The 10 Tasks You Dont Have The Guts To Quit

Post on 23-Dec-2014

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Learn how to remove the "to-dos" in your life that aren\’t moving you forward but could be holding you back.

Transcript of The 10 Tasks You Dont Have The Guts To Quit


The 10 tasks you don’t have the guts to quit… and how to get over that

By: Kasandra bibas,

{…but not productive

What’s keeping you busy?

{Stop blaming Murphy’s Law…

What’s wasting your time?

What’s distracting you from living your real life?

{“All our successes are the same. All our failures, too. We succeed when we do something remarkable. We fail when we give up too soon. We succeed when we are the best in the world at what we do. We fail when we get distracted by tasks we don’t have the guts to quit.” – Seth GodinCan you handle the


{Here we go…


The 10 tasks you don’t have the guts to quit… and how to get over that

Take notes…

#1- Fighting to Be “Right”

#2- Worrying about what you can’t change & not changing what you can…

#3- Gossiping (i.e. minding other people’s business)…

#4- Refereeing Other People’s Problems

#5- Striving for perfection…

#6- Rushing life without actually living it…

#7- Online Fantasizing…

#8- Working to Avoid Living…

#9- Thinking but Not Acting…

#10- Holding on to what’s already gone…


So how do you stop?

You already know the answers…

{ Let go of yesterday Forget about

tomorrow Be here NOW…

Need more?

10 Practical Ways to Quit…

1) Mind your business and let God mind His and other people mind theirs’.

2) Embrace the truth by living it.

3) Stop making mountains out of molehills.

4) Slow down. When God made time, He made enough of it.

5) Take action WHILE you analyze situations. Waiting for the right time = failing to act.

6. Expect more, not less.7. Do your best for you and only you.8. Throw out worry. If you can do something about it, do that. If you can’t, stop worrying.9. Stop using Facebook, Twitter, and IM to portray the image of who you wish you were; put all of your energy into BEING THAT PERSON in real life.10. When someone wants to leave your life, let them go…


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