Textual Analysis Evaluation

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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Textual Analysis Evaluation

Transcript of Textual Analysis Evaluation

Analysis In Relation To Other Texts

Jagvir Singh Tiwana

Evaluation Introduction Analysis In Relation To Other Texts

For this part of my evaluation, I will be analysing my documentary to other texts for example, an old documentary and a new documentary. I will be looking at the content, mode of address, conventions, style and form and technology of my documentary, the old text (old documentary) and new text (new documentary).

• Content • Mode of Address • Conventions • Style & Form • Technology


Here is the link to my documentary – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKkdqQCOBlE

Here is the link to the old text (Old Documentary) – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Q77X_yYbBc

Here is the link to the new text (New Documentary) – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utXZkUrBfIY – Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYxzK5DQreU – Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m6tLiLjMH8 – Part 3

My Documentary - Bhangra

In my feature, I am looking at what Bhangra is, the history behind Bhangra, the music production behind Bhangra and what is the Bhangra dance. My documentary idea is a niche music genre which is slowly becoming mainstream, I have also chosen this idea because, it interests me a lot and I felt that I could explain to people who do not know anything about what Bhangra is, what it is exactly about. This topic was my first idea, and I have chosen this because, I knew more about this topic more than my other topics which were Bollywood and Cricket. Another reason, why I choose this idea was because, I could get good interviews with different music producers, Bhangra legend/historian, different Bhangra vocalists from experienced to new upcoming Bhangra vocalists.

Here is the link to my documentary – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKkdqQCOBlE

Old Text - Jazz The old text which I choose is Jazz music because, it is also a niche genre of music as is Bhangra which is a niche genre of music as well. The angles of this documentary are, anything about Jazz music and one of the angles of the documentary is used as the name of the documentary which is “Jazz is our religion” so one of the angles would be, that they would be talking about how Jazz affects religion. There are not many different opinions to this documentary as whoever has given their opinion on this documentary as a voice over is that, they are giving positive opinions about Jazz music and they love Jazz music, they are also giving a brief history behind Jazz music.

Here is the link to the old text (Old Documentary) – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Q77X_yYbBc

The key influences this documentary could have on my idea, would be some of the editing which is used in this documentary by that I mean some of the transitions used I would use and I would have smooth edits throughout my documentary. I would also consider having, voice overs over some images which I may include in my documentary, as it will add a good effect to my documentary and it would also make my documentary more effective and it will keep my target audience intact and into my documentary.

New Text – Rough Trade The new text which I choose is the story of rough trade, which is an independent record label based in London. It was formed in 1978 by Geoff Travis who had opened a record store off Ladbroke Grove. Having successfully promoted and sold records by punk and early post punk bands such as Buzzcocks and Desperate Bicycles. It also tells us the story of how, Punk &Reggae music has developed over the years despite it still being a niche music genre now worldwide, it tells us how the story of Rough Trade has helped it throughout the years.

Here is the link to the new text (New Documentary) – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utXZkUrBfIY – Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYxzK5DQreU – Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m6tLiLjMH8 – Part 3

The key influences this documentary could have on my idea, would be some of the editing which is used in this documentary by that I mean some of the transitions used I would use and I would have smooth edits throughout my documentary. I would also consider having, voice overs over some images which I may include in my documentary, as it will add a good effect to my documentary and it would also make my documentary more effective and it will keep my target audience intact and into my documentary. Another key influence which I can have from this documentary, is that I could also use some archive footage which will help me get some of the points which I am trying to make in my documentary. Also by using archive footage, it will make my documentary more professional and formal and will also keep my audience interested in my documentary throughout it.

Content – Bhangra My documentary is on Bhangra and it is different from the two texts I had analysed during the research phase, for which I did my textual analysis. I was not able to find able to find any text that was like my documentary or any text that would fit in well with my documentary. My chosen topic is on Bhangra and the content in my documentary focuses on three key but different angles which are the history of Bhangra, the music production behind Bhangra and the Bhangra dance. To answer these points I had key interviews organised in my documentary with a Bhangra legend who knows the history behind Bhangra, I had another interview with an experienced music producer and then a clip from another music producer showing how he had produced his song. Lastly, I had a interview with two leaders of a Bhangra dance group and they had shown someone who did not know the Bhangra dance, some basic dance steps.

Content – Old Text (Jazz) This documentary is very different to mine as this is about Jazz and it focuses on only one angle, where as my documentary focuses on a wide range of angles. This documentary does not explain clearly, what Jazz music is. Also there are not many different opinions to this documentary as whoever has given their opinion on this documentary as a voice over is that, they are giving positive opinions about Jazz music and they love Jazz music, they are also giving a brief history behind Jazz music. There are not many different opinions to this documentary as whoever has given their opinion on this documentary as a voice over is that, they are giving positive opinions about Jazz music and they love Jazz music, they are also giving a brief history behind Jazz music.

Content – New Text (Rough Trade) This documentary focuses on the story of rough trade, which is an independent record label based in London. It was formed in 1978 by Geoff Travis who had opened a record store off Ladbroke Grove. Having successfully promoted and sold records by punk and early post punk bands such as Buzzcocks and Desperate Bicycles. It also tells us the story of how, Punk &Reggae music has developed over the years despite it still being a niche music genre now worldwide, it tells us how the story of Rough Trade has helped it throughout the years. This documentary is more about a record label, than about a music genre so it is not as similar as too my documentary as my old text is similar to my documentary.

Mode Of Address - Bhangra The mode of address for my documentary was formal, by this I mean I did not use any slang in my documentary as I was explaining to my target audience what Bhangra is, how the Bhangra music is produced and the Bhangra dance. Also, in my interviews which I conducted I was being formal, when I was asking my interviewee’s the questions and their reply back to my questions were formal as well. My documentary was also very upbeat as Bhangra is a upbeat music genre which makes people nod their head to the music. This mode of address is what my documentary was going for. The language used my documentary is perfect, as there is no bad language included throughout my documentary and everyone would be able to understand what is being said by both the presenter and the interviewee at all times. Their was a wide range of different locations used throughout my documentary as I had used two music studio’s, a lounge and a dance studio to conduct my interviews. This was showing that my documentary was not serious and it was something that my target audience would enjoy watching. My documentary is very young, by that I mean that my documentary was aimed towards mostly young people between the ages of 16-24, you could tell this by the vox pops which I included as they were from between the age group of 16-24.

Mode Of Address – Old Text (Jazz)

The mode of address in my old text which is the Jazz documentary is similar to my documentary but different as well. The footage which is used is really old and it is black and white and the quality of the film is really old which is already saying and showing how old this piece of text (documentary) really is. The presenter uses a formal mode of address, the presenter is old and would not appeal to my target audience at all. The presenter is the narrator of the documentary as well and because, this documentary is mostly narrated you can not see much of the presenter.

Mode Of Address – New Text (Rough Trade)

The mode of address for my new text is formal and informal. I would say that the mode of address of this documentary of my new text (The story of the rough trade) would appeal more to my target audience than the mode of address of my old text which is the Jazz documentary. It is similar to my documentary where its topic is not well known but it can make it interesting to still appeal to that audience it reaches which shows that it is aiming at niche audience when the documentary was created. The locations used is formal, with offices used for the interviewee’s and there is a lot of archive footage used throughout this documentary which shows that the mode of address for this documentary is not boring and it will keep the audience hooked and into the documentary throughout.

Conventions - Bhangra

In my documentary I had used a wide range of conventions which appealed to my target audience. Some of the conventions which I had used are; • Graphics (Titles) • Video Montage • Demonstration of the Bhangra dance • Background music I had used these conventions as these conventions would appeal the most to my target audience and they would keep my audience into my documentary the most and would inform, educate and entertain my audience as well as that was important to do throughout the whole of my documentary.

Conventions – Old Text (Jazz) There’s a wide range of content and conventions used in this documentary, some of the conventions which have been used are montage which is archive footage & appropriate music for the documentary, another convention used is interviews which have been done with both men and women. The third convention which is used in this documentary, is images of what is being said by the narrator or the person or group of people who are being interviewed by the interviewer. Another convention which is used are expert opinions, you can get these normally by the person who is normally being interviewed.

Conventions – New Text (Rough Trade)

There are loads of different conventions and content used in this documentary as it includes information from the past and present from different interviewee’s. One of the conventions used in this documentaries is a sign on which the presenter says at the beginning of the documentary.

Also in this documentary are a few vox pops and interviews from people are specialists in the music industry to do with Punk & Reggae music, by having this it will make the documentary more formal and easy to understand and it will also keep the audience into the documentary. There are a few different conventions used in this documentary which are graphics , dates and statistics, direct mode of address to the audience and there was also a sign off which the presenter says at the end of the documentary which takes it back to the studio presenters or it is left to them which is called a wrap up. There was also images being used to empathize what is being said by the narrator of the presenter which will keep the audience alive. There was also cutaways and expert opinions used in this documentary, a wide range of camera movement in this documentary.

Style & Form - Bhangra I wanted my documentary to be similar to other music documentaries which help them to stand out and I wanted my documentary to do the same. I wanted there to be a wide range of different shots and angles used as this would appeal to my target audience and would keep them “hooked” into my documentary. This would also allow my documentary to have a faster pace to it and would look when it is changing from one shot to the next shot and so on throughout the whole of my documentary. The music would help my documentary keep that fast pace going along, and it the music is catchy which would keep the target audience bopping their heads to the music during my documentary.

Style & Form – Old Text (Jazz) The old text which is the Jazz documentary has very few similarities to my documentary as that documentary was being narrated while having different clips over the voice over (narration) and the interview’s which were conducted were done by voice over’s.

Style & Form – New Text (Rough Trade)

My new text which is the new documentary which is, The story of the rough trade’s style was very modern compared to my old text. Everything used in this documentary was clean and well edited for example, the graphics which were used were on the screen so the audience could read the graphics and the text and colour used for the graphics were also easy to see and be able to read. This was done for all the graphics throughout the whole of this documentary. I also felt that the shot types and angles used in this documentary were similar to what I had used for my documentary as this had made both documentaries look well edited and good. The editing in this documentary was clean and well edited as this had kept up the fast pace to the documentary which was important as it was a music documentary. This would have suited my documentary as well, so I tried to cut down as many interview’s as I could so I could only use the relevant information in order to inform, educate and entertain the audience which this documentary had also done very well.

Technology - Bhangra

I had felt that I had used technology well throughout this whole project in creating my documentary. By this I mean that, I had used different equipment in order to create my documentary from DV camera’s to an editing software. I had tried different things out when I was using the editing software, by that I had added in cutaways in places where you would not normally see cutaways and I had not used much archive footage as I wanted to limit that to as minimal as possible. I had also included transitions in my documentary using the editing software which I used which was IMovie on MAC laptops. I had also used music in my documentary which went well with my documentary and had kept with the pace of my documentary as the music which I had chosen to use was neither a fast paced song or neither a slow paced song as it was both as certain parts of the songs were fast paced and other parts of the song was slow paced which suited my documentary well.

Technology – Old Text (Jazz) There is not much camera work used in this documentary, as it is just images throughout the documentary in black & white and you have the voice overs over the images throughout the documentary. There are different angles and shot types from which the images are taken, for example there is a image which is a medium shot and there is a close up image of a persons

face in the documentary. There is movement with the camera in this documentary but there is not much movement with the camera. The movement with the camera is where the camera tilts from the top to the bottom just to show the whole of the image. Another movement of the camera is where the camera zooms in to a image and then zooms out into a completely different image. The use of sound in this documentary is that, which I have chosen is that the music is all related to the documentary which is about Jazz, so the music which is included in this documentary is Jazz music. They have used different instruments to make the music in this documentary, some of the instruments they have used are a saxophone, clarinet, flute, piano, guitars, trombone, drum kits and vocals to the songs. There is a variety of genres of Jazz music used in the documentary. Some of the sub genre’s of Jazz music used are classical Jazz and party version of Jazz which you would hear at functions.

Technology – New Text (Rough Trade)

There are various sounds used in this documentary. Some of the sounds used in this documentary are from bands performing live at events, voice overs from the narrator and also interviews from people from the bands, music specialists and pedestrians about their opinions and views on the record label. There is also sound used from live news reports from the late 1940’s in this documentary, sounds vary throughout the documentary from being joyful to sad which has different effects on the documentary and by this it will keep the target audience of who this documentary is aimed at interested in the documentary. Most of the sound is from “Punk Music” which is a niche music genre as well as “Bhangra” which is also a niche music genre in the United Kingdom. There is also sounds used from different music genres such as “Reggae” which is a niche music genre as well. There is a variety of camera use in this documentary by that I mean, there are a variety of shots used for example there are extreme long shots used, long shots of locations, close ups of a person or a group of people’s facial expressions and mid shots. There are also a wide range of angles used, for example eye level, birds eye view and low angles which can have a good effect on your target audience and it can also make the documentary more appealing and attractive to the target audience

and by doing that you can keep your target audience “hooked” into your documentary.