Thank A Cpan Contributor Today

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Slides from a lightning talk given at Frozen Perl 2008.

Transcript of Thank A Cpan Contributor Today

josh mcadamsdoubleclick/performics

in the beginning there was the one-liner

perl -MNet::Twitter -e 'Net::Twitter->new( username => "me", password => "shh" )->update("presenting at frozen perl")';

this is handy, i should put it on cpan

i should put it in a module

22 lines

but, that module needs to be called by an app

67 lines

hrm, the password and user name need to persist

137 lines

cleartext passwords aren’t too secure though

157 lines

some debugging output would be nice too

188 lines

what about tests?

269 lines

and documentation

397 lines

and cpan packaging

467 lines

two support requests

and two minor version releases

and you have app::tweet

a one-liner


so that random people online know when i brush my teeth

perl is easy

cpan is great

packaging you perl for cpan is a challenge

thank you cpan contributors