Testing the Model of Relationship and Impact of ...

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International Journal of Business and Management; Vol. 11, No. 2; 2016 ISSN 1833-3850 E-ISSN 1833-8119

Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education


Testing the Model of Relationship and Impact of Administrative Leadership on Human Resource Training and Customer Satisfaction:

Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

Ali Ramadan Musbah1, Nasser Habtoor1,2 & Mohd Maram2

1 Faculty of Leadership and Management, University Science Islamic (USIM), Malaysia 2 Aden University, Yemen

Correspondence: Ali Ramadan Musbah, Faculty of leadership and Management, University Science Islamic (USIM), Malaysia. E-mail: alirm1975@yahoo.com

Received: September 28, 2015 Accepted: January 12, 2016 Online Published: January 23, 2016

doi:10.5539/ijbm.v11n2p127 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijbm.v11n2p127


The current study aimed to test and validate a proposed model of the impact of the administrative leadership on customer satisfaction. This model included an external factor which is the administrative leadership, and an internal factor which is the customer satisfaction. The study also aimed to determine the role of human resource training as a mediating factor between the administrative leadership and customer satisfaction. For achieving these research objectives, the study used a quantitative approach to analyzing the data through the use of the structural equation modeling (SEM-AMOS) to test the validity of the proposed research model. The study achieved several results, the most important of which was that the administrative leadership had a positive impact on customer satisfaction. The study also provided evidence of the positive impact of the administrative leadership on customer satisfaction through its positive impact on the training of human resources, which was used as a mediating factor.

Keywords: administrative leadership, customer satisfaction, human resources development

1. Introduction

In terms of successful management is the one that has a sincere desire of work to reach and maintain the success, change the prevailing traditional organizational culture and its development under the surrounding progress. Such development comes only when the organization has an administrative leadership acquainted with the surrounding matters and having the qualification and performance, this is due to the consumer culture and consciousness that had in the past and dependence on quality as the main criterion for selection and preference (Aiyad, 2013). Accordingly, when the administrative leadership became higher within the organization the probability of success became grater to reach its objectives whether organizational or personal (Al-Khudr, 2005); the administrative leadership comes to influence on the others on the basis of its strength sources, which owned by placing in the organizational structure (Hraim, 2003).

Whereas the banking system is considered as one of the pillars underpinning the economic system of the State, so its development is considered as an important developmentally requirement; given the actual intense competition and the marketing of banking services; which leaded many Libyan banks to pursue and adopt the idea and the concept of quality management, but in most of these banks are still suffering from distortions, failure and weakness in the used technology efficient as banking systems limited efficiency, as well as the lack of a communications network linking banks and branches which affects the efficiency of banking operations performance, in addition to continuously deficiencies in the training of human resources (Ben Gadara, 2013) which contribute in the development of the personnel capacities, skills and attitudes (Ben Ishi, 2012); furthermore there is a weakness in the material and moral incentives, which leads to the inability to attract and maintain efficient elements, as well as the lack of customer satisfaction with the quality of service provided by these banks due to their dissatisfaction with the physical aspects quality of the service as well as the quality of dealing (Mosbah, 2007). For developing this sector eliminating the failure and distortions, a strong administrative leadership with high management ability (Al-Hkimi, 2012), having sincere desire to change the followed traditional behavior shall be exist, because any action or change for the better is to discover and

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develop leaders known by the efficiency and performance (Mohamed & Akeel, 2010), to place the modern technical means and the client as its marketing strategic axe, as well as to train the human resources in the modern marketing concepts in order to continuously commercialize the banking service.

Therefore, the researcher believes that there are some obstacles and problems that might hinder the marketing of banking services such as the types of prevailing leadership and its strength sources that depend thereon, as well as less awareness of the personnel training in terms of the dimensions and criteria for evaluating the service quality by the customer when the service provided and then the impact on customer satisfaction.

Through the foregoing clarification of the role of the administrative leadership in the Organization, as well as the role of human resources training and the impact on customer satisfaction, the study problem can be formulated in question:

Is there a positive relationship and impact of the administrative leadership on human resources training and customer satisfaction?

Branching from the main question following the previous sub-questions:

Is there a positive relation and impact of the administrative leadership on customer satisfaction?

Is there a positive relation and impact of the leadership on the training of human resources?

Is there a positive relation and the impact of human resources training on to customer satisfaction?

Does the human resources training play a mediator role in positive relation and impact of the administrative leadership on customer satisfaction?

2. Research Objectives

To verify the real relation between the administrative leadership and customer satisfaction.

To test the real role of the training as medial variable in the relation between the administrative leadership and customer satisfaction.

To determine the relation between the administrative leadership and human resources training.

To evaluate the relation between human resources training and customer satisfaction.

3. Theoretical Framework

3.1 Relation between Administrative Leadership and Customer Satisfaction

This paragraph will concern the administrative leadership as a potential factor through its power sources as first apparent factor (Structural, Experience, Personality, Bonus, Coercion) as a set of rules and dimensions that measure the power of the administrative leadership based on the classification (French & Raven, 1959), which is was a pioneer in this field. The classification of leader force is came from (Legitimacy, Reference, Charisma, Bonus, Coercion, Experience). Furthermore, the morals in this field suggest that the most important power sources and the most frequent is the (Legitimate, Information, Reference, Experience) (Al-Jmili, 2004) force. Regarding the leadership styles, it will be reliance on the classification as per its behaviors and methods and manners for influencing its employees as a second apparent factor of administrative leadership. Among these styles (Democratic, Bureaucratic, Free), and the extent of carrying such styles and impact on the behavior of personnel and their motivation towards the provision of quality services achieved to customer satisfaction being as more leadership styles, which depended by managers in organizations (Abbas, 2012).

3.2 Relation between Administrative Leadership and Human Resources Training

This paragraph will concern the administrative leadership as a potential factor through its styles and power sources as a n apparent factors and its relation with the training of human resources as a potential factor and as a (dependent) variable through three apparent factors (Knowledges, Capacities, & Rrends), especially which worked in the front desks and had direct contact with the customers, considering that any organization desired to achieve the required quality levels of service and ensured its continuity in the business world depends on processes to improve administrative systems and development of work as well as the development and training of its human resources.

3.3 Relation between Human Resources Training and Customer Satisfaction

This paragraph will concern the human resources training as a potential factor through three apparent factors (Knowledges, Capacities, & Rrends), with the dimensions and criteria of service quality evaluation, which assesses the customer the level of service quality then affecting the degree of his satisfaction, in particular persons who worked front desks an having direct contact with customers, which may have an impact on the


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3.4 Relatio

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4. Researc

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5. Method

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Vol. 11, No. 2;

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5.2 Resear

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5.3 Confir

The Structtest the res(1) the chbetween thchi-squaremodel a R

5.4 Constr

The emploproposed bor greater by Hair et

5.5 Testing

In this stuobjectives customer s

6. Results

6.1 (CFA)

6.1.1 The C

The (CFA)model of (Chi-Squavalue of R

6.1.2 Cons

In this studleadershipfrom (0.59from (0.81validity of0.47), beinpatterns of


rch Instrument

gard, it is reliehe most suitabon and facts asses of processin

rmatory Factor

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of the Adminis


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ctor loading ck,Babin, Ander5) and the compaddition (AVE)

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Factor Analys

ns of Adminisof administrat

f freedom) was077).

Figure 2. T

and Reliability

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national Journal

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AMOS) model-all model fit iscomparative fypothesized mof between (0.01).

composite relrson and Tathaposite reliabili) reading value

sized Research

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is (CFA) of th

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The final revis


lodgings for thmodel (Figure er than 0.5 (≥r than 0.7 (≥ 0constitute up t.5 (≥ 0.5). Thure valid and re

l of Business and


s a tool to gaths that achievereality, for ac


-fitting progras assessed by ufit index (CFI)

model divided b08) to (0.10) in

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0.7). Furthermothe factor of tus, these resuleliable as show

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ership Style m

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ary informatiostudy objecti

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5 (≥ 0.5).

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dness-of-fit ofd that the norm

(CFI) was (.9


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Vol. 11, No. 2;

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951). Moreover

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of the


Table 1. Th

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Style Bs


S.E. Standard

6.2 The Co

The (CFA)patterns o/degrees oRMSEA w

6.2.1 Cons

In this studas shown ito .85), whto .85), whthese varia


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d Error, C.R: Criti

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struct Validity

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nistrative leadersh



ipate to determine

required to do so.

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shall be welcomed

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ate the staff require

utive procedures s

ipation with

rship and staff.

taff do not particip

ving the objectiv

nistrative leader

stions from the st

e quality.

ical Ratio, P: Prob

actor Analysis

es leadership padership powe

was (2.294), an

Figure 3. The f

and Reliability

med the factor ed model (Figugher than 0.5 (ter than 0.7 (≥stitute up the f

national Journal

tterns of admin

hip not participat

hip not participat

k procedures ex

hip shall not critic

hip participate in


e the work proced

ees to raise the qu


ship knows how


shall be determine

the administr

pate in the plannin

ves intended for

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taff for improving

bability, SMC: Squ

(CFA) of the S

power: The reser as in Figurnd the relative

final revised of


lodgings for thure 3). The res(≥0.5). The va≥0.7). Furthermfactor of the S

l of Business and


nistrative leade

R est

te in .81 1.0

te in

xcept .81 .88

cized .81 .83

n the .82 .67


dures .81 .65

uality .82 1.0

w to .82 1.1

ed in

ative .82 1.1

ng for

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g the .82 1.3

uared Multiple Co

Sources Leade

sults of the goore (3) showede strength ind

f the Sources l

he items relatesults show thatalues of the remore, the valu

Sources leaders

d Management


imate S. E C

000 - -

82 .046 1

32 .045 1

72 .046 1

54 .049 1

000 - -

112 .098 1

124 .099 1

000 - -

350 .205 6

orrelation, AVE: A

ership Power M

odness-of-fit od that the nordex (CFI) was

leadership pow

d to the modelt the loadings eliability of thues of the diveship power we

C. R P L

- .8

19.52 .000 .7

18.55 .000 .7

14.55 .000 .6

13.32 .000 .6

- .6

11.36 .000 .7

11.31 .000 .7

- .5

6.57 .000 .7

Average Variance E


of the final mormative Chi-Ss (.956). More

wer model

l of the Sourcefor these item

hese items alsoergent or discrere (.59, .47, .5

Vol. 11, No. 2;

oading SMC

86 .74

79 .63

79 .62

66 .43

64 .41

64 .41

76 .58

75 .56

59 .35

78 .60

Extracted, R: Relia

dified model oSquare (Chi-Sqeover, the valu

es leadership pms ranged fromo ranged fromriminant validi56, .48, .50), b














of the quare ue of

ower m (.55 m (.84

ity of being


higher or gpower are

No Lat



































S.E. Standard

6.3 The Co

The (CFA)patterns offreedom) w(.054).


greater than 0.valid and relia








the r







staff p






to who











on the

such p

It shal

for pro




in ban




the off

d Error, C.R: Criti

onfirmatory Fa

) of the humanf human resouwas (2.263), a



5 (≥0.5).Thus,able as shown

administration giv

es to creative staf

nistrative leadersh

retired staff con


shall be award


tives and bon

inates with the sta

otion and awards


nistrative leadersh

ct and gratitude


nistrative leadersh

o speaks.

nistrative leadersh

rship skills re


t method shall b


rmance and punis

d by the managem

nistrative leadersh

e previous exper


ll be depended o

omoting the staff a

nistrative leadersh

al power for settlem


nistrative leadersh


me management

ffered power to con

ical Ratio, P: Prob

actor Analysis

n resources traurces training aand the relativ

Figure 4. The f

national Journal

, these results iin Table 2.

ves periodically


hip shall honor

ntinuously and

ded upon the

nuses system

aff expectations.

s linked to the

hip enjoys with

towards their

hip well listens

hip enjoys with

einforcing the

be used when

shment shall be


hip shall depend

rtise for facing

n the expertise

as teamwork

hip shall use the

ment of dispute

hip shall strictly

shall approve

ntrol the work

bability, SMC: Squ

(CFA) of the H

aining: The resas in Figure 4 ve strength ind

final revised o

l of Business and


indicate that th

R estim

.84 1.00

.84 .867

.84 .840

.84 .855

.84 .681

.85 1.00

.85 .772

.85 .864

.85 1.00

.85 .892

.85 1.00

.85 .981

.85 1.00

.85 .940

.85 .589

uared Multiple Co

Human Resour

sults of the gooshow that the dex (CFI) was

f the human re

d Management

he items of this

mate S. E. C

0 - -

.048 1

.045 1

.046 1

.042 1

0 - -

.072 1

.067 1

0 - -

.193 4

0 - -

.137 7

0 - -

.085 1

.061 9

orrelation, AVE: A

rces Training M

odness-of-fit onormative Chis (.978). More

esources trainin

s factor of the

C. R. P L


8.22 .000 .7

8.52 .000 .7

8.59 .000 .7

6.29 .000 .7

- .7

0.73 .000 .5

2.94 .000 .7

- .7

.625 .000 .7

- .6

.162 .000 .7

- .8

1.05 .000 .7

.665 .000 .5

Average Variance E


of the final modi-Square (Chi-eover, the valu

ng model

Vol. 11, No. 2;

Sources leade

oading SMC

85 .73

76 .58

77 .59

77 .60

70 .49

72 .52

58 .34

74 .54

74 .55

75 .56

68 .47

70 .49

81 .66

73 .53

55 .31

Extracted, R: Relia

dified model o-Square /degreue of RMSEA




















of the ees of A was


6.3.1 Cons

In this studas shown ito .90), whto .89), whthese threehigher or gtraining ar

No Laten
























S.E. Standard

6.4 The Co

The (CFA)patterns o/degrees oRMSEA w


struct Validity

dy, we performin the modifiehich were highich was greate variables thagreater than 0.re valid and rel





Data s








terms o











Skills a

take the




terms o


d Error, C.R: Criti

onfirmatory Fa

) of the humanf Customer sa

of freedom) wwas (.073).


and Reliability

med the factor ed model (Figugher than 0.5 (ter than 0.7 (≥at constitute u.5 (≥0.5).Thusliable as shown

shall be update

ation's plans and o

cal knowledge sh

production ways a

edge shall be dev

strative jobs in the

n shall be develop

f liability in the or

n shall be develop

between the

ement in the organ

n shall be de

ance of distinction


ation spirit sha

n the employees

hip in the organiza

and capacities sha

e appropriate decis

yees' skills shall

problems faced d

yees' skills shall

o expression and

ng the service to th

ical Ratio, P: Prob

actor Analysis

n resources traatisfaction mo

was (3.353), an

Figure 5. Th

national Journal


lodgings for thure 4). The res(≥0.5). The va≥0.7). Furthermup the factor os, these results n in Table 3.

ed regarding th


hall be renewed b

and materials.

veloped in variou

e organization

ped at employees i


ped in terms of team

employees an


eveloped by th

n for the require

all be develope

and administrativ


all be developed t


be developed fo

during the work.

be developed i

discussion durin

he customer.

bability, SMC: Squ

(CFA) of the C

aining: The resodel as in Figund the relative

he final revised

l of Business and


he items relatesults show thatalues of the remore, the valuof the human indicate that t

R estima

he .89 1.000

by .89 1.194

us .89 1.085

in .89 1.000



.89 1.081



.89 0.882



.89 1.072

to .89 1.000

or .89 1.262



.89 0.945

uared Multiple Co

Customer Satis

sults of the gooure (5) showee strength ind

d of the custom

d Management

ed to the modet the loadings eliability of thues of the diveresources trainthe items of th

ate S. E C. R

- -

.096 12.4

.089 12.1

- -

.077 13.9

.074 11.7

.078 13.7

- -

.068 18.3

.059 15.9

orrelation, AVE: A

sfaction Mode

odness-of-fit oed that the nordex (CFI) was

mer satisfaction

l of the humanfor these item

hese items alsoergent or discrning were (.5

his factor of th

R P Loa

- .68

43 .000 .82

12 .000 .72

- .70

92 .000 .78

79 .000 .64

72 .000 .76

- .78

38 .000 .90

94 .000 .75

Average Variance E


of the final modrmative Chi-S

s (.939). More

n model

Vol. 11, No. 2;

n resources trams ranged fromo ranged fromriminant validi5, .52, .66,), b

he human resou

ading SMC











Extracted, R: Relia

dified model oSquare (Chi-Sqeover, the valu


ining m (.64 m (.89

ity of being urces













of the quare ue of

www.ccsenet.org/ijbm International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 11, No. 2; 2016


6.4.1 Construct Validity and Reliability

In this study, we performed the factor lodgings for the items related to the model of the Customer satisfaction as shown in the modified model (Figure 5). The results show that the loadings for these items ranged from (.67 to .86), which were higher than 0.5 (≥ 0.5). The values of the reliability of these items also ranged from (.94 to .94), which was greater than 0.7 (≥ 0.7). Furthermore, the values of the divergent or discriminant validity of these variables that constitute up the factor of the human resources training were (.62, .63, .64, .53, .60), being higher or greater than 0.5 (≥ 0.5).Thus, these results indicate that the items of this factor of the Customer satisfaction are valid and reliable as shown in Table 4.

No Latent


Items R estimate S. E C. R P Loading SMC AVE




Suggestions proposed by customers shall

be took in consideration.

.94 1.000 - - - .80 .64 .62



Service shall be obtained in appropriate


.94 .989 .053 18.68 .000 .82 .67 -



Problems faced the customers during the

service shall be took in consideration.

.94 .966 .053 18.68 .000 .80 .63 -



Required service shall be completed when

no customers.

.94 .834 .051 16.29 .000 .73 .54 -




Customer's requirements shall be

continuously studied.

.94 1.000 - - - .73 .53 .63



Customers shall participate in social sides. .94 1.171 .071 16.32 .000 .80 .64 -



Short waiting periods for customers shall

be maintained.

.94 1.287 .074 17.25 .000 .85 .72 -



Customer's requirement shall be

acquainted since first time.

.94 1.131 .070 16.05 .000 .79 .62 -




Quick answer for customer inquiry with


.94 1.000 - - - .86 .75 .64



Employees shall deal with customers with

high morals and ethics

.94 .704 .040 17.25 .000 .73 .53 -



No distinction between customers .94 .927 .047 19.60 .000 .79 .63 -




Data and information Privacy regarding

the customers shall be respected.

.94 1.000 - - - .71 .50 .53



Mistake percentage shall be reduced when

required serviced provided.

.94 1.090 .075 14.52 .000 .77 .60 -



Confidence shall be maintained when

service provided as required by the


.94 .940 .071 13.07 .000 .69 .47 -



Behaviors for acquiring confidence to

customer in the bank shall be followed.

.94 1.097 .078 14.07 .000 .75 .56 -

MQ Recent equipment shall be provided for .94 1.000 - - .67 .45 .60







S.E. Standard

7. Testing

7.1 Testing

7.1.1 Main

After conffit betweenconceptualusing the Sconsists ofdemocraticexperiencethe presenRegardingreactive, scollected fbetween th

Moreover,the factor than (1). S(Multicolliin the SEMindicative addition, thvalue). Fucoercion fo

Through Acurrent sturemaining

7.1.2 Mod

After mod





to the b



d Error, C.R: Criti

the Theoretic

g the Standard

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firming the stan the model anl model. FigurSEM via the Af two potentialc, bureaucratice, personality, nt study as a mg the customersecurity, reliabfrom the contehe model and t

, Figure 6 showof the admini

Such results ininearity), thus M. It is also shof the need f

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All the above vudy. Thereforevariables seen

dified Measurem

difying the mo


ed service produce

g for customers' ca


rtable waiting

ed for customers.

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atistical assumnd collected dre 6 shows a

AMOS programl dimensions: c and free, anbonus and coemediator factor satisfaction ability and empext of the studthe data collect

ws that the coristrative leaderndicated that tleading to anohown that thefor modifying

ndex or the relae factor loadinow (.07, .33, -

values and indie, based on thn in Figure 6.

ment Model

odel of the st

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ars, to be followed

halls shall be

bability, SMC: Squ

ing the Integr

Research Mode

mptions requiredata. This was

diagramic repm. This include

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-.19), respectiv

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Figure 6. Mai

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d .94 1.529

e .94 1.647

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mate error indeureaucratic leavely.

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in measuremen

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d Management

.112 13.6

.113 14.5

orrelation, AVE: A

a of Structura


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than (.85) and man resource tr

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a need to modables with low

nt model

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64 .000 .77

53 .000 .86

Average Variance E

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the value of craining is (1.01or the strong istimation (Offless than (.90)d some (mode.09), which is rn, the structu

dify and improvw loadings as

hich achieved

Vol. 11, No. 2;

7 .59

6 .74

Extracted, R: Relia


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correlation betw1), which is hinternal correl

fending Estima). These resultel modification

greater than thural power and

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modified mBrown (20strong innthe previou

7.2 Testing

Based on tand Figurehuman res(213.245),significancthe qualitythan (5). Athat there athe value othe RMSEresearch m

Table 5.

Indicators co







As From specified finternal re

7.3 Testing

There are between thand the saAccordingweights bewere highe(.67, .94),

It As show


model was fre006). This alsoer correlationsusly stated pro

g the Research

the values ande 7, it is evidesources trainin, degrees of frce level affecty of goodness oAs shown, the are correlationof zero that unEA index or thmodel is widesp


these values afactors and thelationships bet

g the Efficiency

correlations orhe potential facame can be sagly, the value etween the poer as they obtarespectively.

wn from the m


e of errors relao indicates thats (Multicollineoblem related t


h Model Fit wit

d model fit indient that there

ng, customer sreedom (61) aned by the samof fit through oRSI value equ

ns among the vnderlies the lache relative appread over the

Standard Model

Main, figure: 2

index value







and indices ofe collected dattween the facto

y of Factors Sa

r relations betwctor of adminiaid about the of such relatio

otential factor ained (.82, .97

model illustrate

national Journal

ated to the higt the modifiedearity) as showto the offendin

igure 7. Modif

th Sample Dat

ices between this a goodness

satisfaction) annd the signific

mple size whenother indices sual to (.950), wvariables propock of correlatiopproximate err overall popula


index valu







f goodness of ta, it can be coors and their v

aturations in th

ween each mastrative leaderother remaini

on should be of administrat

7), respectively

ed in Figure 7

l of Business and


gh correlation vd model is free wn in Figure 7ng estimation.

fied measurem


he research ms of fit betweend the data cocance level (.0never it was msuch as the norwhich was greosed in the resons among the ror index wasation.

d, figure : 3


f fit between toncluded that ivariables as hyp

the Model

ain factor and irship and its suing potential fat least (.50). tive leadershipy in addition to

and Table 6, w

d Management

values (e.g., hfrom the abov and also that

ment model

odel and the saen proposed mollected. Based000) as a stati

more than 200 rmative Chi-Sqeater than (.90)search model,

variables in th (.075) and th

Structural mode

figure: 4

index value







the proposed mit is possible topothesized in t

its variables thub-factors or thfactors and thAs shown fro

p and its patteo the large siz

we find that th

higher than .85ve stated problthe modified

ample data as model (adminid on the valuestic equation a(Hair & Blackquare which w), thus indicatiand that such he model. Morhis confirmed


of conf





Less th

More (

Less th

model that coo test the factothe research m

hat represent ithe patterns: dehe variables thom the analyserns as well asze of the impac

he loadings or

Vol. 11, No. 2;

) as pointed oulem concerninmodel is free

shown in Tablstrative leader

e of the Chi-sqand because ok, 2010), we t

was (3.496) anding and confirvalues are far reover, the val

that the prop

on value on the q


han (5)


han (.08)

onsists of the or loadings an


t (e.g., the relaemocratic and fhat represent tsis in Figure 7s sources of pct between the

correlations o


ut by g the from

le (5) rship, quare of the ested d less ming from ue of



three d the

ations free), them. 7, the ower

em as

of the

www.ccsenet.org/ijbm International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 11, No. 2; 2016


variables represented by the rectangular shapes and their potential factors exemplified by the oval circuits were high and exceeded (.50). These are usually called saturations, loadings or estimates, which, in this study, ranged from the highest correlation (.84) between customer satisfaction and the variable of the quality of empathy to the lowest one (.55) between the administrative leadership and the variable of the free pattern. In addition, Table 6 presents the T value of each relation between the potential factors and variables that represent them. It can be seen that the T value was higher than (1.964) for all such identified relations, thus being statistically significant at (.05). Such results confirm the existing remarkable relations or correlations between the potential factors and their variables.

Table 6.

S. M. C Loading P C. R S. E Estimate Latent variables Observed variables

.35 .60 - - - 1.000 Democratic Leadership

styles .30 .55 0.000 9.325 .222 2.070 Free

.47 .69 - - - 1.000 Experience Power

sources .65 .81 0.000 16.577 .103 1.700 Personality

.58 .76 0.000 15.592 .200 3.117 Bonus

.22 .47 - - - 1.000 Knowledge human resources training

.60 .77 0.000 9.510 .220 2.092 Capacities

.56 .75 0.000 9.412 .234 2.204 trends

.52 .72 - - - 1.000 Material



.69 .83 0.000 16.922 .067 1.130 Reactive

.66 .81 0.000 16.592 .086 1.429 Security

.57 .76 0.000 15.441 .070 1.081 Credibility

.71 .84 0.000 17.171 .047 .811 Empathy

S.E. Standard Error, C.R.: Critical Ratio, P: Probability, SMC: Squared Multiple Correlation.

7.4 Testing the Correlations among the Main Factors in the Research Model

As shown from Figure 7 and Table 7, it is evident that all the correlations among the three main factors: administrative leadership, human resource training and customer satisfaction were statistically significant as their statistical T values were higher than (1.964) and the significance level (probability value) was less than (.05). The values of such correlations among the three factors ranged between (.90) and (.98). Based on the divisions of the proposed research model (administrative leadership, human resource training and customer satisfaction), this required investigating the research hypotheses or the structural research model.

Table 7.

C P C. R S. E Estimate Latent variable Correlations Latent variables

.909 *** 10.120 .234 2.368 customer satisfaction <------> administrative leadership

.899 *** 7.696 .277 2.133 customer satisfaction <------> human resources training

.977 *** 7.842 .166 1.300 administrative leadership <------> human resources training

S.E. Standard Error, C.R.: Critical Ratio, P: Probability, C: Correlation.

7.5 Testing the Structural Modeling of the Research Model: Structural Model The structural model as shown in Figure 6 differs from the measurement model as shown in Figure 7. In the structural model, the independent and dependent variable as well as medial variable are determined by the unidirectional arrow (→), so the model is completely identical to the proposed study. Regarding the measurement model, the relations among the three factors represent independent relations which are reflected or expressed by the bidirectional arrow (↔), but without determining the independent variable, the dependent


variable astructural Table 5 anon the valuequation a& Black, 2fit. The nowhich wasproposed correlationapproximapopulation

Based on determined

8. Testing

After confpreviouslyamong the

8.1 The Im

The first hcustomer sthat showsvalue (6.7significantand showshigher cus

Table 8.

Latent Const



human resou

S.E. Standard

8.2 Admin

The secontraining, awas a stati


and the mediamodel which

nd Figure 7. Thue of the Chi-

and because of2010), we agaiormative Chi-s higher than in the researc

ns among the ate error indexn.

the above vad factors and t

the Main Res

firming the effy discussed, we three main fa

mpact of Admin

hypothesis cosatisfaction. As the outputs o794) was hight since it was ls a positive dirstomer satisfac


ve leadership

ve leadership

urces training

d Error, C.R.: Crit

istrative Leade

d hypothesis inand given to thistical significa


ating variable. is not totally d

here is a goodnsquare (228.46

f the significanin used other iSquare was (3(.90). This re

ch model, andvariables in

x was (.079), t

alues and indiche collected da

search Hypoth

ficiency of thewe tested the foactors of the stu

nistrative Lead

onfirms that ths shown in Figf the Amos pr

her than (1.96ess than (.05).ection which etion.





tical Ratio, S.R.W

ership & Hum

ndicates that thhe default theoant given that

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Furthermore,different from

ness of fit betw66), degrees once level affecindices such as3.745), which sult indicates

d these valuesthe model. In

thus confirmin

ces of goodneata, the propos

Figure 8.


e factor loadinfollowing reseaudy:

dership on Cus

here is a posigure (8) that illogram, the firs4), and the v In addition, th

emphasizes tha

nt Construct

omer satisfaction

an resources train

omer satisfaction

W: Standardized R

man Resource T

here is a directretical model the statistical

l of Business and


we find thatm the measuremween the researf freedom (61ted by the sams the normativis less than (and confirms are far from

n addition, theng the widspea

ess of fit betwsed research hy

. Structural mo

ngs and correlaarch hypothes

stomer Satisfac

tive and direclustrates the cost research hyp

value of the she value of theat the increased





Regression Weights


t impact of theFigure 8 and ovalue of (T) (

d Management

t the model fiment model. Brch model and ) and the signi

mple size whenve Chi-Square (5). As shown

the existing cm the value of

e value of theadness of the p

ween the reseaypotheses wer


ations among tes that determ


ct impact of tonceptual modpothesis was stignificance le

e path coefficied attention to a

S. E mate





e administrativoutputs Amos (10.340) was h

fits the sampleBased on the m

the sample coificance level never it was mto test the qua

n, the RSI valucorrelations amf zero that unde RMSEA indproposed mod

arch model the tested as foll

the variables amine the relatio

the administradel of the studytatistically sign

evel (.000) waent or estimateadministrative





ve leadership oprogram Tabl

higher than the

Vol. 11, No. 2;

e data throughmodel fit indicollected data. B(.000) as a sta

more than 200 (ality of goodneue equal to (.mong the variderlies the lacdex or the reldel over the ov

hat comprises lows :

and their factoons or correla

ative leadershiy as well as Tanificant since as also statisties was equal to

leadership lea

S. RP-Value




on human resoule 8, the hypote stake (1.964)


h the ces in Based atistic (Hair ess of 945), ables ck of lative verall


ors as ations

ip on able 8 the T ically o (.65) ads to

R. W

urces thesis , and

www.ccsenet.org/ijbm International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 11, No. 2; 2016


the value of the significance level (.000) is significant statistically less than stake (.05), in addition to the value of the path coefficient or standard estimates equal to (.81) and has a positive direction which emphasizes the increased attention to administrative leadership leads to higher human resource training , the effect size was (.65), that means (65%) of human resources training due to the administrative leadership. This is significant impact the potential variables where it is greater than (25%).

8.3 Human Resource Training & Customer Satisfaction

The third hypothesis indicates that there is a positive and direct impact of human resources training on improving customer satisfaction, as in the previous steps to the default theoretical model and outputs of Amos program scheme Table 6, the hypothesis was a statistical significant given that the statistical value of (T) (3.573) was higher than the stake (1.964), and the value of the significance level (.000) is significant statistically less than stake (.05), in addition to the value of the path coefficient or standard estimates equal to (.31) and has a positive direction which emphasizes the increased attention to human resource training leads to higher customer satisfaction, in addition the total effect size on customer satisfaction (.84), this means that (84%) of customer satisfaction due to both the administrative leadership and human resources training. This size is considered due to significant impact on the potential variables. The analysis also indicated in terms of importance of the effect that the effect sixe of administrative leadership was (.65), most important of human resources training, which its effect size was (.31) and the most influential on the high level of customer satisfaction.

8.4 The Impact of Administrative Leadership on Customer Satisfaction through Human Resource Training

The fourth research hypothesis confirms that there is an indirect impact of the administrative leadership on customer satisfaction through the mediating factor of human resource training. As seen in Table 9 and Figure 8, the value of the indirect impact or relation is (.25), which was obtained by multiplying the value of the path coefficient or estimates of the relation between administrative leadership and human resource training (.81) by the value of the path coefficient or estimates of the relation between human resource training and customer satisfaction (.31). The overall impact estimated was (.90) which was resulting from the addition of the overall path coefficient or direct impact of the administrative leadership on customer satisfaction (.65) to the overall path coefficient or non-direct impact of the administrative leadership on customer satisfaction (.65 +.25).

Table 9. The value of the indirect impact

Independent Mediator Dependent Indirect Effect Total Effect

administrative leadership human resources training customer satisfaction .25 .90

9. Conclusion

The results of statistical analysis using the SEM-AMOS for the proposed research hypotheses indicate that all the factors of the study have positive relations and significant impact on customer satisfaction. Such results corroborate those results obtained in previous studies (Abu Zeid, 2012; Pangil, 2011; Issa, 2014; Al-Otaibi, 2014; Lori, 2011). These results are considered as the main findings through which the researcher achieved the research objectives in this study. The results of the present study imply that in reality, achieving customer satisfaction depends on the patterns of the administrative leadership as well as the power sources for the administrative leadership in the bank. The interesting part of these results is that the results proved that the patterns of the democratic and free leadership had a positive impact on customer satisfaction as opposed to the bureaucratic pattern of leadership that showed a negative impact on customer satisfaction. As far as the power sources of the administrative leadership are concerned, customer satisfaction depends on the experience and the strong personality as well as the bonus as opposed to the structural power that had a negative impact on customer satisfaction. The current study obtained another result showing that human resource training plays an important role as a mediator between (1) the administrative leadership through the democratic and free patterns of leadership as well as the strong personality, experience and reward, and (2) customer satisfaction by developing their knowledge and abilities as well as their attitudes towards the dimensions and criteria used for evaluating the quality of services offered to customers while accessing or obtaining the service.


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