Testing and Deploying IBM Rational HATS® Applications on

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Transcript of Testing and Deploying IBM Rational HATS® Applications on

Testing and Deploying IBM

Rational HATS® 8.5

Applications on Apache

Geronimo Server 3.1

Royal Cyber Inc. Modernized e-business solutions

Testing and Deploying IBM Rational HATS® Applications on Apache Geronimo Server


This white paper explains how to run, test and deploy IBM Host Access Transformation Service® (HATS)

web application on Apache Geronimo Application server.

Part 1 - Introduction

In the 'Introduction' part the overview of the White Paper is provided. Basic introduction to the IBM

Host Access Transformation Service (HATS) and Apache Geronimo Server are provided in this part.

Part 2 - Deploying and Installing Apache Geronimo


In the 'Deploying and Installing Geronimo Server' part, the entire process of deploying the Geronimo

Server is explained. Along with that using IBM HATS projects in the Geronimo Server are also explained

Part 3 - Benefits

In the 'Benefits' part, the overall benefits of the combination IBM HATS-Apache Geronimo Server are


Testing and Deploying IBM Rational HATS® Applications on Apache Geronimo Server

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Application server is a very important component in the overall scheme of the web systems as it

provides platform for launching or executing applications. It manages all the involved resources like

Hardware, OS, Network, etc. It is not just mere hosting of the application, an application server acts as a

stage for the deployment and development of Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs), Web services, etc. In short,

Application server interacts between the front end (end users) and system resources at backend. There

are various Application servers available in market both paid and unpaid. However, for working with

IBM HATS, Apache's Geronimo server is one of the top Application server choices.

This paper explains the process of running, testing and deploying IBM Host Access Transformation

Service (HATS) web application on Apache Geronimo Application server. It is assumed that the readers

have the preliminary knowledge of IBM HATS development which includes creating, running, testing and

deploying HATS web application on WebSphere Application Server. For this white-paper document

following tools & technologies are mentioned:

IBM HATS Toolkit v 8.5 which is installed on top of IBM RAD/RBD v 8.5

Apache Geronimo Application Server v 2.2.1

IBM Host Access Transformation Service (HATS) IBH Host Access Transformation Service or HATS is a transformation service that allows creating

modernized, user friendly web applications, portlets or rich client applications for 3270 and 5250

applications (also known as host applications) hosted on IBM System z® IBM i® platforms respectively.

Furthermore, it also supports web services creation and consumptions to support connectivity of

multiple systems. Modernization of screen includes displaying the host screen data in the UI of the day

with complete branding and look and feel with the default advantage of accessing the application online

without any compromise on security or performance. With HATS, web applications for generic and

specific mobile devices like Cell Phones (including Smart Phones), PDAs, Data terminals, Tablets, could

also be created. HATS also permits creation of rich client apps. There is no need to make any changes in

the Host applications, meaning the stable host application continues to work without any change and

modernized layer is built on top of the host application. Transformation from green screen to

modernized screen is not very costly and risk factor is also minimal. Overall improvement in

organizational productivity is inevitable as the modernized application does not require much training


In a nutshell, HATS permits following:

Modernizing Green Screens with methods like Default rendering, customization, Macros, etc.

Fetching and using Data from Multiple Green Screens

Transformation of Green Screen Menus to Web Dynamic Menus

Creation of Dynamic Graphs

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HATS mainly consists of two major components, namely HATS Toolkit and HATS Runtime code.

HATS Toolkit:

It is the collection of multiple plug-ins for Eclipse-based IBM Rational Software Delivery Platform

(Rational SDP). HATS toolkit allows gradual step by step creation or modernization of application

or portlets (or both). It facilitates the developers to start working without actually knowing the

exact functionality of the host application and provides them with the preview of the host

application in parallel. Furthermore, it also helps the companies to modernize as per their

convenience considering the factors like budget, training, etc., gradually rather than at one go.

Deployment process of HATS application is quite similar to deploying any web based application

and application could be deployed at WebSphere® Application Server, WebSphere Portal, or rich

client servers/platforms.

HATS Runtime Code:

Once the HATS application is deployed at the desired environment like Live, Staging, QA, etc,

HATS runtime code comes into action. Runtime code is recognized by the Application server and

is responsible for back and forth interaction between the front end and host application.

Figure 1 HATS Architecture

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Introduction to Apache Geronimo Application Server Apache Software Foundation's Apache Geronimo application server is portable, scalable open source

server runtime distributed under Apache's license. Geronimo server is fully JEE certified and uses open

source software to provide runtime environment for managing J2EE applications. Introduced in 2006,

Apache Geronimo server is improved continuously based on industry’s feedback and to resolve the

bugs. The current version of the server is 3.0.1. There are more than 20 minor and major releases in

between the first version 1.0 and current version 3.0.1. Geronimo is being used for supporting small to

large scale Enterprise Applications. Apache's Geronimo does not compromise by any means on the two

most important aspects of any application, Performance and Security. Apache has built Geronimo with

the intention of making it as simple as possible to use. Geronimo comes with multiple modules, where

selection of module could be decided per the very application requirement. It is fully customizable and

can be extended or contracted as per the requirements. From the perspective of this paper it is

important to note that Geronimo's version 2.2.1 is perfectly compatible with IBM Rational HATS 8.5

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In this part of the White Paper, the entire process of downloading and installing Apache Geronimo

server and using it to host HATS applications is explained. There are certain wizard-like steps that need

to be followed in order to have the Geronimo-HATS combination work. In the section below, the whole

process is explained with the instructions and pictorial representation of each step.

Download & Install Apache Geronimo Server Download Geronimo Server from this page (You must download Geronimo v2.2.1 with Tomcat 6)


Direct Download link


Extract the downloaded ZIP file of Geronimo server and it will be an installation directory of the server.

Installing Geronimo Eclipse Plug-in (GEP) within HATS IDE

There are three ways to install Geronimo Server Adaptor or Geronimo Eclipse Plug-in (GEP) in HATS IDE


1) Installing GEP within Web Tools Platform (WTP) Project - Eclipse

2) Installing GEP using Eclipse update manager

3) Manual Installation

This paper focuses on the very first method listed above, i.e. Installing GEP within WTP.

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Installing GEP within WTP

1. Launch HATS 8.5 IDE from HATS Toolkit shortcut or from the defined installation path

2. By default HATS is launched with HATS perspective.

3. Select the Servers tab, Right Click and select New Server

4. Click Download Additional Server Adapters

5. Select Geronimo v3.0 Server Adapter and click Next.

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6. Select Accept the License Agreement radio button and click Finish button.

7. Next screen prompts for confirmation, Click OK button. Upon completion Geronimo 3.0 server

adapter gets downloaded and installed

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8. System prompts to restart the HATS IDE. Click Restart Now button.

Unsuccessful Installation If the explained adaptor installation gives any problem or errors then follow these instructions first and

then install Geronimo server adaptor. Ignore this section, if there installation is successful.

Follow these steps to install the required plug-in first on RAD/RBD/Eclipse

o Enable update site: http://download.eclipse.org/dsdp/tm/updates/3.2, by choosing menu:

Help-->Install New Software

o Select expanded TM and RSE Uncategorized 3.2.2 and choose the Target Management

Terminal option

o Restart RAD and then install Geronimo 3.0 Server Adaptor

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Adding New Geronimo Server in HATS After the installation of GEP within WTP, next step is to add Geronimo server in the Servers tab view.

Follow the numbered steps to add Geronimo server in HATS.

1. Select the Servers tab, Right Click and select New->Server

2. Select Apache Geronimo v2.2 Server from the Apache folder

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3. Select JRE as WebSphere Application Server v7.0 or above JRE and provide the path of

Geronimo Application Server Installation Directory and click Next button

4. Click Next button without changing anything

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5. Leave the values as default and click Next button. By default Administrator credentials for this

server are:

o User Id: system

o Password: manager

6. Click Finish button to complete the process.

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Creating Simple HATS Web Project Now the next step is to creating a Simple HATS Web Project using Geronimo server. Provided below are

the steps that needs to be followed to accomplish this.

1. Launch HATS Toolkit and select File New HATS Project

2. Leave the values as default and click Next button. By default credentials for this server are:

o Name : Lab1

o Target Server: Apache Geronimo v2.2

o Enterprise Application Project: Lab1_EAR

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3. Enter the following values and click Next button.

o Host Name: iseriesd.dfw.ibm.com

o Type: 5250

o Port: 992

o Code page: 037 United States

o Screen size: 27 x 132

4. Click Next button without making any changes.

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5. Again, click Next button without making any changes.

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Deploying & Testing Once everything is setup, next and final step is to check by starting the Server from HATS IDE.

1. In HATS IDE's Servers tab, select Apache Geronimo v2.2 Server at localhost and start by clicking

Play (green) button (Button is highlighted in the image below). Once the server is started, the

status is changed from [Stopped] to [Started].

2. Click OK button, if system prompts with any message like this. Server will be started anyways.

3. Right click on the Lab1 project and select Run on Server

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4. Select Apache Geronimo v2.2 Server at localhost and click Next button

5. Now, click Finish button to complete the task.

Now the HATS application is available to run on Geronimo server and you can start or resume with your

normal development work.

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Testing and Deploying IBM Rational HATS® Applications on Apache Geronimo Server

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There are various benefits one can get by using Geronimo Application Server with HATS, few salient

ones are listed.

Meets the needs of Developers, Administrators and System Integrators: Due to the face that it is very simple to use and availability of adequate help material, it is convenient to use for every stakeholder involved in the system implementation and other related tasks.

Open Source & Modular approach based: Geronimo is open source, so it inherits all the benefits of an open source technology. Furthermore, being modular based allows the decision makers to use only the components which are required and discard those not useful.

Economical overall: Being open source and with lot of material available online, Geronimo proves inexpensive.

Ease of Use: Apache mentions it themselves, that one of the guiding principles behind Geronimo is to provide ease of use. So, Geronimo is comparatively easy to use as compared to other servers.

User friendly Administrator Console for easier management: As mentioned in the previous points, Apache Geronimo is relatively easier to use. Its Administrator console is also very convenient and helpful to use and makes the overall administration trouble-free. Services and Components management is also available at Server level

No restriction on Commercial Software Development/Deployment: Being open source and with high performance and no compromise on security, Apache could be used by large enterprises as well.

Continuous Improvement with frequent Major and Minor releases: Since its inception, there are more than 20 major and minor updates released for Apache Geronimo. It shows people behind it are alert and respond to the bugs and are aware of the need of the time.

Abundant Support availability: There is no shortage of online support material availability, so for any situation there is help available always.

Other Benefits: There are several other benefits as well, like Apache Geronimo supports Apache Derby DB, LDAP and JSR 88. It is Java EE5 certified and it supports Customized Tools, Utilities or Components for Performance enhancements

Most importantly, Apache Geronimo is consistent and compatible with IBM WebSphere products portfolio.