The 1940 Census Counts, and Counting is important to Our History Vernon Burton, Clemson University.

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The 1940 Census Counts, and Counting is important to Our History Vernon Burton, Clemson University.

The 1940 Census Counts, and Counting is important to Our History Vernon Burton, Clemson


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Cyberenvironments couple traditional desktop scientific and engineering applications with national and global cyber-resources to provide researchers an unprecedented capability to assemble, integrate, automate, and manage complex, collaborative projects.

Cyberenvironments will ensure that the capabilities in the national cyberinfrastructure can be brought to bear on the most challenging science and engineering issues facing the nation and the world.

Key Components of a Cyberenvironment

NCSA Blue Waters Supercomputer10 petaflops (10

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400 gigabits per second Internet connectivity

Half an exabyte archival storage

$208 million


Collect and preserve data and documentationHarmonize data

Disseminate the data absolutely freeBut: sample is too small, no histoire-

totale data

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