The 17 Day Diet : 100 Recipes

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of The 17 Day Diet : 100 Recipes

The 17 17 17 Day Diet Food Lists Sample Menu Recipes

17 Day Diet : 100 Recipes by Sarah Smith Smashwords Edition Copyright 2010 Sarah Smith The 17 Day Diet was created by Dr. Mike Moreno, a family practice physician in California. Dr. Mike Moreno Dr. Mike Moreno does not endorse, promote, review, or warrant the accuracy of the products or services.

DISCLAIMER This is written as a source of information only. This is intended to supplement, not substitute, the interventions of an experienced, professional healthcare practioner. The author and the publisher disclaim any liability for any adverse effects arising the use or application of the information contained herein.

The 17 17 17 Day Diet

Key Points

The first cycle doesn't allow grains, starch, or red meat or shellfish In Cycle 3 you’ll be eating less protein because you’re increasing your overall

food intake. Eat probiotic foods Every morning, as soon as you rise, drink hot lemon water Do not eat starches and fruit after 2:00 PM

Cycle 1 (Accelerate) (17 days)

What to Eat

What Not to Eat

End of this Sample book.

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