Textual analysis of poster

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Textual Analysis of poster

The conventional reviews down the right side of the page add value and reassures the audience that the production targets them

The formal text for the Title targets our secondary audience of older people looking for an intellectual gratification. Furthermore the bold black font suggests precision which targets an older audience.

The institutional logos are conventional as well as all the institutional information at the bottom in small print at the bottom

The main focal image of the chainsaw connotes traditional working class representations of creativity and labour. The minimalistic approach supports our post modern themes as it leaves a leaves a lot to the imagination and sets up an enigma which an active audience will want to solve The positioning of the image over the font is unique as it almost suggests new and exciting methods of creativity are cutting through the traditional methods of drawing and precision. This will target our primary audience, VAL type – Experiencers, who are looking to achieve innovation and find new methods of creativity.

The tag line encourages an active audience to become more creative themselves through the stimulation caused by the biological reference to bodily movement and thought.