Term 3, Week 7...Term 3, Week 7 erm 3 in ear 1 This term in our ear 1 Science Unit ‘Caring for our...

Post on 08-Feb-2021

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Transcript of Term 3, Week 7...Term 3, Week 7 erm 3 in ear 1 This term in our ear 1 Science Unit ‘Caring for our...

  • This week has been another rewarding one at Carlton Public School as we support our students with their learning and continue our focus on managing their well-being during these unusual times. We have had a focus through our Positive Behaviour for Learning program on inclusive behaviour in the playground and recognising the feelings of others. Next week our PBL focus will shift to the online environment as we continue to support our students navigate the digital world. We encourage our families to use this opportunity to have conversations at home about online use and behaviour as well. With only three weeks left until the end of term, we are already looking ahead to a number of our Term 4 activities. We are awaiting the latest advice from the Department of Education about Term 4 restrictions, and will start finalising the planning for Kindergarten Transition, the Year 6 Farewell and other events as soon as we have this information. PARENT/ TEACHER INTERVIEWS This week you would have received a note about the upcoming Parent/ Teacher interviews. Bookings for these interviews close this weekend. We encourage all our families to make a time to receive a phone call from their child’s teachers to discuss their learning. If you have any questions about this, please contact the school. RETURN AND EARN The school has added some baskets in the playground for ‘Return and Earn’. This project aims to encourage students to recycle their drink containers, but also is an avenue to generate some income that the students will then be in control of identifying how it is spent. If you have any cans/ plastic bottles that are eligible for the 10c refund, why not put them in a plastic bag and send them to school with your child. They can add them into our baskets as part of the school program. FATHER’S DAY This week, we have been able to share a book read by one of the fathers from our school every day. We have received lots of positive feedback about this idea and would like to thank the dads who volunteered to read a book for us to be shared through our Facebook and Twitter accounts. Although we recognise that not all families are in a position to recognise Father’s Day, we hope that these stories have encouraged mums, dads, grandparents, aunties, uncles and any other carers to rediscover the joy of sharing a story with their children. Remember the famous quote from Emilie Buchwald – ‘Children are made readers on the laps of their parents’. Keep an eye out on our Facebook Page and Twitter feed on Sunday for a special Father’s Day joke! Have a great week and remember: ‘The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.’ – B.B. King. Steve Mead Principal

    Term 3, Week 7

  • �erm 3 in �ear 1 This term in our �ear 1 Science Unit ‘Caring for our Environment’ we have been learning about natural resources and how we can look after them. We are looking forward to our upcoming Science Day in week 8. This will give the children the opportunity to be involved in multiple science experiments.

    In our Geography Unit ‘Features of Places’ we have been looking at natural managed and constructed features of the environment. The children enjoy working collaboratively on 4C activities such as Bus Stops �exta �alks Gallery Walk s and Whirlpools when learning about our Geography Unit.

    Our writing focus for this term has been persuasive texts and we have been incorporating ‘Mentor �exts’ such as Big Rain Coming A Monster Wrote me a Letter and Eat �our �eas.

    The children have been enjoying the Dance2BeFit program that gives them the opportunity to improve their fitness levels and coordination all whilst having fun and learning new dances each week.

    In our Mathematics Unit we have been working on our ability to communicate using mathematical language in Number and Algebra Statistics and �robability and Measurement and Geometry. The children really benefit from learning opportunities where they are able to get involved in hands-on activities.

  • Tena koutou katoa! Nga mihi nui.

    2020 Maori Language Class Topics for Term 3 Kindergarten – Healthy Food Stage One – Weather and Seasons Stage Two – Weather and Seasons Stage Three – Natural Environment New words in te reo Maori are introduced early in the topic. Pictures, speaking and writing are part of reinforcing the vocabulary. These can be done in singing, language skills, visual stimulus and working together in a group. In Google classroom Stage 3 have created their own individual power point of Natural Environments. Some students have used Maori words to support their work by using google translator. Throughout the year 2020, it has been challenging for students and staff in regards to the coronavirus but the students continue to work hard and do their best. The students are engaged learners and are enjoying this terms topic. Na Miss Tahapeehi

    Newsletter Term 3 Week 7Term 3 in Year 1Newsletterwk7t3 maori