Test 1 1. Circle the correct form In parentheses: a) Just between you and ( I - me ). I think he's...

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Transcript of Test 1 1. Circle the correct form In parentheses: a) Just between you and ( I - me ). I think he's...

Test 1Test 1

1. Circle the correct form In parentheses:


a) Just between you and ( I - me ). I think he's right.

b) That's a matter for Paul and ( me - I ).

c) The students and ( we - us ) will join the team.

d) Carol and ( I - me ) agreed to share the expenses.

e) Everybody but ( his - him ) can come.

f) The baby is tiny. ( Its - It ) weighs two kilos.

g) Jack told Susan and ( I - me ) that Mr. Kenton had had an accident.

h) Phil is stronger than ( we - us ) both.

Test 2Test 2

Mark the right alternative:  Either you or ________ must tell him the truth.  a) myself;b) Ic) med) him;e) one

Test 3Test 3

(AFA - SP) (AFA - SP) - Mark the correct set of pronouns to complete the sentences below:  Duchess Sharon couldn't find any jewels in the jewel case because_________children had taken _________ to perform a play at school. ___________didn't tell it to _________mother and ______ got very irritated with _________because of________.  a) Her / them / They / their / she / them /it; b) Your /him / They / them / your / her / them; c) Their / they / Them / their / her / them /him; d) His / their / Their / they / he / they /its; e) His / them / Them / they / she / them / it.

Test 4Test 4

(ACAFE - SC) (ACAFE - SC) - Select the alternative in which the underlined word(s) can be replaced by the pronoun In parentheses:  a) The text is about animals. (He) b) We met Paul yesterday. (him) c) The kangaroos are interesting animals. (them) d) We can meet camels in the desert. (it) e) I saw a chimpanzee in the zoo. (she)

Test 5Test 5

(PUC - PR) (PUC - PR) - Choose the option that best completes the sentences below:  Have you seen Patrick? I would like to talk to _________as soon as possible. I'm quite sure I've left my glasses in the car. I must have left ______________there the day before yesterday. If you see Rachel, tell ___________ to give ________a call. I guess the book over there is _____________; ____________over here.  a) him - them - her - me - yours - mine; b) his - them - her - mine - your - my; c) him - them - her - me - your - my; d) his - their - she - me - yours - mine; e) him - their - she - mine - yours - mine.

Test 6Test 6

(UTFPR - PR) (UTFPR - PR) - Leia os períodos e marque a alternativa cujos pronomes substituem os termos em itálico: Dian Fossey lived in a rain forest where she studied mountain gorillas. Gorillas were gentle and caring. Somebody killed Dian Fossey.  a) it - they - her - them; b) her - they - them - she; c) she - him - he - it; d) she - his - his - she; e) it - them - they - her.

Test 7Test 7

Check the item in which the pronoun in parentheses can be used to complete the sentence:  a) Our swimming pool isn't as deep as __________. (your) b) Nobody told ____________about the party. (we) c) He's my best friend. I can always count on ___________. (him) d) They will visit my apartment if I invite __________ . (they) e) Robert and _________have been working for the same company for over 20 years. (me)

Test 8Test 8

(MACK - SP) (MACK - SP) - Choose the correct alternative.  She likes both of ________but______more than _________. a) we - my - him; b) us - I - he; c) us - I - him; d) us - me - him; e) we - him - me.

Test 9Test 9

(VUNESP - SP) (VUNESP - SP) - Mark the best option:


 California Salad  a head of lettuce 1/4 pound of cheese 1/4 pound of ham  

Wash and dry the lettuce, and tear_______ into bite-sized pieces. Put it in a salad bowl. Cut the cheese and ham into thin slices and arrange_________over lettuce. Peel the onion, and slice it thin.

Slice the tomatoes thin.

a) its - it;b) them - they;c) it - them;d) them - its;e) they - it.

1 onion 2 tomatoes 1/4 cup mayonnaise 1/4 cup yogurt

Test 1OTest 1O

(ITA - SP) (ITA - SP) - Choose the right alternative: Our friends insist that there is something _________. a) between her and I; b) between she and me; c) between hers and me; d) between her and me; e) between she and I.

Test 11Test 11

(UNESP - SP) (UNESP - SP) - Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente cada lacuna da frase adiante:  Do you think __________is as experienced as ________?

a) her- I; b) him - she; c) she - I; d) myself - we; e) they - him.  

Test 12Test 12

January 26,2004: QM2 Completes Maiden Voyage

The world's largest ship, Queen Mary 2, completed her maiden trans-Atlantic voyage on Monday, arriving at 8 AM at Fort Lauderdale, Florida, two weeks after she left the British port of Southampton.  The underlined pronoun "she" in the text above refers to:  a) Maiden Voyage; b) Florida; c) Fort Lauderdale; d) The world's largest ship; e) British port.

Test 13Test 13

(CESGRANRIO - RJ) (CESGRANRIO - RJ) - The pronoun IT in the sentence "When we eat something with sugar in it, particularly refined sugar, enzymes in the saliva in the mouth begin to work immediately to change that sugar into a type of carbohydrate." refers to the word ...  a) saliva; b) sugar; c) mouth; d) something; e) refined sugar.

Test 14Test 14

1 A banker is a fellow who lends you 2 his umbrella when the sun is 3 shining, but wants it back the 4 minute it begins to rain. (By Mark Twain)  Na citação acima:  a) a palavra "it" (Iinha 3) refere-se a "sun"; b) a palavra "it" (Iinha 3) refere-se a "umbrella"; c) a palavra "but" (linha 3) significa "portanto"; d) a palavra "you" (Iinha 1) é um "subject pronoun"; e) a palavra "back" (Iinha 3) pode ser traduzida como "costas".

Test 15Test 15

(UEL - PR) (UEL - PR) - At the Fourth World Conference on Women, Hillary Clinton stated. "It's time for (___I___)to say here in Beijing, and the world to hear, that it is no longer acceptable to discuss women's rights as separate from human rights." Assinale a letra correspondente a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna (I) da frase apresentada. a) we b) usc) our d) ourse) ourselves

Test 16Test 16

"The problem with studying other galaxies is that________ are too far away. The Andromeda, for example, is more than two million light-years away.______is big enough and bright enough, however, on a really dark night, a person can see _______as a fuzzy object in the sky."

(From Charting the Galaxies. in Dialogue n. B6. Apr. 89 p. 18 )

 The gaps can be filled, respectively, with:  a) them, he, it; b) we, she, you; c) they, she, them; d) they, it, it; e) they, it, them.

Test 17Test 17

(AFA - SP) (AFA - SP) - Read the paragraph below and answer the questions according to It.

"During the Trojan War, the Greeks hid inside a big wooden horse to trick their enemies into letting_________ inside the city of Troy. The trick was successful and once the horse was inside the city gates, _________ jumped out and caught the Trojans by surprise."  

(by Longman Dictionary of Culture)

 According to the paragraph above, mark the option which contains the appropriate words that complete the gaps and whom they are referring to respectively.  a) they / themselves (the Greeks); b) them / they (the soldiers); c) they / they (the Wooden Horse);d) them / he (the Trojans).

Test 18Test 18

(AFA - SP) (AFA - SP) - The text says that.  a) inside the city there was a horse which caught the soldiers by surprise. b) the Trojans were caught by surprise because the Wooden Horse was hidden inside the city . c) the Greeks hid themselves inside the horse in order to catch their enemies by surprise. d) surprisingly, the trick was successful because the Trojans were caught during the war by the hidden Wooden Horse.

"During the Trojan War, the Greeks hid inside a big wooden horse to trick their enemies into letting them inside the city of Troy. The trick was successful and once the horse was inside the city gates, they jumped out and caught the Trojans by surprise."

Test 19Test 19

(ITA - SP)(ITA - SP)


Na frase “Secrets of the New Matrix: We’re the FIRST to see the movie and play the videogame! If we told you everything, they’d have to kill us”, extraída da manchete da revista Time, os pronomes “we” e “you” referem-se, respectivamente, a a) editores da Time — público que assistiu à estréia do filme.b) diretores do filme “The Matrix Reloaded” - público em geral.c) público que assistiu à estréia do filme - público em geral.d) editores da Time - leitores da revista Time.e) público que assistiu à estréia do filme - leitores da revista Time.

Test 20Test 20

(UFMG) (UFMG) - The cartoonist wants the reader to believe that Senator Krupt          a) has been paid by the press. b) has done something wrong. c) has gained people's trust. d) has got a rather unfair trial.

Test 21Test 21

(UFMG - MG) (UFMG - MG) - The word "they" in this cartoon refers to the:  a) lies; b) means; c) press; d) senators.

Test 22Test 22

(PUCCAMP - SP) (PUCCAMP - SP) - In a 14-year study of 265,000 Japanese, Epidemiologist Takeshi Hirayama found that nonsmoking wives of heavy smokers had a higher risk of developing lung cancer than nonsmoking women married to men who did not smoke. However, classifying nonsmoking women on the basis of the smoking habits of their husbands is not an accurate measure of their degree of passive smoking, since they may be exposed to varying amounts of smoke outside the home.  De acordo com o texto,  a) O estudo feito pelo epidemiólogo japones levou 14 anos. b) as mulheres tem menor probabilidade de contrair câncer do que os homens. c) fumantes passivos não correm o risco de contrair câncer do pulmão. d) a maioria das esposas japonesas não fuma. e) os japoneses começam a fumar aos 14 anos.

Test 23Test 23

(PUCCAMP - SP) (PUCCAMP - SP) - No texto anterior, a palavra negritada “they” refere-se a: a) heavy smokers; b) non-smoking wives; c) non-smoking husbands; d) smoking husbands; e)Japanese.

In a 14-year study of 265,000 Japanese, Epidemiologist Takeshi Hirayama found that nonsmoking wives of heavy smokers had a higher risk of developing lung cancer than nonsmoking women married to men who did not smoke. However, classifying nonsmoking women on the basis of the smoking habits of their husbands is not an accurate measure of their degree of passive smoking, since they may be exposed to varying amounts of smoke outside the home.