Temple Beth-EI BULLETINcollections.americanjewisharchives.org/ms/ms0882/00188/... · 2015-08-24 ·...

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Transcript of Temple Beth-EI BULLETINcollections.americanjewisharchives.org/ms/ms0882/00188/... · 2015-08-24 ·...

Temple Beth-EI

BULLETIN Kennedy Boulevard at Harrison Avenue

Affiliated with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations

Volume 53 No.6 November 17, 1989-20 Heshvan, 5750

Rabbi Kenneth Brickman-Cantor Karen Webber


Friday, November 17th ............... 8:15 p.m . Candle Blessing: Libby Sabsevitz Kiddush Prayer: Irving Sabsevitz

Sermon "A Tale of Exile"

Oneg Shabbat Sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Irving Sabsevitz

In Honor of Their Wedding Anniversary

Saturday, November 18th .... . .. .... . 10 : 00 a.m. Haftarah Reading : Murray Greiman

Kiddu sh

Fridav , November 24th ....... . .. . . .. . 8 : 15 p.m. Candle Blessing: Theresa Levinstone Kiddush Prayer : A. Winfred Levinstone

Sisterhood Sabbath Reader : Ethel Gewirtzman

Oneg Shabbat

Saturday , November 25th ............ 10 : 00 a.m . Haftarah Reading : Norman Smith


From the Rabbi's Study

I was deeply moved by the outpouring of good wishes extended to me at my Installation Service. I want to thank all of the congregants who contributed their time and energy to the preparation of the beautiful Sabbath Dinner and the Installation Service. I am certain that this moment in the life of Temple Beth-EI will be remembered for many years. Of course, the presence of Rabbi Berman and Florence added a special dimension to the festivities. I am grateful to them for making the trip to Jersey City to be with us. I hope that this was only the first of many joyous occasions which I will be privileged to share with this congregation.

Adult Education

Rabbi Brickman's Monday morning Adult Education classes continue to meet in the Library in the Temple House. During the 10 : 00 a.m. session, the class discusses Jewish responses to contemporary issues in our society . Because of the way the course is structured, each class stands as an individual unit , so even if you are unable to attend every week, you should come whenever you can . The adult Hebrew Class meets at 11:00 a.m. On Tuesday, November 28 at 8 : 00 p.m., Rabbi Brickman will be presenting a one session summary of the highlights of his Monday morning course at the Newport Interfaith Center. Temple members who are residents of Newport , Hoboken and the downtown area are invited to attend all of the Adult education sessions which are held at the Newport Interfaith Center. The December session will be held on Tuesday, December 19, when we will discuss "The True Story of Hanukah." Anyone who is interested in an Adult Hebrew Class in the evening at the Newport Interfaith Center should contact Rabbi Brickman.

BERTHA FRUEDENBERGER FLOWER FUND Flowers Have Been Placed on the Pulpit:

In memory of beloved husband, father and grandfather, Frank Feinberg by:

Sydell Feinberg Children & Grandchildren

In memory of beloved sister-in-law, Ethel Kanov Rosen by:

Mr. & Mrs. David Bauer Mrs. Jessie Pearlman

In memory of beloved father, Edward B. Jaffin by:

Jane & Lee Jasper In memory of beloved mother, Lillian Goldowsky by:

Rita Rayner & family In memory of beloved husband, A. Benjamin Miller by:

Mrs. Jeanette B. Miller In memory of beloved husband, father and grandfather, Theodore Davidowitz by:

M:r.8. Vivienne Davidowitz, Rona, Melissa & Meredith Katze

In loving memory of beloved brothers, David M. and Herman W. Klausner by:

Ethel and Ben Chodash In memory of beloved sister, Mildred Taylor by:

Sylvia Fink In memory of beloved Sylvia Kaner by:

Richard M. Kaner

* * * * * * * * * * *


Contributions Have Been Received:

In memory of beloved brother, Matthew Weisenfeld; to Mrs. Tesse Chasan from:

Mr. & Mrs. Maurice B. Weinberg In memory of beloved husband, Matthew Weisenfeld from:

Mr. & Mrs. Maurice B. Weinberg Mrs. Ethel K. Gewirtzman Dr. & Mrs. Harold Smith Mr. & Mrs. Ben Chodash

In memory of beloved father, Lester A. Rice from:

Dr. Howard K. Rice * * * * * * * * * * * *

SOPHIE GREENBAUM TRIBUTE FUND Contributions Have Been Received:

In memory of Samuel Parnes; to Mrs. Nedda Parnes from:

Mr. & Mrs. Ben Kaplan In memory of beloved brother, Matthew Weisenfeld; to Mrs. Tesse Chasan from:

Mrs. Rose Weinberger Mrs. Martha Weinberg Eleanor and Charles Clott Mrs. Mildred Kabakow Mrs. Rose Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Murray Friedwald & Ken Mrs. Betty Berger Phyllis & Ida Barison Mrs. Judith Levine Mrs. Vi Pell Mrs. Rae Fredman Minna Rose Davis Dr. & Mrs. Harry Handler Miss Norma Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Milton Wegodsky Dr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Cohen Mr. &. Mrs. Harold Mandel

In memory of beloved husband, Matthew Weisenfeld; to Mrs. Mildred Weisenfeld and family from:

Mr. & Mrs. Irv Straus Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Zimmerman Mr. & Mrs. Ben Werner Mrs. Rose Weinberger Mrs. Martha Weinberg Mr. & Mrs.Sol Lubow Mr. & Mrs . Phil Yablon Mrs. Thelma Brenner Mr. & Mrs. Murray Friedwald & Ken Mrs. Betty Berger Phyllis & Ida Barison Mr. & Mrs. Murray Siegel Mr. & Mrs. Harold Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Louis Schnevers Dr. & Mrs. Harry Handler

In memory of beloved Paula Braverman; to Mrs. Lillian Gordon & Mr. Gene Braverman & Family from:

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sherr Mrs. Sylvia Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Charles Clott Mrs. Minna Rose Davis

In memory of beloved brother, Bennie Schnitzer; to Miss Sophie Schnitzer from:

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Mandel In memory of beloved husband, Samuel Parnes;to Mrs. Nedda Parnes from:

Mrs. Minna Rose Davis

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

THANK YOU Contributions Have Been Made to the Temple by:

Maurice and Libby Brickman in honor of the Installation of Rabbi Brickman and in appreciation for the hospitality extended to them by the members of Temple Beth-EI.

Mr. & Mrs. Sam Gorlin in honor of the birth of their grandson, Zachary.

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Woloz in mem­ory of Matthew Weisenfeld.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Canter in memory of Matthew Weisenfeld.

Mr. & Mrs. Abraham Wellen in memory of Matthew Weisenfeld.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

CONDOLENCES The Rabbi, Board of Trustees

and Members of the Congregation wish to extend their heartfelt sympathies to:

Miss Sophia Schnitzer on the ' passing of her brother, Bennie Schnitzer.

Mr. & Mrs . Raymond Papperman on the passing of their mother, Helen Papperman.

The family of Stella Friedman on her passing.

May cherished memories be a source of comfort and consolation.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * BELLA PESIN MEMORIAL LIBRARY FUND

Contributions Have Been Received:

In memory of beloved brother, Matthew Weisenfeld; to Mrs. Tesse Chasan from:

Hon. Allan & Mrs. Horowitz Marion Wahl Mr. & Mrs. David Bauer Mrs. Jessie Pearlman

* * * * * * * * * * * *

CONGRATULATIONS The Rabbi, Board of Trustees and

Members of the Congregation wish to extend their congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Sam Gorlin on the birth of their new grandson, Zachary.

Also to Gloria and Alfred Zukosky on the birth of their granddaughter, Alison.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

THANK YOU On behalf of my children, grand­

children and myself, thank you so much for your letters of comfort and con­tributions.

Mrs. Mildred Weisenfeld

* * * * * * * * * * * * * YES FUND

Contributions Have Been Received:

In memory of beloved brother, Matthew Weisenfeld; to Mrs. Tesse Chasan from:

Mr. & Mrs. Lou Silverman In honor of the magnificent job that you and all your wonderful assistants did for the Installation Sabbath Dinner; to Shirley & Murray Haar from:

Mrs. Rose Fisher

* * * * * * * * * * * * * ADA GARFUNKEL HAPPY DAY FUND

Contributions Have Been Received:

In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of grand­son, David Reid Fisher; to Mrs. Rose Fisher from:

Mr. & Mrs. Abe Wellen Mrs. Anne Siegler Mr. & Mrs. Ben Chodash

In honor of a complete recovery; to Bert Zeller from:

Mrs. vi Pell In honor of a complete recovery; to Mrs. Frances Heller from:

Mrs. Vi Pell In honor of a complete recovery; to Mrs. Florence Pearl from:

Mrs. vi Pell Congratulations on the birth of new grandson; to Mr. & Mrs. Avie Bennett from: Mrs. Sylvia Shapiro * * * * * * * * * * *

Sisterhood News

The next Sisterhood Dinner meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 21 at 6:00 p.m. In honor of Jewish Book Month, Rabbi Brickman will review a new book by Rabbi Harold Kushner, entitled Who Needs God? Rabbi Kushner's last book was the best-seller , When Bad Things Happen to Good people. For more information and re~ervations , call the Temple Office.

Brotherhood News

Entertainment '90 books are being sold by the Brotherhood. The Entertainment '90 books are only $35.00 and can be purchased in the Temple Office, where a sample book is available for your inspection.

Sunday Breakfast and Discussion Club Schedule

November 19th--9 : 20 a.m . Hosts: Murray Haar & Ben Kaplan Co-hosts : Louis Checkman & Milton Wegodsky Guest of Honor: Murray Haar , in appreciation for his wonderful work for both the Temple and the Brotherhood. November 26th--9 : 20 a.m. Hosts : Norman Smith & Murray Greiman Co-hosts: Sidney Maltzman & Matthew Zimmerman Guest of Honor : Norman Smith for having assisted the Rabbi during our summer services

Announcing the New Organ Fund

We are pleased to announce the establishment of the Temple Organ Fund, through which we hope to be able to pay for the new organ which was installed in our Sanctuary. The minimum contribution to the Organ Fund is $18.00. Donations can be in memory of a dear one or in honor of a joyous occasion. A beautiful, specially designed card will be sent to acknowledge your donation.

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(WEEK ENDING:11/18/89)


Sophie Altshuler Philip A. Brooks Etta Davidowitz Henry A. Garfunkel Lillian Goldowsky Simon Hammerstein Edna Press Herman Sylvia Kaner

* * * * * *

Josep h Alexander Martin P. Barison Sadie F . Bossert Irving Eisenberg Frank Feinberg Samue l Hofstetter

* *


Harry S_ Lev it Rose Levy Celia Lubowsky Joseph Mayer Frieda Pepper Ethel Kanov Rosen Edward Schoenbart Goldye Singer

* * * * * *


Dr. Abraham Jaffin Bernard Jaffin Edward B. Jaffin Herman W. Klausner David M. Klausner Solomon Kramer

* *

Yetta Smith Rebecca Shapiro William Tandler Anna Tillman Celia Tillman Mildred Taylor Louis Wertheim

* * * * * * * * (WEEK ENDING:11/25/89)

Leopold Meinstein A. Ben j amin ~iiller Hattie Cohn Pollak Solomon Reinheimer Rose Siegel Seymour Siegel

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PLEASE NOTIFY THE OFFICE WHEN YOU ARE GOING TO FLORIDA.


* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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