THE ADVENTURES OP Iloderick Random* ET GENUS ET VU ......f asten ind'ilM him. severely f

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Transcript of THE ADVENTURES OP Iloderick Random* ET GENUS ET VU ......f asten ind'ilM him. severely f





* < . - OP

Iloderick Random*


,p0f scorum.O



, % OF

Roderick Random, % y


MY father was the younger son of a gentle* man of fortune in the north of Scotland, but having married without Uis consent, was forced to take refuge in a small farm-house at a little distance, and there wait the resu’t of his inclination; but my mother, being far adyancfd'in her pregnancy, foreseeing the distress she would be reduced to if she was delivered there, went, unknown to her hus- band, to the house of my grandfather, fell on her knees at his feet, and implored his forgiveness : neither her tears nor the danger that threatened her had any effect u for, gfter a slight apology, lie left the room, without giving any consolation. My mother’s afflic-

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ffan'had such an effect on her constitution* that she was seized with the pains of child;- bed! and, hut for the'assistance of an old maid-servant, she and the .innocent fruit of her *vomb might hat'e fallen victims to his iphumanitvv She was carried up to a gar; et, where she was delivered of a man-child ; the ptory of whose unfortunate birth he himself pow relates. My father being infwrmfed of what had happened, fiew to her, m.d could not help shedding a flood of tears on behold- ing the dear partner of his heart laid in a miserable apartment unfit to protect her from the inclemency of the weather, The old gentleman was not ignorant of what had passed, thouglr he affected to be much sur- prised when he heard it; and gave orders pile should immediately be gone Her want of necessaries wjiere she,lodged, and grief end anxiety of mind, soon put an end to her lite My father was so affected with her death, that he remained six weeks deprived #f his senses; at which timfe'the inf»nt %as Carried to the old roan, who relented so far, on hearing the mcjgncltoly story of pty mothers death that he sent the child to nurse, and ordered ray father home to his bouse, where he soon recovered the use of bis reason, but was so exasperated at the barbarity of his «ire, that he soon after dis- appeared, and, notwithstanding all imag.n- abtc enquiry, could never be heard of, which


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! made most people think lie had made away i \vith himself in a fit of despair. How I un» ; derstood the particulars of my birt. , will

ii appear in the foutgo of these memoirs. SI was much beloved by the tenants, and

wanted nothing their indigent circumstances could afford; but their favours was.a weal*

! resource against the jealousy of my cousins, who conceived an implacable hatred against me, and had so effectually blockaded my grandfather, that I ecaroely saw him; I was

| sent to ^h»ol, irv a village hard by, of which he had1 been dictator; but as he neither paid1

for my board, nor supplied me with.clothels, or other necessaries, 'Yny condition was very ragged- and eoiftCHipfibleg and the school- master, w'ho, through fear of nrty grandfather, t.ltfgjit me gratis, gare' fdrnseif no concern about the progress 1 made u’ndfer his instruo

j liohs. f sotra became a ‘gdod 'proficient 'in the *Latih tongive i asd as sohn as I could wVite Some1, pestered my grandfather with letters tb such a degree, thtft he sent for ftiy f asten ind'ilM him. severely f<vrhestowii^ ‘.irch pairts on my edeatron, telling htrrr; that if I ever shoiild be hrdtlght to the gallows * for forgery, which he had taught roe to com*

v nut, my blood should lie rm hfS head. The - jf'edfmt aSsarcd liig hon'our, that die boy's

^abilities was more pwing to bis gertiuS thafh to any instruction • be-rdbeired^ that ■if'hg wtrald cmnower him to disabid his'fingers,

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fee shwihhendeavoiw to prevent fus future Ihiprcrbiaenl. Awd- indeed he' punctually feeHormed^o*uat*^ bsMtkadi KiVicvtikeii ; for nt>'tmuscdi!5ii toAeitdirtoiine iraadfc. »it!i 'five tndes in it^'tlfmosjk vvlncii he Miruft the

■fttfjjnrs jaad tlmdib ofi myrright.' hand, «nd ■fufttfned it byna-hflp-enrdiitD'/eiy wr:st that I’ w.m Kfrcfluaily‘jdtfeanred the* use of - iky ^rfru ■ But>tais resfraiat I waa lieed tfoin in ft few T*ap», »by ad ftccident »dircli hupponecl iHr'»v«jo,irpciibet\veen men aml< another hoy, Hitt* irtusulted me,' that with oiie stroke of my WMehineJucut hrm to tlnj sculki I was se- voreiy punished;for this trespafts, by tlie mer- • «t4etiS;t\tant^Cbe sohooi-naister. ami wps often iniii^Bianly scourjced .for crmies L did not tdmswitj I have been, found guilty of rob- bingsorcbardad never*:birred, of kifeing oats I jnever liuntHd,not’ steahop gangorbread I tit'VBT:tt.ouohedd1 hml <»’ abusipgudki women JL.-’,t>«v)er1 daa!) mi was-once dogged for having nhinfmvty? tsscnpod * tbo« ningh by. the sm^mg ®l » t«frji->i)iM£,‘<)n'.<y»hichnL w as.a |>ae*enger; onutiieoJtfanoHfor-recovering Iron> a bnuise, or«aslio«4 by* jwMafctftwL'carbniftning)oVer ntct didHvd bmb: for be ing iul by a baker’s dog:-, in abort, It^ether I vvas-guilty or-un- fy rtunate, the vengeance ano sympathy of th'W’ptdejcogiiOlWitjce.tVisameu . It s: HvtiiittO't5'J4ctioH, of oinvusber. ulr6 had tanini ygyi/nhlnr in hiatmvolf, hnaufo a sur- pusog m the eiaeaics, vTiting, and >0 ■ arith-


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fri ithmeiac; so that In fore T wag'twelve years .old, I; w'tis confessedly the best sciiolnr ifa tjie school; this qualifieiltion, tojjjether with a boltines* ot.tieniper. 'aiiilusttength of make, which l .d subjected almost all my contem- porarios,' gaVjs'n:® such idliuerrc-i over them, that t-began to forta .-cabals' against toy pef- F,f cutor ; and was in. h«pe» of. being able to bid him defiance in a short tithe. To/this end 1 had .gained roost of the boys over to hie, and determined to put a sememe of rfvenge >n eseedthio a gainst hiihy itnv.hich they all pronjise « to assist nie. dm'the tdean tnne, 1 took'every opportunltytuboi present'myself before my. grandfather,, ‘to whom I seldom found access, hy reason ofomy^coiisins; his heir, especiaUy. never set' eyes bri me but be uucoupihd \his beagles and hunted-me jnto sottie eott^eje or otlp. r. whither I gt-nerally fled far;ih«»ier« In this'Christian amuse- njont he was encouraged by the parish clerk. Ills {ineceptnp, -which inch used me so much, that one day, when It wasr attacked by hiiM and his slogs, in. a tanner's house, Ltook aim at him with a large peebie, and gtmclt, out four of his 'fork teeth!, which effi*ctifally in- capacitatdd him. for doing'fhe »tiice oTclerk ever after. . . ‘ , • ;n';; 1 :h , rj. »

About this time, my mother’s brother, who had been long abroadplieuteaaht in a ship of war, arrived in his own country; where beiag informed of my coadition, he came to

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,te2 tne, aod out of his siender finance?, ao< enly suppited me with necessaries I wanted liar the present, jr.u resolved not to leave the country ipitil ^re had prevailed on my ^raml- fhtfier to settle'something handsome, on hie for .the future ,To tbj^ end he, scl put with me to the house of my grandfather"; where, after a fev/minutes pause, we were admitted and conducted to his chamber. . My thti« r received this relation, after his long absence, with coldness peculiar to him; told him he to see him, .and desired aim to sjt down ; jm1 my upcle revised to sit,- telling him hjs business, there, reproached him for his psage towards me; yyliich .he denied^ telling-i4!y unclyy he jhdit.hheP‘ very fpnd to me, *,nd that he would bind rae apprentice to some honest trades matgifi wpuidbehpye myself as became me for the, future. My Uncle »(whof)G pride ymd indignation boiled Within. Ipoi) pould not foroeat- upbraid'mg ; him for the .crusty shown me, with great Warmth',., Spa t^aajthag him for hi^ .courtepvis | offer in buying me apprentice, he supposed, 1 to a-ts.ilor, tf ok me.b.wthe hand ami departed, muttering cursfts against him as we returned j tm tlie villagg, • . •

A few weeks after our first visit, we frere informed-Jtliat, my grandfather, being-consei- I om; ci hi? approaching. en<l, desired to see 4 all hi? descendants without exception. In •'betlience to this summons, my uncle set out . ‘ dth .

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with me a second time. ■ When we enteri?! his chamber we advanced to tire bed-side, where we found him i» the last a^ome.^,

i supported by two ot his grand-daughters: - : 1 know not whether he* saw my uncle, jsho approached him, saying, Here’s poor Kory come to see you before you die, and receive your bussing: but the dying man turned

, his-suuk eyes twards us, without being able j|. to make a rt'jjiy ; which my uncle perceivihg, .

i thought proper to retire into another room, , where we1 were soon convinced of my grand-* I father’s decease, by the cries of tire young

i ladies in his apartment; but mv uncle, not ;| s.rtisfied, insisted on-sceing the Will,"and tiiat, i till such time, ‘every desk and cabinet in thti ! house should remain close sealed. They t made him welcome to be witness of this j! ceremony, which was immediately performed

to Ins satisfaction. Bnt the reader can scarce conceive the astonishment that app*. artfd,' when the day came, and an attorney pro- nounced the1’young squire sole heir of his grandfather's estate, personal atfd reitl.— My uncle, who had listened with gre-.t at- tention. accompanied the w'bfds of the at-

Itorney with a stare, broke out in curses against the deceased, and departed. In our way to the village, niv uncle plesircd me not to be cast down, telling me 1 .should go to sea with him. Though this did not suit iviy iaatdmation, I was afraid ef ’discovering ray


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aversion to it, lest I should disoblige the 1 ♦nly friend 1 had in the world. But this resolution was soon dropt, at the advice of «vi' us’>;r, who assured Mr. Bowling, it tvould

. be a'thousand pities to baulk my genius, which would certam.y, o ^ day, make my fortune on shore. Upon which, this gene- rous tar^determined to give me university education ; and accordingly settled my board ,and other expences, at a town not many miles distant, famous for its cotttges, whither • We repaired, in a short time. But before i the day of our departure, the schoolmaster Laid aside .all decency and restraint^ and abused me in the grossest - language, as a wieKed, profligate, dull, beggarly, miscreant, whom he had taught through charity. This j brutal behaviour made me think it high time to be revenged of this insolent pedagogue. Having consulted my. adherents, I found , tii in all staunch in their promises tp stand

*by me; and \v^ formed a scheme, which was as follows: .In the afternoon preceding the d '-v of our departure for the university, I was

“to fake the advantage of the ushers going wut to irTake water, and shut the great door, that lie might not come to the assistance of irs superior. This being done, the assault! w;;r'io b * begun by my. spitting in the master’s foce; {'was to be &?conded by two of tlie sfrohges- hoys in the school, ■and we were to drag him to a bench, over which h© was


to be laid, nnd heartily viliipt with’ his ow* birch. The other boys were ready to join ps, or hinder any one from coming to h s rel'of. One of our principal assistants ’ wi,.» called Jeremy Gawky, whos-1 life 1 iiad one* sdv> i, whenjie was on the.p«|«nt of being drowned ;

'and the name of the other Hugh Scrap, whose attachment flowed from a voluntary, disin- terested inclination, which was manifested on many occasions in my behalf, having otte« fathered offences I had committed, and had etved me fro m drowning at the risk'of hi« own life. These two champions were willing to engage in this enterprise, as they intended to leave the school next day, as well as I ; the first being ordered by bis father to return * into the country, and the other being bound

* apprentice to a barber,, at a market-town not far off.

In the mean time, my uncle being informed of my master's behaviour to me, was enraged beyond aM composition, and vowed revenge So heartily, that I could not refrain from telling him the scheme I had concerted: but he, doubting our abilities, consented to assist us. We were very proud of our associate, who/prepared a cat-and-mne-tails with great expedition; after wheih, he ordered our baggage to be packed up, and got horses reauy 11 be mounted as so®n 'as the affair

• Should be ever.



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At length the hour arrived, whoa aut' Auxiliary seized the opportunity of the usher's absence, bolted and secured the door* and immediately laid hold of-the pedant by • his collar, who bawled oat,1 murder, thieves 1’ with the voice of a Stouter. I’iio’ I trembled all over,, I knew the;£ was no time to be lo.--f, and accordingly got up and sd.nmoned oar associates to my assistance : Strap without 3

%any hesitation, obeyed tiie signal, and seeing me lean upon the master’s bark, ran imme- diately t£ one of his legs which pulling with { all Ids force, this dreadful adversary was soon | humbled to the ground : upon which Gau ky, who liad hitherto remained an hts place, I

-hastened to thg scene of action and imuhed 4 the fhllen tyrant with a loud huzza, in which tUo vvhole schopkjoined. We soon dragged i: the oH hinal to a. post,'to which Bowling tied * liim witii a roptl he had provided oti purpose; af'ter having fastened hjs hands behind his * back, pulled down h';s breeches, .knd tucked i up his garments and shirt,, as fgr as they would go, my unde, having upbraided tbi$ arbitrary wretch with his-lnlmnaftdy tp me, told him that he proposed to give him a little .discipline for the good of hjs soul-; which he " immediately put in practice wivb great vigour . and dexterity^ This smart application to the pedant’s• withered posteriors, gave him j such exquisite.pain, that he roared like a nud bull, danced, cursed, and blasphemed.


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I This ceremony was no sooner over, than my uncle proposed they should leave the school, and convoy their old comrade Rovy to a pub-

; lic-hous#" about a mile from the village, i where he would treat them ail. This offer i being joyfully embraced, he dismissed the hoys, and locking the door, left the precep- tor to console himself, while we moved for- wards .on our journey, attended by a numer-

i ous retinue, whom he treated according to his promise. We parted 'With many tears,

)and lay that night at an inn on the road, about ten miles ort of the town where I

1 was to reside, at which we arrived next day, j and was boarded at the house of an apothe- i nary, who had married a distant relation of imy mother. In a few day , after, my uncle

set out far his ship, after having settled the necerary funds for my maintenance and education.

I now began to.consider my precarious situation; that I was utterly abondoned by those whose duty it was to protect me; and that my sole depeudance was on the genero- sity of one man, who was exposed by his

I profession, to continual dangers, which might one day deprive me of him for ever, i re- solved to apply myseii with great care to my studies, and enjoy the opportunity in my power:' in the space of three years I understood Greek very well, was pretty far advanced in the mar $cniatiu3, aad no stranger to moral and na-

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turalplulosonhy: logic I mac'ta but' ah«ve'all t’afni’s f' va1u.;'d

no a-Courit of' but' above'dll tilings J vkiuvd'mvseiF bn my' taste in. the Sfirl ft ’talent for poetry. f?

oi’ tlie moslt' coiVsjicF^'ihi’t pebble lius i reinafhed In sjocjtl iteW&tion

fpr sometimel3 wHtnToilfe dat.'/on gbihg hodie to tllnifer, 7 was ihlorniefi tliere^ivis Vlblter1

^Ml/WtucS sai>T tfi'ai Htf.% fiik* captain ja a (tael for wfiicfi H£f\v;;

flaaintance m Sfawr?.' ^ .‘l niiv: ge-f

? t iinner, I was nilormea tliere“i

from my uncle, vtliicfi sajcf tiiai He'luitt kflliid a? o’olig-

(J^fo feavgTflie. smp ana g., that He hoped t‘> b * r‘estt>t'eil in d little

ship' ahtl go 'bjiAelr to iVarice;

time** * ft However affected’ tli'e iapbthecdry i such a mahber'. tliatlie ghvb mfe J‘ b'uliileVsfaiid ■-A i ' f>T I ir* Iv'ri w t-tt * _ * • ^ .TP


?hat t miuntJprdvide rfty^elf AHtH ’ anbihfrlod.- I'l. <>'«'• .if a'-jtaj :.i.: I The indi.cnatiori wlnC!i'‘ t'Vii- ihs|iire(l»

ave me Spirits tf;‘ .. 'uppbrt'rfiv rbverfe of for-. > . O ' Liq.'^Uilfltu Sl- ‘o , Mf"


tune, ani Him’ 1 lleipisei'i HlV rneaa selfish flispdsitlonsb irlticii,'fbpie't v^^alcffather starve than lie hehblfiea to ftith fof eln’e sifigle meal Upon whidhT'out bf'm^'pO'C!-a t-moneyJ I paid Hmi‘to th6‘ Fast farthidg,1 and'WsiiiVed 1’jm I would not sleep another nig. lit under his roof. Thy-satarr&rtrtMi, Hi ’a trans- port of ra^e dnd sdrfoSr, haViiig'not|di ve;friend m the worll!'dapabIe'bf fbtieVing me,; and only thrCe shillings in my pV$e.' After giv ?rtg way/ fof a few nvi tiftt’es. to the dictated'of t riy rage, I whnt aruf liifdtl'ft irijftS1 b'ed-rOoiii, at the rate of one >!i.'!!iMd“a/rd ‘sl^bncd'per1 weel which X was oblkjed^td pdy pei: ddvaaee, b{ fore the


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1111, s ' jjamllord wciiTtf receive ^rse: lirfligr T retVi6veo BLiir. to . o-<5v.nJ ■/ , b ts.v • tio.


* pi miMiktim'®-■ *.?»* ‘?f.

caresses, , ^ca niade irfiQiient oner.- et I ,n'i^»r»n<nm. w1 1 • >«uin v J 'iO CKiflfj tfilihJ V*

wa» undt r no necessity ol

lasting wiUi iy^i^ Tj^jd not think fit to a uT'.:- e. nqi, tyhe*} I coimnui fcaled the • *jea- S;:wMj.r. ..Cat». jol. 9ja.ii ii. , j. it Won of »uv visible appear,* « yt-ry m^ch ujs-

l*y M)1 h)^pv:t

so vvannl^,^).^ orerv r to leave him. On my reftirn. I met tm old comrade,

'/quire G^V> whom Ids ftther had sent, some tf|n.evago.K4p Itowp. fortius improvement. I made scninle, of'i.rffomiing him of the Ipwnets of my encunistances. and asking a

wl mm expenpe . upotjv. fnch he pq^led out a hand- fu! pt.halfpence,.with a sliilimg nr two amongst them. an| p'f'pre ithjif d^s aft he had to keep Kis peckjt- tijlip^uljrn ^ay'. though th^ might verj^’pl! begr;.^extr«*mly mor- tified at Jus irtdifterentie for tie heitlier dis- coxTer^d. h\yy ^yiupathy. u>r hny mis bag, nor desire of alleviating my distre * , aru.f accor- dingly I jie^iil’rn, " itlmut uiltring one wpreh

jyiy despair naff rendered me almost stupi- fiiid, when I was'one day told, rliat a geu'le- rhan desired to see me at a eerttrtn'public house.

JB 2 whithet'

whitsKT hnmecliaiely *1 repaired, and waff m- trodnced to one Mr.Lhuncelot Grab,a surgfeon in town. Mm Grab had kmg entertained an irroliicable resentment against'Potion, who hi d ihgrossed more bUBinesa than he, and e;:oe Iiad the assurance t<y perform a cure, whereby be disrppomted and disgraced the pspgnostie of the said Crab*' The difference between* tl!nke(m al» was i^> the height of ran. eour, when 4 was sent foWfiy Mr. Crab„who inquired into thfc particulars of my leaving the house of JPotroiv: which, *Hien I had related, he saidf *• Well my fad. J have heard a good character ef you; and 111 do for you,” I an- swered witli a submissive bow, that T was far from rejecting his friendly offer; that I would willingly serve' in his shop, by which mean* 1 might save him the *expenc£ of a journey* man. ol was accordingly that very.rbght ad* mitted to his house, and had an ihpartment assigned to me in the garret which I was fald to put up with I was soon convinced of the teal motives, which induced Crab to receiv* tae in this 'manner: fbr, beside the gratifiba- tion of his rf venge.On exposing the selfishness of his antagonist: it!' opposition to his owmge* ncroKscv. he had occasion for a young maa wtua understood something of the profession, to fiil up tlie piace of hih approritice, lately dead* ' ji'lve. knowiedge ofiitbis did not at all contribute tolmy enjoying ray new situation wiiii* ease; h»wever^>8S 1 did not perceive •SO boyw

. • ,

r ( ! hrtw I could bestow myself to better advafir

1| tage I resolved to study Crab’s temper with i all th6 application, ami manage it with all the

i address 1 was master of. In this manner | I lived, without hearing the least tidings of 1 rhy uncle, for the space of two years, during

fjj Which.,time I kept little or no company; for |:| the nabob, my master, allowed me no wages, (and the small perquisites of my station scarce

supplied me with the common necessaries of life. My present appearance was ti e hast

1 of my care, which was wholly ingfossed in laying up a stock of instruction, that might secure me against the caprice of for'une for the future. When- I: deer\,.d myself, suffi- ciently master of my business, I began to

k cast about for an opportunity of launching into the world ; but as this could not be ef- , fected without asmail' sum of money to equip me for the held, 1 was in the utmost per- plexity how to raise it, well knowing that

■ Crab, for his own sake, would never put me in s. condition to leave him ; but a small, ac- cident which happened about this time, de-.

Itermined him in my favour. This was n«* other than the pregnancy of his maid-servant^ Who-declared her situation tome, assuring ihe, at the same time, that I was the occasion oPit. Although I had no reason to question the truth of this imputation, I was not igno- rant of the familiarities which had passed between her master and her; of which avail-

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mg myself I represented to her the folly of laying the burden at my door, when she might dispose of it to much greater advan- tage with Mr. Crab. She listened to my advice, and next day acquainted him with the pretended. success their mutual em- |j deavours He was far from being overjoyed at this proof of his vigour, which he fdresaw might have very troublesome consequences, because he knew it would furnish his rival, Potion, with a handle for insulting and un- dermining his reputation. It was not long before I guessed the result ol his deliberation, by his •'dressing himself to me one day in tlifrfollowing manner: “ I am surprised that a young fellow ifke you discovers no. inclina- tion to push his fortune in the world. What’s.

hinder you from profiting by the war, which will certainly be declared in a short time against Spain-h You may easily get on board a l ing’s ship, in quality of a surgeon’s * H mate, where you wiil certainly see a great deal of practice, and stand a good chance of getting prize-money.” I laid- hold of this declaration, which I had long wished for, and assured him I would follow his advice with pleasure, if it was in my power. He told me. that few necessaries were required ; and as for the expence of r..y journey, he would lend me money. I gave him a thousand thanks for his obliging offer, although I was t-ery well apprized of his motive, which was

( I* ) V • \o make bis chanibei maui lay the child to w'fr after 1 wa gone; and, accordingly, I set out in a few-weeks lor .London; iny .whole for- tune consisting of one suit of clothes, half- a-dozen ruffled shirts, and as many plain; £wo pair of worstedostockings. and as many thread; a case of pocket instruments, a small edition of Horace, Wiseman’s Surgery,^and ten guineas in cash; for which Crab took' rny bond, bearing five per cent interest; at the same time, giving me a letter to the men;her of Parliament for our town, which he said would dd my business. My .finances were too weak to support, the expences of hiring a horse ; so I determined on^ setting out with the carriers, who Ufnspcrt goods from one place to another on

•This I accordingly pat in execution, on the 31. day of November 3739, sitting upon a pack-saddle bi-tween two baskets; one of vh+cli contained my goods in a knapsack.— jhit by thg time we' arriyl'd at Newcastle- upon-Tyne, I was shfatigued and lieiuimbed with cold, that I resolved to travel the rest, of my joifrney on foot. nr.. .

The hostler of the inn at which we put up, understanding I was bound for London, ad- vised me to take my-passa* a collier.— I was almost persuaded to Take his advice, when happening tin go into a barbar’s shop to he shaved, the young man, v/hile he la- thered tay face,-accosted Tafi-thus: Sir, I

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pi*eftime you are a Sco l:nan.’! To whiila 1 arrf-ered in h_ ?ffirmative. “ tray ('conti oed ht-j from what part of Scot" land?’ I no f.oner tola him, than he discovered great emo’ion* ard not con- • iinit g hn operation* to m\ chin and upjrer lip belmea’ed mv whole fade with great a^icatb n. a which 1 was to offended^ that (tar ing up I tfkrd him what he meant by ufirg me fo ? He begged pardon, tcllingme his jov in meeting ith a coun- trvman, had occafi- ned tome confation in him; and craved my n^me. But whea 1 dic!afe<i was Random, he ex« : claimed in a rapture ** How, Rory Ran- dr m?” The tame, I replied, locking at him wiih a!t<fcniihm£jj^ “ What, cried he. c! .n’t vou know jour old fchor.hfellovv, ^ Hugftr Strap? At that inllant, recollec- ting hi* free, i flew into his arm*, and ia the transport of my. joy, gave him back one half of the'-suds he had fo laviftily bellowed on m\ countenance,. fo that we made a verv ludierqu* appearance, and' furniflied a great deal of mirth to hi* fhop-matss. When our mutual carefles were over, I fat down again to be fliaved, but the poor fellow’s nerve* were -lb dif- ;

compoSed that hi* 1 and could fcarcely hold the razor, wuh which he found


C. '

'fry cnt plscey. . His m .er perce ditorHer!, frfcjd adV>'« fher fapplv his 'pJnc<v? aHd 'dfter’the,rip^- ration wa* pt ^ m'dmir^(’g^v?t1 S ^ rap wavi to’ ra's the1 rtfi 'iPit? c&v with rfiel— Wf> re&ted ^VtW^eiy016'm ' . vhere. cnni.hg ronWdie brer. I •c’^iriW^upli eated to bin rrvy rfta^frdrf and. de» igh'*-~' He fiia "por anprrwd of triv g in^ by fdft in winter,' but if i '• • uM 'go b\i fOnci, he •would, hear me cldttpaW'hc&Viy thy bJi^* gage, as well as bilrowri; ^hr way ; anu if we fluiu^d»'fihHt,o#rle:,vt» fafigdt^i, it would be hb 'HaVd^'mfiWitV 'fm- ci fo fihd on * he r<>ad, either ie^dbdul‘i6rdei1or''t. trg*‘ guns, of which we Vrghi!tax.ei'tl\e oppbr- tilm\y.f6r a very tf.'lMl^jfcWeftctj* l tv'as ro MltieOt th: cWMWs ,uft hpiftd braced aite^rbii^ttlfy and afilt'ftd ht’fci he night ‘Jfirrilti'ahd1 m^,4 :purie 'td the latt farthing; hut'pe gade me SO'under.’and^ he had lav d'' hi obi \f ^ffi Ci eh t to aniwer his ovmpTOafJoflf£, bbiVthat he-lfadafi'terrd in London, w h'' %votndd,t^o‘n introduce him into t> (inefs; and niight ferVB me Ukewi’e. Havin , Concerted ‘ our plah we departed rex’ mirhth’g by day brf&W, armed with t good c jdg-1 eachr my companion being charged wdifi the furniture'M u* ’both^ -crammed irr^o-a'knaplack, which he carried •

• and

fiTwi our fewed between the lining rvI .waii^b;i,nd ,of ovir breeche*, except i'ome loofe lilver ’far ;ouf irnreediate tx- pen e on the TufKi, We ttaveiled all day at a round paco, and having taken up our lodging ;at: an innr i found myfelf ib fa- rigne«h thafc I begin to defpair of per- forming ftur jcturosy on foot, and dehred .Strap tor inquire if thfre wa* any waggon, retum-ltojt'cs, '.pr otner cheap carriage iii' ihi* place, to depart for Loiidop. to- raorrkiw ,6il h»xt 4®>« i^ 'wo» infpt med, tirk/the-xjagg n'Jfrftm hle^ijartle. toJUdn- clon had halted here two night* ago^ar.d that itas^idd. be; an e^l’y matter-pp over- take it 'l,hi> .pieQe of;4>tff.v!*^^ye (u$ fome faitufadfigpi;. aft,ef n\akijigia ,hearty fu<5>per^ (hnv. ii i^oun ^qom, and Hbpt withi tUt <»iiiti urban6Fi til 11he tn&rning, aitheb. W« giw npu.'MsBnfe jipj^riisakfaft, paid o-oyireckoning, ,aj>d'Jet! f^v^Atd jn expec- tation objpjttftaking efte waggon, ,/i.t we exerced ourlelvesmipre than^uiuah I found rmotfRtpiitbrfpdnt w iih fatigue, when we senesred a'jb.naiic vUiage,jiiVjthe.twi 1 ight.— Wel.tdok up our loagi/'g in a fmali public

yhout* and .in jhc ‘irfp»vt(ting purfued our ; .utpeyi Having; walked all day at a great 'pare1,•* without 'halting for a retrelhment, v.a ciefcried to ward* the evening, to our

t ( 23 }

inespreflible joy, the waggon about a ^'ua:v ter cf a mile before us ; but we were both of us fo weary, that P.-verily btiievi it would WaVe l)een imprafticablp for u* to have walked one njile further, V/e there- fore bargatried with the driver to grve us a caft to the next llage fllr furl ling,; at which place we coultf tncet the mailer of the waggon, with wbortf we might agree for the reft of the journey, ftcjc tru*m-

■ ing, I agreed tfl-give ti-e. mailer cf tiie waggon’ten (Itiilings for my paiTage to l.onddn^ pbO^ided Strap Ihbuid be jaUow eel

■ to take my plade when'f lllwpitibe-dit'poied to W’sLk. *5j n owj s'le-' bail^p bi d nob

At length we ^nteted’the great rnty, attd lodged, all'night at>thtf 'inhh v. acre tlx; v aggbn halted*! Wext tYtOi rung'mv, cam- panrort '&nd l (allied otil tO-enqurre for the member $ft patliamroT, to t wlb m 1 had a letter of reconwndtldatioa from MraGiiab. After vtre had difeharged our'lodging at the inn, Strap tbok up-our baggag 00 hia back, as usual, fo that »ve nlHfie a very ol'pad drefltd my- felf lb the greateft advantage.; xtiat is, put on'aeiean rulflad lhirt,)mv. belbthread ftockings, my harr'',hung down u[>on my ftiouiders. ar lank and ftraight ai a pound •f candles; and the Asms- of my coat


( 24 )

fc4cjieii to the middle of my : my waist- coat a;ij hi'ee^hes were of the same ee, and eut in tiie same taste; my hat very much resembled .a barber’s bason. Strap was habi- ted in a much less awjcwrrd manner than me • but a short crop-eared wig, and the knapsack’ on his’back, lidded to what is called a queer phiz, occasioned by a long chin, hook nose, and high cheek-bones, rendered him. on the whole, a very fit subject for mirth and pleas- antry As. we walked along, Strap, at ntv desire, inquired of a carman, whom we met, whereabouts Mr. Cringer lived ; and was answered by a stare, accompanied with the nvord, Anan!” Upon which I came up, in order to explain the (jiiestio;i, hut hud the misfortune to be unintelligible likewise; tlie carman dumjyng us for lousy Scotchmen, whipped up hjs horse,s with a Gee ho.’ which nettled me jU> the quick, and roused the indignation of Strap so far, rluU after the fellow was,gone a good way, he told mo ' | ke would fight him foif a farthing, \fhiie we were deliberating what was next to be ' done, an hackney coachman, .driving softly along, and perceiving ns standing by the kennel, came up close to us, and calling, “ A coach, master!” by a dexterous manage- ment of the reins, made his horses stumble in the wet, and bedaub us all over with mud. After which, he drove on, applauding himself with a hearty laugh,, ia which several people

( 2S ) _

4jint*d, to my great mortification; but one, more compassionate* an the rest, seeing us strangers, advised me to no into an ile-iiouse, and dry ourseWes. I thaaked him for hi& advice, which I immediately complied with; and going into the house he pointed out, called fgr a pot, ufid sat down by the fire, in a public room, where we cleaned ourselves as well as we coild. In the mean, time, a wag who sat in the box. smoaking his pipe, understanding by our dialect who we were, asked nie. how long I had been Caught? Ks I did not know the meaning of his question, I made Bo*answer; and he went on, saying, it could not be a treat while, for my tail was not yet cut. at the same time' taking hold of my hair, and tipping the wink to the rest ot the company, who seemed highly entertained with Ins wit I was incensed at this usage, but afraid of resenting it, because I happened to be in* a strange place, and perceiving the person who spoke to me was

brawny fellow, for whom l was by no means “a match. However Strip could not put up with the insults that I suffered, ■but told him he was an uncivil f. How for making so free with his betters" W i.reupon the wit going toward him, asked what lie had got in his knapsack? Is it oatmeai or brimstone, Saw- ney? said he, seizing him by the chin. My companion feehri. nselt assaulted in such *

oppiubr.oua u. n r, disengaged Ukjself C • hi

( 26 )

in a trice, and lent his antagonist stn-h a bat? tliO ei».; that made him sts^gur to the othtf*

ttdoiof-tWtbom ;• andi'in « jaaoioenty/a ring- sMav5>rorfneri .'(M'Slje enrhiiatantb Setting Strap. tbegimiijt^da«loipudn4 tnj blnod'bfilng heated Hvfth' fRn'rgnsrtion whiclrtbaMi^Uw! 'aUvother ttw*)Ughti- d unaressetl mysoifiiio the skin ini tm metaat and dfol.itsfd’;i!uit. as the aifroht than ofectflionsd the^unu'e) wt»s offerttid to me,

'■I woahl fight it nvj'seXtdmpon whiqh one <trtvi'o*ried obt. Tbat’feahiia^Seoteh hoy-; sttaadshaH luaWiair p'uy/’ o'TiVb'gff-'Vtt ntejtVesh -pjkiHtSi and igotag np th my adversary, .whu Jsyjhis pai»; cci’ittenanfce did not seehi much dnolinod- to the tbattltt* h stretek him so.liftrd cm the stonmeh, that 'he rettled .pver a hwieh, and fed ttb'therground. j lOpe,ot‘the appeta- ■ ors etuleavonred to raUedmp up:..hu6 in vain; fur he protested he would (vofc fight, mot bejpg quite reooVeft-d of a lata .illness, p i was ypry well' pleased with this excuse, afwl impietliately dressed mysejf; h.ivijtg acquired the good opinion, of the oO'^pagy for rffiy/bravery.. as did also my eorrjrado >?*trap, w;ho shook ,crj by the hand,<su»d widied nj^ joy of the victory. ' After having j drwpk, our pot, and dried our clothes.i,we'i»qMbedof'the landlord if he knew Mr. Crtpgfe#* tiip Wpf parbament, and were amazed-at hishtplying in.tUp negative; for ne. imagbied be .flwst ; ben every ( bitr as conspicuous i here as in the borough he re- prtaentetW • W^.t: betook oursdve^ to the


{ 27 )

J street,' where, seeing ^ footin^in_ s tan tltr gat a duor, wd made up:to ifim, 'ami asked it' he knew where our patron lived; ! Tais member

iof the part; > eoliiured tiraternity, surveying us ' |both.,vcry!minm.dy,;saidv he jmewjIVliaCrii^er ivory w^i,!amt bidus turn down the first street..

«rdn our ieft,othenr-tum to thouight ar.cj theo m to the left agai04!jaftter.'whficti iwe vjutvld ob«

ii stn^e a fane, thrnugit whidh, we 'must pais, H and at the-other:efotfc wa sdTO’.tldtifindidri.aiiey I that leads'to* another yafi'et whei’edv'e sh uiid

{4 see the Sigtt o-fdQre tlvmtlg tin'«i.tbre^ pi diajrs, || and thereltt' toXl^edi cj.Wgttt bnikad Jbisi fbc lij his hubftndewsd, and went.rtiorwdcc} it>tyap jij ttjlling rttk' that1 he knew t!tit person to be /ji an houest fric^dlv tnati 'b_ft ilisffiountenfanrce; \i befeijo he opfnetl hiimoatsr. d Wle tdUdxned. f(ii his diteetibmd plirictualiyj in turniilg, tortho i| Jell, hnd (otheYijht, and t». the left‘.again

but instead laPfitni before- us,* vr® dVnhwl flurdelv^s-atthe sftle okthdriwerj ^hicb 'pttV^)!e^*ed §s< tldt a little.'' By ^this bme* we Ef/ert1 :jpihltty{ thftfch fiftigued rftWffOtBr- wiqlk,

1 ilito-ft -shuik ilrop hakrd by, . thcbiifa^d'by ihe1 4igfr’of the 'Hi^tlaodyf,

j^wht'fii I 'to thy Wiott^rt Stibte sajis’tdc- 'tlftr. ti'.'d ^Hbp ltde^br'wiiy'toynti^Ttiau. He'.ttyi’biidbli ilffoYtdbd hf jdfctcgrgBfdati'oT^

: aWd thh1 dlfeetioifi had lrj«eiv8d from site L footman.’'thuft^he ibfoiinhed’'had been

‘ i^ijlWsed, fiftotS1, Et-llii^; bs,: tbft1-Mr; fcjpiogef ‘ Hved: uf tire pthBr'fetttl of the* to vn;' knU that

C 2 it

( 28 )

It xrou&l br t® <po jjurpnse for-H'; to go tliitncr tOrdayj!fpi*4^.’’ Sljat tifflfj he;W rijgone to,the honsp. ej), ^im if he could reeoip,mend U® tp a lodging . which he readily did. by filing gfr. a .Hue, pf hi^ gcquainiance^l

fitiPflerelinie, our laudlop-d a^ked^ifSb', how yep pTefwitditP %#? Xft wc an-; FWcrKl-jijthfjti-wfJ^puld be directed by !):•”. I fqUo^ed.^h^.,1 xfironle, and. found raysc.X .. in the ajydyy^.pfa^^iOOjlc’sj shop, alrr,o^t suffo- cated yyiihluthq. f tpamSj.of boiled beef/ end surrounded-by a ,Compaq v, consisting chiefly of ha/;I<ngyr^Cjif'.ciimen, chairmen; .draytyi^q^ and. p fp>vy'f<'Otnjcn ouj. of pjacc, or on bo/,rd-:

wages; vflio were eating beef, tripe, cow-h(>.;l, or;sapsages> at sf par^jte boards goyered v ith. cloths,, w'h]gh:;torned my. giopiach. While 3 fi^oqdipntgzcd, undetcrndng/jl ^W^ther t,«i'j sit dqM.n, qr walk upwards, .again, Strr^), in his descent, jpjseipg one qf the steps tin. b- ^ led-Jieadlong into this infernal ^ordinary and, overturned tljo coojc as she wgs carrying a porringerjof tqup of ;tne guefts—r

■In the afternoon, n;y ,c.oivpanion proposed to call at his friend'^ houcq^ anp we fl« re •o lucky as to find him at heme , 1 his gentle-^ man having r eceived Strap .v ery jcqurtcously, 5

he inquired of him, who J was.? And, beiqg, informed, he took me by the (land, telling me lie was at schockw'ith piy ,(hth^f. Wheq. he understood my situation,| he jessqred me,,, that he would do me alt the service in. his


(. 29 )

' ipGWCT. I asked him if he thTmgtit I should iobtain entrance to-morrow at the1; house of

t Mr. Cringer, on whom I chiefly- depended ' ifor any introduction into business find pnfv riling out Mr. Crab’s letter, told him the to Un-

ci at ion of my hopes; at which lie stared at me. I began to conceive bad omens' fr'am his be- haviour and begged he would assist me w;th his advice; which he promised to do very

!j frankly': and, as a specimen, directed us to a periwig-warehouse in the neighbourhood, in order to be accommodated; laying strong njunctions on me, not to appear before

Mr. Cringer. till I had parted with my car- rdtty locks; and as we were going to pUrsira tins advice, 'he bid mo be sure to deliver my letter into Mr. Cringer’s ownhand. Accord- ingly, I got a handsome binb for Which 1 paid fifteen shillings; ifnd returned to,our lodging, where sffp so do rid me of that hair which

id give* the schoolmaster so much dflence. We got up next day betimes, being in-

formed that Mr. Cringer gave audience by candle-light to ali h^dependants, he himself being obliged to attend the levefe of Lord Terrier at break of day, because Vs lordship made one at the ndnistdr’s between eight and nine o’clock. When we came to Mr. Cringer’s door,'Strap, to give nfd art ipfetance .of his politeness, run tdfthe kVfock'er, which lie em- ployed so loud and so iong, that he alarmed C>e whole stfeetg’mnd a \Vindow opening o*»

C 3 two

• V 30 )

two pair o/ stairs in ti:e next hotiso, a cfiam* bor-pot was discharged upon him so success-

that tJn' poor harber was wet to the skin; while I. beinglutkily at some distance, escaped the unsavoury deluge. In the mean time, a footman opening the door, asked, with a stern countenance, if it was I who made such a damn’d noise, and what I wanted ?• I told him I had business with his master, whom I de- sired to see. Upon which he clapt the d*or In my far?, telling me, I must learn better manners before 1. could have access to his master. Vexed at this disappointment, I iurnecV my resentment against Strap, whom I sharp y reprimanded for his presumption ; ' but he not in the least regarding A hat I said, wrung the urine out of his wig, and lifting up

large stone,-flung it with such force against the street door of that hous • from whence he bad been bedewed, that the lock give way, i* flew open and he took to his" heels, leaving** mo to follow him as l -eouid: 1 therefore .pursued him with all the speed I could exert, until we found ourselves about the dawn, in a street we did not know. Here, as we wandered alsng, gaping'about, a very decent* nort of a man past-ing by me, stopped of a sudden, and took up something, awhich having examined, he turned and presented it to me with these words, “ Sir, you have dropftndf-n-crown.” I told him. it did not beising to me; but ha bid me r*collect, and.


( 3* )

feee if all my money was snfo; upon whicSj I pulled out my purse and reckoning my' money, in my hand, I assured htm. I had lost, nothing. “ Well then, says he, sH much the better this is God's-send; and as you two were present when I picked it up, you ara entitled to equal shares with me.” But we. absolutely refused any part of the sum.— ‘ Come, gentlemen, said, he, you are too modest; but yoy shall^give me leave to treat you with a wet this cold raw morning.”—• I Tyould ha^e declined this invitation, but Strap whispered to me, that the gentleman would be affronted, and I complied. We perceived a public-house, which we entered, and found a man sitting with a pint of purl before him. Our'new-acquaintance asked us if ever we had drank egg-flip? To which we answering in the negative, he assured us of a regale, and ordered a quart lo be prepared, calling for pipes and tobacco at the same time. We found this very palatable, and drank heartily: the conversation, which wras intro-, duced by the gentlemanf turned upon the snares that young unexperienced people are exposed to in this metropolis. After we had put the cann,about for •some time, our new friend began to yawn, telling us, he had been up all night with a sick person ; and proposed we should have recourse to some diversion, to keep him awake. Although I had no great inclination for gaming, I felt no aversion to


( 3* }

ati hour tfr two at cards with a frictri; ah'd knowing tliat Strap understood as inuch ®f the matter as I. made no scruple of saving, I wash we could find a fourth hand; upoft Which the person we found at our entrance, eftered to join us for a trifle. We accepted his proffer, aiid it fell to my lot to play against Strap, for threepence a-garrie. We were so successful, that in a short, time I was half-a- etown gainer, when the gentleman proposed •hanging partners. Inflamed with my good fortune, 1 consented to give him satisfaction. "Now, Strap and I being partners, they doubled- the stakes ;• and we continued so 'successful, that iu a short time we got thirty Shillings of their money. At last we lost ail our gains,

.and about forty shillings of our own mbney. This mortified me extremely, and had a visi- ble effect on Strap’s face, which lengthened apace; but our antagonist kindly gave us an opportunity to retrieve our loss. This lastxcontest ended in less than an hour, to my inexpressible affliction, who lost every shilling of my own, Strap absolutely refusing to sup- ply me with a sixpence. The reckoning came to eighteen pence, which having discharged, the gentleman shook us both by the hand, and saying, he should be very glad fo see us again, departed, in the way to our lodging, after a profound silence on both sides," Strap, with a hideous groan, said, “ Wre have brought ■oar a fine market; Cod send us well

• •1 * < .Clit

( 31 }

tmt of this ^..nce: We not horn i* London eightratul>Tf«rtyJaovi.i«W; and I believe wc have met nitb eigbi a^^rCort.Y tbousand mb fortune^’ \V^ sopn. arriMed at our lodgv

where, i»,ap. agony gf despair, I threv nn reli jntohed. refphing fccvperish for Vv-ant, rather tjianiapply .to,Strap or Any «Wfor re-' lief; inv bed-sideband putting a leather purse into my ,hsmd.j burst into tears, cry'hgvH know what you itbipk ; but4 scora your thoug'us,: thtrp’s alt I have in the world, take, it, and I Jt,perhap$ get paore for you. before (that's, donp; and. if not, HI beg foe you, gq through the worldvwith you,..and starve with you/’ I was ao touched with his generous passion, that I could not refraia . weeping. IJpmi examiningfhep.ur4etI found in it tw'o half-guineas, and half-a-srown. which I * quid havy returned, but hy refused to taka it back. I •, mo ! , . j; ,n

Our- landlord told us, we had not gone the, right way tq wpjpk; he'therefore, advised me. to gi ve thy foot man # sdiilMog. tire next rin>a I desired admittance. A£€dnl«glx> next morw, ring, w hen the door was opened, dipt a shi1- ling jntq his hand, and roid him I had a letter

4 for bj^tpuister; the fellow,jleti.nie tnamnie^i^ >| attiy. 5\ntJ desired me to wiaititn.-theipasswge e I fer ^an answer. Iq,ih;fl plpce I .continued 1

scuffing thnee quarters of ap hour: At length Mi; Cringer .cama out ftp spe a j*pu,agjgehti«^ taan to the d.oor; aiid tartung about toward^ <


('34 )

ttje, asked wliat were my commnr.ds? Wlie® he iinderstiiod who I witSr^VVeH, Kaiwiosjij j ( sfty.s he*)., yrfti pfrojxise tl> go.on;board amaa J kit' war. as siirgeon’S niate. To w hich 1 replied by a low-howa I believe it will be aeMiyult nrituir tt>‘procure a warrant, there bei’ag al- ready sue i\ a warnitftf Scuttb ^urgaoiis at the jia^-othef ^ however^ sotyy ships will soon be py,i dnto cnvpipissiyp. apd.thep we shoiL.see*. , wjjat's ty ;bj' ylone., rjSp.saj’^n", he nie»

my retut;> L(was surp^^ed^nth |he agree- able news of Strap's being employed, on the reconip\pndatiQn pthis tViend the pchootmiister, bv a periwigj-maker in the iieijliobltrKoo'd,, wit* ailo'wed Jfiim five,'shillings per \vfek, besides '

' If J JI Jcb,iitlbucd attfefidingy every btlutr rfiOrhi

iiib, at'tb^ Ife'yee' ’oF1 \1 r. cringe r/tlur.rig ifiM*- i Bight 1 Outi'lla^a^f^frfcdn^Wis-' Iritrddu^etl, whdm Mr.'CriHggr 'hp sooner Saw. Jtlten, run- ning to'wat'dsithHvlM^fi.duteAiiim witfi a bow, j JI i Cripgor introduceiltne-to tit is geatkyuan, j «» to a person whose advice anil< as^stftpev' J might dspcnff upon, and. havjog'giveji nip | hifigirfccUan. .foUoHedii»fetoithfl bfl.t<W 'QPviLft!tetl noti-gijVf.pyseJi'^B typultfe ^catl^ibw hqm WMm$’bsii}b wyjjld dp r^y ' afelf>w ^l)S

Hig( up *to mt <iy>v, whicll f1 ¥■'

Uusinessjog n^e. joa iaa!i i :curse of Mr, Unngeij and r.. '.Iv- in tfunstreet accosTcd'ns: vgry

VJ loble^l Kpdrfismrsfffliil fen-

•y,t% canndej;»ng the figure I made. I par- ceive i.l'pya be) you are but lately conic fmnvfJjsstiaml!; prav, wb^t pi“}' your buli- bef* tvSoh Mr. Cringey oef l made. n« fcHipfe to cliVclofe .mv fl^uathn. w'trich, Avh4rt he had learnedi, he ihook iiut bead, and tdld rtie he had been’.pretev much in the lipb^'l6irctimrtaflCte*’'abdtot1 a;'year-ago^ that' be* had 'belted on‘ty.^bgefh »'’pYh»riifc'£* Id 'lrtr|j that his mcmey-hi .'w'cTl tei trbdl't \va* tpiite cihatift'eTf. 'Bb^aflied Hie.'iF/1 hud. paii'jd at'^uhyehi^&fiall^.hht was 1 '.'pri(fd on • s’ .teliii.g hirn't 'dici'not kno'V Vi '< as nccciurv. apd promVfed .'to' itillru'iPl nic in that matter, to which end he carried me » • jr5OCX -'X* i u4". * t9 an whiie we, iat. he let roe know. I mail .gd'Ja th^^vy-c-flicc, anal write to the.Board, defiring them to arder a letter for me to Surgeon’*'ihrd’U that E might be; to.uchir.g tny in furgery; after -which, I mutt employ my rmcreit to be provided folr aa foot) as pot. fibiei t hat the expence of his quahfica. to nfodfvC 'tid mate of a third raco, amount- ed to tbiKtreh Oiil-lings, eXctuUv>e'of-ithe warrant, which cbfbh-im haff a ghinea and halfa'crown, befnies'a'pHelVrtt’to the ibc- reiary, which confided of d‘ three pound twelve pdee. This cdf^laHod wai like* s thunderbolt to me, whole whole fortune


( 3« )

ild not amount to t welve fliillingt. \ftee a good ileal more convcfl'a'i^n, .ny i.esv . acquaintance and I parted having fnade ait appointment to meet next day. I -vent immediately to Scrap, and related every:

» thing which happciiet*. In the morning l got up, and went to the

Navv.ofHee, vviudh l entered^ and taw ■ crowds of young fellows wallting below.

X made up to one wh >te countenance l lilted ('his ii^no was i*hoinion) and aiked if he c'uhi initrudl me in tlie form of a letter which wai to be feat to the board to ob- tain an orderfor examination. H.’. anfwert d me in bryaji*Scotch, tnai he would shew me the copy of w'hat.he had wrotefor himself, ty the direftion of another who knew the" form: he pulled it out and told me. if I was expeuuiou*. 1 might i’enu it to the ' board bciore dinner, for they did no bull- - tiela in the afiernoon. We went toacoffee- houfe Kard by, wroi« t he letter, and im- mediately delivered it to the melfeng r, uho told me, I might expact an order to- morrow about the lame time. Having tr&nlacted this piece of bulinels, my mind Was a good deal compoled; and as 1 had * met with fo much civility from this llrar-* ’. Jger, he agreeed to dine with me at Qjofc'b flioo which I ire<juen,edt vihere we

( 37 ) .

j £ar. till late in the evening; and as he at vVaojMng I defirtd him to take

flvire of m\ bed. ■'Text-dav we returned to the Navv*

, \hrre', after b ing calied bef re ! the Board, and q ieUioncd ab u', m\ na- tivity aid educau n. they ordered a let'eif

; t be mad* ou' f >r me .vhich upon pav. ing half a-cro>va to the c e k, 1 ri c iv d,

il and Jeiive etl into the hand* of rht c e k. ii at S r geons hall t get her ith a

;’! for hii trouble in rtgi enr-.g mv name. - j.:i »iv this rime mv h- le it ck ■ as drmt- Id BiUird to t vo Shilling a id f !a ri'-t the Sleall prvfpedt of relnf. In thiv lla e-of

perpleunty » c nfulted S rap. ho i cd me he wctiiti pa n cvet\ tlm g he m the world even to his n 3 r. btf re E Uiould ant , out this 1 am lu eh i tj c- t«d. lelli g him, l ^ould a hou a'd im a ra fra foldicr.' At he • rd foiuier, he gre > jiaic its death, aoo gg-i I Gul<jl h.nlt n * m re f r hat $hc" e, — T > render him ea y i promt lie-; i • uhl no' do anv thing, without hi c niet t..-— B the afu/rance '■( this tatthful a>:hetjrnt, vi do gave me almolt ali the monev he ca tied. I a. enabled to mile haif.a guinea ag.uml he oay of txanutadon > t';t' J ©cat with audmbb« g heart to


hill, in or-5er to undergo that cereraonv. A length' tVe be^d’e cilled mv narre ; and after a ftrifl examination', the chair, man ordered me to \vithd avv, la fed* than a qnaftet Of an horn I a ss‘cabled in again, and received imvqaatifscanou* leafed UD.'and • ^ oviderfett to hay fivejhillingt ; af er ,vTiich. I’hvaN Bbiiged' th gi e three fljillirg- ahrt fccdehcd to. the b’eatllcs and a jhioirtg 'tpJ aii Jl^1 (toman ho fvvept the halt d fb ifftnient funk rh} fin. anCCf to fhirtetirpj-hce hd!ffv«iny. edvH.h >{ h-cjt ^'dliTygiv horn. . b./t- ‘'pfe Vent fed" iti1 di’y c mpdfions. vh f •>f "X'-eJ 4\n1 d: Iftfer letterc of q.i fi.: -" n a tiie^'-'Nfk.'y* Wee.'* b-fere on thrift??,g them to‘ tiYe'^eo'eVaH?, ho %pe'tied and tread them and 1 as migntify |»leafed to find mv'elf qaii fi’d for dVcf nd* mate of a himi rve ''• he'd' Ke'h&P (lack them al oge her ,;r-'a ?> e. we "<f)tfo?;do'vu hairs an ! c inferred r6V^ii^rbdn our expia- tion*. ^ K-re 1 ‘dnddr'ood'that t aco of them h vh b-eti iep mthetid^d do ofie or other of. the C \tieT% and-^ach of them pr^mrf-|dfhe flf!i'VVsiahj%*'tl!3't fli >Uid Fall ; but’ fcr&PnVfib of ■■Hcifr rrited fol-*y upon ttia^-i^^eV-Wf?}^tft to .the SecEctat^-^ vati>i I ‘tVa»^e/kith v.hat f -.'Oo ytr. Fo. . pvo.

( 39 } - ^ v Mgiyirfwot ■ishro n~ ^Aiui

propaiedijtotfytfe I'^v:uaj» a vexnvoa* ^ueihcn to r.^. v,bdl^p ,: t **■, !« buy jne, a 0jfP^Jjr-ci S^?,iank.Tofl 4^'

.d -ttnninext thay.^ij, c.^^iHak ..d ff toward (tny, •tyy&^v^ ^cy^r^ try^ t'ad the way- lEy^ig^jf- afe^mi.^he ba; b.rry of ray gran.:fatri^r. *? reJatiopn, jebOfith't.'Ti. !$. Ufpf'i arri jndigency- . Ku.l:^ i^eie ci'ag\ ee^bie T'fl d-on> 1 arris to aA ihr. n tna v. r re I io,igea, and ttc-yn;^'f. tk.: tAad b’x-a tg t\c me. the j a !..*c.*; ar».- ■ i n y f-. ccr is ; and as. nei h; r uf g> had idtr.ed, joe we-at. d^j.- i:I.t]^irj’- wvd Drohem o« a

art of rank, w^th ^ tc: ny hi ;CK n whsch we raiidSpi Cyran r able. mean He then fha^‘P-(.4U rap,U(^’ ^jghieen^ti'Ce) and. Jett .jptf*; 1flg;iTr [ nnj. m,.

HLr wa. no .faorier gpne. than | began #f.,4 niy(fit^ft^a n it'ri g;j.;a . uot^afiU nets av.d,-reyyiynfl^all, ihe A(.ctn tries iry i#!HigjBa iygi, CvutidJvsitg-. it,, an.t^ nnt to live at the pf 'D^va^.r^ bj y My pride to^-jc ^pa ha/-W uo hop- a jof iicceifdjf g; fece' i came' to, (he retoi.utjpn ot ^ tbs F ot- gpards next day. Tms avagant oe» ifgn hv fiitie iXtg.TOs i’eif gave g ea facts-

e* d I* was charging the enemy at the bend of ray own regiment, •when

D Jt Ihtrap^

f 40 }

'SftffepS re‘nn5 im'jr'Ui'tetl ,rnv reveHt*.'’ lii i; f. rme-.t hh ^ fes<i ir kc irjnv behalf t»>atir^chvy 'vh <'k asUtjila wiiTer^mpifnl thin j.r Ins r c .-rnsncwiiktk*v j I i tgU-IL itavt. Ihtutn pounds a year^ b-Kt p.vf; b ^fid; v» i'vyP'ley I p ea ch. Jimfiag up j[ iBiih td on

t ap'* ach©mj-apvii‘g b edxa'eiy 5.9 the hpu'e cl bi». f» ie».d ..jfeal liij.ight not J »le the i-pporitiWity tlvu^ii th^ ieyfl delay. We were iiifcjmey .his li lend end the apothecary were- in c- ntp^nj at!ic-fio'u£e hard Ipy- 1 he apothecary, bat ing e\ed ire fume ti-me, laid Oho, very v*eU, M mS» Cone rdance ; youift tflnn you are ver a e come, take one. cup ofb:.*rre. t i i come .••<r mine .h< ule /to* tn irrow Wo: nu g. Up n this I.rr ^dc my b ivv and a en ut-ot the r «nn, A; 1 wad, b m appttca ion, vviuje l tei v d C.rab, Jaeqaired ‘he l ’<.nch 1 rgut wtl < ny gh to icuu auih-'ts written in that lai g age, &ojl inuer and a v 1(111 g hat. red Sr. c nv r aiKc. t di eern,imed t piticnd ig • a' Cc to m\ new tna r. tha h and hi fa;ni y horn I upp lyd to be < r he lane C 'un ry not Being or the rtltrye befoie me m gh p IIioa ailc ver iome- thiii.’, in 1 c uric, which oula either Jpietd me amuiejieht or ad\ antage


Next rr.ormtfg X wen: to tht apothecary’s hnufe, when the bargain was maae, and orders were gneti to1 provide an a[>art» then: for ru'e imroe'diateJv.' IS .fore F en- tered ,on buflneis,' the Schoolmaiier re* Commended frre to hi? fnr.or'j v. ho gave ids C f-dit for a fuir of be raid out of the fi'rft money of imy ; be aftet^

, wards acc ,ntirt'oda?ed thtt with a hat.-’da thh same terms ; i that inr & feet/ days I hb .ed'to irnka' a fanti^rahrie^fy-earaacM. In the meantime Stfms’ tiagw ghge tu ft ft- ;{iiace •^'^•Wdd i*iu iriaDiUft th v as‘a back rOWm tsrp t.vo/©f'dta-rs, fu n fli-d* '. Tfh"a pWiUt tST ifu to iit u'pnrv, ?.'chair wivh' ut a be* -pot wnfr © a' na'rdFftt* a h- *t- ir bv-u-.-ty of/a efi:-U4lT?ek. 'prtd'a tiStat^U'firr piece of g! - imt-ead • c f a so \ d for.

N■.%' da * »vhiid I » as at work in the Hi kp; a b-Jiihei! g oin leK wfcii drefT <f, cilfie in dn pretence' f ir d.ihg & vjai or forhe dfc ,or bth< r ; bnit 'lak ’hg an oppo:- tunity of^.b-eVvi g rhe v*rVf narrowiv, Went'awdd with tVliT ', t ddi/k of dtfoaifl. At clihne.- th.e m-dds. di h whofb l d'it;ed, intoiThtd Mey'thnt this wps my marler'* ohh d.idght’er; ft e had’, br’en t. ice bri the trHhk qf 'marf'agd- Uht'difapp'>i^ ed ^ the Uibglneis ^Pfier1 'fS&nHPi’iof ti;ch '

' ' . Dj icufoa

{ 42 }

mfoti the ypnno . ;i,d .not behave te ner tai h-er ith hH . i lie filial yepe* fttion that nvg'ht exjpe^^. ,the ti.arDoi^jing a perltft hatred hT h> Cj uiyt \ man. in v. hici d (i.ion n.«r m h,. i j ;mu u ho Via-i a-: |tCng;.(h^! r.aud . .• as a on

‘-’g ■. .T'H-it., ;y Jbfvh ihji p^C^maiiif.-Ued at 11 :i ' ■' Cf} dej'.enacnts , t.i at Hie to e>i uivci ii n , and, io kid upon muj a Vr; ;* JJ'b ch .iqciecd vya-: itle cay • tier,.dUa},}i.anun<j U\,r ana - b vc lias, m etiigwi-ct. I of mviyd i..-; n n.^dt nv'ie dilc.-.v« lUei.

d Ldv^,rnjtji s behaviour, in pdeieixe ot a;i Iriih cap ain p ho loi-gpd 1^1 ih< h^ute, nja ic nc bvpcVc his crucf tuf-in m as

I' *•. As fi>t my own part. 4 had deen fix tip.ys in the haale wnh ut bt» g h in.u cd with one. w-or.d eijher from mo h r yr daughter 1 he jauer at the tatne, having,ope da' tx raffed lotne fdr- p s e ihar Her papa ill aid en . rtain fuch a mta yio< ki g j iurn<y man I waa iictimd ai hi« puce t informal n. and next Sunday b; i g my turn to go abroad I orvffed m.iyd in mv ny.-, ci the* to the ben ad raj: age. A t u i iptnuiig befl part of he oa\ »uh, Su^p. and sonie of his tsotojrdr ■ ai^cet; I canit potn.^ in the after* hwci») ana was let in ny MiV», who. not


ihe, • -'dropt a low cactejV .c\ I jH v-,t?!ned .vtvch I .! e'fu-ried \vich a pro- f Urtd' BW, 'SfWi fnut'/the door. Bv the. Mine I Hst! tvH htd ybf’Utl {fie had pem-n-tt! hdt*'miftbke. ihafi^ed'1 coft*Ur, anti wur t R" av' rtctt^if!g,!>aft4 f heard Kef"prbnduncd l1ve;'t'fhKlric'il^ahtirt1/ ihts day foi-

I #ii¥d.« W* life flidn fifty tirno* i1 fevtf¥v'dd\h-6r1 vdrfibs pretences and pci

i irP ^ h° irr.aHy 'Tidlfeurdu* airs, that 1 c*>n d enfi'iy perceive' her op’nlch of me

- Wad crfari'g->d ; 'IVht rhy fiedrt 'war. fcf hee;iVd || apauilV hB- cHk’-tfis’. Bj? p-hide and. ticfent- t, ftverfr. t'liaP* npt'tvithft^Kdins; lorue r.dvarce's | {he-m'?. ;e,' I could Tiox be p.revaiied upon (1 tsd vi-;.V her the leaft at rent ion. Tbit

negle^L toon batdfiied all the favyursb'.e impretlions Rie left for me, and r.ige took

j place in her heart; which fhe manifohcd by all her nvdice could'nt to. pr-j.i- dife me with her father, and procured me fetch fervil offices Ih^ hoped w ould humble mv. {pint. 'In the mean time,* fnv iihiudry ana kno.vleclme pained me the goixr Will of mv mailer, w ho had a great of bulinelV; I foon faw/l had

■rcalon to bflieVe I had one of the maids withkender fentiments for me ; and one right, v.hen I ?h ught every other perfon in the home siltep, I took

y • ' ( 44 ) .

an rppdrtunity to avail myselfo^ my corK]uestt accordia^iy J gist up, and oxploml my way in the dark, to the garret where she lay.—- 1 was ravished to find the door open, and moved softly to her bed-side, transported with the hope of completing my wishes.— But what horrors of jeaioiisy ami disappoint- ment did 1 feel, when I found her asleep, fast locked in the arms of a mart whom I easily guessed to be no other than the captain's servant, who lodged in the same house. I was upon the point of doing some rash thing when- the noise of a r tf scratching behind the wamscot put me to flight , ■arid I was fain to get back in safety. dt aether this alarm had disordered my mind, or that J was led- irftray. bv the pc'vPir ol hestiny, ^ I know npt; but instead of turning to the lett, l pursued thfe Contrary course, and mistook the young lady's chamber for my' own. I didsnot perceive my in is take before- 1 had run against the bed-’posts, and then it was in my pow'r to retreat ^disco- vered; for the nymph being awake, felt my approach, and with a soft voice, bid me make less loise, lest the Scotch booby in the bext room should overhear us; This hint was sufficient to inform me of the nature of the assignation;- therefore, without any moffe ceremony, f slipt into bed to this charmer, who gave me as* favourable a reception as 1 could desire. ’ Our conversation was vfety



( 45-

fpzring,-en »r.f'psrt, but she upJ.»Ki»iicd' U14; per^)!) w’ m l t^ptm-ntt-d with bis jealousy of nj-e, wluuji kbp.shitiitljetli >sc raagjdy, tlrut nw: r^stijritn'uni W«H occusioued a diwovc rj unite . tbaf),one.®:. but- I «**$ tansoledvior \hb, b,y!U»d/;fstun<lir'3 ti-oai l\eT ©VO ip^with, that it v.-a? uow fiiyli titue to

buT rp^sotgtibn. by, omtij'-w^u^ j. for pha ” to j<r,r mniliinjjer-.

I ego} tiie jifjyets, of ..tjiek!n>«tufel iut^ccurso. YVunf I y,-as luoditatia^, I i.ystwl » noi»c in my tgOMy like, so!jMjthb:»,g bga^} Ibllibg 4o» a ujK-tu the floor; upba which l jetautad up. £?!<i ©bservpd by ,niopo-iig,lvt .t,Ue jJj^dbw of a u:an groping his way pbt. I -nt-tired to ojie side to ilet hirn pa^?, aivd sa^v him go

j dpAwr stairs as jex.peditipusfy as he coukl.—■ It was an easy tpgtter to divine that this v,’t‘„svt!ie vapt un, who- liaying qver-s!ept him* rtjih had at last got up to, u»"/;p his;-as?igna* tion,; and liadipg my door opgti,hud entered, t.'to niy ap.ii,rto)ept instead of.dHU of ids mi.'U vss. liut finning his by tailing over the chair, was alVa'd'-t.h't.ptoiiie migirt oliu.iu the thmily. aad fpr that riWjgpn v«,tidq jjff. At yiiis.tnne ) vva^t satirfi'ech hud iisstepd of returning t o the place frpiit^ hence I'came,

■ rcyvjrjftpci to piy own pastle, .and soon fell ■rudvpp : hut thg.ti 'dh of this adventure. cou’-.V Ppt be long, gp^cegled. She was cpnsvions. of not only ..Ijaving. betrayed Ip .ay the 4eci: rs rtf'her commerce with hirai, but also of having



incensed me by the fi eederas she Jaad takea with my liaieo. betmifl'ti liapflidt’ refloneilia^ tion. Time! such was the: situation of bet thoughts, wilt appear in the sequel; for, that very day she trarae into the shop, where I was. alone,, and hxit^g her eyfes, awtaus-ing in tears, upon ine,i sighed niost piteously; but I was proof against her i distress} by.-ver collectjag the epithets vrkfi; which ’She had honoured me tire n;ghti befdre-; and believing that• the good)reception loenjoyed.was'des- tined fot another, I therefore took-no notice of .her ailbction. Hovneven^r. she thought proper Jto use ma with more1 complaisiuree than usual,: knowing that it was in my power at any time tp^publidther shame; by these meairs tnydifofbechme much more agreeable, and <t$, b everv! dav iuiprdved in my know- ledge of thti tovfn, il 'shook off my awkward kir by. da^rffes, and ai.quired the ctiaracteP of a ‘pniho jdurriaj man apothecary. • to'I vna

0;u?'befYK o’clock, ak • I tc>* tm'aeld Irtktioiiisffiag .-a patient at Clielsea^ I uectivantaohidwi on nry'bfead, from an un- seen i»0nHi>Jthit stretched'-me senseless on the grouaufj' bmli was deft for dead, with

-three sta&suof a .swoM. ib my body. The groans I; uttered alarmed the lj>ehpje,!qf a solitary abe-hdtise. and -they4, were1 humanb enough t« take aie in. and send for a Surgeon to dress my ivoun Is. who assured me they were not mortal. One oi them being directed

to 4

( 47 )

%o my heart, <he sword snapt upon i»y breast- bone. and ~thfc peint remained (■ticking in the skin. Wlien 1 reflected on this event, I could rememotr nobody who had the least enrrip'iiiht against mf , it' it was not-Captain 0‘I><vm'ell and -nvy master’s daughter. My suspicion -satticd nfjhrr tlicrm, though I took Care to5conceal itj that J might Hie sooner arrive 'tt contirniation. With this view. I went horns in a chair about ten o’clock in the ntomir.g’t and as the chairmen supported me into the house} met the.Captain in the passage who no sooner saw' me than he started back, and gave evident signS of guilty confusion. My master ordered me to be carried up stairs to bed, where l was care- duliy attended. My meditation was employed in concerting with myself sdme method of revenge, when Miss entered my chamber, and, saying she was sorry for the accident that had befallen me. asked me if [ suspected anybody to be the assassin ? Upon which, I fixed my eyes stedfastiy upon her. and answered, Ye*. She replied hastily, If that be the case, wily ddn’tyeu take out a w arrant -to have him apprehended? It will cost but a trifle ; if you have no money, I’ll lend you. I thanked her kindly for her generous, offer; which l ha/1 no occasion to accept, being determihed to do not king* rashly, as I could not swear, with a safe conscience, to any p'artxubsr man. This I pretended, lest the

/',1- ' " ' t»L:<*' b -i Cap-

r 4*)

to requite him. f:i t^ada^'s I waji upland able to do a little hosm- &s. I by examining the (^qitarn's’*,word, tliat bq. was the njan; arid how * J tli^t r^y^apied, was to lix upon a scheme of* re^en^a,. which

in execution, after this manner: ’ Ifyvin^ secured the assistance1 of Strop and tfroM his acnuaintardes, we provided QUpelyes.w.jtfi disguises, and educed a letter to h^clehyorej, to Imn 'by'one of our associates in livyry.^jj ’fhis letter was signed with the name £ afk iinotheca.ry's yviip in ^halsoa, pf vv|jmn f Jjaa

eonntercu by us la tJiQ very suot had a^sijufted mo? We I'qs^ed tipqyi jujjj, at once,’s6ciired his svvdiju, str^pt hji, clothes even to the skin, whlqh’ we scourged with nettles 'B!v h'e/ was olistered Iro^ne^ ,ofioot We carried elF his. clothes, Mo we hid In a h idge near the place, and h^

, hm» stark-naxed to fTad his; way. the best manner he could,. CW& to be there before him. '£t^u/jp^jgigg' jja Wived at the door in. a irnau, Vifapt Dp'irf


I a blanket lie h&d borrowed ; for his body w^as so Wire and swelled that he . could not bear to be confined in wear'.^g agpavel.—. He was treated yith tlie utn)ost.'tenderness by my mistress and her daughter; but

! Lavement himself could not Forbear'expres- I pidg his joy by several malicious grins — i. As to myself, nobody can doubt my grauji-

cutfbn. when 1 had every dey an gppprtunity II fit seeing rily revenge protracted oh the body i Of inv adversary, by the sores ar,d. ulcers

I had been the fetuise of. ,13y the time he •bad got a new scarf shin, be thought it high

I time to decamp, which he perfbrrntd one I night without beat of drum,' after having i robbed his own'servant of every thing that ibedodged to him, except the cfathes on

his back. ", ' ; '' t ' \ V, ' . .. About this time, my friend Strap informed

l me of an offer he had tq go abroad with a gentlehian, in quality of Val(.t‘de Chambre. I insisted won his accepting the proposal,

■t which he- at." last deterniineil. to embrace, 1 with great reluctance, and in a few’day* ! todk bis leave of me, shedding a ffood of

tears, which I could not behold without ©hiotlou. ' '' ^ '

l soon began to look upon npysplf as M * gentleman in reality'; learned to dange K IPf a Frenchman whom l cured ox a fasliion- |i able disteriiper frequented plays during •r tbe^ holidays; became .an oracle />f .an alo-

I S * ^ ■Jr1 •’ . ‘ '**

4 /, ( 5 ? 5 house, where, every dispute was referred .O iaj decision; at length, contracted aii inti nary with a,young lady, who made a, conquest of nay heart, and prevailed on her to give me a promise of marriage: but one jimi rung c'uling c;h 'ipr, and taking the privi- j lege of a,bridegroom to enter her chamber, I touod to my uri. r confusion, a'man in bed win her ! i l iven gave me patience and presence of mnd to withdraw ; and f thanked mv stars foj; the. happy discovery, by which . 1 resolved fo profit.

While thus d enjoyed myseif, Mi\ Lave- ment 1.1 his first .fie, >r t > my cor.ptryman and acquaintance, ’.Squire Gawky, who by

‘this time hei got a lieutenancy in the army; but whether he' had actuuiiy forgot me, or was willing to make, me believe So, I know rot; but coming home late onk‘bight fr»m the house of a piUefit, I petceivtd two gentlemen in custody of three patebmen.-— The, pr«w>ners complained bitteflV of Ihe lo’as of tii dr hats .r.nfi wigs ; and oge of* them, by his toiigug‘,1 knew to be? a Scotqh- man, lamgntyd piteously, ofieriag a guinea for ins liberty. My prejudice in jfAVout of inv native country was so strong, .that with one bio\y of my cudgel, 1 knocked down tha watchman who had liqlcl of the person chiefly concerned. A. soon as lie, found himself idif ••ic '.ffoit lie b t >pk himself to bis heels; but I came ofi' acurvily, for before I could

'( r )

avail mysrlf of my Fpecd, 7 rcqeive'c! ft b!©w cn the eyt. t! had \voll 1 depr ved me of the use of thnt drip|R* lic\voVe?< 1 made a shift to got 'Itfifne- 'ilsorc l iaformed of Gawky's bciiig rchhtti 'and abused bit a company of Fqptfpads ^ iu-n I

! jpto the pafpcidurs offtbis adventure. 1 be- lieved him ui be the person 1 Iftid rele^SeS, and nas-co .firmed in ihat upon hear . y Ins voiced My eye being ‘cbireidet.'bly sv.tiled iltnd inflamed, t'cpul'd' not reflect upon my e.nt<jrprize. without, cursing my own toiiy, and resolving to declare the truth of tfie whole story, in order to be revenged on the cowardly Wretch fpr whom I b. 1 sutfered.— Accordingly, next day after hC had told, in >he presence of the family, a‘thou and lies, .^ ventured to explain the mystery. Gawky ..could not answer one word ; and the test of '

company stared at one-anotlu r f f«l at , lypgin my mistress repriiUailulccf me for iriy

m^oleht .behivimp ' ahd'threafeiied' to turn w«ip gway for my presumpium upbir which

observed, I nngdit' have rpistaken^r person for hii^ Miss, abpiaudbd

j^he captain’s geheiy^lty ; 4nd I bigan to •ppi^jglne their pyalse wm noG at ah dism- ^leVestedFor by tlieir espouklh^'the cause

.|h.e one ulrltge'tl k valUabhM’ddoer, itnct,the otHer'acquiVeS a husband, at a jdiTc-

wusabsoVu^ely1 neCe's’^ny : for ^re iy9.ung'%'i'y fmding tire; enacts btfhcf cor-

bluos %■<&

310 JS

( 52 )

/‘espondenee with,O’Donnell becoming plainet aufi plamef, insinuate! hers,elf«o artfully in* to tiie affectiop of this now logger, that in less th an ;t fortnight, they drove awav together to the Fleet, )yhev^ they Were coupled; and the apothecary was not hl-pleased to find lus daughter marred, to a young tnftn of a good prospect But I little dreamed what a storm of mischief was brewing against me,

hi hit I thus indulged niy$elf. Whatever face Gawky put o« the matter, my discovery of tiie adventure before related, and the reproaches 1 vented against, him, had so' stung him to the. soub that he imparted his indignation to, his wifo,t,vho bekfg as desir- ous as b£ tp compass the ruin of me, readily ’ joined in a conspiracy against me,, which, had it taken effect, would have intaliibly brought me tp qn:ignominious death.

Joy master, havihg .-.ev*ral times missed large quantities of medicines, of which I

■ couid -give no account, at fast lost all pati- ente, aud in plaiq terms taxed me with having embezzled them for my own us“. I was fii i d with resentment and disdain at this accusa- tion. and pulling put the key of tby chest, told him he might satisfy himself immediately. He took the key, and went to my chamber, attended by the .whole family; but what was my horror and amazeim nt, whon opening my chest, I saw them pull out an handful ol the very things that were missing? I had



( 53 )

not power to utter one word in rny own via- dlcation. but sto'od motionless arid silent, * when each''prescrit'rrifede their respective tern arks on what appehtetl against, me.— My mistress took occas'on to rail Against the practice of employing; strangers; and M(fe. Ga.vky, after having observed that she never 1*i.l a good opinion of me, purposed, to have me lu rried before the ,1 us’* ice.— Her husband was going^ior a Constable, but was stopt l>y Mr Lavement on the stairs, Who considered tha cost and ’trouble of a prosecution. The Captaid and his lady Used all the arguments they cbuld, to prevail on the apothecary KA pursue1 me t'<y destroc- tiow.h Big thriir eloquence made no irnpics- siorf dn iity iricibter who tUpi¥ft>g to me. said, n Crd-, mlvierabid/from my IklUse, quick.—

rindmake ion fbr four actions.” By thij^fifitftjhifly hidigiiatiori had roused me fromlh$‘Wuf>efecti'‘wi in which I hAd hitherto reiifjbiritid^affd i began in this mhiuier : — e: Sir. appebraneds, I hKri, yoridemn me; but ymi dfe^im^KWed'uito'iTcfS'rimch ris I am‘abused. I hdve failed a^acri'Rfie'to th<rrancourot that Ccou(idrril pbiri11tigto Gawky)1 Who has fohn'd rrierifis td1 TOrivey ym?r gbbds'hither,; and 1 am afraid, madam (hmiing to Mrs. <5awky) you have trio d&sily erit'efcd1 ihio the sentiments of your httVorinrl — T have often found you my bhemy: aibil am Well' acquaint! d the k®casioa of YOiir being so, winch I d«tvt at

15 a precent

. ' ( 54 )

present tpfopqr to^Iednre-; but I would iiot advj>sa,yovu for your owt> ank(*,_ to drive SW ta .Gawl^,.asfiuuiing a big

•loek, toV§ rpo,' if IpreRumed to asporse h ? wife,, he would put me to death. To this 1 .aoawetcd' w I wish to God, I could npteft K ifh.tbee hi a (icsatt, that I nu^ht have an opporUjmity• ^revenging thyj>ei:tk!j towards rue, and rid jt^e .world of such a rascal?— Vt'r-'X hinder? mp.this moment (said l. seizing eu old bo^t,!*',) from doingmyself justice?” I hail pp sc.onejir armed‘myself i» thus manner, tiian, GitW’ky and his thther-in-law retired in Siich^a hl'rrvy,,that, the one-overturned the ©lingy, aufj, folif-d to^fetlier down*stairs, while ihy mistress siydoned away for fear, fynl her daughter sysked if ( inteniied to murder her." Tin-;iihg it i91 possible .to vindicate iny hmq- cence.p l left the house irnn^(li«(ely, and tuid sought for advice in the neighbourhood:

^ but .my story bad taken air, and net one of my friends would vouchsafe me u hearing.— Tlie Jirst resolution I took, -was to remove my piothes to the house of the person.with whom l had formerly lodged; there I re- mained t«o days, in hopes of getting another place, by thg interest of Mr. Concordance; imt in tin's I reckoned be fare my host, for l.avemept took care to be before-hand with me ; and when I attempted to explain the whole affair to the schoolmaster, I found him go prepossessed against .mo, that he would

. ~ seuroe

*( 55 )

sparse hKalr ’ir.e'to'an •! look my leave; i curbed every ser;?iuieHt of Hoff6r \Vhich

my situatiofii-ould fffiedan apart- ment in.* gavret rffeaP"'S'tJ (IlivS^'} at1 the rate* of’ nmepfnO'f per itp&tfj.11b1 lie'^

One day, Wln'le I Sit itthfi.yg in t^ls solitarjr :! retreat, I1 wps alanwed bV" a jrVdan from the

next anartfeettt/ t irnbfediately fan, and found-a •« o;nan stff»to}*e(l on a fniserable bed,

I to ali' appeifthtee deWdi'!?)atl,iwhHbn\vas'my emotion?, On ’h. r recovering, ofn'bndiftg tl)e

f individual^ Udy who'had tffufttphed over my i. heart? She'hnew md t'mmfdiSfeiy, and east- ij i«g‘ a kwgo'ishing loo!; at rf>e','¥di<i', with a

j fedde voice, M Dear >Tr. Ifandtmi. I do hot IJ deserve this'cOucern ’fi^orh'yo’ir: I ain a vile l creature, and death’ wiir'oirfrfahe me in ij a few llOittsJ’ I eficonrdgc^ ■SfKyiajf { etntld;

told her I fofgave her, a’ed Imlt I’Wotild share my fast faVthing with ** You afe^ioo generous—^ut. ains! I r^fi^h for want;” and relapsed into another SVdifrn" 1 called assistance, end she soon rcedHfered, and in- formed me life had not tasted food for eiglit- and-forty hours-. I w’as rmpatfent to ktv w her liistory. She told me, her father v/as a merchant in the city, and retired, at an advanced age, to the co'untry. She was left at school, and at the age of fifteen-followed him. She hid not been long in the country, till a gentleman paid his addrtssis to her; kl men ted ;he d;vanc«us temper of his YaUrer,

li who

( 5'> )

whu had cL'$tined him for an lthpr; urge^ a pvivaU' Mian'jag^.jw ’rhich. in an evil hour, khp agreed artel became a dupe folds deceit. i\t length he h-ft hc-r to be me nied to ano- ther : apd she. findlrtg hersejf’ with child, eloped and wehi to Loudon, where she hired IppgipgS httdhr a, ibigned natnit. and soon, through nttcesfeify, was Ibrced i into keeping. Sme soon ’beMnte more and more familiarized To this'h ce^'off life, and ptok lodgings at Chanti^-C’ros'j, and-e'ncaged praters of ta» I’erns jfmj h> r etnplm nien!„ , until slie liecatpe So ’rellilded iVj disease! and want, tint? sfiig^v^'^nlJch to ^rie re t real- where1

I fuiuul’h*;v.' So- niuch cando'ir and good seas £j to a ct e w S?e1 bcSeve ’ey e r - sj liable she uttered.1 I arVe1'1 '^er^^if she > 'ould cf*ange her.way ^ci'life' an cpbortu i’tv offered? Lhe'said sjie gladly. \you,d.( but who would venture to tukd her, in her presect situation? At. ioagth an1 expedient ocemrcd to -ner, Which whs. to procure ^hei hoi wdy garb o? a country wenqh, go to a distayef! irom town, and cpnre up again in the waggo t, as a fresh oguntrg gii*.. I applauded her resolution, arid,she wapiti a few days aftigr hhed as. a bar-maid at a tavern. 1 hither f ray fellow-- lodger repaired, a$er talking Leave of ino, with a torrent ol tears.

A s. Dr tri vself, I saw- no resnurce but the army or h«yy, between whicii I hesitated so kn^, thaf. ,1 foum) it-duced to <\

" * stayy*

|starring co’iiutioD. CJ.oinw clown to Wcp»

b!b’5'.' n.'iie, who. I )vasr M\lnrmfcd, ho>l got UiO conimancf i'f a smaU (g^tijjg y^sef. then in the river, as crosfeH T^^vpr-wVr^ I euthdenl', ^ 'acicecl rken or a^ozt'iviaii.c?^.•; ana after in obstinatte^TesisJa^^’

ll receive;! a large wound’on the head and jcheel', I cv v- disarmed, ta^en prisoner, and.. :{carried on board a tencLv; whe^e?i after :b'ing pinidreq liice a thief, I was thusrt, I down into tie hold among ji parcel of miser- iab)e wretchgs. As the commanding-officer rhad not humanity enough.’^to drder my j wounds to he dressed, and I could not use Irry hands, I lesired a fellow-captive to take ia handkerchief out of my pocket, and ti« it j round my head to stop the bleed! He

• pulled it out, but instead of applying it,to f the use designed, went to the grating of .'be

hatchway, and with astonishing cbraposur6r

|i Bold it.before my face for a quart of gin, 1 and treated h s companions; therewith. —

I complained o; the robbery to the midfhip- 1 man on dock, who squirting a motithful of

dissolved tobacco upon me through the i gratings, told me.I was a mutinous dog, and

T might be d-»—id. In the mean tirhe, less of blood, and want of %,od, threw me iwto- a swoon out’ot which ( vyas recovered by a tweak of the nose, adminisH^d by the tar who stedd ccpltinel over us, who at ihe same


( J3 )

tr-iic regaled ir.o wjth a'draaghi! of flip, cfimlVirteU ilk* tt;kh fhe hopes' of being put cv. bewrd of ihe l^ondWr next dny. I no sooner tvfml hifti naino the 'I’l imicr, than 1 ftfslced, be know Lieutenant Bowling?

* -telliflu#'!s5jti: I wii} bis 'f nsman; if which he expressed inclination to s^jrv; me. and when be wan ndiv-ied, brought some cold fc-ef in a platter *.ni biscuit, co which we supped plentifeilv, anti aftervfirds drank another efthn of flip • togef.Ver. |le told me, “Captain O-.iklmm was recovered jl’his wound, and at that time coinmand'd the ship.

Next day l was, with the <>ther pressed men, pi!t on board the Thunder, Ijing at the Nore. After we bad be »« all entered ttpori the books, I inquired of one of my ship mates where thh Surge»ii was, that I might Have toy w t/enc?.' dressed ? In my way to4he cockpit, I was met by the midshipman Who laid Iiserf me so barbai oir ly in the tender: He seeing me free from my chains, asked, Wkli an msolent air. who h tjd released nic,? To this I atiisWeted, whoe^ tr did it, I am {I vi,S'*lu*e'd‘did.' rtnt korfSuit on in tluiiafifah’.

■:l’ iiihV-'h^-'bfhoMm oftvtbd' liu SOWOtuhy than. d|* ^oeft soiimfa bwh, "ill t%«'eh( ypii Jo thfk s&lfo ytmm&tftosprrq!*

l&ylifgi bn-itre! iiovt'fai wvore tbdjhe emitiuV fhHutyoliioer,

•hiaSd feftgflia iKymrit hf hre. ttifttiij was.-inaiiev t3?afs?iy,'^tUf ia'ivama’ by

yiict.t oJ fni'tiioa; / o aojl ’m


m$y ' * " ♦ >

1 . ( 59 )

land a centinal ^lacsd over k«?- , ilege^t fRaulin (my St -.cmer henc'^ctoi ) as i he heard of n>j condition came .to me. and 'then went to (1 - e Surgeon iu my behalf, who ■sent one of hi ; mates to dr.::^ Kiy.^ouncb. , This mate was no other than my old‘rienH I Thomson, wi( l) whom I bncaijie- acqii iin|a4 |.at the Navy-oJ lee. as before w^nthtnetl— J Unknown• as l was to Iiim^ he, iyinclietl Mores witii gr..a t tenderness. fVhpja, iu*^ \y(,j I about; to leave me, I asked,'h* l fortunes had tlit tuiscd mo.tftaf. he

could not recn-U ' nt my face,/ , ^’^.k^^jahn il bo longer in sits y.l'nqts, { ttaul hint 'Py,n,af-jtf;; « which .when he. ; heard, lju ymhAyacQtjdh'Q vViih f affection. I ni< de him ttcqij.Ain5,ed .'.yith imy I story ; and w'tu# i he hearcl 1}^. inhumanly Jihad been usei i iu tli« dender- ha !pft me J abruptly assurm me, I should,t-e-him agiijr.

>: soon. I had scarce timp tflifto^der ay, 1^3 S sudden depute.? n ht'n; yhc'sm;

came to the pi| ce ,o£ u\y couimpnigfit,; ,ar.d i bid me folliow hia.i to.tha; Quarter-deelc,.where i I was strictly ex. 'mined, by- the, first Lieutp- i nant, soudiing. il ef trpittKiejit 1 had received i in the tender fro! a the. inidshipmtuv who wats I present- to confront me, 1 reeouQtcd the

particulars.of his beh igiour to nie, not only in the tender, bit- §'bce iny.' bein^, on board the ship; part of i.hich being proved by the evidence .of Jade itittjm.and otJurs, I was liiscuargei from yonfiaemsnt to make way

ftir ,

J’lL rt rf g

tHti a It a „ v s s t r i. ^ S- fc, » IK o "' EL s _ ^If|f|


dfjru r I I s &

^ " S KK^; » '?5 i ' iL


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i ve were, nnd stopping to oSaerve me, appear* .1'ed very well d wrtih nit meiheri wi uij)- j plication; aan<r afteci)B^«d»xfaeal, for Hid trolls 1 cab'n, thereit»dvti>^leKdanneihJrrlc.ThnJejrijii^

i inv skill in surgery ;«id ttiU puntlcu^TS otciy I f^i-t<ne. interested Hirnwlfisai&if in my beisalf,

as to promise Ids asristarobiaprounilg a tt'a.r-« rant forn»e, seeing i ltad been already iimvd.

3! qualihini-et Sdrguoiis-haUi'! inai'tbi*' he wne :i more cbritaily engaged in when l^e. Under* 1 stood I w as nephew to Lfeutanant Uouiind, I for whom be expressed a paTtleuiub- regbfd, | Atjont six weeks after my anrwaidttt bdard, 3l the surgeon bidding me follOwitoiOi int«» siie in cabin, presented a warrant to me'- be which j I was appointed sivgean s Uurd'rmteast-board 4 the Thunder; as also another tor dimsf-if, by l ifutue of iehiclr betvas removed-into a second IfTato. I acltnoudedgud his kindness in die .•strongest terms end professed' toy iha prospect ofdohiog stitb a vohiabie friend;

nbut his generosity rescteil not heDe, for lie made a pmsont ot'ia home clothes, taut *nabled me.ito support •the rank to which be bad raisedn*et- mitibia a *f

About! this? timeoCbsptdwOisbbism. having received sailidg offers j o*me-«i bohrd. and_ brougbr-aionig w itir lilati.a^ttrg«o4v of his own •wwniuy^tibn'&Kmdiia*; mscseddW^dflAlWf tess of Dr. Atkins.d.tVetdeaghad atMdibr^arjd Sfthcd 4!b thet&wwil whuf^.wvi bvtkr the nenolit of ChcfirspWtttrJy'iiittd ta g&tmuA to Snilhcad; ^ ' F and

v ’"'’a > v'-1’r^ Lov.jsyi.iau mU of • .1 ind hfiviti? rreeivrd on board provisions 'oi* six montH* ;W(e-fiaM0d.ft'|9P\.St- Helens,.in tho grand fleet l)wrid%-jt^,We(-t Imtiv*;, on tlr evor- nemor^e e^PfidiPffn of Cartbagen*

We spot out«f tIie Channel, with p prusner- eus breeze,! 4‘ed a.v/a,y. leaving us be- calmed ab<f>iYt fifty leagues,to tl^e westward o£ the Liaatds but thjs-fnaQtipn did qpt last long ; for neactinigHtHir W^bTlPlbSSjJ vvfts split with, the windia^htobd'Vfl't^jfflbrpipgJflcre'ised ta- a hurncanp )f;I §nl,<p.^(pf;he|d ,apd wpnt above. The sen > ^aflwgllR^inipiJjiijlm bifii. on the top oi’^jpc]}'npp slpip, sopieiimea hung, as if,it fs'.ps qlyftMJarjjf? preqiphated jntoi the abyss,bfite'bi &W<rH fa* we st»;'VJb,?twi e.T

mammaatitamm ‘ ^ ’ uiber. two waves, th^rospipp ^.b ^idf^igbcf, ib^i our main-top nast4ipa4.ibft-J?}0P>ent! 0|,alii our fleet, eoasistmg./if^p jju^Jrwf ppjl, (fit/ sail, scaree t^plve^pppa^i apd.thpse^rivipg under their bar^.ptije^ of tlia " - "-i U, ii‘^Wh'edij yuul tdmpest!, PI..„ ^ I the a dm iral.. 4>sgpy pjipg '/ft1! f b! sjhip^ u* Jet'watfd, madq;rtitb?Af thf(flpV ship.-and four , more to riH

, .....^j.nrfSTtr ot umri , t *Tw : J chape : .ifj jiyps ^h^st .dar^ when wa

came up wfi^h we hailed, . and einjuired jyh.o they wyre? Xocv said theujj wt re Freupb PJPP. pf wan, pphn w,hTcli out «aptsm bid tbein^.andV tl^it: boat on boar<j- they refused sayang ^C% h;jS any busine.^ with them, t^/spmejipp, bpar^.t.heir slilp Or this both sides enu g>sl, whiffli lasted tiltbfoac idly, yyben Cautain daaluun, iiadmg he was

‘ bJ«

( )

;|iie te gain neithej- nor advantage Illy ithe affair, pretended to be undeceived by see*

.iing tlieir dW&ufs?^'"0 s.mvP.rU kcti Our Heilt liiaang it§, wedkl tft imc'b^tibMut’^'divbrstfh lin.fttpp

iburbour df l^bft'TtoyalP^ttfrom litbent'e' We'siriW rtfs fa? Vk^he, jjfrorfv' tfibirt'e’^o 'tl ri# 'i# CtSlfittfena, Hwhei'e*’ vi't? fciiriii 'tt> sflft'ff (tejbut. oiST (leatfe* ten titr}i'‘jbbgi,lf).init^b W^?gbnd‘ srrfl aije piibVed trgarb sdtilffWffe'f 'bek'Kef rbtebarbonr'8 mdbtli.' <vher^;We!'dWde''ib'iftft'<y,fjHtdi)Ouy uigr

Our forces'bt-iittg^ fadd^il and jtatitxnedv anb Iset about'dfedcf'e^U Hatti-fy td'trbnbrftvatle tte 6enemy, -atid % ‘SOnTetTfin1^ iirdte than ibvee Kveekr i? ‘wW tb'^dpf^b11 xleter-

[largest siiipV sWoafff attablf''^'0^0^ on, one I sib e1, V.fiife, th d 'fritter f ’HtVed'ifV'n' the fftH or.

ill Ull III' , CaiUC LV7 till cattle of fc’jiijd'a Cftiba.'Wftlil* sWtirt1^1 «pon our Vrabfti ‘vntc,d%1dd(ifMTmd'( vtttich indeed wa&

Milfc) bet-an. r:Ttie/^u?df'bd t4ll 'flat on the

( <5+.v) , 1

discOTrfposnre. We .had no^ been manjmin>- lites ctTgi^ed when one of t.h^ sailors whom I iinr^ediately knew to he njyhpnijjst frit ml Jjck Rattling, coming towards roe, told me with great deliberation he caene-to be dock- , esbat last, and d;sCov< reel the icmains of one hand which h id been shattered, to pieces by grape shot. While I was'emplqyed in dress- ing tlie ftii’.rsp. I ask’d tfack’p ppiqion of the battle, who shaking his !»ead, frankly told pie, he believed we would do no good. By this time our patients had begun to increase; a shot happened to tike usf between wind and water, And its course being thr»ugh the pur- eer’s-store-room, made a terrible bgvopk. My old enemy Ci ampley came down to bring me tip fo tb" quarter deck t« dress a slight wound the Captain had received by a Splinter. Hi& reason u>r honouring,me with this service being, thi-.t if I should be killed my death would be' of less consequence to the slap’s company than the doctor’s or ins mate At another time,' perhaps, 1 might have deputed this order, but as I though* my reputation -dep-iuled upon my compliance 1 was no more altiyd than he. 1 With this view 1 provided myself with dress-' incs, and followed him immediately to «<be

‘ , q.uartcr-det'k. through a most infernal scepe <• of shnighter.'fire. smoke, and uproar! Captain Oaklmm do sooner saw ipe approach, than lie signified his displeasure bj' a frowu; and asked, why ;he doctor hi'aiself did not come? 1 told


} Irito. Crampley Uat!' singled me out, as &y lus expresis Whiobtiar surprised, fiild ttrrc AfcWed Su jitiuish /tfe® biupman I'Ur ills pr>( srdiipti(m afti’rihiiiejig tge- ririfhtl .1 got tKite'wbl>dtv • •'*»<* . ray Go'VupisJibfi tu tiie ddetw:Jwhxsfilbbeiy refused 1.6 Wu!t. t!fc ^6sf byAiisittsmifc- tiote. )l?h’fe't,^pfi?i1.3r(f!d:i1gi!>i'ii>Riirgopr)'el/rrm- aty. 'sufrcrel? .trtifl? swore lie -wmiflP torTnft^^lna fas'^oh'iBithiB service s^oui’d be'frvet.^ '-'d odv.>

11/ivWp, c'JtfhddtdPlhe1 fer’tft]aridgJBi'M'i space o: i'.v;- {uluf^. dV^Wdfe^deftJd'UtfS^ip^Or cv.b- k»'and ’si^cr ii?; pfljy t!tc' ci*» g&Shflfot! OhUiUa.i d fre-n ii,‘X nifafifij} t,{dr',?S#! ^ttyfndiftPp-wlWn the i i p fHmmpppjii^

.fi’^e ffdlh Mackctie;

?gh<}-lii'ttLv'v'.'6tir- d/d'McrsVtOf'k ^fipcssaun tlib i-ili!dda'r'?£ 'tvitT!hift,’i^*iiSti(n!ee. V^-Tlic sn


foe. Oi^otl^cr t!ivi.-d bhfiig fWffpt djr'iunli- by th 'J A'flejY.fra'vfug ‘gh.h'aUifi&iff ih&;*R#t‘^:.ltnd r«» mibavk'tlg oh'r !&1( itfik iitt'dl hrlSlIdty, tte vt-n* turedW <:<V (lie 'rirdulH ;of the ••{^eH’hhrbmir, wlfjeii.Was tildcked up by't£-eeral'did gaMeous

-siitift1 ih the eliiiirHt-k We n; uh- sdolt; i.owi ver. to' open a passage ter

jlityj ^!xd(d\ffat6d a sitdiml !aud-

l,tf F 3 la^

... .(K)

trtt5a plac^ WftyS La; Qu‘hU; Sri(i:a/elbR^iV#t^'^s5t!.i|v^'irt'a-'yoitnt'il of war, to tfe pfafco’^i tfi only, which &(& But Uf e}?Sf iif;Hn‘jii<?4V?fiiyV'hi^t thfe \aemy

iiifth^h'nirtri’i’eceptlon, th^t the ^/^a.^t'hait'* df the dy{aehir)Ciit'’tbbk up their

dn'tlTe-sp'ht j eo that eight iBfiustt?!?. jtihried’ota‘fhb beach nef'r* jB'o^cS 1 tfh'fdtl.l ■$&?&' ndi«*ii^dUtfvfr'to fifteen 'JKttjHij^df’nt#irIj8eWtJd^.' The^iek and wounfi- ‘dti Wrd'ji^uK^Hd ih^o fiispttai-'s{i?ps,-twid then* 'r oun’ds fil'd^Tdmj)i:beiri^ ‘nCg!'Ceti-<l. contrac- ted fiij'h iirttV^fit^'fctCfion, and'niiliidfis of tndg- ©Vts vveVe- 'hat’ched amftf the corruption of thair'&flrkS;'*AWdiiltber tfian be at the trouble -a' - the commanders or-

tii'+ed ‘$ht?ir fiile'fi'fo' throw, thfi brtdies oVer- jfcytrin 'ni;ihy'\^ifrii}Sif'ha'jla'st -or-wimlirtg-sheot; ^BO th|i;'ifiuihDefy ‘BP ’RantiWTfiUHcl^sKflda‘ted1' in: (he. haV'iKidk 'tifidl thfiy weVe tfcvpttred oy shittlvs a'tiS* Whifih afforded no agreeable ffi fetise* whrt survived : at

“the'sarde tlfiie th<? wot serrj»n Hogan, with thunder and higTitnih?-; in sutH continual flasiring, thai'en'C' migirf haVe Sc: • o read h) the /i!ujniii;.tio'n ! 1’he ehangt at* ^nosphere compired, with the that Surrounded ufe,'the heat of the climate, our own constitutions much impoverished by b;>l provision, and our despair, p) in'tfoniice the iiijio’iis fever, which raged with such Violence, fhct three fourlhs’of them dicd^in a deplor- able manner, , •Oui' j

. Q\jt conduqtors SmUng tJvRS3 in ih's situs* ; tion j 1° reHnqais’t •«Ut'-i9W»qPVfts» pvjlith ve di4* after tutving

Y?!eo4ev^4 ith£V[>Wtijj§K,)’ .useitss, and .blown up f^r as we sailed from ifreeft

■ iCfeiG|ij%)),0!ur,lr^t.r\ to Jamaica, I found m\ - self tfire ate nett with the symptoms of this terribl/?-Wis'temper; aI)d knowing very well- .that I stopd no chance for my life, if 1 should be obliged to: jie in the cockpit, I prevailed ppon the soldiers (fvhose good-wiii i had acquired.) to _adrtn't my hammock among them; nnd actually congfmuh,ted myself, upon my,, coudertable situation. [ "was Jn- mediately conducted to the place; notwith- standing- my malady gained ground, and at length pay life was despaired" of. I began to.see strange ghimeras, and concluded my- self on the point of becoming delirious : but before that happened, I was in greft danger of" suifocationr upon which I started up in a kind of frantic lit, ami w ould have .plunged myself into the sea, had I not perceived a moisture upon my thighs, as I endeavoured to-get out. of my hammock. This appearance revived my hopes, t took the advantage of the favourable symptom, and removing my shirt and sheets from the bed, wrapped my- tolf in a thick blanket, which, in a quarter .of an hour, flung me into a" profusb sweat; and in less. than.-two hours I was relieved from all iny complaints, except that of weak-

fttjss, a"*l le^ me. as hungry us a Lite -^- MeAnw^ fife our ship wuS orden d’to Ws heived

1 do /n ’victi# illetl. and watered, {oj< lier return to England, and out captain rin't caring to ga hone, exchanged with' a gentl^maa dcsiroLts- «f the opportunity.1

Our new co.ntnander came oh boar », and hi a’few weeks ■ our ship was urr'L'r sailing •rders. and I was- in, hopes of revisiting my native country in a very short timet wiiea tdie admiral's surgeon fCcttno on board, and sending for the mate an’d me to the quarter- deck told us there was a gi'eat scareify of syrgedns ih tile West Fndies that he was opmniandfed to detain owe mate ont of every ship that was bound fdf EtigTafidVdhct dssired ns to agree a'niong oursfelves by to-morrow. We were surprised at this proposal. ]\1 organ flately reuised to quit the ship the commis- sioners cf tUd navy had appointed him.— When 1 recollected the miseries I had un- dergone iirEngland 1 could nof'help think- ing hat my success Would be much more certain -by’slaying where 1 was. I xiercfore resolved vbllintV.rily to submit to ihe admiral’s pleasure. I was accordingly hppoipietl sur- gppn’s mate of Ibe Lizard sloop ol'wa^, wfiich put me on a footing with every, f ist mate in tan.' service.

My ticket being made out, I put mv cheat and bedding on board a canoe that was alorig- qidc, and having shook hands with honest


( fig )

Jack Rattlin, I took niy leave. ‘‘rTavief: pr?- seotei!\y- warrant tq,|*ietc:jji>iajn of the Lizard,'I inqtiired fqr (loc’st;r, whpm I ns* sooner saw„ him to he onp of tlifTse joung ft Hows with v.huru, T liad bee* connnited to ,the rpun^f bo.if^fe. He fecorh-'

:i|nitnded me to an exceeding good :.n c com-? posed of th.ef.gunner an^ tlje ^ate. 1 got leave lo go usiipre. eext'.r;^' with the

j gunner, whp itcomnienue.d fpe, tp a .Jov, that ! bought my ticks t, at,the raft 'd pO ^r cent.' ! discount, an'* bavfng. jfurp^js^ with what *!>-ge/!Si}<ie& I wanted, returned'on board in the«venire , . ’ i . . r & -4i .1, >L u: babnei .

m less than a. week we sailed pn a cruize, and having^gof round the east encl e'f the island, had the good for.tune,to take a Spanish Bar* colongo with fift pfize, which was an Lr.glish ship boundRo Bristol; and as there was no- tiring to do on btiaid;! went ashore; and hnv- h*g puichased . a laced waistdoatVwith some oilier clothys, at vencmE, made a swaggering figure for ‘somp days among the taverns, where 1 Ventured to play a litt’lp at hazard, and brought off 20 pisloRis in my pocket. Meanwhile our captain was promoted to a ship of tw enty £unpt and the conmiatd of the Lizard giveai to a man’of fourscore, who had been a lieutenant, since the reign of WHiiavn.

tl’.e Soon after these afterations pitched, uphn^cu? ship to cafrv home





par*hes fnr the mipittry ; aecordirglv we ic (ail f>>r fl.rglfirid,

Now that } could return to mv native ® 'H ory in a’ ereditahie wav, 1 felt ex- c ilive pltoiure in fi ding tny^elf out 'of

h of tlitt fatal dhnd which hau teen the grave of fo many Kuropeans,

\t thi:C time (he captain being fe'eei wi“h a violsnt fi of tlte > ut andgiavel, »:pj>lit'd to a calk of Hohand gin, hicia

hi* fine eigh prelcripti’cn againl.i ad fii empei*: Out whether he was- ac that time too (paring < r to k ap over-dole of t» cofdial tercain it *, he debarred ia the night and was foai-d it iff n- x nvrn.irg, t- ..:h no fmail f^tulaaion of Ciamp'ty, uh tu'ceeded to the command of the- v^ird. :' ™T1*'

.ye'had been feven weeks at fea, v hen -]■-

$$ k,nnv

ths yvjthoyt, fiuccer*, . 1


wK was &*> Wfifi; #f/t4L aKtiii (oistd yen bnsla* ^

| ( 7r )

t?ie oSicer.?, drffled th-jrnfe'v?* in tfelf l.ciothss, and d-ark their hqurir* v. ithou-S joeremony During inis 1 cl'thed myleif in mv belt apparel, girded on nu hsncer,

I {luck my piltols loaded in my belt dif- ilpoftdof ail my valuable'iTiC'Vf&bJ^j abr'ui ilme, and came upon dnek. Crample’- ns*1- ling hi* effort* to get the fidp-offintlT1 ctkibl, took the b at. and the Ship1* cobjpan^

* followed f- fall, She would have lutik by 1.1 the lliip'-’/ide. had noL one cut thb dope I and put off: 1 tailed out erne of tri'y foitol- (| from my belt, and Iwcre I d {hoot {lie 'firfi: I who fll'uid bppbfe my'entrance. So !ay- !'jng. I leapt on board the boat! In my

ti -icent. 1 chanced to overturn,Crdmpiey* vh > got up, an (truck feVenal time* at me with hi* c it!as, anu’ordered the men to throw me overboard, 1'hi ugh the-fci at v very deeply laded and the lea terrible high, we made •iiift to get upon dry land in iefs than an hour. Mv indignant n then b ke out again!! Crampley, whom I im- m diate'v challenged to Whg!e combat, offering him hi* choice of my pillol* r He took t tie withou hefitation and before I could cock the other, fired in my lace, thro ■- irg .he pillol after the (hot. 1 felt mfe f Itunned' and imagining the bulii t had enured my brain, tiiichargeu min©


( n ).

■fej Com as p ^tha1 I might n-it die| uni'ovcnged j ?ihd ttviag unondnyantugonHt'y kuotiied out Several of his fore-.t tth with thi buct«endiof tha pi't d, which made him Uagger fomd pace> back t L folio wed clo'e^ and with a Urolce oiit tiee>iendon» on Ute back of'iiii havi.' ih tiiat the cu la* dr ope, t.f'd h* remtaMned <ief;r.Cclefs. I ktioav not whet nit rage 'migh; hetyft infpiredv if 1 had «iot at that whan been felted to the a blow <Jn the back part of the head, which deprrveif me of all f iVa- tion. Wthan i I’tOeived the ufe o't my tind-.-rdanding l f<>unu myieif alone rtript of iWy; c>athfs, amt fevery thing bat my (!s >e*j hackings, breeche*. ana 'Hurt.— 1 carfed the h*>ur of my, b tth. the tea tnat did‘not fwatlo v me up, the viilany' of t.ioi’e »r»o- left me in tiiat inf erable conditiof). and in 'he echac qf dclpair, refolved to lie (till where 1 ■Aa* and peri h. However, mv p&ffrm inkertfibiv abating, ) .vith iome difficui'.y got up, and tVnjnd > I had only t wo woundi one on the fore, and an it iter oU the hinder part of rny head. I direAed ray courie to a tmali cp'tuge, and on the road, picked up a ibamao old jacket, wh'Ch I fupjwfbd the thie who dreffad himlelf in my cfothe* hat taro wo a wav. I put it on, being roue];


[I made»a fb, It agger fhuhftt h re

. n m gamr lin \s jth a (>t'.chft *k injii* nand* g.-*ing to-, thrift ‘u the liraw

t‘..a ci^coaUd m?. had | wt ytceatd a ii|terrible ’irhiiilanrawlrubse eroi' n* I'who Jl&ricw. wjiih the pwchfork be* £ore 1*11$;*, iljtjj 'nan arrived, «,h(» »eei*)g trie,,other ''-tT t ghi a [KfH'jre,, ei i^d, “ .Msrev tipoa ».,btv>'r.eb1d;i Wh>;,.:lJi.«cia brib'd ?!*

j'Utjd l)je|c, *yW Yfi her.l Yailitar^iberef Lbs' either,the t tvebad n.-tti ter.-Ja.i* Miiufct#s^lvni’ -jjWe.’tWf V<K yet,:bvJ)fki mi* rhaM'^t.-'at^r^^ini^abofc; ,d»-h ithe jhanic -t ih. VA‘.hM.i2Lv'<i.d«V Sirs':Gh-iU*

i \.ph?.! ge ria l to he '4-# »i d 'V Uf,:y. U bt {x flio r,f

' & reft niatho «.Jihalw> X l ViSrto i4%riihjo 9Drti* .-wipe*,

i |;«!VieaS4Htf*4 fe iTft'V# I'tASB jigd ijat >t. qi flsijb.div ^JikVn^rft rm ii. g ^‘RKVgaJI^ bV^j-fuiiulfr^gi^w- j>e^a^r; ,^y ftfeltf t .dov*,

|'P bttfv|fft^let(io^ Mkh|r j'aiie oid man, to lave The lithe cl gtttirg

o bp,

( 74 )

tin. <srawle<3 brcV' ^c!. like a crab wttlJ j^r^a* nil tbfc th tfholdy rr.mnbljvg .,exoriirM?s aft. the v av. "Xt lerg h ,afi ol^ .ty^?n entered the barn, followed by. the t ^ fugi tives, and ad- vanc'd 1,0 m here l Hy, fa> If it be the deyijl.TtJe^ren^^i t.d ai f<'r a dta-I m^n,. !;e can do m no.h^rm. IX hei' fhe faw -ny <? .n4itipn ffle cried. H :»e be rib, devil, bat in vouren f be a i. Here be.a p >.}f raire^bl^ b't'e'ch' b ed-.i g to

a^b,; if. hjt^s^ujv1. e r-uit b a the e*refore* S" v't0'Ci

the .0^ d p''ter in and q^rtjv.^iim to 0 ’Oti'na* ll^dge * back-dt»t»r, he is m re a,ble than' w t o lay ut money nym P*?ot,,a ^Sfnnt^ h trn 5»Ti>- C ^ taken, and'^iiu& °-ht* fa-nier’* dor, t herp’ I as f airbed all like a hea:* of duW ben my gr ana :

didurbed the family !ome of v«. hom e,ame| t.Tt JUi.oU U ■ r, nf-.V 11, acrei out to \ ie^.e rrj. ii'uaj^bm put 11 dge refftn^ mg the Jy. m re ^ban n g •■i Samir.i an. y tfyt t ed me tc bt ca ntd U the jhyu e of thy parion. W befr I > ai fet do \-n at the Vicar t gat e he' fell i'ritj a great paS^j ■n and .Utrea^ed W exc •nt ir\uni.:a e Inm •■ hd Jent/af >»ie I a • h in wh ■ b ■,tight me, uidejs they moven mt (9 anu'.her pUse Thus i was hanyiec ;n£ • fryff

< 75 )

from <fr!or to door, .hrr ugTi thft village* ijaiiul an olcf woman 'rScgfved me ih'to her |boute. d'.-tflVd mv wound*'. a'Md -itciured, m Ipirit* . ith cbi dia1.* of her cu-c 4? '.'-

• pa- ing. The whui^' tbthayi. lir '• of i hi* mnerabie, perlbn vsj f«T hdn’df.e. ffjat l|I c >ntra^lecf'a fi refp-eft fJr hev. and jbegged Her'auvice i(b'rt ffifidPtri'nVj tu u' d jjeni gucI as loon a* I (hod d be’in a'd Jti.on to aft fyr mjlelf 'Snfprom:fed1 10 |reCcmn:trid me as a tel varit Vo’a lingle iaay of her ai q-ainiat ce. hut advlled in t to

|Co;ctai ii orA lpi act 1 elsittcl *6^ 'rt.y&li do ihef ^for lii faiu jt v a» a {raiin:. ifuhotigit fei'.df pc i hs • f c that' no g. r. te- •O'an in.d tti eU uiugiu to be admitteu uao a tami y as a d methc T?5 as Tain u> e’m- ffirace thi* ban b'e pro^ot’al, aha in a few days was hired, by this lady, tb ierve in q v of a foot man.

Before,I to. k poll', (lioh of nu ne v piaCe, Jlie give me a fk ici) ^>f r> rmflteis'» ch',ra(fter, that l nngljit Utifow bet el how tp rtgu;atc my C' t e.ubl. Vourla 'v. laid flic,, u . a maiden.'of ’forty ; this ' v i h her c -i ^mpt ^ Wr(Be’i'ltWilrf, fityes ^ie.r. tit phe v\ hoj e* dt keijPJg ftt-%

line, r * h gb is c. niidt i’ahie^ uT fie

l 'ot^cor^veh1^* any «t the Vamtl DUt'hirVttctV v Bo

* it

™. , W * " t — " ^=4 *r ls 1 p

E: £ ^1 e 4, “ -t ? ^


c.. ><L»

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'r> % >. 2 : ^

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PCCz £ 5 .-. v-9 g. £ r-j. «4

( 77 )

• T hnH mt been Uv g.^ qojpped, ^w+.enmy iladv’. b-11 r:»ngr ttptrts ^ L<raHl up i|ftairs.. and f* unc her baik rrg abonl liie imo’* in her fiVitt: ar dmndertpe ' to. at < nly.

W uid have l et r edr a* ■became om but ie id me cnme irr. and air a C.Van ftiift »V hr; htcti having-d'tie ih bm«i ack a.tdne1* Ihe put it on hvfi rt me ■ ith ui. ceremobv ami L verity b; iteve S* ignorant of my lex a. I ■ he timt, being

iniite abt rbtd in copteTr[> ati-n. ■ At four L was omend to lay the •cloth,

md place t'.»ocdvers ; hen m\ n itireff "prt.jiched-. fleet#'pa»tltd by a young ;ady, ’h fe name at prHetn ftiah-be Name ila. h- • agsii emedi o be^t veute--1 n and e-v* ry

■ftnure'chgagrvgi v heft ft»e p\ okei i liber:, d i.>tb'pl^alufe ; but v he’i'*tbe ipfffce to me. ■ ini, p uh v a« ’ t !‘Vn.lbd!-'v w hr an echncv cf UftnUltti' u. jiU-t ( v asfeten fo happy as lo be th’r ’('bj ft i’f vi ei1? d ■iTverfrtti'.n; c#' Nstc fl'a' hrv’ng "• by Vvt’a- <?V 1-vi.i to i b»r sd11 1' t:L y i ht?1' f otrrai • ' rcon e. i-b- ahtr-effi. g KdT dif'• < me ' fl, !,7, u r h ndffab e c ■*■[; aoViC'v tn p."'Ji c ptrfen- rh had b en V c imry u’.hi i> 'Vh^1 >. b.

■ W■ cr. , fs i •ft d her'‘dir' •Hi? Ibe iff c d< id h* 'kr'• ti g ri t par ■ icu-

a« •<*'«». r h^bi t« re -'StA' fmee ' ny being Ou^-vif 5-'iititu5Af. a*

& 3 Mu.

MW), ®a^Iybh*(l:«(<onboltert:(nie- T toid hrr J'dtail «lHp'i'»rtF((/kd«lH;iJ 'arul i'«iir n.ot'e, tidni chauweJ ti® bffon the rk'ck,'made shift t<»- Htvin# tflcsjie bhb&, vvh<?jsb;myJ«^M»ip,ir.rous)

fedvihgiibfi.'r^xwai'tfd ttihpl im- to the* ehinb.. ami iileflt jiie.- as tfd y muagiiHxi* dead of the‘woaints. TWlt I the errcnuisla«ceS|ofi»ov heiMgjfoufdl- in a.birn, with thh inhuman streatt^ent l mefutuh fioih the jfcmnltrjjf pe®^)l«-j and parson j' nltitii 1

* ptooi>ed <icew tears- from the 'olmmihg crefftmv’'a.1 ejiOseJ Ji.-'i •id n,r!i ,-!' it-.-,: r a- i When thdir dinner’was overt1! tmd my Foiik)* JSiiirv 'TtJs'# !owd to onrs to the kirclu itj where i ofriitfr^Utotf'tWfltiKu-' Finimhy-l'lnoket tteak' iiittjrBtedfHunteftitticisiti> by • tret fewthe r; TJii'.iifcfornndifm'bojfot 'hr: me a montiU aver* sitin' ttA<S i»i'Tiinuttlw <f ’tehont' I Jtiokedmpon tplwy -p'.mi iiuiafui ven 'Con'tetro'd hopts of

\ o»te cuwewjotintp thts tdi-iabFo \ohng’ijrea* tuhev vvhofttiLjfetiwm# leiieuitraettfnue. 'h1

’ fc S . < l fetui qirrttidvehtet^‘eight1 nMrtiths in the

station i f -w't 110 til rtMai' nit on airm^cidentdiap-. ptw^d'v.thqtnpatihjKJOiulJtpniv seryttuutv. and; for the prefiMbt^ aH bypts -oiV^O*

■fcetu!ipg lilt;my;Joke< 1:‘Nureisstf wentrwie ik»y to visit Miss ffiiidket, wlho livvi} t«hhin a mile flrfcwrf house.-'amiiwiMs jVi it(ubd('d to walk hropie in Widicooliof tfie evening, twidotwp'afiit'd by Sir rimothn ,tiwl>e» havhrg a gooiVtSeal’ofi'tlte braie in’ hi«v, wav instSgated: ttv tme some uni , btgJjotfiflsjf i'iaiiiiiffities :wUh fier. The love ly

. Jo crea*

{ 7f 1

creature was incensed at his rude behaviour,, but he dost all rt$»ai>d-iw decebty,:- abts ac- tudliy tdi’ered jviobrttcao wheeO'I aecidentaUy passed near Vi iiat ^(Cre tLie: emo- tions of my. soul, t.vvhco b bebeJd'vKareaisa almost sunk beneath the brutildoroe .of this eatyr'l-i-tJ.flt^v to iijer rescue,—- lie u.Vvt'- ina

‘hitojeier. to d 11asibe myfipro«vimptmm■; i My in-, dtgtmtun was tpu ikyhrta.adjrant onet.hnuight (b. ifeurt sp rushing lupost.bjip. lr;*t(8Utk his ^eapwr'out ob' hia iuand^aijd used nljooudgei so successfully, that he fell teethe ground.— } iti■.'iniitrethrptsito-hiaretssai till.© had saiflinit J, and: silfum- dowa lty he/njigruriy raised.tier heaii, and suppoiteid ;u».my bosom. /rWy soul; w as «o thrilled with tumuiulous joy, that I could .notoforhear ravisjiirtgia kiss. Un re- covering,: she Said, with a look full of.tender aekiutwledgniiejnt, Doar Jobxai,' l am eternally oiuiged- to a ou. So'SU}ingv ahe> mtuu; an efiort to fisoy iui which I assisted her, and she pnue^edeo to the house, Idauiijg. upon me all ti»e v.tay,. 1 was a thousand times' tempted by this opportunity to, declare my!pasasou, but the UAiead of disobliging'her restrained my.toiiguci. //Six Timothy i saw get up and move. hottreVrards. I was hllen w ith a just apprehension of his resentment, especially when I.considered his intimacy with our ’bqiiire, VVhen we arrived at t^e . house, Narcissa aesuvedi me, site wouki exert all her influvnee in protesting roe from die revenge



4>f TnickfMff and likewise,engage .bev aunt in my i.j^our. My firstt.icai’e iwS to<-gf> anil oonsuii Mrs. Sagely, wiio. unrltr-. stood my. situation, Uyo good vvoteari cunilotod rrjy Hnhappy, fate., bat ftp^ivvedraaiy resnimioii . to ieavu* the couufrj.' r ;^Wte»she oras worn- »8g niy ofuny (Ltngt,iV[ w# heard a'knocking- at the dpor^ VijWktf fl*ng us< both into.great c^QStefi^qnJ ,,’i'hdg)gonefpus-oid lady, put- i“B two yuinea^dnt^..^jr imnd, bwl.mejrrt.out niidtijo: lia^krdoor; and consult; myr safety as I^JWl^ncpipkwid dwfift nuu 'bioj 1 >Ti.' om * 4llWBadviijB^. rfmdcffsoa^od <tn the

Eea,^0«; wfhWfiaj- if:v»»'smliiei»lyt surrqundad by. anqefl thavi«gi.boui>d mvbhands apd f^e^. [bf4'f,P^^t>4ke n/iitioisOi votv,pain> oi' beiijg^h^t, an4,oafrie(i pH'onlxJttrd ofatvatFstflj v.piqh I .$)()<>Angac^i.v(‘d to.ibo a smuggling’ cutter,, d ^eyb(flr^ft(?ed(eii ffen t!]b iGdiiseiiof l-rapeg:; w]^ ,vyp q4rtJC -witldn;sight -»f shoxov qno,i^f 1t,hef(qy4^-,.ioit,t oiej L-niwst pay for .nyv, pa$s.-.^p!lf ji^otri thod. («»<??>»U*l si’s •« g.i^ay^in |ny^Vcki^^ <iil iitflle-while : we all vrypt. nsJjoyy itogpthet., jM -inquired for ' a'jiphiiy-hopse, ah inU’iJtitoo; «f taking soiiie refryshmynt,, Iiythy kitshbw fitje-'Dutch sailor^,.aat,.s^ wnVlaxafatB^istrjuajpi frotp ^pofAyivod another iporsort in the gapfyp, gpr^, g^ipg, in a pensive aulitarv manpqp;;g.p)cv^ii,)in|^,)luinsi!lf withtm whiff of tobacc.o>.,rr(yp tfumfUtjofi aspipts-as Mick aa j,ct. t approached this forlorn tar, with


« tifw t9 offtr him my ass.stsnce, T.hcja l- 'Ton^-w8f u^cle .a’nd'

Hnafactor LitiufJ.'i¥ra,rit:

Ni ;<vtn !**!ha« iveYt of my bbt<vjL'«n tin- '(>f!fifi'Siv4? a^’aih1 SfAifli a Vaffi- Ebieifcitfrii. jftitirf'ihf soinb'ff'dP^tt^S^'hiiff ,Si

_6wcfe « iJmvvciwnffifio'ii! Ptifr&fc'd bhlmrrinlfcW •sbnio. time r«?t*8W^h^tItfml

in^8. of sjj®e<!ij,i (-Jr icifttii? GWl*! ■?* ■? '-g

Mrs fio li^s oamo nur^iohOri, tfeih :'‘hfe lifted Vp» cryji^jiiath sorri^atii'^rf^yy DM* ycftf ‘cfalj me, brotiier? I told bitfl, ''i> haU koWrethktji ejCti1^- owfinarj t« comhfunicate': and* oWfrtfa'$iin to j;ivre me a flew* mirttrtes HeirRi^fm pridtiuT room : but: he wrivid not V-etfsebt. 1 doVlfd nb'loneer i tfrain th>m teiling him I wbs i 'iiy* own nephe^r, Koduriek 'Rabdon!. » re$nliu>g my features, e'enie and shobls1 ri*a J)V tite band,:land*ssSidV My fact, I : n» aoV^ to eets-you mider ^ach'coiburs as ft s hbt' in my {sowed to cltange theni for the bette'f.' With Uiree won Is j 1 could percetr^ a t' .if- triek-fe down Ids' furrowed dVcekk, Trliieir'^ afli dted mu so rnuehs’ that 1 vt'epf bittofly —- I then gave him-si detaB':of1a!fJfe!y’ttifvet!ture«, • wiiich.afffcctect flint riiufch, end tbld Captain Oakhnm was st:iH;ali+’d.! ,ahci]t?iaf: ffe migbtiu'c-.tuni bo'iingldtui without d8f^er Bff molestatiem 4 *v;^i frifft fomnltjon. of - wbiyh. ibtJ'c&l^M'htt'avail liifif.-'y'- seif, ter rntat of iilbhey ti> ptry ‘Idfe'Darfsa^

. v -iij ntolml (tills boi.Oi-oiqqe I

( 82 )

^T-opdnn. Th is objection I door. rem*ve^» fey puniog five guineas into his hands, but could’fi'pfjSrtVaii on hnn, tchapcegt of htqre t&iK>]*wnLI' pvoposcd that we shoahl have a mess of soup thing, for it has been,

l he,r with- me a great wliile; bor have I broke bread these two days.— f wafpsWcfted at the extremity of his distress, KreacopCTea<s#me breac(. cheese, and wine,’ to be br^ugli^jmmeei iti !y. to '*11 ay Ids hun-

\mln a ’fricassee of chickens could be pfepared.' When oyr repast’was( ehd\d we VajKe'd ’down to the partxuir. where weTouud a cutter that was to sail for Deal in the even- ing, and Mr. Howling agreed for his i> .ssaue; dnd being seiis;bJe of my forlorn condition, pressed me to accompany him. ^ However, i refuseo, jand dqtprmined^p stay in. France. I was confirmed in this resolution by a reve- ^rul'prieswao pi[e^ririg ds &i Inyp.i^ed hy.a^cpst^ ^ifh ^ip •WffKWw?

wished it ought be hi his power U* do us any service.. We j^ianjf^, tJiis .gTavCj person for bis eoupte^ offer,, afld invitp\| hint to drink,, rt gTpss of winch hg ^epepded. ,,P course of our conyers dim, I disclosed my cpp^jjOp.yytbfllqt jijefe^y:^, mp^ai^ayttp ,my

WiA Wce^xpiM.

iteaui contribute all in hi* power. My

( 83 1

My uncle Ijegan to be jealwUs of tliQ priof,t a insinuation, aitf very abruntiv declared that, * ' . . ; > {• . ' f ■ ■ ^ .1 J J ' ( if if ever 1 should renounce my religion he would break all coniiecfion And corres* spdndenee with me. I told him I was, de-- termined against any alteration m 'ppint of religion. The priest shook bis head, and sighed, saying- W! son, son, what a glorjpus| prospect is here spoiled .by. your stubborn prejudice ) However f am brquainted rvitii some people of rank at Versailie£ to-wnom 1 can give you li tters of repiMnmondjation, so that you may be entertaintd by, tome of tbexn. 1 etnbiaced bis offer^ahd he appointed me to come in the afternoon when,he would riot bnly'gfve ms the ftitets hut infrodupe me to a capuchin of Ids a i qua in tancef1 who in- tend.d fo set out next morning for Paiis, in whose 'company 1 niight jtravej. without being at tne expdnce of'one livre ffunngJtm^ wfi'ere TodWidf ’’1 Wy!Wrf8?ftea his promise, bv making me acquainted with the capuchin. With whom I departed next morning by break

^ ’ 4,< t, J y.f * l in' ^ It was not long before 1 discovered my

/ellow- traveller to be a die t ry f cedous Fellow, |?bA/iovetf'^Scifl^rftmgdWhliing better thaa his rosary. His naine was fVere Bal- thaziif: dhd as he was perfectly i^ell known on tlid road, we fared kthbptti<vusly without any-ebst Wtftobk ap but lodging the’first >ight at a peasant’s house, not far from

• AbSe

V; • . ipoinm wm l.n« , Ahbc^il^, where we wcrte-ientertninwl with an vsx^il^ninipojrt.j-gqaked hjpi ducWatlJord’s ' dny^tijtw^; ^tjr,.having eatn.wianily. and dr iiiii a ai#IBei«»j«.qM*»1itv tof. irinb^iive' were eojy^fujte4) t«fl;b^{iH^wh«r« wo fo*itid'B crau^ila - of spread Axpoh clean; straw Tor our 1

reception, j ^>vijji q Iu-ji1 .01 yni^i.i i it The, tJiird^nigbt/on <mrj<rarnep{ we .-pa-

at. a house,,near - Airaieiwi where jfBahhjz.T being unkno'vn, H'e suppcdiupoB milrent /ace, with suur wioes tuvl .werei fiiih: to lioin a garret. Irifiell fhst dsleep being! nwieh fatiguetl with owr d*y^s rnaitchy, and ffiid net «• wake tifl nine next m or rung:, when finding. X i. myself alynej /,started up inft£rj;{ht», find't 1 examining rpy pocket, compinion - had made frge vvith my caslii and lrft> mo to d seek ray way to Paris'by afiy self,: rlirOnhlnwii 51 stair^ immediately,;and iiiqoiredifor tire mon« l 1 dicaptwhen they said, he had aet oat four { hours before, after having? told theiW 1 was a little indisposed,, rapd dpsirec| 1 might not r n be disturbed^bat tp infdrm me, when I shoyld s it, awake, that he had. taken the road for Nbyons, where he would jwait ;f»>r my coiaing . 1 I quitted tliekan ju despair, and betook my*. ? f seif to .tby fields,1 where I wandered.hlce One 1 distracted 1 ^Unsyispisitswere^uitefixlmusrted, and/ was, ubfi^ tprow miystdf down at. J 1 the root of a t ee, to rest my wearied limbs, ' /ipre .m^yggfijfeswok me*, i^begwu to ife l | tie importunate cravings ot nature, and re-


i/es inn is r,J'


j&psetl into si\ent sorrow anti niolancTio'j rr* itflection 5 a> thoasanri HmfS f frivieit on, a bear, thatim»^t'|retrei« trt ' # idesarti, ffli? ftonl>.,th^ inhclsjlito1»ie '•■ man, * bare-L could tivd't^’my W^h'tatehW. As U*y in ttoti martoer, groatlih^ owr mr tepless« fate, I- lieavd llu^i«nfaMd>^C ft-'violiVi. anil raising tay head perceived a ctflftpSrf/1'* Hot’, mea rpnd nnMran dt*rftmg ,4$te‘ ckfe1 ■$&%• it 'some distance from i>jc. in t, ithera to . be party'< pl^'«oid 1 erS, • oOrfi11'^r5f

iiwivcs ami cliiidren,^ivertinjptiKModVeV ithe iiutig«<^jo£( a jpoiitfc. l^fi blidl n4ver4WM.d* jpeen such a paroclnofi aoftre-eWnvS'lW^t-HW^^ il saluted tliein, liowtrei^ and' #«i«r^dii^i|"v

iwith great polil*ei>ess.jutW which a ring and danceH around tft&ii vC5iV'jdll?t’sr ,

tthad a wonderful effect upon toy spirits infected with tlu ir 'gaudy, aiid,-* irr sptfe dF', ‘ imy dismal situation,’ forgot 4hv««ktred; and Iflonjed in their extravagance. AVtuto «■« had Eecreattd ourselves * godil' WMle nt 'rMrstlt-.1^

erston, the fiifiieK sprourtsthgir toirtvt'ftHis cd E

lie ground, upon .which t!ieV; 1eityk?edd-Heii’r’ tkuapsacks of soibe onioivs, t<Mrse‘fei»ead,- ,a few flasks of pnor ebthdbilKI iVith w ■the rest, and in the whole fcourhe of toy life

dnever made a more comfort .bie rfh ai. U. iWhen our repast was ended, wfe g>dt? upsgntor* ijto.ilance. And now that I found'tfiy^ft re* * jfrethed. I behaved omtbe admiration of - body. The seijtact •in partiduisa dxjprcssvdti | *')i luia (Uiiuaa lo ^^rtno *tiaiUJO^dig§s.

{ $6 )

for r>w?, the Ir -rsdi-itjr’s lite wth so nlueh: w

an tha* L* fwapwii to iiaten tht bi'i pmpasal b '«(•■ pnlrBr’iifj it!' - ia bU. so*v!co>; <u»d hacvinr b m itArely -v-'J^oad the -.'ire'uni.uneas j»r<jimtd l'

'■edn I:Me»ifrfM-i/ny oompr.ti ar«i was«ulstHtt-4 i into t!U’ r. iii.i -op<4’ Pioci*r(iy.-» 'KbetbintipaF yi <

' to 'vliioti tniwiftniimitnil ^.Hon^rPt},-; was quar- t t'fr;4 0 n vifkaje not f“r c‘t& wh'*>ar, we r Bi iroH *1 niit clay and I «^a!.prrsfept.ed to r n;v fc ip’ t»n w id> me a apowrt to drinks i aifd oiidiifwi md to'ibuf aecomnitMiatad with t? •iothes. arms -and.•aocoutrcmenfe; til sold, t- hiv hvtt- suT»|tpwrehased iinea,snd^lm a very \- sliOn iLn«v a oomplfftt-soklien! ‘ s

It Wcia'nOb 'io-irc h Oorp we rjcoived orders > to tt woil iittiK Ot'nnahyvin ordt-ji to nrinforce * M rrsc-'bd IDUciiiH Notuilei who was thea . ern-tuipwl tsw'i his joftfay odd the sido of the i

:mv-r .viaift to watch to-' mtitions oi the (■ E'i-j'>sit tiu-tri ios- .>»d• Hot.ftirulet the o eiyn.nm 1 ^'f thitsfi.el of •'Stair. A*is,began h ear 'irl-1 acivjnimiilv, but it is impassiblen to deseribu C<1 !mng. r ,nui t unit l-snstiimed, ;> anil tlju f nig lie I Mwtle/Weuty in a ntarch of h to 'at irev tlU i ired niilee. so tjiat in a very > slioro t.i ue tile msidfi «f itvv I highs .anti legs w.-Ti (f jti'tvi#d of .sian- and I proceeded in ij tinto utoi'ist torture. T iis niisfomtfie l owed -

. 4o toe ptu npii-ss of mv eoncthnoon. The eo trouiil p iat 1 !e!t tutde md'fr-riltil, and my pcuviaaot'fti was tua'cased by the ntowifi-

* "'Vii Oftti§A

' *7 )

tr^tlon of tov pride, jn sednp' tbcst? niisprab]* fetches, wiiuiik a hard gah oi wind ibyvejTfiesifetered* through jtWe' air like clifjE itfetiftr itho*e toiih tv:th alacrityi under which 1 was: ready, to sink.v

If tOsne.dayy;while we.enjoyed a halt, and • with thsir, w ives had gone out Jtio jance/ruS comrade staid at hcirne with me,

pretenee of Iriendsiitp, and comforted o-ie rwith pky and cloTVolation Ho told me, ill ‘V.Os'uvd ifiooe he iseaaotH'd' to tin* servu>«;

dlstowi he *!id .not dsn'btobut i rhtftUd hat• ■ tire Ihonoltr U*' oonmbute■ td the honour ul. tire <M)Lngt Httve, cvaiflage. ithortu»re, mv cioid, I isaid.bej diud‘prsiy'i '.o> feod that (y ou. ntty hu

<*®s litt-py/a;- I an> wii.d have- hat: the honour 'f-«f senSiig iLcwts the Great,.'and help r t ta |,«stubiiton Jiie. glory. v> htn 1 looked upon ;the ronten>pt ble obj< ct. I was amazee; tit s>l9ie infatmition that possess: d law ; and s hould not help expressing my.astoptsh.irifeiit • at the Absurdity of a 1 rational hi utg, wha

dthinks hirHi-eirhigldy honoured in being per- mitted to encounter poverty famine, diseases, .

iCMid imstUaeioh. nn rcly to gratiiy the’vicwais ratnbition of 0 prince, bv w ia’isu his.sufit rpigg

: were and ids nsdue met Ely Un- eknown; rofide soldkr was ^ert ntuoit bifun.trd Latillid hb; rty (utooh vita Irt itiog,' and tsi- Tjrf isedonm. to' corVerOhlte rvin du us principles bjjuhadiimbibed tidno;-g tlm* hr glislij who air “iC«i'*ir iumiottcttjs) &*■*> n^m uotoruMts

112 'all ^ *

+ I *sa .v.v,erot^>vtt'©r]d.5 I’d w. hich I r^plieS • i&>a«#»<ftrr.a pr.c n‘j ^ ■>;» '>'« "■ k-

l ae tf ^endhrii^ni pt-ovokfil at the little R lli»8HV kififc’ loft all patt-

enc' and n-pw >achd!i rftenivfkjch a manner, ••; that,m\ verni^t forf-: k me,-and t clinched 61 ma fttt,. Aiitb an imeritinfl to give him a "< heartj bds.on the ear’'? but he; perceii'ing •• 'JW defign.';ta>’lrCi. back,idemanding a par- - dcr ji amti g, <ha? vh i Wai not weary of S

• my i<fc. i wobid do well to jpare'him that a £ti.irtiiicatton,vand do 1 him- 1 he'honour of t

. i®eHlhriDg hi a 4 vordiivvith ''miriey-like a g- ntl i mah. 1 foiloTvedmy amagonill into a find, u ho wa* a poor, little, fhrrvling creature, dec rip t. *rth age. and blind of cne eyei But 1 loon found the folly of judging from appearances, being at the lee or a pats wounded in the fwovd hand, fifiii iramidiately disarmed with ajeiic.—- I wai no Icfs euefaund d than enraged at this event; fur be iniittcd upon my §Jji;ng pardon, frr my prefumptk-n in

vfCWhg'sJiifejk-ing and hiim ' 1 his 1 1

tvo,jid b} n-a m!«an9,cr»njplvu* i^h, but told fcsni. 6 voul4i^JiWTtum-claim latitfatflivn • >v.!.t,u mil we'Uf t . •»( ivihich weapon we -5;i auIu (be/,u.ptt*vBrlpar!!tthan tf. ith thtjit •iiWrw- hr mado-no* reply,-i>ttt rt'jiai. .» ;hr atikkt*} among whom he


V I #

ikefioaateft his y<£lv»yy w\th msr.y exapresu iBiilrtit,. i©'Sir-g/-6|>'«»y wi^pt Sto my quar er* and exjrmU'fiii myi wopnd, Iwhixirt .swawf pu<e<»niequfciscei

' Jjtipf.-iafljf >ifv #n iruh cirtiTnft'.cr, having IVTift.ff/rtTiyijnsJpvijidi:eiil mt. vfild

tiicr nwoTti, a&d vvouid i^'ca^ye/i);.! ^or* tiroef jhilirriiA me, i‘>,.thav jibJasi boxflatBd'e the cid

• jtf* iniowshb k»4SSdingi'at my .ifexp.bfec^ •fiitndlyjioffgti ht.Oih.rsd •*|qn tjhe, rcgdrd.) te > hid fijr'iry j;fj^orbtu?- Qtti-il ai"isRivaT*pi9 icajued, Iths- inde :S?^«iv-e was xo Mijet tison a j; a- Slf>U)y He.tK^uttK-awuhli m a’’:ctirvfpsmei ce

^c6cb»aai- at d. his. * '%;p;6,« de «iid. T!jat .Think pr -f.^r to TH&tit

ifbpf lionet.i liffOO: t ted 1:i didr, anc.-ioon l^4ievfldTpipf(Jri£a-orattjit<fi«* nty 'C('r.q;:er<>t« I;t.Ah« fftS-Nuiroe vyeicnniin > d < or mnreh, aid arri'V ta -at sthiei eurrrh at 'rfcreichal

tlnd’ntglk :.btioOc tih*- hsur.t < f '‘DoUing^o. b :£Nb.tiv;thitaddit:g tP» f.n lyw* we h»a utTcicrgyiaf our r<, gmient v ?.* one of ihMe tijat. Atfre o|Uefcd'titSM day to crofs river utider the'cammawd vf tlte I>jc dt Crratnant, to taitdq^'ffcfSuh of a narjro'fr defifiS. through which thj? ad’i't* mjiii ftif rtcelfity'. jhave pai^d at a grent oilaaAvad-lj&gi-, • or remain iifeVd 3ief A cre;

H ^ \ 8

(, 9P )

if thev would not c ,«rie!eend to furronder i J. at[ f’ftor‘-j! t$jey them- j

pent uu in this mpnneiv it is »«# mf pfo-^i?.{$ fb_v^la'e. But it£fe«|»|ii i,.. er th'n ’tf'T\e,’tHe B 'ui'Ji gcne-ai was ovcr* . ■§]' rutle^, MifWy a«i-d°in an‘trif&rior cbg. J. raSKtu1” C)'jrJ ir'itcV’ niagp 'opened p pafTage I fo? ihP f k,d rlaiia’i, Vnttjpjer the^ im-i a - med 3^eH’ fAtircfied f^kytng rheir lick and w^irtd^d*'to YHe C ire 0f the Fren,cji. \yh<|-.. n ^da^^j^qpjrmynofihe fi Id of battle. ;

Tffi!s a nTo^tion U) us, who th^vie-’to. k’-.ccafi^p to claim th^ viftory**- « E rv m.'in bv ms 0 vn ace >unt. pelfornted f a: 'h'd1 • ould navefliisaefl all the heroes of iVitVi^ii y. '‘pne compared hjcnfelEto a ]i'>n'rcfiritVg at lei.fure from his Cowarc;y pu nuers. Another to | bear that ^eyteats V Ali bi l&ce to t he enemy, who dare not i rfT r 1 him. There was not a private * In foidie'r engage t, who had not, by the ' , r. prowefs o-d ho fmgie arm, demoluhed a wh -le platoon ; pnd, among other*, the m agre ex' •lied his exploits.-n- . Ai 'f oifi*re?airefentmeot totvardai-U him £ magnified the .valour of thfpEnglifl* with^aln’tne JVAbeJj.,'!e* I could imagine, i i rl deer eel the pud. animityof the French in 1 be pa ne ;ai\' ,Cu apartng them to hare* | flying "b-for;- gt,c>-hound*, or raice pur-i. £

”1 ' ' iued

( 91 )'

iifued by eau; and paflbd .an ir^eal enm* pliro'snt on the Vpeed he exertc<i, jn )ii* flight1, which( eonfidering his ag^,*,

i iv.tutifc* :iI: laid Was larbrilhig He was to ’th^ q-iicfc by J.his Urea m and,

with a;r a'tr df vhfeateniug dtfdaia. bid, we. criijw tnyfeiPb tier, ana remeipb.-r ;h^ feorreihian I hal already i eceiyr.d , frem pm. To this imietsdo 1 madt.g!Oi reply, (at by a k-fclt on t;h6 bre^dh. which iver<- urned hi n in anf’inUant. He darted op ihh wondeffu agditv, and dVa ing.hH •vord, a’trcked the v i'.h gre^t fg^jy.-—

t. fudairted hi* onlVt v, ith Pule dantpge*, |aving -ohiy rec-iVed A frhaU icrqlch op fty right' th >aider hiYault^d him, in my, pro,' civfed! wi' h hi n. and, hVette^i, ,bi» ivord ouc'of* hii hand. Kavihg thus ac.- uired the vntl >ryC I deurtd him,to beg ns liter to vvh’fdh lie fftade no anfwer, at ihrugged Hi|' Iftsihditlders However,, o mortify hr*’vanity. I tHrad hil 1 woi d p to the hilt in tome'lung that, lav I'm ak- ig on the pl&rti, and joined 'the rell of the •tidier* witlTaa air'of iftdifthrence.

The qarttprtgh being ended, the Ergjifh, iirclmth, b'i&k'-tfet- thA bTetHeHand*. here f our arny was de .ch.ld tb'Erench Flan- era,, and (yJr1regi neht ordered to winter i Gnampiigne. i'hfe grenadier company,


( 92 ) ; /

to \vhich I now belonged, lay at Rheims, where I found rayiVIf in the -utmolt want •f <!very thing. My pa%T,‘which'atnocru-d “ to €'d Hols a-Avy? w-fti IfraVdely fulFiCient to-beep'd’, ul and’body togetlhef fo * I '-o'as, by hhr.gerTand hard duty, brddght do\Vn thrdie dbhdUfori of^rAf M- _ loi/^foldfersi, 'dud fny lineh rtrduced ffbm th'ree toi^VaWe fKIft* to fvyd *pk?r of 1 {le ve - ana .*t!he 'bodieiT>'haH-’,ittgbe,eii' 5 lohg'fcgo cAWverVed into fpattcrd&flies.

One^idavj while I flood jititifiel at thfe’ f gate of a'gfenera!' officer, a ce'h&itf'rioWe-; «

cane tothorhior follow ed by a gebtle- man in'rrtourbihg, to “whom, at part iftg. I heard Tii m f&i. . x btf'n^y ee^pebll jfpdn 'fliy' * gobd ( fices', T'his-afibi ancfe was1 snitvchf d by a bW from ?fhe pcrfoti in v. h^* turfrihg'tb ^-T’ hwdv', djTcove^edT'b me iTt|| 1’ indiVi'duaT'c nnteT.ance of my old friend-I and adHdrent Titt rip. I was fo mud* atlo- ;| nnhed at the iigfn tfhat I loft the power of tirterarice,' and Hefofe I cmld.recolle6l myfelf, he was gone. Though I was p«rr fe(ftrv u-t-H sea lainted with 'the features of ! his.face, f cduid not be pofuively certain •, as Tb1 thd3 r^-iTof his perio* Wnich waa i ; ver^ itiiJch^Uered for the bettef.^afl^ed ' '

xtyfo &r0WrM¥ ‘-0'-*n


b&i Y.i^^wsn^Hf’r**^: A* a$.4 1

Ijv^ru ^..h^lpogi-'g.

tr apes ,' th^t. X t)eg|'e(i th,«;._,>» NRour of h^lf s-n h ar't^pyerlgf^ ^ii^iin. He y. as Je"or.fp.!j,o4#tci 3,1 thi^pielj^gf, t un- ;:der(-.G0.d }i\$\jiki A' nV'^.' ^ '^Vr ’ »•'■$$! *t

pas , iv,)l, y^tgre l yat^ci a c.pfidtt abie |, t'-a- he b:d ,he feryffv ih. * >i-t up .Pairs, t 1, ■ val':,i b-Mi g w i hd a\v , I :|flf. d. In the K. vac!) iurg .are if hi i.; me

vai D'K tjap s ? f a iuc^ hr aniw red, The lame, a your icr Co Ate \ on a frenchman? pid I. I ha^e r.o.t the hun- tur, replied he; hut i have an infi ite

i enetatfon f>r thaeoua;r^7. Ihen^ltiaclt •Vmh my at-pe ara: cep heji^ted. h^pit>_ ai?d ‘

ried in Kng uh -Clje^u^ lute u can ' I Jo. ‘tis i f;j, fiiUie f i iRiiled at pip mp.r-

( 94i)

Jbe'sct up lils-tliMai tiiiit ever I sHotrKJ Hvft’tS fnv retiuct-ii to is it ttoVtH' to Ail'? You sM.l ^in’e ’WiA iMe^' a<ul I shall telliy’ffu’sontetHing, that fierhajia vviil not be di.^pleasuig to jbu.^ Tt'Siuiltes mf heart bit'ticl to see vou in that*gkrb'l• I‘thahkedl him for his i>1\r’irfitio!i ;_ but liwul ari6tbt‘t! re-:

qttiist tb'n!afce,abfi tlut’was the load of a shirty ibr ahho.'!jh ruy back had btfeh mkriy weeks a stranger toht'y^ty skin tfM1 tint yet qui'ce

-iautiliaritbd to the wank oflt;1 He Sthr'ed ini my face at ’tills declaration,' which lie wop id scarce 'Wlieve,1- until I' eJtpTsiinfed 'it. by un buttoning my coat, and disdbsitig thy naktc fco;!\'.\vhich s'h01■’kCcT the tetider-hearte'Jl ^trajt'r w ho Vi-rth'fcJafil id IriS byes ruri tbi a Chest'o]i; driwers md taking our some linen, presented| to me a very1 fine rirfHed holland1 shirt,' and|' 'Cambrick iicckHdth, nsfeuribg me he had thrfen!* dozen of the amc kind at my service. I v-’ali ravished at this [fieri! of Cood hews,- and htigl T'ed mvlterihfhctbr •Irft his gbitCtou's^offer. * It

»—v.. .v.-v—s, wCht1 in r'vfiich I had bfeerf'cbi^biSfi^

'A’fri diane:

( .95 )

j dinner, T desirecl, in my turn, tn knov the ipai'ticulais perggr^jfitien,.aj$.lx^ satis- - siiiC'd ma jira few :»'orA?t ter gj^TgdP? *«. un- j|deft>.Uj[i4> ifeet.■ hg^l'-.lived i^x^ar At P»ris wjfer^« rnafttr, .v/Lu^kmI acqu^^cfeihc Jang- «ag? feLP^/e^W>o5¥‘Ut|p. a.toMf fe‘ France


Jko .ufeorttyiiafeijfls ra^)f^,<>i. ^''s^tQijpefljgS'wtfiSJf whose .jcpipjiftnj.;]^ excesst’s,, that l);sf epasMtjttion cand. hd,it^l inti)ra con- iippii^ipp ; tfertv lay .tlp'j ^f/ge^fjpi'.v: icipns,

•Is-jS'frl v'iP(-tee phat jn<i nrtRrnM"->R.^%«lit?» tewif >e

[jv^tpn lap. ;RPWd[) yffit* tgj.Ujd ^bfe s^royf,. oj' . v-'ho had (jten ,.

pp^'.dt'd fetn to; spy^al persons of disj.wfeti<jr4 ai,a pidcuo!:. ar.-l

eft him h) w41'. ail jtl^-ino^tapjp he .feid i»

, ivlpgdthree nutioiee poond^ uriaico. igig^e,,/a ji^{^( ofljg.i .r. 1

. ^^!'0^u}ffje'Mp£1jO(,jyour ubsoJute diMj*-«il: terearp.nty Itpy.Sj', take.them*

. Jdd- JRy *f the .jfessessioy— ^positiv^ly r^pypti this exfeaw^aut ptl'er oi' nj pfd jhnt in .niin’d ot nj i); nvg

st',r€d prying Oosot i bat’s true,, wtiwust p.oaairujour dtschurge;

( 9$ )

t have' some.interest with a nobleman who able to do me that favour. \fter breakfast, next morning, uMonsiettr D'Estr:rpe» went to pay 1ms devoirs toath's atarqui*. and was so Bucct'ssiul in his application, that [ outlined tnvdisciiaiire in a iuw ♦lays, upon wiiich we set out for Saris; Dtirmg the uionth 1 spaat feliere, I went eerand times to-oattn:. 'the. Ita- Han opera :nd pr iydinuse. dancedntt n ai is* qiteridej, and, in simrr, saw every..thin;j¥rn» manliiible in .uid about the capital. * After wj.ucbi we set out.for J bv the way •f Fland'-rr passed throospi Brussels^ Cihenr^ and Bruges,, ami took siiipptog tit G.itaml, from whence in fourteen hours we sowed at Deal, hired a post-chaise, and ia twelve hours more got safe to London ; having dis- posed of our heavy baggage in the waggon.

As sown os we aiL-hted tit the inn, I dis- patched Strap to inquire about rny uncle, j at the Sampson and L.on in* Whipping: and he returned in i little time with u« accoirRS: •t* Mr. Bowling’s having gone to-sea, matot 'fc of a merchant'ship, after a long and unsno » eessful apphcation and attendance at tba r adiwirrtlitv; where, it seems, the interest h# |r. depended upon was not sufficient to reinstate i him, or recover the pm that was due to hua t. when he qn'tted th*e ritunder.. Next day' I^hircd v; rt'-iia(ndsome lodgutars. not tar faxiy i. Charingvf rose., Mv next cate'was to intro* i. duce mysed into a set #f gcad acquaintance j. i.

C i,".; -^. - ' St . fOF

( K} I Sir wliic1! l fiL-qumtecI a ic •'?je-'tousS; the whole emnpHay wa» in the i trench in teresf. myself excepted, and a tasty ioiil gentleman. vh« cnntraineted every thing TritU a surliness truly English This trusty patriot, who had nererSeen out of hi* own I'O'intrv,. aral drew all hismiix'ots. and notions friiU prnjuhce and hearsay, was very unequal Itn sis imtagniusts whtrwere very superior to thi.n in learning">md exoerience-and often tool; Ithe hbiTtyof traveiS rs in asserting tlunga wleeit were not str.ctH true, because they theins-lyes in no «i»r>grr of being detected^ Tile claim of the queun of- Sp un

Ito t »e Amstri m do oinions in Lutlvv was fully, explained nud vindicated by a. pdtwnr sat opposite to ne, and by the solemnity of his manner and tlie liichoesss of his apparel, seemed to be a foreign ambuss’dot The dacour e wis afterwards shifted,•bv in old

ig..Title.nan fit a very martial appear .nee, tr» i tae last campaign ; thefrthe battle of l) tteu- , gen wa» tau.,nt Over again with m many i circu-.nst .nees to the honour of th- Freheh, i tfcu 1 beg in to entertain sortie dou »ts of my *

« having tv'-eu ffeer do pi wo* ; and took thrf i .iberty to mention Mune objectunls to what iihi advmid-d. t his introduced a iltsputej lisrhich was 1. ft to the determination of a gr-vg Jwrwun. whom tney stiiett d >Ctor. and -.v i j, ^i uk-r.i shew .of ^eai .mod.gat

,,lijfiuust me, w.tb to little regard to tfufij 1 tfut

( ).

tfiat T taxe3- Ii>ra with, partiality, in pretty St-vert; teBin^. to ttu; mnsmail fry rt;vnn>ejit •rjtbv l/ue.fingtisii-:p»Hti(iant, who ;«joict!d at mV de^ia'w of! a cause he had so often Espoused ■w:ttiou4 suiccess My morose asso- ciate <oivfd4ot txit: up< with the ind guity that was ofFt rtxl t )'Ong 1 an;!, and therefore,

* a satirical grin, addressed'1 hi.Volf to the g meral intlyeseorords, ^ Sir. I hare often heard it suid eshels a vijlanrun bird that he- tjiuls her <)wnmesti - Ais Cbr whot those peo- j pJe who areddo.iijrners say, I don't mind it, t, but yow who,iVtore bred and Won'! and have got your bread undur-fche Knglish government, should li ive morii re-gand• taKgratitude- as .well, as truth, in Censuring your native courttry.'— » Ij’tl)' ministry,, have Ithougln -fit to lay von, aside, I sunpose they hove iheir owm • reasons fjw* so doing.! and yopooitgf'rtiitdf rennahjaisr'; ■ that vou st'U, l‘ve*on the boytwtv oftdriji ithucuiy A« for ithese gentlemen (nicanina%theifi»i:-.ce■ y ftmi amh tssador) [ think t'li'v .migirt shew * a iitth t.<»r# rer.pect .fo« thei- bvm tai'tors, •, w 10, l at Us town are to blame- in- harbouring | siW.h, uti^rateful .vagrants as they are At r these" words lithe chevalier in green started up y in a great passimiy and laving his hand on » the hiltjpfj^isnlvwget. exclaimed,.Ha1 fou- tyel ’ jEughshnjao on the other hand gr opiag hjs,cane cried. Don’t fimtrel me, aifrxah-iWijiyi M-trd rjl knock you Jown.”— Xho cuyi^a*1^ MUarposed, tiie i'rcuchman

I sat dosvn ag«in. and,bis antagonist proceeded^ j ^ »iVfc<)kiB«-ur, Myou know ven w ell, ti],dri|ad yoa< (Ured ty i^pettk so (iwry of the

■ ad,.jHi>tstJ’iifritrh of your‘owri countrv in Par.s, i 8s you 43r»ve’Of-;i)urs au rLotv on, you’w'oald | feawe feeji feedfcto liasuiiev Now Sirf iB. I hear artnthor-syilable 'out of your iliouthy

' in isOHtcta.jjt*• or prejudice- othtlirs ieinuclitiliiy 1 wril you- a cdnvmcmg proof! tit whalf

. I ^dvaritd; swld have tyOiB Wiit aiyhlie If^elr fop 1 your ppesmcperon^” i/liis lieciaratiotvh'afl ua

itp<5:i tiia co'nr>!iny as sudcn ir'd* sovij . | prisiog'! fiie young! prince bocaiuii'hsi'sr^•

4S a bjianiai, ttie anioaSsador tivwibdui' /Ute; general sat sihast aod^dtshedyuiiri tr.-dlhctof^ wtio;. it set'itrs. had fvlt. the tod <uf grew fialeas death, a*iti asbilrwttiutJiHH, til tit lie had mo intention to afiroh^'-ahy ■ jpukotoNitf* ptuple*. ‘ri Your principles ;toet.;r v femtu(?di the old genfleman1, h art oox th c:'' 1 hdve

« something to sfty ujem tbUt Stead;; but'uni very much Kurprided taiti ;l inatrwho tk-v|jiksJ^ us so tnuciij Hhuilttl tiofwj^lisSartdiag livd'ftJi

• inong cd,'dhun no n.i*-'mi'vittWf’ntotitieit'hi* so uoi.hgi V\'fty- doift you t;lkb ' up ' \ auf'

, habib-itmn in yt-vr "bidovcdt' Ihhnct?' wdure‘:

jroa Mnd rati igniasiidntt wifhotrt'lcdnsdt't'.'’ , - SeJttHidfuiiy*!,' b.-Mn Pgot up-, Sthijl

ibto i.iy.ciysudflJry'Snd tiudrlii; ttfe tdvkke.'It# >i i>U' kiiiW' dto* iiatf sonie fU'oUgh^s'^df ,, W coiubtauu kVhut (trfetH*' 'dAeWijrihyf®

w m j a n-Mcotii ak^di) inUv r lii hast

f* td6 f

hast 1h4. No 1esti than aS^¥tJ5t&0/ Sht.has si wH|l'fu^iM^fiftr hBiM^'a’br'i'iikH^aifa, anJ a i duct at^I ^tW' oVa^^hvc ffc r'.'dr tht' 1iMi3lfRefi<>Wntiftfel fb?dii‘i^ Mrmimi!ltwm* wff pt'k s-ijfikfoji1 rioui';' 1Bh{'^r«tftis*eVftVdu;?v^ lay fma!h ^m^-'yddr ^iii^ian ^hd‘ i<ni.?bV.u t'fcjBhgf.’rtftiytcy'"ftE D'Evif'^ei

f^^ViWqifcst i;d(Vtj^t)?d^dH ^1 rttt^sdtfern J. $ t*b.veJ$fii‘sT,'1fe JriiVdtl'rfdfcd ‘fffs- waoiiMrJrtd-t® ■ TiiH'1UBcpiiWitifitc'. -She ty'As' a (sHinrt threk ^vdnjHti, abiitit tfhfeVj&t' of {hii-ti"-^ : and t ad ^"'Hlinirnhir i-Von: :u ncv of bdllV. xt-hiclt I

'ifrf Tfith ivplit roi(-w)ifhotit some SttsjTiiiidW'oF fou1!' {ifay ' l- hisldo nW ntvst ry t bf Wi^!'iipjirtillfn.,-i >ii-to ^fr.’p; at widdthe }

Hrds n»)t0feriT|jriMfd;''hii'diavm^ obderfad -the < ~B.*Anie s\ snpfdfrfi’TIn joss tlTtm a fertidght toy > 'jiWdidtiofi' vf^s •verified'; Kfef'beirti. ^t-fivered1 i "b^ii tdiffd-. t;of tfW* ttii^dakdlde anuJzdlnent (d’ i ‘^fhiJJ,1 N^Tafc' fiibfitt d-tNiipp^a^, d, artil in ». a flfvt’ dfter, an (x^butirtty ^hs •i«*iH*d • i

'bbl* iihtf tfdnSt-^ld -iWniturd, £ ’yvidcfl'Wvrtf'ieiz^d'b^-viie ■erdtiftons. ® [ Vfy bM-hbie'imn»t- iVHb WV *jtd adejmtnfflncb >:

Siw iWsffc<^vtdi nf*#*fVit' to tl>e tip* r* Hi-iW/dVid !Wr. • “Ivartdr ‘‘wldj^tidtiiij oftt t.

•' ifK-tffiiid' irf'dtR? hf*tlie' bttjfi ydaftkl niM^d tb ; ’ijWtroflnck.11 ibfcLhd' titofWing'tU' tho-Binae. tiine,' wii a r<*igSJk»g/tda*tt Jpnrth ,

'-■ifch phou^t«ui''}»detr.<5ii, and a^wrud^ase i s-be ntd j, 0'''' d X ■ dance'

< m )

.1 iu a wi*spv'r*,SftM* wai ap jucfjrg'g^ijs^oq^^j.vvhp

1 ^,6^ tdvoui ,t.o.iuy< ^u^g. %(S?r ‘ at' .a^picr^L aopcar^Kj^i^/, ^

' $Rg*&tue4itrd at,)ier .aijofiirurij, : X rcpjirjuj4,,to. Hapipst^fl,'in copip'^ij

ChaUprf ,apd,xji'\| Loni 11 v-3 J saw-*i.v-a-y;jpl^up^^i-u^piy, More, wliOip

Mr.'-.nrlp;,tXi«;qQHHt^d»^s | ,juy;»j>age.iby u,.j^r^»,.I .ctifd .orj^t feft* W‘r‘-.f bp,,!& F'HWit/t'Wh >V?bmiW 'W■eMV;^hitt, TOWP4#

;• |9 ua'^.yyj^i wjulj ^ ji) UWMCWW : I fW*I exti*Hl‘timrXo

:XU*i m by ;4>s Pw, was ^¥W««Sr

?iir r wj W

biWX «i* W Sm0 kaA'-Wityk*

we danc^iiy I i>^,>eJ,yo. 1;111js\t'v.fnjakijde,r,v;sil ^ ftfi, wp >WW¥>;fe!tqj5fl.tefl wvw a

.4* oinsU'R'oi' b^a^x. ^ hadd^n-i^d ii+y }usto<p, j{MH}r?*;at,. I, j^lruWt'ti.up t^>.t}fe rpla.cp vfilurfe,. li^: &jtpM!l„ yipd pppVi^,g ipy, |(«it

.'i», iiiisfifaue, devnamjed jrfi bpy^JT^ipiy .twing tu say fa tne- lie ay.s»eiH.;d. wi,Ui-a .swlim toae, -NotUing at pre»eia- .jjir.}>un.mig

re J fd> X3 on


f JQ> \

on his hrol. Well said I. you hnow whore 1 am to be fo^pj] at ,Ni)y ;• file ■»

h-r to h-T.coj^. „t .r,, 'NTvxt day, ifie.attermwiyl wjit<d-on licr

ah Ror l'<)d(;iit:;«. by p fijjbsiop, intcpnilWfljSfr ? • wh!i Ch.)tt- md iv.;s v< r\ n'yyiy^ »* by Tier plotii. r W-Jth whonj.sJjeJive^'iehh. ro? j

Pj my IVlrnyvabU; people pu‘sentf , aWdhiubttLdi^tbiy utVer tev* c<><!p!e,•<:>! ,card-' y tiilrW'S'vveKyset. Fwas v, oil' er.oupli cont«:-nt.- ■, tir ltWd'it litue iiibnev with a pood that 1 nuplitii^ye an onporiutpK U', s:n soft things in thdblpa.n time. She received my addresses with ereat, gaiety, .apd pretended, to .ia,uyh thtm off; yet l was p'ersu.dyd 1 l\a^ made- ,■ a cdnqudsl of her tytairt, and c nurtwci^d n»y> ; . sdlf'tiig'bapbiesrnian alive. Kpryuraycd by ' ■ those .'ffdft riu^'ideas. I sat dimn, sigaip-'itO i ,, car l.'..'iid? silpp a. aiulhyi^higryat .eheetfi^-nl ■,< ness snftlred niyseif t» be put’ *vt‘ • t. n etil ie>s‘4n.)fe. It was ;yt- h. fyre I tnoi;.- j, mv leave ;d|l*dr’'h'Hri,g fav'«>i e4.,iyvjlh a ^eneval ii>yit'atfoa: bml whop I, got into beyy the ad:? veiitbrCs'df'the nay kept me fron.)-ySeepirig.

W hile , aiv, oi'editatioo was busied-in plan- ning J*ut n'V lAiiur, coiuTuct, Mr. Hant.r la- vohVeu hif' wdth a visit: and aiW breakfast,. when l w ;s rSir‘r to ;o'ibread, .St.ryp'brought nie a I'-U directed to Mr. Random, wbiclt I lbtjbt! ( Oiif.ii'ned $ cba/jvDg.g, eoiH'dv* d‘ is Ibese vert- exltacrdihary terms;

v?H ■ ' ■ %mn


( MS ) . «.» ' : DOV I 5hV7 .Mi* sift «c ,

» W -: love (j }«‘U ! u'n;l that f am at t’^s j>rf*se.nt i-

-iraitiri^Sat tlie Back (ff ^Toritaeuts-li.ou.slif with- a ;■'ir-of pib'tllp}Sfpiy<in rnv liaiui ; aM if

I will keep vattr’Apttttlrt'tmeht, ^hmK niafci yojit, | toWgue bprilVks- (. ftvr tlie'hreiith'.fs ont .ot | 'ftiit ‘^ou do1 not ^eseVve her, 1 es a '■ ,ui'w v'jri0,1; ^ ; f

Vo ufs'.W ’ fflfif'q/liFni

■ r^nio^ed, ffprti the si’Hc Wnd/^uhseryijt^on, fft rl.O' bihet*. rltajt 'i^'^Lva^Va^-p. tf-ue Miie-

'! rreo; 1 fhe'refpr'e immodiatei^ jp,i((|e4 rtiy ^ aiVd' bdtook .niysei? in a' jtae^n^vej '

coat-li to thb'ptice appouiitff? fy)itre I fouiiyl,. a'fell re ^-iyoiVed1 hipn vdi^ ;t hari.l-fp,'tituri.d cMinteliahce, 'Anil Macft beaftl, j iiig'b^ w-Va'jipe^up jnJjap^d coat, lie nosf-ci'er oereoived .meat}vanc^ttg^..: than, without anv rVeainble. a pistol' from I life ttbscJm. aitd prescntfpg’j,it at me. feVnftjt1^ "'.^i-rmeiFat ,^Ws ruc}fi,s;iJiWn

tat ion. if ihadc'a Mand,';and,lb,;for'e'he v,ou)d. adjnht his' other piece,' I ftfec| ppe of mine., at hirtV,1 WiSVbtu tltijug any damage. By this,, time he \VrtJ retaiy with his S|pcpn(lj fbat,; flashed iii the pan u itholit going pjf Jfppu which he calfed1, Vrkti a (rue ^Tipperary ca- dence, “ hire away, honey j” and began to

hapii *

WCRfeAS 1 atn mfoypell that yoji’.tpafca to M'fss -'Mehmhi, (Job^trap/ Tfug i^, to

'drnk'AM'.'that she is^undef nroinise of


km***! ^ ^|^vrif|ing<ieqt ^sji^r^tj*Brrr> B*vi, l:*m mtivod 4fi- .lu^Jyft, .ad,* ▼W ;gbven 6Upt up,t1wojV?«g pixdi ^esjr^C.him .tft ^skylwi .mweWPffo: anotln-vr ijr^l^.jpb.ul. t^ia/fjitont. Hiberpipa, r«lVsfcd; 0t}iW,j and.complpj-n^d bitrj ^i ty of ipj!1 llttviop quijtuti, my; g^und. J ©BilBSkvouredr-?*:* /perwadtt bi^K.lfeaW givt'n hmi;tadi»uWf.cb<uic<»,friivMY^ .Mt'w>^i •mu, that b«; :wa0 A 1 t-noan* oi: fur iu p.v, »;hfl > hpt! 1m hdariug t it AJ^Uud^ , 1»4; itofi ter.< ^busamli p<jjB>»ds. 1*' ti>vU mm); do njtiiito hiilifiL jfboy$trT; «f)tb*^UW)by fopOMitltg lirn and' jivAsfididtirjq'b.#, in.- fewiharmurabisa- j

viiv ,' tdfCHb^ha^imaii* of alVitboj^t' wKoon w '„ b*dT.<*wic hjht- adilfl i»tlmpciti«., f cs> id'Aflap rf>4 to ! now. ;tjieii&ur«k.t((5)3-ofjihis. i Hf?. #

?wWj Utp ^uiidnihltendd*i:totblted^if*4Mea [ caitirtiyoto btfnterthi ;ind! pflr:-.;iwhi>»«N ; i s iKobsgifcoqJKSBthiBunioCi Atoiinii.b »v1^U'g'fdvT>!l ' t lus clliaiiand pffdtepsibnff Irijt jdat wsasi novor kindijehotlgit!te-.Bsptfilnijans^av:, e>i' oven ta swftnjtilaiiii into Itdr.iprtsence cawci (tbit ^ jirtm&e- was: uKidb.itn in? friend Mi.-fi.ihf u'.nf

Aynja XiMirad biiri tiba*.'bn worartfi OOU’U ffc-ifit ; * a man ofhis.appHarahad) I;oe«dd licit forbt ur

lawgliing at>:111 o.tbijnn'rtiifiity ;of irrty nval; on wiuqlw l dmiaiveicired 11 tn■ ■ cqipease bim by gmng hiaairaiytoaiord of dtonaUrpidiat aoiftr fiom projudiciog -his ntlflrt-ssefe to tiio lady,

-i woutil regr«9«*i.t.'-hira to W ia:*thc .moist .• .. vi> , ' favour-*


n 1*5 )

iiyrmrable T“'cSiridj7'f^rard to tratR ; irtd'sw’rtw-at ’fet^eirv?

■| n V^tTtMmnfVetfWcfi.’d^ 'slipt tit'll‘'iftt*', In V Iur'J; at tbe: df*iW#iKi',4ie<:tlhi<§'tfa

! a^Av'bij,. and hosgitfe; )*b te:riisfttrtWS^ or«’!l7 (* Arrifti, by1 J-i-yJ-s,' novti'y<Ofl srtvlbt*-

I hest' ^VhtV-r•tfa'td-'fW’M wit'fvthose'fesvci) l^g'' Ii vt.'r:r;”; and Wis^iad, v'f) ttlii:lit:>'ftiiHt N?n*:

if ever hi' Mintrit! £iV« me itnv tihaut Womari kifKl. - rtve qaai'fdl tettihd amitfiiirtv composed. [ he^gtid'iit'iiWi? JtwilixdtJ fit'-hi-) pistols w-neh I found so> idfdWfeyJih'hd^ i».fnuk that 1 Ixlinve it vnis iiapjivTft)t-bln» iit*itfiftr of them' wa^ diBcbarg'ed ; 'but what!" g-ive me a lively idea of tlid maftV'cJirtUiiqCtat M’t« t« find, upon examination^ oile ofthetn h'.dng lo tded without being primed', 'and the of i r being priftied' without a oh.rrgr.

I exprosed a defire of knowing my new friend’s history ; and 'he - informed wie'df iiis li iving served in thft Gennan anny a«!a «o-

’ luoteer against the d'urks - that for his beha- I viour at the siegw of -Belgrade IhiV had hhon i boa jurist with -an ensign’s ortnimbsiriluifef-

which stdtiem, it was his misfortune to-ttftVar't t*i:4 ciipf^by who chadlnngdd hirri tmlite.iitfii'y* and was'killed iw the duel. nport;which liarwas nhiiged tn retniat;. thaitrhediaiiibeteii imEjignl hind uorhe yearsp/jluitihgfeiirrd.hinds fiuhprd^ viilon in the-<ikito& atnh .r hut bdingjiittiert^ Utlfaecilflaftri. •Ire-wr-s dvsifdihln' MTi'Gahagoh

• to tannins, though^ to maUiiiuxjy ; in cmwef ;! eijeuee.

( io6 \

•u^ec? of Tyhjcli advice, he mode.,^ io. ?<£*•. ■ , hm'!d; anihlMvir.^jj'eAvd, by rti^us *fa>U«vsti :■ fn'otiiian 'ip dhejjtaut!^, , feyo^Wti

UIU out>,[jblJ#*n4>A?.. I was pbTivi;icejl:0^' .^iy ]l|oni)er^,apfi sworej by tli'e blesseu It'mA >e won (cl thinly of pet r*!0 J|« n'wrc. As a iui they proof of, f- Le open^t| a,i- oKi.^’j^sgud-box. aiui puovJi out. hjs, cbiniiij^n 40 tito > iippo^iaV J atid' lus cap^ito> clutiiBPge,' wh^cb he , had ;. pr^rve^ : • , - !,

As we walhe^d conversing son^y

tneetfief^ we^v^eryy inet ^ iitle of rcM-qac-v t ttx-rs, and thei) bead, who no sooner apyrqjjcWd ^jtltjalVrtlijtje look, ho cr.ied, ‘ S- izc name of God. seize them!’ , YYe were ^eceW.iiig)}' surroitn(letl.(!an(.l I put in arfost, b) cprporal, who was eonmiaiKi- in^- office)- but G^jjtain Q’vKogan disv rojagoel :

hhnsoif and miij ivith sued .speo-d towards. ! >■ Tott. iihaf^’cmiyt^qad, dJiat Ire waft out <tf v sight in a mauieni, . tX'beu. ivy. uriuS* w-«s- dilivered iyp, up,d gpy«j,f secured,vii ihai ked- t the cornoruf,1'ur h:s airc3 pnjd ^avo him a ciown tp drink witU Ins inon, as.'Urma him [.. lait. theyencviuntijir pips pyey.iwdgibefore ho came, HPj.uncl.y^efy^thmg. eon^vomis 'li. 'j i

• *ffe. was nth^pnoam hundred triieti- i friend p Kogan capri^ npr An,odder to i'c- s

scyjy 11)8, wi({^.two4rf4qtdg;mulipttsdw'honi- fte bap^ef.gHgeAfpr^iat piirjw^'jpimwlt tbo, pur* t

fleb of j»tri^tWMoKar iortte«^i \ *' * WE**fK

. ( '>•7 > - ' I "'y t __ I . “ L_ a wiWsqilet that 'mj^jifea atock. anil aao- ther' with a rtr^y'bi'Aad s^vot-d ^jat'their cfrcss Mr.'pasSetl tit!'cJesb^iptforr.' When'' he* unjfyf- slijod- ! was MreMv ivhe. He nla^e art apology foi hi-, abrupt (ieparriihe.' and1 introtluctd, me to iiis'bvn Ccanpari'ani: 'FH1^, to cpunseitor

IFitaela'bber, wtib, '^e told tii^sV washhen em- plnyect iit-conipinri^'Bf^elqnWfit M ii'.st. r from ! i ,h ' to his friend Mi i Gahajrilri, who was- a pro- found philosopher and polpiqian, r'lftaiikeci them'verw kindly:f<tr theW;featffitt7S8 to assist, me; and-havm*' i.ftirred hW ger^ipe in my h’rn, w i^Herl them'"a good-morrow, desiring' O* Regan .to aceompiny tee to piy lodging

JwliHytehd^ds tfiftS(il\rH,;r'dt’ti0^¥lCl1oWie8 rri tn, j nly wardrobe, so mtieH-fn hts satisfaction, that he swftre>eteintii gratitude ttrid friendship to

ime. In the :affr*hiobn I wteted Hn Mejinda, .who laughed excessively at triy'advghture with thv irishman, having more than a dozen ' letters' from him in her possession. Having

i made ourselves rrterry at th^ experUce of this poor admirer, I seiZ d the (Ipponunity of W her mother’s g^ung out: and introduced'my own r> tssionj, with ail the ardotfr and elo- qiienct I was master of. After tea, the cards were brought; and biv’ng Melinda for my partmeri 'faduime off «vith ,5 guint^cf^ar gam.

1 soon hocame avqdairited with a good manv people of fashion. - (in Ubg

i myself uuabh* to support the expence of rus amear

(' ISZ )

%aionr umcU loader. I was determined t* |ri»g ujv- m itter to. a crisi*; and .oat t vi nioji, r'tompiayjtd of lier ^riHllRefence, ^deficriBed t!ie tortures of susp i’.ee; at ! pressed her to, dlsdi^e her stf.fimtnrs with

!« eoiiliV not' with ail herarr shift the S.ihjrVt.* She hit me ' Itiifiw witty a %at??h srf sir, thsf safe'Iiad no person, aod if’ 1 could siitisfy her mother in other pm ticiikun, l ghoutd not find Belt mrertee tot t -e match. This a rery.agreeable uicliiration to me. wiiose aim had been m t. n iitw-inclination first, and tbeit secant nrv Oouq'.icet by a private mg«riage. I waijigd o.t t, .■ mothei. and with great form-iiicydemaBti- ad the daughter in m Irriggt: S‘f goo’.+idy heluved witli great civility, .and said, die did jtot doubt that I was in aii rpspects qualified to make a woman happy ; but d ‘conct m d her as a parent, anxious about the welfare orher chlul, to inquire into trie garticuf rs of my fortune, and what sGttleineht I pro- posed tosShkei [ ftph'bd vritliuut Jd'sft'atfori', that though my fortune Was Very s'fnafl, i w;rt a'gentleman by birth’-and edubatiorf, would femitiTain her Uaaghter in' the sphere of'* gentlewoman, stud Settle het*0\vn dowry oa her and her heirs-for ever, ; This "'careful matron dkl not seen) to relish my proposal, but observed, that titer® was oo neetssity for settling that upon her child which was her ttwu oirctufyi kowuver.d'f pleased, iitrlawyer

z ' fbouid

• ' ‘ :

I - • l ify'f i coi&r mine upon matters

il and in' the mean time, ftie defired f would i f-ivou; her With the peruCal o? my rent-roll,

I i%ent again with a view of explaining my- • felt more fully to the old gentlewoman,

i and wa* told by the footiftan that hi» ladle* ji ye re oot at home ; rJ though I had tee a I. i-ielinda t,hrough the blind* at the parlour* l window aa I weift up to-,the door. ! Soon after., my a1 ton lion wa» whollir ii engrohed in feareh of another rnilire**, j| and rhe-idefire of being revenged on Me*

:| Itnda ; in bo'h'>»hich fcherrfc* ?. wa* very t much aflltled b\ Billy Chdtter. Tbiiiirnt ! therefore-1 applied defirtng hi itoidd in*

froduce me to a rrr Mer of idme'figure ah the next private afiembly. He pt otnifed to gratify my dcfire by matching rVe with

! a partner.wor h xhirt, ih ;ufar,d pound** l Upon inquiry I* found thi* ptrfon'j ra n© ^ was -Mlf* Biddy Gripe welt; that her father^

l who had been a pawn broker, died i ites;. tate, by which mean* all H- tabltancf defcetwied to his? d.anghter ; -that dp' inji his hfe fo far from being educated in a way fuitable to fuch great e*pe£&aj tons, file was obliged to hve Kke a ffTw—c- wench. and do the mo r■ meniat nfic. * in

i the family l was ra ifhed alt fhrt pirjfe <♦? nrfurasartion, and cohCsrafted,- ■ fur ^me

• % Right,

K ***> ) • • , j

trgV. toperfonate a French marqaij. that * I might the eafie" fulfil mv reveigi. Hat

to proeute fuch‘an one fn 1

MW1 G!;d>feihap. as'vt ould int'aHiWy-iWtaij ’• tip >n fief'hrKe'ih^icale of alt her acqhainf- *. are.-: f»r thh ptirpofe he mcntio. td hiii h barber, who, he faid, was an exceeding h j^reaf' ‘bbkcdilriby'iateFy come ft'bfh Pari*'.1

tTfe ippbint^K, ! kppcit'ed 1

ctr^tRcf'^d'^hjP'tfth^vaAtS^e the * fehihafter tjf^har^utl.ihad ’ihe FbftOur' 6] ' opening the bail with the rich beirets — • AihthgtfPhSiJs i perceived- MeUfnfat who itSfertA' W6 ~MiShe1 ’cnittSedl hei^ env^3 thAn ft klVbn^ihwrit dt:rrt.teteide^*. -f?b!h ddfiofitv *f -^ast riiHTudte flagr'a'ftt ahd1 tbfmehtfhg, ^

°{i§vi¥o (§^if t: I'bbfarVed Her iiiipbttence, and r

eff’5lfif‘Her ‘«k tjbb' tdldd'up.'a'/hjih'fd an air of diidain, K ait h fliPtedlifer fan Vvith fufeh fury, that ic j went to pfeefei in a mordent.- to the n«sj ^ fmall entertainment of thofe who fat nedr * «n<t;obTeNed-^e^ ^:^V [ 7 eb '■ ° ■ ft! length the metamorphPfed barber '• tOoh hdf-but, add ailed his part with fuch k tHdicttlo-ui eittnavagancJe, that t<he mirth of » the whole cbmpaiiy was Excited at hia r bxpenCe/'andfhe retired in-great confufion, i- Btulii'^jh etenfie of being taken iliddenly ill, I

&isd i

< )

(and was f«>llowe43bl? gsdlant. 'Ilhey :fwcre np goR^tban at^

he ?" run rout a the roooj f/iahd: Q?£fiF«<r •C'iHld7,g)ve' per other

:iiHpjligehGtt,fRDuui3 ¥ .arodn' hi*

i ^ na aaiw rb*n] ad ,odw .lodjuttf ^eaMvhilfTt J:wa*

|n;-f| Afjtht prize, t;o0{)ra^ile i^ppn h\\(s G.-”. . hear cv. Jt^jt fCjy>Q rfr-H pt], 1R tpta ^eii £,>;• tiiied with priiip. apd indidVreiice . to fioi't afh t!]iv> ;i ,d ari. j i;.

A* i expe&ed, every thingjcame to light next day-i, "1 he barber, in,pu,re fwnfpicity obheart, detefted himieif to Melinda, arid difeovejeed• the foundaTTon^pf h’K {he hekefiedat th« affront,and yjas dhamr-d' to ihew her fee*sip ith^rpoblia for tnany

T-j^hatter found k impoflihie to. juUify:'hi^fek‘to her latif, fr^ian aod in uttgr-dkg1 oce iwifh Mit^.^jfijiereif, for having ioipoi'ed me up>n her p^a.p^blAnan. • ian ; - I

Oae day I received, by the penny-pofl, » ‘e '^r^p-kvtu by'e'PtI,an’* hfttid^'dti bring to kifofv., whRtfeer roft^ipj Tn>)h,h^%rtt y,#? engaged, -Jty levying, qp^utwer ,afc«.ce. tain ffrd'fs $m&t4 IP ft-f»a({rrARtd .thf? y Me ..hfdlfiTV^djcV-f^irr’rSfcJwi^ogryfd-fiidy^ldS^lgfo prnw: #P9nhit' fengt, tfa ap$ tent*

{ i*a )

oi thi* : Afttr ^ij?per. J fai:?.- jofmwiiaw mil ^1,1 ta

tfeito lie tfifcn^ ^o ; ana. afc beuir** 6 ind(; .w-

ui tjnm;*i*vtt)'itW;Dan^rt; ^JkiVr#' r, aad ittfUmfioipf *ev^>. wittfe.RfjSM'-'-. sfaowfe j.i.tivt ilreeti.-Umiugh Yt'h‘6kJfi/P PhSkH-j,'. Wftun h« fit 5?n Joj-av Spiik ia, be hin- a* a maa tif 'on.itnnifare itUaUt-: w:h<? Wfcwed «U) bJ? iwiy#;bti»ir a finie y^UBg-iadyt frvm Hie. ut-iww-ia’i'.ffl »>; arnier 'the iirtfl 'ftasch./aj/^ jnifK-dJiua af an olc| go» vercaatu, ;wh». either ijo-hunefl eovU 9U», or infatiable, /hat r/nhody, Jiad b< eft as \ tt able ton tnoh^. tier i ftiend 01 get acct.'t* to her charge , and,i))* hao a for- tune of -twelve thouiaiid pauud* U-f. iieff by: an nncky otj'^ hich (he enuid jw t he depriveo. this .pitife/.-fll? uey* exaftly ta i«d -a uji the taU partiiaf.Uie ktied i but brer,'hpnoyrtii ; a ni <•.; f

Jl cnl<figaged njyfcif tr m V agtailf

who^Ci-ovefjsttv® grew ) borfeai Jbiext day(aiioth«%bilkt-sdtutK v.a» bt ought to,me containing rii^ov.i^spnfiioris of^d with tyme aileffing doubt* .»twut.*)%••.ter.d*:ro#:J#r>«ljn»»n, the inaaddeeuy pH y awth, /‘ddifte. jtaj aui'y ettapatyg the lir.cei,v JidUcp. t 1 Ct»n>-f

f ii • plained





‘ ( ^3 )

piainfed tot- hf'T pr’effcfi fo an aUignriuoh , di d »n:<a • •cSa> » Dip (Hi'diedeedkA- rrteWX<?he>ft'..tfeC'^J that niUideh ^hin'hfedlot^air-tl '-d &t\ *9®le-i.ievsw At l^tvgth1 th<«happ^ht»oti jipfived. I flt-vv tfrthS piadi'6f{j^and ttas tcbn-

! dtiftHd P't bad nint i he«V^ t he> feniod

I <1^ t'WfWetWttwpg jht is-ai !•* -'Mv stcjofc j f>t''-‘a;aif!TV. and’ntat ^ickvw^ihepki I ffiv 'he^i'di gfe'V’.itedyrtafed.hi^skpkt^ --fr ufe I aff-.h tlE'^dy V \ pfet etiv^d t1i< «*owr»p4t»T>g4 5 ffe# fc'goUf 9fKjead^p*tf fcisa*! advafice/'a^a ff'Pdrg fcpwdrd' ttiJddsbracr m^vehsTMev;-<w Weav^w..andw= iiiail. iipaint ■rov fl?iiat.ii»fi,;'iditii t fontid-M>!(#. Sjtaiilfii^c ffc- vcTidd tttfJo s writik itc'/hu^'-- tiarilisd (tf 'yo-I I -'wlas Rfi iK:k Jdqnito •witrii arod.a«aete, i and pdtffified Miii'h dilirrotd Tftu -ape? rw w4 gitfidfi-ptncerved»vdifaj-dwi dnd apprcpcd^ int?; *ith a langvirfhw^ air. fei std m^barKd’, sitting in a Iqueakvng «»?!<.> if' 1 tr»* indifl

^Hef irinrWt^bd* t-iiti c?um- jutted the difgnd I h*d"«tj:iceived for b«P. At Itmg'tb'- hruiirewV'^'l reyfelf iwd • jj?rdififtaneaH' ^sT' apwidgy afoiow^^Jthni Wftubjf Sbe't'Tid bei-'name,*”as Wlit hirBj tba.! rfhe 1 ived tdi»b Sir jbhrid>p*vkJe,- in quality ofignyerdel'i 'tp'bii on It 'oti^gh1. tf; Ib ••whfch fiftt«|onv ite *'fead tip,&

K 3 com*

, < ”■*) for

I,fe^W ?& 'nlHfj” \fll6 '^1 WNWftJpf st-^ii^. tne at .wfii}' aiuixltpoi t-

WwM fflrmPh&pm .ill»t i w t.umj^^J.aa, in-

Wf ^■iflJt.wWffftl’ ■**. ^en;Jfj^<yuS t«

^ mw<\t perhaps, to the decorum of ju^.^c ,

■iOU iT«=9T«I.T,S!Ti.ini rI * VW •yTT»«>'»i 1°1 v ,w^losef-.!'m m^mx s&fli W<fif‘m- «tioW>p4uct#d pie t0 Hi .vp- *ro*s* Vcr^t.f, '•'Siefya: | y^tufe^ny Uiiijg,

Wt ^HWcP^^Vlartetl uiul there faces,( ,1 .^it^.^orrpr and astom§T|^K«i |4«_Jie sj^.^aigpifol ipjf/

’P'm e^» •aJvcj^a'e ;3?d j! ^av.lii x ffo -»A)»r^fr^ sJWiPPr*.

■WnmWEffl' ‘Bm!'Ww4p<»> *jyMi. iwv.^g

rale push m^I^jdpjCjy ie, ui^ke tlieir 4<fi- cicj^ies, ‘.|1Jv85tffi‘^r a guipCft, ^liiuh .he

. c^i:1rjpij.,u^Jt.4>-(^e^i.i}itpien(anJ Jieyt it in Ji.mpr. snciit* 4c k'.pu|4 ^ftve bcurowtd another hu$.

" r ~ a. .. ■


(tn) '

findirig me deaf to !n$ a^ajr i in a pet. Meanwhile, nry '^in advar’Cnd to

jtfx pi^ec1^, aOd nly' :ddgire!6r IWofe {ni&saied in jiyfipfcVttfdfV,1 %tt'tflTat11! 4MdVt'id ixr table, inhere I laid h'alf^a»g,tn"ntia ar’Cv^ery' tbroWl.;,'ana 'forta’rife's4i};ftfvloutiHg'ra^; “1 b'e^’

I cdmif U Sitter Ift w4ich d;a'p£tcky ''I lienia/nt'^ i until it1 WaS bir^ad day.'Wiei I mt^nd'niysel‘‘

after-rrtarij'5 VfcfsSltUSeiH ilB^itttiBrecFjttid ftft’y j ad.1 ''^I

Ha^jpening to mfdrrB;'BBiitdf‘,utli9tl I baif ; re^eived'a srhilll^ij^^iTrorbi^i-blatJoii jo the

G'oua'try, 'kbd :at1¥lib.'^irfAWl6nie ‘Had’ di'fiAnseci to use all bis intr^Osl1 ftV for me. that would make me ea'Sy fSr'Ule’^

• that be’tills; c^e;ffeahJ iteflrf^aVea rc-itipu who is te>sfct yfQt f6V' Bath witU'

i an orily'dan^hter; whO intend.-? ‘ to drilife the; ^atefS1 for tti’e'Tdcinery'of li -k

health-. Ber ftdbe'r, ‘tdVO'tais 'S’Yfch Xufej Merchant, died about it ye'af ajiti, hbdleft her

- '#khflfillft)rten6ilBf'twenty feodiaifid pound.;, imd'er the sloM rfearta^tiii'erit'of lidr mother, ‘ tWltt l&’ifoyykidswoitoaH? i'Bairte^'giving me notiOO of the tinSie1 tvfidti; dnS tBh ^tage-coacli ih ivhi^h _ thre'y' it'c’re ^o' stit’odt,1 f bespoke ft plaee iii’f-he s&hiti‘iid6ft2ydtt&k f'iain'd having

. hrred ii hdfSfc for out accord- ingly SOrW tnh& befbYe d^hfiaki' >l/l* ^ ',;irhe ap'proctdh of iy^dfsboiibii-d fb’ ohe-

aiWtheri-1 lie of thfeir^feHoW-tfBvblit^i i and I had tfce-gchtf-'fortdhe fidd on- mist-'



>W ».ot»iuite;*Q :stie had beeji v^prtfSftnMK b©re soma r^inbtpRpe Af a lut^hfet, thftP4g? rer

pfe$Rnte4>fej5i8’PlyfiWA fe'J^isbft sjiSM^A dtlitacy ip lMT-qonipk?xion< ^nj; a grq^t ddHl of vivacity iud(qti eyas, wiwthiWLTie very J.uge ' and bUekf! ami .though; ppvtuberanoc pf lierbiiWati vl»Bi» cpnsidered altir|e,^eqB*^d it<» ctfag Iffirt f<i>_r-war<.V?t .it tvcs easy tp pcrcqiya an equivalent ma ber back, v.*Iiich balanced t|^.5 diher, and bftdy »ht(pqndibrio,—r--, I QO?- ^ratu^c.h^’spltii.t^gos^eys Uv6|idy tUpusajid j)pyj|ds5 tiipqrfwsy-^), SUcU.a ^ifa, h ,.i

ti jwn,, laurjjVpdj ftt I {>bfcc& rq j wp(i

pl^lqptl0;,aa4fi«'ifie4 *ny iHfciqba^^tsrell, qs , bcf,

mother, who etFled for a private ffapfifc, tpj wJwb ^JiKiyihdfpw^ iB,vof/^r, t^ eat by

bigger,-, > L

■ from jppitflve,. rl);>ir:Jljtjtajii bpf4'h»: phspi ved, bemfetit:rit»,s*le-wavy• J«tP the Iftjiiro of an % so that iter pi'ogr^stoq^qy jmtclt retptghied that of ; t ■Whpflj we.had napde sui end of jOiff JtpMttt apd: |«id louy re-cioningi ,yrc went intq the cpapjt, toot qqr,playeB, and bnbetjL th^;|difiseri,w’j|Jb,4>Xbc!liqe, W revenge us on thq. tieftt, .by,-,hurrying •them, away ia the midst of .thhir moal. „ d

When we arrived at our dining-place, we fsimd »u, the. eatable ip the ipa bespoke hy

£ •ertain nobieman. wh^bSd'gct -tbe of u'j. bVit'?l) tiidM'-'behrtU,

"afid btibfett tfetfedaiuliord VitW i tdf ctotaU bte! a cbuple^fc^lfe ftod'Mjmd bSSdnV Widt’.Y with rtn v Jlwy ttc'i cepted nfjd'lfefti Vdir a grdht'-’iMHiij^tbao^'s ahd :die8ircd-'f' M^oaM1 “Slidift <vith iiiy * ciftnparty’ a4 |ilt^.^rt'fllktil^lsirtti^6M|i e*W'j appttbes, - arid ^«aiJc ^raefVt^ vary1

JR? rcirtfetj^ketl at thefiivt ?iartJ6 Ivtr’hmg rentarbable 'HappeWetl duping't£ieJ

rettminirtg part-■ out jou^nel, M'bkb‘Wa^ii - fcp.deii abowt TvTtiVa o’fifock. ■wlleh i wakad'J on (lie taiih-s to (he limise of a relation, where they intended” to tddge, passed tlie o'glvt' fit the imi, and \,o6k lodgings rtekt •nsornibg"’ for irvysetf. -vi'K] ' ;?>l InJlf •> on - in*

• .Th’fc 'forenoon v,-as spetit'irt visiting every tbin^ ivorthr seeing in the!plabe, and in the* aftenibon 1 %ai£ed lob the Wtdiefet ’add fburkl 1 W i.-ci a gm d deal indisposed Vilh the fiitiga^1

of the jonrnev. 1 was rOceived witb(g^dtrt^ dordiality, aiid had thfc mot bet’s perpiifesiou* to conduct- thefTi tttlxt day t6 t!V£long room* * v^dchwas no^soiner’ebtcrfedr tban’itbe eyed5

of evei>y body ppt sent were turned upon (>a- The vle'tbttrated' Mt* Nasi racked her,' cotild iitbrmihima^'lbe’rianife df TobilN tb’-.W I vtas so rauch incensed‘df hji^hii^oiSnStiy’lli 1 should CL i tainly haVd’kifeb^tf ltiShy Khtl’dbt the yauitg-lady ptiveiittU'tf^tfddt*-thirty.

.{ IIS )

vivacity, ‘iljfils[Wflfi,i/Sa puJei^^og h!tf, vas.” TJj|^ repartee .ra£»n<l

-in)i>,v/nu^ vffXJHVfppp&Frva a^pi^u^.i, to the

iwfpc^jgj'e^r* co^rted,^ (iW

^rh9fSx§?J ruo^-*>. At^ ,per^ve taC » .%%’ Wpii-

^jw-fi^sp yHffflL r^c^1feM t!!ougi|(^| ^fcjjLjbj^ay^^ 0$* \ (Vift^ular aivility tp me, I teresaw, that as soon as her fortune s^ouji^ she \yould be su,r- rotiji^ed of admirers, sonje o( whpiu.uwgjfft in her esjpein.— I resQlyedi^her^tufB, to pay homage to her wit, apd.profy^ejOj mpeh" enamoured ot her mqjipZl ftf ,jnf ^c}aratiop#

B8it TWWituW

wras **rrr'f,fimliv ^rHppkf'n nv npr mnthpr whn

am%' j> ’■ yi^>

tire, wjikli was yrcopted. Having su)»pe'3, an‘AtheTgf.iitiS'tttl'a late hoLir, I

wTi.i hoifni. Next day }" put1 ^tent to thirik teii -Itf' Mt-s SiWjjpep$, according to appoiiiA'rtfent, wljep 1 Found pfo was indis- posed. .aijk that M)ss to be intrusted to

• my cete. \Ve:’sdt but for the ball-room preti'jf eatW iii11 thev dttehtri^/Icnd'Sbdft session of a cfimvnodi'oiVs place, whdreV.e had not sat f: n /> wlie^i a'g^nt)ejfiah, 'dressed’ in »'gi-e('ii:froc. k,1'd2iTid>m. Jea'ding a young whom .t' iiomhdi'iteiv 1 dischvtrjed to bfe tub ^dorahle'^sarcid^i. ^iood I \vbd{,'w'dl'e ffie mtifiH^^^r.llny^ ^Ira^tistaiW^j^i panted for want of bfeath ; and, in shoyt. W;is for snmp triAihents entfartced ! *'fbfs .nPst,tu- mult subslflfiig, a crowd of Uatjrtring Mdeas ritsb'ed Upon my imagination: every thing fhaFwas doff,' sensible arid engaging in the characitek jef' tfiat dear creatilre, recurred Vo my remernbrance, and every favourable tir- CumstancO of my own qualifications, appeared in all tbcHg'^t'Hvatjnn Or Self-conceif, to heigh- ten my expectation. Neither was this trans- port of long duration ; the dread of her being

and overcast my p presaging appre- hension represented her en£irt)ed in the arms oFsdme Hap|iy rival, "aijd Of 'ctyrtketjuence for ever lost to rijel I wasr stUng with this sug- gOsfidn. ifttd SeltevHrgnlfi* person who con-



Jvp'r fofre the hoshaft^ of tiusarffiaMe yoiin^ lal^r- f already devote hiiH to mr fury, and stood up'tn mark him for my yengc- ance, whert I recnilacted, to my unspeakable joy, her brother, ri'.e fax-hunter, in die per- son Of her gallant. " Undeceived so muclrtrt way satisfaction it* this particalftr, f {razed with delight on the frresiatabie charms rtf his snstey, who nosoorier distinguished me in the crowd, tha-; her etfiddht confusion alforded a happy einen to my ftlnw. At sight of m »she started, the rose instantly vanished from her polished pheeks, and returned in a moment with a double glow that overspread her lovely m'scfc, while her enchanting bosom heaved with strong emotion. 1 hailed these as favoarabld i^’tnptmhs. ■ It may be easily imagined how ill I entertained Miss Snapper, on whom I could Pot now tarn my eyes, without, making com- parisons very little to her advantage. It, was not even in my power to return distinct ffn» swers to the questions she asked from ti<oe to time, so that she could not help olwerviftg hiy absence of behaviour ;- and having a turn for observation,' watched my glances, and fracing them to the divine object, discovered the cause of rriy disorder; Hi at she might, however, -b# convinced of the truth of her t ♦onjecture, she began to’ interrogate me wit!! regard" to Narcissa; anti notwithstanding ad If my endeavours to disguise my se'mimenfvr

, petweiverl my attachment by my cont'usion>» Upon

. tTpen- viudi she assume) a sstetelhiesa *f buhaviottr, and sat very siter.t duFing the r--

maining part of the 'emerfaumitr.ti f tAt apy other titae i should haar-e- heen prddigioij^-

t alarmed at her mifpiaUfci, hut-at that uiptsuu,- II was elevated , by my passion above every.

4 other ctyrmiderattan. -Th^ toistrew ofmy smil . ii having rettred with her brother, 1 di^cuvered ijso much uneasiness; at my situation, t'.iat

.| Mis* Snapper prupn«ed to go home, 1 Next day. a* I went to tire bHh, in hopea

>| of seeing or hearing some tid.iit; of,my fur I enslaver, I wps met by a gvndeyotunx «r!w»

having looked hard at me, t;ried, ft C—f Mr. Random ! Styprised at.tbis.^xekimatinft, I examined the cnantunaisee of the person who spoke, and imiaedin‘elv- rec-vgu'sed ntw old swtetheait and tviiowvsufferer {ilymerly menti(Ui/ tl),,-M'JSH WiiUams, 1 was .nHghtily pleased to dad thii ipdortenate woman under

i suelr a decent appearaace, professed my joy at seeing her so well, and desired to know

, when* L should have tho-pleasure odder con- versation. She W3» as besptdy pleaded at the apparent easiness of my ibituno, and

i gave me to know, tiust shek' *» yet,": had no habitation that she could properly cail her

town: but would wait on me at iny pktee I would pleyse to appoint. U^lersnaiKliujj

-Hiat she was disengaged for the present, t shewed her the way to my own .iodgmgss

iwhere, after a very attectioBat® salutattow* , ; “ h the

i xvi nt( ) -v; >artj, - >■

*T,e .nRir^ef I& the servipwp? i vo’img lijuly, to Whom F.h5 w^s roicomriirhiHM'ov. a Raroe^ mrstrc^s de-

n^o'wao^Pfa'introduced fiers.“lK! by tVie .'dcteit iiad con-

of hVy life"siriC^ we pj'.rjte'l. 1 forflrwitli gfj* iVfi ’ Ivr rVoiiCst; an i.hiymi''^rc>ught hiy' icHenffirei 'AfowW11^ |ht Jipmew 4©li? !,*wi scciTi’eu very mucfi .W1U1 rtie different aircivinsfipces''of pny loHun.i; &ftd saying,

■with ‘a sin tie slic hefieV^f ih*v distrefiees were ■with a —,—I •:■ WSft 'iA tflbSitiV' ; iBoW "al a'.W^ioSll1 ptde^tfeu tOj worn niej»

■ lacff WtiomWf KiMi ot!n.-r tn ui the charming ?Tafffi-ya,. wn^pKw hon- oured’her with lier conmlchce for some time; that she had often' rop i.ted" the story of

i jmin" firowm ' vvitff Wedtl adtu*ratio|J and te- Jj|ird ; that siie doyM'tcfiW^fiipt^ the par-

# tigul irs of his character, and did not sgruple . ovJm a ^ed'feF apprdd :d1t)heornns fame

I became intelli- getrte.— Vs soon as I was in a condition t« j ield attnntiott she hitlkVified' the present situatioo of her nnstressij whi) had no sooner b comebtiome^lHe niklfi 'ie^it^fftian she em* braced her ft a 'rapture of Joyf gave .her, tc: know that,she'll id seen m r at the ball, whpr< Xapp-ftthfl*: I^he cluiraccksae ahvafVthoiight b "tpy due, With s«cu advaauige of transforma-

fien :

{ T23 ^

tion, that tinlcRS nitate ha;1.1-.' (yn eri^rav^R

'uneiigii^^y.c$ei ; jafnj t|iat’tl»oug|» sm

•1' n*Hf

patitfitYQhekrpi'iiiCji.liat sht j^^iss V.v iltuuasj had been sent &bi y it W

I purpose to. iea^;p .tlfib ir^m.e. ufau chamete^I

t f ^ rfftyfi'ri IraJ %^OIS%rm ae® ia ku-anaeriosu^b upon it, j requested her to ieaq me J'Vjrte-

Wtimwifimbn ^vVw^.t’te I’shye^stld |py ^jpp^ni^ and txyiyn^d

■ the/dagger of such prematury concuet,—

../e/aod ^irecjapn,; up.-» which it, ws c;erted betweep . us, .tlmt,, .pjr(jth^ present, l ohc-uld^e ccaittflteu^w ith iicr tpjiiu^ Narciste, iliat in t^e.ceprsp .bfjipf uj^ui.^s she could.

.on|y* tearn my name,j),awd t^at. if m a d?w

imnoJauMii io e;: ■,... . - ■ f'-H-'f ; .mo ‘/ft

t C124 } :<lI .93RfittTi{!(in38 WO K> BSIMOa «(>! Ij’ ^k, her ewaversatfonj -that my. J*ivaJ Sir TJrt>(>thy had dranjkiiinijTistejf into au a^dpifexy^iof wivichf Wdi«hbfi\'piaronti»s «go1 thul;Hie;iay»Jge was «at!tiunu)ar!’i(sd{ awh ihrit his *dr(t had. beea &<(*i-sfi iwithai * «di ini d^bioU he a i tttie. enpetc tint turdtohoatm the ^choolauaster of tor iis r hy^bmiii; hUt wiatr.mirtny!not vi ith iifih «ok)st.luti*HW s«jie. hail bt«ni )lK-w« tmfl dcotitlcsh ai Jtoml ^Iti14,■ antl/ w&s eow

ahjwi to d.iUljk.. the watersfer htj hwhislv;' tijotiher fnjecdchaftaecmnfWBijetl bd?

«t her reqtieeti ahd.attbndedihtjrf^dh ♦be same if&cUitioa^as bidovjstitiud bta' he- jjhenf^^wbhihttd been fexasfw rated &t (i*#! h)$s «f}hfcr iij»trtnev did iioS-give his attendainca.uyt ^dlgpDd'wj^ubut-- purdiy to lidve- ap oye pa h^nniten, iettishhlsiaould 'iihe^ise throw h«r- b.Jf ostay,. withttutjiiis cdusent^ot approbation. Waving ;enjoy!ed'joo*s«jve8 h> this man nor, ^nd ijiadotnn.'agsignation to, moeb at a cwtiiin jdaoo,iMj(W VVjilbm^jtopk.itef

I« the laiVwaoohii the bouse of Mr.:d,>tiemflni tt>i*vhp/odhad bpog t^oint-

^theiidwd Hy^jiWierovrhere l: had i|pt;^at, five fJtatwW^ tdl) tire f^x-huutGr came in, and by ^htsbfiw^iljaifalicdriav.kmr, appeared to he i'di- .•WIMesmiSiemf if«e«4w t was ht fir?t upder

')^.t1feeb^w\4nr?Ct,llt“a n y ntkutom biw4 whrtb M’dhnd fpy^eli'Jn^rp^uced 3ew !df»iSs# ^-idJpifyijadgom Imudon* bb^id|^oyprridf| tlie; opportuViity fimt bieu^ht mi; iusu hk cu‘ftd;n^b hopnrg,

- . mi

{ 13; )

.that 5n the eourse ©four acquaintance; he !r wUuld'iliv«e use .*©^11© Ito6l5v>nr-;t4a»jw«*0 my it! hopes' ^NiKtwlcvftv'^c,-^.ast•«n spent she evoiuug <i) togt-tliefy-iie rJ%ir'<!OnipaiTy atJdinner t

ail next day' in hit ©wnihnasb.f My imagination was snitch em^lbyedr ittHlmticmatin^^-the

i happihexa i<>.va&; boienjby< the next-diy, that j! I slept-vt^yilit.lla thw wi^lit; ibut getting up

1 early in rherbing1; vnsausity'tht-. place ap- pointed, Where J litter iuy fciB;de' f?tcnd and intpartedUto htf >hit Wettocetfs iwltHs Bhe,’■ Sqttire»

t She was ^ury muolnipleased t)«-tiie‘t)c;ca'sjcn, whichr'blite saidpcduld rtotd'pti'iDfheiitgfag'ree- 'able'itoi MfdiissapjWldjjsdncsjdtd'olhewijafctsoa for me, Iwid rtifetjWoDrtd seme rykiting to my cdt?* fiitiuar.iojywnaetor, whiebithe

5 j tleSCfac.y of'hdroSeaiiiliielitJtjduggestfed, and / ■ I v/hlcTt'^he befewnd 4 «mou!di&nttsft. nehessitry 1 tb'retrteWj£ittW)6'*H'she <iid?>n«i.'k*iGW:h«'.v.—

Wf.s a athbi.vjnninuatum; [ 'for; alHrott^ft0tta&.'ttty intontuin. to

imp'oscf ittTSfelP atpSMfi • aif$j • tmtciii teas on Narc?ssa. d« a tt»ah ©t toituoe. I laid,claim -to thtf dh’araetet ofr^ g«n!lJemaH by birth and eduratifvh; and yet vo twddiekdy had the cirdUtpsttnces to? niy'-W’te-talteri out i shomld And W d'vcry IR‘#lili;maVteyfle^ftiake good my ' pi-dtensrohd. ^fiss Wflliaras yras as sensible as I, of this nty dtsa'dvau6igfe t’fcat ewnfortcd me with ofeeryinythit whli# om^o a woman

. has bestowed her she ^Sftnnot 'help ^adgieg of* hifH ill all respects

;f!? ' W .nn'i!r:y«idi-^

T 136 )

wiih partiality. ' Having pressed myself to t!ie%<*st,‘d.Vvantaffy, I Waited, for the tin»e of

artit 1 |o«^pgo^~ hmiiftp the ho^se where all mv le^pine.s was deposited^- WC Wt-l-e (rindly rectsy^iTl^v bq^re. who b!t riiS; 'WWoi>^JlWte<¥kif**: ■'■'eu it we chose to drink any thitur lietore

Td'irrTrr^iTr <«i!er. yi 1 last/a si'rvant gave notice that e. ei wag’up^n^k^^le. When i entered the that saluted >»y- ravjwe^ CjjeV^agj,^Ite. Narcisgav. hlusfiihg'lific: Aitfoni,,adqrped iwith all the grafces th^t ’ihg^h^, j^pd^n^jand..1>aauty can* tftffaseJ 'l wtjg ggi^xl ,with a giddiness, my knees tot^eted, god I scarce, had steength enough 'to 'pt.rfp'n'^ tho ceremony of saluta- tion, when lur brotlter .slapjdug tpte on the shoulder, cried, Meas^er Randan, that there is iny sister, f appr<^|^^.|fer -witlr eager- ness and tear ;' but in tire; moipdnt of our eui- bnice,, my soul w^s a^qni^d witfi rapture i. As [ liad the happiqe^s of sitting-opposite to her, I'Tcasted my eyey much more'titan my- palate, which she ten, >r.d in vain with the most delicate^vyi'^ lry( l^av fair hands and recommer^^ ^v .u^r^a^iy^ ,tflOgne- Dimier v. -. sC^ WW9a

hecpjic dread-

. i *27 )

i-u3 yaivns, fot .tttreftfhed two-or three turns across tire room, bogged %S© woOld tdhw hiiii-to fate a short ivtp i haring' laid- a strqrt^idjiuiction on to d^tain'ds till Hl^ retiU'tt, we pt 'tohig rc^p^ , wrthda^iMty'Puitfilir fctremonv. j been gone manjj tfimu'tes, ’wj^en Tl'ieemaq, gaessiug the;situa^oY, of’|^y hear^ and ing he couMhoi'jSojme a grp^er favour jT^nj: to ioav^' me; ff!bnLerJ ^afcisia,. nret^iflie^, t<r. tbttol • Whyetfart of a^nclden, a^tyf staift(!ft(, ing up. ••b<^ea::pe^Ffip^don Vo^hal^^, hour, saving'faekily rerti^m^erad 'ah’e^jjg^i, misdt'tlf) •. 1 tS tXVriyarV/Va lio rtVlS-iX

eiy protiiisiti'g 'Id*b«f ’fti'CR'''tiftrti' euorg).,j(.j., grpr>< jjwiftg triy tnistf’ess add rho in ^r^at cb.idu-^ Knm. • ;'Not»t Adran onpcv;uni^.^C,'. «li>!ch)ttfng thfe^afttilffis^ot^iy^tn,, tdfact, n^t' poW«r to \!tedL(it.n: Kjk en^fc'«vgu¥ec-(

to 'f&b (tt> WiH b^‘fliIf W,eiiM1Mute; Jv as^r- ,

the«paWiW^ ^#; WC% - av Aflrf^yow;

. , . eM feb;i:{hlfeiPoI'e'd^f^n4e, b; ’^ur-,

ing her. that sinee t!hd!lifippy oeeasiotLof tfei,ng alone ’^reraht-' l it. i:', (I t'u^nadb,. ‘-iteUccessftiraftehVpu' to decllti'e a pas-

..nisy *he-.Cbht5ea!c^fdiet taeepviHi her, fin v and Wlien I fce^sod, tec^vonpg hetse^'i. front lhe''lmqst! beshtifu'l t'onfail'qh, Aqhlji)^>f,(i;

she wa* very sorry ter near i na^i oeen un^ iat t’jcatt. Encouraged by tJtiti getitk reply ,

' 1.


I proeeedftdy ^ owned tnrself eufflciently fe- corti^Werts^d "by liir kidil coidpassiijn iljr what I lifed urtdfei^nwie; and declar^dj tb^t the fu* tube/ hafipmees of my, bfe , depended solely updtt'hter. Sify'f Safd isbdo I shojuld be very ungrateful, Jf,‘after tbesignal protection yon ondfe'afforded md,i I could- refuse to contri- btrtd tWa^ds your inippioass in any reason- able; wtty. " tJpon rtfra 1 arose, assuring hdr* I woitKl^theS" die than disobey her; aud whatever restraint 1 put up’m my inclinations, it Vav sacrificing them tb her desire. She suiiteth with imspt akable swst'tness, but rtw m'fhded me of our buiny almost strangers to onh-afinffier^ and the>inecessity thare was forber'knywinguiie better before she /?ou'ld take abv rritolaiiph ir nsy favour. ’ I aimulh* with unrrttCrabJe fbndrlesg ! I grew mad with admiration 1'iMyi condition is insupportable! cried l ; l am distracted with passion!. Why | aft-you so <eX(j.nisicefe\ fair3b Why are yon so efiebantibgly goodie YVhy has nature dignified you with charms sb mudi above the standard of women ? And; wnitoiuthat batn, how dares my unwftrthmesS aspirbi So the fenjoyment of such—perfaction !i SJie wadr stHitled at my raritfgs, reasoned down tny transport, and by her irtesistibls'eloquence;! sootbtrd nty soisi into a state of'trjmquiUfutidtju She chid me for haring omitted to inquire* afetfat her aunt. I professed nry veneration fitr uhe good lady, ^pd excused my omission, by imputing


{ i»9 )

tlie ^ \\;^ a'rtWl h.ffS innc tfe-#;initticlij Wd4 ]; a gMi^v- />afed^afceti M \n{arc(i*ei««ptiik^

ii ot iierhTss^oye'fy. ^Uvjhpgp,,- t ^frtst<MWyi8*lriicm, I'qUmiiJueeiiite^ ««««!•.SJ

I' fimwqttrteid^t’bri Whd l.bfliTbafi-W^^o i .ntl'hit cirryastantfeySi^'^dwc^4

1oi«'Hf|.;iJC?Vu-*!W) ,&W<c-.iiidMctfU^yir 'iltfHtt: T»dfy!$rf»iht«wdk ^iJw»f^dJ^jAjw41

heqbnwifdrBQtfWiSi' f^paj {»••«-

hffin': ^Udt AKiaWJufe. b«ng sfctfwd'Wthiis i a4it eftfeiei^p^oHgfibvgaiiJtflfbe ajjpjftheft^lWVri ■ ottKattfciisfntl: «Bjnu|j3ra tbr Ahe gse^rtW^nJar-.

bad *citt 't'oandiierf brottiefvvowjitd/tjje l^rutald i clfesigin.hl* hanbupdn her, andrafrtJttUttfl sae df}

li till? assault/, wWjeiy^ awl corttsfrtHurb^ne*; Wjtb?« i her wHd}<;benbaid laid to mjicharge ijMttfiF,):

i wbicf/ ckKd'wwony he Jiwed about, a ^orit^, ift ? « . | a*lftitgu)iRnng(ddddttsoo, /aaii wpt £fttrjsd-oft’a ■J bb a «BddO!»i'iaa,m:lrt /eSoon'Gsdtec, I rftOu^neidJ^'i^irtil hi»(preteiudoilr a^»j»oiii^ilP?>H> ao^'

J'>i«ry<'wlord,thau6ithr6jdear dVBS^itfe-JipftfcPiiQ rloetteUnthdrcliaite vtitJi;s^l*idi‘j$ii<}

,r enHlaved beiA^iktle ’whiib^ * fcTAg g (rre d i h r)wi Aiw? ro oiui,?. t* ibbrjog;; bis ,. a«if4;ea'ilHdif^idihi»ttea> i»'hiphliur bt9H*'W‘*l yt

a-'snjaiiiolaiwl, q/trijfeedliiipritibtoittlyta nWsu Gijifttsl voineiik tbe.- ocdinarjioiMgrk < It^bnfe/ibi pnfar .ta v«it ht?r. wwta nod when

•! l!iveuoai^ab«iii'idojiMnaslfio ^it«i..«iu.iea'V£^; k ' 7h " tuft

( u® \

the* ■toe’rC'

JLIIC |,«.Ul/1C HI Itc 1 UI llJotICvi Wiun ^pd-glasses ilninediatfeiV a^erbut we a|)(^|ut«j|y ^fiisejl 'tii 'set' itt’ftit ch'fhkfflg s» Sijiqri, 'piid jprpyaire^Hffti'tb,pa^S ‘art* liVur or ,tvvo at whist, JJi MtiiioK^v^ens^ntiB sooa

.4^ ^^g|K«^jr«Sirtjtt<£1,11 Th¥°savige I hapfcpe2'to!bq parkHers! at first, but f played po flj, ojalf (iVlbst4li‘pati3ucfei swoVfcbitterly, jind tfireaiehed :t<i call fpf w»ine, if they wt»ukl

" not grant‘him dhotfie/assbchltei liwsfkssire was jjratipt;(f, ''and iNfarcissa and l werb of

supping away vt/Y agtaeapiy? dntil 'We were told that sujjpefVas setved ip ariothdt'toona.*

I’fiy ^.Smiire'w'ds. Ctlf.iged'tp fffid tbe-'ev-err- ing' so,' uhprofita?)'^ sptTlt, arttf wreaked' ins

.y^pgpance d^mejftdfilsfw^<ih:he tori'idhreat- ^jjppii^ to rhaie Tufe1 redt^/j pur‘lds9(With a Ikrge , glass and arpiiclc c'rrc'uSat^On, 1 fhewinebeing ,, strong'aLfi heady, f Ida’s'.sdort ■dtsdomposed ,’l)V tint' dispatcli 'A't'h'ad'HfeiHe: KrtefhanVeyts

’’'.bagij; to reel, a'm^tSyliiri fiirrfseH’wa&hlevated

m jjPLB *i &<* Pidted Wia'iPl^ bud afniTKj ear ^: eva- tidi fonjoEnara*

( * * 4 x 0

V' I i V ' i 1 C t V ^ l i (A 1/ V/ M. *T I 1 i V • O i* I O • V-/1 X VrVl hv<:[ 4tMis.a,silYar C»mil e,- g (ijV,| tfi ,11 of;}s jirft. U)p ft HlUit-r

aj»d fe^sed. ^m..a^b^^T},; • tb dr^ cftar^ .Jiff/#oUlei - ■-' ,:

V"I"aT,,i>r:1 wort.. tn<i-tnree -thoiSS^ F- pomp torn. mei -fhFq,,dropjimg h^s &4:

ey-.'«s lit; luckup^cd aloud, and fell uphh the M(Wr gfc na^g^ji^Mdfer/' jl^eemfiL - ■

r/qjojtyftj, carryft>g.^ttr^ Jj^yWhere we'kil hiin to 4lWreqWf fiHfe ^^ISPfl'0'-"'' •to oar habitations, congratulating’

. ftjKvafipth^r^^q.ouf^ood Fortune.1' '' Mis^ ^-HiariiS' who

gave flte joy «F the progress I bad ntfiM in the affections of her mistress. '!> «nsported

Wft. rR^Wtj I jwresented rnjr ri.^ • to' the ' W^stfRgey,g.testimony of my gfStitude; but $1^ was abov^ such merceuaiy conside- tati<>j)s, uj^^ijefu-ied my'^onmlimt nt. Aef

el. fuiVet^fer .jfi^ed for another interview wlieri} l might pour opt; the elusions of ihy JoV^'ltlhipft'tcd her advice and assisfifh^e in grcaiotiag this event*'' She promised"to tell


' ( )

lady, tlwt T h.i I'^mdeavorfretl, lbv and {K^rsmsions, to prevail upon her to riel - ver a letter front me, w hich rhe had fefuse't to charge heitelf wkh, until she should know Narriflj.a’s sentiments of the matter.

I approved of her counsel, and our flp- poiwtm-lit l»ein{* renewed for o^ttt day, h t. Iter witlt an intent of fellinsj hnort seine nv . t! od of being reconciled to the ’iviui V who I supposed was oif ivded at the trick wjt had put upon him. With -t’ i; vn-w I consuittd Freeman, who assured me there was no ether method of pacifying him, than that of sarr - licing ourselves tor one night to an r :tf 1 match of drinking with him. This I com- plied with, and ikt-rmined to commit *' e debauch at my own lodgings. Mrl FVeetnac, who vira.-; to i>e of the party, went to the "Squire to engage, white I took care to i futnish mys&lf for hi t reception. Mv Quests honoured me u ith their company in the e*'i - mg, when.Dndn freely declared to me,' that hi had drank many tuns of wine in his life, hut was never served such a trick as [ had played upon him the night before. I pro- mised to atone for my trespass;, and hayirg pnlered every- man »m« bottle, began with a huwiper to the health of Marcissa. Tsc toasts circulated With great devotion, the liquor began to operate. -mi mirtb grew nwsv^ ami as ’Freenmn and I had the (advantage m drinking *mail French claret, the ravage wo?

« t4 effect-

f *33 )

Vi3?ct|iigr h< fiir. o«r gease® w«* m tile 1; ai.J 1 ia^ie.trr'ied '«««.• <i."«•*&.

I •>v:«svnext' momi-ig from my kind oonli.liM. 4»MwUa<ling -ne #•« '-is pcrqiitteU to rticeiv* u"< leffi-ns far oiv mistress. I toc.k up.the p -a immeektatvlv. an«t followinsj thi firs* dictate* »a any 7, rote as id I Jaw a;

t)?ar Madam, W>;as it. posfiltit} fer powrt» eC

•fince to rt'veal the tfiroi .^ns of mv sut>Jj\ 1 titoald need,jiootin i ivitoess tUnfttlu? Cut, ality! ex.pct:if«»o» wronjjs.nay- lo»t! V<hh' beauty hiisi .-no wiU» « orMiel’f.. your tnidar- .stamling with ravisiunent} and.} e<ir goodness with alteration !. Suflt r tne ti-ert lovdy ai bi• tress of my fatc; ,t(», apfwriad' ymu- •pak-son, to gaze on the tbyiny olsjecfe *i‘ my wshra, ‘ tn rejoice in.her snuios of. ajiprobatioB. and banish the most in t okra ole sUspeHee ftofr. file bosom of

; your eewgitured

'>..d J. <* Ji-.rfyW* bovias 10*1*0 «uw ‘4wd r'-‘ .. , ' ' ,s*i lb-.— — R.

t.r. (, i .,.1 ‘■joi.-i n.? t.i>yp*m Having. {initJifid tins epist.Ig, I committed

it to the care of my faithful tfn-nd, maA M the mean tunc went to urcte tritit or. inieii- tion of.visitihg. Mrs. Susppejc ai»l Mi«« wthoiti 1 had uiu rly^ nyg!ectr*l ,• eii f siucn my d«uf ?>*rcit£* iiad^eattmed the empire *f tnY-s^uh

• l\ ' t}a


IB* )

|«rfaa e:.yn (->.'*34 ^ < icrh

•The e»1d {fcntlp^roitian reeef'/ed rneyett kinS-'- ty,. -in ct ^Tisi afeeted a'franlkne«S:ffnd ^fi'efyji tyhicli t p4ree<v^d 4asi diSp^bied.' Amdig ether'tfjings, sHe joke tiih ’u^Hj piy passron. ib'r mf'iiisfi, ifhjw $il Averred \vi»s no secret; a’ut asicM if I intended to skac€ iritn^r at’the iiext Mieinbly; ' I was At gop^'de^V tiiij'plifhe’d id’fin’d NiVseifbdidi’He ffie to yn-talli 8n thi»subject, lest the ’Sqitre, liaying.nq^ce b^triy ihcliHirtiorls,' should dis- approve oi’ sn$nT and by bne.lkiri^’off all cofrespooVleitde’ with'foe, deprive .ttie of the bjpdrtumtieS'Tio^W e.’ijpydd. 'dip I'resolved to use tird fntet.eit 1 had trith hifri while it lastedJ1 anT'thkt VeHr WfgKtV diettirs'y him occasionally, 'kWed lira peMattsibtf to solicit ter wmpHT»y°« the Bstll wfirch^hfe readily V ran ted; ijtd’ra y Skt5 sfa d ti dil; . Having teJit b&l! of’die night, by a^titddsirnfk deliyhtfiTlreve- m$nt got'up bbthhes.' atid flylftg t6ithy pidys of repdeivoVi^ hyl the' ‘piedsdW rtf seeing Miss vViliiarhs approfrch with a smile an her',1

countenanty Sb J jlj'c^entdd me with a letter from the idol of iby feortrl,' whidli Forwued with the utmost eagerness, anit was Wiessal with her appjcrtb itioa, in these tetms

f -ui Slrf . ", ’Cnv !rtf. "1 ':/vl > ' To say.t look1 upon ymi with indiBerenre,

would be ;i piede of dissimulation, which,-I think! np dedofurh requires, and-no cdsto-n »an justify. As ihy heart never felt any m-


( *35 )

W^csSon that my- was ashamed to ^owrt .'myself

^ -V^ar

SihLturMy, «m«- aw. w^u.ccnyii'ujtd of mV dwi •Ifl: , . l..'V"'. ; i • Jy/tSpipq-i rr> jL ■3|irBTj . > .DjnjrTBagio sfif 'rip’/TSjnoq.Ttia d^- w‘atj^aionj-|fJtr^i f^iitate;gtantt •litifi v<fU the ijiltyviow jou <«-sire. t f not

J V y’1 1 ■ ■ •' t- 'ip 'rw.t. PinirufY'iiti j ItPSlMlfiWWVtMP PhiWW.f.ffflm ijfc.VjfrmyHfti;^ hty isKp^wVfr Jpj,;; in Ificofc [I ftM ft!)1


|i>erhifj»-JWt Stviyu^jetiifliis, tss ttimp Tor lief. “ ■ - I con- sent rty, ipy.d>vr?CHJg,r\yi’t^ ‘Na^jss^ a't tW hal^ J^4s,.r_V^ j]iiai))s, e^^re|(s^dj ^ >googio^^i of^6^ at. ii^aringF;,1 .pij+c;^ in, f'^youc

h uirf^. „I, \v c;j named it^tefyjfl jlWon^ jToflUiv, v.j!i^o,^; f«up.<J told riim I ;WOUid in. ' sister with, a ticket for the balT: 1 He sn

his OOK

*a m iM wna h&^Si «A .Viitani *tt*

3tfD.9/daft s .^SKHs^ol hiiij «»•* iStee.ptiBi-iige^b Uprepiw.ejsts itlu-' q»jf,y^t Lt ihc Ii;ea»;l«de..tji‘j8t»->a lljs 'lo ^tn^-n j.j..J

. fivepv tiftngrRiifccowdimyavjt'aijte^ fe>r tWdyaa^t ■ w»*ii#fa{^o>^n4sr. 'H'h«Mffn^liws*lw at&WvviwkJUji-.'hafo pByttroupiv.dfiii^ft tefors. dAws(Mmtcm te»**w •ksW’iC^aRtft'P^^v’apixj i ro^^cg

pri^.Uid >a sf^w^g:. ki^ .upoft f- 'ijps,;‘ hvr

livQ wyiijfc# Hfa> tVtf • Jitr^oy^-h^ioft.^d^caj^,J^ 'W.pyse, and ulitt.iWW’d Jp- atternoon

nil > " "' mos si

couitl nu<.¥v^ln^ far ad- V*ice4<i 4 tweed, tlfe tldar object Alt w> yvbo die in a tencitr embrace *t , .aiid, then npairta to

m Wwfiii* ■ , r , <.*«^.iflg arrived, I dre|5«a Hiy#fU'ip * iWSAMl ii'^eiypITor tlH' ^^iiU

mmH 0% to IvS i-cen,^ f ix!5

iw ^ tSe admuauo4. oMue wnQie assembly.

. ' 1 Aftyp

t U7 )

J ”1

A Tier we had danced together, a nobleraATt, rhViiarhaftfe nitiiu betMMtjictfldi*; caane up. in the hearing ot all present,.' honoured u* with a very 'pwtigillltfigMnpiintcfnt upon our idctfnijWfshriJfet** ated’'^peunmce s but this ^ratispd^ Wasfeotm feht^tewl when 1 peretwed hife lprd‘srTp attach ■hllhs^if' with great ani» duity to '.'iy rtiistress. tirifl &»y-some warm tliii'^ vvficeK I thought fhwtured totv much nfjiafision. It ^as thert h began to teel tho pangs of jealousy. 1 was enraged at his jyesumjptj<Mi ; I cutset! her doriiplhisaucef st length he quitted her, and went -tO'/tHtf pTher side of the room. Narcifsa no 'SOoner e-sevved n.y emotion, than she changed coh.ur, arid asked what ailed (fie? But he- Ipre I dqtil<^ hilttd answ' « her brother, puli ling rrie by the sleeve, hid ir.el take notice rtf a young lady who sat frotttihg us, whotn I nninetltki&fjl disUhgUuhed to he : Tetlndn, aqconijVanled by her nlhtfldr arid an elderly geotleriian I did not know. M'ouiVdf? Bftndr-iri, cried the’finuir^', is'she »• it a-ele-'cafe piece pf.stidf? ’’hileuth’ I hriye a'gddtf mirrtl ’ if I tho’t She was a single person. Alarmed’at these symptoms of the 'Squire s adiniraf!one

I for sprue time did rot knovrwhat reply to make. ‘Ardeegth I fd^ct hinV her haTne was hielinda; Wat die a foitfatedf tbh fmiu- eand pounds and was under promise of rfmr- riujcje to a, certain l<»Vd, V\ hfTl'he'wduld he of aa$» I Kad# light of her cngairen ent,

-4 - ■ ■ m •«*.


f(l§83) )

\vhat sicciftcs liis beikg'& ^fcJ1? 'tiitiife rtiy- teW'iiPgts&d tis' ^fer^ cTItiW kx'ch^t'-rti- tibir)!,*^ Tlris-"fi®e?<{tofa{Affcrfesfe^^jl^hterfift. J.f^Nai,fe5tea[iHfeist{?d 1

€m^gfeiagIBl»tfi'iG?feniiS!at^jyw, atM’ils I' )ed hfef lft?FJfi6bl&iyd'hHftV) with'-ia'ftkik''

mw®f^ie'd;n&MHy&L ■ fftaNkP bd'ft','(61:thfe^8iiUlKJj BkferiP *&it6' t’haji'f sKfc xvHli dnvSj^tt&Hfvfte rcP: ed^et'Vh. ' what ww ■ IhBTeijKif^r'^iflVy^ ?< fey'llt'a^ert’t jtt-dlitni^t^ rc-pfiy^'P. tM$; eMc'^rati-v*,- iir^’HBdV t ffftiftii? friHh&'ortn- clitihrt'dr'k fi'ant'ifc'-'fehdiUihite. ;-'!ldutribjft !fhie *SHftT«f flcJei't^.TI' wfth^hc *iJ^^r4lKW?r'!ijr,K®^W®l&fo^ '#hb’'m-14 *w»ie Iv’ayLift^a 'd'ellfyd L fftuwi 1 lill*tiddi,abn.* bf£8iftr&4fi tVai's! I wiife utlitad

v^o0diit¥rVtft'd:^j](iflt 'ffc^1;s^nit? littc’f’kH Tdiit hm m rm h^r ii.rtbHvy1 rB»\Si>i#1 'Hfeav^f ^itb''•fottS*-'X-rSitiofifS1? tife ia«V U»tJftfevb',4 iJou'^

t! 1 v* '•1 thlH/! b r ifc t i&ft' P f* 'Jfitll f,Up6 n1 'Ay; j' ’ w5!S'‘kitt*!|: ViW ’fedstKf eifelft'iS'etf-. friVfti <Sflu!

rtf1 JJosfejifeWd11 fWfti^^lclitlsaivblPO JiatJi’ di's^/nill' P#‘ ttl^' t»:i'iTf)Sr'i4f '«■•#*¥ 'tlKif^- r&mh}h<WLh\p tih^' ^Kh ^ far3‘Wl/fcftit:4hl

bfL^‘yotkta> .f'^r« ehtxr'thtft1' htl:'fny >d

kk$>ttu?v r

f f*3p

: 1 Iqft ,to lpcj:,,r^pgse)i.and''expIorell ! lny*^,4«|tq|e WjWPj^f4»d airi aoxiin-ia •/

ivl^iyA yv^t lcsng,rooH?, I 1 'fHfyHfef-* all,.juf

&r$$44an>j>ar»4,,#tl ^ ■ Mi! sbWJ?; wi»^sniy- pliai^c,t/srj.ljl^!iclf

■ wfteJVltJtessS^r^4i*f?ajji^laglWi^ v'gpd 't)wP I^hcey .iSysoJgj^H w^y.iM^teavl a|'5,tlit:

! cor4iay ^jp^iccl .pay-^al utc witli, th^cpld v.t'^pnon.-of, y.«VJf Servant.— Th^Sft vfftyr&mfGf ‘kstui'beJ. jpie ijot a iittle.

jij ' Mis$ ;VViiliant« found pie ui xt, n'ertfhgjj full of awipps tyi^ulC^ wilupb upS iiof abate, u,!*en:shG fipjd ipy Lord Qjuiyervvit, haying, pfofosSej.,l*u»»yrabjg intentions- had beoj), iiottoijMC'.e(! in my lovely mistress by hoy brother,' ayho! It^M fbe same timp* bj, the iafoneation ol' Metimla, spoke of me as ai, irisli fortune-lit;nter, without either birth or estate to feconitnoiuA rue,, who ^ujrpo/Jt^l. myself in the appearance of a,f gentleniai^ by sharping, and other infynun^i practicp?,-- Nar/eissa, far from bodoviug. hupitta- tions, was no sooptjy, wi^j(^r%\yj)i ,with her confident, than she. inveighed with great warmth against the jm^eyolenyc qf the world; and calling every circuoistance of my behavi- our to her review, found every thing so polite, honourable, and disinterested, that she could not harbour the, least doubt of ray being the


'• • 4 J43 )

gentle raa» T;. appear cm to be. 4 iiave ia» deed, laid die, purpjfely forb re to a<k the particular* pf hi* life, Idl the recapi- tulation of fome misfortune* which he has wndergane fbould give him pain: and as to *he article of hif Fortue, 1 uwr *mvleif ®fru>i of inquiring into it, and of diico- irering the lunari n oF my own, l.elt we filould find our lei ve* both unhappy in the

* •xplan’au§rt?^‘at*» ! my piovifion is • ndi’ionah and depend* entirely on my brother* conFeqi, Thunderflrucfe with

’ thi* intelligence.' the light Forlook my ey«*f. 'he colour vaniihed From my.cnevk'*, *na l remained in a date of*Univerial tre- pidation. As l 4id not douo.i that by tipi* time the fcandalou* al'pertion* of Belinda vere diffuted all over the town 1 tefpived to pubiifh in.r advemu.e v\i;.,h the French fy’d barber, by way of repiqfal, I Faliied cut,'and went diredlly to the'h ng room. I- wa* met at the floor by a fetva"u, w ho prelcmed to'me a billet without a Fub- fcrip'ion. importing that my pretence was difagrcTeable to th^ companv and ocUt ing I would take the hint wiihout, further diFlurba1 ce and bellow rnyfelF eljewnere for thefuture. Thu peremptory mcffage fil ed me with indignation, Ltollpwed the fciiotv, fcbsci hi3t by the eoUiu:, ih pteT-


?o f'.aV Varp ^ftanuvtd ijf fie —-. tftktfAer tile' tc-:tundr<$' vt:tio!^‘!u£p‘'illt)'igecf fitm tv itK Tucii aii ‘irr^J&SffSfefc?

Tite W-tiTy V; W?iiiiV^ Vv m upon m*t fi&AmmmsuK** miMati "JhHfy&d1 %k & am#

PUhef: \Vt.o/ tioea* ^ '?fI wv^m it m ^mwmiekm

Ml, ^^e,-1 ‘Siiufl! ^ if ti« ©r bttt# mr -#^2 & m W'Mr<&$ mm#* voiy

9R M.... jiciwii&fctfai* jistaie ^ itrad ^^'ref^tiTirV tt/i itt'd/b'fi!c'1fc cailed; iRe'i/drfdaPd^U^^0 tHK'a*

UJJ' V»‘.'« ■ > Via»|y»«a\ IW - 4, VTi^kJ X n— l wx

{ 140

a ruby, it) the form^ff a heart, furrousde^ fey diafTifirfi ifpBr|«,nfi«lTwi'jc| I?J»SW tr# giijnteaa, m*#i»aing•4«iifopa •

^yssfottl tJfiNaiciiiashqiyjng, by m*BWr»8 i^pfcfcfcC «towiiW *0 iyy£^

Vsheq. renwiiWwdirg '*oMivhr^f4 W t0yJ4>iailv*ar|*egedIhe irrftijtvedsflnesr-Kbk • the hU$yii? Venderryt'-S t -.ahrf,hav.Tfigibhe/B; ^y:H^d=irfrtJ)e^finerai;ikaty<jiie»/cK' n9) hfe kyrlHii* WiUi^njs,xpiVifea, ,et 4e&rttt(0&

nhei pwtfwJA^>‘!e»t«9*ftft»ffC0iw«r»t whi>W mrBttjd<,«r 1. h gre »tteftvd re b^4^«-e^}iffT<rs^jfl«i; Cor^iiafif .0inU.,tff<d me tha; i^o’-d Qu-verv ha Uiiefjh^1'* f^A'jnrfiilErnhfefljd'rbccjn tfhdtimt tida u:v>.h her VhsfijyeyyiaHuft'nijonijoad aSuaU>i f rdptpdedt cwfiiag-V; feiWowag^rhel©jftntinsly aflt^.v •cife ov<tm^tto gf.yeoq.eca ,<«»*■ irrct-i g pi ab£ •f htif-iTift'K-A, by-efpoufk;g me ip^pt ivfltei »i>ii Isav*Mgli tie .Veil ^iwrwte^nfm t<ated> j^iw-bo-tbifl mil.ef.• her,r<gard, but reii;he4 -til®jbrtyrfitfjiiin'ftatetantatit9(t)-xta

. }\£;h« brillqwr:hryid^tBlfeflrijr; at ^hftrlfiwfet timrK.pritieW’.^(ffi'jte'WegilV-A: a pledg^iPbrev Hn'ikseb y afttso'mTtehV.'aiad

oW^’ Tl Hd? ® i Wf>(QS'KtBv teffl»u it*, ^URiei.iwi m)r;,lwsui,-t»*: t/AJn-i'myq’nfctrtB

ydiLhiisw1’ <lw»gHli4W «0tiyh.t ^ %: i ik-^SO qsw^tl«l;(Wie; rqa«JV(,ii v/e’rbdjsv' rOiQrs/l #iaq<jvl is’iA


my tflkefli put me Irt ratora ijeryjiAul^ Vn mftiTature, exBtiifeefy draw-n and ftc in gold | inti-in iht} forte poftert CalJe4 Hdaved to witnefs, and Hetfiame. 0\lr voW8'I,r^'J* rbciprociily bre4thedf' l-1^e'«v-?nf<jn6bfteio(C pi*iRrfeff of time, abd it wa*- mr{rjvi:tg;!befor«4i cou*ki teat^ rtyfelf fpom tWe darfetrvgtrf my foufc v ’

I'd a ■ fe>ve sdfeytAfoer} tny' - aefived from a voyage,'-iw^hieh he had made ht* fortune ; towh^rti Lmide known the whdfo hiftory t'jf'tny'eodrffhip, and in- tended marriage with Itf&kcsffta, of 'which he‘highly-’ approved.-i^r h -,. ser

Kfery things b&ing ^prepared for oo# Hupripli . Ddn itodeing-aea and my oricle' went tofeteh tfbe briefo ami tJMifi W iliiartw, leaving i»e' with -a: parfon,^ Banter, and 3«ra)»» peit her %si■ uwfjicrvdiafd is - yet- fdef* my a^a»miifc mWrfcl*; i!'-Wiitn5tHe;-^i4cHt saxuradd,'! niyioinfel-tpiat hid own Tequert, afted'che:-part of •'w-fetheidta Vny-Mardi/fe^ and fed her IrtWi the m*>m j At iooni* at (he was nune’bv^the jiaWVfcf'-heftt’en and earth, 1 printed a burning kli* uprt her ltp». Mv'unele Itu^g^d 'her ».\4th feffrdtion, * and 1 prefem-ed her n* Bin ter. Whotaiuted her} M’-U Wiltiatfls hur-’g- "OtmdJjer neck, ah-t’wept; whtli S'Tap begged eo kifo her hand. After tapper, Narcifla withdrew

• with

• (i-44} ' •

'rt'Ci her fesaiJ, he;* flee orer’preait .tv'tftf blnsbe*^, that set all mv W6-id,in fermentationf

anti in a ”ftie time I broke from the company, burst into her chamber, pushed out her con- fi lent, at the s-i^e time locking’the door.— 0 heaven .and earth ! a feast, a thousd » I tinted : more deliciou? tliSa my most aaijguma hones, over presaged'!

' The'nows of out tnarriago beinsj spread,' • 9 certain set of persons, fond of sVi id.d,

»besran f* inquire into the pmtiour.os of mv fortune, which they no sooner understood to be independent than the tables were turned, > and our acq rrinUnce was courted as much as it, was dm pi seel before.

Everythin,' bein' settled, we set out for . .S-.lit)l>urqh, where'Don Itoderiguez, havi: intdlijrcnce tiiat his nephew the fox-hunter’s, estate w is- to be sold, bought the whole of his father's lands In a few days al'r t, we , I left Edinburgh, and halted one night in the , town where 1 was'educated. Up<>n inquiry 1 found that Mr. Crab, iny old master, w.i* i dod; whereupon I sent for his executor, . paid the sum 1 owed, with ii.-terr-b and took i:n mf-bond. Early in* the m< ning, we pro- ceeded to our estate, about a dozen of mikS from this place. And now if tin re be suedf 7* tiimg as'happiness bn earth, l*-

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