The “Fireproof” to the The Encourager December 20th, 2 ... · D O N M I S S I O N North Grand...

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Transcript of The “Fireproof” to the The Encourager December 20th, 2 ... · D O N M I S S I O N North Grand...

North Grand River Baptist Association

The Encourager 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Volume 33, Number 12

December, 2008

“Churches working together to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission.”“Churches working together to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission.”“Churches working together to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission.”“Churches working together to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission.” Matthew 28:18Matthew 28:18Matthew 28:18Matthew 28:18----20202020









Medicine Valley


Milan Hispanic




Rural Dale




Tenth Street

Trenton First

















North Grand River Baptist Association 1108 N Main Director of Missions

Trenton, MO 64683 Rev. E.J. Barnes

Fax: 660.359.0200 Ministry Assistant

E-Mail: Debbie Dickinson

BSU Telephone– 660.359.0200 BSU Director

DOM’s Office– 660.359.3365 Telephone – 660.359.3897 Diann Barnes

Web Page–

North Grand River Baptist Association’s Purpose- “To mutually and prayerfully support, encourage and challenge one another as churches to exalt Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, to edify and equip His disciples to serve him and one another, and to evangelize those who have yet to come to know Him personally.” Matthew 28:19-20

The “Fireproof” DVD’s will be released on January 27th. You can pre-order your DVD through the Bookstore. Please call Debbie at 660-359-3897 to reserve your copy.


3 Lewis Rogers 6 Linda Niffen 15 Spencer & Michelle Ray

Acquire the Fire will be in Kansas

City on February 27-28. You can check t h e i r w e b s i t e o u t a t for speakers and bands, or call Jessica at 1-800-329-

You are invited to a concert with

Jonathan Martin

Of the Martin’s

At Tenth Street Baptist Church

On November 30th, 6:30 pm

Love Offering will be taken

So far churches in North Grand River have turned in 362 boxes for kids that we are aware of.

Executive Board MeetingExecutive Board MeetingExecutive Board MeetingExecutive Board Meeting North Grand River Executive Board Meeting will be January 19th. Please submit your reports by January 12th and if you have something that needs to be on the agenda submit by January 2nd.

You will find on the Church Mouse page Church Christmas pro-grams that were turned in. They will be underlined.

Christmas BlessingChristmas BlessingChristmas BlessingChristmas Blessing

May Jesus Himself draw near and

be with you in all your Christmas celebrations.

Wishing you a

Wonderful Christmas and A Joyous New Year

In our Lord

The staff of NGR E.J. & Diann Barnes

Debbie Dickinson

All men are invited

to the Men’s Prayer Breakfast

December 20th, 8:00 am

Trenton First Baptist

From My Heart to Yours

“...behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.’ ‘And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.’

Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying: ‘Behold a virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel, ‘which is translated, ‘God with us’ “ Matthew 2:20-23 NKJV

Jesus came to be “God with Us” to... Construct the Church Matthew 16:18 Heal the Hurting Matthew 4:23 Reproach the Rebellious Luke 12:46 Instruct the Ignorant Matthew 4:23 Save the Sinner Matthew 2:21 Thwart the Temptor Mark 1:13f Multiply the Ministers Matthew 9:35f Assure the Afraid Matthew 14:27 Serve the Servants John 13:5f Let us rejoice in His coming. Let us receive him for who He is and let us respond to Him in trust and obedience. May Your Christmas be full with Jesus! For His Glory

E.J. Barnes P.S. I am looking forward to seeing the Pastor’s and their wives and staff at the Christmas party on Saturday, December 6th at Edinburg Baptist Church.

October Reports

Monthly Inc.


Bapt. Men

Youth Kids

Ministry Bapt. Ltr/


Alpha $ 153.60 16 21 15

Edinburg $ 722.02 $ 42.47 48 75 48 8 11 21 3

Gallatin $ 590.36 $ 50.00 96 125 27 10 56

Galt 30 37

Jameson 10 12

Jamesport $ 100.00 34 60 15

Laredo $ 272.30 $ 50.00 30 47 17 6 13 1

Lineville $ 243.68 $ 48.74 28 35 19 24

M. Valley $ 45.00 $ 25.00 10 14 14 6

Mercer $ 193.00 $ 25.00 37 66 23 8 3

Modena $ 102.53 10 16 17

Princeton $ 997.61 $ 50.00 130 195 77 54 35 190 2

Providence $ 27.50 $ 85.00 0 0

Ravanna $ 196.84 11 11 9 10

Rural Dale $ 593.04 $ 50.00 72 9 54

Salem $ 77.72 26 31 10

Shelburne $ 323.12 $ 50.00 41 48 31 28 8 2

Spickard $ 48.00 10 22

Tenth St. $ 875.95 $ 146.00 86 169 63 20 7 8 45 4 1

Trenton FB $1,266.72 $ 211.12 126 149 43 80 2

Union $ 242.89 $ 100.00 55 98 41 52 2 3

Total $7,071.88 $ 933.33 906 1231 469 160 81 45 480 8 12

Chilli, FBC $ 40.00

MBC $ 430.00 October Account Records

Beginning Balance $21,502.88 Income $16,040.89 Total $37,543.77 Expenses $17,520.50 Ending Balance $20,023.27

Line Items in General Checking Designated $5,860.41 General Fund $14,162.86 Account Balance $20,023.27

NGR October– Income to Expense Income $16,040.89 Expenses $17,520.50 Difference ($1,479.61)

Seminary Checking $194.44 Seminary Savings $2,024.07 Benevolent Savings $8,045.30 Belarus $8,045.30

BSU– October– Income to Expense Beginning Balance $3,917.22 Income $1,046.53 Expenses $2,022.27 Ending Balance $2,941.48

Alpha– We had our annual Soup Supper and Thanksgiving on No-vember 23rd. Our Christmas pro-gram will be on December 14th at 6:30 pm.

Edinburg– On Friday, October 24, the Edinburg Baptist Women on Mission hosted the October birthday party at the Eastview Nurs-ing home. There were five honorees. Cake, cookies and punch were served and music was provided on the keyboard.

On Monday evening, October 27, our Children’s Church hosted their church-wide skating party in Cameron, Missouri. There were 51 in atten-dance. We were thankful to Coon Creek Baptist Church for furnishing transportation with their bus.

On Sunday, November 2nd, we started a new prophecy class for adults from 4;30 to 5:30 pm before our regular Sunday evening services.

Halloween night, we had a Hallelujah Hoedown starting at the church. Hotdogs and pizza were served, games were played and then a hayride. Following these activities the children went trick or treating in Edinburg. There were 38 in atten-dance.

On November 15th, Children’s Church sang for the residents at Eastview Nursing Home. There were 23 in attendance.

On Sunday, November 16th, Children’s Church sponsored the regular fellowship meal to thank everyone for their help during the year. We are thankful for all the people in our church that take the time and effort to support us. There were 63 in attendance. There were 33 in attendance for Sunday morning worship in Children’s Church.

Gallatin– Our seventh annual Trunk-n-Treat was a success. 350 pieces of gospel literature were distributed. The youth ministry took large groups to the William Blackburn crusade at Coon Creek and to the Judgment House last month and there were several rededications.

Medicine Valley continued-

parents. The fourth will likely become a mem-ber of the Christian denomination.

Thru part of September, October and November we have conducted a series of Home Bible Studies in Humphreys with eight participants.

A soup supper and Christian Film, “Hidden Se-crets” were enjoyed on Saturday Nov. 2nd at the Community Center in Humphreys. While atten-dance was smaller than expected, those pre-sent seemed to enjoy the evening hosted by Medicine Valley Community Ministry, the follow-ing Sunday night, November 9th we had a Thanksgiving dinner at the Chapel at Newtown with both Turkey and wild game on the menu. A country gospel music concert preceded the din-ner. Good food, music and fellowship were equally enjoyed by the 37 people present.

On Sunday evening November 16 the children and youth, met at the Ministry Center in Harris,

nd filled a dozen shoe boxes with toys, school supplies and etc. to be sent to boys and girls overseas by Franklin Graham’s “Samaritans Purse”. We hope to involve a number of com-munity children and youth in a Christmas Pro-gram to be presented on the 23rd of December.

We will also be delivering Christmas food boxes to an estimated fifty families shortly before Christmas.

In addition we have listings of families with chil-dren to be “adopted” for Christmas. Anyone interested in assisting with this special ministry may call 660-673-6023 to receive further, infor-mation.

Both the financial and prayer support of people throughout the association are critical to the ongoing success of our mission en-deavor. Medicine Valley Community Ministry is your mission and a part of your ministry as well as mine, yet totally God’s. May He be praised and may each of you be blessed.

Princeton– The youth hayride was a great success held on Sunday evening on November 2nd, with 21 in attendance. Treat Night on Oc-tober 29 was a great success with about 300 in attendance. We are praying for a great Revival scheduled for November 16-19, 2008, with Bro. Phil Glis-son from Memphis, Tn. The all church Thanks-giving dinner will be held at noon, November 16th. Our Youth Christmas Program will be held on December 21st. The Christmas candlelight ser-vice will be held on Wednesday, December 24th.

Salem- We had our hayride last month with 97-99 attending. We had 2 tractors and one truck all pulling wagons of straw, kids, and adults. There was such good fellowship and fun around the bonfires roasting hot dogs and marshmallows.

We just had the blessing of the Trinity Trio for our morning worship service on the 9th of No-vember. Such talent Rev. Ken Hull and his sons have. We had a full house and a carry in lunch-eon afterwards. If you ever get a chance to hear one of their concerts, please go, you will receive a blessing. On Nov-12th we helped serve the BSU luncheon. Nov. 23rd Is our Thanksgiving supper and Harvest offering. On Dec-5th we will have the hanging of the greens, also that night Tiffany Crawford, will be having a Christ-mas lock-in with the children, all night starting at 8:00pm-8:00am. Dec-7th -at 2:30 pm, we will be hosting the Revival Fires Rally for the Asso-ciation. Rev. Jeremy Skinner will bring the mes-sage. We invite all to attend. On Dec. 14th, at

6:00 pm, we will have our Christmas service. That morning we will sack candy and fruit, to pass out that evening.

Gallatin continued- The youth praise band, "Glory Seekers," was organized this summer, and their first perform-ance will be in morning worship, November 16. The Celebration Choir will present "Everything Glorious," a Christmas cantata, in morning worship, December 21st.

Instead of collecting for Operation Christmas Child, as in the past, this year we are collecting items for the Missouri Baptist Children's Home. Awana attendance continues to main-tain a strong number. We believe the atten-dance is aided by serving the hot supper to the children and workers each Wednesday night. Most of the children attending are from unchurched homes.

Jamesport– On November 16th our church celebrated an Harvest Dinner that evening at 5:00 with the community being invited. Our church also participated in the Shoebox Minis-try. Our Church hosted a baby shower for a new baby in our community. On December 12th our church is hosting an Bi-ble Conference. Speakers will include Bro. Guy Thomas, Bro. Ron Ratliff, and Bro. Spencer Ray. There will be a special Christmas program on Sunday morning, December 21st. We are planning a Watch party on New Year’s Eve with games and activities, right after the Wednesday night service.

Medicine Valley- In October we provided food assistance to 75 family units including 75 indi-viduals. On Saturday, October 25th we took four young people to Judgment House at Highview, Chillicothe. Each made a commitment to Je-sus. On Sunday morning three of these came forward to make public their profession of faith, two requesting baptism and church member-ship. The third still needed to confer with

Come Celebrate Christmas With Us!

What a joy we received from our time with Aaron and Kimmie Laney and little Esther at our Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer Program! They are truly dedi-cated to serving the Lord. Their testimonies were exciting and their display (including a blow gun spear) and PowerPoint presentation on Papua New Guinea were very interesting and informative. They need our prayers as they travel and speak to get support for their work. They are with new Tribes Missions. Thank You”: to FBC Trenton WOM ladies for hosting the program and lunch was delicious

as usual. Hilka Rose from Princeton prepared and led our devotional and prayer time for the missionaries with birthdays. The total number of shoeboxes collected in our association hasn’t come in yet, but the numbers I am hearing are impressive so far. The article in the November Mosaic about the effect of the shoeboxes on the lives of the children and their families is exciting and a cause for joy. I’m sure everyone is set for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Emphasis. Tis the Season! What a joy. The December Christmas Celebration on December 16th at 10:30 am at the Mission Center will feature some special music as well as singing Christmas carols together. Our mission projects will be taking an offering for the Pure Water, Pure Love program. What better gift to give our missionaries for Christmas! We will also collect food for our food pantry. Items needed are: canned meats (tuna, spam, Vienna sausages,), tuna helper, hamburger helper, canned ravioli, spaghetti O’s, spaghetti and meatballs, oatmeal, macaroni, pop tarts and cleaning supplies. The January 20th winter luncheon will be 11:30 am at the Mission Center. Let’s have a Chili/soup luncheon with relishes, cheese and desserts. More details in the January Encourager. The February WMU Focus Week is just around the corner. GA leaders and Church leaders the information is being sent out regarding the GA Retreat coming up in March. If you do not re-ceive it through your church, contact Beverly or Debbie at the Mission Center and we will get the information to you. Christmas Blessings to each of you and your families.

Bev Martin WMU Director

Tenth Street- We continue our ministry on Thursday with the Cowboy Church at 7pm at Ca-llao, Mo. On Saturday we have Celebrate recov-ery beginning at 7pm. For the Angel Food Minis-tries: the December Menu will be out Nov. 22. you can place your order with Renee at Tenth Street on Monday—Friday from 8am to 12pm. Please have your money ready at the time you order

Trenton First– On November 9th we collected shoe boxes during the Morning Worship service for the Operation Christmas Child ministry. No-vember 18th we hosted the Associational WMU with guest speakers Aaron and Kimmie Laney, from the New Tribes Mission.

November 23rd we had an all church Thanksgiv-ing dinner followed by a time of sharing and giv-ing praise to God. November 30th we begin the Week of Prayer for the IMB missionaries. During the morning worship service on December 7th we will have our international flag presentation. Steve Keuhn and Diane Ewing will be sharing about their ministries in Haiti. That afternoon at 4:00 pm we will host the annual Christmas Ves-per service. At 6:00 pm there will be an Interna-tional Missions Bonanza on Venezuela. Decem-ber 14th, Evelyn Trickel will share about her ESL trip to the Czech Republic. December 21st our worship choir will present a medley of Christmas music. Christmas Eve we will have a candlelight service at 6:00 pm.

The Senior Adults are planning on going to Ray-town Baptist Church for the Christmas Pageant on December 13th. Following the program they will go to Lake Winnebago to an open house and tour Christmas lights at Longwood. December 19th the Senior Adults will have a salad luncheon. Our Awana ministry is growing.

Heart Edition

GA Retreat 2009

• March 20-21– Grand Oaks • March 27-28– Grand Oaks • April 3-4– Grand Oaks

2009 Ministry Project Baptist Builders

You may choose to bring one or more of these items to the GA Retreat:

1. Carpenter’s Pencil 2. Black Sharpie Magic Markers

3. Brown Cotton Gloves 4. Small Bottles Hand Sanitizer

5. Paper Towels All girls grades 1-6 are invited to attend, whether or not their churches have active GA organizations. Girls will meet missionaries, participate in games, crafts, music, Bible study, prayer and more! They will enjoy meeting girls from other churches. Registration deadline is February 20th. You may register until March 6th, however, the reg-istration will go up $5.00, and t-shirt orders will not be accepted. There is also the possibility that the camp will become full.

Cost by February 20th- $35.00 Cost by March 6th- $40.00

Register online at:

MBC Collegiate Student Ministry

The month of October saw the MBC Collegiate ministry students serving in many ways. The students participated in the MO Day Parade by carry-ing the Collegiate banner, the Associational banner, and tossing candy,

3-minute story business cards, and gospel bookmarkers. The Wednesday Lunch ministry has been seeing an average of 55-60 students, and the Sunday Night Alive has been ministering to almost as many dorm students with an average of about 35-40 students. At the end of the month the students held a bonfire/wiener roast in EJ and Diann’s backyard with about 20 students set-ting fire to a huge brush pile and roasting wieners till midnight. The MBC Collegiate Ministry kicked off the month of November by hosting the basketball teams after their first double header home games on Saturday, Nov. 8. After successful wins by both teams, the players came over to the BSU for a late night supper, fun and fellowship. By 11pm Diann put her arms around two big husky shoulders and said, “Men, I hate to say this but if you don’t go home soon I’m going to turn into a pumpkin.” Laughing, one young man said, “This is a first! I never thought I would see the day that you would kick us out!” Needless to say, we have some great young men and women on campus, who love to hang out at the BSU, play pool and ping pong, and talk about Jesus. Thank you associational churches for helping us provide a safe after class, HOME, where students feel free to hang out with no pressure to perform. Because of your awesome support churches, we have been able to weekly talk to students about their goals and aspirations, and what Jesus Christ REALLY means to them. Many feel they know Jesus, but also admit they have never seriously considered how they should serve HIM. Keep praying for our students, that their eyes will be open and their hearts called by God to serve HIM. This semester many people have individually contributed gallon cans of food to help the BSU. Because of this, we have been able to keep Sunday night meals to a minimum. 6’8” ball players have hollow legs with holes in their toes for food to run out as fast as they shovel it in. Thank you, church families and members for this support. We have a need in the near future: 1. I would like to start scheduling host churches for our Spring ‘09 Wednesday Lunch ministry. All dates are currently open except for one, which has been scheduled by Salem/Spickard/Modena host church team. (Thank you SSM for jumping in early.) Call 654-0785 or email Diann at to schedule your ministry date early. Here are those available dates: 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 3/4, 3/25, 4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, & 5/6 (finals week). For, He is Worthy to receive the reward of His sacrifice.

Diann Barnes

• Bibles • Novels • Biographies • Spiritual Growth

Books • Children’s Books • Children’s Trinkets • Jewelry • Puzzles

Christmas Table of Gift items Snowmen, Angels, Christmas Nail, Pencils, Bookmarks & more

“Love Dare” Journals From “Fireproof”

$10.00 NEW-

Leanin’ Tree Bookmarks



Christmas Sale

North Grand River Christian Bookstore

Christmas CD’s Listening &

Accompaniment Karaoke

DVD’s Gaither’s and Many more

All Bibles and


10% off

Dec. 15-23

Nativity Sets From $3.75 to

$25.00 Take 15% off

Marked down price

1108 N Main– Trenton, MO 64683


Hours– Monday through Friday– 8:30—4:30 (Closed 12-1pm)

Men’s Ties ONLY $6.50 Through


All Cards-

December 1-19

10% off

Includes Leanin’ Tree

Check items for sale dates

Place your special orders

early to arrive on time.

After Christmas Sale

December 26-30 Everything in

Bookstore 10% off

Missouri State Evangelism Conference

Matthew 22:37 • John 12:32

January 26-27, 2009

Second Baptist Church, Springfield, MO

Guest Speakers– Ken Weathersby, Steve Hale,

Thom Rainer, Larry Wynn & Joe White

Breakout Sessions– Mark Donnell, Charles Roesel, Matt Kearns & Lyle Witcher, Jeff Ferguson, Jeanne Burns, David McAlpin, David Tolliver, Heber Mena, Steve Hale,

Jennifer Kennedy Dean and Edna Roesel.

Hispanic & Multi-ethnic Conference– Dr. Bob S. Sena & Dr. Custavo V. Suarez

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 BSU


4 Seminary


5 6 Pastor’s

& Wives



7 Revival

Fire Rally



8 9 10 BSU


11 Seminary


12 13

14 15 16 Ladies




17 18 19 20 Men’s



Trenton 1st

8:00 am

21 22 23 24 Mission




25 26 27

28 29 30 31 Mission





December 2008

Providence (Half-Rock) Church has closed. The NGR Trustee’s are meeting and making plans in regards to dispensing of the property. Following is a list of items if your church is interested in to please contact the Mission Center. Pews– 10-19 foot long solid wood pine, very nice finish; 4 pews need refinished 10 ft long; pulpit in good condition; platform chairs (2); platform matching bench 36” (very good condition); 7 and 10 food Deacon Bench; Lord’s Supper Table (good condition); Baldwin electric organ and bench; lec-tern; 50 Baptist Hymnals (1940 edition, fair condition); several 1956 Baptist Hymnals; 3 (8 foot) heavy folding tables; 6 ft Deacon benches; 10 foot Deacon bench; small floor fan; guest book stands; tithe box; Assorted wall pictures; offering and attendance board; marker board (22 inch x 34 inch); 2 offering baskets.

Week of Prayer for International Missions & Lottie Moon Christmas Offering