The 2012 Israeli/Gaza Conflict

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  • 7/30/2019 The 2012 Israeli/Gaza Conflict


    The 2012 Israeli/Gaza Conflict

    There is still conflict in the Middle East. Liars and extremists may howl at the moon, but the

    truth is superior to imperialism and militarism. The enemy may act like they are the

    toughest beings of all creation, but they are not. Good is superior to evil. The reactionaries

    can shake the table all they want, but the Creator can inspire human beings to move the

    world in a more righteous, positive direction. I will always keep it 100. This is a passionate

    issue, but I will show the truth in love. Israel and Hamas were battling against each other. Now,

    they are trying to resolve their issues. On November 14, Hamas military commander Ahmed Jabri

    was murdered by an Israeli missile attack. These events feel very similar to the Hamas and Israel

    battles a few years ago. Back in 2006, the events were part of the Israeli/Lebanon conflict. It is

    ironic since a few hours before the attack; Hamas received the draft proposal of a permanenttruce agreement with Israel.This has been reported by Haaretz on November 15, 2012. The draft

    wanted mechanism for maintaining a cease fire in the case of a flare up between Israel and factions

    in the Gaza Strip. After the assassination of Ahmed Jabari, there was the bombing campaign under

    Operation Pillar of Cloud.

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    These military strikes against Gaza have been very controversial. F-16 fighter planes, Apache

    helicopters, and unmanned drones were deployed. Israeli naval forces deployed along the Gaza

    shoreline were involved in extensive shelling of civilian targets. Also, any innocent deaths (whether

    Israelis or Palestinians) ought to be sympathized with. The Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak

    admitted that there is a scenario of military escalation. The Israelis blame Palestine for acts of

    aggression, while the Palestinians & Hamas blame Israel. Later, there has been a firing of dozens of

    rockets by Hamas against Israeli. Any military scholar knows that Hamas will retaliate and Israeli war

    planners know this. The Israeli civilian casualties are being used to justify military escalation on

    humanitarian grounds. Sounds familiar? The big picture is that these occurrences involve a clear act

    of provocation. The deaths of Israeli civilians (as foreseen by IDF military planners) are being used to

    gain support among the Israeli public. The victims of occupation and military shells are being

    collectively blamed by the Western media for the Israeli atrocities. Hamas isn't perfect, but both

    sides making a progressive peace accords is better than apartheid. Israel once contemplated a

    ground war. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would love for Mitt Romney to be

    President, but he is using rocket attacks as a means to show to the world that he wants to continue

    forth with his agenda irrespective of who won the 2012 election. I don't agree with civilian

    deaths on either side. Deaths of innocent human beings are tragedies and that ought to be

    realized. Many people view Israeli actions to be warranted and other feel that the Israeli

    actions are disproportionate. The truth is that a truce between Hamas and Israeli could

    have come, but it was temporarily killed by the assassination of Jabari. Israeli peace activist

    Gershon Baskin, who helped negotiate the release of Gilad Shalit and maintained contacts with

    Hamas leaders, said the truce agreement included protocols for maintaining a cease-fire in the

    case of cross-border violence between Israel and Gaza. Baskin told Haaretz that senior officials in

    Israel knew about the pending truce agreement, but nevertheless approved the assassination;presumably knowing it would terminate the truce and escalate the conflict with Gaza. "I think

    that they have made a strategic mistake," Baskin said, "which will cost the lives of quite a number

    of innocent people on both sides." He added that Jabari's assassination "killed the possibility of

    achieving a truce." The Middle East has been influenced by US/NATO war plans too. NATO approves

    of the civil war in Syria and they performed war crimes inside of the country of Libya as well. This

    network supports Operation Pillar of Cloud, so the invasion of Gaza is part of a bigger Western

    strategic agenda (of trying to pacify people into accepting imperialism). The peace movements

    among all sides should do their best to resolve the Israel/Palestine conflict in general. Also,

    an economic system that says that small minority of people should own the majority of the

    wealth and power in the world is archaic and immoral period. I like that to be known from

    the rooftops, the valleys, the hills, and the ceilings.

    More news is coming about the Israel and Gaza conflict. The cover story made by some in the

    Western mainstream media is that Israel is completely right and some of them try to minimize the

    outrage of the deaths of Palestinian civilians. Some in the media feel that Israeli bombs are simply a

    reaction to Hamas terror or the blame all of this conflict on Hamas' side. Many people like

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    Western media mostly justifies the attacks in Gaza as a means of self-defense on the part of the

    Israelis. That's the fundamental point. Children can die in Gaza and no real, radical discussions for

    peace come about since to the corporate media, it's all in self-defense. The White House says that

    Israel has the right to defend itself. Operation "Pillar of Cloud" is of a controversial, complex nature.

    According to sources, senior U.S. military officials were on location in Israel working with

    their IDF counterparts in the days leading up to the attack. This operation started inNovember 14th. This was exactly one week after the U.S. Presidential elections. 75,000 Israeli

    troops have been deployed in case Israel wants to formulate a ground invasion of Gaza. One month

    before the attacks, U.S. and Israel were involved in the largest joint war games in Israeli history. The

    purpose of the war games was to test Israel's missile air defense system against attacks (from far

    and near like from Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas). US Defense Secretary Leon and Israel's Minister of

    Defense Ehud Barack had established a process of close consultation. Panetta was in Israel in early

    August 2012. He returned to Tel Aviv two months later on October 3, two weeks before the

    launching of the US-Israeli Austere Challenge 12 military exercises. The first wave of the joint war

    games among Israel and America came about on October 18. These military exercises occurred

    during the U.S. elections too on November 6. These U.S./Israeli war games dealt with preparing for

    a military action. Even the joint war games called "Austere Challenge 12" involved the activeparticipation of 3500 U.S. and 1000 Israeli troops. The U.S. contingent was made up 1000 U.S.

    troops stationed in Israel (including military advisers and special forces together with 25000 U.S.

    personnel under the jurisdiction of the U.S. 6th fleet in the Eastern Mediterranean and U.S.

    European Command (or EURCOM) according to the UPI. The Iron Dome is a new anti-rocket system.

    It's found near the southern city of Beersheba, Israel. The Israeli Defense Force deployed the $200

    million Iron Dome system in response to dozens of rockets fired by Palestinian militants from Gaza

    in the past weeks. The Iron Dome is being used to protect Israel towns from rockets fired from

    Gaza. The joint US-Israeli war games were jointly coordinated by U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General

    Craig Franklin and IDF Brigadier-General Shachar Shohat. The stated objective of these military

    maneuvers was to "create "stress situations" in Israel's airspace and off its Mediterranean coast

    that test the ability of both countries to act against attacks "from near [Hamas, Hezbollah] andfar [Iran]." These war games were overseen by the United States European Command (EUCOM)

    Admiral James G. Stavridis. The whole Gaza attack operation was prepared for because of the war

    games involved these scenarios. Hamas firing rockets into Israel that targets civilians is wrong and

    illegal under international law. Yet, Israel is wrong for violating international law on many

    occasions as well (according to Pulitzer prize winning journalist Christ Hedges, Israel broke almost

    100 Security Council resolutions regarding Gaza alone). It is interesting to note that there are

    extensive gas reserves off the Gaza coastline. Israel and Palestine are debating and fighting over

    the oil reserves now. Washington has no relationship with Hamas since they view Hamas as a

    terrorist group. This is why Egypt (with Morsi or the Muslim Brotherhood Prime Minister) is a key

    player in the negotiations. The destruction of Gaza has been opposed by even pro-Western nations

    like Turkey, Qatar, and Egypt. The West claims to oppose terrorism, but they are coordinatingefforts to destroy Syria and install a puppet state. Even so-called humanitarian groups like Amnesty

    International and Human Rights Watch support the imperialist attacks in Syria.

    Qatar has worked in the U.S./Israeli/Saudi enterprise in trying to subvert and overthrow the

    government of Syria. This fact as been exposed in the 2007 New Yorker article titled, "The

    Redirection," which was written by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh. Netanyahu is a

    reactionary and his support of a murderous policy is just as wrong as the bus being bombed in Tel

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    Aviv. Another man said that no country on Earth would tolerate missiles raining down on

    its citizens from outside its borders, but he surely promotes sending murderous drones in

    Somalia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan as a means to fulfill kill list orders. America is also

    complicit in supporting this bloodshed in the Middle East too. In the final analysis,

    progressive voices in Israel and Palestine should use political efforts in resolving this crisis

    indeed. Hopefully, the ceasefire will stick among both parties. First, we must oppose any formof apartheid (when those in Israel have laws that have Israeli Jewish only roads, and other

    discriminatory laws. This is wrong) in the Middle East period. Second, we should advocate the right

    of the Palestinians to have nationhood or statehood. I don't agree with the militaristic agenda of

    AIPAC or Likudniks.

    Even Haaretz has reported that even Israeli Jewish people are trying to oppose the discrimination of

    Israeli Arabic people by the Israeli government. The Israeli Arabic population (like the black African

    population) still suffer discrimination and exclusion. Many Christians in Israel have been assaulted

    by reactionary Israelis then and now. Only 1.3 per cent of the companys 12,000 workers are Arab,

    despite the Arab minority constituting nearly 20 per cent of the population. According to Sikkuy, a

    group lobbying for greater civic equality, discriminatory hiring policies have left thousands of Arabgraduates jobless, even though the government promised affirmative action a decade ago. The

    prejudice faced by educated Arabs seeking employment was highlighted by a survey last November.

    It found that 83 per cent of Israeli businesses in the main professions admitted being opposed to

    hiring Arab graduates. There are the following facts of: the Israeli-occupied West Bank, including

    Jewish-only settlements, separate roads, military checkpoints, discriminatory marriage law, the

    West Bank barrier, use of Palestinians as cheap labour, Palestinian West Bank enclaves, inequities in

    infrastructure, legal rights, and access to land and resources between Palestinians and Israeli

    residents in the Israeli-occupied territories. If that isn't apartheid, then I don't what is. I do concede

    that some Israeli Arabic people can go into Universities, hospitals, and restaurants, but many black

    Africans have been discriminated against overtly and forcibly out of Israel.

    Now, there are many Palestinian Arabic people that recognize Israel's right to exist fromdiplomats to political leaders. Some political Palestinian groups may not want that, but the goalof statehood is justified irrespective of others' personal views of Israel. Recognizing Israel's rightto exist can be negotiated and discussed down the line, but an oppressed people have every rightto their statehood (as advocated by people from across the political spectrum). The UnitedNations was instituted after WWII to organize international crisis and other international policymatters. Of course, no nation is perfect, so why do the reactionaries omit the discrimination ofPalestinians in Israel? Other Middle Eastern nations aren't perfect since no nation is perfect. Yet,the idea of promoting the human rights of Palestinians seems to revolt the theocrats & neo-cons.The fact that the Sephardim & Palestinians lived in the land before 1897, the fact of Mossad

    spying in American soil, and the fact of even Israeli Arabic citizens denied job opportunities arefacts not propaganda. Also, Egypt has a right to their sovereignty. If Egypt wanted to nationalizethe Suez Canal, then that is their right. The Suez Canal crisis of 1956 involved a preemptivestrike against Egypt. From a legal standpoint Nasser had the right to nationalize the canal as longas he paid off its shareholders. The UK, France, and Israel colluded in a secret agreement to takeover the Suez Canal and occupy parts of Egypt. That is a fact (of these powers and even Americadidn't agree to militarily aid the West in that strike). President Dwight D. Eisenhower even wasoutraged at the British and French aggression against Egyptian territory. Israel's failure to inform

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    the United States of its intentions, combined with ignoring American entreaties not to go to war,sparked tensions between the countries. The United States subsequently joined the Soviet Union(ironically, just after the Soviets invaded Hungary) in a campaign to force Israel to withdraw.America negotiated a settlement to end that conflict. Ralphe Bunche is entitled to his views andhe is a real hero. The reality is that all sides made mistakes in the Suez Canal controversy. I will

    admit to that. Yet, I will not support imperialists like France and Britain lusting for controlover the Suez Canal for their vision of European domination in the Middle East. Followingthe debate on the matter by the United Nations Security Council, Egypt agreed on 11 October[1956] to the principles regarding running the Canal, including maintaining its status as aninternational waterway. On 24 October a secret Anglo-French-Israeli agreement on an invasionof Egypt was finalized. See, that is the smoking gun, because Egypt already agreed withmaintaining the canal as an international waterway, but the West still wanted to invade parts ofEgypt anyway for geopolitical purposes. See, October 1956 is after August 1949. A Googlesearch can easily determine that Egypt presently produces oil all of the time in the realm of600,000 barrels a day. Also, the vast majority of the Muslims of the world reject sharia law, sofor some to assume otherwise represents propaganda. This relates to our time since NATO is

    supporting the puppet state in Libya and the West wants another puppet state to replace Assad inSyria. Assad isn't a saint, but some of the terrorists in Syria aren't choir boys either. Things arecomplex in terms of describing foreign policy matters. Not to mention that Stevie Wonder isright to not perform for IDF forces, because Stevie Wonder is about peace not militarism.Also, the neo-cons (and their allies) try to deemphasize the suffering in Gaza via the blockadewhile worshipping the statues found in Israel. The truth is that progressive Palestinians andprogressive Israelis want peace not discrimination, scapegoating, or bigotry. All peoples of

    the world deserve justice and equality. I reject occupation period. Now, just because thePalestinians deserves to not experience occupation doesnt mean I will bow before an Arabicperson. I bow before the Lord alone and I respect my black heritage, my black culture, andmy black ancestors completely.See, the truth always comes out and it spreads like light. Idon't just feel good about the truth. I feel GREAT.

    I will expose extremism and shills. The new tactic of the shill is to use concepts of "liberty" and"freedom" to hide their reactionary face. Their face is still reactionary, but they act like trueliberty lovers. You can talk about peace all you want, but you can never have peace withoutjustice. Justice should be given unto men, women, immigrants, and everyone of allbackgrounds.It is our job to reject the lie that states rights are superior to human rights. Theevil people of Jim Crow South opposed the welfare state, they wanted eugenics, they wantedsegregation, and these folks desired other evils. Real people spoke out and actively fought to enda lot of oppression against human beings indeed. These shills have a pattern. Many of them hateJewish people or Arabic people. When you investigate such a person, on many cases, they dohate black people too. So, these people aren't our side at all. One of these shills was the lateWilliam Luther Pierce (who wrote the "Turner Diaries"). His newsletter was funded by theHolocaust denier Willis Carto. Lew Rockwell is the head of the Mises Society and he wrote theinfamous Ron Paul newsletters (that slandered human beings). Rockwelll is a neo-Confederacyor a person who believe that the wickedness of the Confederacy is somehow holy (which is sickto say the least). So, these people are connected to each other. Even the anarcho-capitalistextremist Tom DiLorenzo wants to blame the Union for the Civil War when it the avariciousplantation owners that brutalized innocent human beings throughout the South. They hate

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    Abraham Lincoln, because he was a Republican that caused an income tax, lessen state rights,and used government money to fund the International railroad. He wasn't perfect, but he wouldbe castigated by the Republicans today on some issues. One sign of these reactionary shills isthat they hate all progressive views and they are open to union busting, poor scapegoating, andother anti-human rights policies. Another such extremist was Milton Friedman. He didn't believe

    in actual freedom, because he helped Chile submit under the evil Pinochet administration.Friedman and others like him have been educated at the Chicago School. Chile under Pinochetonce harmed the economic and political freedoms of Chile indeed. Wages were down andeconomic benefits were stripped from the people of Chile under Pinochet. Friedman praised thedictator General Suharto, which caused millions of people to die in Indonesia. We know whatworks. Norway is a prime example of that being one of the high GDP nations on planet Earth.Norway has a mixed economy. It has a 70 percent tax rate on the rich, it has governmenthealthcare, it has strong public resources, great education, free cars for people who can't affordthem, etc. The libertarian Ron Paul gave his final address to Congress recently in late 2012.What was interesting about his speech was that he expressed the old neo-Confederateinterpretation of the Constitution and the false view that the bad old days of laissez faire

    capitalism is somehow holy. Ron Paul is wrong to believe that businesses should do almostwhatever they want to. He attacks progressive ideas like union rights. Ron Paul is wrong toassume that everything was working just fine before the early 20th century. For example, acentury ago, women were denied the right to vote by law and many non-white males were deniedthe right to vote via Jim Crow. Native Americans were confined to oppressive reservations andblack people were frequently lynched nationwide not just in Dixie. We don't need the era of therobber barons again where monopolistic trusts overcharged key services and factory workerssuffered dangerous conditions. The Great Depression proved that we need to sacrifice our time topromote a strong social safety net where we can have a living wage, Social Security, moralsecurity, and respect for human dignity in our lives. We want liberty not a privileged system thatbenefits the oligarchs. Ron Paul is a reactionary that believed that we must follow the GoldenRule (which I have no issue with), but the Robber Barons didn't follow it either. Ron Paul needsto realize that the modern Constitution was about the expanding the federal government andmaking a sovereign Union beyond the weak Articles of Confederation. The Constitution givesthe federal government the right to handle interstate commerce and promote the General

    Welfare of society. Article I, Section 8 is clear about that issue. The Tenth Amendment meansthat any powers not mentioned by the Constitution are reserved to the states or the people. Itdoesn't eliminate the constitutionally granted broad powers already in existence that comes fromthe federal government. Not to mention that new federal laws can exist anyway via Congress.We can't remain in the 18th century. The re-emergence of the reactionary is real. They hate theNew Deal. They include theocrats, war mongering, free marketers, and others. Theyexaggerate the Tenth Amendment and promote the revisionist lie that the Founders wanted torestrain the federal government in an extreme fashion. 1899 is over. We need real infrastructuredevelopment, adequate housing, a progressive economic system, and real liberty to betransparent in society. Libertarians cry about force, but they forget that the Universe is imperfect.Therefore, you need righteous force in order to make the world better like nonviolent resistanceand even self-defense. All forms of force arent completely evil at all. Sometimes, you have toconfront evil via confrontation in order for goodness or righteousness to reign in the world.

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    If Israel is completely exempt from any criticism, then that is an extremist position to follow. Ididn't know that the nation of Israel is God now. Apparently, it is not. A real reasonable positionto follow is that Israel is a fallible nation that must radically improve its social and politicalpolicies completely. That isn't hard to ask. Israel is a small nation and no one here tries to

    obfuscate the errors instituted by other Middle Eastern nations. Yet, every nation on the Earthought to be fairly critiqued. If it's just to criticize black Libyans being lynched by terrorists, thenit's right to critique Mossad spying against Americans including the extremist behaviorconducted by the IDF plainly. I am a consistent man, because I oppose Israeli civilians andPalestinian civilians suffering death completely. People are talking about fair housing, a 2 statesolution, and ending injustice. This position is held by not only Palestinians, but progressiveIsraelis as well. Since the extremists always try to use religion as a means to justify occupation,militarism, and other evils, so here is my response to them. Solomon, David, and Jesus Christcondemned Israeli leadership or tried to reform Israel leadership back in the day. We have theright to do it now in love. Also, the cradle of Jewish civilization ought to be respected, butthe Lemba and Ethiopian Jews should have true equality too in Israel and throughout the Earth.

    Even the OT prophets criticized the Israeli Kingdom thousands of years ago. If they did it, wehave the right to call for justice too. It's not about hating all Israelis (which is silly and wrong),but it's about making people accountable about injustices. Ultimately, Jewish civilization &Arabic civilization originated from black African civilization since all human beings

    originated from the heart of the Motherland Africa. Thats a valuable jewel or gem.

    Our brothers and our sisters in Israel

    Ethiopian Jewish people in Israel

    Not too many people discuss about the plight of the Ethiopian Israeli peoples in Israel.Even their birthrate is declining in Israel unfortunately. Even in the States, we hear

    stories about black Ethiopian Jewish people suffering discrimination and racism in

    Israel. I first heard of such stories in the 1990s and the 2000s. Now, we see that Jewish

    Ethiopian women are given contraceptive injections before immigrating to Israel and

    after arrival. This is causing them to have a 50 percent decline in birthrate and a missing

    generation of Ethiopian children. It isn't just folks like me knowing about this, but even

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    sincere Israelis are speaking out against this evil. Israeli journalist Gal Gabi investigated

    this issue for her documentary series called "Vacuum" on Israeli Educational Television.

    Gal interviewed Ethiopian women about this issue. The Ethiopian women were given

    the contraceptive Depo-Provera against their will. These shots were given in the refugee

    camps of Gondar and continued in the transition camps in Addis Ababa. According to

    the womens testimony, this continuity appears to have been a coordinated effort

    between the medical staff at the clinics in Ethiopia run by the JDC and doctors in Israeli

    hospitals and clinics. Similar acts have been done against the Sephardim and Yemeni

    Jewish human beings too. What is worse is that the Ethiopian women were never given

    proper family planning counseling outlining various birth control methods and never

    given the chance to choose the one with which they felt more comfortable. Gabai

    interviewed a female gynecologist who expressed shock at hearing that just about all

    Ethiopian women are given Depo-Provera shots, saying that it is rarely prescribed and

    usually recommended only for women who are institutionalized or developmentally

    disabled (in other words, women who cannot be relied upon to practice other methodsresponsibly). This story reeks of racism, paternalism and arrogance. Its a story to be

    ashamed of, Gabai concluded. That is why MK IIan Gilon submitted an official request

    to Israel's attorney general Yehuda Weinstein for the launching of a criminal

    investigation. Gilon emphasized that the women were exposed to drug and hormone

    related side effects, of which they were not made aware. It cannot be that the serious

    news of this invasive interference with the rights of Ethiopian immigrant womens

    control over their own bodies will go without redress, he wrote. Thousands of black

    Ethiopians came into Israel via Operations Moses, Solomon, and Sheba. They or the

    black Ethiopian Jewish human beings are called Beta Israel. To date, the MDA in Israelprohibits the use of blood donations which originated from natives of sub-Saharan

    Africa, except South Africa, natives of Southeast Asia, natives of the Caribbean and

    natives of countries which have been widely affected by the AIDS epidemic, including

    donations from the natives of Ethiopia. Moreover, since 1991 all immigrants from

    Ethiopia to Israel have to undergo mandatory HIV screenings, regardless of their

    intention to donate blood. That is uncalled for indeed.

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    Our brothers and sisters in these images are protesting for human rights in front of the Knesset and inother places. They take inspiration from Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandela as a

    means to advance liberty.

    Many Beta Israel black brothers and black sisters are protesting in Israel for the

    employment rights of Ethiopian academics. The notable Israeli Ethiopian Jewish human

    beings include people like Hagi Yaso, Asefu Baro, Abraham Adgeh, the beautiful

    Sister Ayala Ingedashet, Danny Adino Ababa, and others. Still, Israel needs to confront

    many aspects of bigotry in their nation just like in America, Libya, and throughout the

    Earth. One Lukudnik Minister of Interior made the racist, stupid remark recently that:

    "...Israel is for the white man..." Thats hilariouswhen the original inhabitants of

    Israel are not blonde haired blued eyed white people at all. Guess Who? LOL. See,

    the truth is live in living color and it is not bland. Israel has no European borders and

    it borders Egypt and Egypt is found in the continent of Africa. The Biblical Queen of

    Sheba came from Ethiopia, NOT Russia & Poland. Humans came from Africa originally.It is very hypocritical for the racist, white supremacist Lukudniks to talk about a few

    thousand of black African brothers and sisters immigrating into Israel, but allow nearly

    2 million Russian folks to come into Israel for the past 15-20 years. Therefore, the system

    of white supremacy is ever real. My eyes are open without being shut. This is a

    demographics issue. They know that people of color are growing greatly in the world.

    That is a great development. Now, they want to use population control methods as

    means to lower the population of individuals of color, especially black people since they

    hate black people for obvious reasons. Just look at NSM 200 document to see their

    hatred of black individuals. That is why I will forever agree with black African Unity.

    Pan-Africanism is the way to go and I believed in it even back in the day.

    *Now, it's important to love the Israelis and the Palestinians. Certain evil factions want us

    to either express vicious hatred against either all Israelis or against all Palestinians. I will

    not act in that fashion. Both Israelis and Palestinians deserve peace, dignity, respect, and

    equality via political means.

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    Appendix A: Updates on the Syrian War

    There have been threats of a potential Western war against Syria over chemical weapons. Now,

    there are 10,000 U.S. troops (including French, British, and NATO troops) amassing off the coast of

    Syria for a potential invasion. The U.S. claims that Syria is mixing chemical weapons, but this view is

    lacking in much credibility. War against Syria could expand Middle Eastern conflict. Pentagon

    officials say that there is no evidence that Syria is mixing chemical weapons. It isn't clear that the

    precursors have been moved from separate storage sites to one location. The Syrian Tribune hasreleased a video allegedly showing Syrian rebels killing rabbits with chemicals and threatening to

    use them against supporters of the Syrian government. It is not possible at this moment to find this

    information genuine or propaganda. The U.S. will present one of the leading Syrian rebel groups as

    a terrorist operation. McClatchy notes that until recently the Syrian opposition blamed this terrorist

    group's attacks on the government. This means that the terrorist violence carried out by one of the

    main opposition groups was wrongly blamed on the Syrian government. Even the American

    government has backed numerous terrorist opposition groups in Syria. Russia has docked 2

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    warships in Syria, which is a show of support of the government. There is another piece of news

    about this issue as well. There is the arrival of the USS Eisenhower in the Mediterranean Sea just

    outside of Syria. NATO forces are in place to prepare possibly to attack Syria and attempt to topple

    President Bashar Al-Assad. Sources close to the French Defense Ministry reported Friday, Dec. 7,

    that a Western-Arab military intervention against the Assad regime is due to begin shortly with the

    participation of the US, France, Britain, Turkey, Jordan and other anti-Assad Arab nations, reportsIsraeli news outlet DebkaFile, adding that Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatars special forces will also

    be involved. There is the USS Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group now stationed in waters outside of

    Syria. There is the French aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle in the fray as well. For recent weeks,

    there has been training exercises between Britain and France. They work on preparing to attack

    fortifications in the Alawite Mountains, because Assad is predicted to escape if he wants to flee

    Damascus. The report adds that the assault, Would be modeled on the Western intervention in

    Libya in 2011. It would combine an aerial blitz with ground action by special forces for destroying

    Assads chemical weapons stocks, his air force and his air defense systems. The White House

    threatened to attack Syria (as beyond a red line) if Syria uses chemical weapons on rebels or anyone

    else. The talking points of the White House are very similar to the 2002 talking points of the Bush

    administration, which led into the invasion of Iraq. It turned out that Saddam Hussein didn't havemassive amounts of weapons of mass destruction (since the information used to justify the Iraqi

    invasion was based on fabricated evidence).

    Many of the rebels in Syria, Libya, etc. are linked to al-Qaeda terrorists (which killed U.S. troops and

    some of them want draconian Sharia law to spread across the region). NATO approved of stationing

    U.S. made Patriot missiles along Turkey's border. They claim to want to use these items for

    "defense." Now, Turkey is harboring and providing logistics for foreign fighters across the border

    into Syria. Turkey has already invaded Iraq to try to get Kurdish rebels who killed more than 25

    Turkish soldiers in multiple attacks in the southern Turkish province of Hakkari (reported in October

    2011 by McClatchy Newspapers). Conversely, this same silent and complicit international

    community has warned that any mirroring strategy by Syria to likewise follow militants, harboredby Turkey, over its borders in hot pursuit will result in military intervention. John McCain

    admitted that the Turkish government doesn't have the support of most of its people by supporting

    NATO's attempt to institute regime change in the nation of Syria. We don't need a NATO

    intervention based on dubious evidence. The Syrian civil war is tragic and hopefully a peaceful

    solution can come about. Diplomacy, humanitarian aid, and other peaceful actions should be taken

    to end the Syrian civil war in a reasonable, just fashion. Our country has a lot of challenges indeed.

    We need massive investment to help America, we need decent housing, and we need better

    education for all people in America too. NAFTA, the Free Trade Area of the Americas and the Trans-

    Pacific Partnership promotes globalization. The hope is that we should support the progressive

    elements in the Middle East as a means to make the Muslim region more progressive as time goes

    forward in the years and decades. I do believe that this will happen. It will take time though.

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    Appendix B: Updates on Egypt and the Muslim BrotherhoodOne more year from today and I will be 30 years old. In Egypt, democracy problems still remain. Weknow that the Muslim Brotherhood is an intelligence asset and it has ties to Western intelligence fordecades. It is an instrument of the globalists including the Council on Foreign Relations. Now, theyare acting similar to the brutal regime of Hosni Mubarak and his brutal National Democratic Party.Islamist supporters of President Mohamed Morsi captured, detained and beat dozens of his politicalopponents last week, holding them for hours with their hands bound on the pavement outside thepresidential palace while pressuring them to confess that they had accepted money to use violence inprotests against him, writes David Kirkpatrick. Egyptian activists have collected evidence of theabuse and they have posted evidence of tis abuse on Twitter and Youtube. The Egyptian Independenthas reported on this story as well. Egypts police state has been built up under Sadat (he at least tried

    to make peace before he was unfortunately assassinated) and Mubarak. This same police state systemis not wielded by the Muslim Brotherhood. Peter Goodgame have documented the BritishIntelligence links to the Muslim Brotherhood (the West used his organization as a means to containrevolution in the Muslim world). The Arab Spring has many sincere, progressive freedom fighters. Iwill admit to that. Yet, much of it has been infiltrated by globalist controlled NGOs, and corporateentities (under the guise of democracy and freedom) as a means for the establishment to further ruleover the Middle East. Sunni and Shia Muslims are played against each other in a divide and conquerstrategy for this goal of imperialism to continue onward. We dont need a fanatical Sunni Wahhabiversion of Islam (that is different from mainstream Sunni Islam) to use authoritarian rule over thepeople. The CFR is using folks like Ed Husain to go along with this token so-calleddemocratization of the Middle East. There are such extremists trying to dominate Tunisia,

    Morocco, Jordan, and Libya. Theres glee in Washington that traditional American foes are nowfriends. I understand and support that sentiment, Husain writes. Having advocated for over a yearfor issues-based engagement with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, I was delighted to host adelegation from their Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) for meetings at the Council on ForeignRelations in New York and Washington. I think if the Muslim Brotherhood is brought in to abroader coalition but on the condition that it respects the peace treaty toward Israel, that itsrespectful to the west and it respects human rights, he told Fox News last year. So, you still havepeople that sellout their own people as a means to suck up to their Western slave masters like the

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    IMF. In Egypt, real protesters complain about reactionaries and extremists trying to attack realprotesters. The police in Egypt are doing their best to protect the Muslim Brotherhood. There arethousands of people in Cairo protesting all of the time.

    Appendix C: Some Extra Words on the Fiscal Cliff

    The fiscal cliff is an important issue to talk about. We have unprecedented wealth disparity. Thisincome inequality is harming millions and this system still advances militarism, imperial wars,

    and corporate power increased. The police state continues in the world too. Republicans andDemocrats each believe in some form of austerity. The only different is the degree of austerity.The cliff includes sequester that including 1.2 trillion dollar cuts in the military and our domesticresources. Washington is acting bipartisan in having their agenda. Even some Democrats want toruin much of the social contract by eliminating funds from Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security,and publicly funded pensions. Even the President wanted deep cuts to these programs and hefunded by Wall Street finance. That should tell you something. This isn't news since a lot ofPresident has been funded by the same corporate interests. These same austerity goals have beenpromoted before during the 2010 Simpson-Bowles National Commission on FiscalResponsibility and Reform (NCFRF). The NCFRF recommended deep Medicare cuts, highMedicaid co-pays, and restrictions on filing malpractice suits. These aims end Washington'sresponsibility to advance public healthcare in the USA. Some feel that raising the retirement ageincrementally to 67 is a scam. Even the 1981 Reagan National Commission on Social SecurityReform falsely believed that the OASDI (or the Old Age, Survivors, and Disability InsuranceTrust Fund) will run out of money as early as August 1983. The truth is that some folks stolemoney from Social Security into private hands. Maximum retirement age is 70. Benefits are lessthan recipients got a generation earlier. Raising the retirement age is code language for cuttingbenefits. Orwellian language hides it. It is not a secret that the super-rich want to shred the socialsafety net. The elite use coded language as a means to cover up their goals. To the austerity

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    crowd, fix means cut, fiscally conservative means austerity, reform means an attack on publicand private resources. The Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) also recommended deep Medicarecuts, higher Part B premiums, big co-pays and outpatient fee increases, as well as establishingprivately owned, lower-cost health insurance exchanges to gradually eliminate traditionalMedicare. It also wants Medicaid funding cut. Bipartisan forces falsely blame Social Security

    and Medicaid for the debt burden in the USA. Both parties believe in the erroneous view thatboth programs are going broke. The truth is that when both programs are administered in theright way, then they will be sustainable in the long term.

    Corporate money dominates our politics too. That is reality. Social justice is taboo to talk about.If the President wants to be in the status quo, then he will be a pro-Wall Street type of President.The cliff will include 4 trillion cuts over the next decade. To handle our deficit and debt, weshould end militarism in the USA; we should stop bailing out big banks, end huge corporatesubsidies, and end the tax cuts for the rich. The corporate bosses want these fiscal cuts againstthe poor obviously. That is why the President wants to lower the corporate tax rate from 35percent to 28 percent. Rasmus says further tax breaks are coming at a time corporations pay thelowest effective rates in over 25 years. Corporate taxes in the past two years as a percent of

    profits averaged about 12.4%. From 1989 2007, they averaged 24.7%. Corporations hoardedover $2.5 trillion in cash. With that amount and record low taxes, what justifies cutting more?Regardless of what happens, cuts not stimulus is going to come about. So, we know the solutionsto this issue, but the 2 party system does not want populism. We ought to prepare for the worstand help humanity.

    By Timothy