Temple B'nai Or Bulletin Marjorie Bissinger -...

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Transcript of Temple B'nai Or Bulletin Marjorie Bissinger -...

Temple B'nai Or Bulletin


The first time I studied the Christian Scriptures (the so-called New Testament), I did not do so well. I was a sophomore in college; it was my first academic introduction to Christianity; and I was in foreign territory. Most of the other students were already well versed in the verses and in the cast of characters­a background I clearly lacked. Yes, I brought to the subject my own under­standing of Judaism in first century Judea, but neither my minister Professor nor his Buddhist teaching assistant understood where that fit in. And, of course, when the early Church moved out into Syria. Turkey and Greece, I was totally lost.

It was not until I was in rabbinic school at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati that I was introduced to Christianity in a way that made any sense to me. My teacher and guide was Dr. Michael Cook, one

of the finest teachers I have ever had. Rabbi Cook had studied with Dr. Sam Sandmel, world recognized scholar of the Jewish origins of Christianity, the man who introduced generations of Jews to Christianity and generations of Christians to the Jewish roots of their own religion. Rabbi Cook has taken up where his teacher left off and has gone on to enrich the understandings of Jews and Christians alike. In clear, concise and totally organized presentations, he opened up the world of early Christianity to us. He made sure not only that we were well grounded in the academic study of the Gospels, but that we could use our knowledge effectively and sensitively once we were "released" into the world at large-a world largely populated by folks who considered most sacred the texts we had studied.

We are truly blessed that Dr. Michael Cook will be with us as our Adult Jewish Education Scholar in Residence. I hope that you will take advantage of his presence in our congregation. By exploring with us Christian texts and Christian art, he will help us understand not only Christianity, but where we fit in- past, present and perhaps even future, in the Christian world.

Thanks to Connie Rubin for her help in putting this weekend together.

Rabbi Don Rossoff

\'0111/1/(' .J.J, .\'1I!lliJer S ilpl'il1999


AND WORSHIP T hursday (1) at 10:00 a.m. Passover Service and Study

Friday (2) at 7:30 p.m. Family Shabbat Candle Blessing: Marjorie Bissinger Kiddush: Monroe Kahn Saturday (3) at 9:15 a.m. Macaroons and Torah

Wednesday (7) at 10:00 a.m. Passover ¥lSkor Service

Friday (9) at 8:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service Scholar-in-Residence: Dr. Michael Cook Candle Blessing: Joy Pitel Introduction to Kiddush: Ira Pitel Kiddush: Adam Pitel Aliyah: Jordan Byk

Saturday (10) at 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Adam Pitel will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah

Friday (16) at 8:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service Yom HaShoah Service Service in memory of the Holocaust: Songs and readings from the Holocaust Candle Blessing: Susan Robbins Introduction to Kiddush: Kiddush: Richard Miller David Miller and Michael Robbins Aliyah: Dennis Sorhagen

Saturday (17) at 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service David Miller and Michael Robbins will be called to the Torah as B"lai Mitzvah

Friday (23) at 8:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service Yom Ha' atzmaut Service Candle Blessing: Laurie Kaswiner Introduction to Kiddush: Lee Kaswiner Kiddush: Jessica Kaswiner

Saturday (24) at 11:00 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Jessica Kaswiner will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah

Friday (30) at 8:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service Candle Blessing: Linda Haan Introduction to Kiddush: Oliver Esman Kiddush: Emily Esman and Aaron Haan Aliyah: Michael Israel

T'lis Bulletin is published monthly (except in July and August) by Temple B'nai Or, 60 Overlook Road, Morristawn, New Jersey 07960-5800.

Telephone: 973-539-4539 Fax: 973-539-2758 Nursery School: 973-267-6424

Home Page: http://uahcweb.org/nj/morris-tbo

Rabbi: Donald B. Rossoff

Cantor: Bruce M. Benson

Rabbi Emeritus Z. David Levy

President Phyllis Feinblum

WRJ/Sisterhood Susan Aidekman

Men's Club Gabe Guilis

Senior Youth Group Kathy Ellis

Renaissance Richard Raffman

Copy Editor Jackie Horn

Managing Editor Margaret M. Murray

Designer Debby Dixler

Administrator Amy Mallor

Director of Education David Iskovitz

Director of Nursery School Dee F. Cohen

Choir Director & Organist Daniel Palko

� /"9 � P residential Reflections

Looking Back and Looking Ahead Our Annual Progressive Dinner was an affair to remember. To Marjorie and Alan Dubov who generously let us use their home for dessert, to all the host families, as well as all the committee members who tested recipes, cooked and baked, my sincerest thanks. It was a spectacular evening and our greatest turnout ever with 124 participants!

Coming up on the Temple calendar are some very special events. During the weekend of April 9-11 Dr. Michael Cook will be our Scholar in Residence. Please review the flyer and save the dates. We are in for a wonderful, interesting, educational and t�ought pro­voking weekend.

Saturday night, May 8, is our very special evening with Rio Clemente and Friends. It will be a gala evening, and is our major fundraiser for the year. Please plan on joining us.

The Slate of Officers for 1999-2000 is enclosed in this bulletin and needs to be approved at our Annual Congregational Meeting, so save the date, May 13 at 7:30 p.m. Congratulations to the entire slate on their appointment by the Nominating Committee.

In June, Temple will be celebrating its 45th anniversary. Details to follow.

Late this summer we will be starting a unique new Leadership Development Program.

May you and your families have a wonderful Pesach.

Phyllis Feinblum

Join Rabbi Rossoff this Summer at the

UAHe Adult Spirituality Kallah:

Living the .God Life: Righteousness in Jewish Text and Thought

Brandeis University July 7-11

T he faculty for this study and worship retreat includes Dr. Richard Sarason of the Hebrew Union College (Rabbinic literature), Dr. Dv'ora Weisberg of the University of Pittsburgh (Judaism and gender), Dr. Nehemia Polen of Boston's Hebrew College (Jewish thought and mysti­cism), Dr. Riv-Ellen Prell of the University of Minnesota (anthropology), Merle Feid (playwright and social activist), Rabbi Dan Freelander (UAHC National Director of Program), Rabbi Larry Raphael Freelander (Director of UAHC Department of Adult Jewish Growth) along with many other academics, Rabbis and Cantors-as well as our own Rabbi Rossoff .

. . .

T he catalogue/registration is now available in the Temple Office.

'pI'iI1999 TC17lplc 8'11I1i

From the Desk of the Administrator A quick update on my article from last month. We are getting an excellent response to many of our events such as Shabbat Across America, our Progressive Dinner, Scholar-in­Residence weekend, Mitzvah Day and our evening with Jazz pianist Rio Clemente.

We are pleased that many of you have volunteered your time and are giving your support to the multitude of upcoming events. Without your participation, these events could not be successful. They could also not happen without the many volunteers and office staff that work hard in preparing, organizing and running each event. A Todah Rabah to each of you.

We would like to express a Todah Rabah to all who worked on our Progressive Dinner: the Membership Committee, WRJISisterhood, Men's Club and all those who so gra­ciously hosted dinner and dessert in their homes. Here's to next year and doubling the number of host homes to 24!

Hope to see you at one of our weekend events for our Scholar-in-Residence, Dr. Michael Cook. We have quite a weekend ,planned. Plan to join us for Shabbat Dinner on April 9th, followed by our Shabbat service and a presentation by Dr. Cook. Or come join us for Bagels and Torah with Dr. Cook on Saturday, April 10th at 9 a.m. Our weekend is topped off by our Men's Club chefs preparing a scrumptious brunch and Dr. Cook presenting a slide program about the synagogue and the church. Reservations are needed for dinner and brunch so call the Temple office at 539-4539.


Some highlights of February's Board meeting.

Rabbi Rossoff spoke about his recent trip to Israel and Turkey with 33 other Reform Rabbis from the United States.

Our Progressive Dinner will be held on Saturday March 13th. Appetizers at the Temple, followed by dinner and dessert in host homes.

David Iskovitz, Religious School Director, spoke about Purim preparations, the 2nd

grade family Shabbat workshop, and many other happenings at Religious School.

Laurie Spiegel announced the budget process is beginning and distributed a "budget worksheet." It was suggested that all committee chairs be mailed copies of the budget worksheet.

Amy Mallor

Sari Hassanein, Chairperson of Ways and Means Committee, reported that "Save the Date" cards have been sent out for the Evening with Rio Clemente on May 8th. Sari and Neva Stiller (co-chair) are hoping for a minimum turnout of 300 people.


Please note that the Morristown Police have informed us that we may only park on one side of Ogden Place and Overlook Road for High Holy Days, or any other time of the year, when we have an overflow crowd.

(\pril 1999 TClllplc Wlllli Or Hulld;1l JlIIXC J

SHALOM to New Members

of our Temple Family

Sheryl and Eric Fidoten Aaron and Hannah


Roselyn and David Franklin Joshua and Michael


TEMPO Updates

Eli Levy 61 Hampshire Drive Mendham, NJ 07945




MEETING May 13th 7:30p.m.

Ii'i 'IE'IOH.i:\'1

When cherished ties are broken, our burden of

sadness is made lighter by the sympathy and comfort of friends. The Congregation extends its sympathy to the families of:

Sanford Pollack, father of

Cheryl Dennison

Simon Drucker, father of

Joel Drucker


Matthew Brett to Lara Allen daughter of

Judy and Marc Allen

Abigail Dolan to David Rubin

son of Connie and Harvey Rubin


Cantor Bruce Benson on his election

as Treasurer of the Hebrew Union College

Canto rial Alumni Association

Admission to the California Bar­

Stephanie Rosenberg, daughter of

Elinor Liebesman

The Interfaith Council for Homeless Families is sponsoring a weekend of prayer and thanksgiving to commemorate 10 years of service to homeless families Ten years ago, in April 1989, ICHF began provid­ing emergency shelter, meals and assistance to homeless families in Morris County through an Interfaith Hospitality Network (llIN). This pro­gram mobilizes existing community resources: 63 churches and synagogues for overnight lodging, con­gregations for volunteers, social service agencies for screening and referrals and existing facilities for day programs. Fifteen host con­gregations furnish overnight lodging and meals for 3-5 families for one week, every three months on a rotating sched­ule. Temple B'nai Or is one of those congregations.

MACAROONS AND TORAH Come munch on macaroons, sip coffee, and learn Torah with Rabbi Rossoff. This month "Macaroons and Torah" will meet on Saturday morning, April 3 at 9:15 a.m.

April 3, 1999/17 Nissan 5759 A special Shabbat Study Session for Shabbat Chol Hamoed Pesach. The Torah readings for this Shabbat are Exodus 33.12-34.26 and Numbers 28.19-25.

We will be especially looking at the Haftarah reading, Ezekiel 37.1- 14, which is the prophet's vision of the Valley of Dry Bones.


With Dr. Larry Raphael Wednesday evening, May 5 at 8 P.M.

Tuesday evening, June 1 at 8 P.M. Last Yom Kippur, Rabbi Rossoff discussed the subject of Ethical Wills. At that time, there was interest expressed by individuals interested in learning more and perhaps writing their own.

We are fortunate and honored that Rabbi Larry Raphael will join us for a two-part workshop on this most interesting subject. We will briefly study the history and development of Jewish ethical wills and examine contemporary examples of them (from Shalom Aleichem to Hannah Senesh). We will also learn how to write our own will and share it with others.

Larry Raphael is the director of the UAHC Department of Adult Jewish Growth. His responsibilities include directing the Kallah program and developing adult study materials for the Reform movement. He is an adjunct faculty member at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, NY, where he previously served as a dean. Ordained at HUC-HIR, Larry received his doctorate from New York University.

Please RSVP to Margaret at the Temple to let her know you will be coming.

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. Wine,·.�!\��$e� and,.&ileJ:i.rAljct�Q.«·,i!17:0Q. p.pt�) . . } P�rformance at �:QO' filPl�· , bessert and Coffee' to Follow

. Fl"iend� •. ·.(res�rved .seats): .. $�O· ··>i.::. . ··'···· Tickets� $30

. ". Hi_ •.. ··: .• ·'· )\S

ehior Citjzeils: $18 '1:,. . Por Mgj�1iht9tmatioh:' Call 9��f�39-4539

: ... ;.-

LOOKING AHEAD (Mark Your Calendar!) May 1 Bagels and Torah

May 8 Rio Clemente, Jazz Pianist

May 11 Last Tuesday Session­Religious School

May 13 Last Thursday Session­Religious School

May 14 ORIM Graduation and Teacher Recognition

May 16 Last Sunday Session­Religious School

May 20 Tikun Llyl Shavuot

May 21 Confirmation Consecration

May 23 Confirmation

June 6 Temple B'nai Or Annual Picnic

June 11 Joint Installation Service

June 18 Adult B'nai Mitzvah

�mmemorate your simchas on a leaf of our tree. Make a special occasion everlasting.

For further information, please call Catherine Litwin at 973-539-5552.


IIW'No Religious School on T hursday, April 1

IIW'No Religious School on Sunday, April 4 IIW'No Religious School on T hursday, April 8

� NOTE: T here is Religious School on Tuesday, April 6.


Shortly, we will be mailing out reservation forms for advertising in TEMPO and our monthly bulletin.

TEMPO is our annual directory, published for the exclusive use of our mem­bers. TEMPO features a yearly calendar of events, an alphabetic listing of all members, and selected community advertisers. TEMPO has a year-long "shelf life," and is an invaluable source of infor­mation for our members and their families.

Our MONTHLY BULLETIN is mailed ten (10) times per year to all members and prospective members. You can always find out what's happening at Temple, or other pertinent infonnation, in our monthly bulletin.

Ads are cost effective. Watch the mail for your opportunity to advertise in TEMPO and our MONTHLY BULLETIN.

Temple B'naT Or Religious School In a few short weeks, our Religious School classes will come to a close. We are already planning for the 199912000 acade­mic term. Part of the preparation includes the creation of classes for next year.

Class placement is a thoughtful and delib­erate process involving many considera­tions. Some of the factors that lead to placement in a particular class include:

... Hebrew Reading Ability (for 4th grade and above)-Is the child familiar with all the letters and vowels?; can the child blend letters and vowels profi­ciently?; and, is there a need for reme­diation and repetition at the onset of the next school year?

... Work Habits and Motivation-Is the child self-motivated and does (s)he show interest in Hebrew and ludaica?; and, are homework assignments and projects completed in a timely fashion?

... Academic Strengths and Weaknesses (non-Hebrew).

... Gender Balance-ratio of male and female students to reflect the grade breakdown while allowing placement for individual academic needs.

... Interpersonal Relationships-sepa­rate selected students due to their impact on class climate.

... Attendance (self explanatory).

... Matchup of Teaching Style and Personality with the personality and ability level of the students.

Many hours will be spent by this year's classroom teachers, who know your child best, in supplying information and input regarding hislher new class placement. Remember, children do well in a variety of situations, WE are the ones that limit the possibilities that can advance their ability level and knowledge base.

When you return the registration forms which you will receive in a few weeks, you can request that we consider your child to be placed with one other child. If (s)he is in grade 3 or below we will make every reasonable effort to fulfill your request.

Beginning with grade four, class place­ments will reflect the school's best judge­ment at the time for individual and group needs.

Your child and every child in our Religious School will receive full consid­eration in determining placement. The teachers and I appreciate your cooperation and support.

David Iskovitz

Book Cillb Update

Our bi-monthly meeting of the Temple B'nai Or Book Club will be held on Sunday, April 18, 1999. Members discuss contemporary words of fiction and non-fiction of Jewish interest with Rabbi Rossoff.

The book to be reviewed is Gift of the Jews by Thomas Cahill. The meeting will be held at the home of Shari and Stephen Leviss, 65 Lake Drive, Mountain Lakes.

RSVP to Margaret at Temple no later than April 9th

:11'I"iI1999 /('1111,/1' WI/IIi Or HlIllctil1 1'11.1;(' 6

I TEMPLE BINAI OR I Notice is served that the ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING will take place In the Temple on Thursday, May 13 at 7:30 p.m. In addition to the regular business, there will be the election of the slate of officers for 1999/2000, presentation of the 1999/2000 budget, as well as reports from your President, Vice Presidents, and the Rabbi. All are encouraged to attend.



. President:

Vice Presidents:

Recording Secretary: Financial Secretary:


Trustees (term ending 2000)

Trustees (term ending 2001)

Trustees (term ending 2002)

Past Presidents (term ending 2000)

Past President (term ending 2002)

Nominating Committee Member

Linda Haan*

Jay Oyer*

Stuart Rayvid* Neva Stiller* Mindy Zaziski*

Deborah Dixler* Connie Rubin*

Phillip Kaufman*

Keith Barbarosh Lee Brodsky

Richard Herbert

WendyKeil Roy Konwiser

Catherine Litwin

Laurie Spiegel

Susan Aidekman*


Ann Cohen

Joshua Mackoff

Michael Rubell*

William Schlosser

Judith Sacks Bliss* AIanBrown* YveCohen* Sari Hassanein* Robert Mayer* Sanford Rems· Patricia Tolkoff*

Irving Gozonsky*

Jack Piermont

Vicki Nelson*

Phyllis Feinblum*

Patricia Sarasohn*

*up for election


Gary Aidekman, William Blatt, Wendy Fried, Vicki Nelson

MAY 1999 Iyar 5759 Sivan5759

16 1yar Renaissance Breakfast 9:30 am Sinai Seekers/Grade 1 - 11:30 am People of the Book - r 3-

23 1yar

Mother's Day


Madrikim 6:00 pm ORIM 7:00 pm

Confirmation Rehearsal #2 Adult Bible Study 7:30 pm

Executive Board 7:30 pm

2 41yar

Confirmation Rehearsal #3

18 1yar 19 1yar

WRJ/Sisterhood 7:30 pm Lag Ba'omer

-- - ....

25 1yar

Last Tuesday Session

26 1yar

20lyar WRJ/Sisterhood Seminar with

Rabbi Rossoff 10:00 am

Men's LunCh Schmooze 12:30 pm

21 Iyar

BB 7:41

4th Grade Shabbaton and Dinner 5 :45 pm

Family Service 7:30 pm

27 Iyar 28 Iyar WRJ/Sisterhood Seminarwith B B

Rabbi Rossoff 10:00 am 7:48 Last Thursday Session Cradle Roll Shabbat Dinner 6 pm O�IM Graduation and

Adult Education Bible Study Annual Congregational Teacher Recognition

15 1yar Emor

Bagels and Torah 9:15 am Service 11:00 am Emily Esman and

Aaron Haan wi. be caIed tl the Torah as B'nai Mitzvah

22lyar BeharlBechukotai

Pre-KITOT 9:15 am Service 11:00 am

Temple Event David Kosh

wiD be caIed tl the T crah as a Bar Mitzvah

29 1yar Bamidbar

Service 11 :00 am

Sage Aldekman 7:30 pm Board of Trustees 7:30 pm Fatherhood Project 8:00 pm Meeting 7:30 pm Shabbat Service 8:00 pm 1���--------------+-�=---------------4-��--------------���----�---------+�,.---------------+� ����� -------- ------�I

wi. be caUed tl the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah

1 Sivan Men's Club Breakfast

9 :30 am

Last Sunday Session Maccabia Games

8 Sivan

Confirmation 11 am

2 Sivan 3 Sivan 4 Sivan 5 Sivan Last Monday Session

Confirmation Final Rehearsal and Dinner 5:30 pm

Adult Education Bible Study Religious School Committee

9 Sivan

7:30 pm 7:45 pm

10 Sivan

WRJ/Sisterhood Seminar with Rabbi Rossoff 10:00 am

Men's Lunch Schmooze 12:30 pm

Adult Education: Tikun Lay! Shavuot

11 Sivan 12 Sivan WRJ/Sisterhood Seminar with

Nursery School Committee Rabbi Rossoff 10:00 am 9 :00 am

Outreach 8:00 pm

13 Sivan BB 8:00

Shabbat Service 8:00 pm

une S MTWT F S

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30

11:00 am

Eric Magidson and Julian Packin

14 Sivan Beha'alotecha

Service 11:00 am

Jana Milberg Rubenstein wi. be called tl the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah

VlSual Image...;:;...;:s�_ PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO

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Presents a Very Special Scholar in Residence Weekend April 9 - 11, 1999

DR. MICHAEL COOK, Professor of Judaeo-Christian Studies

Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion

CHRISTIANS AND JEWS: Understanding Each Other

Friday evening, April 9 Dinner at 6:00 p.m. (*RSVP needed) Service at 8:00 p.m.

Saturday morning, April 10 at 9:00 a.m.

Saturday afternoon, April 10 at 2:00 p.m.

Sunday morning, April 11at 9:30 a.m. (*RSVP needed)

The Mlllenium: What Jews need to Know and Why Jews Need to Know It.

Famous Torah Stories: What's Been Their Meaning in Christian Theology?

The Jewish Roots of Christianity: An Ecumenical Program for Jew s and Christians - -- - - -

The "Synagogue" and the "Church" The Abiding Legacy of Anti-Jewish Stereotypes in Famous Church Art

MrlM�/Ms: __________________ ________________________________ _

ADDRESS�: ________________________________________________ ___


PHONE: _________________ _

o Friday evening dinner, April 9 (Chicken, potatoes, carrots and salad) *Number of Adults @$1 0.00each Chlldren(under age12} __ @$6.00each

o Sunday breakfast, April 11 (Prepared by Chefs of the Men's Club) *Number of Adults @$5.00each Chiidren{under age12). __ @$2.00each


Send this form and check payable to: TEMPLE B'NAI OR 60 Overlook Rd, Morristown, NJ 07960-5800

For further information, please call the Temple office at (973) 539-4539

APRIL 1999 Nissan 5759 -Iyar 5759

arc ay 1 7 Nlssan S MTWT F S S MTWT F S Chol HamoedlPesach I 2 3 4 $ 6 I Macaroons and Torah 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 10 II" 12 13 14 15 9: 1 5 am 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

28 29 30 31 30 31

1 8 Nlssan 1 9 Nlssan 20 Nlssan 22 Nlssan 24 Nlssan R.S. Open WRJ/Slsterhood Seminar with Sheminl

Rabbi Rossoff 10:00 am 7:11 Pre·KlTOT 9:15 am Madrlklm Meeting 6: 00 pm R.S. Closed Service 11:00 am

ORIM 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study 7: 30 pm Adam Pltel

Executive Board 7: 30 pm �o Religious or Nursery, ...

25 Nlssan 26 Nlssan 27 Nlssan 28 Nlssan 29 Nlssan 30 Nlssan 1 Iyar Joint Breakfast WRJ/Slsterhood Seminar with B8 Tazria/Matzora

9: 30 am Rabbi Rossoff 10:00 am 7:19 Service 11:00 am Men's Lunch Schmooze 12:30 pm Fatherhood Project (ovemlght)

Yom HaShoah SerVice Adult Bible Study 7:30 pm Fatherhcod Project Shabbat Service 8: 00 pm David Miller & Michael Robblna ISefiolar In Reslaenee -Or, Coo� � Renaissance Board 8:00 8:00 pm Yom HaShoah will be called 10 the Torah 8S B'nai Mitzvah

21yar 3 Iyar 41yar 51yar 61yar 71yar 81yar Judaism On One Foot WRJ/Sisterhood Seminar with B8 Achare Mot-Kedoshlm

1 1 : 30 am -1:1 5 pm Yom Ha'atzmaut at MetroWest Rabbi Rossoff 10:00 am 7:26 Service 11:00am 2nd Grade Name Ceremony

7th Grade

Religious School Committee Yom Ha'atzmaut Service 7:4 5 pm Shabbat Service 8: 00 pm Jessica Kaswlner

Adult Bible Study 7: 30 pm Yom Hazikaron Outreach 7:30 pm Yom Ha'atzmaut will be called 10 the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah

5 91yar 1 0 lyar 1 1 Iyar 1 21yar 1 31yar 141yar

Nursery School Committee WRJ/Sisterhood Serninar with B8 Mitzvah Day 9:0 0 am Rabbi Rossoff 10:00 am 7:33

Registration 8:00-10:00 am

Confirmation Rehearsal #1 Renaissance Shabbat Adult Bible Study 7 :30 pm Board of Trustees 7 :30 pm Men's Club Event 8:00 pm

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Nursery School "Children have to be educated, but they have aLso to be Left to educate themseLves."

Abbe Dimnel

As we attempt to perfect our parenting skills and our skills as educators, sometimes we forget the significance of the above statement. How important it is to show children the way and to give them love and guidance, attention and nurturing. We give them experi­ences and possessions, opportunities and values and role models.

Sometimes we forget to give them time, space and credit for the ability to problem solve. Children need a lot of guidance. And then they need to "figure it out" for themselves. Sometimes this gets expressed in creative forms through music and art. Sometimes it results in thinking in the abstract about the world. But allowing children the chance to "me do it, Mommy" may mean your child learns to create ideas, solutions and answers when the parent and the computer and the teacher and the text book are not readily available. This makes thinking valuable. This enables growth of t�e intellect. Creative problem solvers can be anything and can do anything. It's up to parents and teachers to encourage it, support it and appreciate it in our children. In addition to all of the above, life is, then, an exciting adventure, not just homework.

�--""',;J ITZVAH DAY

Temple B'nai Or Sunday, April 25, 1999

Dee Cohen

We've had a wonderful response and look forward to receiving many more Volunteer Registration forms. Please be sure to return your form to Temple as soon as pOSSible.

If you need a form, please call the Temple Office.

Nursery School Reminder ... There is no Nursery School from April 1 through April 7. School resumes on T hursday, April 8.

Support Temple As You Buy Your

Groceries SCRIP is available at Temple! Plan ahead when you shop at Foodtown, Kings, Edwards and Shop Rite. It's as easy as A, B, C:

A. Once a month, call the Temple office or Neva Stiller at 973-326-8910 to place your SCRIP order.

B. Make a check out to Temple for the amount of SCRIP you purchase.

C. SCRIP will be available at Temple in the denominations you order.

Remember, Temple earns 5% on all you spend!

Men's Club Be sure to mark your calendar for Sunday, May 16 at 9:30 a.m. Plan to a ttend the Men's Club Breakfast when our guest speak­ers, Kuba and Helen Beck, will discuss "Our Experiences as Schindler

I " ews.

T he cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child under the age of 12. Babysitting is available if you call ahead.

RSVP to David Feldman at 973-984-2983 or Richard Herbert at 973-993-1299.

The Judaica Shop will be open during Religious

School hours on Sundays with a wonderful selection


Please stop by or contact Betsy Freeman at


By Mrworb. sholl y� know Ir�r. .. Women of Reform Judaism/

Sisterhood of Temple B'nai Or Passover has arrived, and our joyous celebration commemorating the Exodus from Egypt has begun. While most of us will attend a Passover Seder with family and friends, many members of our Jewish Community will not have this opportunity. Morris County is home to a large number of newly immigrated Russian Jews. Many of them are elderly and/or living on fixed incomes. Most of them have no family nearby.

Our Sisterhood has invited these new members of our Jewish Community to join our Temple family at the Congregational Seder. Your donations can help us provide them with a meaningful Seder experience. Checks should be made payable to Temple B'nai Or Sisterhood and forwarded to the attention of Jeri Sharpe.

You are invited to become a part of our upcoming events:

@ Thursday, April 1 Congregational Seder begins at 6:00 p.m. in the Social Hall. Join your Temple family at the Passover Seder led by Rabbi Rossoff. Contact Jeri Sharpe at 973-984-6298 for more details.

@ Thesday, April 6 Sisterhood Board Meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Temple. All are invited to attend.

@ Thursdays, April 15, 22, and 29 . Sisterhood Seminar begins at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to join Rabbi Rossoff in study.

We continue to collect recipes for our cookbook. Please forward your favorite Passover recipes to the attention of Robin Matelsky.

Happy Passover! Susan Aidekman. President

Renaissance Times Plan to join us on April 11 when we will enjoy a joint breakfast with the Men's Club and Sisterhood.

On Sunday, May 2 at 9:30 a.m. we will have as our guest speaker, Dr. Joseph Jandrowitz, Ph.D., Professor of History at Kean University and a member of the Army Intelligence Unit at Viet Nam. Dr. Jandrowitz will give us a picture of Inside Viet Nam Intelligence. An excursion to the Jewish Heritage Museum in New York City is planned for May 23, leaving Temple B'nai Or at 8:30 a.m. Lunch will be at the South Street Seaport on your own; bus returning to TBO at 4 p.m.

And remember, all Board Meetings are held at the Temple at 8 p.m. on the second Monday of each month. All are invited to attend.

For reservations or for more information, please call Dick Raffman at 908-470-9122 or Pat Tolkoff at 973-539-2827.

According to our records, the following yahneils will be observed during the month of April. Please notify the office of any additions or corrections.

April 2, 1999 Naomi Ben-Asher Milton Berman Marion Brooks Eleanore Cheyette Morris Fass Harold Fingeret Martha Finkelstein Lawrence Fisch Bettie S. Friedman Jason S. Friedman Solomon Geller Anna Goldenberg David Gordon Sarah Greenberg Jeanette Hom Harry Iskovitz Toni Kahn Max Kanengiser Bruno Kramer Sadye Luckton Pauline Neger Melissa Neier Louis Perr Anne Pochapin Samuel Portnoy Rhoda Rosenstein Minnie Sherman Ruth Sichel Rae Tril ling Simmons Irving Simon Ruth Shiman Stein Erna Weinschenk Strauss Isidore Swotinsky Nettie Thaler Sophie Trencher Justin Wayne Betsy L. Weismann Hyman Weitzman Erwin Widmann Nathan Woronov

April 9, 1999 Samuel Abramowitz Sadye Baurer Albert Bowman Jack Byk Jack Conviser Bernice Dewlow Murray Hecht Pearl Janowitz Emil M. Kaney Max Kesselhaut Solomon Lieber Josephine Mayer Joseph Meller

Harry Melnick Jerome M. Rayvid Goldie Saslaw Jonathan D. Stiller Jean Weinstein Lillian Weinstein Herbert Wilmers Samuel Yacker Florence Zaimant

April 16, 1999 Albert Aferiat Solomon Ben-Asher Adele Blumenstyk Rose Botkin Herbert Brody Albert Brunnlieb Jack Cohen Rose Danzis Sidney Feinstein Charles Filenbaum Manya Futeran Sally Gerner Arthur Getzoff Ruth F. Goldfein Benjamin Goldstein Aaron Gozonsky Annie Greenbaum Samuel Kaprove Joseph M. Kleban Samuel Lander Morris Levy Morris Lissak Philip Marech Max J. Mednick Samuel Mufson Abraham Narcez Harry River Joseph Shapiro Lenore Sheridan James Sorhagen Marta Stem Bertha Szerlip Diana Weber Arlene S. Weiss Frank Welt Fannie Westreich

April 23, 1999 Albert Ackerman Florence Anzel Sol Argush Leo Bader Douglas Bleiman Bertha Cumins Edward Danzis Clifton Fenn

Shirley Freeman Samuel Glickman Benjamin Golub Mae Gross Bernard D. Helderman Anna Jaffe Fannie Katz Lena Katz Leo Kaufman Samuel Levitz Lydie Levy Bernice Markowitz Gersh Dorothy Neubarth Frank Pall Rose Pearl David Press Carl Saidiner Lorraine Sedler Helen Slepian Alan Tumarkin Louis Weissglass

April 30, 1999 Nathan Barbarosh Abraham Barnett Will iam Basch Kermit Bricker Shirley Burrash Milton Cookler Joel M. Deitch Maurice Glass B lanche Greenbaum Dorothy Greenberg Nathan Gumenick Veronica Hami Iton Arthur Heitman Anna Israel Betty Kaelin Fania Kalina Beatrice Kanders Barbara Kantor Paul Katzman Harold Klein Reuben Lauterbach Lee Macht Tess Meyer Milly Moore Richard Pike Simon Rosenbaum Diana Rosenberg Charles Sandler Ralph Schlesinger Rose Steinberg Samuel Stempler Frank Stem Charles Weinberg Phyll is Weissbach


APPEAL The tradition of enjoying wonderful food always has been an important component of Jewish cele­brations. Feeding the poor is a rich Jewish tradi­tion arising from the con­cept of tikkun olam­repairing the world. We, at Temple B'nai Or, can make a connection between these two tradi­tions, especially during this period of Passover, by donating 3% of the cost of our celebrations to MAZON, a national Jewish organization that works to alleviate hunger. MAZON provides cash grants to food banks in inner cities and rural areas, kosher meals-on­wheels programs, home­less shelters, and groups working for long-term solutions to hunger. Holidays, birthdays, B'nai mitzvah, weddings and anniversaries are all occa­sions which can be made even more meaningful with your 3% donation.

You may send a check directly to MAZON at

12401 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 303, Los Angeles, CA 90025-1015

or to Temple marked for MAZON.


In honor of: Naming of our daughter, Madeleine Rose *Lisa and Anthony Nasch

Birth of grandson. Evan Charles Zollenberg. to Miriam and David Lerman

Jackie and Larry Hom

Morris Hirstreet 's speedy recovery Pauline Hirstreet

Frieda Numark

Our son, Michael, becoming a Bar Mitzvah

*Susan and Eric Robbins

Engagement of Petra Curtis to Barrett Einaugler, son of Carole and Richard Einaugler

Barbara and Donald Piennont, Jr.

In memory of: Thelma Zane, mother of Linda Haan

*Janet and Alan Levy

Bernard Lidsky, beloved husband *Ina Lidsky

Jordall Lieberman, beloved brother *Judith and Lester Liebennan

Bernice Brown Bauer Barbara and Donald Piermont, Jr.

Bernard Lidsky, husband of Ina Lidsky Jackie and Larry Hom


FUND In honor of: Our SOIl, Michael, becoming a Bar Mitzvah

*Susan and Eric Robbins

CARING COMMUNITY FUND In memory of: Bernard Lidsky, husband of Ina Lidsky

Joy and Leon KurIan

Jordall Liebermall. husband of Elaille Lieberman Bernard Lidsky, husband of Ilia Lidsky

Carole and Gerry Ungerleider

Jordall Lieberman. husballd of Elaille Liebennall

Elinor and Sandy Leibesman


In memory of: Kurt Hom, father of Jeffrey Hom

The Wind Family


In honor of: Betty and Edward Katz ' 5dh wedding anniversary

Sylvia and Milton Litwin

In memory of: Marc Hamilton Schlosser Byron Nierenberg, husband of Neil Nierenberg

Deenie and Sid Schlosser


In memory of: Carl Rosen, husband of Rita Rosen Carl Rosen, stepfather of Carole Goldberg

Margaret M. Murray


In memory of: Arthur Gordon

Sandy Mayer


EDUCATION FUND In honor of: Sam Katsin becoming a Bar Mitzvah

nene and Bruce Jacobs

In memory of: Seymour Lewis

Deborah and Jeffrey Birnbaum

Barbara and Bob Friedman

Ruth Goodman

Catherine and Marisa Litwin

Sylvia and Milton Litwin, Larry

Litwin, Ralph and Stephanie

Joan and Jerry Scheckman

Deenie and Sid Schlosser

Judy, Alise and Bil l Schlosser

Renee and Bernie Schulman

*Carole White


In honor of: Stephanie Rosenberg, daughter of Elinor Liebesman, admitted to the California Bar Elinor and Sandy Leibesman

In memory of: Samuel Sodowick

Lorraine and Jerry Aresty


In honor of: Betty Schulman 's speedy recovery

Dee Cohen and Nursery School



In memory of: Seymour Lewis

tlJ Judy, Alise and Bil l Schlosser

(lJ Annette Miller

Lo"aine Danziger ill Sylvia and Jeffrey Kestler

Byron Nierenberg. husband of NeiL Nierenberg

llJ Pat Tolkoff

Leo Motick 's father Ilene and Bruce Jacobs


In honor of: Wendy Keil "

Stacey and Bill Schlosser

In memory of: Byron Nierellberg. husband of Neil Nierellberg

Ao and Joe Frischman

Corrine and Sol Schaffer Judy and Eliot Steinberg

Frank Latrollico David Iskovitz


In memory of: Hy F eillgold

Caren Frankel

Sallford Pollack, father of Cheryl Dennisoll

Ellen and Ron Cookler


In memory of: Minllie Bardack

* Kenneth Bennan

Beatrice Barkin Carol and Dan Barkin

Tributes I continued

Betty I. Becker Judy and Alan Goldstein

Ida Bennan Herbert Berman

Jen"ie Brody Pearl Schlossman Pall

Sam Chase Laurie and Steve Spiegel

Abe Cohen Zenda and Jonathan Krasney

Max Cohen Charlotte and Nelson Cohen

Ethel Ginsberg

Morris Cooper Donna and Ed Okin

Ida Feinblum Phyllis and David Feinblum

Jacob S. Feldman * Ann, Jennifer and David Feldman

Milton R. Finkelstein. beloved father Sarah F. Harris

Tobey Fisch *Liz, Gary, Sara and Michael Fisch

Frank Glassner *Linda Wacks

Ralph Hyman *Joan and Bob Gluckin

Arthur G. Jaffe Goldie and Rudy Jaffe

Rita Byeff Krasney Zenda and Jonathan Krasney

Samuel Kurland Joy and Leon Kurland

Jean C. Laba Marvin Laba

Louis A. Leviss Shari and Stephen Leviss

Celia Levy Linda and Rick Haan

Elaine Schlosser Lewis Sylvia and Milton Litwin

Michael Lippert Carol, Holly and Meredith Gray

Rose Lupkin Barbara, Stuart, Jonathan and Eric


Lee Malin Eleanor and Martin Mann

Nettie Levy Meyer Sandy Mayer

Emil Newmark Sylvia and Milton Litwin

William Orgel Phyllis Feinblum

Patrick Petrozza *Marjorie and Alan Dubav

Edith Rachleff Maxine and Harry Riskin

Arnold Raphael Laurie and Richard Bruskin

Martin Reiter Gloria Harris

Miriam Rothman. beloved mother Ann Cohen

Harriet Rubin Debra Elsner

Sara Rudnick *Dianne Gownsky

Sam Samach * Alice and Michael Samach

Mendel Schleichkom Dora Faber

Jack Schwartz. beloved brother-in-law Pat Tolkoff

Clare Sevrin Norman Sevrin

Mary Levine Tolkoff, beloved mother Pat Tolkoff

Irving Wacks *Edward Wacks

Dr. Abram Weiss. beloved father Rabbi Harry Weiss. beloved grandfather

*Constance and Joseph Shapse

Alma Winters David Winters

Evan Zaborsky *Rosalind and David Zabarsky

Esther Zweig. beloved mother Claire and Gil Zweig

,. Denotes a donation of $50 or more

00 Denotes purchase of a prayerbook

A Note About Tributes We would very much appreciate your assistance when sending in tribute requests. Donations to the Rabbi, Cantor, and Rabbi's Tzedakah Funds should be made out directly to those funds (For example: TBO- Rabbi's Discretionary Fund). Donations to all other Funds should be made out to Temple B'nai Or. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Temple B'nai Or 60 Overlook Road Morristown, NJ 07960-5800

An Affiliale of lire Union of American Hebrew Congregalions

ROBERT S. FRIEDMAN, D.D.S. fJJipfomate, .54merialn f}Joara of Ortfwaontics




(973) 61.7-7377



rn David M. Feldman Certif�d Fi1l4ncial PlanMr Eucutive V'&ee Pn&UUnl

1719 Roule 10 . Suite 1 18 . Panippany, NJ 07054 (973) 605-1448 · FAX (973) 605-1449 SecuriIis ..... c..I.m. c.... 6 Co.. "". Membor. NASD6 SIPC





Li brary HUC - J I R 3 1 0 1 C l ifton Ave . Cinc i nnat i , OH 4 5 2 2 0

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SUITE 303 [I]�-' PARSIPPANY. NEW JERSEY 07054 973- 335-8500

L y n n L i t w i n R o s s

. . .for homes in Harding, Madison, Morris Township, Morristown, Mendham

rn and the Chathams

•• (97a}377-4444 ext 106 215 MainStreet : . - (973) 377-7835 Fax Madison. NJ 079.:U (973) 377-6728 I t I denotes advertiser is a Temple member

- .