The Ancient Israelites

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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The Ancient Israelites. World History: Journey Across Time Chapter 3. The Ten Commandments. On a clean piece of paper, answer #6 p85 Write at least 2 paragraphs to explain which one of the Ten Commandments you think is most important today. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Ancient Israelites

The First Israelites

World History: Journey Across TimeChapter 3The Ancient IsraelitesThe Ten CommandmentsOn a clean piece of paper, answer #6 p85

Write at least 2 paragraphs to explain which one of the Ten Commandments you think is most important today.

Pay attention to your grammar- sentence structure, capitalization and punctuation!

Bell RingerThe First IsraelitesThe Early Israelitesbuilt a kingdom in Canaan, along the Mediterranean Sea, in 1000B.C.Israelites believed in one God. (monotheism)faith became the religion of Judaism, which influenced Christianity and Islamspoke Hebrew & recorded beliefs in the Hebrew Bible

The Early Israelitesbelieved they were descendents of AbrahamAbrahams grandson Jacob raised 12 sons in Canaan. Their families became the 12 tribes of Canaan.Suffered a long drought after 100 years; moved to EgyptEnslaved by the Egyptian pharaoh; all baby boys thrown into the river; Moses found & raised by the pharaohs daughter

The Early IsraelitesMoses was a sheep herder; saw a burning bush; believed he heard God tell him to move the Israelites out of EgyptHebrew Bible says God sent 10 plagues through Egypt; last plagues killed all first-born except Israelites who marked their door with lambs blood; plague convinced the pharaoh to let the Israelites leave EgyptThe Early IsraelitesPharaoh changed his mind & sent army after Israelites; God parted the Red Sea; Israelites crossed safely; soldiers drownedMoses went atop Mt. Sinai; God gave him laws known as the TorahThe Ten Commandments what God believes to be right and wrong- are important part of the Torah; moral laws for many nations

The Promised Landtook Israelites 40 years to reach Canaan; Joshua took over when Moses died.Canaanites lived in Canaan; Israelites believed it was Gods will to conquer Canaanites; Joshua led Israelites; marched around Jericho for 6 days; wall fell; Israelites seized land & divided it among 12 tribes

The Promised LandAfter Joshua died, Israelites looked to judges (military leaders/leaders of tribes) for leadership.Israelites built walled towns for protectionPhoenicians were Canaanites who created alphabetCreate a sequence chart to help trace the movement of the Israelites.Section 1 ReviewComplete the SECTION 1 REVIEW p85# 1,2,4,5

#6 on separate paper in ESSAY FORM -at least 2 paragraphs