TestCase Sample

Post on 30-May-2018

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Transcript of TestCase Sample

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


    02ae-BM/PM/HDCV/FSOFT v1/0 1/3

    TEST CASEVersion: 1.2

    Issue date: 31/07/2007

    Project Name: Sameple project

    Project Code: UTEHY-SE01

    Record of change:

    Effective Date Version Change location Change description Originator

    30-Jul-07 1.0 First creation Nguyn Th Thu Hin

    1-Aug-07 1.1 Update testcase Nguyn Th Thu Hin17-Aug-07 1.2 Update testcase Nguyn Th Thu Hin

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


    02ae-BM/PM/HDCV/FSOFT v1/0


    CR236 "Export all carrier choices"

    Nguyn Minh Qu CR236 "Export all carrier choices"Test Leader 01 CR236 "Export all carrier choices"


  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample



    Sample Project

    CR100 - Export to excelTest requirement: CR1 -

    Pass 25

    Fail 1

    ID Test Case Description

    1. Check add role "CanExportAllCarrierCh


    Check set Role CanE




    System Name

    Module Code

    Checking new role isadded

    Checking new functionis added in Classic or

    Current Mode

    Checking new functionis added in Classic or

    Current Mode

    Checking new functionis added in Expert


  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample




    2. Check Template of Excel when Export a



    Checking new functionis added in Expert


    Checking new functionis added in Expert


    Check performent offunction in Current orClassic Mode has multicarrier support for acircuit

    Check performent offunction in Current orClassic Modeeach circuit has only

    i t

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample




    Check performent offunction in Expert Modeeach circuit has onlyone carrier support

    Check performent offunction in Expert ModeHave multi carrierssupport for a circuit

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample








    Check value of IRDcolumn with Carrier foreach circuit with itsaggregate I, R, D

    Check value of IRDcolumn with Carrier foreach circuit with itsaggregate I, D

    Check value of IRDcolumn with Carrier foreach circuit with itsaggregate R, D

    Check value of IRD

    column with Carrier foreach circuit with itsaggregate I

    Check value of IRDcolumn with Carrier foreach circuit with itsaggregate D

    Check value of IRDcolumn with Carrier foreach circuit with itsaggregate R

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample





    5. Check value of columns that provider

    You can see details for



    Check value of Notecolumn if Set roleCanSeeNotesAndCoSIndicator = True

    Check value of Notecolumn if Set roleCanSeeNotesAndCoSI

    ndicator = False

    Check value of Notecolumn if Access, Port,CoS Rule are mapping

    Check value the part ofRequested

    Check value the part ofProvided

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample










    Check value of Carriercolumn if Set roleCanSeeCarrierName= True

    Check value of Carriercolumn if Set roleCanSeeCarrierNamer

    = False

    Check value of Carriercolumn if Set roleCanSeeCarrierName= True

    Check value of Carriercolumn if Set roleCanSeeCarrierNamer= False

    Check value of Carriercolumn if Set roleCanSeeCarrierName

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample




    Check value of TOTAL(A+P+CoS) Client PriceNRC column

    Check value of TOTAL(A+P+CoS) Client PriceMRC column

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


    Pending 0

    Number of test cases: 37

    Test Case Procedure Expe

    ises": This will be typically set for System users only

    xportAllCarrierChoices = True

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine with Classic or Currentor Expert Mode2: Go to maintenance3: Click Maintenance Users4: Click Role Tab

    Role Tab is added a new"CanExportAllCarrierC

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine with Classic or CurrentMode that has to set role "CanExportAllCarrierChoices"2: Submit for the quote3: Open the quote at the home4: Go to Quick Links

    See a new selector: "Ex

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine with Classic or CurrentMode that has to set role "CanExportAllCarrierChoices"2: Unsubmit for the quote3: Open the quote at the home4: Go to Quick Links

    Don't see a new selecto

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine with Expert Mode thathas to set role "CanExportAllCarrierChoices"2: Submit for the quote3: Open the quote at the home

    See a new menu item: " enabled in Current Qu

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


    ll Carriers

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine with Expert Mode thathas not to set role "CanExportAllCarrierChoices"2: Submit for the quote

    3: Open the quote at the home4: See on left Panel

    Dont see a new menu iCurrent Quote Menu

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine with Expert Mode thathas not to set role "CanExportAllCarrierChoices"2:Unsubmit for the quote3: Open the quote at the home4: See on Left Panel

    Dont see a new menu iCurrent Quote Menu

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine with Current or ClassicMode2: Create quote and submit3: Click [Export all Carriers] on Quick Links

    1: Will be the same contCanSeeFullCostAndPriceCurrent system2: The export will not juscircuit, but will contain oprovide those circuits. Tduplicated except thecarrier COS3: A carrier will only be s

    its its aggregate IRD4: Instead of only showinwill break out the price eand MRC CLIENT PRICE fseparately, then Total 5: After the access, port,should have 8 columns oSee sheet Template A

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine with Current or ClassicMode2: Creat quote and Submit3: Click [Export all Carriers] on Quick Links

    1: Will be the same contCanSeeFullCostAndPriceCurrent system2: The export show one r

    i t

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


    1: Go to the system TestProEngine with Expert Mode2: Creat quote and submit2: Click [Export all Carriers] button

    1: Will be the same contCanSeeFullCostAndPriceCurrent system

    2: The export show one rcarrier support3: A carrier will only be sits its aggregate IRD4: Instead of only showinwill break out the price eand MRC CLIENT PRICE fseparately, then Total 5: After the access, port,

    should have 8 columns o6: For Expert, this will coVSIPs, selected VSIP capwith no entries in it (All iSee sheet Template B

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine with Expert Mode2: Creat quote and submit3: Click [Export all Carriers] button

    1: Will be the same contCanSeeFullCostAndPriceCurrent system2: The export will not juscircuit, but will contain oprovide those circuits. Tduplicated except thecarrier COS3: A carrier will only be sits its aggregate IRD4: Instead of only showinwill break out the price eand MRC CLIENT PRICE fseparately, then Total

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


    See IRD column in Templ

    See IRD column in Templ

    See IRD column in Templ

    See IRD column in Templ

    See IRD column in Templ

    See IRD column in Templ

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine with Current or Classicor Expert Mode2: Creat quote and submit

    3: Click [Export all Carriers]

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine with Current or Classicor Expert Mode2: Creat quote and submit3: Click [Export all Carriers]

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine with Current or Classicor Expert Mode2: Creat quote and submit3: Click [Export all Carriers]

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine with Current or Classic

    or Expert Mode2: Creat quote and submit3: Click [Export all Carriers]

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine with Current or Classicor Expert Mode2: Creat quote and submit3: Click [Export all Carriers]

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine with Current or Classicor Expert Mode2: Creat quote and submit3: Click [Export all Carriers]

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample



    art of in Sheet Provider supports

    See the part of requested

    See the part of Provided

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine Current or Classic orExpert Mode2: Create quote and submit for it

    3: Go to Maintenance User set roleCanSeeNotesAndCoSIndicator = True4: Open the quote5: Click [Export all Carriers] at Quick Links/Left Panel

    See Notes, COS selectedClient notes/COS selecte

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine Current or Classic orExpert Mode2: Create quote and submit for it

    3: Go to Maintenance User set roleCanSeeNotesAndCoSIndicator = False4: Open the quote5: Click [Export all Carriers] at Quick Links /Left panel

    See Notes, COS selectedBlank

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine Current or Classic orExpert Mode2: Create quote and submit for it3: Open the quote

    4: Click [Export all Carriers] at Quick Links /Left panel

    See value of Notes: shoCoS rule to be mapping

    All values the same as E(User requests)

    - If provider supports asof Provided same as alon- If provider doesn't supupgrade to other valuedisplayed value to be up

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


    ck value of Carrier column at the Expert Mode

    ck value of Carrier column at the Classic Mode

    ck value of Carrier column at the ClassicDIA Mode

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine Expert Mode2: Create quote and submit for it

    3: Go to Maintenance User set role CanSeeCarrierName =True4: Open the quote5: Click [Export all Carriers] at left panel

    See Carrier column: valu(Expertcode1, expertcod

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine Expert Mode2: Create quote and submit for it3: Go to Maintenance User set role CanSeeCarrierName =False4: Open the quote5: Click [Export all Carriers] at left panel

    See Carrier column: valuExpertcode1,Expertcode

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine Classic Mode2: Create quote and submit for it3: Go to Maintenance User set role CanSeeCarrierName =True

    4: Open the quote5: Click [Export all Carriers] at Quick Links

    See Carrier column: valu(Carriercode1,Carriercod

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine Classic Mode2: Create quote and submit for it3: Go to Maintenance User set role CanSeeCarrierName =False4: Open the quote5: Click [Export all Carriers] at Quick Links

    See Carrier column: valuCarriercode1,Carriercod

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine Classic Mode2: Create quote MPLS, DIA and submit for them3: Go to Maintenance User set role CanSeeCarrierName =

    See Carrier column: valuCarriercode1, CarriercodWith site is DIA: carrier c

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


    1: Go to the system TestProEngine Classic Mode2: Create quote MPLS, DIA and submit for them3: Open the quote

    4: Click [Export all Carriers] at Quick Links5: See value of TOTAL (A+P+CoS) Client Price NRC

    TOTAL (A+P+CoS) ClientNRC +Port Client Price N+CoS Voice Client Price

    Price NRC+ CoS PremiuPremium (N) Client PricePrice NRC

    1: Go to the system TestProEngine Classic Mode2: Create quote MPLS, DIA and submit for them3: Open the quote4: Click [Export all Carriers] at Quick Links5: See value of TOTAL (A+P+CoS) Client Price MRC

    TOTAL (A+P+CoS) ClientMRC +Port Client Price M+CoS Voice Client PricePrice MRC+ CoS PremiuPremium (N) Client PricePrice MRC

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


    cted Output Test date Result Note




    role, it's namehoices"

    ort all Carriers"

    r: "Export all Carriers"

    xport all Carriers" to beote Menu

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample




    tem: "Export all Carriers" in

    tem: "Export all Carriers" in

    nt asreakdown Role = False at the

    t contain one row for eachne row for each carrier that cane entire row details will becarrier name, price and

    hown once for each circuit with

    g the total NRC and MRC, welements and show total NRCr Access, Port, 6 CoS allo 18 columns for figures in total6 CoS requirement speeds,f speeds that have been priced

    nt asreakdown Role = False at the

    ow for each circuit has only one

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


    nt asreakdown Role = False at the

    ow for each circuit has only one

    hown once for each circuit with

    g the total NRC and MRC, welements and show total NRCr Access, Port, 6 CoS allo 18 columns for figures in total6 CoS requirement speeds,

    f speeds that have been pricedntain the VSIP tables (selectedcities) which many be a tablenfomation in it are Blank)1

    nt asreakdown Role = False at the

    t contain one row for eachne row for each carrier that cane entire row details will becarrier name, price and

    hown once for each circuit with

    g the total NRC and MRC, welements and show total NRCr Access, Port, 6 CoS allo 18 columns for figures in total

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


    late excel to show "IRD"


    late excel to show "ID"


    late excel to show "RD"


    late excel to show "I"


    late excel to show "D"


    late excel to show "R"

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


    Expert doesn't test Fail

    Expert doesn't test Pass

    Expert doesn't test Pass


    column: value of them ared as on Pricing option popup

    With Mode classic is failClassicDIA : Ok

    column: value of them are With Mode classic ,ClassicDIA : Ok

    full information Access, Port, With Mode classic ,ClassicDIA : Ok

    it site details popup displays

    ser to input then value the partgside part of requested

    port as user to input that it is, part of Provided will begrade

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample




    e of it is Carriernamee2..)

    e of it is2

    e of it is Carriernamee2..)

    e of it is2

    e of it is Carriernamee2..) with site is MPLSolumn show value CarrierName

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample




    Price NRC =Access Client PriceRC +CoS Voice Client Price NRCRC+CoS Premium (H) Client

    (M) Client Price NRC+ CoSNRC+COS Best Effort Client

    Price MRC =Access Client PriceRC +CoS Voice Client Price MRCRC+CoS Premium (H) Client(M) Client Price MRC+ CoS

    MRC+COS Best Effort Client

  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


  • 8/9/2019 TestCase Sample


    02ae-BM/PM/HDCV/FSOFT v1/0



    Date 10-Dec-06

    No Module code Pass Fail Pending Number of test cases

    1 CR100 - Export to excel 25 1 0 37

    Sub total 25 1 0 37

    Test coverage 70.27 %

    Test successful coverage 67.57 %