Ten principles of effective instruction for el ls principals

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Ten Principle of Effective Instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs)

Next time you are at the country club!


What it Feels Like to be a Language Learner!

Remember this?

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss2hULhXf04

Ten Principles of Effective Instruction for English Language Learners

1. The culture of the classroom fosters language acquisition:

• school• classroom.

Effective Instruction ...

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhiCFdWeQfA

Ten Principle of Effective Instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs)

• 2. Students need to learn not only new content, but also the language and discourse associated with the discipline:

• Academic English - CALP• Social English - BICS

If learning was this easy ...

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6VjaWARGfI

Ten Principle of Effective Instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs)

• 3. A student’s background provides a point of departure and an anchor in the exploration of new ideas.

• - Draw on their prior knowledge

Abbey Road

• Abbey Road by The Beatles is not only a fine collection of rock music, it's also a popular tool in ESL classes because of its unique linguistic properties. There are 2,176 words sung on Abbey Road — 505 of them unique. The average song on Abbey Road has 128 words — and a remarkable average of 50 unique words in each song, making the songs very fertile from a linguistic point of view.

• http://www.huffingtonpost.com/stacey-cole/beatlemania-abbey-road-la_b_5398424.html

Background Knowledge!

• 1. Batta• 2. Boru• 3. Kochi• 4. Besuboru• 5. Besu-ryne• 6. Chenji appu• 7. De Gemu• 8. Era

Background Knowledge!

• Take me out to the Boru Game (Japan)• 1. Batta = Batter• 2. Boru = Ball• 3. Kochi = Coach• 4. Besuboru = Baseball• 5. Besu-ryne = Baseline• 6. Chenji appu = Change-up• 7. De Gemu = Day game• 8. Era = Error

How not to teach vocabulary!!


Background Knowledge!

• “Betsy had never tackled the Cement Mixer before. Although many fears cycled through her mind, her two main concerns were handling the backdoor and the lip. Her confidence rose, however, as she reminded herself that if she could just get into the barrel she had a good chance of winning, especially if condition were cooking. She stared out at the horizon, shook her fist triumphantly in the air, and shouted, “I’m ready for you, Meat Grinder! I can handle the biggest Macker you can deliver!”

• Backdoor, lip and Cement Mixer are all surfing terminology!!

• From: Rollins, S.P. (2014) Learning in the Fast Lane: 8 ways to Put all Students on the Road to Academic Success, ASCD, Alexander, Virginia, USA.

Ten Principle of Effective Instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs)

• 4. Select themes and concepts that are central to your discipline and the curriculum.

• We can teach curriculum and match it to EILTS expectations!

SIOP – Post objectives:

WHAT are we learning?

HOW will we learn this?

Ten Principle of Effective Instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs)

• 5. New ideas and tasks are contextualized.

• - Use manipulatives, pictures, a few minutes of film, types of realia, create analogies based on students’ experiences.

Ten Principles of Effective Instruction for English Language Learners


Ten Principle of Effective Instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs)

• 6. Academic strategies, sociocultural expectations, and academic norms are taught explicitly.

• - Teach them the strategies/vocabulary necessary to approach academic tasks (Marzano 2010)

Let’s make it fun!

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYZsm-qNJEg

Ten Principle of Effective Instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs)

• 7. Tasks are relevant, meaningful, engaging, and varied.

• - Engage all students and especially Language Learners in a discussion of how they learn, and how they can improve their learning.

The Fun Theory!

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSiHjMU-MUo

Bloom’s Taxonomy!

Engage students also by asking challenging questions, and creating meaningful tasks that require higher-order thinking, like:





Ten Principle of Effective Instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs)

• 8. Complex and flexible forms of collaboration maximize learners’ opportunities to interact while making sense of language and content (SIOP).

• - Open exchanges and elaborate discussions

• - Group work/cooperative learning

Ten Principle of Effective Instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs)

• 9. Students are given multiple opportunities to extend their understanding and apply their knowledge.

• - Have English Language Learners demonstrate to you their knowledge in novel situations.

• - Allow them to carry out a variety of tasks to demonstrate knowledge of a topic.

Ten Principle of Effective Instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs)

• The 9th principal involves the use of technology!

• APPs for ELLs!• “In May 2013, the number of apps

downloaded from the iTunes App store alone reached 50 billion.”

• - Fernando Rosell-Aguilar (2014) - http://phys.org/news/2014-04-smartphone-apps-revolutionising-language.html

Ten Principle of Effective Instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs)

• 10. Authentic assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning.

• - Seek to assess in non-traditional ways (i.e. written test)

• - Portfolios, rubrics, etc…


• Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol

• 8 Components• 1. Lesson Preparation• 2. Building Background• 3. Comprehension Input• 4. Strategies


• 5. Interaction• 6. Practice & Application• 7. Lesson Delivery• 8. Review & Assessment• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z


Latest Research on PD Educational Leadership, ASCD*, May 2014,

Vol.71, No.8, Research Alert.

• 1. “The duration of professional development must be significant and ongoing... Teachers may need as many as 50 hours of instruction, practice and coaching before a new teaching strategy is mastered and implemented in class.”

• (“20 is the number, on average, of separate instances of practice it takes a teacher to master a new skill, and this number may increase if a skill is exceptionally complex.”)

* ASCD = Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Latest Research on PD

• 2.“A teacher must receive support during implementation. When professional development describes a skill to teachers, only 10 percent can transfer it to their practice. However, when teachers are coached through the awkward phase of implementation, 95 percent can transfer the skill.”

Latest Research on PD

• 3. “Teachers’ initial exposure to a concept should not be passive, but rather should engage teachers through such varied approaches as role-playing, live modeling, and classroom observation so the can actively make sense of the new practice.”

• 4. “Modeling is highly effective. Teachers can best understand how and why to implement a new practice when they see an expert demonstrate it.

Latest Research on PD

• 5. “Professional development is best delivered in the context of the teacher’s subject area or grade level. Training on generic topics is unhelpful.”

Educational Leadership, May 2014, Vol.71, No.8, Research Alert.

• The importance of PLCs.

When Times Get Tough!

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzlriQv16gg

“The public must learn that the blind man is neither genius nor a freak nor an idiot. He has a mind that can be educated, a hand which can be trained, ambitions which it is right for him to strive to realize, and it is the duty of the public to help him make the best of himself so that he can win light through work.” ~Helen Keller

My Coordinates:

• Dr. Paul-Emile Chiasson• Education & TESL Coordinator• UNB Saint John• pchiasso@unb.ca • 648-5782