Ten Tips for Moving in the Winter

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Ten Tips for Moving in the Winter

Moving in winter poses special

challenges, whether you're moving

between two downtown high rise

condos in the same city or crossing

the country.

Although the weather is far less

conducive to the hard work of moving,

it can be cheaper to hire a moving

company at this time of year.

Whether you’re using a professional

outfit or relying on the kindness of

friends, the following are a few

pointers for making the first day in

your new home as smooth as possible.

Be Ready

Be sure the new house is ready for

the move before you head over with

all your belongings.

Check that lights and plumbing are

working and if the weather’s nippy,

consider having the heat on for a few

days so it’s warm for the move-in.

Clear the Snow

Slipping on snow and ice can turn a

simple move into a disaster.

Before you even start, make sure all

walkways at both old and new homes

are clear; ice or sand if necessary. Keep

shovels, salt and sand on-hand.

Parking Considerations

Whether you’re using a moving

company or getting help from a

gang of friends, be sure there’s

adequate parking for the moving

truck at both locations.

Parking at urban condos can be

particularly narrow, and this

could mean a bit of negotiating

with new neighbors or the

landlord if space is tight.

Protect Your Floors

Winter’s snow, ice and salt are

notorious for dirtying up or even

scratching some kinds of flooring.

Protect floors and carpets with big

pieces of cardboard or plastic

sheeting for the big day.

You can use duct tape if the floors

can withstand it, and small tacks

work well on carpeted areas.

Have a Plan B

With the constant threat of winter

storms, there’s always a chance that your

move will have to be rescheduled.

If you’re using a moving company, call

and see what their storm policy is, as

some may want to reschedule the move,

meaning you can’t move out and new

tenants or owners can’t move in.

Check with your landlord or real estate

agent to see if it would be alright to stay

a few more days.

If you can’t, you may have to arrange a

few days of temporary housing.

Keep an Eye on Mother Nature

If you’re moving a distance, keep an

eye on the weather along your travel

route, checking with local

authorities by phone or on-line if the

forecast is ominous.

Scout out overnight accommodations

in case you need to make an

unexpected stop.

Prep Your Car

Be sure your car is serviced and

winterized, with brakes and tires

checked and fluids topped.

If you have chains, be sure you

know how to use them, doing a trial

run on installation in the garage

before you go.

Carry salt or kitty litter in case you

get stuck, pop a snow shovel,

water and blanket in the car and

be sure you have a gas can and

roadside assistance membership.

Keep a List

Your winter move emergency contact

list should include roadside

assistance, highway patrol and a

number for road conditions.

Be sure someone who’s not on the

moving trip knows the route your

taking and schedule a call-in with

them to be sure all is fine.

Extra Clothes

Not only do you want to stay warm and

dry during the move, you’ll want to be

sure your helpers are comfortable.

Bring along a bag of gloves, hats,

sweaters and socks in case of changing

weather or wet clothing.

Feed the Gang

Keep your moving pals warm and well

fed by keeping hot drinks and easy cold

weather eats like chili and instant soup

mixes on hand along with morning

donuts and lunchtime sandwiches.

Try to have a warm space in the house

for enjoying a tea break, and be sure to

have mugs and spoons along with paper

cups and plates.

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Will Daly, Broker

We Know Urban Realty, LLC

834 E Claremont Street, No 3

Phoenix, AZ 85014

(480) 510-8755

Email: Will@WeKnowUrban.com