Thank you Gary Allison NDIS News...Thank you Gary and all the very best to you and your family....

Post on 15-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Thank you Gary Allison NDIS News...Thank you Gary and all the very best to you and your family....






The Board and team of PQSA extends its huge thanks to Gary Allison who has resigned from the Board of PQSA.

Gary had been a hard-working and dedicated member of the Board since December 2010 and we will greatly miss his wisdom and experience. He has had a longstanding connection with PQSA, not only through his work at Board level, but as a partner of Tindall Gask Bentley Lawyers which has supported PQSA for many years, most notably through its sponsorship of our Annual Golf Day, which became the standout event in the corporate charity golf calendar. Gary is a keen golfer and his commitment to ensuring this event was a huge success stood out.

It is easily forgotten that Board Members have volunteered an enormous amount of time and energy to the governance of PQSA. Gary’s contribution has come at a time of signifi cant growth and maturity as a key provider of disability supports in this state and, for this, we owe an enormous debt of gratitude. Thank you Gary and all the very best to you and your family.

Craig Clarke, President Peter Stewart, CEO

Thank you Gary Allison

This year HomeCare+ is celebrating 30 years of providing high quality services to people living with disability in South Australia. HomeCare+ was established in 1989 to support people transitioning from the Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre and to assist with funding the activities of the Paraplegic and Quadriplegic Association.

When I commenced with the Association back in 1993, HomeCare+ were supporting approximately 40 clients across Adelaide, Mount Gambier and Port Pirie with approximately 60 Support Workers.

We now support in excess of 550 clients and employ over 600 staff across the state as far afi eld as Mount Gambier, Berri, Kadina, Port Pirie, Port Lincoln, of course Adelaide and everywhere in between.

This is a testament to the association’s unwavering commitment to provide high quality services to our clients whom we are privileged to work alongside.

It is a joy to be celebrating HomeCare+, the clients we support and the staff we employ. We have recently held events in Port Lincoln on the Eyre Peninsula and Port Hughes on the Yorke Peninsula with upcoming events in the Mid North, Riverland, South East and Adelaide. We hope you can join us!

Although we have undergone many changes throughout the last 30 years, we have been unwavering in our commitment to provide services which are innovative, fl exible and responsive.

We strive for a client-centred approach to the provision of support as we continue to support people to achieve their individual goals and aspirations and will always continue ‘Supporting your Potential’.

If you have any questions or comments regarding HomeCare+ and the services that we provide, please don’t hesitate to contact me on (08) 8355 3500 or



The NDIS has a YouTube channel

dedicated to sharing short videos on a

range of topics, along with participant’s

good news stories.


These are useful starting places that can be provided to participants to gain a broad understanding

of the scheme. The NDIS channel can be found

Below are a few video links that outline some of the main concepts of the NDIS.

How to set up access to the MyPlace Participant

Reasonable and necessary supports

NDIS and other supports available to

PQSA leads positive impact for people with Spinal Cord Injury and the broader disability community through quality support and services.

Our Vision

We will be the voice, advocate and support to enable every South Australian with Spinal Cord Injury to fully participate in their community and live their potential.

Core Values

At all times, we will demonstrate:

• Excellence• Innovation• Responsiveness• Equality• Ethical Behaviour


His Excellency, Hieu Van Le, AO Governor of South Australia


President: Craig Clarke Vice-President: Kenneth SowardTreasurer: Steve Russo Marissa Brown

Rob SnowdonTony VroulisMal HydeStephanie Clota

Chief Executive Offi cer: Peter Stewart

Follow us:

LOCATIONS:• Adelaide• Eyre Peninsula• Yorke Peninsula• South East• Mid North• Riverland

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Proudly supported by:

l aw ye r s

“Ironic - Something is ironic if the result is the opposite of what was intended; an ironic event is an incongruous event,

one at odds with what might have been expected.”

I’ve had a couple of physical health issues of late. Mid last year, some therapists strongly urged me to get a li� ing device installed to help me get in and out of bed. This was recommended in order to prevent any further deterioration in my shoulders. I have previously had some problems with my rotator cuff and the prospect of shoulder reconstruction surgery sure put the wind up me. It’s worth noting that my method of doing transfers is pretty shoddy. When I went through rehab in 1966, instructions on how to transfer were not as advanced as today. So, in January I had this ni� y Handi-move li� ing device installed and it works a treat.

Now, I don’t think I have mentioned this before but over the last few years I have become more prone to getting urinary tract infections - the dreaded UTIs. I remembered that back in those rehab days we were encouraged to stand up in a standing frame to help drain our bladder. Why don’t I use the ni� y li� er to get me in a vertical position similar to standing up? Should be on a winner here. I gave it a go on a number of occasions. Not a good idea Neil! It put undue strain particularly on my right shoulder(s). So now I am having intensive physiotherapy to fi x my mistake.

It’s a bit ironic that what is intended to protect my shoulders, ends up causing some damage, through my misuse. Such is life!

Stories from Neil’s CornerMy other physical drama has been around my hugely swollen le� knee and thigh. Out of the blue, there it was. I went to an emergency GP clinic and was given an immediate referral for an ultrasound to see if I had a DVT (deep vein thrombosis). Nup! Back to my GP, who referred me for a CT scan (lymph nodes might be blocked). No show. “You’d better get yourself to an Emergency Department.” Off to Wakefi eld Hospital, X-ray knee (shows arthritis) aspiration of fl uid in knee (looking for crystals = gout, none; or pus = sceptic arthritis, nothing!) A two-night stay and then discharged with the orthopaedic surgeon saying it should clear up in a couple of weeks.

That was six weeks ago and it is still very swollen! I’ve been pondering over what might have been the cause of the swelling and I reckon it is the result of a dodgy transfer I did whilst getting into my car. The physiotherapist I am currently seeing has identifi ed the main problem as being a haematoma attributed to the trauma associated with the transfer. In footy parlance, I’ve got a ‘corked thigh’*.

These physical set backs have caused me to be a bit depressed of late and I am working to ensure that it will pass. And as Bob Dylan would say “The moral of the story, the moral of the song, is simply that one should never be where one does not belong”! The Ballad Of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest can be found here:

*Talking of football, what is it with the South Australian teams? rankieleeandjudaspriest