The Agenda And Strategies Inside The Church - Point Shows/Jezebel and Bitteroot... ·...

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Transcript of The Agenda And Strategies Inside The Church - Point Shows/Jezebel and Bitteroot... ·...

The Agenda And Strategies Inside The


Jezebel And Bitterroot Judgments

The Agenda And Strategies

Inside The Church

The Church In Thyatira(odor of affliction)

Rev 2:18-26 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira (odor of affliction, The castle of Thyra) write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass; 19 I know thy works (says it twice), and charity (love), and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first. 20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest(amp, rsv, niv,nas,nau tolerate), (nkj allow), (tlb,nlt,permitting) that woman Jezebel (looing for Baal, seeking spirit, unchaste), which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication (unclean relationships), and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. 21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; (unclean relationship (s), and she repented not. 22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, (sickness and death) except they repent of their deeds.

“Bitter Root Judgments”

Jezebel operates out of a ―Bitter Root Judgment‖.

Bitterness opens a door by which a demon spirit slithers into a persons soul undetected.

Bitter Root Judgment(s) serve as a soulish or fleshly ―command post‖ which the enemy works through.

What Is A Strong Hold?

My personal definition;

– ―A Strong Hold is a collection of wrong thoughts and actions that become the building materials for a house of habitation in the mind that the enemy has keys to.‖

We must understand that Jezebel is under a demonic spirit’s influence and it is operating through a soulish dysfunctional trait (stronghold).

– The soul is robbed by the thief. But there is no crime. The owner has given a legal set of keys to an “angel of light.”

The No Root Warning Heb 12:15 Exercise foresight and be on the watch to

look [after one another], to see that no one falls back from and fails to secure God's grace (His unmerited favor and spiritual blessing), in order that no root of resentment (rancor, bitterness, or hatred) shoots forth and causes trouble and bitter torment, and the many become contaminated and defiled by it —AMP

– Rev. 2:20 to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication (operate in unclean relationships), and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

Heb 12:15 Make sure no one gets left out of God's generosity. Keep a sharp eye out for weeds of bitterdiscontent. A thistle or two gone to seed can ruin a whole garden in no time. Msg.

Justification And The Angel Of Light Partnership

Prov 18:14 A healthy spirit conquers adversity, but what can you do when the spirit is crushed? Msg.

Prov 16:17-18 The highway of the upright is to depart from evil; He who keeps his way preserves his soul. 18 Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty (arrogant, overconfident) spirit before a fall. NKJV

Rev 17 & 18 Is about the spirit of the Anti-Christ known as Great Babylon or the Whore of Babylon.– Rev 18:7 Bring her flaunting and wild ways to

torment and tears. Because she gloated, "I'm queen over all, and no widow, never a tear on my face,"Msg.

The Angel Of Light

To help right the injustices that have happened, the bitterroot judgments become confirmed through the partnership of an unclean spirit, this voice is thought to be the Holy Spirit. Because it feels so right how could it not be God’s Voice? God has called me to set things straight!– Matt 18:21-22 Then Peter came to Him and said, "Lord, how

often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?― 22 Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven. (NKJ)

The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse by David Johnson and Jeff VanVonderen, says this;– ―Because this is the method the leaders use, it is the method

the followers use. Consequently, there is little if any opportunity to become capable of “rightly dividing the word of truth.”


Release of false prophecy.

Discredit prophets and ministry.

Undermine the authority of church leaders when casting new vision or direction.

Take control using another authority (Ahab's).

Antichrist spirit, diminishing worship.

Divide intercessory or worship groups.

Fear, envy, strife and division.

Divide and conquer.

The strategies Of The Spirit Of Jezebel 1 Kings 18 To 21

This spirit cannot control you unless it seduces you; then it will bind your liberty.

It loves to exploit the atmosphere of change by introducing fear, insecurity, doubt, frustration, and confusion.

It is a warring, contending spirit.

The Strategies Of The Spirit Of Jezebel 1 Kings 18 To 21

It imparts intimidation, discouragement and oppression to neutralize you.

It plants a questioning spirit – ―Did God really say . . .?‖

It makes you focus on your own situation and condition.

The Strategies Of The Spirit Of Jezebel 1 Kings 18 To 21

It will probe a person’s soul to re-establish and exploit resentment and bitterness.

It torments by sending thoughts like, ―No one cares about your situation‖ or ―Just stay home and worship God.‖

It feeds spiritual pride. Why? Because God resists the proud.

The Strategies Of The Spirit Of Jezebel 1 Kings 18 To 21

It will isolate you from spiritual leadership and fellowship.

Isolation allows the controlling spirit to work more effectively.

The Strategies Of The Spirit Of Jezebel 1 Kings 18 To 21

Personal lifestyle out of balance, children and their giftings controlled and used for her advantage. Spouse serves but steers away from leadership roles, stays under the radar.

Jezebel has a mixture in her spirit, by knowing good and evil equally. The ―depths‖ of Satan.

Name dropping and using others to gain control or promote their perspective.


False witness (slander) but you can’t say where you heard it.

Lack of peace, joy, frustrated, upset and tries to hide it.

Always full of plans, always on the go, looking busy for the Lord.

Chasing anointings, and dropping names.


Will use seduction to manipulate, thinks counseling a married person of the opposite sex is ok. They are the exception to the rule, because they have discernment for them.

Always brings a spirit of confusion, division and strife. Aligns with true prophets to give credence to their words, but cannot be put into a working harness.


The Spirit of Jezebel is a deceiver, anything goes to achieve the goals.

The Spirit of Jezebel thinks nothing of bearing false witness to get her way.– Neh 6:14 My God, think thou upon Tobiah and

Sanballat according to these their works, and on the prophetess Noadiah, and the rest of the prophets, that would have put me in fear.

The Spirit of Jezebel cries but doesn’t shed tears.


The Spirit of Jezebel targets worship leaders, pastors, elders and people in authority especially targeting weaknesses in the spouses, children or marriage.

The Spirit of Jezebel prefers refined qualities. It doesn’t want to waste time on those who are really wounded, it targets those who are in-between wounded and healed, because these can be manipulated by divinations and witchcraft yet they do not require extensive work.


The Spirit of Jezebel will not be accountable to 5 fold leaders, saying I don’t believe in titles or positions, it is really because she cannot find acknowledgement by local leaders who will not be seduced by her witchcrafts.

The Spirit of Jezebel will confront leaders by using there first name, but use the full name and title of the authority she quotes to support her point.


The Spirit of Jezebel in a man is flirtatious with women or acts in-feminine, uses finances for creating soul ties.

The Spirit of Jezebel is obsessed with dreams, visions and talks about them more than The Word of God.


The Spirit of Jezebel can cause false dreams and prophecies by laying on of hands and imparting unclean spirits.

The Spirit of Jezebel maneuvers into leadership positions in order to control, especially the worship team and intercessory prayer groups.

The Spirit of Jezebel operates out of situational ethics, bending the rules or the Word of God to suit her needs.


The Spirit of Jezebel loves to write letters to the elders in the name of the King (God told me it had to be done).

The Spirit of Jezebel takes up others offensives, pretending to protect and help them.

The Spirit of Jezebel expels an attitude of spiritual elitism, she knows more than others because of her dreams, visions and soulish prophesies.


Jezebel likes to appear spiritual by manipulating situations to gain an advantage. Such an individual often conjures up dreams and visions from their imaginations or they borrow them from others (e-mails).

Jezebel confronted becomes defensive and uses phrases ―like I’m just following God‖, or ―God told me to do this‖.

Jezebel often alleges having great spiritual insight into church government and affairs, but they will not appeal to proper authority. Rather they first appeal to others. Often their opinion becomes the ―last word‖ on matters, thereby elevating they’re thoughts above the lawful leaders.


Jezebel desires to avoid accountability, and prefers to pray for people in isolated situations in the back of the church, in another room or by inviting you to lunch. Then the innuendoes and false ―prophetic‖ words are delivered, where they cannot be easily challenged, so they get in the last word.

Jezebel loves to pray for you with ―laying on of hands‖, while this is biblical, these individuals like to impart a higher level in the spirit or break down walls that have held someone back. However, their touch is actually a curse. Instead of a holy blessing, an evil or troubling spirit may be imparted.


Jezebel does not want you pursuing God and consulting your leaders for direction, this spirit wants you coming to it for direction and confirmation.

– Charismatic withcraft, a true knowing gift perverted by a stronghold and soulish charisma, inspired by the demonic (angel of light) manipulating for personal advantages.


This spirit likes to isolates a small group of people within the larger church group, making them think and feel spiritually superior, by creating soul ties. This allows her to manipulate by using ―charismatic witchcraft‖. This isolation allows the controlling spirit to work more effectively.

This isolated group operates like a cult and use’s ―Charismatic Witchcraft‖, to teach and seducespiritually dysfunctional individuals, which have developed a dependency on the soulish counsel. Operates in perverted gifts to complete the seduction of the individuals.


Jezebel knows how to probe the soul for deep emotional hurts and wounds, then exploits them to manipulate and control. she has the goods on you and you are afraid to oppose her.

Jezebel uses the seduction of flattering wordsand smooth sayings to gain entrance into one’s soulish emotions, by saying things like, ―It is a shame that the pastors do not recognize your giftings‖. We meet once a week and just share, why don’t you join us, we need someone who understands the spirit like you.


Jezebel will feed her victims spiritual pride to gain the soul tie, this will undermine their ability to discern or hear from God without her confirmation, she becomes a surrogate lawless leader to them.

Jezebel uses Self-righteousness and superior talk as the main method of spreading rumors and gossip; this many times fosters prophecies over people that appeal to the flesh and soulish wounds of isolated individuals. Because it feels good, it is taken as from the Lord.

Jezebel builds a spiritual pecking order within the isolated group, based upon the person’s ability to influence others especially if this influence is with leadership or the larger church group.


Jezebel doesn’t want really wounded people, they are too much trouble, she wants ones in the process of almost healed, they can still be manipulated, but are less trouble.

Jezebel loves to exploit the atmosphere of change, with fear, insecurity, frustration and confusion.

Jezebel loves false spiritual governments, this is a leader who is drawn into her web of deceit as she is exploiting a time of transition or change. These are leaders who break away but appear to be with you.She knows how to create them and function through them.


Jezebel relies on confusion instilled by soulish prophecies, and directions. These reinforce envy and strife and solidify the spirit of confusion during change and transition.

This spirit is always overly concerned about leadership in the church especially children, wives and finances.

This spirit loves power and authority of any kind, but it must always be on her terms.


This spirit prays a lot, especially for the leader, leaders and spouses, the prayers are condescending prayers, ―Oh Lord show our struggling leaders the things you are showing me, lead them into deeper truth‖.

She puts herself above true leadership of the church, because of her deeper revelations.

Sexual perversion is a tool for manipulation of leadership.


Dresses to catch the glancing of the eye. It is called dressing for the second look!

Jezebel attracts unclean spirits of lying, seduction, slander that work by intimidation.

Astarte The Lady Of The Beasts Consort To Baal,
