Testing in an IBM Solutionsast.se/q-moten/2010/stockholm/q15/SAST_Q15_Bater_IBM...The team is using...

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Transcript of Testing in an IBM Solutionsast.se/q-moten/2010/stockholm/q15/SAST_Q15_Bater_IBM...The team is using...


IBM Software Group

© 2010 IBM CorporationInnovation for a smarter planet

Testing in an IBM Solution

Robin BaterCommunity of Practice Architect

Stockholm, Oct 15th


IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet


In this 30min presentation/demonstration, see how testing can be

integrated as part of an agile solution -

how requirements are related to development tasks, and then validated by testing. This uses a banking example, and includes products in the disciplines requirements management, development and test.

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

What is application life-cycle management?

The coordination of development life-cycle activities, including requirements, modeling, development, build, and testing, through:

1) Process Automation - Enforcement of processes that span these activities.

2) Traceability - Management of relationships between development artifacts used or produced by these activities.

3) Reporting - Reporting on progress of the development effort as a whole.

Entire contents ©


Forrester Research, Inc. All rights reserved.

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

Across the Application Quality Lifecycle

RequirementsProduct Mgt/Analyst


VerificationTest Practitioner/Tester

ProductionProduction/Deployment Mgr

Build TestCases








Iteration 1Iteration 2

Iteration N



Show me the linkage of the test cases to the requirements in the project.

Use the information that was learned in the project test to help my users (usage notes, etc).

Show me what changed in the last build so that I know what function is now available to test.

Show me when the project meets myexit criteria and is ready to ship.

Identify the best test cases to automate in my organization.


IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

Program (manage)

Quality Management (Independent Testing)

Enterprise (strategic)

An Integration Landscape

Team A (execute)

Requirements Mgt

Program SCM

Requirements Definition

Quality Management

Program CM

Security /Policy scan

Automated Tests

Program & Project Management

Software Delivery Automation

Security / Policy scansAutomated /Regression

Asset Management

IT Change & Configuration Mgt

Portfolio Mgt Enterprise Architecture

Enterprise Reports & Publishing

Code Scans

Manual TestsSoftware & System Design




Code Scan

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

Designed to integrate both partner and competitor resources Simplifying collaboration across the software delivery lifecycle


Markus Angermeier@aperto.de

An open invitation to collaborate on a common

integration architecture for software delivery

A proposed architecture for sharing lifecycle resources

Described on Jazz.net through illustrative resource definitions,

service implementations, and use cases

Inspired by Internet architecture

Loosely coupled integration with “just enough”


Common resource formats and services

Innovation from the Jazz technology platform

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

Barriers to sharing resources and assets across the software lifecycle

Multiple vendors, open source projects, and in-house tools

Private vocabularies, formats and stores

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet


Quality Manager


An OPEN Rational Integration Landscape

Team A




Requirements Composer

Team Concert Quality Manager




Project Conductor


Build Forge






Asset Manager CCMDBRational Focal Point

System Architect




“Cool School”












IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet


Unit Testing -

by the developers

Build Validation Testing –

daily builds are automatically tested

System Validation Testing –

Test Labs and Test Scripts are managed by a separate team

Translation Validation Teasting

Ensure that the products meets the IBM language needs supported by the product

Managed Beta Customer testing –

Weekly testing of the product scenarios by selected customers

Usage model testing –

Product Manager, Architect, Key Stakeholder testing

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

Govern: Real-time knowledge of your business goals

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

1 0

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

Rational Workbench for Collaborative Lifecycle Management

A robust, extensible solution for analysts, developers and quality professionals



Administration: Users, projects, process

Best Practice Processes

Presentation: Mashups

3rd-Party Jazz


Configuratio n

& Change Management

Build & Deploy


Quality ManagementAsset

ManagementArchitecture Management

Quality Professional

ArchitectAnalyst DeveloperProduct/ Project


Rational Workbench for Collaborative Lifecycle Management

Rational Quality


Rational Requireme

nts Composer

Rational Team


IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

Money that Matters™

The Money that Matters project is based on a realistic software development project whose goal is to deliver Release 1 of the JKE Banking application.

The developers and testers are working with an integrated and scaled agile CLM environment.

The team is using Rational Team Concert to plan, track, collaborate, and deliver the release integrated with Rational Quality Manager to capture requirements

and plan, construct and execute tests.

Rational Requirements Composer is used to define the requirements and the release plan.

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

Money that Matters™ -- Investing in Community Initiatives


IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

Analysts overview dashboard

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

Showing requirements

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

And their related test cases

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

Select the requirements project

IBM Software

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Requirements overview

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

With linked test cases, and the short description

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And long description

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Select the Test Case Overview

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Select Test Scripts

IBM Software

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Test Scripts Overview

IBM Software

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Select Test Script

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

Test Script Overview

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View Test Plans

IBM Software

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Test Plans Overview

IBM Software

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Select Test Plan

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

Test Plan Overview

IBM Software

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View the related Requirements Plan

IBM Software

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Requirements Plan

IBM Software

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Requirements Plan overivew

IBM Software

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Select Development Plan

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

Development Plan Overview

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

Development Plan Overview

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

Development Plan Overview

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet 37

IBM Software

Innovation for a smarter planet

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2010. All rights reserved. The information contained in these materials is provided for informational purposes only, and is provided AS IS without warranty

of any kind, express or implied. IBM shall not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, these materials. Nothing contained in these materials is intended to, nor

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IBM software. References in these materials to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in which IBM operates. Product release dates and/or capabilities referenced in these materials may change at any time at IBM’s sole discretion based on market opportunities or other factors, and are not intended to be a commitment to future product or feature availability in any way. IBM, the IBM logo, Rational, the Rational logo, Telelogic, the Telelogic logo, and other IBM products and services are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation, in the United States, other countries or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
