The answer to the question: What is it? Home based business where you can make money part time...

Post on 16-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The answer to the question: What is it? Home based business where you can make money part time...


The answer to the question: What is it?

Home based business where you can make money part time without jeopardizing what your currently doing, so that _____________

Who We Are

Who We Are

When a company can organize a disorganized industry a fortune can be made. Henry Ford did it with the car assembly line. Google did it with the internet. Apple did it with the music industry, and we are doing it in the natural products industry. We’ve become the channel of choice for scientific breakthroughs. If you team up with me, you can position yourself ahead of our company’s growth. It is like being asked to join Apple, Google or Microsoft before they went public.

Who We Are

We have a way for you and your family to decrease your need and/or dependency on over the counter and prescription medications Think about how big this is going to be…

a. think about your own medicine cabinet b. aging parents or grandparents c. personal health d. cost of health care

Who We Are

(80%) it’s an opportunity for you to make money, pay down debt, add to your savings, and give yourself a raise for the rest of your life. When is the last time you got a raise at your job? Exactly. ( or how big was your last bonus check? what if you could double that next year? ) how about if I help you give your self a raise this year? I’m doing it for me now. What if you could build up a weekly income that surpasses what your social security will be (if it lasts long enough for you to collect it!)

You can replace your current full time income with part time hours. In about 5- 10 hours a week, I can start to show you how to do this. We can open up new markets like (describe the market you think they have) in ( name the city/town they live in) across the country or around the world with our cell phones. Who do you know in Chicago? Texas? California? Toronto they all need leaders in each of those areas.

Who We Are Did you know that DNA testing can help determine someone’s risk for cancer and heart disease That’s why Angelina Jolie had a double mastectomy. She tested positive for the pre cancer testing.

Did you see “60 Minute’s or ”Time Magazine” in December? They both were all about how DNA testing is shaping the future of health and wellness.

Our company is already using DNA testing to personalize wellness.

The consensus is that in the future, no one will ever put anything in or on their body that has not personalized through DNA testing.

We are way ahead of everyone else. We are already doing DNA testing , and we are capitalizing on it. You can, too. The pioneers are the ones that make a lot of money. They are the ones that get rewarded by being the first to market. You can be one of the early pioneers with Qivana because the masses haven’t heard of us, yet.

◦ You’d want to know how to capitalize on all this, right? (business person)

◦ You’d want to know how this can impact you, right? ( average person)

◦ You’d want to know how to save money on these incredible products, right? (product user)

Who We AreYou and I together can open up markets across the USA and Canada . It’s an opportunity for us to start a business without capital and without effecting our current jobs. The most receptive cities and states to network marketing companies have no leaders, yet. We could find them and financially benefit from all the revenue that will flow through that area.

Did you know that there are over 40 million people in USA and Canada in network marketing companies? That’s over $80 billion in sales. Worldwide there are over 100,000 that are in network marketing. We only need a strong team of about 8-12. That’s it. We just keep asking and looking until we find these leaders. Someone is going to do it and someone is going to make a lot of money, why not us?