The 6 Blocks

Post on 31-Jan-2016

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The 6 Blocks. EPROCESS Block. Stores information used by executive components that are using a process PID Pointer to Process’s Handle Table Pointer to access token Pointer to Working set information. KPROCESS Block. Stores information used by Microkernel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The 6 Blocks

The 6 Blocks


Executive Process


Kernel Process


Process Environment











Executive Process


Kernel Process


Process Environment


Stores information used by executive components that are using a process


•Pointer to Process’s Handle Table

•Pointer to access token

•Pointer to Working set information

KPROCESS BlockProcess

Executive Process


Kernel Process


Process Environment


•Stores information used by Microkernel

•Stores information about the different threads


Executive Process


Kernel Process


Process Environment


•Stored in Process’s address space

•Pointed to by the EPROCESS Block

•Stores information useful to user process (i.e. linked DLL’s and information about heap)









Stores information used by executive components that are using threads

•ID of the thread’s process

•Start Address

•Pending I/O requests

•Points to EPROCESS Block

KTHREAD BlockThread







Used for Thread Scheduling and Synchronization

•Base and current Priority

•Current state

•Any synchronization objects it is waiting for








•Stored in thread access space

•Pointed to by KTHREAD Block

•Critical sections owned by thread

•Its ID

•Information about stack

•Points to PEB


Threads can maintain their own data in the thread local storage (TLS) Thread receives an index that it can

use to store local data (TLS slot) Common use – store data associated

with DLL Threads can also store data on the

runtime stack

Processes Creation For Windows processes, the parent (i.e., creating) process and

child (i.e., created) process are completely independent. The child process receives a completely new address space. The parent process can specify certain attributes that the child

process inherits (i.e., the child acquires a duplicate from the parent), such as most types of handles, environment variables—i.e., variables that define an aspect of the current settings. such as the operating system version number—and the current directory.

When the system initializes a process, the process creates a primary thread. The primary thread acts as any other thread, and any thread can create other threads belonging to that thread’s process.

Process Termination

A process can terminate execution for a variety of reasons: If all of its threads terminates Any of a process’s threads can explicitly terminate the

process at any time. When a user logs off, all the processes running in the

user’s context are terminated. Parent and child processes are independent of one another

so terminating a parent process has no affect on its children and vice versa.


A group of several processes grouped in one unit is called a job.

A process can be a member of no more than one job.

A job object allows developers to define rules and set limits on a number of processes.

Allows the developer to terminate all the processes of a group at once.

Job Attributes The job object specifies such attributes as a base priority class, a

security context, a working set minimum and maximum size, a virtual memory size limit and both a per-process and jobwide processor time limit.

A process inherits attributes from its associated job (if the process belongs to a job).

The system can terminate all processes in a job by terminating the job.

Systems executing batch processes, such as data mining, benefit from jobs. Developers can limit the amount of processor time and memory


Threads can create fibers

Major difference: a fiber is scheduled for execution by the thread that creates it, rather than the microkernel.

Windows XP includes fibers to permit the porting of code written for other operating systems to Windows XP.

A fiber executes in the context of the thread that creates the fiber (and have their own storage)

Fibers in Windows XP Each fiber maintains state information, such as the next instruction to

execute and the values in a processor’s registers. The thread itself is also a unit of execution, and must convert itself into a fiber to separate its own state information from other fibers executing in its context.

The Windows API forces a thread to convert itself into a fiber before creating or scheduling other fibers. The thread context remains, and all fibers associated with that

thread execute in that context.

Once a fiber obtains the processor, it executes until the thread in whose context the fiber executes is preempted, or the fiber switches execution to another fiber (either within the same thread or a fiber created by a separate thread).

Fibers in Windows XP If a fiber deletes (i.e. terminates) itself, its thread terminates.

Fibers permit Windows XP applications to write code executed using the many-to-many mapping; typical Windows XP threads are implemented with a one-to-one mapping

Fibers are user-level units of execution and invisible to the kernel. This makes context switching between fibers of the same thread fast because it is done in user mode. A single threaded process with many fibers can simulate a multithreaded


Windows XP schedules threads, not processes, so the single-threaded processes receive less execution time (all else being equal).


The Dispatcher Not specific to threads Threads scheduled independently of parent

process Same process with more threads will get more

execution time. Pre-emptive scheduling Based on thread’s priority

Eight State Diagram

Priority Queues 32 queues

16-31 for real-time 0-15 for dynamic

Highest queue runs first Runs for max exec time, one quantum,

unless pre-empted Pre-empted threads return to front of their queue

Priority cont’d

Priority goes up: After it exits waiting state If it receives input If it has been waiting for a long time

Prevent priority inversion

Priority goes down if it runs until its quantum expires Never goes below base priority level


Ideal processor Parallel execution (default) Shared cache

Last processor Preferred processor

Affinity mask


Guarantees threads will not be preempted Restricts Functionality 2 Main Mechanisms

Dispatcher Objects Kernel Locks

Dispatcher Objects

Kernel or User mode Access shared data structures/files 2 states: signaled and unsignaled

Kernel Locks

Queued Spin Lock FIFO ordering

Executive Resource Lock Kernel mode only Shared or Exclusive Solves reader/writer problems