®tfp fcast Our Telephone Nnndiers - Hagaman Library · chite. The Rev. Paulll.Victh of GO Mountain...

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Transcript of ®tfp fcast Our Telephone Nnndiers - Hagaman Library · chite. The Rev. Paulll.Victh of GO Mountain...


45a T',^p0„ f

TjASt HAVKN Nmvn, lilninilay, rr.brtmfj- 11, IDSB. rage B

Dentists Braiiil Fluoridation Opj)oiieiits As 'Narrow Tliiiikers'

Kluqridntion of public wiilcr Kiipplic» \n "a:\ir., nimplr. mul inexpensive" ye t ' i l lins been opposed by "nn rmw minded, niir-row ihinking p e o p l e " who enipliiy "fliccpliciil expio»«ions of opposit ion wilh no scienlific bnckinu," Dr. Millmi l.cfisinsliy told the M.L, Keefc School P T A here Monday iiiRlit.'Mn np-penrcd nlong with Dr. Jnmca J, Lnl 'eniinn nB pnil of nn expun-sive "publ ic educa t ion" p r o g r n n r being condncied in lliio nrc^i by the New Hnvcii Dontnl Assn. in rcRard to the proposed fluoridation of New HavRn area WHler aiippliea.

Calling for "nioi'o public pi'ci-tiui'o" In .supporl of 1.I11! plan to ntlf! IluoiinoK (oho part pei' nillllon parts oC water) to dccrcusc llio lii-fklchl ol tootli decay In clilltliqn, the two dentists struclc at critic) or llio progrnni Kcvorni ilnips diir-Inff theii'.conibliied jiddresR. Dr. La-Fpiiiliin asserted that mnhy oppoii-(-nlK (if; thi' plan "itnow nothing about it . . , tliey Just want to op­pose It." . .'

Th6 Itaiiiden denll.1t also 'com-, nic'ntcd, "One local opponent wants to vvnit twonty years on tills. One man like lliiil' ••"" porauado fiO or ](X3 others to oppo.se tliiorl-dntloii. Still, no oiie.'lja'f.J'et proven the alleBod damuBiis of fiuorldiP' tloM."

Dr. Losansky, who did most of ilio .speaking ni Moiidny'ii, PTA program, declared liiul It. Is,: "I'n* portnnt that nil Inyolycd lio fully intornied. Mcji;who iouiitlcd vac­cination and pastcurlzailon luul llio sumo kli|d of vlBorou.s, bitter opposltion'V as la 'being ' ral.scd nB'iliisl fliiprklatloh. '"] here always will be opposition to a change In health and welfare nicasurcs," he s a i d . • • ; ' ' • ' • '

ConuiienllPK further, l)r. l.esan-sky said opponents uf lliiorklatlon "watch for public m'ecthiss on. It and then come.and raise dbjoelloiis. They have iiuuiy oiijeclloiis but no evidence to support them," he declai'Cd. lie .said n survey id Northhampton • (Mn.ss.), whcia .fluoridation was defeiiled by popu­lar vote, "conclurtcil l.liat older

Pju'.tcrs, Mccluuiics, All Slars Aiul IJcachics Viclors In \VuU\y Leaj uc

' the I'sliiiieii Kiiiiil "Pacl-.eis" eiiiillniied their whining .slirak K.itin-diiy by cloWlilMil llic Tlnnrl li;i-i'llie team, 'ID lo ,17.

Mil Petc^cuicd 'M polnls fur (be Packers while,llio Knupp and Dick Anderson scored 17 and 3 polnls fm- the Klecti'Icluns.

I' & It H(—()»rrii'r Store :)ll llei-hle apai'skl, (If 1' &. H Moloi's,

iiiiil Kddlo 'riernoy, ilvc-wli'e player ! of Uie Corner Store liulntet, ca-

Ka<,'ei,l In a 8i;oiliig (liH-'l for n stilm|-(i/r of 21 points i:um. That was l.ieCoi-e tlie,':]V1ecbniili.'» loppleii Uio CH'orei's i)y a 'la - a:J cmnt. ' Kendrlck niid Ci'k'litinio i.curcd nine (iiid eight |iohits for the Me-eliaiilos while Deer Connors scored four polnls lorUie Cli Heel's.

All Slars ll-IHclealf's in Cbnpplc's All .Sfai'S lrouncoi.1 tlio

Mntelilr DriiKglnts tiy u score of '1:1 to ffl), ,l(ihn Unnalll lending the way with 20 points. Glenn Dlniioan kept the Drugglsis hi tlic Kiiino by hooping 10 polnls, and iviisfol

Aeccplaiicc By Pccr.s Iniportaiit To Children, Fxlucalor Tells E.H.E.A.

ji(;opln wliiioul clilldi'iiii are iitil pnrllcnlarly lnloresl(!(l"

'I'lie dentist spoke fiiMlieron the inntter of i>uttliiK such conlrovei'-slnl'nialtors lis fluoi-luallon up for decision by Jreleronduni or other such' votes. 'VBy tradition the Aniorlcan dommunlty einploy.o ex­perts to do profosalonni work but I lowed by Bill Relliy who netted sl.i w)ii!n • a city udmhilatrntlon Is afraid to inalto tJie iliiclslon, tiiey put It up 16 the.lrajpio to vut» oil It," iKisiild;-

llerurring i.(i sonic ellles where fluoridation has been iiistalled iiiid then voted out by, the pciipli'. Dr. l.eS(iiiarcy,;cu(lteMd'.'d that In "licli casieii "tile ulty couuell or some such cohiniissloii lilsialled fluori­dation because It fell. It: was the besl.lhlng., O|i|)unenls:ot fluoiidu-tioii liiive, then becoim; so incensed about It, they led drives lo vole It out." " ,

Outlliiliig the sysleni. Dr. .Uir-niisky snid flUorldHlinn can ieduee 'tootirdeeay iiy up to (id?!; at n cost of frdin five to 1!) eeuts per person per year. Studios, be iiKserteil, have shown no 111 effects on iiei'fions (Irlnlting nrtlflcaily added fluorine.

The siieakers Mor.day culled for a TInnd of slnlenieul.t lii support of fluorldutlun — by Individuals and liy nrgnniznl lon.s — because, they ns.serted, "wo_Caniiut pet, this sit­ting dinvn." Tlie dentil Is saUl such sintcjnenl.s ot approval should lie diriwled to the local Doard of Se­lectmen, 'to Ihe Bonril of lleallh and.even to the New Haven Wnlei' Company llself.

I'-or (he All SInrs Mellllo and Plait were next hlgii scorers with eight iind seven polhl.-i, resperllve-'y-

The DnigKlsIs were liandicapped by the fact tliat lliey were without tile sei'vlces 'oC .103 Cnnnvnii (ind .Jackie Cai'r. Both buys were oul wiih llio vlius.

lli'iichliniHl 'ii • ItlRli IthlKe ;!l In llie most exciting (,'nmfl ol

the sea.sini .so far, Bcachliead Iles-tauriint guliied Us first win by turning bii(;k'tlie IIiBb nidge'.leoin, 22 - 21. AI Welter drove In for a lay-up with 10 seconds left lo pltiy In tlie giiinc to turn liie tide li\ fa­vor of the Bcaehlcs. ,'

It was a "nlii'aiid luek" alfeilr tlirougbout with High lildgo.ulicad 12 - B at Uie liiilf, only to have the Ueachles drive ahead to xviif.

A. Cnrbonc followed Wollor with six iKiiiits for the Beachlos, wiille While led for" llie Builders by scor­ing nine points.

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'Mxci'pl fur lieniillngi'H, I be only lilnce tillit peolib' live Is III gnnilis," said Dr. Netsoii Sen II, ad(lre.s.siiig tlin IL'thicaiion Associa­tion ni the Di'er Run .Si'hool last IVIonilnj'. S|ieaklng on "Uniler-standliig Ciroup Behavior of Buys aiidClirl.s," Dr. Nelson conliiun'd, "the ivarmtli, "llie satisfactions, the successes or the failures tlial people auhleve are In gi'ou|) work. What we think . of. oUraelves l» based on wimtr 'we, ' think .'tlii; group thinks of us," ')'

The New Britain Teneiici-s'Ctil-lege professoi-S explained Ihiit "Whetlior wo i lke l t oi; not, chil­dren are a gi'oup." Unhappy chil­dren may feel Inrerior tiecausii tliey nio not ai;cepted by s(mieone Iniporjant l.p ; them. For the .vouhgerClillij, it may be- the teiicber; with' older children who lire pun. of a group. It Is ac-cepliineo .by bis peers that nieniis .somelliing to iiini.

Two iSiiuroeS <if Leiidcrshlp i.)r. Nelson exiplalned also Hiiii

leadei'sblii (If. a grouii may come frnni two .sources;'llie true leader who liifluehces them hi their de­cisions, ' and the "slalu.s people" who liuiy n.ssume. Iead('isiii|i In ncllvltii!S ill wiilcli tla-y have spe­cial skills, "'I'lie <|U(wllon of lead­ership Ij. sometbiiig tiial's pretly shirilng,''' be weui. on. "Pretly flexible, but very, vei-y iniportanl. 'I'lie grou|i funcllon.s In spite of .\ ." lie lolil tlie asseniblisi leacbeis. that the grouii will nol ni'ce.ssiirlly ruiiclloii the, way llie lenclier plniis, ami 'all your super­ior Intelligence lias been fur nai ig l i l . "

lie eiiiplinsi'/.ed Hint "cliildreii wiint to do tliliig.s," and "tlie seciet Is 111 learning what piilli I hey want lo follow." He hinined .'ionie .hiveiilie delliniueiicy on. the lad Unit "|n;ople are trying lo lead Iheiii down n path "where I hey don't want to go."

Heart (lacs Out 'I'o I'areiils Dr. Nelson' said Ibiit the fault

may nut necessarily lie wiih the 1-iareiits and added, "Jly lienrt goes out to parciilH. Tliey have done Hie best they ean^ WiieUier llioy have done well or iloi, there are to loindi.'! l i e ' warned Hie ed-Ihe children we have lieen hired uentors tliat cliildreii liien't like "hollies; "that you "can't un­screw tlie top nnd pour things In," or discard, them "if Hiey don'l hold as much'as you want ' t l icm to." '

'I'lio averiigc parent > wants Ids child to become a "happy, well-ndjiisled cili/.eii," Dr. Nelson ad-mil fed, lint ciiutloiied that a leacber smtld not relax because a ehlhl is "happy. riiat's very dnngerous lo the (iviaiity of ieiicli-ing and i'oii may not be doing

tilings in a good, professional, woiiiiillke wiiy," he pointed out.

Dr. Nelson closed liy saying, "A good teacher Is the teaeher. Hint does what she (.'an do well, and-docsii't' Just cliiinge ' becau.sis some new fiid conies along. Oroup dyiininlcs Isn't a cure-all for the problems In education, but It helps veiy niitcli."

A biishieBS ineeilng was con­ducted Ijy President Krjiest Mnr-zullo prior to the school hour. Miss Harriet Gesler, eleinentary school sU|)ervlsor, Introduced Dr. Nelson who Is a professor at the New Britain State 'I'eaehers Col­lege.

Films Best Sunday Scliool Teadier llaindcn Men Learn In Study

visual education — a growing trend In everydny school inslriic-Hon — slioiihi be stepped up In ii.siige In Sunilny .School at cliiiich .nccoiding lo a llnmden ninii who has dlrecled a thre(.'-yenr project which look snjiipllngs in tlious'juds of men Jioniea lo delomihie t!ie ef-feei of "niuvlcs on Sunday School youngsters. A ciiild who watclies religious movies In Sundny School Is better infornied than one who must rely solely on t'-nchera nnd the Iirlnted word suyi the llev, Ev­erett C. Parker of 21 Skiff St.

Motion pictures nin given a slight edge over older loiins of religious, oducntlon In a 77-pngc document reporlJng tlie first major study of the use of films In church. The study was Conducted by the Coniinunlcatioiis Ileseurcii I'vojeet of the Natioilnl • Council of Chur­ches lind was directed by the llev. Parker, Lecturer in Itellglou.i l la-dlo; and T(!luvlslon. at Yale.

Two other llamden men took part 111 the project. Tiio overall ro-(lort was filed \>y,h\ c. rurlicr and by tile llev. I.lston Pope oi W Sniilu Vc Ave., Dean of the Yale Divinity Scliool, along with one other ussoc-chite. The Rev. Pau l l l .V ic th of GO Mountain View 'I'crraco wins a member of the plannluB and super-v|,sory eotiiniittecfor^the project.

't'lie use o l , films In 102 area ehurciies of various Protestant de-,nainlnatlo(is was surveyed as.pai't oCtjie nrojcet.' The report sliows tlml films opiiii doors lo chlldreti nnd make tliein more receptive to tlie Chrl.slinn religion. , nowevor, , projocl researchers foiind' Ihat churches must stlli re­ly on perscn-to-porson contact lo develop In children n sense of Ciirlstlan dedication and : service. Class discipline, a problem that has plagued iliaiiy teachers, was great­ly lessened by the use of fllnis; the report sliows, and both children and teachers said they greatly en-Joyed movies Olid found tliom help­ful.

'Pile survey also developed those facts:

1. Children receive a m o r e vivid menial iiiingo of Jesus and. otiicr Biblical figure:, froiii niovi'es than from Sunday School book Ulustra-1 lon.s. . .

2. Despite the lacl tliat use of religious films apparently is a firmly-established' (n"n(:tice,'' few churches make any attempt to Use

'films as purl ol the regular Sun­day School curriculum.

"t. Diirinp one year of the survey, ;IH films were shown in New Ha­ven churches. Of these, 29'! i^AX per cent) were classified hs reli­gious films and 2'i'l (45.5 per cent) as non-religious films, such a.s trn-veiogs and Industrial pictures.

4. Tweiity-rnie pi;r cent of all films used, and .'m.-S per cent of (he religious films used were pi-oiuced by, Cntbedrnl Kilins oi lUillywoud, Calif., an Independenl, noii-cliiiicb related organlzalio'i. Piriy-liir(?e films used were produced by the Broadcasting and Film Conmii.ssloii of the National Council of Cliiir-dies.

5..The cliiirclics used flliirj pro­duced by the delioinlnation (o which they belong almost two and a half times as ^rei|uentiy us films produced iiy another denondnallon.

fi. There is n eorrelalion between the size'of the church menibershl|i and the use of filni.s. Churches with a iiieinberslil(i ol ni'ji'e tliaii I.OUU showed" , the bigli»,'st avinage ol film use —- uvi.'rngiiig I'l films niicb

•year. Those with iiicnibcrships o[ GOO or more used uii average of 10 films yearly wlillo chnrclies wilh between .lot) rind 000 nicnibers used only r>.8 lllms a yeiir.

7, No significant eorrclatloii was found between the ihcologicnl pos­ition of tlie.ciiurch nnd Hie types of Minis used.

•Mr. j ' a rke r said the artl.stie .-|Uiii-Ity of I'lillgioua tllliis Is generally low."Too many,*' iio declared, ".suf­fer from poor soiipls, lack of good direction and meiilocrc |i'ji lor-mniiec.

"In some eases Biblical st'jries are distorted and too often lend to stereo-type the in'ophcts and ap­ostles as aged characters with long beiirds and stooiied sliouldeis. in­stead of portraying them as I hey were — vigorous, aclive human be­ings. Christ is made lo appear ef­feminate and artificial, and there­fore, lo today's children, uncon-viiielrtglrt what Ho soys and does."

PastDr.s ot tlic 102 New liavcn cliurclics, the report conlinucs. ex­pressed belief that motion pictures should bo planned lo fit programs of local churches In order to help train cliurcb school teachers and other lay londer.s. They also urged films that deal with family prob­lems, boy and girl ielntionsbl|is, vocations, citizenship nnd problems ol youth and old age.

Packers, Mcdumics Leading Hiddy League Wilh 4 and 1 Each

PnhiilcH I'oisls and P & U Mo-lors were lending the Lions' Biddy Basketball Ij^agiic wilh four and one loss each (his week.

Here Is iiow Hie (Jglit teams stood at tbc end of llic ploy Satur­day:

I'atinicrl roqda 4 1-1' K II Molon '. * * .MclcaU's DriiB "• '. a,.S Corner Storo 8 S i l inarl EleclHu 8 3 . C1ini>plr'n All Stari t S illRh IlldgR 1 i \ tlcnclilicsd 1 *

Schedule l"or Saturday

The Bonic schedule for this com­ing Saturday Is as follows:" At 10 n.iii.—

P&It Motors vs Chappie's A.S. Beachlicud vs. Corner Store ;

At 11 a.m.— Tiiinri Kleclric vs. MeteaU's Pnlmleri I'yods vs. Iligii Ridge

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MARCH 1. •

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An Independenl

Weekly Newspaper ®tfp fcast ^ ^

IX — NO. 50. Yeatlv Sii strintion %?.'->

Neither Opposing Nor Bacl^ing Barl<:e r For Noiniiiatioii: Anastasio

lU'iHitillcnn Town Clinirmnii Mullitnv AiiasUisio rclca.sod a slnl'jmuiil this wet'lt donyliiB Ihot he Is "pereniiully oppo.scd" lo llie iinnilnaiion of Scloclninii Frank Bailtor for Hie posl "f '"'i'-si Sel­ectman.

Wr. Annstaslo said thai recent press releases "have stirred up slieculallon' as to where 1 stand In the mntlor". The speculation was proinplcd by the release by lh9 GOP town chloflain of n leltor which was crlltcul of Mr. Bar­ker's admlnislratlon and Mr. An-a.stnsio's motives In releasing It. •j Tills weckl Mr. Anaslnsio pled-

i-^ed his .support to "Ihe periions •Who In the opinion of the Repiib-.aican -Town Commlltee will bo ? the best ones that llie Republicnn ft party has to offer " •

fr Ills Slotenieiil Follows

"J; The GOP town chairman's own release follows; •

The recent press releases /ol-; lowing Mr. Barker's nnnounco-, |ment of Ills desire to seek the cn-' dorsemcnt of Ihe Republican 'Town Conimltlee for the Republi­can nomination for First Selecl-man, have stirred up speculation as lo where I .stand In the matter. 'Many people, after reading the Nearly release of Mr. uarker. came ;io the conclusion, which is not Ihe fact, that I ^was supporting Mr. Barker In his bid.

More recently, further releases

from Mr. Barker have Ird more readers to conclude, and probably with JustiflcaUon, that I am por-.sonally opposed to his iiomlnn-llon. Thi.s, too, is not ihe fact. II. Is most unfortunate that Mr. Barker has by his stiilemenls caused the not-to-carcfui reader to believe that lie (Mr. Barker) lind my endorsement. In one In­stance, and impliedly, if not ex­pressly, accused me of directing a personal attack upon hini, In the other Instance.

Tlic truth of the matter Is that not only have I taken any pos­ition with reference lo his can­didacy, hut nellher am 1 at Ibis time supporting or opposing any person who Is liitere.sted In run­ning on the Republican ticket this fall. The fact that several Indi­viduals have alreqdy expressed In writing their desire to bo on our ticket Is highly pleasing lo me and confirms nic In the belief that the Republican Party has an excellent opportunity to win the coming town elections.

I am therefore keeping a free and open mind at this time on Iho matter of all candidates nnd when the proper time comes, i will sup­port the persons who In the opin­ion of the Republican Town Com­mittee will be the best ones that Ihe Republican parly has to of­fer to Ihe voters of EasI Haven.

Our Telephone Nnndiers

Kdilorial: llOharJ 7 5IU1

() Cents A Copy — H.W A Ynnr

Seepage Test Requirement In P&Z Commission Plans

Mis lohn (l l) innii l i--'man of the \ "%s nnd nu i is <oni mittee ol tbi 1 isi III".111 Wom­an's Club md IS in I IMI„( iif propaiatlons f(M the (tubs inniial LuncjlQOn and Ta Innn Show lo he hold at llii Cnstli on Situid IN

Revised sub-dlvislon_codes will require seepage tests f(« nllbulld-irig IbtB before approval Is glVcn'tp suij-division -hihlis hi* the i'laniiintj and Zoning Commission, accol'dlng to .Jerome Grady, chairman.;^;

That requirement will be writ­ten Into the revised sub-divlslon codes which are to be studied by a .sub-committee lo consl.st of 'I'own Engineer Robert Decker, Charles Miller, and James Malone, Ml. Grady said.

The seepage tests will be made by the building inspeclor or by the Town health officer and will be taken In those areas deslenote'' fui septic lank drainage.

Suggested by Decker Seepage tests have not been re­

quired by Ihe Planning and Zon­ing Comml.sslon before It approved plot plans. The suggestion that

t they be required was advanced by Mr. Decker In his capacity ns town engineer.

t " Ml. Grady said that Mr. Decker y and Mr. Miller were appointed

~"I because of their training as civil I '»', ennlneers nnd Mr. Malone who is i' '"' on electrical engineer. i ' To Meet VVediicf.'lniy I , ' The Planning and Zoning Com-i •- mission- will niect In regular 1 {'monthly session next Wednesday ' \ e v e n i n E In the Town Hall. One

\h! the llenis on the agenda will , ' be the final approval ot a lOO-loi '•j subdivision submllted by the .T. .1-

lifncfrl I I till fund PI ins loi disdissfi l ' 11 n tin hniili of M U I I A \ f

i l i l l t i K

belli 101 the 1 j inhusbip

sbnw wpio 111 n u l l i n g 111 T innk H i i k i i,

Rcp-E-M. Croiimcy Eiccted Secretary OfLadyLcgislalors

Slate Hepusi ntntlvo lll7nli<lb M Cimini<\ was luinoiid imi i iK b\ being eloetiil s ic i i la i j lo tlio ( i i i nu tku t Oidii ot Womin I ep 1 Intois known as 0\VI.ii llu I leu ion took iilnci Lnih In I ' lbi-univ at a dhini i niidlni ' hold al till Until Hond In llaitfoid

MIS CioUliii\ who is s inbi ) hoi siiond tcim In thi Giniinl As-senibh followinc hii u - i k i l l o n lasl Novembti has an ( s t i i n u h bus\ silieduli dm lug lh< l u m n t session but iniifcss's thai shi IhilMs oh the nilhllN

She Is sttxlng as dcik on tin Commit tie on Pubhi Utillllis and Is also a nuniboi ol the Public Wilfnii and lliiiii uio InstliutluiiH Commit let

StuilMni, Stale lliisiilhls StnitiiiR with n \lslt lolhefetnti

Ilii pitnl 111 Mhldktown Inst Mnn-d 15 MIS CioumcN Is inaut.lllnting a sfilts of \isUs to *stalL ho pi tills and Institutions sliiti in in\ bills biui- h t m liitiodin.id this Mill call in ' loi t\pjiilsion III tin II-i iusand s c n U i s a l nuins uf lln.se stall opi i i t id Instlnillons slu hopis ibiough Ihtsc ptisoiinl lalls t n i n e at nbc l t i i iiiidi istni d-iii| of till iiiiiblinis nilsliig In the ulnilnisuaton of all Slate Instilii-Uiins

1 nm Is al n pioinUiin foi a iipK cniatlM* iluiing this sisslon Mi-s Ciiiuniiv ndmlls She nol onh atlonds I \ t l \ nn'Otlng of lliM own lommitlte bill iii.innKes lo lake In othei commiltte nititings In which she has an ispiTlil Intiic I

Mis Ciouniiv malnluliud a pii-ftit attoiidnnii. leioid in llin I'I'il sisslon of the Gnncinl AssuiibK n

(CiintlniKd On I'lim Two)


Plan Flops As Nobody Goes To Bat For East Haven's School Needs Lcghlalont MuyM'cel. Willi Board Pii'olic Siifcly Moii.

Located on the SicmenowskI properly north of ECgehlll Acres the properly lies athwart the cor­ners of North Branloril. and East Haven. A'.wut 50 homes will be In East Haven.

Under the revised zoning: map it bad been proposed to zone Ihe area in which the property lies as R-3 with minimum average lot sizes of 20,liO0 feet wilh 100 feet frontage. However, prior lo the

(Conliniiert On Page Two)


Canna construction company.

East Shore Girl Scouls Sold 6,876 Boxes Of Cookies

En.st Shore Di.strlcl of the Girl Scouls of America sold orders for G,876 boxes of cookies In the re­cent drive conducted by the scouls and Brownies, Mrs. Waller Link, publicity dircclor revealed Ibis week.

Brownie Troop No. 317, Ifi Foxon, sold the largest number; 720. The troop is under the direc­tion of Mrs. Marshall Bontempo. Next Thursday & Friday, the Keehler trucks will deliver the cookies in East Hoven. nflei which they will be distributod lo Ihe homes.

Mrs. Link thanked Ihe general public for il.s support of thedrivt and on belinlf of the Rast .Shoii District.

Farm Kivcr Bridj c WinsApprovalFor 60-Lol Project ^

A GO-lot s-ubdnl.ion l ip lveen Maplevnle and High Ridge sub­mllted by Ihe "i'odlin Consliuitlon Com|inn> was anpunod bj the Commission at a spttinl inielliig Filday night Mi Cii.idy i ivial id

The emit 1111 tins iiiiludtd m their plans a bndgi ciosslni, tin Paim Rlvei .Old cnming a toad cobiiecling the west (nd of the proposed rintlopniinl with No High SI Ihis was done on tin Inslsience of a nuijoiltv of Ihi Commission nu mbnsbip Hint a second enlis be pio\ldcd Inlii tin-development

As pait iiimpensation foi a house lot lost bv the tultnig in of a now lo^id the bulldcis weie pel milted to icdiaw tlicli sub­division m.lp to piovlde an i x t i i lot llie dovolopini ni will now consist of 00 hopies All lots n -Inln the 8I)-Tool fioniiiw iiquiiid bv llie new /iiniiig rodi s

Meeting Called To Shore Up "ShoreJAne llJius Sernics WItlliim Cox, Piesidtnt of thci

I oNOn Pail. Civic A socliition i-surd an appinl to-il.iv to roxun itsldiiits Intii islid In iilaiiiing lb" jiiisoni bus s i ivue lo ntleiid a niiiing m \t Wednesday ni| lit It 8 01 loi It in Oui I ady of Poiii-pnl CliuHb Hall

"MI COS told Ihe NHWS tin moimng th it Ihe linf nia> bi dis-lontlnuLd 'ipill fiisl unless some nil'ins 1, fouliil 10 St UII I iildl-lloiiiil i ldiis Ihe piisinl opii-utois look oM 1 thi line lasl I .ill he iieountiil follDWiiif. a d i is-lon by the Shoit l.nii Ibis Co to abundon Its inn I'wo .ippll-uint , pililiiimd Mill' P I IC fill pnmission to iipi lali bus si l u i i IbiollKb tci Nililli Bianfoid and appioval H IS I I mini lo Ihi p u s I III OWllI I S

E u i y .illiMi|il hii^ biin nindi to I pio\ me aili quill 1 1 V I I I l o a l -

liqrt ildoii! At Chilotmaw. time, i \ l i a "iliopplng lUns wore added .If night John Uus.o, one of tlio |iaitilers., has been ,conoliloilng the poisiblllly or making two dinU luns tliTough the Clcnmoor 111 1

Considering Cul-Bnck llijwisor, the dearth of ilders

IS toiling the ownois to consldoi loiiplni a couple of runs ikC tin pieseiil sohodulo, with the omin­ous iiosslblllty of cut'liiB service inliielj on Apill 1.

Ml Cox >iilrt that the comp mj had hi'i II lunnini' un a "ti Mil bn -Is and that IK II iil jiinposi M al a nncllni' bifoii the P IK lliiil Hsidinis In I 11X011 aiiuslouvd lo dihlni ' till II ("IS lo woik ilnily by luiMiii' Ibi II I lis hoiiii iini diij .1 wii k III hlius' If has ful

(( niitliluiil On I'ligi 'I wo)

sliile Uipus in ta l lus l l l /aluth Ciiiiiini\ nnd Adilbiiit t Maulli will 111 imitiil to mil I with liio lloaiil of Pulilli Safih Monilis iMiilng lo disiil s till iid\lsiibllM\ of istiblisbliiv n mull s\sliiii and n pi 1 oiiiii I appeals linaid

llie biiaid Is also i spi i hd to laki up till iiialli 1 or a ipnlnthiK n lognlni pollio offlui to laki the plan nf I11I111 lui iy , who iisli'iiiil fioni till foil 1 aboul I wo wii ks ago Ml Loniy's usigiuilloii w is nieipled h\ the Hiinid of Puhlli Snfeh Tin leasonh (in Ills iislp-nnllun wiie not dlsilosiil but It WHS upoiKd thni It w u doin oil Ills own InlllntKi

Wiinis Itiiuul's Oplniiiil

I Mis CioumiN said thai she and Ml Mantle wtie Intiiestid In se-iiiilni, till opInioiiH of till Boaiil of Publli Slfll^ \,ltli Hspiil 111 till lit ibll'jhniinl of a nii 1 It sjs-li-ni She snid that she winilil not w_ aiil lo tal.i' ai lion nil tin niatli 1 unless Ibiie was a di'iiionslinli d 111 1(1 loi II '

The John nieillni' will also e\-plnii the two posslbli' wll\s ill whieh the nmli sssiim nia\ In islabllshed B\ spi 1 ml lirlslulinn 01 to a 11 fiiiinduin rstubllslniii nt of n piisonnil nppmls lioaiil loiild also be liV pei Inl li t.lsbil Ion 01 by tov^n oidliinnie

Organi/nllfm 01 Ihe llienrpoITu' depailmont by Ihe blalo County aniJ Municipal nniployees Union, A F L , has umovcd some of the picshuic for an appeals boaid. hi-cauiiO the union may fceivo aa age nt for an omiiloyeo npponllng nn 111-tlon ognins' lilni

The Boaid of Public Safety has Instituted n system ot stnndnid ex-iimlnntion lor nppl,leanls siikliu' piisliloiis lis snpiinumeiaiy 01 i i -t'lilai polid' lliiwiMi, il has no s> lim of (Mois fill lb li iinlnlni' ptomollons In glade 01 lioni (.Ujiei-nnini niiy lo iiijul 11 jmllie '

J ho \aiaiic\ on tin poiko fold will be rilldl fiiini Iho list of sii-pi iiiuini 111! v pollii

'llii Hiiiiid of Piiblli Sniilj pnsl-piiind 111 ugiilni ni(i>t|n(; on'I uis-da\ (il Ibis 1. (Ik b((nu le of llu obsi I vanii ul llu iiolion il liulid 15 on (.10111 Wii blni'loii biillnlav

NMWS Price To (;o To V.'v^hl (leiils INM-Copy NevI Week

'Ihe 111 Hssliilul jilhe of llie P.nsI HUM 11 Niws will he lalsed III eight eenls 111M weik, I lee Pivss I'niilleiitliins, llie, piili-llslleis III Ihe uiil(l\ liiHspiipei iiniKitinicil tddm.

lili'uiul (I, Ihinls, iiiesldi'iil' •If the imiipiiili, bhinii'd lisliig I lists III piiidiieMiiii flu Ihe In-iiiiise. Pill Mill liiiHl sevmul wiiks, Ihi- niwspniiir has hi en 11.1 n lug iiilxi'Hlsiniciils aii-iiininihiii llial Hiibsiilptliin and lUli'Wal pileis will In' llltsed riinn •^jnil III Vino afln Miirob

111 oiihr to pio\lili> an ailill-lliimil Weill's lime the lUMidlliie liii htilmi Hill hills and ii new tils wat piislpiniid lilllll Tuisdin, Miiiili II PMuii'iil till llii> le­nt w lis or siilisi iliilliiiis iiiiisl he 11II h i d li> Unit dale.

TovvtJ I ouj lil 3 M< 5-or "Vehicles On No \Mi\ Basis

Thiep inoUu veliiilON wei 0 boughl-"bv Ihe'Tdwil diii'lii'g'Die )Mbl fl.rnl vt>ar n(coiilinf,' lo flg-i l i i , shown In tin nuillloi's 10-poit, In lioeplhg with lustoniaiy piiiiilie, Ihe iqtnpminl wns not boiiKlii iniilei a sjstniii or bid­ding 'I wo of the liiiiks llsli'd weie bmii'ht rioiii Iho l.a.l Ha­ven (liion (;.ai"t.e In whitli Se-liitninn IJonilnli Kiiiain Is a pnilnii 'I 111' huge liuek was bouglil I isl hiininii 1

'I III lepoil bits Ihi ii|Ulpinnil, piiiiliasi' ol whkli wns nol an-noiinii'rt Nol spiclfkallj piovlded foi In Ihe budgel Ihull puiihiifli' was peifiitiv l( g.il nllhough S('» liitninn I'lanli Hiii lii'i chilnis that be knew nothing about Iho pui-ihase of tin lal go Illicit lllllll le-i i i i l l v

llnih I (iipilal ouiliiv In "I3x-hlbil (,' of till lepiii I w( IP Ilsled Si II Hiluiii s Miiloniiibile - i;i,()BI W (lowii 1111), a pli k up liuik (lu­ll inntloiMil - fl 117 W. and a I 'M Intel niitioniil tiiii k ']) I(H7'5

1 (( iiiilbiiii il On Page S l \ )

01 s

Uiddy IJaskell) all All Slars

Biddy Basketball All Stars In State Elimination Sat. An AH SInr" Biddy Baskctha!

. i leam compo.sed of ten player {representing Ihe cream nf th •Ipast Haven Lion's Biddy Basket Ibal l League will leave for No Jwalk on Salurdoy to play annlhe **'"all star" team In the onnual Bid Vdy stole tournament elimination. % Players selected lo represent | E a s t Haven are; Bill Pile, Johr J White, Eddie Viero'ey, Bernle /jSnarskI, .loe Canavan, Bill Relliy.

Dick Anderson, 'Dave Kendrick. ',Vlnnle Veirone and Ai Wellei-

They were cho.sen from the eight leams In the local Biddy League

The All Stor-s will leave at one o'clock Saturday afternoon from In front ot (Jie Town Hall. They wdl travel by ear lo the Norwalk YM.C.A. building on West St.. In Norwalk, where they will play al 3 p . m. •

Because of the tournament I game, the players will not partlc-| l p a t o in Saturday morning's jgames among the eight Biddy k teams ln» the local league. Th3

games will go on according to schedule.

Parents and friends of the players are invited to Join the

. group of cars whleli will make the trip to Norwalk. Inquiries

about the tr ip.may be made the several team coaches or mem­bers of Ihe League's board of governors.

(For more news about the Bid dy Basketball League see Inside. 1

Traffic Firm A.skcd FoF Price On Survey

The firm of Wilbur Smith, As-sodates, has bee asked for a price on the cost of a traffic survey .John Kmetzo, chairman of the Parking Authority, revealed.

Mr. Kmetzo said tlinl the autli ority has been studying the New Haven traffic and parking study which was jirepared by the As soclales.

lie sflld that the possibility that the new Creenwlch-Kllllngiy Ex-pre.s.sway which will poss near Route one in East Haven may In-crea.'ie the traffic flow problem In Ibis communlly accenluules the need for a survey.

He cautioned that the Authority would have to receive funds be­fore it could make a survey Means ot securing funds are un­der study.

A n All Sl.ir If un from the Lions P.iddy Basketball Lc.iKUt will enter the state Biddy Brtskelball Tournament on Saturday when tlity will travel to Norwalk to [ilay the New Haven V ' l - t Biddv B.iskethall team m the quar ter finals T h e game will start at 3 p m , , ,

T h e team will Ipavo from in front of\ lhe Town Hall at one o clock T h e team is shov-n v.-ith Dr. George Steponkuc, league president, Cleft}



and Sailinari , regional director, and Al Slandisli coaeli Team members pre (left to right) first row, Joe C inav-.n, lull 1 He.

Bernie Snarsko, Bill Kcilly, Cddie Tierney .ind J .el ,c Carr Second row, Dick Anderson, Al Wellcr, Dave Kcndrii k. Vin Vetronc, John While and Steve Florio. ,. 1 c. j -

— Syrotiak Studio

Miuillc Switches iSland-Backs COP Sponsored Bill

Plans to piesinl the case of i;;iist Haven wllli a duscilptinn or Its tiiiubles ns n "hedionm Itiwn" and nn appeal foi Ineiensed slilirt aid lo ediicnllon flopiied Wortnos-ihiy afleuioon ul n icRlsbitlvo heniiuK hi Mm I find

Kffoils will be made lo romoily Ihe hlliinllmi rollowlng u mcolltip of the Unnid of Dlucalion loimu" row night to lonsldiu' wliiil nellon II will lake

Al-llie snine lime on Wodnesdny, Stale Rep Adelbort C MnuHo showed a change of mind ^n how niutli nddlllonal pot pupil aid Ijo would like lo boe nnd put hinisolf on iccoid In tnvoi ot a Republican sponsoied bill whith would guini a net Inciense of ?21 per pupil tfe hiid pievloiisly exprossod hlwsolt us fnvoiIiiR nn nddlllonal flD por

in teims of nilinbeis, Last lln-viii was well lepiesonlud al l|io Educntlim Cobimltlce heating which openid (it lilioul 2 30 In llje elinnibei of Ihe lloiisd of Repioaep-tnthes In addition to Mr Mnutlu nnd Mis Ell/nbelll Cluumey, 11)0 two luinl icpioSentallves, Iho bonilnR wns ntletuled by Finiwls Widsh, thaliman ot the Qouid n! Kdueatlon, Wr» lohn Sullivan, a mujotlty monihiM of Iho bouid; bchool .Supl. R. Vuinon Hays, ttllil MIS Lillian lliiidiii anil lyiH, Mil-tie Kninbe'ig, nllonai)ife ns'oUei.V-

J»Jll Olln Spolcl) ExcepI loi M|'. Miilillo's pincine

himself on loeord In fnvni ol JoiU' edmuillon aid hllla, no one lose lo pieMUil Iho eniio ot Lust Hnvun and I K heed foi nioie aid 01 'to spnik In fnvor ol any of the nuni-eious ineuslltcs fni Inci eased stnlu aid

Ml Walsh and Mis. Sulllvaii lil-dlealed thul they had uxiieclt'd Ihe iwo lepidsimialives lo picseiit llie 'lowii'h cuhP. Ml. Wulsli »n|d Ihiit In the nbsento uf u foiiiiul mePlhiK of Ihe Uoaid of Educii-llon lo dpltrnihlp Its tuiiioiuto oiilnlon on the t'xient uf aid nuud-id, be was .uniihlo to speuk as a spokesiiifin foi lllo honid Nolleq of Ibi WcdncMlnj's heuilng camo too soon fill Iho boaul lo nieol nnd decide which hill to suppoit

Howuvoi, Ml Walsh urtnilltqd Hint the liieul lionid had gone on m o i d In favoi ol Setuilo Hill OBif, sponsuiid by the Slate Assuclatlon ul Boiiids of i:dU('Ullon II would piovldc a n d incioase of $40 poi pupil (and nol $'ia us Ihe NHWS Ind lupoilcd euilloi)

Ml VV.iIsh said that at lonior-lows nieellng of Iho bouid, ho would [iiesenl a mpoit on his oU-M'lwiiliiiH at llie leglsiullvo lionr-liij and would nsk the bnaid to iiiiiiiiiiii'iid 111 lion In su|ipoit of ipiillli bills 'Ihe boaid will llii-n si lk to Infuini the public on the I i.wn's I dutatlon needs and ucllon 111 siipiioil ul Ihe fnvoiul bills will be taken In a "follow Ihiough".

Jhillts I Plirsell Hills RipiespnlalUo Maulte went on

iieoid luvoilng House Bill 118 lij-lioduiid by Rep Nol man Pal sells and ginnimg a nut Ineiease of $21 iboie pel pupil IIP also Indlcuied for .Seiinio Bill 10) which has Idonllcnl piovlslons

T h e ' Itepublkun leadoisblp In the Ii'glslatuip aiipaienlly la back­ing passiifiP of nils hill and Sen­ate ISIII 10"), Inlioduced by Slate fainalni Ryan

Ml Mnulle also backed pas-age of House BUI 20, piovlding tor'ij leiio-nctlvo iinynient of $10 ppr impll foi each of ihii scliools'^loais of 19^a-54 nnd 1()54-S5 And, Ilfluso 1)111 207, again by Parsells, provid­ing foi an Ineieoso In aid (or coiisli ucllon - fiom flOO to $300 fill climenlniy pupils and 'S'150 ]» T7II0 fill seeondai-y school pupils.

KavBied f lU Morn On Monday Mr Maulie was rq-

poiled by a dolly as favoring a $40 iiei pu'jll Increase and wftH (luoted ns paying that "I feel thjit biilifOTin towns llku East Haven thai do not havo mudi Induslfy should got Inigoi appiopilatloi)S pn pupil"

Ml Mautte also was icpoited i(s favoring of allocating state olil nc-101 ding to need.

I'lUii'ii Almtk On Krversal Poi this reason, the two niem-

bois ot the Board of Educatiop were slightly taken aback when

(Continued On Pago Two). 1



P - V ^ ^ i ^ ^ ^


t fH'^ • ^ * i

.Si'ir. I>ri'hi'iill l l i i i . l i mill C o l . It. ,1. fi'li'inliiir, IIIVIKIOII I'III'.IMI'I'I' l i ir l l i c blOIt Hill) Illiri-U-lllll ' l i r i l t l l r l l lH flllW o r DIKjill- I'OIII'I'MI III (.'(IIIIICClli'llI s l l

(lie i'iiiiliii'i.i''s HI111I.V iiroi'lili'il lor In lilii liiirrii'iiiii' lilll. 'I'lin IIIISIIMI . la riiiilon 111 A|i)'ll ',!.

— W l l l i l i i s o i i I ' l i i i l o

N t ' \ r I'liif.liiiiil l t i \ ' lh i i i i i Arlli .v l';ii);lil 'H III I t i i s l i i i i . i l l sc i i s s h l i i i r i . . T O -(it-i ' l liii . l i iwiiH. ' r i l l ' <.:iiiliii'i>tl('iil H I i i r 1H l i i t i ' i ' i - s l r i l 111 i ' \ i i i>i l [ | | i i ) t

l iri i l i l i ' i i iH w i l l 111* illHi'iinsi'il III < i o v . llllili ' i it 'r 'H l o i i l ' . - r r i i i ' i ' i n In, l i i . | i |

«aHTKiaW«li» l» t '» tMai l .Wff»Wwl»Wii i i7n»MHitWW

M o U f i ai/.c your b a l l i -room, kitclieft, Immdry . ; . jnnki; iit'ctlctl lepair.s o r iKliliilnns Willi (1 l lo i i ie Irn|iioveiiicm Loan l i a m " T h e I'llirnitly F i r s i " ,— up 10 3 yiiurs 10 icpuy, at leni i syou ciin iillaid.

'i/oii (fel aUentliie, aHM/entU ieiuloe at ,

IE A N D T R U S T C O M P A N Y O F H E W II A V 1! N WIMHB firilBA. l,til|.UI St»lfM < MIMBK |[|.r|IAI orPQIII ir'ailHAHrl COHPOKAIIOH



• I.Bt us make auro you got willi l l idMrnACIl WIUi^P

a g a r a g e door that works, blenda Willi ovfiry lypo ol

We kiiow doora - how to conBtruclion; 13 prii-'isct aa

build lliein, how to install law aa a good door r.Mn ba

th6m expertly. m a d e . Phone us today lor

T h e "OVERHEAD DOOR" complete inlorraation.

"U*. ! ! MA* J ' "*^2^^,4*Jtl*' WITH THE ^ ^ " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

M I R A C L E W E D G E Wedges TigUtly — yet — Opens Eaailyl

SrNOTO 1021


SY'c.aniore 9-2331! NEW HAVEN PHONE


The Man from Equitable asks-

Do yoii know a college ecliication is wortli =^72,000 to your child?

COULD YOU st'iiil ytiiir tliiki Iji collude—ainii' what iiiuy? Assure hhii a bftler placelu lile? Tin' nieiage tullefcse giadiialu earns $72,000 more in Ills lii'elline dmn ii non-college man. Seven out of 10 bcsi jobs go 10 llie men Willi eollefie de|;rces. An Itqnilable cduealiiinal plan assures Ihe riincis I'QI- your child's I'uiuie career. Costs lire'low,'/iemt'wiiff: I'ur (hose prol'essioiis with a liigli earniiiji pqienliul--ensineer-inB, niediciiu', law,'elc.'--'^.'college ediicatiun is a

! must. To get lull inloriiialion t a l l . . . , ' -I.IIfE INSlJIt/tNfiR'* IfflTATK I'f..WNlNn :

D. OHMLES i E p S O L E I L •riiE iMMj'iTAUi.ici.ii'K AI^SUIIANCIC .socri'ii'v .

.SI'IHIPE 7-3(101 — HOKAUT'I-DIJfil '205 C h u r c h S t . N e w H a v e n , Conn ,


l»<'|». m.lVI. (iioiiiiK^y - -

(i^'dlll l i i l ieil fi'i'iiiii l>ni{e O l i o )

fi^nj which Kho hnpea In ilupllciili ' HilK y e a r . Upperiiiasl. In her nilnil Is 111!' wolfnre of. Hn.sl llnvnn, she eonfesKi'H, anU .she weleoniofj e r i l l -elsni and eumnront.s from her eon-Hllliienla Ui ciilile h e r In malclnB may Impor lun l declBlonu In ' I l a r l -ford. '

fM.ni Flo|).s ™ (Ciiiilhnied Ifriini Pni!B Oiin)

iMr, Mnnlle rose In put. hlnisolf on record In fiivor of un ncldllloiuil %'!,\ per pupil 111 Heeordnnce wllli 111) 118, . J • . ' . • • The .stale' reprefientallve wa.s aKin.'d why lie ehlinned his mind, lie replied I ha I he wniild have "no eiinimeni" iiiilli he lii\d n further chance In sindy all. Ihe varliiiis hills.

.lolni IDaly, ropre.wnlhi|.; Iho Cniineelleiil A.s.soclaiinn of Bonrd.s of ISducatlon, .speiildnt' In favor of ,SI.! 007 for a ,i;.10 iier pupil in-crwi.se, lold ihe E'ducullon Com­mittee llinl while average per pu­pil eo.sl.s have tioiie from .ft'lT for llie lU-IT-lR school year lo lf'225 for llie in.').'.l-ri.| sclinol year, Iho aver­age anioiini of slnle aid per pupil rose In I Ida .siime period from If.'IO.OSt 111 |.|0.80, or n noi Increase of 'I'l. eenlK jiei* impll.

Seepage Tcs l— , , (Cinitlimcit riMiiii I'niJB One)

adnpl ion of Uie zonlnu map, Ihc l i rnper ly wa.s zoned lu H-2 (I'J.liim s ipinie lei'l and au, fi,el fronlap.e) 10 conform wIlli all neiijhhorlng ni'oiis. . . . . . \

Till, former o w n e r had plead.^d for t h e eiumfie on llie tp'ound iha l all ndjnceni a r e a s w o n ; zoned R-H In t h e new zoiiintj nihli, ' "

Tile new sulidivlalon will c o n ­form lo t h e H-;i re i iu i remenl ,

Mccliiig Called — (Coiilliiiii'il I'Voiii k'axe One)

lowed lids practice, Mr. Cox re^ veuled, even ilioin;li II lonnns a Ihroe-rinarler of a ridle hike lo iionie Wl.

lie added Ihal lie helieves lliat lliere lire approxiimilely (Ifly reijnlar rlder.s. Inn tliat Uuslness doo.'in'l wnrrnni inainlulnlng Ihe preaenl. iiervlee.

Urise..] AllRielaiii'o "ISveryone who lives In Ihe

Poxon area Ihnl'.s inleresled In eoiilimdnij hiia service is invited in Wednesday nlulif's meeting," Mr. Cox continued. "The present owners ean'l operale on lire'lin.sls of a detlcll." lie poliiled oiii that Ihe Iwo men were drivers for ihe .Shore i.liie tins'uo., and were an-xioiia lo provide ihe iiesl po.'i-slhlo service.

All IPo.xon residents who Would lie affocled hy the loss of. service nloni; Roule 80 are uryed lo nl-leiid noxf week's nieellni.; to help in' solvlni' Ihls pressing problem.

'i'-'* ! \ t i i i i i S t . , I''.ie,l U i i v r i i

tnderi^oii A u t o Aceesiiories IMuiiie I IO 1-IIIIIIII

Hrowiiic Trooj) I.'{7 Celchralcs Aniiiv.

fJrowiile 'I'roop ,'117 celebrated lis flrsI iblrthday with u party iind hiyeslilure ceremony ' recent­ly ai llie Coiimiiniliy Hall In Poxon, Annoinieenient wns marie of the foiMiiallon of n new. troop, No. .'iO.'i. 'i'his ttroiip of Brownie.s will be composed, of second grade pupils, while 'I'roop .'117 is made up of ihird Hiid foiirlli grade •Rlrls, I

The followlni; i;irls wiM'e award-eil their, "year" pins: Su.snh l^llzabelh Bailey, tlayie niirnlltdw, Cynthia IJeri iicoini, Linda pinke, Mnriene Blalte, Palrielii M. Bon-'I'einpo, .Judy A. Ciiino, Dale Anne R<ldy, A line 'i'. I^'raiigi, Ella' Maj-Hanson, Vivien ,lohii.son, Katlile Kllhurn, Dorolhy Ann I^nBanoa, Patricia Mauisiiio, SSu.san .Ann Meyer.s,. Caroline M. Morlnrty, I'alrlcla A. O'lJonnell, Cttmille Shntliyzkdi, ilarliarn EUznholh Wills, .lean Zalonskl, Patricio Looiie,v, I.,lnda Marl in, Pauli Toriji>rson and (-atlierine Coimei-s^

riijipet .Show Presented ' A puppet show onlltlod "Ttie

i3rownie Story" was presented by tile glri.'i for tile mothers; and Irieiiils present, and refreslurients \vere ;el•\'ed. '

Troop leaders Ineiude Mrs. Michael Xian Tempo, Mrs. Arclile O'D.aiiieli, Mrs. Franic Savino, Mr'3. Robert Nalusch and Mrs. Ani ihoily Martin.


MINWA is cit

ERT LUM Nort l iMain St,, Branford

'fel. JEIU li-a-lSd


VFW Official Hits Fluoridation Plan Lauded By Dr. Johnston Long-rimrJJenti.st Says Pi'oponents racking I'lvidcncc

iIA.Mf>i;i<l ... A d.-nllst la his •lOili y.'ar of prat:(ire liu-i-Mrongly voice.i oppo.shlon lo Ihe proponed fluoriilullon of Ihe New liuveii a i .a water supply. I.Vr. Jacob N. Woldar.slty who lives at flgp Park Avi'. and who maintains profi^s-f.ioiial offices in I'iew JIavenV calls Ihe proposal III add chemlelil fliiiirhie.s to the water.supply "the i;reati)si Klinmlck eveif put up on Ihe Amenean people."- . --

\jv. Wnlodorflcy, Who is . Posi Siirgr o,i of Veterans : of Fbreign Wu, , I'OM id'Jii of Hamden, told 'I'll.' llnni.len Chronicle that he ro,i;,nl,./-.i iinnrldatlon ''a fake'i alio In- ehaifjed' that "sonii-on*. tia.s-" an iiili i.'Hi.'In .11 elili'er becnilEe nf fhV, ileinleal or. Ihe iinatihlnery-lised 10 adii iii^ fh in r lnes t'd t h e wa te r M i p p l y . " •••!' - l ••' • . ' •

'Ihe I(amdnn dentist Ls a, life mi'iiiher of the . An^iirlcai; lleniai Av.iiclallon and is a, rni!mh,r,'• o.' Ihe Connecllcni Tlentai allhoiigh he does not hold niernbPrshlp In Ihe New Haven -tjental As.socla-lioii. Members 'of ilie-'lutler as-voclallon are currently engaged In 11 v/Me "puliile educatloh program iMipporlhif; fliioridkilpri . for ' the. New Haven area'-wat^r-supply; ,•:

At. a meeting or . the l\larBarel L. Knefe School !PTA. ' la.u week Dr. Milton,Lttsehsky p f . t he New Haven group,' asserted, that oppon­ents of fluorlttation a r e ' "rinrrow-Ihluking ppqple". . 'Dr. : :.Ta'mes J. LaKemlna of Hamdeii,' speaidng at Ihe unme program, said many'pii-ponenls ot nnoMdalioii '... ' ., "know nothing about it,: they Ju.st vydnf 10 oppose It." . He also chtirged, ''No one 1ms y^t. proven ^the, al­leged rtamiiges of Tltlortiiailrtn," , '

Dr. Woldai'sky this Weel«'-,used somewhat Ilic same expression"iii oppo.slllon tb,tlu6ridali(3n'>whenrhe asserted, "There Is ahsolu'teiy,', ho proof that riUorldatlqiiresiiil'S-ill les.s cavities hi the teeth.". • ' . ' '

Advocates'of, the program hiive alleged that young-children will benefit nioiit from,, the addition of fluorines lb' the vvater;.supply. Dr. WolbdarsHy, on thi.t'point, coile ntlentlon .; to ' , ''vitamlri .enriched iioup.s andj bahyfond^'—' why can't they odd: fliiOrlito .-in .the 'baby': din In'. 1 bK •niiii- w.-iy?"''ho aSkiid,

lie ;a:.i hi- fpel« •jliinrlnes "are 1101. hunii/ui" Imt^'says," TheyWill do. no good unless'thiiy are placed naturally ,lh lilie." water- supply." Fluorhie and' ioaihe-'are of- the .same chemical family. Dr.;wolo darsky pdlrtt«d' out. ''We have lo illiie in .<alt, Wh/'can'i "fl'uo'rlne be placed In the.'sain6''jhaliner?" ;he coirinienleA, , '.. ' ;', .• , •

Jieferring, tov iixpjtnse of the progran)..,. Dr.''. \VqloilorBky.; .'ftaid, "Why go to thfi'ejtpehsi; of .adding fitioriiies to the'eiitirtf'"waiflr'sup-ply, to bent>fil ol)Iy'diiiiiron- when fluorle!i''.iSari'1ii;',put:-Mft'.:t:he'lifvdl«ts In"other. ;\vays*' '^.iji .tsald'i ijtat whep. ;thir..;iplitn' wts;'fji«tr>pres«Sa' estlm'at.i>d :postM'.per"> person.i'.per year was spi tit iiin I'ebnts. "Nekt it was twenty cents: ;opd/recently I read where someonii,said It will 'only' be lilsty ce'ht. pef. per.sbn." the Park Ave.'dentist declared.

Several year.s ngo; ibr. -Woladar-sky advised VKW. Po.sl; 1926 bt Hamden to reject fluoridation itnd at a i-ecpnt.meeting^ of the post that-.statement 'of . rejection was re-Iterated. ' . ; ! . v

Main Street's Kd Miicdalsfcl had sevenu Hmnijen":^Fliti'' 4 Game Clubbers aa his g p e ^ at : the.Yale n sh ing Cliib.'meeting las i ' week. Ed, o n : International .aiigler for Yule Is: a member'of botH groups.


.'ilie's engaged! arid . . like other affianced young ladies In l- ast 'Haven she's taking' ad­vantage, of the engagement pholo special at Syrttlak'S .Studio ot 2cri Main •St.-.tn.Eii.st Haven. • - •:"••

F o r only Jl.l.SO h e r e L s , w h i t she will g e t ; ..' '; ' .,.:

1 - SxlO'piossy Pritit (t6r ' I lie newspapers): i . ^ , 1 - 8x10 ,061d.;tone DeLilJCe : portrait, coloi-ed/lfloil. (for:' h i m ) : / - , , ' ; : , • : ; , - • - : ' ; . : ; : ! - • : 1 - 8x10 Grofohe .porlralt" • (fbl' Mbih ;ahd-^t>ai3) ' • ' • ' ' - '• •

Make-ynirr'-An-pfllh'time'nrNbW . . . . - . H ' - , \ ! , . - |y 'H|fA,j) .^ . j , .>;J4 t ; t 1

• ••Stfphep-.-'P.i.'SJr(jVl«k,-\Ir.'A'C '• nHDI-OGRA-piUir-'STHCIO'^ •:-: •-•i2e5v*BJil::StS-efe'tr''''.-»'.»r' '•

•libhart,:'J%t939 ' (formerly Jiuew- $ti4d(o)-,

I^E;MBMKER ; ,„ • , V A U E N T f N H f . s : D A Y •', '

• • " • 'A-DV.' , " - -

•Break Down On Polio Drive KecieipU Given To 'flie Bdltoi:

Tills is my report as East Ha­ven chalrnian of IflSS March of Diines nf the cniitrlbutlDns receiv­ed diirlnglhl.s campaign:

SeliOols '• fSfW.OO ilbufie -:to - House (mail cam­

paign) .", 1267.(10 . Moilit>rs: Ivlarch 5374.ii4 Colri,Cqlll!cbii-s- 288.40 Theatres , 32.00

•Clufa.5 arid prgshizatlons 22.1.00

' Total receipts , $4.'!05.54 'Dated a't East Haven, Conn,

this' 2l5t. dayof February, 1955. .'' , Vincent .1. Fasano

Tlie, Pie,sl Mel hod To Cui'l) Decays ' A long-time^ proponent of the

fitioridotlon of. m'unicipal wattJr .supplies. Dr. .Wilbur D. .Tohnston of flomdenthls'week-declared that the plan to,add chemical fluorides to the water supply to cut the:in-old'ent of,tooth decay "doe.s.not!re­sult In . any toxic riianlfiisiatlons even ;, altbf long : periotte'." ' The Hamden! dentl.st also asserted Ihat fluorides"<ian lie ais iftcctirately in-troiinccd.ln wiat.erworks as by.na-'.ture".,aild , [M added, "there Is presently no miethod, bt supplying fliloride that Is oa >afe and effec­tive a.i nuorid,iitlon." ' ••''

Dr. Johnstbn'.s ^statements are contained in,a .six-page report he htis poltipiled for a confentnce.wlth New' ifaveti Water; Company offic­ials^ i.aiL'Week.'Water.Compnny.bf-flclals I'Ssked Djr.'Johnston-. ahd bth()i'ii 'Oil. an.':area' .committee ' on • fjuojrldafltjii ,to::corri'pi|6 sueli prpf-epaional|^:'in(ilerlal a,':. Is'..contained 'ipf {iie>'sik-'paee: rapo,rt he. released tp'vl'h'e; ''islews,'on •'Tuesday'.' ,'••..':• - :,Ih-;''h.is{!appral.sal\nf,. fliJoijidStlori,

'I)i:.'i,tohiisfon,'dei!liirei' thiit ;It, can h|^'.„^ot).ciu!led ,.'.f',t!ia,t.' Dur.:,'bodij!s rbiijln^Bly',m'etahplJze\sriiairamo,iiht3 Ot.lrl'du'^a'iiic fluoride tiialarii pj-es-ent In. all, our-food.s anrit.hat the Ihgestbn; of ,an opliiiium •oinnimt ot'ltiorgaiilc £lo\U'ides'during tooth deye'lopments . result in. a -05 pe)-ceni, lovy,^r'ihcliiehce: of. loopi' de-ciiy tJirough adbiesci=nce and adult . l i f e . , , • ; ' , ' . • ' -,•,-,:: . ; ' ^ . ; : , ' ; ' v

' Many-,, damaging .-, statements about thif toxicity of fluorides iisye been triage,; Dr. jToHnstoH says, :add-lii.S. "I..-.find no Iridlcatlon . In. thd publi.shedlitcrat!lire of ah increased occurr(!n'"cd, oi: .'". .:'disease-'entitles irtareas:oI the ubited'Staie.s'where water contoliis fluorine Jar In ex­cess otredbinmendedlijvei."

He says fluoridation "is now en­dorsed by every Important health agency and organlzalloii concerned with dental liealth . . . These en­dorsements tiBve been made only after extensive researcli in tlie .safety and effectiveness of thif dental iieailh measure."

Referring to proposals that fluo-riiie be added to ttie public diet thl'ougii .some ineiuis other tiian water, Dr. Johnston says salt and milk have been frequently suggest­ed. "A. common iielief Involved in these proposals is tliat sucli fluo-ride-enriclied foods would be u.sed only by the child population on a free selection Itasls. \

"Tn the first place, itiese alter-natives to water fluoridation iiave not umlergone even a preliminary test for their effectiveness. 1-|ils lack of knowledge is in appalling contrast lo the detailed observa-Yions of tlie effects of water-borne fiunrldes.

".Second, there are no well-suii-.stanllated data on llie variations in Individual consiimiilion of such materliils as salt and milk. Even tliqiigh l.iie fluorides made avaii-.able through either food mlalil

he as effective as water-borne (luoildes, the Individual variation ill consumption may be so wide lliat II would be unwise to employ Itiem.

"Third, think of the difficulties in maintaining a close in.spection of the fluoride content of inilk that Is packaged In many different plants in Ihe me'tropolitan area." ttf. Johnston concluded.

in m e TJi UI m TJI UT TJI IJT TJI ur ui ui ui 1 6 As Simple As This




Atl-nfiw U O h p ^ b l a d Diamund 364 ' tngine-T-aplional on'till>madlum>duty

fI-160 Series tnodclc' Hoi new duol-barrel carburetor, nnW' mQnUgtding, 7.0-1 cbmptaiilon ra t io , tow-friction

' d c i i g n with '3-ring confrolled-expon* * sloA pisfoni—n«v/JO'':r<imp camihaft

for tonQsr vdlva Jlfe—.new tol«i)oid-,-type ovfcr-runnin'g c|utctfKtail4r—ii«w , 11-inch,clutch with •15%mor*r lining 'Crca,.2ii<!» jait p^da l p r«uur* . Max, •na'lr.* tartiuoi 33-4 Ib-ft

for all medium-dufy hauling

l ^ -

imi^^-C\ ^ , - L j CX-^: •

. i N n i i N A i l O N A l ni<dltiin.duly ll.T«J ipuclnlliid ROADllNEIi* titod-• i t Buura, ik\ra paylood 'piofitE. t4«w cpfiisnal 6(3-}64 •nglna cpiratci^tlth U»,llitfti,-19 , ip«Bdi tripr, favts tinsl

Today ' s n e w medium-duty INTERNATIONAi-s arc far and away tlie finest iNTEENA-noNALs ever oftered in tlie 14,000-17,000 GVW class!

They have everything tha t has made iNTERiiA-•noNAL famous for long,life, low maintenance, low operating coats, handling ease, comfort. And beyond this, tliey offer new driving and performance features, Including new power and economy in the standard Silver Diamond 240 eiigine, plus an all-new optional high efficiency, high torque 140-hp engine—power steering is available a t moderate extra cost. •

I N T E R N A T I O N A L med ium-du ty t rucks give you everything and help you make money, save inoney. Come in arid see why—in a demonstration drive!

'Yjoili trade-In may covet Ihedown payment. Ask about our convenient lernis.

. • IT. m UmiH MMH GARAGE IXSJW'AfK-^'r. -^ ' E A S T IJAVKN Plione HO 7-a735

I Se»tfitaifii«n'intwTVti'if,'*'Tfi? Haifscf iVjVVflUi RcriaU Culfiiin ar.a BeriU Htima, CBS-TV, Tur^dayr, »f-jii p.m., EST

I NT! RN Arieii AirtRuiils

Six Towns Employ Representative Meetin

' - /

A number of Connecticut communities which employ the town meeljnR lorm of govern­ment have found this direct system of legi.slation unwieldy at times. In addit ion to the lim­itations of size — which makes it difficult to house and con­duct in an orderly and effic­ient manner an 'assemblage numbering above several hun­dreds — have some olliei problems arisint> out ol the complexity of town services.

Under siicli clifficiillies, at­tention has been turned lo other forms ol goyeinnienl . The representalivK, lo\yn meet­ing (composed ol, represe.nla-iives by diatrirl o r a l Ifirge) lias been cited -BS ah allernative.

The following article is an examination ol the represen­tative town meeting aa it la em­ployed in three towns, wiih p-L- *.iciilar attention l o . iwo : f-lamden and Milfoid, for pur­poses of coiTipniison. The ar­ticle is not intended as an ex­haustive treatment ol the fuli-ject of representat ive town meetings. — \id. Note.

The most elementary type of representative, town governmont is tiiat' which employs the represen­tative town meelinK:

According lo a hooklel. "Forms of Town Government In Connocli-cut", by Ihe Instiiule of Public Service, there are five towns in tlie stale wliicli employ this modifica­tion of the popular town meeting.

The role and function of tlie RTM variei3 among those immici-paiitles as does Its size-and the manner in wliicli the town meet­ing representatives are elected. For purpose of comparison, this article.deals with the government of tiiree towns.

. An' Interesting contrast Is af­forded by the Towns of Hamden and Milford which make u.se of the representative town meeting.

, . llAMDKN Hamden, which has a popula­

tion now .eslimateri at close to 40,000 persons (29,7iri In 1950 census), has retained the hoard of selectman administration wllb the RTM. The special legislative act setting up tills plan was ap­proved :by' a two-lo-one referen­dum' vjpte in June of lOri;),

Forty-nine represent al Ives are elected from Ihe seven vollng dis­tricts' and" allotted ' according' to the number'of registered voters in eacli district. Elecllon has been by parly bailol.

At: present the 411 are divided like this 28 Repuhllcans and 21

Democrats, Nomlnalion Is hy party caucus or by petition whU-li requires Mn ,slgnalures.

No independents were elected in the 19S.') election, allhoUKh sev­eral non-party candidates were run. For example, a candidate who received the lilgliost number of voles for an independent, wa.-i giveti only 95 votes or five less ilian Ihe number of signatures on his petition. '

No parly Is permltled lo cli'cl more than Iwo-lhlrds of the caii-rildales in a dislrlct. and ihe iiiiii-oi-lty is assured of 21 seals, (One olijectlon to the district melhoil of eleelloii is thai II often ulves to minority parties represeiitiitliiii nut nf propnrilnii to tlieir iieliial 6tien|;lh.)

All Powers The RTM lias all the powers nf

town nieeilng oilier than the electing of town officials which is by riirecl eiectlnn now in lii'ist towns.

The selix-tmen, who have broad discretionary powers or ndiiilnis-tratlon in tills town, are mciuheis lit the T .-'M but eannoi \otc. Oilier meinhers w'ilboiii a vole include Hie town clerk, the chair­men of all admlnislralive hoar.ts and cnmml,.tslons. • The public may atlend iiiiil speak at tlie meetings luii ilo.'s not pariidpafe in the voiiiii;.

One of tlie inoiii functions of the representative town meetiiii; is to approve tlie budget which is prepared liy llie hoard uf fi­nance. Tlie RTM appropiiali-s funds and sets the tax rnle,

.Some powers are left lo Ilie general public in tlie form of the referendum. Pel 11 ions may he tiled for Ihe enactment of ordinances or for acllon on special appropria­tions, i-g;

MILrollIJ Milford employs Ihe RTM, but

in a different 'manner. In this town, it is combined wiih a town council and town manager form of govermneiii under a plan put into operatlo' in 1947.

Tile town .ouncii serves as tlie legistotive liody concerned ivilii the funclion of policy making. Left to the RTM are the functions of appropriation.

Tlie council conslsis of VS meni-liers - tiirce electeil from each of five district.?. The councilors .serve for two-year lernis. Nominations are iiy pelilion ('25 signatures are required) and oiecllons are non­partisan. '

Tile council chooses its own chulrinnii and the town clerk sei-ves OS clerk for the council.

In addlilon to appointing the town manager for a fixed term of office (Hie Council can remove the manager for "just cause), it has the power to enact ordin­ances, fix (lie lax rate, suiimit a liudgel 10 tile RTM, exercise Hie towns bouowing powei and

EAST TIAVHN N K W S . Thunilay, February «1,.1()SS. Pa(re it



on h< i'


,y/ j S!:T^ii^:^^:-^'77fe'--' 1 |

I Dodge Avo., E;i,nl, Hiivnii HO 7-()lllB

dot Itf.HullH In A /lurry



SALESMAN Let This Available fSpaoe

Sell For You

OALL AT 84661


HOSPITAL Mrii. Kay Anastanlo, Dir.

Regkle red Nuraei. in fAttendance- p a y and Niglil j

Carefully l*repared Mealu Iind Diets

P h o n e H O 7 - 5 8 2 8 L83 Main Si . Ea.tl Have . .


P O E . . .

HstRfilnt ^Uiilvs

Bee Them Now On Difiplajr! For AppoiTitment Call

140 7=185* • LOW DOWN PATMENT

sEABY TERMS Open Evening!! & Sal. Only


"Electrical Dontraetorfi" 467 Main St. Earn Haven

'Authorixed Dealer"



Eait HiViii

(jreen Oarage l'7fj Main Bt. HO 7-373f)

l l lVesl l ) , ' l i l i ' the town );tiv

l ' 'lllir-^'l': ' I ' l ie l i . w n

lives are eleclc volers in a dislricl, Nonilnalions are by pet ii Ion and cli'ciions are non-pttrlisan and for terms of four years. .Several liiwii offichils are rnoiplicrs of tli... iiu'clliiji liiil may imi: vote.

The town iiiamigiM' shares ad-nilnl.slrative re.sponslljlilly wllh ii police and a fire lioard. He Is an ox officio mimiher of holli, and exercises much of Hie iiowors of the .seleclinien aiid.firsi seh^cliuan In other towns,

The' town manager sits in Ihe counell and in Ibe RTM. hut without n vole.

' Evalniitloii of llaiiHleii's Willi re.S]iecl lo Mamden's rep-

re.sentallve town meeting,, the method of election lliere has re­sulted only in parly nieniiiers iieing elecled lo llial body. A close observer reports thai.. Ibe representatives, while not closely a.s.sochited 'Willi the .parly oj-gap,-iirations, neveniieioKs refleel. par-ti.san sentlmenis and vote along parly lines. -•

Francis J. O'Connor, editor of the Chronicle, said he believes il is still liio early lo Jiidue whelher the represi'iitalive lowii ineeilng represenis any .suh.sinnllal Ini-provemenl over Iho lowii iiieol-ing. ' i ' ­

l i e d i e s these pollils of crlli-cism. .

1, Tile I'tTM bus not .shown any signs iliai hiiero.sl among purll-cipanls liiis bicrcn.sed. Meniliers lurn out solidly for controver­sial mailers bill i-oiiiiiie hear­ings on liudgeUiry and oilier mailers are allendcd liy as few as a hulf dozen reprcsenlalivcs.

2, I'^erliaps because of i t s r e l a ­t ive iiewnes,s; Die RTM lias not

been freed of conin.^^ioii. in at least one crt.se, i iecmise ll did iiol know ils powers , il was iilif-faloed ijy the lown admln l s l ru -l i o i i .

.'!. Because of a Imii on lown and ' s t a l e employees , t l ie RTM

loses.I l io iidvnniagi.'K of par lk- l -pntloii liy such e.-<pei-leni.'eil and edlicaled persons iis teachers .

4, 'i'lie peli l ion refinlremenl. of 100 si),maliires hits been viewed as loo sleep. (Tlie Kiinideti null of Ihe Leajjiie uf Women VnlerH

Central Cleanera Dyers Home ol Diatlnotive Cleaning We Operate Our Own Plant

4-H(itir Cleaning Service Call For and Deliever

338 iMaln .St. P h o n e HO 1-111170

Augie'a Auto Repair Geufii-al Repairing T\rm — Batterie.-i

AAA ?.EEVICR AAA Huaiie HO 7-61(1« 4.11) M»in Ht.

GEN'S LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING Compiele l.anndry ,Servli'«

F R C T ; nra.TVERVi 11)1 Main .St. IIO l-l-ltg

RALPH P. GASTELLON 0 .3n i )^ l Ii i iararajd

ON "eouB i.nris—voim HOMT yoiJB Aii'i'o


«6* MAIN ST., EAST B * ViGN • ' 'HO 7-'jSBd '


CAM, I^Oll PROMPT SKRVirF. Phone HO f/oaia

181 Main SI. Kost Haien



I ' l v e l l e s l . l l l l e l i l l e r e s t

ill Milfiinl, Ihe Represeillnllvi' lown nie'.'iing excites little liiier-esi. Heeause Ihe pollcy-makliig fuiii-llon is exei-ciscil largely by Ihe council. Ibis smaller body pinys a doiiiliiaut role. .Slmliai'ly, the couiiell's alteiidanee has been very good al all llnie.s.

Til I'ompnrison, the reiireseiiln-ilve lown iiieeilng has had poor alteiidanee. 1','dward De Courcy, editor of the Milford Clll'/on, rc-porled that the R'I'M fieiineniiy had trouble ohlalnliiii Its 511 per-cent iiuoruni.

l-hiwever, Ibe valiie of this rep-resenlalive ii-eeliug appears to'lle In Us poleiilhiliiies, aecordhn; In Mr. DeCoun-y. The R'I'M bus powers of i-econimi.'iidnli.iii . anil can initiate cliniiges in lb.- go\'-ernnienlni: structure by huhiioiy a rcferenduni. 'i'o dal •. il liii:i,i,.il used ihe.se IntVcr: powers.'

T'lie liody serves luainly ns:: 1. a Inidget iipiiro,vi-'i:. .. . , : . • ,

. :; 2. u board of-ai>Ji5"nl^,ldr''pniploy,-ees fired liy the luanagee of Hie council. II can overrule llieir aelloa by -a iwo-tlilrds vole, 3. a disposi.'i' of town -properties

and accepter of strecls. In addlilon, the R'I'M handles

recall pelilloiis alnied at council members, 'IVn pei-cenl of llie voters in a dislrlct are needed-for such petition. The liody checks the claimed grounds foi- recall and decides whellier or not lo hold a recall vote.

'riie body can lie over-i'uied 'iiy a referendum called iiy five per-ceill of llie .enllie.'voUiig poplila-lloii, ."iiucii a refnreiidunl was nl-lenipled once hut failed on tccli-nlcalilles, accordinit lo Mr. IJe ( - i i i i r cy .

The 40 inembei's; of ihe It'i'M represenl approxliiialely 15,000 voters ill a population iinofflchilly esllmaied 10 be near.lhif. 40,000 murk.

Bole Of Parlies Mlinhiilzed Use of the nou-pnrilsan iialiot

means tlial ns ninuy ns 50 , per-cunl of the i-epi-esenl III Ives may tie Independenl.s, aecordiug Ur Ibe editor of the Cillzeii.

In llie council there Is u .small­er proporlion of liidependenls, bul Ihe noii-parlisan election has re­duced party polllics lo a minor role. Railier llian parllsun volini;.

ill 1 I I 1 \ N I 1 e l o i.sslle.

liolh local piirlli'S lilsilke ihc si'l-iip lii'cinisi,, il ii'iives Ihi'iii prac-llcally wllhoiil a funclion uoii-slale eli'dioii years,

111 Mr. ill- Con:- .-•' v;,v. I'l' R'I'M serves as a check uii the town coiini'li .'iiid as n .sounili.ii' ho.'ii-il. Il was i-i-eali'd nialiil;. a-, a result of a relnclaiice on iii<-pai-t of llie lown lo give up ilii' ilemocrnc.v of llie lown m,','il:i;';, Wlllioni 11, the couiicil-aniiniii',,, sysleni could not have been lii-slituted. , It is Ihe opinion of one oli-,sei-ver Ihal tliu council slioiihi h.' reduced sllll fiirlber iiiilll ll con­slsis of seven men elecled at large.

(IRUHN-tVIOIt , T h e 'I'oWli of Greenwich, wllb a pnpuhilloii of 4(1,835 iiccordini', 10 Hie 1950 census, employs Hie reproseiitiillve lown ' nieellug iipd hoard of select men form of gov-crninciil.

M'horfl are .2,'10 represeiilailvcs elecled from distrlcls according lo Ihe .jiumbor of registered volers In each di.slrlcl. 'i'liey are iioniln-aled hy direct iirhiiary and rim. for elecllon.

'I'he seleclmen, biwii clerk, town counsel, cliuirinnn of the hoard of cdiiciillon, and iiiendiers of Ihe bniii-d of eslhnalc and iaxa-lioii, sll. as meniliers of Uiee RTM but have no vole. 'I'he sysleiii ban been under operation since it was SCI up hy special hiw In lO.'H. : Other towns using Hie repre-,senlollve lown loeellng and the dales 11 was eslabllshed are: Fair­field, , 1047; Westporl, 104!); Darl'en, 1051;. and 'rrumbllll, l!)5:i,

in West liiiven Ihe stale rcp-resenlatlves are inlroducing a 1)111 which iviil provide for u rcpre-Keatajlvc lown nieciiag. One rep­resentative would he elecKMl for euuil l.OOO volers in eiicli of the town's six vuliiig di.slrlcl. West HaVon'spOpulnlioii now slamls at around 21,000

'I'he lilll would provide for uom-inniion by parlies and by poll-lion, wllb II nilnliiium of 100 slg-niiliiri's of i-li'dors needed for lire laller.



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Experts are always at hand to insure our liigli .'it.andarcb . . . Thtiii' attfiiition to the ."Jinalle.st detail lias mado our ,service deparl,mciit sec­ond to none. Drop in and te.it their .qkill again.it your car'fi needs.


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EAST irAn!N NEWS. Tliiirsdny, Fcbrmiry U, 105B. Pa ire 4

(Pljf Sam SRattptt Sfrma riJBwsiiED Evnnv TiiTmsnAV


iNcouroiiATHK JIOIS nixwclli Avnniio, (laniilen, Ciinii.

.lONA'niAN (y.AH, KDirOIl

tTnineH Hreinmn, AilvnrltNiiif; MnniiRer 'rilR KAJST IIAVKN NKVV.S

jail Main Strr-iM, Ti-I. IIO 7-HSII Ilo.v illf Kiwi Iliivnn

AUVEIITISIIMO ItATRS ON APriJCATJON Iluslnt'KN T<"li'|ilii>iin ATwiitrr 8-ltini

HtlRSCIin'TION: la.nn iwv ymv, imynliln In nilvanrn

siNni.K' rorv no Enlcrril ns sfpfinil class imillnr nn Mny ]fi, inna,

III New Ildvon, Oonncctlcul, imdi'r lln' nnl tif Mnriih n, i«7:). . . .

IJopiT.sctiriVlivc 'l'()\vn M c c l i t i g /^(illn'ng short of a major overhniil of our

selectmen — town rnecling form of Rovorn-menl will put il In condition to handle the complex' projilems which IrnuMe every mod­ern cominunily. Therefore, if one looks upon Ihe representative town meeting ns a ciire-nll for the defects of ihe trndilionnl town mcel-ing, disnppoinlmenl hes.nhead.

At the same time, the representative town meeting would he nn improvemeni over ,the raucous, windy, town meeting. ^folh^nB spccinc-ular, mind ybii, hut it would inlrodufce a Hllle more orderlin'esa

Relenlion of some form of represehlalive government other thnn the compact council or

, hoard of aldermen, is almost assured in East I-Iaven, regnrdleas of those changes In the gov-ernnriental stfiictui'e that mny he brought nbout in ihe nenr future.

And there is no reason why its retention should not be in harinony with the normal pro­cesses of modern, municipal government.

The ghief value of the RTM lies in its po­tential. Once established, it stands as a rendy and orderly instrument of popular expre.ision to force or check actions of the higher levels of legislation and administration.

Regardless,' then, of futui*e changes in ihe structure of our town government here, the representnlive town meeting should be estab­lished to replace the cumbersome town meet­ing.

Furthermore, it should be set up on a non­partisan basis, with all candidates nominated by petitioii and ^ elected without party label. The system of representation should include representatives elected by district, and repre. sentatives elected at^ large. The latter provis­ion would enable the Town lo secure tlic ser­vices of those qualified men who would othcr-vv;ise be eliminated under the limits of the dis­trict'system of representation;

' Initiative on the establishing of an RTM should not be left to our political leaders, he-cause they will behave as politicians always do -— fitting ihe system of government to their own needs.

going to have to meet the eostg, and. any time that B majority is rendy to foot the bill, it can have sewers,:- . ' • ; . • , • , , • •• . ;

Bui getting back to Mrs. Clough — wheth­er we agree with her views or .nott we wish Ihefe were more people like her. What East Haven needs is more people who nrif willing to stick their necks out to inform our political lenders what they really think.

Youth Steps Up It is of supreme interest to note that a panel

mndc up of locnl Student Council members concluded, nfter cnndidly discussing it, llmt parents contribute to juvenile delinquency. Ac­tually, we find it astounding that high school students can be objective, enough lo survey Ihe situation and then point an accusing finger at the leniency of their own parents.

We are aware that these particular students are perhaps pointing the finger nt parents other (hnn their own. Seldom are student council members identified with juvenile offenders.

The youngsters who formed the panel at a recent meeting of the Junior-Senior PTA re­lated the actions of parents to such subjects ns psychology, community affairs, discipline nnd social life. The group ultimately decided that parents, ns a whole, spend too little time with Ihcir offspring and that "farnily activity" itself often serves as a prevonlitive of delinquency.

Thfe unusual aspect of the panel's research and eventual decisions is that youth itself finds reason to condemn parents ns a major con­tributing factor to the teen-age problem.

Where other groups and individuals have failed, il is entirely possible thnt the youth of the nntion is perfectly capable of analyzing and solving its own problem with thc 'hclp and co­operation of those who a,re more Ihaii willing to extend it.

- — From The Brnnford Review.

I l i i i i a y F o r M r s . C l o u g h We'd like to say a good word for Mrs. F.d-

ward Clough, who innocently wrote a letter of criticism recently only to see it u.sed as n po­litical weapon in a way she probably never in­tended.

Well, Hurray for Mrs. Clough I She spoke |ier mind, nnd we give her credit for the cour­age. W e don' t ngree with her nllithe way that Mr. Barker and Mr. Clancy i\re responsible for the lack of action on sewers.

Installation of sewers will come only when enough people express themselves, in fnvor of such an improvement. These same, people are

That Shorter Cahipaign It does look as though nil the folks will be

gathering around the family television set to watch the two big national noiplhriting conven­tions almost two months after the usual mid­summer date .

Massachusetts, Connecticiil, Ohip, nnd South Dakota are rallying in a. bipartisan move to cancel outmoded early candidate certification laws. These state laws threatened to push Ihe conventions back into .July frorn the late Aug­ust date now favored by both the Republicans and thJ: Democrats.

Shortening the hoopla and easing the na­tional tension by trimming the brerithless cam­paign by two months was n step not taken light­ly by politicians. As is well k|\own, they have never erred on the side of shorter speeches, let alone shorter campaigns, if they thought ' there ' was even one more stray voter to be corrnllisd.

But times have, changed. This is the age of ihc ubiquitous television cnmern. Now one presidential nominee cnn walk into the liviiig rooms of millions'of. Americans .niiy night, he chooses^—u candidate 's dream. Nntiirnlly this mnkes it possible to telescope the cnmpnigna. It makes nn anachronism of the tedious need for touring, touring, touring to bo.mire every possible voter is reached nnd impressed.

Another reason for shortening the campaign is that both national committees expect fervent­ly, a rerun qf 1952. With two fnmilinr figures as cnndida.tes again a long get-acquainted cam­paign would be time wasted.

And there are obvious advantages lo the nntioni The short campnign Ifcayes time for the considered and responsible without encour­aging the spectacular, emotional appeals that have come in the dreary latter days when both sides groped for a fresh approach.

The best argument for August conventions quite possibly is the eliminiititin of a four-month hiatus in which United Stntcs foreign policy teeters on the edge of uncertninly in a world that requires day-to-day assurance of American intentions. .

— From The Christian Science Monitor


Second Fiddle FuneA WMS

Y.M.G.A. Director To Address Foxoji PTA Monday

'I'lie li"o.s-oii P.'l'.A. will nioel for illo first tlilio in the aitditnl'luni (if I lie? now Dour Hun School this Monilny ni S p.m. This nieothiK will niso nmrk the stnrt of a cnmiiniKn to organl'/i' ncllvltliis for llH' clilldron of iliu Fcwon oomniunlty.

,.; In a progrnm dodicatcU to Founders Day, Purltor l.nnsilnic, IJireclor ot Boys Work for tlio yMCA, will speak on the tlionio, "Bnrlohlng' the I^lvcs of Our Chil­dren." Mr. Lansdiile will nl.so dis­cuss Ihe quo.stlonnnlrc which the PTA will be sending out this week lo all nieiiiliers of the unll

Hope 'li<( UMUI Way

The .spokosmnn ;fqr Ihe recren-llon eomnilltoe In charge of-thk program says, "Wi" hope Ihat with the loadci'shlp provided liy parents in the community n var­ied program ol arts and ornfl-s, uthletlci, music, dancing and sum-mor playground can lio set up."

Tho Idea'for u program of cro-utlve and roereatlonal ncllvUlcs for children originated with a lonohor In the Fo.vbn School at a nieellng held laiit Fall by the e.\--i'nutlve committee In. honor of Ihe Fo-von School teachers. V

•Also scheduled for the program Is an exhibition of square dances liy the cliildren In Mrs. Margaret Mack's sixth grade. In nddllloni Dr. Gabriel' Azzaro will •give a

••; hrjet t^lk: on fluorldfttloh or Iho Wflter supply. . •'•:•.:•'•

JBofroshments wllj tie sei-.yedi1)y, tlie mothers Of • chlldi-en In ' Mr.s. King's :first grade. \ .

Teachers College Alumni Sponsoring IJenel'it Card Parly

A card ptii'ty liohofll will lie hold hy the New Haven .Stale Teachers College Alumni Assoula-lloii, Ssturdny, March 5 In the cnfoterln. Proceeds .yvlll be do­nated lo the Cnnudlan-Amcrlcnn Sludenl ISxelKinKe' Scholarship Fund.

Highlight of the nfteraooa will lii> a fashion show emplinslzlng fur moiles, for Ensler. Tcneher.s .and priiiclpnis from tho East Haven - Brnnford nrea who nre .serving on the committee are; The Misses Huth yungcrmnn, Ellzaliolh Ullchle, Cele McGovern, Mai-y Ryan, Dorothy Jerden,

1 Botly Joy, Clara Lehnerli JoAnn Donadio, Mary Margaret O'Brien, nnd nl.so, Mrs. Mary Anno Turclo, Paulino Johns, Ell-/nbelh Brlggs Doheny nnd Inge Und Ilnllden,

Teachers College Student Teaching Class At EHHS

Donald Smith, senior stmlenl nl Now Britain Teachers College of Connecticut Is tenehlng pupils In East Ilnvea High School us part ot hiapreparnllon tor leaching In secondary school.s. Garland M. Fltzpatrlek, supervisor of second­ary student teriching. at Ihe col-lego, nnnouucod.

Mr. Smith Is being supervised by Theodore D. Mnlonis and Ed­ward P. Sugruo of Ihe High School teaching staff. He Is maj­oring In mntheniatlcs and minor-Ingrin blplbgy.. •. ' , , . .

Senior sludent-tcticHers iroln tull-llmefor ten webks/ Tlio stu-dent-tencldng assignments ijre part ' of ?llie'college's- regular pr6-gram of providing supervised

There are -110,000 "Explorers, plder boy - members of the Boy S9PUts, in 12^000 Explorer Units, practical teaching experience.


Pal Florio Elected l*rcsidenl o r Foxon Democratic Cluh .

Pat Florlo, was formnlly olocled prcslilent ; ot. the Foxon .Dcni-oernlle Club nl n inoollnB Tues-ilay evening In Florin's Country House. - ^ '••' '

George Wheolor was elected first vice proslileiit; Mui-tla Hnl-loran, .second , vice , president; Thoiiiiis Dbnognn, secretary; Dnn Glenson, iroaaurciri nnd 'I'homns Henry, .Andrew; Pnpngoiln, VVll-llnm' Wllhlriglon and Jerome Grndy, direetors."

Instnllalloh of officers nnd a dlnner-dnjico, ^vlil taHo place on Mnreh M 'at' nnrlo's Cotuitiy House in' Foxon. •

It was Johnny's fiiist ride on a railway train, nnd the succession of wonders had hjm in a rare state of astonishment. The train rounded n bend and with a shriek of its whistle, plunged into a tunnel. A gasp of/surprise escaped Johniiy, and suddenly as the train rushed into broad dnylight again, his small voice piped up, 'Mother, it's tomiirrowl"

Many adults have the some feel­ing, when the pressure of too much to do nnd nowhere near enough time to do It In, jgcts very light. TWo little girls wei-e.plnying In the pnrk together one'.nfternoon, nnd one suddenly .said, 'h wonder what lime It Is." With magnificent logic the other replied, "Well, It can't be four o'clock yol, because my mother snid 1 was lo .be liomo nt four, nnd I'm not yet.'

But we heard ot n Brooklyn man who took his wife to the New­ark nlrpoi't und put her on a plane for Buffalo. After fighting his way back through the traffic, he arriv­ed home nnd wearily ascended the steps lo his house, and found n telegram In his ninllbox. Ho open­ed It nnd road: "Arrived safely. Lrtve, Lulu."

The lencher asked tho pupils to write nn essay, telling what they would do If they had a million dol­lars. The other children begnn nt once lo write, but Snmmy sat Idle, twiddling his fingers and when tho papers wore collected, turned In a i)lnnk sheet of paper. "How Is this?" asked Ihe teacher, "Ihe others have written several pages, while you have done nothing." "Well," replied Sammy, "that's what I would do If I was a mllllon-lUre.' ,,

A father was tonehing his small .son lo tell lime, pointing out the hour.s, the minutes and the seconds, but the pu' zled child Inqqired, "Where are the jiffies, Ddddy?"

WJien the nngry father expos­tulated, "But, hang It all, Betty, the follow only earns fitly dollars a week!" the pleading daughter ar­gued, "Yes, but Daddy dear, a week passes so quickly when you love each other."

An Irl.shman who was painting his house nnd working'at lightning speed, was asked why he was In such a rush, nnd he sold, "I'm try­ing to get through before the paint gives out."

A retired colonel had been advis­ed by his doctor that If he didn't give up whiskey. It would shorten n thought,

bis life. ''It you stop drinking, I'm sure It will prolong your days," sold the medico. "Come to think ot It, 1 believe you're right," said the colonel, "I went 2'! hours without a drink six months ago and I never put In such a long day In my life."

A long-winded,attorney was ar­guing n technical case before n .Superior Court Judge, and he rambled on so that It became very difficult lo follow his line of thought. The Judge yawned sug­gestively and the nltomey, a trifle sarcastically said, "I tru.st that I nm not unduly trespassing on the time ot this court." "Counselor," replied his. honor, "there Is a con­siderable difference between Ires-pa.sslng on time ami encroaching upon eternity."

Mark 1'wnln used lo tell nbout going to church one very hot night lo hear a ml.sslonary who went around finding people who needed help hut didn't want to ask for It. He recounted tales of suffering nnd pfiverty, ot h'eroism, etc. Mark Twain said, "Well, he worked me up lo a crenl pitch; I could hardly wall tor him lo got through. I had $-100 In my pocket, and I want­ed lo give that and go borrow some more lo give; you could .>ioe green­backs In every eye, but Instead ot pa.ssing the plate then, he kept on talking and talking, and II got hot­ter and hotter, and we got .sleepier and sleepier. My enthusiasm went down $100 a clip, until finally when the plate did come around, rstole ten cenl.s out ot It."

A famoiis person once snid on the subject ot time, "The moment Is the heart of the thing; actually there Is only the moment." Ben Franklin said, "Do you love life? then do not .squander time, for that's the stuff lite Is made of." But it Is often observable' that people will reproach themselves for In­juring their health, they regret; squandering their money, they tven .swear wh(*h the rain spoils a hat - but their most jireclous as­set, their, time, I hey waste without

"Frixinds Of Music" Toi Observe lis Fifteenth Anniversary On March 14

The Friends of Music, will cele­brate their 15th anniversary on Monduy, Miireh l-l, Ml.ss Mnrgnrel Tucker, pi'esldent, nnnounced. The occasion will be observed wllh a .special nnnlversnry supper to lie held In the Old Stone Church pnr-ish house.

Miss Dorothy Evnrts nnd Mr.s. Thnyce Chldsey wllf serve as co-ehalrnien ot arrangemenls tor the annivcrsni-y celebration.

IMIss Tucker announced Hint .several coritrlbullons have been made lo the "Piano Fund" .set up tiy tho Friends to buy'a now piano tor the auditorium ot the Ilngn-nnui Memorial Library. The con-li'lhullons were made by several local oi'gnnizatlons.

I^nigram Of Russliiii Music Al the recent nionlhly meeting

A IG - week .series pf televised half-hour clas.ses In the education course, 'Understanding Our Chil­dren." opened this aflernoon on WNHC - 1"V. The course Is worth two acndemie credits for those who

.- register wllh New Haven Stnle M ., Friends of Music Mrs.iTeochors College, sponsors ot the

George A. Harnes; Jr., Stationed in France, IN'omoled To Corporal

CAPTIEUX ORDNANCE DE­POT, FnANCE. — George A. Barnes Jr., whose parents live at •10 Vernon St., East Haven Conn., recently was promoted to corporal In France whore he Is a member of Ihe 7832d Arniy Unit at Cnplleux'Ordnance Depot.

Comniunlentlons Zone units man major U. S. supply Installations and depots .in. France and trans­port men ' hnil.supplies from French poi,ts lo American forces In Germany.'

Corporal, Burpes,; a mechanic In' the unit's' Reiiov(itlpn Compaiiy. arrived QVei'sem's '•fti*Ai)rU 1954.

A former-oniplpye; of W. E. Toinllnson Asbestos Company, the c'arpornl jontersd tlifri A r m y In April 1053 and completed basic training ijt Fort Dlx, N. J,


Marian Munro served ns chnirm ot the evening's musleni program which feiilured tho lives anil work.s of Russian composers.

The program opened with a reading of Albert Spaulding's ac­count of his trip lo old Russia in iniO. The I'endlng was by Bev­erly Snnford. This wns followed by a round table discu.sslon ot Ru.sslan music liy Miss Snnford,

- Llllinn Lnrson, Mnrinii Munro. A vocal duet of two Russian

folk songs was sung by Miss San-foi-d and Olive Sears, Beruice Norton serving ns piano necom-pnnlst. The romnlndcr of Ihe pro­gram follows: ' I'inno .solo - "Nocturne" fi'oni the Second (Junrlet (Klsmot) by Porodliie - by Helen Nygnnl.

Vocal solo - "Song ot Iiulia" (Iilmsky-Kor.sakov) - Beverly Snnford; Bernlee Norton, accom­panist. T

PInno duet' - "Waltz" (Arensky)' - Lillian Careon. Marian Munro.

I'Inno solo - "Prelude In C Sharp Minor" (Rachmaninoff) - Hlldur' Sven.son.

Vocal quartet - "Carol of Bollji" (l.eontovlicb) - •Lillian Larson,

.Helen Hnsso, Dorothy Evnrts, Mnrlan Munro.

Plaao solo -"Romance" (Rubln-sloln) - June Flrmeiit.

Plaiio duet - "Dance of Ru.s.slnn Sailors" (Gllcre) - Bernlee Nor­ton, Marina Munro.

PInno duel - "Polkn" (Shosta­kovich) - Jo.sephlne Long, Bern­lee Norton.

PInno solo "Firebird Suite' Beth Taylor.

Vocal trio -Lonely Hearl" Helen Ha.sso, Lillian Larson; accompar.Isl.

Piano duet -

Excerpt fioni (Stravinsky) -

"None Bui the "Tschalkowsky) -Dorothy Evans,

Marian Munro, Seleelion from

"Nutcracker Suite" (Tschnlkow-sky) - Josephine Long and Bern­lee Norton.

V()cnl solo and group slng'lng -"DnfR Eyes" (Russian Gypsy air) - Olive Scni-s and group.

A social hour followed wllh Valentine's Day as the motif. Hos­tesses were Jean Hopson, Muriel Salern, Marian Munro and Bern­lee Norton,

Ednealibn Notes For Teachers And

Parents Tlie nexl meeting, ot Ihe East

Haveii Eouentlon Associntlon will be held Monday nflernoon, March I'l, In Ihe new Ovorhrnok School, Ernest Marzullo, president, an nounees.

Instruction. The credit may be ap plied ' toward an academic degree. The half - hour Inslructlonarpro­gram' will be presented every Thuriidny utternoon nt 3 o'clock.

* * « * « Oul- bulging- high .schools musi

prepore an ever - Increasing num­ber of students for college, n great variety of careers, nnd Iho hard Job of good citizenship. Interested parenis and clubwomen are being invited to attend three mqelings on "High School Today" lo be pro-.sented by the "Service Bureau tor VVomen's Organizations. Fir.sl meeting will be on March 3 nt Ihe Bulliird'- Havens Technical School. Palisades Ave., Bridgeport. A small rogislralion tee Is chnrged.

Momaiignin PTA To Hear Commentator From Ireland Wed.

Ullnn Heron; of Dublin, Ireland, will speak on Irl.sh customs nnd schools and will present a pro­gram of Irish ballads at u meet­ing ot the Momauguin Parents Club Wednesday evening, nt 8 o'cliick In the .school auditorium. The, speaker Is associated with Radio Erin. ,

The auditorium will be decor­ated In green hi honor ot St. Patrick's Day. The first grade mothers nre in charge of refresh­ments which will consist ot open-tnei'd sandwiches nnd coffee.

South Enders Itolding Winter Danec Sal. -

The annual Winter Dnnce, .spon-soi-ed by the members of tho South End As.sociation will be held again nt the Vcnezin Club, laurel Street, East Havca Sat­urday evening, from 9 to 1.

All residents, summer and win­ter, of the Morgan' Point Area, nnd their friends, are cordially In­vited. Proceeds of the affair will go toward the Building Fund.

Please contact the dance chair­man, Harry Zlnn for reserva­tions.

Mild weather over weekend brought many motorists to .shore. Bom owners getting rendy for fishing season which will be com­ing up before long.

* * • The Ladies' Guild nnd Men's

Club of St. Clare's Church are holding "Irish Night" on March 17. There will be square dancing and modern dancing, entertolnment and refreshments. It Is hoped that lliLs affair, the first of its kind to be held, will become an annual one. Mrs. Edward Karmczyn, pres­ident of the Guild appointed the following members lo serve on the committee: TIckeLs, Mr.s. Alvln Thompson, chairman, a.sslsled by Mrs. Julius Buecheic, Mrs. James McDonoUgh, Mrs. Raymond Lang-lols, Mrs. Frank Nolan, Mrs. Frank Duninrk, Mrs.'Badls Aldrlch, Mr.s. Sigurd Anderson, Mrs. George Owens, Mr.s. Charles Copeland, Mrs, Harry Lawlor; Entei'ialn-meni, chairman. Mi's. Joseph nines, assisted by Mrs. Joseph' Burke. Refreshments, Mrs. Ray­mond Langlois, Mrs. Alvln 'I'honip-sun, iMr.s. Frnnk Nolan, nnd Mi's. Joseph Burke.

* '• * Bradford Manor will hold a St.

Patrick Dunce, Saturday evening, March 12th In the firehouse. Res­ervations may be made with IVIrs. James Cunningham, Mrs. Ilermun Scbarf, Mrs. It, Smith, Mrs, Robcrl Chailenyne nnd Mrs. Alvln Thomp­son. ,

If # »

We nre glad to hear that Dan MauUe.'son of Mr. and Mr.s. Dan­iel Mnulte ot Henry'street. Is ini-provlng ufler an automobile acci­dent recently. Dun is In St. Al­bans Naval Hospital, Long Islund, N. Y. , , , .

* • * St. Marks Mission will hold Its

nionlhly cnrd party lomoriow night in the firehouse. Tlie public IS invited to nltend.

* * « Gordon W. Reed, radarmnn sea­

man, USN, son of Mr. and Mris. Harold Reed of 2'18 Coe Avenue, is serving in tho .\rcditerranean aboard the tactical ship- USS Northampton on her first tour of duty with Ihe U. S. Sixth Fleet.-

w • *

Salvatore D. Panella, fire con-irol technician third class, USN, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Pan-liella ot 61 George street. Is sorvr ing al Norfolk, Va., aboard the battleship USS Wisconsin, which returned this month from the Caribbean exercise "Operation Springboard."

« » •

Bradford Manor Hose Company will hold Us monthly meeting Monday at 8 p. m. Captain Alfred Melilio requests a full uliendnnce.

* * • Happy birthday to Bonnie Smith

ot Henry strcel, who celebrated Feb. 18.

* * * The Momauguin Parents ciul»

will meet Weifiie.sduy evening at. 8 in the school. Mi-s. William Devine will preside at the business session. Tho guest speaker will be Ultan Heron, new.spaper conimenlntor from Ireland. Mr. Heron will speak on "Lite in Contemporai-y' Ire-lund". He will nIso .sing some orig­inal Irish ballads. Uefreslimenls will bo served.

* • *

Lenten Dovolioiis at St. Clare's Church will be as follows: daily mns.s, 7:30 a. m. Rosary, sermon, devotions to the Blessed Sacra­ment on 'Wednesdny evenings nt 7:30 p. m. SIntions of the Cro.ss, Fridnys at 4:00 for Ihe children nml in tlio evening at 7:30 p .m.

Gill is School PTA To Hear Talk On Fluoridation

The William E. Gillis School P.T.A. will meet Mond.ny evening at 8 o'clock with Prcslrionl Stan­ley Johnson presiding. Cla.ssrnoms will be open for ins|iection prior to the mcotingi and. pnronts will lie able lo cbnt with the lencliers iluring the social hour that will follow the 'business session.

In ]••[(' with cusloni. Founders Day will he observed.. The unit wa.s nri.i.'innlly orgjinlzod ns the South Si'hiicil P.T.A. five years ago, nnd its p.-isi presldenls In­clude Mr.s. William WOII.TS, M-S. Raymond Freed and Mrs. ,1. Jni Faelh.

Two speakers will he heard on the program. Dr. George Floren­tine will give n bi'Ief talk ' on tluoridulion ot the water supply and Its honeficlal results In pre-venling dental decay In young children. The Gillis P.T.A. passed a resolution two years ago ap­proving fluoridation, but nn area-wide campaign lins been launched In New Haven to secure approval frfiiii all possible sources;;. ,. 'Featured on ihe program will

be an Illustrated talk by Miss Alice Zelgldr, fourth grade teneh-er nt Ilighlnnd School. Miss Zelg-ler spent a year teuehlng In Germany, and look ninny pictures of spots of interest she saw dur­ing her travels.

Angelo Villnnl will report on the recent successful cal<o and cookie sale, and Mre. Albert Tor­ino will report' on the Dental Health Council meeting which she attended as delegate.

Locally, the League Is represen­ted by tho East Shore League' of Women Voters,


Enjoyed our visit to Highland School la.sl week, but we're won-ering If the architect who design­ed me building wnsn'l Born Thir­ty Yenrs Too Soon - talk nboul spMt-lcvels! Cerlninly wns spic and span, though.

• • • * V

Our lours of the Deer Run and Highland Schools came two dny.s apart, and the contrast was startling. School architecture has taken tremendous strides for­ward, and we couldn't help think­ing how distrncting It must be foi teacher and pupils alike lo nltend clu.sses In poorly-ventllnled, ill-lighted basement rooms. Person­ally, we think our teaching .staff does a terrific Joli desplle the liundicapsj

Miss Helene Ba.s.sett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Waller Bassett ot Howe Ct., celebrated her tiflli birthday recently. Wonder If she Invlles her friends In to see her dnd's wnr trophle.s, includlnf^ Ihe .swnsllkn ting?

We still have letters received from Wnlly during WW II when he was busy chasing the 'Nazis thru Africa, up |ia.st Anzio and on Inio France; Doesn't seem pos­sible all iJini's ten yenrs past, now.

• # * * •

We understand Ihorc's lioen much favoroble comment about the charming poem conipo.sed by pupils nt the Deer Run School that appeared in ttie NE'wS re­cently. It was the heartfelt oul-fiourhig ot huppiness of one of the classes at moving into the new seiioiil, and we found II 'i^uite touclilng.

/" A 9 « # «

Mr. and Mrs! George Lewis of 10 David Dr., Maplevaie, have a new dnughter, born on February 16lh at St. Raphael's

New residents are moving Into the latest section of High Ridge, altho Ihe roads are well nigh Im­passable. Recent nriivnls are the Maisnno tanilly - he's the proprie­tor ot the package store opening shortly In the new shopping cen­ter.

Wonder If he'^ related to Rnlpl Veglinnte, Ihe Stale St. ton.sorlal artist?

" » * * » , •

Rumor sez the Yediin Construc­tion Co. plans lo proceed wllh the section between High Ridge an Maplevaie. Apparently going a-long with the Planning and Zon­ing Commis,si6ii's directive ' by con.strucling a rond oul into North High St.

This would mean the less ot a lot or two, also building a bridg-ncross the' Farm River. The Com­mission wns firm In In.slsling on two access routes In ense of fire or emergency. Ought to prove n convenience to Mnplevalers, too.

***** Mr. and Mrs. Sellg Tanner of fi^

Hellstrom Rd.„ are the proud-parents of a new son, born Feb­ruary 17lh. If tnnt name seem familiar to you, you've .seen it on your 'I'V screens often - lie's lecli-nlcnl director at WNHC-TV.

Also rejoicing in tlie 'birlh of a .son are Mr. a:ul Mrs. Wesley Morgan nt 112 Hellstrom Rond.

. * * « * , * Tlie High Ridge Civic Associn­

tlon will meet Monduy night al the Communlly Hall at 8 o'clock.

The newly-elected officers head­ed by Harold Watts, president, will he Inslalled. A dlseu.ssion will follow on activities planned for Ihe coming year.

• * * * • The Girl Scout progrnm spon­

sored by Ihe Association mny be expanded by ll,e formation of uu Intermediate group. The leader will be Miss Kulhy Saekell of 3 Van Horn Drive.

***,»«. The Brownies were Ijie first l'„

be organized, und they will nieei at the George Wheeler's home.

• * * • • • '

. Giad to henr that there wns n good response on the call for vol unteers for, ihe leadership course. We're told thai at present til teen women have signed for thi course, so that It wll: be held ii, the area. ' A couple ot the e:il came from outside or High Ridge, too, .so maybe we -helped a lillle.

* « • • * So many youngsters could en-

Joy the advantages ot seouling, both boys nnd girls, if only more ndults would nssunie Iho lender-ship. ,

' ***** Our deepest sympaliiy lo Fath­

er John O'Nell of Pompeii Church. Shortly after the passing of his-mother, his father also died. His death occurred last weekend, and we sjmipaliiize with iiim In his double bereavement.

***** Our condolences also go lo llir

family of Walter Pavluk of Victor SI, who died suddenly Inst Sun­day.

***** Pvt. Gabriel Monaco Is current­

ly taking a special training course with the 1st Im'antry Training Regiment of the U. S. Marines at Camp Lejeune, N. C. He's the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mon­aco of 203 North High St.

***** American Legion Post 175 will

hold a paper drive this Sunday Starting at 9 a. jn. Papers and

Town Topics

Lenten Season opened with the oliservatlonof Ash Wednesday in the local churches and special Lenten services announced for the coming week.

* • » • •

Did East Haven niLss n bel when it tailed to take advantage of speclol legislation to secure a traffic light for Route 80 near lbs Deer Run School? The Brnnford representatives have Introduced a spoolal bill providing a traflie control signal at the interiiection of Route one and Jefferson Kd. Its purpose Is "to assure the safe­ty ot pupils crossing U. S. Route 1 while enroule to the Brnnford Hills School" scheduled to open ncxi September. '

. • * • * . • *

When the Board of Public Safe­ly tried to get action from the stale Traffic Comml.sslbn il had lo wall tor months before it gol n reply. Fihnliy a state traf­fic survey wns made und while official word was being awalled. Ihe unotfielal report eanie tliii'l the eomnilsslon wns going to turn thumbs down.

, * • • * *

The Bonrd of Public Safety de­

cided Ihat il might have lo pro­

vide Us own system, and asked

for nn estimate by a private firm,

it may be loo late tor East I l | -

ven to do anything, but the mut­

ter may no laicen up when ihe

Board of Public Safely meets on


***** Congratulations to Richard

Carlson, ot 21 Meadow St., on his nomination tor the Air Force Academy by Congressman Albert Cretella. Dick Is a student at the High School here.'

***** New floors In I lie Hagaman

Memorial Library! Tlie gleaming edifice will be re-opened oil Mon-dny nflernoon. Books taiien out two weeks ago not due : until March first. Can be returned by placing llieni in the locked box on the front porch ot the library.

***** Gerrish Overbrook P.T.A. worit-

Ing busily on plans for Its second annual Faniiiy Dinner to be given on Tuesday, Mar. 15 in the Higli School cafeteria. Tlcitets now on sale by cominittoe memliers. Mrs. Salvatore Scaiia, chairman of tlie affair. • ,

« « * * lie Time for renewal of your NEWS

at the old rale of $2.50 draws short. The deadline ot March 1 lias been postponed to March 8. Your pay­ment has to be made before then. The renewal will lake effect -ivii'en your present subseriptlon expires. In other words, if your subcrip-lion expires, in July, It you renew now at .$3.50 per, the year will be extended one yeur troiii July. Special rate is two years for .f'l.DO.

***** Sni Longnbardl, lax collector,

nnd Tom Friscoe, building inspec­tor, marvel al Ihe new National maclilne in Ihe a.ssessors office which types up the tax bills (ind tax recoi'd.s, does all tho calculat­ion of the lax from tho assess­ment figure and the lax 'rate, di­vides it into two annual payments, and totals up the figures for each page.

***** Tile now machine Is a labor

savor, and Mr.s. Chris Mallory, who operates II, Is tickled with the service on It. Machine does every­thing but play the Star Sptipgled Banner at the end of the day.

***** These crime prevention cards

and eiiiergeney numbers distribut­ed by llie Police are worth sav­ing, jiosthig and following. Tlic ihouglit occurs', though, that when leaving I be home tor any lengthy period of time, H's good to con-fiiientiaiiy advise the police as well as a neighbor or friend who can coriduci a periodical checic.

Town Searehing Title On Ta.' Oelinqnenl Properties: Reilly

Ton pieces ot tax-delinquent property have been turned over to title scnrcliers In order to clear the way for foreclosures by the Town, Richard Reilly, town counsel, revealed this week.

Mr. Reilly .said that the proper-lies were selected from among a list of properties on which taxes have not been paid over an ex­tended period of time. If the title searchers succeed' In establishing tlie rightful owners of these .prop-ei'ties, nction will lie tnlten to foreclose with Ihe Town assuming tllle The properties will then be awllable for disposal by the Town.

Mr. Reilly said that similar ac­tion on other pieces of properly would. follow.

As virtue Is a wider tiling than morality, because it Includes na-tual gifts and genial sympathies, or even heroic sacrifices, so wisdom is a wider thing than logic,

rags win be collected, and spec­ial pick-ups can be arranged by calling n o 7-7314 of HO 7-3821, according to chairman Thomas Henry.


EAST HAVEN NEWS. Thursday, February 84. IBSli, Page 6

r' O.e HE was -Il.E WTP-I PC/.^p^UL MOlfi^a. OF MISP.TCv |?OH^N £,wPce.-iR ..LUCSW « a C Sil.EEr t„E cniEF «,£•-, CX= M J L ( » > 0 KTEe»«?0 THE SeSIN-

' i 5 ? l f - " ! j ' ' ^ - * ' > ' ' " We>tEi^D 11,E iP-i,r« O. mc ,E»K 6S QVI MUl/IH

FINE TIME (rfti(iiij;i.v.*Tncxn •6Rw li5•M: ^ k poz i^. r.v* sTKtcnv ef^tfi



LOST AND FOIJ.NK , ^ ~ i r

NO cHAjforc Risk, worry, needless ex­

pense, are avoided wlien you call US in—when It Is'YOUR turn to,"Move." Our Moving Vnn crews tran.iport home-fur-nlshings from door-to-door — tloor-lo-tloor without a slip, n miss—or a worry to you.


, H O W . y o u . .BiAV, G E T . A,_..(, ,_. ^ All employed men f^ ...^- •,••, . . . , •, ,-.\, , , -^, •,. .„i 1-t.. . ^^j women may get

cosh here to pay bills or cut monthly pay-ments . . . and possi­bly have one smaller monthly payment. Loan hand-roiiored lo your needs. Phone for loan on first visit, v.Tite or come in. lonnE $25 to $500


ol Maw Havan

SOS CHURCH ST., 2rnl Fl. , Woolworth Btdg., NEW HAVEN Phone: STato 7-U81 • Ask for the VES MANag^r

OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS UNTlt 8 P.M. looni mQda lo (isldenti ol oil wnoundlng townj


Jenshn M^imet'd MLAlUMINUMCpMSINATiSN mm

• No tracks • Ho channels Ho gadgeti • Just good, • high quality H«w {nglanj (raftsmanslil|>

• AniHlca's fastest ulllng "Tilplfl-SIW»"

, Combination Window wlih sxdutlve patented "Stop-rmme"!

THE S. Barry J « Radiator Enclosures «

e Combination Winciows «

142 NASH ST.

,Itie true tetl of any slorm-serein window is Its dally

/ eflldenty and convenience of opeiotlon. In Ihe [emoiic-

able new "Beocon" you'll find sound tonilrucllon and

precision Ihot mean yeor after year of trouble-

flee pleoiure.

Jtmogi Initallollan 10.


SP 7=3648

Modernfold Doors

Arcadia Sliding Walla

T I L SP 7-3648

LOST: PASSBOOK No. 11505. It found return to Brnnford Savings Bank.

LOST- PASSBOOK "NO. 3677. Ff found return to Branford Savings Banlc.


1938 DODGE—Good running con­dition. Good tires', $50.00. Call CH 8-e006. '.



CH 8-691U

FRENETTE'S LAWN MOWER SHOP. 2704 Dixwell Avenue. If it.cuts gross, we sell.'Und service It. Tel. Clleslnut. S-S'ill.

Try our speclol service 58.00 per years Good service, rain or shine. 1-Tamden and North Haven only.'

S. A. MAliCOTTE CH s-ig-is:

CARPENTRY SERVICES—Cabin­ets, booltcases, storage. walls, playrooms, attics finished, and general building. Free e.stlmates. Call Bill Wll.son CH 8-6470.

FURNITURE CLEANING; RE­PAIRS AND REUPHOLSTERING by George Beebe and Ross-Patter­son. Pick up and dellvery'servlce. HU 8-0190. , '


WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS Washing Macninea Dryers — Irom/rs

. Disposals ; Cuaraiileed Service

We huve parts to fit; any washing Tiacblne. | , ,

American Appliante Co. -«16 Whitney Ave. •' ' CH-8-4444

ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES and lamps repaired ol your horhe. Call HO 7-6192. i •






Photographers Portraits ; C-T-34




MALE OR FEMALE, part time. Will train two.people for good paying job. Applicani must drive own car and be free to worit'even­ings. For appointment call HObart 7-7789.


Classified Ad Rates 25 O R S 3 PAPERS $1.00 Addit ional words 4c per word, Display Classified Ads $1.25 per inch.

All Classified Ads appea r in




To get your ad into more than 6,oio0 homes, call CH 8-1281 or At 8-1661 and ask for Ad Taker.

AnriCI.ES FOB SA1.K n—I EASY WASHING MACHINE, VERY GOOD CONDITION and nppeurarice. $52.00. Call AT 8-0548. MAN'S 'TUXEDO, size 38, made by Desmond's of California. Worn only twice. Perfect oondltlon. Orig­inally cpst $100.00. Win sacrifice. Call Cil 8-1200.

SIXTEEN FOOT LADDER AND LAWN MOWER, lawn sprinkler, two shovels, weed cutter and other garden tools. Reasonable, Call HO. 7-OGll moi:nings or evenlnfes.'


CLEANER. Tank type. All acces­

sories. Excellent condition. Call

CH 8-32l'5 anytime. ' I


: MARIONI'S .j . Delicious icecream Cokes i'

Mousses and-Puddings ' Fancy Individual Forrha For All.

Oceasbns . • . Telephone STote 7-4069- '

'ITio Homs Ot Fancy Ice Crcoin 840 DIxweil Ave. ' Hamden, Oilirt'


FOUR ROOM APAnaTtJSKG. jrJIlr-nlshed. Adults only. $65.00 per month. Call CH 8-5650.


REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—New York or Brooklyn. STORE PROP­ERTIES, suitable Jewelry, optic­

ians, books, ; priilters. Near su - woys, churches, schools, . theatre.t, BARGAII^S FOR INVESTMENTS, buslnessi shopplhg avenues. FREE USTIlSGS, NdVELUNO, BROK­ER, 1075 tfSlh St., Brooklyn, N. Y.



For prompt results list your pro­perty now with

FREDERICK G. SIMPSON, Real EsWtc Broker, 88 West Main St. Branfprd. HU B-DOIO.



. Notice Is liet'ijby given that the

Town Plaii and Zohing ComiiUsfilori

will. lioid a P^ibllc, "Hoatitig. In the

Memorial .Tortvn' Hnli; ' Hariitlen,

Conn.,-Moriday, febriin'ry 28,' 195B at 8:00 p,,M, _EST. to hear the.fol-lowllig .petftld'ns:.' 1 . ,

(1) A-.petitlon 'for a ' jchango In .'zone 'irorh'-JlbsldiJhcc "CC" •zone to.' Jnd^strlal zone on

'. • property acsiirllioiJ.OS follows: Property kno\vn aa No. ,35 Warnpr Street. Beginning at a point on the Ea.st street

-• line• ofrWiiniet^"Street; 358 ' feet mor? orle.ss south of .the .south street .line of Arch

. Street; thence south 97 fdct; thence east 330 feet more or less; thence north 90 feet more or less; thence west 330 feet more or IcftV to the point

of beginning. (2) A petition for a change In

zone i rom Residence "C" to Business "CA2" described ns follows: Boclnning at a point •itlO feet west of the south west Intcr.iectlon of the Gor-hain Avciiuo and Circular Avenue streiit lines; thence running west a distance ot 50 feel ai.ong the south street iilie'of Gorhuui Avenue;

, thence running south a dls-tuincc of .125 (pet; thence run­ning , east a distance ot 50 fept; thence riii'inlng north n distance of 125 feet to the pdliit of bbglnning, .

(3) A petltlbn.. for, 0. change In zone ffom Residence "C" lo tnduUrlal zone. described as

. follows: A trinngvilar piece of iahci beginning nt a point bn thS^casI street line,ofi Dlx-WfiU - A venue 20 font, more) or less north) of I h i norlh.Etr'eet line of Marietta Street; thertce running northerly .nlbiig.tho east pireet-illncrof plioVeU Avenue .100 . .feet

' more cir ieiis; thehee easterly SSO.foet more or less; thence westerly 340'feet liiorq or .less to' the point of beginning.

(4) A" pelltlon '(or a change In zobe from Residence "B" nnd Busliless "CA2" to Business '!CB2:''described as follows: Beglniiln'g at a polnl on the west street line of , Dixwell 'A,yciiue at the souUvwest cor­ner of .llie Wilbur Cross Park-\yny Bridge; thence running southerly '210.feet more or lc.ss;'(theitcq Westerly 17b feel more or less;' thence suuth-eriy 70 feet niore ,or less; thepcd westerly 480 feet more' or less;'thence'northerly 33 feet.inore' or Icis;- thence eisierly 720 feet more or less

-tb:the-.'poirit pf.iieilhnlng. TQ\WI Blhii &'Zoing Commission

; " / ; ' Jlnhnjien,'' ci'hndgtlout; ; ' , . I Byl'E! A.. Rylnnder, .Clork.

neglect to exhibit their claims within said tlmC'Wltl.be debarred.

All perspns Indebted to said Es­tate are requested to make Im­mediate pnynionl to.

Herbert R. Harrison, Executor,

c/o T. Holmes Bracken Attorney,

205 Church St., New Haven, Conn.

DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, STATE OF CONNECTICUT, ss. Probate Court, Jonuary 27th. 1955.

Estate of PETER PAtimiBO

late of Branford, In said District, deceased.:

In pursuance of an order of Hon. JIacgregor Kllpiltrick, Judge of the Court of Probate ror the District ot Branford, notice Is hereby given that said Court hiith limited and appointed . nix months . from the (lli.to-hDn<of for the crcdllprs of said (ieoensedjlo bring lii._uiolr claims against said eslote. Those, who neglect, lo exhibit theb" clnltns within said lime wlli'be deboi'red.

All per.sons-lndcbledto'snid Es­tate nre requested to make Im­mediate payment to .. ;

Albert Pnlunibo, Administrator,

172 East Main Street, I Branford, Conn.

DISTJllCt-OFBRANFORD, • STATb/;';bF'., CONNE'CTICUt; SB. Probite pijlirtf,' February BtK;,1955.

Estijt'4^'of..•,•':-:';'.. •'.• /,'• ' . ' •AN,t<it:hOSE HABIUSON

lAtc' of Branford, In said' District, deceased, " • . \

In pursuance of an order of Hon. Maegre'gbt; Kllpalrlck, Judge of the Court bf Probate ror the District of Brnnford, ndtlee Is hereby given thbt sdid Cdurt linth limited and appointed: six montlm' from the dntehiirebf for tho crcdlloi'i of .said dcecased 16,bring In liielr claliiiis' against'siild estate. Those . who

llOBERT S. PATRICK In said district, deceased.

l l ie Executrix having exhibit­ed her administration account wllh snid estate to this Court for allow­ance. It Is

Ordered, That the 7th day ot March, A. D. 1955 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Probate Office In Branford, be and the same Is assigned for a hearing on the allowance ot said administra­tion account wlth^ s:Ud estate, and this Court directs Fiord K. Gold­smith to cite all persons interotted therein to appear at .«aid time and place, by publinhlng this, order In some newspaper published In New Haven County and hnvlng; ,a elr-tilatlon in said district, and by posting a copy on the public sign­post in the "Town ot Branfoi'd where the deceased Inat dwelt.

By the Court: -' . . Flora K. Goldsmith, Clerk.

DISTRICT OP BRANFORD, ss. Probate Court; February 15, 1953.

Estate of ANNIE E, DOWER

late ot Branford In sttid District, deceased.

The AdinlnlsU'ator hiivlng iiinde appllenllon for ah order nulhorlzliig and empowering him to sell and convey certain real estatti belong­ing to said estate, ns per Applica­tion on file more fully oppqnrs. I l l s .

Ordered, That snid appllenllon he. heard and 'determined ! at the Probale Office In Branford,! In said Dlsirlct, on the 2Bth day of Fbbr-liary, 1955; at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, and this Court directs 'Flora K. Goldsmith to givd public notice to all persons Ihtcrostcd In siild estate to appear .It they see. baiise to'hi hdard thereon', by pub-Ushlne thls'.order two times In some nowsliaiier hnvlng a drcula-llbn in said District, nndby post­ing n copy thereof on the public sign-post in the JTpwn of Branford. In said District, and return make to" this Court of the notice given.

By the Court: , Flora K. Cluldsniilli, Clcrlt.


WOOLSEY irXflt' 'v

S G L O B i O N Brahms PInno Concerto No. 2 Bartok Concerto for Orchpstrn

•Tickets Now Cn Sale

Sym. Office 70 College ,St. UN D.0031

Jl), 5:'.;.;iU, 'p., %\-X!% 7.'Jo

Dl.yi^niC'.T Oi'' BRANfOllD, ss. Probate Court, February. 21, lUS.'i,

Eslato of . . . ' .



Hw l»r«-.THI our WHO I I I N n i ItU-nc lAWI, tlOMS, ll«N«l« AND tOA* MAHklNOI. Tin i<rlv<r wh* wilU mif «nn'> raipaci It tfi* motoflvt whs MAKIt touiinsr Hii cmt <fi THI IOAB.

Free Press Want Ads Are Go Getters

MIDDLE AGED y\iQMAN,;ito,. keep house for ^vidpwer and ^ii ' ^hoq] aged son. Live In.\ i^lqasant'home In Whltneyville se'ctipn. Kef^rences exchanged. Apply-Hamdeh'. Ghroh-icle. Box No. 8.

GENERAI. OFFICE WORKER. Aptitude tor figures desirable. Well establLshed . firm located in Hamden. Write Hamden . Chron­icle Box No. 20. .






WANTFD BY - MIDDLE . AGED MAN FULL OR PART- TIME WORK as masseur, store or light manufacture. Please write Box No. 1 c/o Hamden Chronicle.


There Is Still Time to Renew Your Subscription Before the Frib

Goes Up--But Act No^

FIRST MORTGAGES BCUGHT AND SOLD.' Loans. Refinanc­ing. New Loans. Longbotban. 207 Orange S t TaL LO 2-481B.


L E A R N CONVERSATIONAL GERMAN quifkly and enjoyably within the friendliness ot a small group. Classes now. being formed. Call collect Cheshire 936.



(European Training — Specialized experience with children)^ _' \^ ^ Branfiird and 'New ^Hav'eiif''Studio's

SP 7-2887-'— W T-TSas:' >•''

DOGS, OATs.'Piyrs Q - I

CATS — SIAMESE-PERSIAN. Champion and Imported studs. Spring . kittens. Boarding-Dally and monthly rates. Sherwood Kat-tery, North Brapjord. HU ?-409a

Now is the time to renew your subscription — or to

subscribe for a friend — to the East Haven News

. . . because our price is going up on March 1. Here's

the -way you will saye: - . •

If you renew now, prices' are:

$2.50 per year; 2 years for $4.60 "»

After March 1, prices will be:

$3.50 per year; 2 years for $6.00

As you see, there is a saving of $1.50 for a 2-year

subscription. PLEASK NOTE: IP YOUR PRES­





The East Haven News faithfully er/h week brings you a full and fair report of all East Haven events... written concisely and accuri^te'y. Tb.« re­porting, which covers everything from Towii- Hall to-High School athletics, is accompanied by stimulating editorials on town issues and excellent features.

You won't want to miss a single copyl Asauro youiself tJiai you -viiX receive the Eafjl Havon Ifewa each week without fnill

Act now . . . while it's on your mindl

W:^ jEa t %wm J^miS

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• ' - • '« =•* "'\ , _ •>' '.f..T / -S ff t-^



) ( I

-r^-^i'^nm^^^^^'^mmmm^^m •^•-O *• t « « -r * 1


Town Bought — (CionllniiPil I>om Page Onn)

• Tlii» pnympnis listed ate net

.since trncte-lns were offprctl on HI

li'nsi one? of l1ii"io lloms of cqliff)-


Cnpllnl outlay pxppntllturca rtiir-

I n g l h e ini53-54 yenr Imouritcil to

$2.'?,B64,54 as compared Willi tlm

ni'lglnnl $14,701.00. A clittdr bar

for $525 ntid n roller for $1,000

provided In the budget • In • (liiil

yenr were not bought nnrt were

Ineluded In IhlR.ycaf.s InidRnl.

During the snme year llie town

nlKo bought three police onr.s at a

lotul net cost of $0,009.04, and a

sedan for the;five department nt

n cost of $1,585.40 more. .Several

firms were Invited lo bid, but llie

InvKatlon was not adverllBCfl.

Rev. J. W. Giinmcre Giicsl Preacher AI (Ihrrsl Church

'I'lin HOV. ,7(ihn W. Gunmore,

leeior of Ki, Jolm'.s Church, hi

New Haven, :*lll be the guest

preuelier a t / ' t he Lenten J^ervlee

lo be hold at the ChrlHt Church

hern nn 'riiur.sday. a t 7:45 p.in.

'I'lie.first Sunday, of Lent will

be ohsoryed a t Iho Christ Church

with, o..,sermon on the "Purpo.'ic

of UBnt'' t " I"! given by the rec­

tor, Hov. Alfred Clark,, nt (he 9:.10

n.m.imornlnB prayer. The sertrion

at the 11 o'clock service will be

"Losing lo find." , ' , ' ' '

.'riie saijiiiunent'• of .Holy Bap­

tism .,\vllT* he observed, at . 3 p.m.

Sijiniioy and tbR. Yj;iimu i./'BOplu's

^ f ^ - i w s h l p Bible srtidy forum will

luett at 7 o'clock In the Ueclory.

On Tuesday (ho.Men's,Club will

meet a t 8 p.m. in llie church hall.

On Wednesday Holy Commun­

ion and a Healing Service will he

held nt 0:30 a.m.

On Thursday: Children's Cliurch

win be id 3:.10 p.m. wKh .lunlnr

Choir rehrarsal (ulliiwlng.

OJfl. Slone Church Ai double quarlot of .singers

will; provide a ' proijram of re­

ligious-music a t . t h e 9:45 and 11

a.m.* .services .Sunday In the Old

.Stone Church...The Hev. .lames 13.

cjlndse/:!!) Interim pastor.

Tjie\d6ut)le qudriet will be, com­

posed . 'of ,Mlss .Theresa . . CrIcchI,

MIsS-Marie Stranrtborg,'Mlss .loyce

FroSman,'Miss Beverly Merchant,

Iteiiry (Graver J r . , 'Roger Carglll,

Kayinorid; Bcrlcpscb . .and Gene

.Swq'nsoii. The .Senior • Choir will

al.stf sing a t the later sei'vlee.

Op, Mpnilny ijie Friend Circle

wl l i inee i at 8 p.m. In the church

parlor. Mrs^' Russell , Burtoit, will

preside, llosles-ses .^ l l j^he Mrs.

Edgar' Llnd, Mrs. :Edna .Preston

and. Mrs. Krne.st "Pemberton.

Oh yVed.iie.sriay., I l i e A d u l f Glide

Class, will 'liiC'et.ai. 1 1 . a.ni.. At ' 2

p.m.' 1)19 .Prpgre'sslvp'; Friends will

hold theU'.hignthly tneo'Ong j n the

church ;.• :parlor,'; Mrs. ; E A11 h

!''letcher >ylll preside and Mrs.

Walter ,W6ods and Ml'si .loseph

Nlitl wlll 'be hostes-se."!. .

At 7 pjii. Wednesday thte Evp-

hlng Bible a a s s w l l l meet Ip thq

educational building. At 8 p.m;

the Junior Women's League will

meet In the church parlor. Mrs.

Carl Blake will preside, 'rhere,

win be a demonstration of,"lloi|.so

of Stuart" cosmetics by John

Allen. Hostesses -will, be Mr.s.

.Smith, Mrs. Harris Ansley and

Mrs. Eunice Bauer.

On Tuesday the Standing Coin-

mlttee wl)l meet at 7!,'id p.m. In

the study. George llarrlclc will


Tahlc Breaks Down Over Expentlilure

Of $54,060.71 In PiihUc Works Ovcr-cxpencl i lure« by the T o w n ' s Publ ic W o r k s d e p n r l -

m o n l du r ing llie first year of the prnscnt Adin in is l rn t ion nmoun t -

e d to $ 5 4 , 0 6 0 . 7 1 . A t the snme t ime slntc H i g h w a y D e p n r l m e n l

g rnn i s lo the T o w n w e r e $ 2 1 , 7 3 4 . 6 0 in excess of orlginiil esll-

m n l e s .

H o w wns the ex t ra $ 5 4 , 0 6 0 . 7 1 spen t? Perus ing a c o p y of

t h e a u d i t o r ' s r epo r t m a d e nynilnble by First Se l ec tman F r a n k

S. Clancy, the N E W S p r e p a r e d this partial t ab l e of e x p e n d i ­

tu res for ihe Publ ic W o r k s dcpnr l inen t showiriB where 11 m a j o r

por t ion of the o v e r spehdinR occurret l .

Item highway labor . . gnsolini &c oil . .


Appropriat ion . . $18,500 . . 1,500

m.v. service, repair 1,800 tools, supplies , , rental equipincnl road materials .

300 6,000 1,000

Total Spent .'$30,550.01

2,913.86 3,626.63 1,333.16

22,712.75 22,024.30 >

Excess $12,050.01

1,413.86 1,826.63 1,033.16

16,712.75 21,024.30

wns mnrlied for publication and

sold; "My (original) letter Is not

for criticism of lihc pet^son of Mr.

Barker or Mr. Clancy. 11 was

wholly Intended for the Interest

of the whole town In regard to

sewers. If the Chairman of the

Republican Parly Intends using It

for anything else. It Is not my

thought. In, doing so he would be

most unfair to me, who unknow­

ingly could bo used for • a tool.

Stamp the letter "Critical Crank"

burn II, forget It. I ni» most


Mrs. Clougb orlglnalli' wrote

Mr. Ann.sla.slo that she would not

vote In future elections unless

the choice of lop candidates was

oilier than Mr. Barker and Mr.

Clancy. Her main complaint was

the failure of the Town to lake

any action on Installing sowers.

T o t a l a p p r o p r i n l i o h s — $ 6 2 , 6 2 4 . 2 9

T o t a l spen t — $1 1 6 , 6 8 5 . 0 0 E x c e s s - — $ 5 4 , 0 6 0 . 7 1

Note — tab le d o e s nnl list all llcmH in d e p n f l m e n i , a n d ia

on ly parliftl. Iterna d o nut o d d u p p) lutids s h o w n for ent i re rle-

par t incn t . •' ,

h id i rcc t R e v e n u e

Rece ived f rom S ta le H i g h w a y D.cpar lment :

I tem

equiptr ienl r en ta l

( t o w n )

ren ta l con t rac t .

erpiipmenl . . . road, labor . . . . road materials , .

Tota ls

E s t i m a t e d


5.500 5,000 1,000

T o t a l D u e


10,464.10 13,862.68 8,899.57

ExcesH 8.25

4,964.10 8,862.68 7,899.57

$19,000 $40,734-60 $21,734.60

(May Propose Town Supplies Be Bought On Bid System

Clerk, gas, oil and repa i r s , a

mounted to a total of over $13,

000 in the three departmenls 'Of

Public Worlt.s, Fire and ' Police,

during, the ' ' fiscal .year. - ending

Supldmbor 30, 1054. For the same.

period purchase bf fiii-l-ipil fpc

non-oducatlonal • purpdses ' :• a,-

mounted lb.- ;a total.v ofr" afediid'

$4,000.' ..- ^••'•*r',i;»SV-'i^-

All or mo,st.:. purchase^'iAyere

made, on a 'nbn-bld bnsl,s;.\v|lH; .re-,

tall prices paid for sucli','.ltpmii.-as

Eiis and oil and equipriicn.!^. . ."The.

practice has-been iirlvut'filj^;tcrUt-;

cized by one or two of'flelttlBj.lii'

the goVernnieut. • •-• ' • • % : '

I^ilfeliases Urotien Down

OUsolltie, oil and repairs broke

down lhl|i?way!

;:Pubf|e,Works .',i; >

'KienS'/iind.-cIl : ' • $2,C\'.8G

•J.Jsorylc's,'repairs , $3,026.03


gas,', oil,' chemicals OVCia

. Polldo, iDepartmenl

,gas,.'oU aiid i-cpalrs ; 6,312.03

Aclion may be ' taken soon lo

propose the purcha.sc of gas, ol

and repairs for the Police anil

FIro Department on a bid basis,

according to Ben el Klockar.s, 1

member of the Board of Puhlli-


Mr. Klocknrs has advocated ihi'

use of the: hid sy.sleni for the pui

chasing of equipment and scrvlcet

for llio Police and Fire depart-

nienls. . . . . . . . . .

. SupiiUes Cost $,l»,(l"»

According to an aiiclllnrls, r.e- open In the Fitch St;-gyinnaslum

port recently filed with- the 'rowR*t-ftl..8.!30. ., ;. y.,'•;..,,:>'•

Local Slii<lenl Co-Aiilhors Teacher College Musical

An East Haven slurienl Is co­

author of a musical play, "Mo

Files Through the Air,'' which

will be presented, tomorrow and

Saturday evenings -by the Cres­

cent Playci's, of. New Haven Stole

Teachers College. The play will

The ''-local . . a l i lhb r is; Glenn

nat ter , of 23 Est t l l f t .Rteiu sopho­

more who wrote the ' - .^j jok

and lyrlcal'for.:,tlie:,play.,-A..follow

sophomore, *Paul,, Baker, of :SIrat-

ford, composed the music.,'- .

The: production whlcb.wli l i -be

piili-dn. by an. all-slitdeiit qast, tih.d

stiige, crew, Involves'a clrciis ac-.

rohallc ICani who . cunriol decide

between, romance" rind cohllhulrig

m.;, the •.circus • llinellghl. lllllrbllly

ooilnU-y and the circus big lop

are . the principal locales. of - the


: ; Aiioiher East Havener, Philip

C. l?olinl.sano„ of 4 Joan St.,

Fo.'cOii , 6 a member of the cast. '

Pvl. Russell McArthur Gi-adualed Trom MP School At Cnmp Gordon

-CAMP aOTlDON, CIA, - - Pvl,

Ilusicll a . MacArtlipr, 24, sun of

.1. Uils.sell MaeArlhur,:ir)a Sall-

onslalt Pky., East Haven, Conn.,

recently was Rraduated froni the

Mllllai-y Prilli'c Traljihig Cenier

al Camii Cordon, G.-i!

Mac-Arthur, vvho ,at tended > tlie

.school after completing hhsle

training at Fort,Dlx,,..N. J., was

lauglit unarmed -dete'ii'se, traffic

control and other law enfnrce-

inent (iulle.H. ' • ' '

Before entering Ibc, Army las t

.•leptendior, he! was li studeiii, ,(1.1,

liroi'kiiort Stale :TcachersColleiie.

Crealiiess Is Spiriliial, Says Chicago Lecluricr

strength, flbilliy ,and' greatness

are essentially spli'liual — not-de­

pendent upon luck. Influence, or

muterlallsrh, Arnold , II. Exo of

Chicago said In a Christian Science

lecture In New llaveii Sunday aft­

ernoon. !, '•

Currently on extended tour as a

member ot The Christian Science

Board ot lectureship, ho spoke, a t

the Invllailon of 'First.Church of

Christ, Scientist, 'New I i ivch: In iho

churchi edifice,' COl Whitney Ave.,

where Mrs; , Helen Buck, Second

Reader, Introduced him.

Speaking on the subject, ''How

Christian ' Science , Reveals Mai)'a

C3rcatnes8," Mr. Exo held that the

revelation of God's greatness and

glory Is the key lo, appreciation of

trtinn's' real dignity and Importance.

Mechanics And Packers Retain Top Place In Biddy Basketball League

P & R Motors and ?nlmlerl

Foods,' .shoring top -place in the

Lions' Biddy Basketbnll Ueague,

continued, their le.^dlng by scor­

ing their fifth vlildry on .Satur­

day on the floor ot the High

School gym. '

I ' * II in • All SUK-slll

With KnnrakI and - ' Kendrick

lending Ihe way with 12 and

eight points, respectively, Ihe P &

11 Motors learn dcfeolfd Chappie's

All Stars by a score of 28 - 18.

The All Stars had a hot shooter

of ttieir own In the person of

.lolm Ilenalll who .scoretl 12

points. Harley wns next man with

five points.

The Mechanics laliored to a 10 -

8 lend In llie flrsl'half, hut' surged

ahead in llie .second half 10 oul-

score the stiililiorn All .Stars 18

to 10. ;

i'ahuhVrl :il - lllgh iUdge it

The High flldge team threw a

.scare Into the Pnlmlerl team by

threatening to upset: the latter

before It finally bowed to a 32 -

24 defeat. Monaco, Larsen and

Mascola were the boysWho almost

engineered the up.set.

However, B l i r Pete went on a

2.')-point scoring spree to tip the

scales In favor of the Packers.

Itcachlieiid 21 - Cnriier Store 'i'i

T h e .Boachhead Restaurant tbam

-begarf'.irioviiig oiit. of the league

cellar by .scoring. Its' .scconti cOri-

seciillve j^vlctory, this one oyer the

Corheri' Store team which has

never been the,saiiie .since It was.

.subject' to a rb.^huffle ot players.

Ttie Corrter' Store : went down

to Its third straight lo.ss on the

small end of a 24-22 score. 'The

noachlcs made u,se of Carbone,

Fiyer, Welter and Delucia In

Combination with. hlgh--scorer Gag-

llardi, to utjset the Coraer boys,

pagllardl scored eight "points.

' Eddie Tlerney maln.stay ' of the

corner Store team, was forced to

16avo the game at the midway

point because of an ankle Injury.

Before he left, he hooped In 19

points for the Grocers, and It

looked pretty much as though .he

could have won that game if he

hijd been able 10 stay for another

pel'lod.- ,

" The victory added to the "dark

horse" stature of the Beachles

which started ..tbe sca.son slowly

with foui: Klrnlghi. losses. At the

same time Corner Store was lead­

ing tile league with three .straight

wins until It ran Into Its losing


.Melcnlf's S(l - "niiorl .IS

P.llly Relliy sank four straight

foul shots In Ihe ' las t 55 seconds'

of the gtinie between Metcnlf's.

and Tinarl's team to give the

Druggists a victorious margin ot

three polnis. The score was Mel-

cnlf'.s 3fi, TInari .33.

rtellly .scored 10 poloLs in all

for the Druggists, He was followr

ed by Joe Canavan's nine points,

.Inckie Carls' six, nod Glenn Deh-

nean's four.

Dick Ander.sbn and VInnle Vet-

rone .scored 12' i)Olnls and -10

points, resiieclively, for the Elec­

trician's, followed 'by Pacilllo with

rive pniats and Knapp with four.

Throughout the game the two

teams were never separated liy

more Ihaa four lioiiits until

Ilellly's foul shols decided Ihe.


Is Your Pooeli By Chance A "Can incCenlcnariaii? "

Are there any canine cenlon-

arlans In this area'/

A dog re-search organized ' In

New 'York Is most anxious to

know of them and has 'asked the

cooperation of tills newspaper In

locating them. They are being

sought In cannectlon with a pro­

jected scientific study that may

mean much to the greater well-

being of dogs and perhniis also ot


'I'p qualify us a "canine centen­

arian" a dog must be at least 17

year.s of 'age. (Seventeen years in

the life of a dog.is believed to

be roughly-equivalent to 100 In

a human.) • ' •

Per.sons owning or knowing of

dogs 17 years'dld' 'nnb over, whose

exact age can he substantiated,

should drop a postcard to the

Gaines Qog Research Center, 250

Parit Ave., New York 17, N. Y.,

listing the breed, sex, dale of

birth or when acquired, present

age, and the name and adress 'of

the owner. The Center will ac-

knowledge each such card by for­

warding a questionnaire designed

to a.scert.ain the e-ssentlal data

required for the sclenllfic study.

EAST TIA^T.N NEWS. Thiirsda.v. Fcbrn.iry 24. lil-IB. Pnire (»

Responsible Leadcrsbip In Democracy Still To Be Developed, Feslcr Declares

'I'he reconciliation of leadersliip

and democrnry through the devel- j

opment of respoasihility remains,

this genernllon'.s 1n.sk. as it wns i

the' task of Ihe l^'rnmcr.'i of tlie;

Conslltullon nnd of eiich of tlie

generations- intervenini;. .•ii;curding ^

to Jnmes W. Fesler of (14 Wiiod- j

lawn St. Fesiei- Is Alfred Cowles

Prnfekiior > of fiovornnient, nnd

- • ; - * ' ' . ' " ' ' • " " ' •

Ktisi riavcn l,i()iis' ' IJiild^lJaskelhall •, liCagiK' Slan(lin|!;

W I.

Palmieri Foii.ls / , 5 i

P & R Molnis , . ; , , , - , .'i i

Metcnlf's , , -4 2

Corner Slore , . ' . . . . ; . . 3 3 Chappie's All .Slar.s . . . . 1 . ' . . . '.'. 4 TInari Eolecric . . , , . . , . . . . , '•'. 4 Ceochhend ilesl. , . , . 2 4 H I B I I R|di;e - . . . . . , , . . 1 5

Sclicdnti^ Ftty Sntnt'tay :. ' On Satui'duy niornlng Iho r4Bht

team.s will be pnii-ed off for the

foilowhiE fiomes. •,

Al to a.ni;; liiKh nidge v.s. Cor-, ,• nerStoi 'C "

- ' . All 'Stars vs. noach-

liead ' --•- ' .

Al 11 a.ni,: Melcalf's vs. i'alm-

' . • '. iinl Foods.

i ' .It R Motors vs.

Tinari Electric

chairman of the Deporlnient of

iJolitical .Science at Vole.

l ie spoke Tue.sdny in Ihe .second

ijf six fncuily lectures given each

v.-ei>U aS a ]iart of Yale's Confer­

ence on R«Epon-sil)Hilies of Leader­

ship In a Democracy, TimlKhl in

Iho Yale i-aw School Aiiiiilorium nt

8 o'clock, .lulian N. Ilnrit of .Maple

Ave,.Cheshire, will be on a panel

liisciiS'-inK innr-aiity in public nf-

h\hr.. Ilartt is N'o:ih I'orter I'rofes-

.vir of I'hlio-sopliicnl Theology nt


I''rnr. l'"f.>sior in ht.-; Inik Tnesdny

,s;ild tile cnnfercnce program is de-

algned In '•stimuiale Ihliiklng nnd

iliv.fMission aniojjg incndiers of the

Yule I'fiininunity, and among Vale's

friends nod neighbors, on Iheproh-

h'oi of-rfspdnsible lendersliip in a

deiiiocracy. The proideni is an (dil

Unc imt till;.problem'is ol,so new—

in ilie. se'hfic .ihnt, a probleni never

. linMlly .VOIV'MI Is nUvay-s new," Fe.s-

lersnid .

Opens Veleriiiary Ori'iees llcrc

' D r . .lohii Mt' Cambnrdoll. ' vet-

eriiinrian of 2i)(! Cove SI,, Morris

Cove, Tuinouni-'i'tl the, .opening of

new orricc.s' ill. 474-Main St. In

Knst Haven Ihls woeit.

m mm ST. I'lUlN'E 110 7-f,!llH


W 0 W 1


Chnnnel H

FRiDftY, re lmi j iy 2 5

Cpi'ebral Palsy Groiii> To Confer Sunday

Delegates from East Haven

have been hivlled l o a t tend . the 1

Fourth Annual S la te ' Contc'rence'

of the United Cerebt=nl Palsy ^As­

sociation of Connecticut In, New

Haven on Sunday afternoon.

The conference to which the

public Is Invited will begin ht li30

p. m. In the ballroom of the Hotel

Tat l with Peter Pastorok of Beth­

el, president of the siale organi­

zation, presiding.

•li^r^tlil -?v,: ,; " ' " ^ 13,528,04'

rueroli; 'f6l' 'heatlng broke: doWii Fii

as 'folloxya

Fire, depart mpnl.^

•' JPSai'lall; ijiS;' $2,171.44


• :tlUiSryMj;.§,'>;j;ft- ;'-'S93^5;

M'r.sKlocltars iaaiii''that althoiigh'

his own firm'.jhad a contract for

fuel o i l tor -ono o t t h e tire houses,

ho believed t h u ^ l h e hid system

would provide a lalrer and more

economical fSyslqm 'of .purchasing

by llio Town..

He said tha t retail prices were

iieing paid for gasoline and ni'

for, llie three pollt'? cur.s,-;ttnd thai

savings might ho'ipa'do 6p'lho.se'.

Wriler Disclaims Use 01' Lellcr By COP Town Chairman

When 'Mrs. Edward Clough, of

60 Francis .St. wrote a letter to

Rlipubllcan Town Chairman Mat l i -

e.\Y. Andatijsio,; she did ,iiot'l<now

that ,.s1ie wbiild become the center

of? a ' l i t t le 'controversy^' ' - ' - ,

Last Friday, after her letter

crlticl/.lng tile Town admlnlslra-

tlpjrl^ of. Frartk Barker.iahd PratiU

ciijlicy wa3;£jitibll8hed,S.sl(e called

lnSJSelcctmaiJ-j| BaiJlscr aiid'glmhdod

.'hlnf.ljt not^gdlsOWtminl-Jiiiy In-

iehtlon ot havliig'tlie orlgfhal note


In the medntlme, Fir.st Select­

man Frank Clancy said that he

Would invilb the woman to meet

with him lo discu.ss her criticisms.

"Slie can come here or I, will go

there,'! ho -said, addiiiB'tlint "I'll

always be glad to consider criti­

cisms, lifihiy administration.'.'; ..-!,, ..

r'TVIiSi.* Clough's note to Barkei*.


TURN TO 1 3 4 0 ON YOUR IJlAli

Fon nm MOST nN'i'KR'i'ArNiNn rnooiw-Ms ON HAnio


monda'y tlirough friday

9:00 A.M., YOUR CLOCK with Phil Christie


9:00 • 10:00 A.M. BREAKFAST PLATTERS . •' • - with Dave Klernan

12:15 - 1:30 P,M. MUSICAL FLASHBACKS wlUi Phli Clirlslle * '

2:00- 5:30 P.M. . TOP 20 CLUB with Ed Caputo

7:00 Today

7l25 Cliinnil 8 Alininic " .7 ;30 Today

7 5 S Cliannit II Alnianii . 8:00 Today • 8;2S - Clianml B Alminat .

1 8:30.'. Today - '855 Channel 8 Alinanae '

. 9:0D Tht Vankii l!lSdl«[ • llie Hlelloni -10:00 ^DlnS Dona SCtlDOl. ,; , --,.

10:30 'Way ol tlie Wodi 10:45 The Slilels Graham Shw n:Oa V/lndow Shopper

. 11:30 SIrllia it nicli .'^ 12:00 Boll Crosby Shoiy ' -ija2jl5';.L(W«0f",UI!e ,':;>•/.BV'^ ,..-. , ^ -• 1Z:3(|;-Siarth Fof TomdrTOw, . '.' 12145.' Bonlemol'l l^hll'I Cooltini. •-. V:30- Waleomei,Trawiler»^ • . . - .

2:30- Indititiy on Parade 2:15 nz'^PH 0, Lewu 2:30 The Guiding Light - . 2:45 MId.Arteinoon Newi-^Ql Burns

. 3:00 The:Big P*iyott.•:.., . '3:30 .' Rrle'Man'* Family-, - , . • ,'-3;45 . Coneernlno MlM-Mirlovrt i.'4:00 Hajiktra FalU V . - '••.••. -: 4!l5 .Sgtrel Storm

4:30 On Your Account 5:00 Outdoor Adventun Club 5:J0 llowdV Duody

. 6:00 Tllli l l Your World 6:30 SpQrIscopc . Syd Jalte 6:40 Weather Foretatt 6rt5 The Ntwi Today

/7:0o . K'osle'rtolitiy —HiVe tmii. * -7:15 Madllon Square Garden

7:10 Eddie Fhlier Slio« 7:45 Camel Nem-Canraran ,— Swayi*:

' 8:0b Mama ' ' '" ' ' 8:30 tile ol Rlliy -9:00 Big Story , . , .

"9:30 ' Dear Plioebe . , • ' ' llnnil lloUns " • 10:45 Great Flghten 11:00 I u d Thiei l l i i l . . - -, 11:311 llnilji. i l 4 - • ; 12:00 Hileciii Theairt , 12:00 NItecap . Ti..-alte, "Sang for Miss

Julie''.:!'-; ; -, - f ' . • ' - ' ; • '

3:00 3:30 4;0O <1:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6: '0 7flO 7:30 8:00 9;00

10:00 10:30

11:00 11:15-

Shi Etwin Studio 57 Mr. MiN.illy I 200 Faude H.-iy llol^M EilMard Arnold Sluivra Oii le and Harriet Yon Are Ther* PcDiile Ale. Fniuiy Private Seclelaor Toavl of the Town TV Play Itouie Ute t la Youuu SlioW vJlial's My Line Sunday News Special frifp.slcifi Tlicatcr


SATURDAY,'Feliruary 26

8:45 Mr. Wlaald . ,. • 9:15 Span Cadet - ' • ^•45 Barker Bill Cartnnn*

10:00 Capt. Mldnlglil,'"Peril Irum l|ie « ' Artllc"

10:30 Snilln' Cd Gang 11:00 Snare Patrol . ^ - . ' '

3:00 'Basketiialt, Mllwiuliei'al'- New-Vuik 11:30 Alihott and Cosltllo ia:im am Tni, • •

u n a • a n y H>imt ' • , - .^ ; - ^ 1:30 Mr. Wliatd 'J:Uil Kin 3'in Till li;:li> Yunlli Takrs a Klanrt . . .

•r,;(10 JlMli'O - - ; : , liSIO r«tll i Arrher 0:011 1/ino Itaiiver

, ll:su U Askcil Kor II -• 7:00 This i! Your Llie 7:30 Slige Seven

. 8:00 Hey Mulligan — Slining . < MItkey Sooner

S:30 So Ihli li Hollywood 9:00 Durante • Texaco Theatre

.9:30 O'Connor .Texaco Theatre louio George Gobel 10-30 Hh Parade 11:00 Henry Fonda Show, "Total Rerilt" 11:30 Wreitling 12:30 Nllecag Theater

1:30 Newt

SUNDAY. Frlruary 27

8:45 9:00 9:15 9-JO 9:45

10,-00 10:30 11,110 12:00 12:15 12-30 12:45

1:00 lao 2:00 2:30

What's Your Treutle This Is The t i le What's Your ^routile The Chrlstoiihers What's Your Troutile U m D Unto My Fel l •• Look Up and Live

Super Ulrtus Cai.t3ln Harty

Barker Bill Cartoons Board ot Education Your Air Force Reserve Liberace l o . 3 8 Sloriei ot the Centuor Disneyland The Christophers •

7:00 Today 7,:25. Ciiartiiet 8 Almanac 7:30. Today j

.^:55 Channel I) Almanac 8:00 Today , . ' ; • 8:25 Cliannel S Alnianic 8:30 Tpday

.8 :55 'rliannrljS Almanar .51:00 Tin Yahkee Pedlert—The NtllMni 10:00 Ding Dong School, . 10;:W 'Way nt Ihp Wijriil & :45 Shiela Craliira 5ho« ^ ll ;Oa Window Shopper . . 11:30 Strike It Rftli . 12:00 Tennessee Emit Show l'.::15 Love of Lite 12:30 Search lor Tomrrrow 12:45 Eliclric Show . •

1:30 Wekoine Trayeliri -2:00 Robert 0. Lewis'-' ,2:TS Robert 0. t iwh-'2:30 Guiding Light -•2:45 Mirt-Alleinoon Hews—J. DarW 3:00 Tlie Bio PayofI .

-^'3:30 :One Man's-Fainlty .- 3:45 r,oiicernlna Miss Manowo : 4:00 hawkins Falls

4:15 Secret Storm '4 :30 - Meet Ihe Slarsi

5:00 Outdoor Adventure Ctub •5:30 Howdy Oooov .

1,6:00 Stage 8"Bratn iWaw'.' " 6:30 Sportscope — Syit JQlle

6:45 The News- Today . . . _ . . . - . -.7;p0 Mr. DistricI Attorney ; ; . . :; 7::lo- Touy Marllll'Slmw r,;.,-t-,-

7:45 Plymouth Mews Caravan—Swayw /-: 8:00 Sid Ceasar i, 9:00 t. I0l« Lucy '" S;;«) DPlt-mtn'r llrhle , ' 10:00 Slndio One ' ' ; 11:00 Douglas Faitbani'S Presents : i l - J O , Soldier ..Parade . '12:00 Nilewp Theatre. "Tuo Sorvhers"

1:00 News. Sign Oil

9:00 Playhouse ot Stars 9:30 Red Skeltun

IO:Un 'i'nilh ur CiiMsniil-.-nrfS 10:30 Walirlront 11-00 Robert Montnomerv Presents 12:00 Nllecap Thtalre

1:110 Sens


7:00 ' 7:il5

7:30 7:55 B:!!!! 8:JS 8:30 8:55 9;00

10:00 in;:in 10:45

2:00 2:-0 2:.l5 3:00 3:30

.3:45 4:uu 4:15

•TUESDAY, March 1

a t:i>0 Tsd>y J ' 7 S 5 Channel 8 Almanac , 7:30 Today

^1 7:55 . .Channel 8 Almanac 1 8:OI).;fTodly • t aaS.-Channel g Almanac .

4 : B:30?,Today . . . i S:5S . Cliannel 8 ,Almanai ( 9:00 The Yankee Peddlin : n a o Finl WHh Food ' '. t 10:00 olng-.Dong'ScnoqlV ' 1 ie-3,1 Wayhr liip Wnrlil-: 10:45 Sliellah Graham . 11.uu Wi'i,l<i.T siiotitier,

11:30 .Strike It Rich; ' 12:00 Tennesseee Ernie Shov'

. 12:15 love ol Llie ' l ! : 3 0 Starch lor'Tomorrow

12:45 Bonlempl's Italian Cookery < 2:00 IndiKtrV on Parade ' 2:15 Boberl 0. Lewis

l\3a RuldIng Light 2:45 Mld-Atternoon News—J. Burns 3:00 ir lUssMer Strlkra aaO One Man's Family 3:45 Concerning Miss Marlowe 4:00 Hawkins Falls 4:15 Secret Storm 4;3u On Your. Account 5:00 Outdoor Adventure Ctuk

y ' ^ 0 Howdy Doody 6:00 S:aie 8 "Oeulah" L .- Jake 6:40 Seal, .,?.-' v rwei-ast 6:45 The Ne-'. Ii,«jy 7:00 Superman 7:30 It's a Pleasure 7:45 Camel News Caravan — Swayre B:QO Bab Hope


6.00 U LJ 6:30

7:00 i 7:30

7:45 [ K-nn

9:00 1-10

10.00 |i|;J.-t 11:00, 12:00

; 1:30

Today Channel B Almanac Today Channel 8 Almanac Today Channel 8 Almanac Today .' Channel 8 . Almanac The Ymkee Peddlers—The Ding Dong Sdiool Way or Hie Wnrlil -• • • • Graham Shovy

11:00 Window Shopper 11:30 Strike l i t Rich

' 1 2 : 0 0 Tennessee Ernie Show 12:15 love. 01 Lite ' 12:30' Searchilor lOmnrow 12:45—Nancy'.s Kllclien—anan Ciowtnet

1:30 Welcome Ti^velers Robert Q. Lewis '

liding Light Mid'Ailernoun News—J. Bume The Big PayoK • One Man's- Family

- Coricernlhd Mils MarldWe Hawkins Falls

Secret Storm - , On Your Arroiinl .

5:000utdoar: Adventure Ctull ' S'sil Hnwdy loorty ' ' — 'Uncle Charlie"

I, a, . Sportscope — Syd Jaftea •^.'aly Weather Forecast I ,e News Today .1. ;-Woihy The Passerby . .. • ' . Plymouth News Caravan Arthur Godfrey Strike I t Rich - ' .-My Litt le Margie Best- In Broadway ' l:rll tho Comedy llgitr Nitecap Theatre' "Escape by Night" News

THURSDAY. Marcit 3

7:00' Today

7:25 Channel. 8 Almanac

7 J 0 ' Today 7:55 --Channel 8 Alirtanac 8:00 Today 6:25 Channel 8 Aimanac 8:30 Today 11:55 Channel 8 Almanac

9:00 The Yankee Peddler — T'e hielsoni 9:30 DIone Lucas Show

- 10:00 Ding Dong School 10:30 Hav of Ilic Wnihl 10:45 bhietnli Graham SliQW

. 11 :00 - Window Shopper 11:30 Strike I t Rich 12:00 One Foundation 12:15 Love 01 Lite 1 2 d o ; S e a r c h For Tomorrow

- 9:30 DIone Lucas Show 12:45. Nancy's Kllclien '

1;30 Ihelcome Travelers 2:00 Robert q . Lewis . 2:30 Guiding Light 2-45 Mld-A(lernoon New.' •

; - 3 : 0 0 . Uhdentahding . Our Children ' 3 : J Q ' One ,Mian's Family

. 3:45 .Conc'ernlno'Miss Maltowe ' • 4 :00 Hawkins Falls '

4:15 .Secret Stoim . 4 :30 Meet the Stars

5:00 Tip Top Time '•SO Howil. Ddiidf 6:^0 Stage 8 ; 6:15 Varsity Clun 6:30 Sporlscope-Syd Jafte 6:40 Sealy Weather Forecast 6-45 The News - Today 7:00 Cavaicaile. ot America 7:30 Spoitsiren's Show 7:45 Camel News Caravan-Swayl SKIO You Bel Your l i l t 8:30 Bi-nts & Allen '-9.-09 D'agnet -

9:30 Font Theatre 10:00 Video Theatre 11:00 Foreign Intrigue 11:30 This Is I b t Ll<e 1200 Nllecap TheiUe, "Sosle the Riietor" 12:30 News

Now it's easy to make or take c.ills at night. Just lift the receiver of tliis liaiuly new plione and tha dial is illuminaled^ automatically! The secret: a small lamp that, djuxta lighf over the clear plastic finger vvheel. ' ' '.

This "light-up" phone puts an end to fuii-jLling for light switche.'j. And to disturbing tJthei's by put­ting lights on. So it's especially fifie for sickrooms or rooms where children are, sleeping.

Your family can enjoy this extra convenience for only a few cents a month, Just call the telephone busiiie.ss office and ask for a "lighi-iip" phone.


• bedrooms » sickrooms

,» nurseries o TV rooms • hallways