Texas chainsaw massacre

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Texas chainsaw massacre

This scene here at the beginning of the film shows one of the films most important conventions in the entire film. This convention is the flash forward. Showing the deaths of the victims of the massacre being put into an ambulance. This convention is very similar to one of the conventions we have in our film. This convention is showing the ending of the film at the beginning of the film which is known as a flash forward. However in this film they show the dead bodies and the destruction left at the house and around it’s land, whereas in our film it shows the killing of a man for a reason we do not know. There is a black and white effect, to show how long ago this event massacre happened.

This scene here shows another convention that we have tried to do in our production in the opening scene. And that is show the location of where all the murdering happened and where the massacre happened. We achieved this identically how it has been done in this film and that is showing the outside of the building and also inside the building. This is so the audience of our film can see how haunting our building looks. The shot for this scene in the opening scene has been filmed at a long shot, this connotes that it is dangerous and intimidating to be near it. The picture on the right shows a police officer examining the house where it happened. In the scene he is very intimidated and shaky because he cannot believe what has gone on in the house.

Here is a convention in this film which we did not use in our production. This convention shows a girl who has already been victimised by the psychopath and does not want to go back to the house where it all happened for her. She is trying to tell the people that they are in danger. When it got to a point where they wouldn’t listen she committed suicide. I did not show the convention in my production of showing victims who has already been victimised. I showed the killing of the victim in my film and no other characters in the opening scene. The victim connotes danger and terror lurked ahead for the five youths travelling towards the danger.

Here is another convention which I did not use in my film. This convention is about the victims being happy and having fun, in the opening scene of the film. Not many films do this but this one does. Then after this everything goes wrong for the youths. I did not use this type of convention in my opening scene because I wanted to focus on the main plot and that was killing the victim.