The Ambivalent Appetite

Post on 26-Mar-2016

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A Sayso adventure with 6 possible decisions!

Transcript of The Ambivalent Appetite

a adventure with 6 possible decisions!

The only decision-making app that makes decisions from your connections, based on your goals.



Written and Illustrated by Anthony Schmiedeler


This app is different from other apps.

It’s a decision-making app but you don’t have to use YOUR brain to make the decision. The people you specifically choose get to make the decision FOR YOU based on your GOALS.

All you have to do is tell them who you are and what you need then send it away to get back all the answers you’ve ever wanted. No more frustration and no more regret because the decision no longer rests on your shoulders.

In this story, you are a tired college student home from a long day at school. You’re exhausted and your brain can’t handle another second of work You forgot to bring your lunch to school and now your stomach is making noises you didn’t know a human body could produce. But what do you eat? There are far too many options to pick just one and your are mentally incapable of trying to analyze the best fit for the situation. Didn’t you hear about a new app for this exact scenario.....?


There goes that sound again. Is that coming from your stomach? It seems like it’s echoing off the walls... You really hope your roommates aren’t home to hear this.

You run to the fridge. All you see are colors and shapes. Everything smells delicious. You spin around a open the pantry and it just gets worse.

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


Wait a second, didn’t you hear about a new app today? You think it was called “sayso”. You look it up and download it from the app store as you sit and stew in your misery. Guess it couldn’t hurt to sign up.

turn to page 2


It looks like all you have to do after you sign up is enter your goals then ask the question. Luckily there is a prompt so you don’t have to think too hard. Let’s just do the ones that apply.

If you are concerned with your finances and trying to save money, turn to page 4

If you aren’t worried about much and your primary philosophy is “YOLO”, turn to page 20

If you are concerned with your health and trying to stay fit, turn to page 34



You enter your financial concerns into the prompt, making sure to highlight your frugal tendencies. Now it’s time to ask the question.

turn to page 6


turn to page 6


You type in “what should I eat?”. Now how are they going to know what to choose from? “Choices” seems like the obvious next move.

If you were concerned about your finances, turn to page 8

If weren’t worried about it, turn to page 22

If you were concerned with your health, turn to page 38



Next you enter your options. It’s pretty simple, you just select a number on the cube and type in a description or take a picture. You are sooo tired, pictures will do just fine. Now you have to decide who to ask.

Turn to page 10



Luckily some of your family and friends already have the app and they are automatically suggested through your contacts. You could individually select them but you cannot resist the handy lists option that lets you do it in one click. But who is going to give the best opinion?

If you want to ask your family,turn to page 12

If you want to ask your friends,turn to page 16



Your family sees the enchiladas you added to the choices and they know it they must be leftover from dinner at Mom’s the other night. You can’t possibly beat those enchiladas. The enchiladas are selected hands down by everyone and you receive a notification with the decision. FINALLY! No more thinking, just eating! Next time you have trouble making a decision you’re definitely going to let someone else


The End


Your friends don’t trust those enchiladas you listed and they know ramen is always a good backup. Better that than nothing! With your friends decision moving the weight off your shoulders, you enjoy your beef flavored noodles and a deci-sion made by


The End


You explain how you enjoy yourself and your relaxed outlook under the goals section. Specifically mentioning “YOLO”, just to be clear. Next you enter your choices.

Turn to page 18



Its pretty simple, you just select a number on the cube and type in a description or take a picture. Ordering is definitely a viable option. You enter it in and move on to who you are going to ask.

Turn to page 20



You don’t have time to decide whom to ask, you’re STARVING! Thankfully, your friends and family have been added through your contacts so you just ask them both. Now you wait for a response. You guess you could do some homework while you wait……. Or, you heard of another feature where you can answer other peoples decisive conundrums called “heresay”. If you want to.

If you want to check out heresay, turn to page 22

If you want to do homework and wait,Turn to page 28



Whoa, looks like a lot of people are in the same boat as you. You feel their pain and click on a question to help them out.

Turn to page 24



Based on their goals, they aren’t too concerned about their health and they’re thrifty. Hmmm, a donut sounds good for them!

Turn to page 26



And you just got notified of your decision! A muffin it is! Good thing somebody else was there to


The End


Guess you didn’t have to wait too long! You place your pizza order ASAP and relish in the satisfaction of a decision made by


The End


You enter your health concerns and make sure to highlight that weight loss plan you have in effect. Now it’s time to enter the question.

Turn to page 6



Next you enter your options. It’s pretty simple, you just select a number on the cube and type in a description or take a picture. You take pictures of all your options to add them to the dice.

Turn to page 34



Now who should you ask? Some of your family and friends already have the app and they are suggested through your contacts but you don’t trust them…

If you want to search for the people you DO trust and ask them, turn to page 36

If you want ask everyone, turn to page 38



You waited for a trusted answer but there was no response… They must be busy. Luckily, you still don’t have to make a decision. You shake your phone to roll the dice.

Turn to page 38



Lean cuisine! You knew it would come to this, but at least you didn’t have to decide. You eat your meal and move on with your day, thankful for a decision made by


The End


The choice is in! Everyone seems to think salad is your best option. Now that the hard parts over, you prepare your meal and count your blessings for everyone else’s


The End

Thank you for using

The only decision-making app for the young and undedided that gives you real-time educated

opinions anytime, anywhere from

YOUR connections and based on YOUR goals.