Ten explanation on why theme used by top blogger is important

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Ten Explanation On Why Theme Used By Top Blogger Is


Why This Post?

In this post, I am going to discuss Top WordPress themes used by famous blogger worldwide. WordPress theme is the second most important thing after setting up your WordPress blog.

Why you need a good or premium WordPress theme?

Why should you know it?

You may be wondering why you need to know what WordPress theme is used by top bloggers. WordPress theme is very important for the success of your blog.

Why should you know it?

Read full post here:http://ravisinghblog.in/do-you-have-all-that-you-need-to-start-building-email-list/

• Tried and tested – These bloggers already tried several themes and finally

implemented one. When you know what themes they used, it is easier to select one

for you.

• Theme review – Most of these bloggers also reviewed these themes on their blog. It

will be very useful when you are looking for a premium theme for your blog.

• Save Money – Premium theme cost money. Buying a wrong or unsuitable theme

may result in loss of your money. Top blogger theme will help you to buy a better one.

• Comparison – Once you are aware of themes used by top blogger, you can

compare their features and it will help you to choose the best theme for your blog

• More options – These top bloggers theme will give you more options; you will never

run out of the idea. Isn’t it better to have more options before you finalize your

premium theme?

Let’s see now Top 20 bloggers in India and their WordPress theme

Shoutmeloud.com (Harsh Agarwal) – Harsh used Genesis Framework theme for his blog. The actual theme is customized built on top of Genesis. It is very clear and sleek design. He also used floating menu and sidebar widget.Some of the advantage of Genesis Framework theme:• Fully customized one to three column option• Custom template for your blog• Mobile responsive• Customized theme option with color selection for

theme, menu etc• Updated with every WordPress update• Cost – $59

Let’s see now Top 20 bloggers in India and their WordPress theme

Labnol.org (Amit Agarwal)- One of the most popular blog in India. Amit used the theme and it is very simple with white background. I love its simplicity and it loads quickly.Some of the advantage of Elemin theme:• Good white space balance, minimal graphics• Google font,CSS, HTML5 support• Responsive• Easily embed picture, video, and other media,

more like Tumblr• Grid views layout• Cost – $49

Let’s see now Top 20 bloggers in India and their WordPress theme

Bloggerideas.com (Jitendra Vaswani) – This blog is very popular for Blogging and money making tips niche. It is a customized theme created by Blogoturn.Some of the features of this theme are:• Customized homepage with email optin• Two layer design• Customized footer• Fast and responsive

Let’s see now Top 20 bloggers in India and their WordPress theme

Fonearena.com (Varun Krishnan) – A blog about mobile phones news and updates. This blog used Arthemia-premium theme.Some of the features of this theme are:• Theme admin panel• Custom menu• Threaded comment option• Works with all browsers and device• Custom sidebar option• Custom menu and much more…• Price – $49


• Choose a premium theme if you are a serious blogger – Do not play around with free theme for long. If you are a serious blogger, go for a paid or premium theme according to your niche. They are well designed, faster and customizable.

• Hit and trial – Most of the premium theme comes with 30-60 days money backguarantee. This is enough for evaluation. Choose which suits your blog most and continue using it.

• Make your blog responsive –All paid themes are mobile responsive. But there are few resources you need to handle yourself. Make sure you work with your themes and it should work on all devices

• Make sure your blog loads faster – The biggest benefits of a premium theme is they are optimized and load quickly for your user. This will have the positive effect on readership and SEO.


• Regularly work on your themes – Once you have the premium theme, you need to start building content and design on top it. Use some utility plugin to get maximum out of it.

• Get feedback from your readers – It is always a good idea to ask your readers what they think about your WordPress theme? What else they want to see? Use email list to get feedback from them regularly.

• Invest in your work to get proper returns – Everyone want to earn from their blog. But before that you need to invest in your blog to make it attractive, clean and fast. Choosing a premium theme is the first step.

• Attractive design brings more visitors – This is very obvious. Once your blog is attractive and easy to use, you will get more visitors traffic and referral. WordPress theme is the first step for it.


• Remember sooner or later you have to switch to the premium theme if you want to go to the next level of your blogging.

• You need to make your blog is attractive for your visitors and for SEO. A premium theme helps you to achieve two more important things; Attractive design and fast loading.

• Read full post here:

• http://ravisinghblog.in/ten-explanation-on-why-theme-used-by-top-blogger-is-important/