Tertiary Education Services Office Yearbook 2015 · the “Tertiary Education Services Office...

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Transcript of Tertiary Education Services Office Yearbook 2015 · the “Tertiary Education Services Office...

Tertiary Education Services Office Yearbook 2015

Enhancing the Quality of Tertiary Education Promoting Student Development

Content: Foreword ........................................................................................................................... 2 Chapter 1. An Overview of GAES ................................................................................... 3 Chapter 2. Supporting Students to the road of Success ................................................ 4 Chapter 3. Advancing the Development of Students .................................................. 11 Chapter 4. Assisting Students for Career Planning ...................................................... 21 Chapter 5. Driving the Development of Higher Education .......................................... 25 Chapter 6. Enhancing Quality of Higher Education Sustainability ............................... 38 Chapter 7. Constructing Information Platform ............................................................ 44 Appendix ......................................................................................................................... 47



By 2015, Macao has a total of 10 tertiary education institutions, of which 4 are public and 6 are private. Among these institutions are universities that combine comprehensive teaching and research; there are also multidisciplinary and specialized higher education institutions that place emphasis on practicality.

Macao SAR Government continues to adhere to the guideline that “Education will Bring Prosperity to Macao”, endeavours to optimise the rules and systems of tertiary education, implements the establishment and testing of a tertiary education assessment system in an orderly manner and actively assists institutions in optimising their facilities and enhancing their standards. Meanwhile, it continues to strengthen its concern and support for tertiary students, provides diversified information, creates varied learning opportunities and enhances the overall standard of students.

With the guidance and support of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, the Tertiary Education Services Office (hereinafter referred to as “GAES”) vigorously promoted the implementation of all these projects in 2015. It invested resources, helped colleges and universities to improve their teaching facilities and supported the professional development of teaching and administrative staff. It further drove exchange and cooperation between Macao and mainland China and Portuguese-speaking countries and regions. It established a talent pool of tertiary education recipients and was an important reference for the colleges and universities, students and parents. It continued to implement the “Learning Material Subsidy Scheme for Tertiary Students” so as to reduce the burden for the students. Besides, the “Student Blog” and the “Centre for Higher Education Students” provided various information and services to students, it continued to hold diverse inter-school activities and organised tertiary student exchange programmes in different places to enhance their overall exposure and standard.

GAES had started to compile its yearbook from 2012 summarising the major work undertaken in the year so as to enable society to learn more about GAES and its works. It welcomes valuable advice to refine the work of GAES. As usual, GAES compiled all kinds of information in 2015 into the “Tertiary Education Services Office Yearbook 2015” and hoped that all sectors of society could give support and guidance so that it could play its role more fully and promote the steady development of tertiary education in Macao.


Chapter 1. An Overview of GAES

The Tertiary Education Services Office (hereinafter referred to as GAES), founded in 1992, is a department under the supervision of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of Macao SAR, responsible for coordinating, monitoring and developing tertiary education in Macao. Its main responsibilities include:

Planning the development of tertiary education in Macao and proposing international strategies and suggestions;

Facilitating the continuous improvement of academic, teaching and research in tertiary education and the quality of curriculum and academic activities;

Supporting the operation of tertiary education institutions and providing advice;

Assisting tertiary education institution performance assessment in Macao;

Analysing the needs of personnel in the field of tertiary education, research and staffing, and establishing a tertiary education institution management system;

Ensuring that materials such as tertiary education instution teaching programmes and course outlines can be stored and registered according to law;

Helping promote extracurricular cultural activities in tertiary education;

Promoting the publication of teaching and academic works and the training of non-teaching staff;

Assisting in enrollment for tertiary education programmes and providing support to the students enrolled;

Coordinating, encouraging and supporting local, regional and international exchange and cooperation in the field of tertiary education and promoting the establishment of relevant agreements and memoranda of agreement;

Organising and updating the database relating to the curriculum, faculty and students of tertiary education institutions and compiling relevant statistics;

Conducting research identifying the training of urgently needed talent and releasing information on the employment and professional work of talent who have received tertiary education;

Establishing and publishing standards or guidelines relating to the review of tertiary educational qualifications and providing technical and administrative support.


Chapter 2. Supporting Students to the Road of Success GAES has adopted various ways to release information about entering tertiary education

institutions so as to help students choose tertiary education appropriately and plan their life based on their aspirations and strengths. Meanwhile, it has provided support for schooling, including follow-up on the registration and distribution of subsidies for tertiary students’ school supplies by the Macao SAR Government, continuous adjustment to the total amount of scholarships for postgraduates as well as their categories and the sums awarded and integration of information on the scholarships, student bursaries and loans in various public sectors. In addition, GAES has continued to optimise its services and facilities, gives full play to the multiple functions of the Centre for Higher Education Students and strengthens the student online communication platform in order to provide more appropriate assistance to students.

1. Provide Abundant Information for Education Advancement:

Launch Activities for Education Advancement with Different Themes

In order to assist students to understand the information of education advancement in different regions thereby supporting them in their appropriate choice of school and with their life plan, GAES invites the consulate officers of different countries, representatives of higher education institutions from all over the world and the senior students who are currently studying in the universities around the world for launching some education advancement seminars annually to give information such as the conditions, procedures, expenses and subject advantages for further study in other places around the world, and to share the university life and the precautions. In 2015, the relevant events held included a series of lectures on further studies in different regions, introduction to public examinations, alumni sharing sessions, students by recommendation pre-examination counselling seminar etc. See Appendix 1 for details.

Sharing with Sincerity: Alumni Sharing Session Seminar Series on Further Studies Outside Macao and Public Examinations


Students by Recommendation pre-examination Education Seminar of University of Coimbra Counselling Seminar

Follow Up on the Exploration and Research of Students’ Counseling Services

To further explore the status quo and plan the future development of students at institutions of higher education in Macao as well as a counselling service to support the development of higher education in Macao and establish a holistic counselling service blueprint for students at institutions of tertiary education, GAES retained Macau Social Services Coordination Office of Sheng Kung Hui Macao to implement the “Exploration and Research of Students’ Counselling Services”.

GAES visited 7 higher education institutions in Macao from March to April, shared and discussed the overall project and future plan for student affairs with relevant representatives. During the period, representatives from the higher education institutions exchanged their views with GAES about the crisis management mechanism, relevant training, and the needs of staff supervising psychological counseling. To this end, GAES held the first meeting of the Tertiary Education Institutions Cross-sectoral Critical Incident Group in Macao on September 7 and invited representatives of 10 higher education institutions, the Department of Health, the Social Welfare Bureau, the Public Security Police Force, the Judiciary Police and the Fire Service Bureau in Macao so as to reach a consensus on future contact and arrangements.

Assist with the Promotion of Overseas Scholarships

To expose students to more information about scholarships outside Macao, GAES assisted with the distribution of information about overseas scholarships by uploading this information to the GAES and Student Blog websites and sending it to all secondary schools and higher education institutions in Macao for the purpose of further promotion. Information of scholarships distributed in 2015 included:

The United States Scholarships for Bachelor Degrees of New York University Abu Dhabi


Brunei 2016/2017 Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarships

Japan Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarships of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

Turkey Turkish Summer School Scholarship and Turkey Master Degrees Scholarship

Hong Kong, China Scholarships for Bachelor Degrees of Hong Kong Institute of Education

2. Provide Sustainable Support to Students for Further Studies:

Keep Promoting the “Learning Material Subsidy Scheme for Tertiary Students”

To reflect the attention towards students of higher education institutions and help them to purchase reference and learning materials, the Macao SAR Government continued to implement the Learning Material Subsidy Scheme for Tertiary Students in the academic year 2014/2015 and optimised the procedures related to registration and distribution. After the review, the number of students qualified to receive the subsidy in the academic year 2014/2015 reached 32,686. A total of MOP 98,058,000 was distributed. The top 10 countries or regions with the most students enrolled are as below:

Top 10 Countries or Regions Number of Students

Macao, China 16,395

Mainland China 6,653

Taiwan, China 4,408

Hong Kong, China 2,286

The United Kingdom 815

The United States 785

Australia 462

Canada 327

Portugal 278

Switzerland 79

Handle the application and distribution of Postgraduate Scholarships

Since 2004, GAES has assisted the Postgraduate Studies Technical Advisory Committee (CTABE) to handle the application and distribution of postgraduate scholarships. Since the academic year 2014/2015, postgraduate scholarships in Macao have been distributed twice a year. The total number of students who received the grants for the first time and more than once was 337, with a total of MOP 13,644,500 distributed.


Moreover, GAES signed an Agreement on Cooperation of Postgraduate Scholarships with the Office for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs of the Ministry of Education and the State Ethnic Affairs Commission (SEAC) respectively, which provided scholarships to excellent students in Mainland China and the current graduates from 6 higher education institutions directly affiliated to SEAC so as to support students pursuing their postgraduate studies in Macao.

Group photo of CTABE and the recipients of postgraduate scholarships in mainland China

Follow Up on the Service Platform for Student Scholarships, Funds and Loans

from Various Public Sectors

In order to implement content related to “the exploration of appropriate and feasible proposals for scholarships and student bursaries and and loans and more effective encouragement and support for citizens to pursue further education” mentioned in the Policy, after it completed the establishment of the specific information platform at the first stage, GAES immediately started work on the second stage. This was to analyse materials such as the rules, regulations, and application forms for scholarships, funds and loans for students and research, integrate and optimise feasible plans to establish the “service platforms” for scholarships, funds and loans from various public sectors based on the application.

3. Continue to Organise Examinations which Helps Students Applying for the Higher Education

Institutions in Mainland China Conveniently:

To help citizens who wish to apply for colleges and universities in mainland China, GAES, as authorised by the Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs of the Ministry of Education, carried out work relating to the registration and examination of students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and students recommended for admission from Macao, on an annual basis.

In order to support citizens, it optimised the relevant procedures for signing up for examinations. After online registration, citizens could make reservations for relevant services. Registration was received at the Centre for Higher Education Students. In addition, GAES updated


the procedures, guidance and examination information on relevant web pages in a timely basis so as to help citizens learn more details about examination, involving registration, examination tickets and admission.

Categories of the


Joint Entrance Examination for Undergraduate Programs of

Higher Education Institutions in Mainland China for Macao

Students by Recommendation

Joint Entrance Examination for Undergraduate Programs of

Higher Education Institutions in Mainland China for

Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan

(Examination in Macao)

Examination of the Postgraduate Program of

Higher Education Institutions in Mainland China

(Examination in Macao)

Dates of the Examinations

24 January 2015 23-24 May 2015 11-12 April 2015

Venues of the

Examinations Kao Yip Middle School Pui Ching Middle School Pui Ching Middle School

Number of Students Admitted

361 185 126

(20 for Doctorate, 106 for Master Degrees)

Sharing session for”Joint Entrance Examination for Joint Entrance Examination for Undergraduate Programs Undergraduate Programs of Higher Education Institutions in of Higher Education Instiutions in Mainland China for Mainland China for Macao Students by Recommendation” Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan (Examination in Macao)

Additionally, to strengthen the awareness of high school graduates and citizens about tertiary education in Mainland China, GAES invited representatives of the higher education institutions in Mainland China to visit Macao from 23 to 25 January and attend the “Higher Education in Mainland China Exhibition” jointly held by GAES and the Department of College Students Affairs, Ministry of Education. Meanwhile, in order to strengthen the understanding of representatives of secondary


schools in Macao, GAES divided them into delegations and specially arranged for them to visit 8 secondary schools in Macao on 22 January.

4. Continue to Improve Student-oriented Facilities and the Service Platform:

Centre for Higher Education Students

The Centre for Higher Education Students provides students with a diverse activity space so that they can develop their talents. It has held a number of activities surrounding further studies and employment with different themes while actively collecting relevant information for students since its opening. The Centre also provides registration and application of document services, supports student association affairs and lends them facilities. In addition, through the enrolment and organisation of volunteers who can undertake specific work and plan activities, it enhances the volunteers’ overall standard in the course of practice.

In 2015, the Centre designed its keynote “Broadening Vision” to encourage tertiary students to share their ideas through different forms of communication and learn from each other, so as to inspire them to think. In 2015, it attracted a total of 10,872 people to use the service, of whom tertiary students accounted for 59.39%.

To provide students with a more efficient service of handling the work of different examinations for further studies and registration or application for documents and activities held by GAES, GAES has extended its working hours from 11am to 8pm, Tuesday to Saturday. For more details, please visit http://www.gaes.gov.mo/big5/cees/.


Keep Updating the Higher Education Information Website

The Higher Education Information Website is more convenient for students to obtain and search for information related to further studies and employment. GAES continuously updates and enriches the content of the web pages. To learn more, please visit: http://www.gaes.gov.mo/counseling/.

Student Blog and Mobile Applications

To strengthen exchanges and communication between tertiary students in Macao and allow them to obtain information on tertiary education from GAES more conveniently and efficiently, the Student Blog Facebook Fan Page

was officially opened on 17 April and attracted over 2,900 likes.

In addition, to make better use of the growing popularity of the Internet and smartphones, as well as cater for students’ methods of communication, Student Blog optimised its web page and mobile applications stage by stage. The first stage of mobile application optimisation was completed in October. New features were added, such as an agenda, online conversation listening function and registration of activities. Optimisation of the web page included the newly added social communities share feature, classification of information by year, a search function, an email filter and a search function added to Higher Education Information Platform.

iOS Android


Chapter 3. Advancing the Development of Students Training talent drives the sustainable and continuous development of a society. GAES cares

and supports the healthy growth of tertiary students and devotes itself to broaden their vision, allow them to experience different cultures, improve their language skill and strengthen their team spirit through different activities. Based on different learning experiences, it enables tertiary students to develop their abilities across all aspects comprehensively.

1. Create Different Learning Experiences for Students:

Rich and Diversified Summer Series of Activities for Tertiary Students in Macao

GAES launched the “Rich and Diversified Summer Series of Activities for Tertiary Students in Macao” to enrich the life experience of tertiary students via diversified summer activities such as language learning, cultural experience and national education so as to lay a solid foundation for them to lead fulfilled lives in future. The activities included the following:

Type of Activity Name of Item Date No. of Participants

Language Learning

Learn “Putonghua” in Beijing 1-28 July 2015 18

English Cultural Tour to Australia

18 July - 22 August 2015 24

Portuguese Learning Activity - Portugal Summer Camp July and August 2015 99 (going to


Cultural Experience

Cultural Tour of Youth from Guangdong, Hong Kong &

Macao 15-25 July 2015

135 (Including 22

Macao students)

National Education

Journey to Our Origin “Zhejiang” 1-10 August 2015 38

Discover “Henan” 17-26 August 2015 40

Note: The details of the above activities can be referred to appendix 2.

Students attended a Peking Opera course at the Students participated in the “Cultural Tour of Youth from Beijing Language and Culture University Guangdong, Hong Kong & Macao”


Students participated in the “Portuguese Learning Students participated in the Activity – Portugal Summer Camp” “English Cultural Tour to Australia”

Students showcased their calligraphy during the Students participated in the “Discover Henan” “Journey to Our Origin - Zhejiang”

Outstanding Students’ Exchange with the European Union

With the support of the Macao Economic and Trade Representative Office to the EU (UE, Bruxelas), GAES organised an exchange delegation to visit Belgium for 7 days from 13 June. This activity attracted 66 applicants; after review, 20 excellent students were finally selected. Before they left, they followed preparatory courses organised by the Macau Institute of European Studies so as to enhance their understanding of EU.

During the activity, the students were scheduled to visit the EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, exchange with EU staff, also visit the International School of Protocol & Diplomacy.


Learning Tour in Cambridge

To enable students to understand the trends of industries such as tourism and technology from a macroeconomic perspective as well as to inspire them to learn and think from multiple perspectives, broaden their vision and enhance their comprehensive abilities, GAES held the 1st “Learning Tour in Cambridge” in 2015, which was led by the Great Britain-China Centre. Registration of this activity and “Rich and Diversified Summber Series of Activities for Tertiary Students in Macao” took place at the same time. The activity attracted 142 applicants; after review, 20 students were selected and sent to Cambridge University to attend special courses, language courses and a series of lectures from 3 to 17 August, as well as visit renowned local businesses and some historical and cultural attractions.

International Student Identity Card

To encourage students to broaden their minds, experience the culture and customs of different areas and broaden their international vision, GAES launched the International Student Identity Card plan between August and October. GAES acted as the agency to issue International Student Identity Card so that students from Macao could enjoy benefits when they travelled abroad. In 2015, a total of 4,105 students successfully applied for the card, among whom 3,750 were from Macao while 355 were studying outside Macao.

2. Advance the Abundant Developments of Students by Launching a Series of Leisure


Macao Higher Education Institution Basketball Championship

The “Macao Higher Education Institution Basketball Championship 2015” was held from February to March. Students from 7 higher education institutions attended the men’s competition, including University of Macau, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Institute for Tourism Studies, ESFSM, City University of Macau, University of Saint Joseph and Macau University of Science and Technology, while students from 6 higher education institutions attended the women’s


competition, including University of Macau, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Institute for Tourism Studies, City University of Macau, University of Saint Joseph, and Macau University of Science and Technology. It was the first time that Institute for the Tourism Studies and City University of Macau joined the women’s competition. The finals and award ceremony were held on 22 March at the Sports Complex of the University of Macau, which attracted 500 audiences. See Appendix 3 for the list of winners.

Macao Inter-Universities Writing Competition

The deadline for submission of a piece of writing was in early March for the “11th Macao Inter-Universities Writing Competition” and its award ceremony was held in May. The writing categories included essays and poems; there were a total of 306 pieces of writing (136 essays and 170 poems) collected from students studying in Macao, who are mainly from Mainland China, Macao, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Netherlands and other countries/regions. This year competition reached the most ever pieces of writing. See Appendix 4 for the list of winners.

Macao Inter-tertiary Debating Competition

The “13th Macao Inter-tertiary Debating Competition” was held from October to November. The competition had been divided into 3 sections: Cantonese, Mandarin and English. The Cantonese and Mandarin sections were organised by the Debating and Speech Culture Association of Macao, attracting competitors of 6 and 4 higher education institutions respectively. The


semi-finals and finals were held on 7-8 November at the Macao Science Center Meeting Center. The English section was organised by the Macao English Debating Association, attracting competitors from 5 higher education institutions. The preliminary contest and finals were held on 24-25 October at the University of Macau Student Activity Center. See Appendix 5 for the list of winners.

English Section of the Debating Competition Cantonese/Mandarin Sections of the Debating Competition

Putonghua Debating Contest for Guangdong-HK-Macao Universities

As the champion of the “12th Macao Inter-tertiary Debating Competition” supported by GAES and organised by TDM, the Macao Polytechnic Institute Debating Team attended the “Putonghua Debating Contest for Guangdong-HK-Macao Universities 2015” on 20 September. The competing teams were from Southern Medical University, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Macao Polytechnic Institute. There were a total of 3 rounds of debates held in Hong Kong. The results are shown as below:

Awards Award-winning Institutions

Champion Southern Medical University

First Runner-up Chinese University of Hong Kong

Second Runner-up Macao Polytechnic Institute

IPM Inter-tertiary Portuguese Debate Competition

To strengthen academic exchanges between students from Mainland China, Asia regions and Macao while improving their logical thinking ability, language and analytical skills, the “6th IPM Inter-tertiary Portuguese Debate Competition” was jointly sponsored by GAES and Macao Polytechnic Institute took place on 25-26 November. Students from 11 higher education institutions participated in the competition, including Beijing Foreign Studies University, Shanghai International Studies University, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Beijing International


Studies University, Jilin HuaQiao Foreign Languages Institute, Sichuan International Studies University, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Hanoi University, University of Macau, Macao Polytechnic Institute and Macau University of Science and Technology. The results are shown as below:

Awards Award-winning Institutions

Champion Beijing Foreign Studies University

First Runner-up University of Macau

Second Runner-up Shanghai International Studies University

Multimedia Software Skills Competition and Networking Skills Competition

To enhance student skills in applying and designing software and to be in line with the policy to develop creative industries in Macao, GAES and Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre jointly held the “2nd Macao Students Multimedia Design Skills Competition (for tertiary students)” and selected winners to attend the 2015 “Adobe Certified Associate World Championship”.

The competition was open to students who had Macao residency, aged between 15 and 22, also was studying at higher education institutions. Cheung Wai Lam, the champion, represented Macao to join the 2015 “Adobe Certified Associate World Championship” in Texas, United States in August.

In addition, to provide a platform for competition and exchange surrounding network technology for students from Hong Kong and Macao, the “Hong Kong-Macao Youth Networking Skills Competition 2015” (for tertiary students)” was jointly sponsored by Cisco Systems Hong Kong Ltd., HKU SPACE, AiTLE, IVE, Pui Ching Academy, CPTTM and GAES and was open to all tertiary students in Macao. Wu Cuiyan, the winner, represented Macao to join the “Cisco Networking Skills World Championship 2015” in Hong Kong of September and defeated all the global champions to win the championship.


The 14th Macao-wide English Speech Contest &

21st “21st Century Cup” National English Speaking Competition -

Macao Regional Contest

To encourage the public to learn and master English, promote English teaching and improve Macao citizens’ level of English, GAES assisted Macao Polytechnic Institute to promote the 14th Macao-wide English Speech Competition and 21st “21st Century Cup” National English Speaking Competition - Macao Regional Contest. The competition was divided into Junior Primary, Senior Primary, Junior Secondary, Senior Secondary, College and Open Groups. 10 Macao competitors in the College Group advanced to the finals held on 14 and 15 November at the Macao Polytechnic Institute Auditorium. The results are shown as below:

Competition Awards Award-winning Students

College Group

Champion Abuan Romina Eloisa Manabat (University of Macau)

First Runner-up Insigne Bianca Margarita Vega (University of Macau)

Second Runner-up Cheung Pui Weng (Macao Polytechnic Institute)

Best Impromptu Speaker Abuan Romina Eloisa Manabat (University of Macau)

Most Humorous Speaker Insigne Bianca Margarita Vega (University of Macau)

Best Manner Cheung Pui Weng (Macao Polytechnic Institute)

Other Student Activities

GAES organised or supported activities on specific themes from time to time. The relevant activities in 2015 included movies appreciation, sharing sessions, promotion and ticket distribution of Grand Prix. See Appendix 6 for details.

3. Support Tertiary Students to Arrange Activities Independently:

Through providing adequate funding to the activities organized by the tertiary students and their associations, tertiary students are able to gain valuable experiences of both leading and being led by the process of conception, planning, organization, association, implementation and conclusion, as well as enhance their multilateral comprehensive ability and encourage their overall



Subsidy Scheme for Higher Education Student Activities 2015

The scheme included the “Subsidy for Higher Education Student Annual Activities” and “Subsidies for Special Items”. It was designated to encourage tertiary students to contribute to society, give full play to their strengths, broaden their visions and have a deeper understanding of Macao legal system.

In 2015, the “Subsidy for Higher Education Student Annual Activities” provided funds to 25 student associations for holding 350 activities. In the end, a total of 299 activities were organized successfully. The actual funds reached approximately MOP 2.81 million. The “Subsidies for Special Items” provided funds to 16 student associations and 21 civil society organizations (CSO) for holding 78 activities with the themes of “Volunteer Work”, “Professional Practice”, “Vision Expansion” and “Rule of Law”, with a total of 72 activities held successfully. The actual funds reached approximately MOP 2.99 million.

Explanation session of the “Subsidy Scheme for Higher The 3rd Youth Forum of Mainland China, Hong Kong, Education Student Activities” Taiwan and Macao (Macao Cultural Exchange Association of Peking University)

Activities related to “Further Studies in Hong Kong” Exchange activities with “Harbin Institute of Physical (The Federation of Joint Universities - Macau Students in HK) Education” (“Student Union of School of Physical Edcuation and Sports” of IPM Student Union)


Encourage Tertiary Students to Learn Basic Laws

To encourage tertiary students to learn Basic Laws and further promote commemorative activities on campus, as well as raise their awareness of the legal system and “One Country Two Systems”, also support the “Rule of Law”, GAES continued to provide funds to student associations and CSOs for holding activities with relevant themes through the “Subsidies for Special Items”.

The 3rd Legal Knowledge Contest (Faculty of Law Students’ Association, University of Macau)

“Promotion of Laws on Campus” Night Orienteering Challenge (Orienteering General Association of Macau, China)

Single Application Subsidy

In addition to the annual arranged activities, GAES also accepts the application for subsidies for individual activities. In 2015, GAES subsidized 11 CSOs and 18 student associations to hold 37 activities. The actual subsidies reached approximately MOP 660,000. In addition, it sponsored 4 students to participate in seminars and activities held in Canada, the United States and Hong Kong, which reached approximately MOP 26,000 subsidies.

Since 2015, GAES supported relevant associations and organisations in holding individual activities surrounding further studies and employment consulting. GAES provided subsidies to 2 CSOs to hold 3 activities, which reached approximately MOP 110,000.


4. Meetings with Student Associations to Understand Their Needs:

GAES meets different student associations every year to strengthen communication between each other, exchange views on tertiary student affairs, learn more about their needs and promote the development of associations.

In 2015, GAES had meetings with 11 local associations, including University of Macau Student Union, University of Macau Postgraduate Association, University of Macau Postgraduate Association (Youth Association of International Affairs), Macao Polytechnic Institute Student Union, Postgraduate Association of City University of Macau, Association of Higher Education Students from Mainland China in Macao, Beijing (College) Macau Student Association, Macau Student Affairs Association, Macao International Elite Association, Association for the Promotion of Chinese Ethnic Unity and University of Macau Alumni Association.

5. Invite Northwest University for Nationalities to Visit Macao

GAES invited teaching staff and students of Northwest University for Nationalities to visit Macao. There was a 40-member delegation took part in the exchange activities from 12-16 December, including visits to the Residential Colleges of the University of Macau, the Centre for Higher Education Students, Macao Museum, Tap Seac Gallery, St. Lazarus Parish Creative Industrial Park and Taipai House Museum, so as to enhance their understanding of Macao and experience the perfect integration of Chinese and Portuguese cultures. Moreover, students who had taken part in the “Depart from Gansu Province” activity in 2014 also accompany them on the visit to deepen their exchange and communication.

GAES’s Meeting with Postgraduate Association of City University of Macau


Chapter 4. Assisting Students for Career Planning To assist tertiary students in Macao to learn about the prospects, job qualifications, working

conditions and current situation of different professions in Macao, GAES provided information on employment through various means and actively created internship opportunities to students. Hence, students are able to practise what they had learned in order to gain social experience and expand their social networks, also assist them to plan their development and prepare them to devote to society in the future.

Stepping Towards Your Career- Job Preparation Workshop

To assist undergraduates to understand the current employment situation, as well as master the technique of writing resumes and interviews, GAES held the “Stepping Towards Your Career- Job Preparation Workshop” for the first time at the Center for Higher Education Students on 16 February and 2 March, representatives from the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau of Macao, the Labour Affairs Bureau, and the Youth Committee of Macao Chamber of Commerce were invited to deliver speeches on employment procedures in public sectors, the employment situation and precautions of applying positions in private enterprise. They also introduced the techniques of writing resumes and interviews, as well as arranged mock interviews with the attendees. The event attracted 85 participants.

Online Chat Series

To further strengthen tertiary students’ understanding of the prospects and policies of different areas of Macao, GAES continued to hold the “Online Chat Series” through the online chat room of Student Blog in 2015. Please see the details as below:

Date Guest Theme

8 April Mr. Leong Heng Teng, President of the Administrative Committee of Cultural

Industries Fund The Cultural Industries Fund in Macao


Date Guest Theme

22 July Mr. Iong Kong Io, Director of the Social Welfare Bureau

The Diversified Development of Macao’s Social Services

17 November Mr. José Maria da Fonseca Tavares, Director of the Sports Bureau

The trends of Macao’s Sport Development

Life Planning Sharing Session Series

To enhance students’ awareness and understanding of the importance of career planning so that they can make appropriate decisions for employment sooner based on their strengths and interests, GAES launched 7 sessions of “Dare to Dream, Dare to Start--Life Planning Sharing Series” in July, with the theme of “I Love Cultural and Creative Industries--Unlimited Creativity”, “I Love Cultural and Creative Industries--Subsidy Programme Series for Macao Cultural and Creative Industries”, “Piloting Dreams - Tips to Success”, “We All Start Our Business in This Way” and “Support Your Business Start-up--Young Entrepreneurs Aid Scheme”. Representatives of the Cultural Affairs Bureau and Macao Economic Services were invited to give a detailed introduction. The series attracted 173 participants.

Briefing Sessions on Professional Certification

To enable students to better understand the certification of different professions, GAES held


the “Briefing Sessions on Professional Certification” respectively for both undergraduates and secondary students from August to September. Representatives of the Health Bureau, Social Welfare Bureau and Macau Lawyers Association were invited to introduce the application procedures and certifications for physicians, pharmacists, social workers and legal professionals. The sessions attracted 988 participants.

A Bright Future — Macao Tertiary Students Internship Program

To provide internship opportunities to students and allow them to apply their learning outcome, as well as accumulate experiences and establish interpersonal relationship in the actual worksplace, GAES continued to organise the summer internship program in 2015. GAES not only provided students with the opportunities to practise in Macao and Mainland China, but also added internship opportunities in Australia for the first time. The activity was organised by Prideshill Innovations Pty Ltd. Students can participate in a 6-week internship program either in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne or Gold Coast from 13 July to 28 August. The professions included urban planning, medical management, pharmacy, environmental science and engineering etc.

Co-organised by Associação de Jovens Empresários Chineses de Macau and the Youth Committee of Macao Chamber of Commerce of Macao, “Local Internship” organised students to work at different enterprises in Macao during July and August for 4 weeks. The professions included English, psychology, design, finance and investment, marketing, tourism and exhibition, video production etc.

“Internship in Mainland China” was sponsored by the Hunan Provincial Youth Federation. GAES organised students to participate in the “2015 Cross-Strait Summer Internship Scheme for Higher Education Students in Hunan” from 2 to 31 July. The professions included management,


information engineering, education, health care etc. Students were sent to work in the enterprises in Hunan Province. Meanwhile, they could exchange with students from mainland China, Macao and Taiwan and experience different cultures.

Continue to Launch the “Macao InnoICT Business Plan Competition”

for Students to Achieve their Dreams

The “Macao InnoICT Business Plan Competition”, jointly organised by GAES and the Macau New Technologies Incubator Centre (Manetic), successfully assisted some award-winning teams in implementing their entrepreneurship plans. In 2015, a total of 30 teams from Mainland China, Macao, Taiwan and the United Kingdom participated in the competition. Before the competition, the Macau New Technologies Incubator Centre (Manetic) organised a workshop to teach participants how to organise teams and write business proposals, as well as invited guests to share their experiences. The award ceremony was held on 17 August.

Awards Champion 1st Runner-up 2nd Runner-up

Name of Team

Innovations Engineering Leave a Leaf Macao Stands Tall

Higher Education


The Open University of Hong Kong Taiwan University Cheng Kung University

Team Members

Lo Kuok Chi

Chim Chi Wai Chou Chi Ning

Iam Kit Wai Su Hsin Yu

Lei Weng San

Long Chak Seng Chen Min Chi


To develop a Bluetooth parking navigation

system and an indoor positioning system based on Android.

Applications to recall and record locations.

“Bus Dynamic System” was an intelligent

transport system, mainly installed on buses. Through advanced

detection and control technology, passengers

could find out bus arrival times through a

“Multi-line Intelligent Stop Board” to save the cost of waiting for a bus.


Chapter 5. Driving the Development of Higher Education A comprehensive tertiary education system is an important foundation in driving the

development of tertiary education in Macao. GAES continued to promote the legislative process for relevant tertiary education system laws and regulations so that systems in Macao could fit in better with the trends in global and local tertiary education. Meanwhile, GAES actively promoted cooperation in the field of tertiary education, facilitated the growth of higher education institutions and the professional growth of faculties and strove to promote the optimisation of tertiary education in Macao.

1. Actively Promote the Establishment of Higher Education Law:

To promote the steady development of tertiary education in Macao, Macao SAR Government systematically improved the establishment of relevant laws and regulations. GAES had actively promoted an amendment to the Higher Education Law. The proposed law was passed by the Legislative Assembly on 12 February, 2015 and the Second Standing Committee of the Legislative Assembly will deliberate later. By December 2015, GAES had held 11 technical work meetings with the Legal Advisory Board of the Legislative Assembly and two meetings with the Second Standing Committee of the Legislative Assembly to discuss the content of the proposed law and seek to complete the legislation process sooner.

The “Higher Education System” Law and the revision of a series of relevant regulations can guarantee the allocation of public resources on tertiary education and further enhance the autonomy and flexibility of institutions of tertiary education while setting up the credit and quality assurance systems to facilitate student exchanges and cooperation among institutions, maintain sustainable improvement of their standards and promote the stable development of tertiary education in Macao. In addition, GAES drove the draft of supporting regulations on the Macao Higher Education Fund, Higher Education Coordinating Board, Higher Education Regulations, Higher Education Quality Assurance System and Higher Education Credit System etc.

“Higher Education System” Law has been adopted by the Legislative Assembly


2. Construct the Exchange and Cooperation Platform of Macao Higher Education Institutions:

Symposium between the Ministry of Education and Heads of

Macao Higher Education Institutions

In October, during the visit of the delegation led by Mr. Du Yubo, Vice Minister of Education, GAES arranged a symposium for the Head of 6 higher education institutions (including University of Macau, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Institute for Tourism Studies, Macau University of Science and Technology, City University of Macau and University of Saint Joseph), the delegation and the representatives of the Secretariat for Social Affairs and Culture. They exchanged their ideas on the topic of “contribution to the prosperity and sustainable stability of Macao through the rapid development of tertiary education”.

Organize a Meeting for the Heads of Macao Higher Education Institutions

GAES had a regular meeting system with 10 Macao higher education institutions. During the meeting in March, the statistical data of the academic year 2014/2015, the distribution of the Learning Material Subsidy for Tertiary Students and relevant data of higher education as well as a survey following up on undergraduates in 2014 were discussed. The


progress of the Higher Education Law, Credit and Quality Assurance Systems were reported. The measures or mechanisms related to gender equity and the prevention of sexual harassment were also discussed.

Support the Formation of the “Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Talents Training Work Group”

GAES continued to facilitate the work of the “Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Talents Training Work Group” in 2015. During the group meetings, GAES had reached a consensus with the participants to combine the strengths of various institutions, publish Chinese versions of Portuguese textbooks together, compile the Chinese-Portuguese bilingual dictionaries, enhance training and exchange programmes between students, boost Portuguese learning efficiency and open more specialised courses taught in Portuguese to train bilingual talents with different majors. In addition, the meeting decided to strengthen the training of Portuguese teachers, enhance the teacher teaching skills, strengthen cooperation with adjacent regions (e.g. mainland China) and provide training to teachers in relevant regions. The group was to study how to comply with “Belt and Road Initiative” development strategy and train more Chinese-Portuguese bilingual talent.

Advance the Development of the Macao Academic Library Alliance

To match the cooperative development among the libraries of Macao higher education institutions, GAES supported 9 higher education institutions, including University of Macau, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Institute for Tourism Studies, ESRSM, City University of Macau, University of Saint Joseph, Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macao, Macau University of Science and Technology, and Macau Institute of Management in forming the Macao Academic Library Alliance. Moreover, it adhered to the “Build, purchase, share, and use mutually” principle and gave full play to current resources through the sharing of resources and information among the libraries of each higher education institution.

The Alliance uploaded 14 jointly purchased databases onto the “Macau Academic Library Alliance E-Resources Center”, also completed the beta version of the higher education institutions in the Macao Union catalogue, which would serve as the foundation of the library borrow & return system at the second stage, and formally launched the dissertation submission system R&D. In


addition, the Alliance organised the “Macau Academic Library Alliance Delegation to Australia” from late November to early December. During this rewarding visit, the delegation had exchanged with the libraries of local higher education institutions, National Library of Australia and relevant local higher education institution library unions.

Coordinate Higher Education Institutions to Form the “Macau Higher Education Institutions

Committee for the Promotion of Gender Equality”

To improve the mechanisms and measures of relevant gender equality and prevention of sexual harassment, 10 local higher education institutions officially formed the “Macau Higher Education Institutions Committee for the Promotion of Gender Equality” in September. The Committee formally drafted the policy framework of the Macau Higher Education Institutions Committee for the Promotion of Gender Equality, the handling procedures of campus sexual harassment incidents, as well as the short-term training for the Committee. The relevant policy frameworks have been improving.

Furthermore, GAES invited Professor Fanny M.C. Cheung, Vice-President of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Professor Japhet Law to visit Macao in November and hold the “Seminar on Combating Sexual Harassment: Concept, Policies and Practices”.

During the seminar, the definition of sexual harassment and influence on individuals and groups were introduced, the professors also shared the relevant preventive policies and mechanisms to handle certain incidents in Hong Kong, which have raised the participants’ awareness on this aspect, especially the Committee members and staff in charge of relevant affairs at higher education institutions.

Jointly Organize the “Symposium on Online Education and Big Data”

GAES jointly organized the “Symposium on Online Education and Big Data” by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Dr. Stanley Ho Medical Development Foundation in March. Chris Terman and Steve Ward, two senior professors of MIT were invited to share the latest


progress of the online education platform and big data. Their speeches were entitled “See One, Do One, Teach One” and “Algorithmic Education”. The symposium attracted over 80 participants of 9 local higher education institutions, CUHK and Macao adult education institutions to attend, which has delivered distinguished results.

Coordinate Local Higher Education Institutions to Organize the Joint Entrance Examination

To promote the “Joint Entrance Exam”, the preparatory committee (formed by University of Macau, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Institute for Tourism Studies and Macau University of Science and Technology) met the representatives of General Association of Chinese Students of Macao (AECM), and introduced the plans of “Joint Entrance Exam”, as well as exchanged ideas.

The representatives of the 4 higher education institutions went to local middle schools for the introduction of the “Joint Entrance Exam”, and a video clip of the above visits was made for the public to understand more of the related arrangement of the above examination, which was also published on the websites of those 4 higher education institutions and GAES. In addition, GAES sent relevant materials of the “2017 Joint Entrance Exam” to 44 local middle schools, governmental departments, education associations, youth federations and centres to raise the

To reduce the burden on students for taking different admission examinations and respond to the requests of the education sector, students and parents, 4 local higher education institutions (University of Macau, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Institute for Tourism Studies, and Macau University of Science and Technology), covering most of the students in Macao, have formed a preparatory committee in 2012 to conduct the preparation of the 4-Uni Joint Entrance Examination (hereinafter referred to as the “Joint Entrance Exam”). The preparatory committee was following the plan to conduct the “Joint Entrance Exam” project. They have held regular meetings to reach the consensus of work through negotiation, and jointly promoted relevant examinations. The “Joint Entrance Exam” will be implemented in 2017 and held annually in April. The related 4 higher education institutions had invited GAES to assist and provide administrative support.


awareness of students, parents, teachers and community on the “Joint Entrance Exam”.

Relevant Staff of the “Joint Entrance Exam” visited the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority in July to understand its online paper inspection and assessment system, as well as exchanged relevant working experiences.

Know more about “Joint Entrance Exam”

The “Joint Entrance Exam” is different from a unified examination which is a comprehensive evaluation of basic education and standards to complete senior middle school study, while the “Joint Entrance Exam” evaluates a student’s suitability for enrolment in one of the 4 higher education institutions in Macao (i.e. University of Macau, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Institute for Tourism Studies, and Macau University of Science and Technology). It combines of 4 different subjects and contents (Chinese, English, Mathematics and Portuguese) from the 4 higher education institutions. It is not necessary for a student to sit the exams for all the 4 subjects. They can select corresponding subjects according to the requirements of the related higher education institutions and subjects they are applying for. In addition to the 4 main subjects, the above higher education institutions can arrange other examination subjects for further assessment. The “Joint Entrance Exam” is not the only way to enrol. In addition to the examination results, each Institution may have a comprehensive assessment considering other factors based on its own features and the requirements of the programs. It is not necessary for all secondary students to sit the “Joint Entrance Exam”. The results of the “Joint Entrance Exam” are not related to their graduation from secondary, students can take the entrance examinations of other institutions inside or outside Macao. The “Joint Entrance Exam” does not have a cut-off score, so there is no criterion for qualification or disqualification. The result of the examinations serves as a reference for selecting and recruiting students by the institutions. The examination scores and results of students will not be published publicly. The admission procedure and standard are implemented according to current practice. The 4 higher education institutions recruit students according to their own standards.


Central distribution is not applicable for the “Joint Entrance Exam”. Students can follow current procedures in applying for institutions. For relevant precautions, please refer to the requirements of applied programs from the related institutions.

3. Actively Promote to the External and Seek for Cooperation Opportunity

Organize Leaders of Higher Education Institutions to make visits to Portugal and Germany

To enhance the understanding of the development of tertiary education in Portugal and Germany, as well as promote exchanges and cooperation among Macao, Portugal and Germany, GAES organised leaders of 9 local higher education institutions to visit above countries in mid-December. During the meeting with the representatives of Federal Institute for Vocational Education (BIBB) and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, the leaders learnt more about the features and experiences of vocational education in Germany which helped to lay a foundation for the future development of vocational education by local higher education institutions. The visits have achieved fruitful results.

Additionally, GAES visited the Portuguese Polytechnics Coordinating Council (CCISP) and signed the “Agreement on Activity Development of GAES and CCISP” to further promote the cooperation of Chinese-Portuguese bilingual talent, academic qualification accreditation, scientific research, exchanges between teachers and students from the higher education institutions of Portugal and Macao.

Visit to Frankfurt School of Finance and Management GAES visited CCISP Polytechnic Institute of Leiria

Co-organize the “5th International Cooperation Meeting on Higher Education among

Jiangsu and Macao‧Portuguese-speaking Countries”

GAES assisted the “Hong Kong & Macao Affairs Office of Provincial People’s Government” to invite representatives of local higher education institutions to visit Jiangsu in late October and attend the “1st Working Meeting of International Higher Education Cooperation Group among Jiangsu, Macao‧Portuguese-speaking Countries”. Around 50 participants of 23 institutions and


educational organizations from China, Portugal, Brazil and Mozambique attended the meeting, among whom which were representatives from 6 Macao institutions and 2 Portuguese educational organizations. The meeting promoted exchanges and cooperations on higher education among Jiangsu, Macao and Portuguese-speaking countries. Some representatives signed cooperative agreements to further establish solid cooperation and exchange mechanisms.

Organize Local Higher Education Institutions to attend the International Education Exhibition

In March, GAES organized 5 higher education institutions (University of Macau, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Institute for Tourism Studies, Macau University of Science and Technology and City University of Macau) to attend the “20th China International Education Exhibition Tour” which was held in Beijing so as to introduce the situation of the Macao higher education to the students of Mainland China, as well as for them to obtain the student recruitment information of the Macao higher education institutions.

In the same month, GAES organised 4 local higher education institutions (University of Macau, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Institute for Tourism Studies, Macau University of Science and Technology) to attend the “Diversified Admission Exposition of Universities and Vocational School” held in Taipei, which introduced the information of Macao tertiary education to students and parents in Taiwan.

GAES’s delegations participated in the “Diversified Participation in the “20th China International Admission Exposition of Universities and Vocational School” Education Exhibition Tour” in Beijing


Organize the International Higher Education Exposition of Macao

GAES provided a platform for students in Macao and the Pan-PRD region who intended to enter higher education institutions and their parents to get more information about entering higher education institutions in Macao and outside Macao. GAES and the Venetian Macao jointly organised the “International Higher Education Exposition of Macao” from 13 to 15 March. Over 110 booths were set in the Exposition, which has attracted 112 organisations to join. Besides, 50 lectures for further studies, 18 sharing sessions for choosing subjects and 8 sharing sessions from alumni were held.

Work Group of Promoting Cooperation between Zhongshan and Macao –

Educational Cooperation Work Group

Under the consensus of the Work Group during the “1st Meeting of the ‘Work Group of Promoting Cooperation between Zhongshan and Macao’ ”, the “Educational Cooperation Work Group” was established and invited by GAES to visit Macao, the delegation was led by Li Guoxi, Deputy Director of Department of Education and Sports of Zhongshan. During the visit, they had a meeting with the representatives of GAES, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Labour Affairs Bureau, and Macao Economic Services in August to further discuss the education exchange program of two places. Afterwards, Wu Yuexia, Vice Mayor of Zhongshan, organized the delegation to Macao and held the “Social and Cultural Cooperation and Exchange between Zhongshan and Macao Forum” in October to further exchange on education cooperation.

On a similar basis, after the coordination with Zhongshan relevant unit of the “Educational Cooperation Work Group”, also through the consultation of relevant departments such as the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Macao Economic Services and Labour Affairs Bureau, they have reached a consensus on the “Educational Exchange and Cooperation Programme between Zhongshan and Macao” in December which covered the scope of tertiary education, basic education, youth entrepreneurship and vocational training.

Coordinating Macao Higher Education Institutions to Recruit Students in Mainland China

6 local higher education institutions (i.e. University of Macau, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Institute for Tourism Studies, Macau University of Science and Technology, City University of Macau, and Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau) were permitted from the Macao SAR Government and Ministry of Education of China to enrol students in Mainland China. In addition to


the promotion of enrolment, GAES organised the representatives of relevant higher education institutions to hold enrolment introduction seminars in Beijing, Nanjing, Xian and Zhengzhou from March to April to strengthen the promotional effect.

Onsite situation of the enrolment introduction Onsite situation of the enrolment introduction seminar in Beijing seminar in Nanjing

4. Advance the Professional Development of Teaching Staff and the Optimization of the Higher

Education Institutions:

Subsidies to Institutions, Teaching Staff and Associations

To support the sustainable development of Macao higher education institutions and the professional development of teaching staff, GAES allocated resources to the institutions in optimising their campus and teaching facilities, which assisted them to improve their teaching conditions and provide a better learning and teaching environment. The relevant staff of higher education institutions was also supported in holding academic activities. Furthermore, GAES assisted institutions and associations to implement projects that are beneficial to the development of tertiary education in Macao. Relevant projects funded in 2015 include:

Higher Education Institutions

Subsidized Projects Subsidized Amount


Macao University of Science and Technology

Funds for “comprehensive prevention, diagnosis and treatment of new, urgent, and

major infectious respiratory diseases” and “innovative TCM research on respiratory viral



Purchase of the right to use the e-resources database for Macao Academic Library Alliance

at the 3rd stage $260,532.76

Entrepreneurship and Education Seminar of “Global Youth Entrepreneurs Forum 2015 in

Macao” $92,604.15

International Seminar of “Global Mapping of Macao” $236,740.49


Higher Education Institutions

Subsidized Projects Subsidized Amount


Macao University of Science and Technology

Purchase of laboratory equipment for the Faculty of Information Technology, TCM courses and the pottery lab of Faculty of

Humanities and Arts


“First World Medical Summit” $595,000.00

Purchase of the Joint Entrance Exam information system at the first stage $500,000.00

City University of Macau

“7th International Conference of Analytical Psychology and Chinese Culture” $70,000.00

University of Saint Joseph

Purchase of laboratory equipment for the Institute of Science and Environment and upgrade of information equipment of the



Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau

Purchase of teaching models and instruments for lab and replacement of damaged

anatomical models $1,000,000.00

Macao Society of Biomedical Engineering

Participation in the “World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering” $10,000.00

Association of Macao Higher

Education Personnel

Research for the “Analysis for the Studying Situation and Life Adaptation of the Macao Students that study in Taiwan and Mainland



Macao International Association of

Culture and Education Exchange

Exchange visit to institutions of tertiary education in Inner Mongolia $30,000.00

Nursing Education Association of


Academic conference of “Nursing, Life and Death” $14,988.53

Social Comprehensive

Studies Association of Macao

Publication of “Macao Journal of Humanities” $12,000.00

Macao Chemical Society

Participation in “250th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting & Exposition” $26,300.00

Alumni Association of Macao and

Shaanxi Institutions

Participation in “Symposium of Exchange Programme for a Study Tour for Outstanding

Students in Macao and Shaanxi” and exchange visit


Total: $9,997,954.44


Part of the laboratory equipment for the Part of the laboratory equipment for Faculty of Information Technology (MUST) the TCM courses (MUST)

Part of the teaching models and instruments for lab Part of the anatomical models (Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau) (Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau)

Entrepreneurship and Education Seminar of Exchange visit to institutions of tertiary “Global Youth Entrepreneurs Forum 2015 education in Inner Mongolia (Macao International in Macao” (MUST) Association of Culture and Education Exchange)

Academic conference of “Nursing, Life and Death” “Symposium of Exchange Programme for a Study Tour for (Nursing Education Association of Macao) Outstanding Students in Macao and Shaanxi” and exchange visit (Alumni Association of Macao and Shaanxi Institutions)


Moreover, to support local teaching and research staff actively to participate in the projects for enhancing relevant teaching and research standards, GAES provided subsidies of over MOP 550,000 to 30 teaching and research staff in 2015.

Provide Training to Staff of Higher Education Institutions

To implement the policy of Macao SAR Government to cultivate talents and train local professional and specialized talents, GAES held the “2015 Macau Tertiary Education Professionals Training--Summer Study Program in University of Cambridge” in early August, which was organised by Clare Hall of Cambridge University. Through intensive and specific training, it enhanced the scientific research and professional teaching skills of teaching and research staff of higher education institutions in Macao so as to form effective teaching teams for the higher education institutions in Macao, also strengthened the overall comprehensive edge of higher education institutions and promoted the standard of tertiary education and scientific research level in Macao.

20 chosen students expressed that the program was constructive in enhancing their teaching and research skills. They have leanrt the management system of world first-class universities from a macro perspective, which has broadened their global vision. Meanwhile, it promoted the exchange between staff from those two cities and formed a good platform for future cooperation in various respects.


Chapter 6. Enhancing Quality of Higher Education Sustainability Quality of higher education is a highly anticipated topic in the field of higher education.

Therefore, GAES uses the relevant experience of different regions for reference and entrusts the professional organizations to carry out research so as to prepare for the implementation of the Higher Education Quality Assurance System in the future for the purpose of effectively ensure and sustainably enhance the education quality of the institutions, create favourable conditions for training the high quality talents.

1. Advance the Development of Higher Education Quality Assurance and Institutional Quality


Establish Macao Higher Education Quality Assurance System Orderly

While continuing to advance the legislative process of the Higher Education System Law, GAES continued to prepare for the implementation of the Higher Education Quality Assurance System. Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications (referred to as “HKCAAVQ”) was entrusted to provide guidance and establish 4 draft guidelines: instructions of “institutional accreditation”, “institutional quality assurance”, “program accreditation” and “looking for external quality assurance agencies”. In 2015, it implemented the first stage of the “program accreditation” pilot scheme in order to inspect the feasibility of relevant guidance and operability.

In addition, to enhance awareness among all sectors of society of the Higher Education Quality Assurance System, GAES produced a video to introduce the framework, purpose and features of the system. For details, please visit: http://www.gaes.gov.mo/qualityassurance/video.html

Implement the Pilot Scheme of the “Program Accreditation”

GAES carried out the first stage of “program accreditation” pilot scheme. Through comprehensive analysis of the applications submitted by various institutions, the application of launching Applied Economics Bachelor Degrees Program from Macau University of Science and Technology was finally accepted. Macau University of Science and Technology employed HKCAAVQ as the external quality assurance agency. According to the arrangements of the external quality assurance agency, experts from Britain, Australia and Hong Kong had been invited to serve

Framework of Macao Higher Education Quality Assurance System - video


as the QA experts. The program would be assessed according to the relevant guidance and standards in Macao with multi-quote method. Afterwards, the revised version of the relevant guidelines for the university would be issued via briefings.

2. Communicate with Higher Education Institutions and Hold relevant Training Activities:

Strengthen the Communication with Quality Assurance Agencies from different regions

GAES and the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) jointly organised “Quality Assurance in Cross Border Higher Education” from 22 to 23 January. Over 30 experts from the international quality assurance agencies of Hong Kong, Taiwan, the European Union, Australia, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, the Middle East and UNESCO attended the seminar in Macao. Zheng Wen, the Director of Division of Higher Education of Department of Education of Guangdong Province, Li Jinjun, Vice Director of Exchange and Cooperation Division and the representatives of higher education institutions in Macao were invited to attend and share their experiences in terms of quality assurance in cross border higher education with experts from different regions.

GAES and APQN jointly held the “Quality Assurance in Cross Border Higher Education” seminar

The seminar provided 7 speeches of different topics and 3 discussions on 3 sub-topics. 15 experts shared their experiences in terms of “Quality Assurance in Cross Border Higher Education”. The activity not only built a platform for local higher education institutions, experts and scholars of international quality assurance agencies to exchange and communicate, but also allowed the participants to discover the trends in quality assurance of global tertiary education, which was beneficial to promote the development of the quality assurance of tertiary education in Asia.

QA expert team made a visit to Macau University of Science and Technology


In addition, Mr Paul Fear, the CEO, and Ms Sheila Needham, a chief evaluator of the British Accreditation Council visited GAES in June. Both parties discussed tertiary education and agreed that they could continue to contact each other, expand cooperation and strengthen the links between them. In addition to an introduction to the situation of tertiary education in Macao and the framework for a future tertiary education assessment system, GAES further learned the specific operation and situations of international tertiary education quality assurance institutions, which laid a solid foundation for its implementation in Macao.

Establish Communication Mechanism with

Departments of Overseas Education and Assessment of Mainland China

To understand the development of tertiary education assessment in Mainland China, GAES visited the Overseas Education Office and Monitoring Office of International Cooperation and Exchange Bureau, Higher Education Evaluation Centre, China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Centre under the Ministry of Education in Beijing on 18-20 October to strengthen the exchange between GAES and relevant assessment departments, and establish communication mechanism to support the development of tertiary education in Macao.

GAES visited to the China Academic Degrees & GAES visited to the Higher Education Evaluation Graduate Education Development Centre, Center of the Ministry of Education Ministry of Education

GAES had a discussion on quality assurance system with the British Accreditation Council


Enhance the Quality Assurance Capability of Related Persons from Higher Education Institutions

To strengthen the awareness of staff from local higher education institutions and GAES on quality assurance and assessment of higher education, GAES invited Ms. Susanna Lee, the Head and Senior Registrar of Consulting Service of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) to deliver the “Tertiary Education Quality Assurance Training Workshop” on 9 July. Through different case studies and mock exercises, participants mastered and applied the quality assurance and assessment of higher education information so as to effectively manage and monitor the authentication of relevant programs. Afterwards, the “Guidance and Practice of Observer on Assessment Work” training workshop was launched on 15 October to share the relevant information to participants, such as the procedures of program accreditation, sources of evidence, key points and process of evidence seeking, assessment and decision of evidence, and influence on follow-up items.

On 10 December, Wong Chi Kin, Honorary Professional Consultant and tutor at the Faculty of Education of CUHK was invited to launch the “outcome-based education” training workshop to allow the staff of higher education institutions in Macao and GAES to learn the principle of “outcome-based education”, identify the quality of “learning outcome descriptions” and plan curriculums based on the “performance-based” approach.

“Tertiary Education Quality Assurance Training Workshop” Wong Chi Kin, a scholar of quality assurance in Hong Kong, provided training to staff of local higher education institutions and GAES

Gain International Experiences to Improve the Standard of Service

GAES sent representatives to attend the annual meeting held by The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) and The Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) in 2015. Through the participation in the quality assurance agencies annual meeting, the latest progress, professional advice, analysis and hands-on experiences of quality assurance of higher education have been shared. Learning from experiences in various regions served as an important reference to establish the higher education system of Macao.

In addition, GAES sent the representatives to participate in other relevant activities, including


the “On Education: International Academic Meeting of Analysis and Reference of Policy Optimization and University Improvement” held by CUHK, “Sino-Australia Forum on Transnational Education and Student Mobility” jointly held by China Education Association for International Exchange and Australian Embassy in China, “1st Forum on Sustainable Development in Higher Education” jointly held by Hang Seng Management College and the UNESCO Education Office in Bangkok and the “12th International Workshop on Higher Education” held by Tianjin Normal University. During the activities, experiences with the staff of quality assurance agencies in various places were shared to further understand the development and trends of their work and enhance their service levels.

GAES participated in the Annual Meeting GAES participated in the “12th Higher Education of 2015 INQAAHE International Seminar”

3. Follow up the Operation of Higher Education Institutions Sustainability:

Analyse the Annual Report of Higher Education Institutions in Macao

In accordance with the regulations of related law, higher education institutions in Macao are required to submit their annual reports of detailed descriptions of various activities to the corresponding department of the Macao SAR Government. GAES carries out analysis and comparison after receiving the reports, so as to deepen their understanding on the operation and development situations of each higher education institution.

According to the internal guidelines, GAES analyzed the annual report of academic year 2014/2015 submitted by 10 higher education institutions in Macao. Meanwhile, GAES compiled independent and detailed analysis proposals on the annual report of each institution, the proposals will then be sent back to the corresponding representatives of each higher education institution for reference and follow-up.

Inspection of Local and Non-local Higher Education Programs in Macao

During the period of March to April and October to December, GAES has sent staff to 10 local


higher education institutions and 6 co-organisers to inspect local programs and non-local programs operating in Macao. A total of 135 programs and 182 classes were randomly inspected to check the relevant circumstances of the programs and ensure normal operations in accordance with the relevant stipulations of the law and Despacho of the program.

The situation of the programs’ inspection in 2015 was shown as follows:

Type of Programs

Academic Year 2014/2015 2nd Semester

Academic Year 2015/2016 1st Semester

Number of Programs

Number of Classes

Number of Programs

Number of Classes

Local 46 56 62 81

Non-local 16 23 11 22

Total 62 79 73 103


Chapter 7. Constructing Information Platform Comprehensive information is beneficial to clearly reveal the status, feature, level and nature

of things and provides important references. Thus, GAES continued to improve the database system related to tertiary education and optimise the collection, statistics and management of information about tertiary education. Meanwhile, an indicator system for tertiary education was established, GAES also collected information about talent in an orderly manner, conducted research, integrated and optimised various platforms which published information on tertiary education and provided a better information system.

Improve the Higher Education Talent Database Sustainability

GAES established the Higher Education Talent Database in 2013, which consists of 3 parts: “Current Situation of Higher Education Talents”, “Supply of Higher Education Talents” and “Demand of Higher Education Talents”. The database provides information of higher education institutions in Macao for citizens, especially students who were preparing to pursue higher education and their parents.

In 2015, GAES continued to conduct relevant surveys and up-to date data. Meanwhile, “Follow-up Survey of Macao Graduated Tertiary Students” kept carrying out to learn their employment situation, especially within their industries, positions, remuneration and plans for further study so as to understand the overall distribution and change of the undergraduates students.

To help citizens obtaining relevant information more effectively, GAES continued to update the Higher Education Talent Database website and relevant data in 2015, which have been released in a timely manner, in order to enrich the content and for public to obtain relevant data more effectively.


Optimize the Higher Education Database

By optimizing the methods of collecting higher education data, GAES collected data of teaching staff, non-teaching staff, researchers and students from local higher education institutions more systematically. It also conducted relevant statistical research to serve as reference for the Macao SAR government, local higher education institutions, teaching staff and researchers. It aimed to enhance the development and research on the tertiary education in Macao, while providing comprehensive data on tertiary education to the public. To learn more, please visit: http://www.gaes.gov.mo/mhedb/ or refer to the “Summary of Higher Education Data 2014” published in 2015 by GAES.

Publish Macao Higher Education Magazine

To raise citizens’ awareness of higher education and higher education institutions, GAES continued to publish Macao Higher Education Magazine to explore topics related to higher education, introduced the features of departments of higher education institutions in Macao, shared the student study experiences, introduced undergraduates’ activities and further studies and presented individual work.


Macao Higher Education Magazine has both Chinese and international Editions, which allows locals and non-locals to gain deeper understandings of the development of higher education. It also provides more information to fresh graduates who are preparing for admission examinations and their parents, and create a platform for teachers and tertiary students to communicate, exchange and share experiences.

To learn more, please visit: http://www.gaes.gov.mo/publish/p3.

Establish the Higher Education Indicators

To reflect the situation of higher education in Macao more effectively, GAES continued to update and improve the higher education statistic indicator system and compared local and non-local data to find out its development. In 2015, GAES completed the “Report of Macao Higher Education Indicators Report for Academic Year 2014/2015”, which consists of 3 parts: “Macao Higher Education Indicators”, “Higher Education Indicators of 10 Macao Higher Education Institutions” and “International Comparison of Macao Higher Education Indicators”. Its content included the ratio of full-time teaching staff in the higher education institutions of Macao, the ratio of female teaching staff in the higher education institutions of Macao, non-local teaching staff in the higher education institutions of Macao, teaching staff with a PhD in the higher education institutions of Macao, full-time administrative support staff to full-time teaching staff ratio in the higher education institutions of Macao, the student-teacher and male-female students ratio in the higher education institutions of Macao, non-local students in the higher education institutions of Macao, postgraduate students in the higher education institutions of Macao, the gross enrolment ratio in higher education in Macao and an international comparison in terms of the “ratio of higher education expense against GDP”, “percentage of governmental expenditure on higher education against the total governmental expense”, the “ higher education cost per student”, the “gross enrolment rate of higher education” and the “ratio of students and teachers at institutions”.


Appendix Appendix 1: GAES Main Activities about Information of Further Studies provided in 2015

Items Introduction

Seminar Series on Further Studies Outside Macao and

Public Examinations (14 sessions)

Information of higher education studies in Mainland China, Japan, the United States, Portugal, Spain, Australia, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, France, Germany, Canada and other countries. Public examinations include IELTS, TOEFL, and TOEIC, attracting 553 participants in relevant activities.

Students by Recommendation Pre-Examination Counseling


Examination procedures, interview skills, manner, and precautions were introduced to students by recommendation, in order to facilitate them to get well-prepared of the examinations. 294 fresh graduates from 26 secondary schools have attended the seminar.

Education Seminar of University of Coimbra

Dr Joaquim Ramos de Carvalho and other representatives were invited to deliver speeches to introduce the University, registration, tuition fees and accommodation, and answered students’ questions. The activity had attracted 80 participants.

Sharing with Sincerity: Alumni Sharing Session (5 sessions)

Alumni who studied at different countries or regions were invited to share their experiences of further studies to high school fresh graduates. The activity attracted 508 participants.

Seminar for Pursuing Further Studies in Mainland China

Students who studied in Guangdong, Tianjin, Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Fujian, Zhejiang and Hubei were invited to share their study and life experiences, also introduced registration procedures and precautions in Mainland China to those who had been admitted by the institutions of Mainland China.

Sharing to Students by Recommendation Pursuing Further Studies in Mainland


Representatives of relevant student associations were invited to share their study and life experiences to those recommended for admission so as to enhance their understanding of studies in Mainland China.

Introduction to Admission Examinations of Postgraduate Programs of Higher Education Institutions in Mainland China

Admission procedures and conditions, information of examinations and enrollment of the postgraduate programs of higher education institutions in Mainland China were introduced to students. The activity attracted 32 participants.

Introductions to Postgraduate Scholarships

Representatives of Postgraduate Studies Technical Advisory Committee (CTABE) introduced the application procedures, quota of applicants, amount of scholarships and obligations of award-winners to students who intended to apply for the postgraduate scholarships. Two sessions attracted 110 participants.


Items Introduction

Seminar for Pursuing Further Studies in Switzerland

Representatives of Consulate General of Switzerland in Hong Kong were invited to Macao and introduced the requirements of enrolment, campus life, tuition fees, scholarships and student visas of pursuing further studies in Switzerland. The activity attracted 60 participants.

Seminar for Pursuing Further Studies in Beijing

Representatives from 15 higher education institutions of Beijing came to Macao to introduce their universities, the subjects, scholarships, enrolment standards and policies and measures attract Macao students. The activity attracted 60 participants.

Further Studies Counseling Seminars – Benchmarking

Studies (Seminar Series held in secondary schools)

Sheng Kung Hui Macau Social Services Coordination Office was entrusted to hold seminars in Macao secondary schools so as to assist the secondary students to choose an appropriate direction for their further studies. The activities attracted 5,460 students from 33 secondary schools to register.


Appendix 2: Rich and Diversified Summer Series of Activities for Macao Tertiary Students 2015

Name and Duration of


No. of Participants

Host Content and Achievements

Language learning:


Learn Putonghua in


1-28 July, 2015


Organizer: GAES Operator: Beijing Language and Culture University

Content: Students had attended Putonghua training program, language and cultural program and seminars, also visited historical and cultural attractions and renowned enterprises. Achievements: Enhance the

communication skills in Putonghua to lay a foundation for future.


English Cultural Tour to Australia

18 July to 22

August 2015

24 Organizer: GAES Operator: Prideshill Innovations PTY LTD

Content: Attended language training program at the University of Queensland and exchanged with Macao student associations. Achievements: Enhance their English

ability, also promote the cultural exchange between students of Macao and Australia, and broaden their vision.


Portuguese Learning Activity - Portugal Summer


July and August 2015

99 (going to Portugal)

Organizer: GAES Operator: IPOR Faculty of Arts of

the University of Lisbon University of Porto

Content: Attended language training program in Lisbon or Porto of Portugal. Achievements: Enhance students’

understanding of Portuguese language, also raise their interest on the culture.

Cultural experience:


Cultural Tour of Youth from Guangdong, Hong Kong &


15-25 July, 2015

135 (Including 22

Macao students)

Co-organizers: GAES Department of

Culture Guangdong Province Home Affairs Bureau

of the Government of the Hong Kong SAR

Content: Visited some famous historical and cultural attractions, and museums of Hong Kong, Macao, Chaozhou, Shantou, Jieyang, Puning, Shanwei, Foshan, Nanhai, Guangzhou Xiamen and Fujian, also watched cultural performances. Achievements: Assist students from

Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to deepen the recognition of the culture and understanding of China, as well as promote exchange among them.


Name and Duration of


No. of Participants

Host Content and Achievements

National Education:


Journey to Our Origin “Zhejiang”

1-10 August



Organizer: GAES Operator: Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Ningbo

Content: Attended seminars; visited local famous enterprises and cultural attractions, also communicated with students there. Achievements: Advance the exchange

among students of Macao and Zhejiang, aslo strengthen their understanding of the political system, economy, legal system, education, history and culture of the country.


Discover “Henan”

17-26 August, 2015


Organizer: GAES Operator: Education Department of Henan Province

Content: Attended seminars; visited renowned local enterprises and cultural attractions, also communicated with students there. Achievements: Promote exchange

between students of Macao and Henan, also strengthen their understanding of the political system, economy, legal system and education of the country.


Appendix 3: Winners of the “Macao Higher Education Institution Basketball Championship 2015”

Awards Men’s Women’s

Champion University of Macau University of Macau

First Runner-up Macao Polytechnic Institute Macao Polytechnic Institute

Second Runner-up Macau University of Science and Technology

Macau University of Science and Technology

Third Runner-up University of Saint Joseph Institute for Tourism Studies

Silver Plate Final - Champion City University of Macau --

Top Scorer Lai Ka Tong (University of Macau)

Ng Ka Ian (Macau University of Science and Technology)

3-point Shooter Un Kam Chi (Macao Polytechnic Institute)

Ng Ka Ian (Macau University of Science and Technology)

Rebounder Lai Ka Tong (University of Macau)

Lou Mei Ian (Macao Polytechnic Institute)

Excellent Scorers

Lai Ka Tong (University of Macau)

Cheang Nga Si (University of Macau)

Lo Hip Meng (Macao Polytechnic Institute)

Chan Ka I (Macao Polytechnic Institute)

Leong Hou Man (Institute for Tourism Studies)

Yam Yuk Chui (Institute for Tourism Studies)

Lao Tak Cheong (Academy of Public Security Forces)

Tam On U (City University of Macau)

Lam Ka Seng (City University of Macau)

Pang Cheng Si (University of Saint Joseph)

Lo Chi Hou (University of Saint Joseph)

Ng Ka Ian (Macau University of Science and Technology)

Chen Shupeng (Macau University of Science

and Technology) --

Excellent Players

Lai Ka Tong (University of Macau)

Mak I Tong (University of Macau)

Lo Hip Meng (Macao Polytechnic Institute)

Seng On Kei (Macao Polytechnic Institute)

Lei Keng Tou (Institute for Tourism Studies)

Ip Si Nam (Institute for Tourism Studies)

Lao Tak Cheong (Academy of Public Security Forces)

Tam On U (City University of Macau)

Huang Baiying (City University of Macau)

Loi Hio Cheng (University of Saint Joseph)

Chan Pou U (University of Saint Joseph)

Ng Ka Ian (Macau University of Science and Technology)

Chen Shupeng (Macau University of Science and

Technology) --


Appendix 4: Winners of the “11th Macao Inter-Universities Writing Competition”

Awards Commentary Category Poetry Category

Name of Students

Name of Institutions Name of Students

Name of Institutions

Champion Cho On Ni Annie

Hong Kong Shue Yan University Ng Hou Man University of Macau

First Runner-up Ou Sushi Macau University of

Science and Technology Tang Hon Ian Wuhan University

Second Runner-up Ge PeiYao Macao Polytechnic

Institute Zhang

MingHao Macao Polytechnic

Institute Third

Runner-up Chen Yang Macau University of Science and Technology Zhou YingQi Macau University of

Science and Technology


Ren YiLin Macau University of Science and Technology Lei Weng Si University of Macau

Zhu YeZi Macau University of Science and Technology Xu MeiJing Macau University of

Science and Technology

Xiao FeiXin Macau University of Science and Technology

Chen ShengBiao University of Macau

Kou Su Tong Central China Normal University

Huang JiaCheng

Macau University of Science and Technology

Liu YaLin Macau University of Science and Technology Ge PeiYao Macao Polytechnic

Institute Pong Weng

Ian Institute for Tourism

Studies Lu Wei Macau University of Science and Technology


Wong Weng Cheong Wuhan University Lei Lou U University of Macau

Zhou ZiHang Macau University of Science and Technology Zhou YingSi University of Macau

Sun JiaQing City University of Macau Yuan MengTing City University of Macau

Hoi Keng Ieong Sun Yat-sen University Zhang PeiNi Macau University of

Science and Technology

Guo HaiYin Macao Polytechnic Institute Cheong Lai Chi Beijing Normal


Guo PeiFeng University of Macau Chan Hio Cheng University of Macau

Chen WenHao Macau University of Science and Technology

Wong Chong Weng Wuhan University

Wong Lai Meng Fudan University Jiang ZheYu Macau University of

Science and Technology

Zheng JiaQi University of Macau Deng XiaoLin Macau University of Science and Technology

Zheng Quan Macau University of Science and Technology Su ZhuoHua Macau University of

Science and Technology


Appendix 5: Winners of the “13th Macao Inter-tertiary Debating Competition”

Awards Cantonese Section Putonghua Section English Section

Champion Macao Polytechnic Institute

Macau University of Science and Technology

Lin Shixing, Lam Pek Kei (University of Macau,

Team C)

First Runner-up University of Macau University of Macau

Leong Sin Ieng, Kwok In (University of Macau,

Team A) Tian Xinying, Gu Zifeng

(Macao Polytechnic Institute, Team A)

Su Shidi, Zhang Xiaoyu (Macau University of

Science and Technology, Team C)

Second Runner-up

Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau -- --

Finals - Best


Championship: Lai Kit Leng (Macao

Polytechnic Institute) Championship: Zheng Bowen

(University of Macau)

Lam Pek Kei (University of Macau) Third-place Match:

Tong Weng Sam (Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau)

Semi-finals - Best


Round 1: Mak Iok Hang

(University of Macau) -- --

Round 2: Ho Meng Ieong (Macao Polytechnic Institute)

-- --

Preliminary Contest -

Best Debaters

Round 1: Lou Chi Weng (University of Macau)

Round 1: Zheng Bowen (University of Macau)

Lin Shixing (University of Macau)

Round 2: Lai Ka Wan (Academy of Public

Security Forces)

Round 2: Chang Hao (Macau University of

Science and Technology)

Kwok In (University of Macau)

Round 3: Chan Chi Ian (Macao Polytechnic


Round 3: Yin Mengdi (Macau University of

Science and Technology)

Lam Pek Kei (University of Macau)

Round 4: Mak Iok Hang (University of Macau)

Round 4: Jiang Yixue (University of Macau)

Wong Ka Kei (University of Macau)

Round 5: Tong Weng Sam (Kiang Wu Nursing College

of Macau) -- Leong Ka Wai

(University of Macau)

Round 6: Kuan Ka Hei (Macao Polytechnic

Institute) -- --


Appendix 6: Other student activities held in 2015

Activities Date Host Details

1 Movie

Appreciation Activity

1st session: March to April

2nd session: August

3rd session: October


556 tickets for three films - «Little Big Master», «To the Fore», and «The Martian» (3D) were distributed to convey an active and positive life attitude to students.


Exhibition of Pictures

Showing One and Half

Decades of Macao Foreign


During April and


Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in the Macao SAR

GAES arranged over 100 pictures to show in 9 local higher education institutions. The pictures reflect the active diplomacy of the Macao SAR government and all sectors of society. This was an excellent performance for the Office in terms of diplomacy and cultural promotion. The activity attracted over 5,400 visitors.


Olympics Champions Macao Tour

Series - Move Your Body in


9 August

Sports Olympic Committee of Macau, China Sports Bureau of

Macao SAR Government

Center for Higher Education Students, on behalf of GAES helped to set up booths and activities, which attracted 200 participants.


Memory of Sino-Japanese

War: Commemorate

the 70th anniversary of China’s victory

on the War against the Japanese

18 September

Organizers: GSASC, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, and GAES Operators: Macao

Chinese Cultural Exchange Association and TDM

There were a total of 30 participants from 8 higher education institutions, volunteers of the Center for Higher Education Students and student associations in Macao. 6 higher education institutions

organised 522 students to watch live and recorded show.


Talented Students Training Program

-- Macau Productivity

and Technology Transfer Center

GAES helped to promote training programs of 3 categories, namely “systems and networks”, “cartoon design” and “web design”.


Mainland China Excellent Film Appreciation


During October and November

China Film Foundation Macao Media

Advancement Association

GAES helped to promote the “12th Mainland China Excellent Film Festival (Golden Lotus)” and arranged to display relevant films from October to November at the Center for Higher Education


Activities Date Host Details

Students for free. GAES co-organized the “12th

Mainland China Excellent Film Festival (Golden Lotus Cup)” Review Essay Competition.


Promotion Activity of the “62nd Macao Grand Prix”

During October and November

Macau Grand Prix Committee

GAES assisted Macau Grand Prix Committee to distribute 4,242 tickets of testing sessions to 10 higher education institutions. In addition, the Committee

provided 200 2-days tickets of testing sessions to GAES for students outside Macao to watch the contest by applying for tickets on Student Blog. An active response was received.

8 The

8th Insurance Day

18 October

The Monetary and Foreign Exchange Authority of Macao (AMCM) Macau Insurers

Association Macau Insurance

Agents and Brokers Association Federation of

Macau Professional Insurance Intermediaries

Center for Higher Education Students, on behalf of GAES helped to set up booths and activities, which attracted 457 participants.


The 14th “Challenge

Cup” - National Undergraduate Extracurricular Academic and Technological Work Contest

16-21 November

The Central Committee of the Communist Young League China Association

for Science and Technology Ministry of

Education All-China Students’ Federation Guangdong

Provincial Government

GAES helped to promote relevant activities at local higher education institutions. The representatives consisted of 37 students from University of Macau, Macao Polytechnic Institute and Macao University of Science and Technology.


Appendix 7: Performance Pledges

Item Services

Promised Completion

Time (1) (Number of

Working Days)

Predicted Achievement


Cases to be Processed

Cases that can be


Cases that cannot be completed

Average Completion

Time (Number

of Working Days)

Actual Achievement



Counseling Services for Further Studies

Telephone Counseling 2 98% 151 151 0 1 100%

Internet Counseling 3 (2) 98% 20 20 0 1.5 100%

Data Obtained for Further Studies (Data within the database) (3)

20 minutes 95% 7 7 0 20

minutes 100%

Data Obtained for Further Studies (Data outside the database)

3 (2-4) 95% -- -- -- -- --


Applications of Launching Higher Education Programs in Macao

In-person Enquiry 2 (5) 80% 4 4 0 1 100%

Telephone Enquiry 2 (5) 80% 10 10 0 1 100%

Written Enquiry (E-mail/Fax/Letter) 5 (5) 80% 1 1 0 3 100%


The Joint Entrance Examination for Undergraduate Programs of Higher Education Institutions in Mainland China for Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan (Examination in Macao) Examination Registration Procedures

20 minutes (6-7) 90% 208 208 0 6.78

minutes 100%


The Examination of the Postgraduate Program of higher education institutions in Mainland China (Examination in Macao) Examination Registration Procedures

20 minutes (6-7) 90% 129 129 0 8.14

minutes 100%


Handle the Application and Distribution of Postgraduate Scholarship from CTABE

Macao Postgraduate scholarships Application Procedures

25 minutes (6-7) 90% 424 422 2 15

minutes 99%


Provide Comments on Educational Background Review

In-person Enquiry 30 minutes 95% 31 31 0 11.06 minutes 100%

Telephone Enquiry 2 (4) 95% 222 222 0 1 100%

Email Enquiry 5 (2-8) 85% 61 61 0 2.82 100%

Written Enquiry 10 (2-8) 85% 3 3 0 4 100%


(1) Promised Completion Time starts from the second working day after the application.

(2) If the enquiries or replies need to be translated into another official language or English, the completion time will be extended by 5 working days.


Notes: (Con’t)

(3) The books and reference materials of the Center for Higher Education Students are not for distribution. Citizens can search for information by themselves and request for the photocopy service.

(4) Once searching the materials outside the database of GAES, the completion time will be suspended until relevant information has been found.

(5) If the written information (non-general application information) is requested by phone or in person, it is expected to take a maximum of 2 working days to complete. If written reply is requested, relevant cases would be handled by written format.

(6) Since the registration network system is located in Mainland China, if there is a delay in confirming registration procedures due to system issues, the delay time will not be counted in the Promised Completion Time.

(7) Promised Completion Time starts to be counted when the applicant arrives at the counter along with completed, correct and appropriate documents. Queuing time is not counted.

(8) If it is necessary to enquire data from other agencies, the Promised Completion Time will be suspended from that day and resumed on the second working day after receiving a reply.


Appendix 8: Handling Cases of Complaint, Suggestion or Objection

Complaints, Suggestions or

Objections for GAES

Promised Response Time(Note)

(Number of Working Days)

Cases to be Processed

Cases that can be

Completed on Time

Cases that cannot be Completed

on Time

Average Completion

Time (Number of Working


Actual Achievement


Complaints 15 5 5 0 6.4 100%

Suggestions 15 2 2 0 3.5 100%

Objections 15 3 3 0 4.33 100%

Complaints, Suggestions or

Objections for Other Organizations

Promised Response Time(Note)

(Number of Working Days)

Cases to be Processed

Cases that can be

Completed on Time

Cases that cannot be Completed

on Time

Average Completion

Time (Number of Working


Actual Achievement


Complaints 15 39 39 0 5.03 100%

Suggestions 15 3 3 0 1.67 100%

Objections 15 -- -- -- -- --

Note: For cases that required GAES to refer to another agency to follow up such as advice, approval, verification or request for information etc., the promised time terminates on the day of the referral and continues to be counted on the second working day after receiving the reply from the relevant agency.

Appendix 9: Reply on the Academic Enquiries of Other Departments and Public

Method of Enquiry Number of Cases

Written 15

Telephone 26

Total 41

Appendix 10: Cases of application for tertiary education courses

In 2015, GAES processed 37 applications of Macao higher education institutions intending to launch new programs or revise old ones: 10 of these applications were approved, 9 were withdrawn by the institutions and 18 were pending at the year-end. Meanwhile, 40 applications from overseas higher education institutions for establish, revise or continue the running programs have been handled: 31 applications were approved, 2 were withdrawn by the institutions and 7 were still pending by the year-end.


Contact Information of Tertiary Education Services Office (GAES)


Address: Avenida do Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues n.os 614A-640, Edifício Long Cheng, 5.o a 7.o andares, Macao (c/entrada pela Rua de Goa, n.o105)

Website: http://www.gaes.gov.mo/

Tel: (853) 2834 5403

Fax: (853) 2831 8401 / 2832 2340 / 2837 0105 / 2870 1076

Email: info@gaes.gov.mo

Office Hour: 9:00-13:00, 14:30-17:45 (Mon-Thu); 9:00-13:00, 14:30-17:30 (Fri)

Centre for Higher Education Students:

Address: Flat B, R/C, No. 68-B, Edf. Va Cheong, Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida, Maca

Tel: (853) 2856 3033

Fax: (853) 2856 3722

Email: cees@gaes.gov.mo

Office Hour: 11:00-20:00 (Tue-Sat) (no break at noon) Closed on Mondays, Public Holidays and Exemption Working Days


Basic Contact Information of Higher Education Institutions

Institutions Telephone Fax Email Address

University of Macau 8822 8833 8822 8822 info@umac.mo Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China

Macao Polytechnic Institute 2857 8722 2830 8801 webadmin@ipm.edu.m

o R. de Luís Gonzaga Gomes, Macau

Institute for Tourism Studies 2856 1252 2851 9058 iftpr@ift.edu.mo Colina de Mong-Ha,


Academy of Public Security Forces 2887 1112 2887 1117 esfsm-info@fsm.gov.m

o Calçada do Quartel, Coloane, Macau

City University of Macau 2878 1698 2878 1691 info@cityu.edu.mo Avenida Padre Tomás Pereira Taipa, Macau

University of Saint Joseph 8796 4400 2872 5517 pr@usj.edu.mo Rua de Londres 16 (NAPE),


Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau 8295 6200 2836 5204 admin@kwnc.edu.mo Est. Repouso No.35, R/C,


Macau University of Science and Technology 2888 1122 2888 0022 enquiry@must.edu.mo Avenida Wai Long, Taipa,


Macau Institute of Management 2832 3233 2832 3267 registry@mim.edu.mo Rua de Xangai 175, Edif.

ACM, 9° andar, Macau

Macau Millenium College 2878 8186 2878 8246 info@mmc.edu.mo

Alameda Dr. Carlos d’ Assumpção N.° 255 China Civil Plaza 8- andar, Macau

Note: 1 According to the provisions of Executive Order n.o 6/2011, the English name of Asia International Open University (Macao) has been changed to City University of Macao since January of 2011.

2. According to the provisions of Executive Order n.o 64/2009, the English name of Macao Inter-University Institute has been changed to University of Saint Joseph since December of 2009.