The 18 th century Vocabulary Rococo Académie Royale Hôtel Salon Fête Galante The Enlightenment...

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Transcript of The 18 th century Vocabulary Rococo Académie Royale Hôtel Salon Fête Galante The Enlightenment...

The 18th centuryVocabulary

• Rococo• Académie Royale• Hôtel• Salon• Fête Galante• The Enlightenment• Philosophes• Empirical• Exemplum Virtutis

• Neoclassical• Reign of Terror• Jacobins• Girondins

Hyacinthe Rigaud, King Louis XIV, France, 1701

•Bâtiments du roi•1648 Académie Royale-Hierarchy of painting:History, Religion, Mythology, Portraiture, Decorative works, Genre scenes, Still-life

Charles Le Brun, Louis Le Vau, and Jules Hardouin-Mansart, Palace of Versailles,

France, 1669-85

Le Hammeau (1770)Marie Antoinette

Hall of Mirrors, Versailles

Germain Boffrand, Hôtel de Soubise, Paris, 1737-40


Madame de Pompadour

François Boucher

Mistress of King Louis XV

Antoine Watteau, Pilgrimage to the Island of Cythera, France, 1717-19 •Fête Galante

François Boucher,

Venus at her Bath,

France, 1751

Jean-Honoré Fragonard, The Swing,

France, 1766

Joseph Wright of Derby, A Philosopher Giving a Lecture at the Orrery, England, 1763-65


Joseph Wright of Derby, An Experiment on a Bird in an Air-pump, England, 1768

Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin, Grace at Table, France, 1740

•Exemplum virtutis

Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin, Grace at Table, France, 1740

•Exemplum virtutis

Elizabeth Louise Vigée-

LeBrun, Marie-

Antoinette en Chemise,

France, 1783

Angelica Kauffmann, The Mother of the Gracchi, Swiss, Neo-Classicism, 1785

Vigée-LeBrun, Marie

Antoinette and her Children

(at Versailles), French, 1787

Adélaide Labille-Guiard,

Self-portrait with Two Pupils, France, 1785


• Artists, architects, potters, and even furniture makers drew much inspiration from Pompeii.

• Contemporary painted interiors were inspired by the frescoed walls found in the excavations.

Neoclassicism and the French Revolution

• June 11, 1775: Coronation of Louis XVI

• July 4, 1776: American Declaration of Independence

• July 14, 1789: storming of the Bastille• August 27, 1789: Declaration of the Rights

of Man and the Citizen

Jacques-Louis David, Oath of

the Horatii, French, Neo-Classicism,


Prix de Rome

• The goal of every Academy student was to win the premier student prize:

The Prix de Rome

• David took part in the competition every year starting in 1770.

David, Marie Antoinette on the way to the Guillotine, 1793

•June 20, 1791: Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette unsuccessfully flee France for Austria

•September 22, 1792: Declaration of the Republic of France, abolition of the Monarchy

•January 21, 1793: Beheading of King Louis XVI

Jacques-Louis David,

Death of Marat, 1793

•1793: Jacobin Reign of Terror, Committee of Public Safety

•July 13, 1794: Assassination of Marat by Girondin, Charlotte Corday

Pierre Vignon, La Madeleine, Paris, French, 1807-42

The Parthenon, Athens, Greece, 437-432 BCE

Jacques-Louis David, The Coronation of Napoleon, 1808

•December 24, 1799: Dictatorship established under Napoleon

•August 2, 1802: Napoleon declared First Consul for life

•December 2, 1808: Napoleon crowns himself Emperor of France

How big is it? [17 x 30 ft.]

Thomas Jefferson, Monticello, Virginia, 1770-1806

The Pantheon, Rome, 118 AD

• Jefferson drew the plans for the Virginia State Capitol Building in Richmond as an almost exact copy of the Maison Carree.

• Almost all of the rest of American governmental buildings, including Washington, D. C., followed the example that Jefferson had set

Ingres, Grande Odalisque, 1814, France

• In breaking with his teacher David, Ingres adopted a manner that he felt was based on true and pure Greek style. List two characteristics of that style:

Grande Odalisque in an Ad