Thanks for downloading our slide deck. It is animated, so please view it in Presentation mode.

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Thanks for downloading our slide deck. It is animated, so please view it in Presentation mode.

Thanks for downloading our slide deck. It is animated, so please view it in

Presentation mode.

Paul Ormerod – Co Founder > Head of Sales & ResearchJohn Dale – Co Founder > Head of Products & Services

Product & Services Overview 3

Who are we?

Directors Paul Ormerod and John Dale have, with a network of

specialist associates, successfully traded multimedia products and

consultancy services for governments and business

customers in 21 countries over the last 10 years.

January 2015

Product & Services Overview 4

What do the behavioural change tools do?LiME TOOLS has spent two years working with experts in the psychology of learning in the workplace; leading consultants in delivering low carbon and IT strategies in a corporate environment ; and digital storytellers who can make complex editorial accessible and empower people to change their habits.

January 2015

Investors' Overview 5

To explain in more detail how the platform works, this presentation now digs deeper into the tools we are developing for low carbon habit change.

We have done outline tool specifications for our other business areas, but organisational sustainability and energy saving is a particular area of behaviour

change being

driven quickly by

regulatory and

financial priorities.

A focus on one business habit change area …

January 2015

Product & Services Overview 6

The basics of our new business...

Large corporations want to make savings through a low carbon adaptation strategy, but they struggle to implement...Changing the behaviour of staff in multinationals is hard... New state emission regulations are leading to heavy fines... Brand perceptions can quickly become negative... The costs of specialist consultancies are extremely high...

January 2015

What problem

are we solving?

Why do we offer a

competitive solution?

Our services can save 60% on traditional consultancy...Our rich multimedia approach engages the user...Our modular products can be configured locally...They are designed to facilitate practical outcomes...They measure the behaviour change and savings of all users...They offer compelling brand support in the market place...

Product & Services Overview 7

How do the tools work?LiME TOOLS uses blended learning techniques that bring together different types of media and devices to ensure the training is memorable, reactive to individual trainees’ abilities and strong and consistent in the way it measures users’ progress...

January 2015

We are building a significant video library of documentary materials that bring to life the nature of climate change. We have good connections with global experts who are prepared to offer advice on video. We often combine these traditional TV techniques with graphical animation to simplify complex science.

Some of the team at LiME TOOLS come from a background in broadcast drama and entertainment programming. This allows us to build interactive drama games that allow users to make difficult fictional management decisions and see the outcomes of different strategies. We also use quizzes, comedy sketches and other types of gaming to enrich the teaching modules. This innovative approach has been proven to be particularly effective in encouraging behavioural change in the business environment.

Product & Services Overview 8

How do the tools work?The tools combine all these elements of storytelling and interactive user decision-making into learning pathways that are carefully designed to maximise the attainment, whilst being configurable to meet the varying restrictions of corporate office environments with pressurised workflows.

January 2015

Each tool follows a route map that ensures the user progresses carefully through the experience of understanding, personalising and then putting into action the learning outcomes the tool has engineered.

Product & Services Overview 9

How do the tools work?The tools are managed by a Learning Management Software system that measures progress of individual staff members, departmental comparisons and overall company achievement.

January 2015

LiME TOOLS’s software monitors the actions and progress of the user, intervening automatically if they need support or produce low scores. This learner achievement data is aggregated continually to provide a snapshot of each user in a company, offering peer score comparisons between departments and across different sites.

Product & Services Overview 10

What kind of tools?

January 2015

To support in-house workshop facilitators

For individual staff & small supply chains

Video Doc, Experts, Case Studies, Fictional Gaming

Scenarios, Quiz & Challenges, Group & Solo Activity





Mobile & Tablet Apps for Location-

Based Training

Image & Video Clip Library

Product & Services Overview 11

‘Smart’ interface design...

January 2015

Easy & Fun to Use

High Refresh Rate

Peer Group Score Comparisons

Saves till Later

Internal Share Function

Advice Call Service

Investors' Overview 12

Business Model

January 2015

ACADEMY LICENSELinked tools renewed annually

1 x 4 wk rental period8 > 12 week dealsLinked tool deals Varies on user numbers

Buy with no updates

Buy with 2 yr updates

Buy with own branding

Selected linked tools

Bespoke tool build

Varies on business size

TOOL RENTRenewed every four weeks

TOOL BUYWith and without annual updates

Product & Services Overview 13


January 2015

Our Team is multi-skilled and experienced, which enables us to lower specialist costs

The Products & Services are carefully designed to meet very specific and proven needs

Customer Access to our configurable tools is flexible to suit different organisational needs

The Price Points deliver up to 60% savings for customers and our impact can be measured

Thank You