The aging process

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Transcript of The aging process


TRMT 392

The Aging Process


The aging process is one in which we all experience. There

is a strong power in the way one chooses to embrace this

very personal journey, as our minds, bodies, and spirits

mature and change with time. While the study of aging has

only been around for three quarters of a century, people

have been aging since the existence of people, thus it is a

complex process with not a whole lot of knowledge

surrounding it. In part this directly relates to the frequently

heard stereotypes of the aging population.

Things that change with age

Health- Inevitably our health changes over time, both individual cells and organ systems are effected. This does not mean there is no reason to take care of ones body. It is important to make healthy choices for ones body and mind to help sustain quality living.

Body-It is important to keep an active routine in place for people of all ages to unsure good health. As some people may find it harder to perform activities, it is important to cater an activity or exercise to you. Find what works: everybody is different, embrace that!

Mind-Our minds change and often mature over time. It is forever important to keep a healthy, positive perspective on life, as this directly impacts the quality of ones life.

Senior Facts

British Columbia is one of the four most popular provinces for seniors to reside in

Women form the majority of the senior population

The bulk of seniors are married, approximately one third are widowed

Although based on gender and race, people are living longer than ever before

Aboriginal people have a lower life expectancy than the Canadian average

Senior Health

Heart disease and cancer are the leading causes for death in seniors (with a much higher rate in senior males)

Heart disease has declined over the years, although cancer and respiratory diseases increased during the same time

This chart illustrates death

rates and causes during past years


In order to combat the circulating stereotypes, it is

important to bring awareness to the subject. It is

important to stay positive. Aging should be looked

at as an exciting and dynamic journey, not the

destination of old.

Senior Leisure

With a positive approach to the aging journey, more accessible leisure services can be provided for the growing senior population

Service providers need not discriminate, rather embrace and cater to differences. No two people function the same, regardless of age

As we approach older age, we do not shrivel up and become useless. Stimulation and activity is still needed in order to maintain good health.Programs need to provide obtainable activities, and in return seniors need to be open to the experience of aging

In Conclusion

Those with a more positive outlook and self-perception on

aging live a longer healthier life. Break the cycle and be

open minded to the changes that lie ahead: welcome

them. One must openly adapt to their circumstances in

order to embrace them. Despite all the frequently heard

stereotypes with aging, remain positive. Look at aging as

an amazing journey, a gift, one in which makes you

wiser. Life is not about reaching a destination, so slow

down and enjoy the journey.


Human resources sand skills development canada. (n.d.). Health — Mortality from Leading Diseases. In Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. Retrieved May 15, 2010, from

McGuire, F. A., Boyd, R. K., & Tedrick, R. E. (2009). Leisure and aging. Ulyssean living in later life (4th ed.). Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing.

The AGS Foundation. (2005, February 28). Your Gateway to Health and Aging. In Aging in the Know. Retrieved May 10, 2010, from chapters_ch_trial.asp?ch=1#Genetic and Environmental Factors