and parental involvement takes on a whole new perspective. There are many new realities that families have to address.” To help families adjust, The Arc has planned a series entitled “What Does the Future Hold?” The State’s impending shift from Medicaid Waiver services to the new Community First Choice Option will be the first topic of discussion. Shelley Lee, Assistant Director of Arkansas Division of Developmental Disabilities Services for Quality Assurance, and Cindy Alberding, Director of Independent Case Management, Inc., will be the featured speakers. The family-oriented sessions will be held at US Pizza in Hillcrest (across from Bossa Nova/River City Tea and Coffee) on Kavanaugh in the upstairs meeting room. This first meeting takes place Tuesday, October 16, from 6-8 p.m. Other discussion topics scheduled are:

November 13: “What Will Happen When I’m Gone?” featuring a panel of experts on wills, trusts, and guardianship issues. January 22, 2013: “Making My Own Way” featuring a panel of young adults with developmental disabilities who are achieving independence with real jobs, independent living situations, meaningful volunteer work, artistic pursuits, and continuing education. March 5, 2013: “School’s Out! What’s Next??” explores options available to young adults in the way of medical coverage and services, SSI/SSDI, Medicaid, Vocational Rehabilitation programs and more. April 30, 2013: “Living, Working and Playing in the Community” features the offerings of local provider agencies, potential employers, & higher education.

Noah and The Arc Rock the Boat

“…To refresh the memories of those who may be a bit unfamiliar with The Arc, I will just say this. They rocked the boat. They rocked the boat and created change. And they rocked the boat making lives easier for families and those who have developmental disabilities. They rocked the boat until they received acceptance. They rocked the boat until the benefactors were given full mutual respect and not seen as “retarded” or the “r-word” but as children and people of God. So you’d better not use the “r-word!” The Arc emphasizes “intellectual disability” or “developmental disability” but quite frankly, I see no disability at all. I just see beautiful people, living and

loving life like everyone else.” “I’m just going to share with you some of their principles. Their mission statement reads: ‘The Arc promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes. The Arc notes their core values as people first, citing that people ‘are defined by their own strengths, abilities and inherent value, not by their disability.” “Another core value is equity. Noting that our people are ‘entitled to the respect, dignity, equality, safety, and security accorded to other members of society, and are equal before the law.’ “Another core value is community: ‘our people belong in the community and have fundamental moral civil and constitutional rights to be fully included and actively participate in all aspects of society. “I’d like to share with you the core value of self-determination. It simply says folks with intellectual and developmental disabilities ‘can make decisions about their own lives and must be heard on issues that affect their well-being.’ “Their last core value, which is largely the most important one, is diversity. We believe that we ‘benefit from the contributions of people with diverse personal characteristics (including but not limited to race, ethnicity, religion, age, geographic location, sexual orientation, gender and type of disability.’ “I don’t know about you, but all of this to me sounds like the exact thing that Jesus Christ preached about in just his brief life. Things like unconditional love. Inclusion. The real religion of helping and loving others. You know, stuff that we sometimes have a hard time doing… “The Arc has spent 62 years rocking the boat and enacting change…rocking the boat means flooding the world with your ideas and positive efforts. It means flooding the world with love, justice and equality to wash away all of the grime and rust created by injustice…We mustn’t be scared to rock the boat. We ought not be afraid of change. We ought to embrace it as change brings about new life, and new blessings...”

- Rev. Harold Eichelberger Excerpts of his Sermon of August 19, 2012 Haven United Methodist Church Hot Springs, Arkansas

MEETING CALENDAR DD Council Conference Peabody Hotel September 12-13 Tri-Lakes Arc “Positive Behavioral Supports” Sept. 20 Arc of Central Arkansas “Topics in Transition” October 16 The Arc National Conference, Washington, October 25-28 The Arc of Arkansas “Art for ARC’s Sake”, November 15 The Arc State Conference on FASD, February 2013 The Arc of Arkansas Dover Awards Ceremony, April 2013