Telstar Vol 2 #2

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Transcript of Telstar Vol 2 #2

8/2/2019 Telstar Vol 2 #2 1/8

• '67 Superlatives Chosen

arAn important and outstanding member of the varsity football,

feature of the Senior class is that tra:c'k, and basketball teams.of being named a senior Super- Known for his fine art work:IaUve. Those who are named are John David contributes much tonominated and elected entirely the school in aiding the annualby the members o r the senior and newspaper staff. He is astudent body. Superlatives named member of the Beta and French

CC"C-:-:--:-----::-:::--:::-7-:-:-:-:-::---:;---;:----:-----;::::--;:: __-:-~;;;_;; for Mark Smith's first graduating Clubs.

~ V "~ I" ~" '~ 'C :'~ "~ "" ~" .:c ':.2 M " "~ :: : '.: :. ': ::" I:: : 'h .::H :! ;g h '-" :: :.h =•:::.'.::. : _:,=":: : ' : . . : 'M :: : .= ." : : : . ,_ :G" =~"" : . : '._ __"F,c . : " : : : : . , : ;_ ,: : 0 . :: : , ": : : :" , : :"" , , : : :" . . .: ' =966= a ~ ~ i : i M A J ~ ~ D W : : ~illy Gri ff in . , a lso a m e m b e r o

B lId P - h L·MliLLINS T O MRICHARDSON the Beta Clu~, has maintained a

U ogs UllIS allIer • DONNIE'VAYNE CHURCHWELl: high scholastic average during~ and BILLY GRIFFIN. These bo'; his h;gh school YO"'. He partl-

received this high honor because clpates in the French tIub, and

W Id Y B I - 35 14? of their distinct and outstanding aids the annual serving as <!OP1OU OU e leVe - • qualiti es of leadership and partl. editor. He went t~ ~tl.nt. 10,;etpetton in the school and its ye~r as Mark. Snuth s r:presen-a-ctivities. tauve to a regional spelling con-


Pre~~:na: o : : : e a ~ ; I O ! ~ l a ~ ~ C :ected as stJCreiary. of themaintained an A and B average Scruo~' Class, Tom .f!lchardsonthroughout his high school career. many of ,b:s talen~He was fullback 011 the varsity to athletics. JIe participates mfootball squad and became well. varstty footb~n, basketball, andknown throughout the region. As baseball. He IS also a member ofan officer of the Beta Club he the Beta Club and French Club .

serves the school 'with many of Donnie Wayne Churehwell ishis talents, the sixth and final superlative

Chip Ridley. another varsity ~k!cted for 1967. Donnie Waynefootball member also par ticipa- I~ a true ~xa~ple ~. ~ - superla-tes in varsity basketball. He Is a tive '. He maintains an . A average;

of the Beta Club . rec:e_lvcd three letters In sports l ~t _.. ;

;:j':~"'t. "hl,:"':. 'hOl""tie'.n1,."gi._;::;~::~/~~~~:a_b~:-';!~-~~~ . -=Also participating in the Student President of the student council,

Council and French Club, Chip de-votes much of his time to school 'rtrese boys are an exeelletrtactivities. He is Vice-President of example of what a senio~ superla-

"Mad D095" put hard rush o n Lanier's quarterback, the Senior Class. :c e ~~~~~~ ~~~s: rem~l eva~ ~~

when asked if M3l"k Smith ttons exploded right in their jeer. to the 48 yard line. Then, the John David Mul li ns Is Secretary ecl lent choice of superlatives instood a chance of defeating Lanier, iug faces! lIhifty fullback sliced through Lan- of the Student Council. He is a these boys.

Poet fans replied: ''Do you believe Fullback Thomas Edwards and Ier like a razor with gains of 21,in magic?" As usual, Lanier Ieus halfback Bob Mcljavid took ad- 10, and 5 yards to put the ballspoke without thinking. vantage (If a hard-hitting Bulldog on the Poet ten yard line. Billy

On Fri day, Oct obe r 2 . 8 , 1966, line and raced up and down the Kilgore moved to the seven, andCoach Jilinton Williams and bis Held all n igh t, wh il e 8,000 fans finally, sent Edwards over for the

Mark Smith nulldogs arrived at watched an outclassed group of touchdown. Chip Rid ley k icked his The Mark Smith Bulldogs head honors. Williams had seven firsts,Porter Stad ium to preform their Lan ie r de fende rs despet'ately at- first of five extra points to make coach Minton Williams was se- tbree seconds, and two thirds,magic act. What did they do'! tempt to stcn the onslaught. Ed- the score 7 to 0, as the Mark Smith Iected "Coach of the Year" for for a total of 29 votes. BazemoreSimple - they made touchdowns wards accounted for 234 yards stands were seized with hysteria. Region l-AAA. Coach WiUlams and Guillebeau tied for runneruphappen! I I ! and thr ee to uch down s, while Me· Later in the quarter, Brannon edged Tommy Guillebeau of Tift honors with 20 each. Two other

For nearly two years, the Bull- David added 160 and two touch- Bonifay of Lanier punted for ex- County and Wright Bazemore of coaches received votes in thedogs have listened t o eve ry type downs. actly ten yards to gi ve Mark Smith Valdosta in a poll of 16 news- poll They were Harold Dean Cookof insult and have been the ob- Lanier received the opening the ball at the Poet 32, Thomas paper and radio men around the of Albany and Pig Davis of Celum-ject of numerous indignities fr.·om kickoff and moved to the Bulldog Edwards took the hand-off f rom reg ion. bus.'the mighty Lanier Poets. Patient- 30 yard line behind the running Kilgore on the first play and. Ieav- . . . .ly, t IM! Bul ldogs wai ted, and, on of Cummings and Bennet. The ing a trail of Poets in his wake, . The Bulldogs shocked the re- . LI1r.e W~liams, Guille~au .wasOctober 28, Mark Smith unleashed Mad Dog defense soon decided sailed for another touchdown. gl.on and sta~e on September 2l III the. region for the first time,one of th-e most vicious offensives to end the drive by forcing a Chip's PAT made it 14 to n, and With a . 7-6 w~n over Al~any that and Tift County came up 'With aseen by Macon fans in quite a fumble to give the Go Dogs an Lanier coach Jim Nolan took co~t the Indians, a region title. 7-3 record.

whil e. Min to n William's charges opportunity to show their teeth. notice. ~hIS eW as Albany s only loss for Valdosta, on the other hand.

rolled up 393 yards rUf:hlng as On the first play from scrimmage, Bulldog defenders continued to e y 31. won another region title fDr Raze.Poets fans' hopes and specul a. Tho mas Edwards rambled 16 yards Stifl.e Lanier's offense, for;Ing Mark Smith beat Lan ier, 35.14, more with a 9-1 season record. The

Bonifay to punt. Edv.:nr ds g amed and t ied Wi ll in gham, 14-14, to win Wildcats have won four regionfoul' yard to tbe Smith 30, and, the Macon city title as Lanier beat titles :In the past six years, and

as the second quarter got under Willingham, 21·7. have not lost a game in the stateway, Bob McDavid raced ~ough 'I'he race was dose for th e 1966 of many gaping holes in La-nier rcrwerd wal l and scampered

70 y,,,ls to paydirt. Not. sound American Flag Presented by Post 3th~nSh~~~~;~ ~ ~ ~ : i : : v a ~ ; ! w : ::~~h~~~e o~~:;~ ~~;:d~~~:sa~~~~d z: t~:~~e~tt:~ Ope? House w a sheld on T h u r s -the honored guest. Then he and

the theme of Lasseter's second version. Well, by the time she and Bulldog fans were possessed day IlIgb~ Nove:n ber 10, here at Mr. Cagle accepted the flag forannual talent show. suoervteicas was through, she had been stuck with fiendish delight. ~~ark Smith. ThlS made the occa- the school from Mr. carter of thewere divided into two jp'oups to to the tar baby and thrown into Mark Smith started their next Sl(j~ the second Open Ho~se Macon Exchange Club. Mr. C~lerepresent each party. the brier patch. touchdown drive from their own Smlth_ has had, the first belng \\:clcomed all t~e. parents and m-

thrVari:s t ta~nts ~vere :US~I~:ed Second place winner was DebbIe Continued On Page 04) : : t~:ca:~t~h~ ~:i~~~~~scgi~: ~~~:~ ~:mm~:t;~~: ~: : : : : s_ aug oU

d. ~i sow, b me tl Ln~ Crawford, who recited, in a Bri. INSIDE TELSTAR by Post 3. then introduced the various dubs

:~:~ a:nd V~~n~in~~u~rsit r:~lS fish _accent, GUNGA ~IN. The A Boy Named 7 The meeting was presided over ~ith the~;h a~:so~ari:~~ ~!~:~~;~~~~n :erY;lC~~::b~~~ ~~~ ;aa:;he:s, :e~~eyWO~OI::~~U:lae:f g~~P~ag~uotcs ; = ~d~~ :~ :~V O : :t'o~ 0a;h;:::'6~ ~~:, :~ drepresentatives from

Aardvarks. Cheryl gave the par- :.~?u'll Never Walk Alone" an~ Editorial 2. Mike Jackson. Music was supplied the "relstar" and Marksetcr."ties' members an original version MIchael ~owed .the Boat Ashore." Hit Songs this Week . 6 by the Mark Smith Concert Band, After the meeting was over the

of Br'er Rabbit and the Tar Baby. Fourth p~ce v.;nner Re~ee Ora- Rays From Lasset er Lan te rn _._" 7 under the direction of Mr. Barnett, s tudents, .. some grudg ingly andCheryl carne out in old clothes. nude played The Sweet-heart Sports 4,5 the band director oi Mark Smith. some gladly, took their parents

barefooted, and with a shy look Tree" and ''You'll Never Walk Spotlight Students 7 After several selections by the to introduce them to their teach-


Lasseter Holds SecondAnnual Talent Show

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Page 2 TELSTAR Friday December 16, 1966


The senior year, the greatest celved so far are the senior rings ''Hey Dad, wby do we put those aiding cause of some 80,000 deathsof nIl In both high school and and the senior pictures, but we stickers on our Christmas cards a year. We have far from elimi-college, seems to matter little at paid dearly for those. Our only and gifts?" nated these diseases."Mark Smith High. The privileges privileges left are the graduation "Well son, we use Cbrlstmas "Where do Christmas Sealsthat are usual at other institutions and the prom, but lately, among Seals, or stickers as you call them, come into the picture?"are missing. The faculty mayor certain juniors, the idea has risen to share in the light against TB "The idea behind Christmas

mav not know the reason for this that there be no senior prom! and other respiratory diseases." Seals began in Denmark in- 1904happening, but the seniors are What is this? This outrage would "What is TB anyway?" with Einar Holbnall, a postalpuzzled. Are they unruly? Would be the final stroke of the axe over ''TB Dr tuberculosis is a centag- worker concerned about the sut.they pound their hard-earned the school spirit that has, as yet, Ious disease which can strike IIny fering caused by sickness. Thisrigh.ts down the throats of their been unaffected by the slow part of the body but most oHen first Christmas Seal campaign'sunderclassmen? Nol We are not strangulation. attacks the lungs. Anyone may success was publicized in Americaunruly and, as for not gIving us The faculty and administration have TB since the tubercle bactl- by Jacob Riis, a writer who hadsenior privileges because of posst- m,IY ask what they can do; what lis, which <causes 'I'B, Is spread had six of his: brothers to die of

~;e ~~elt:x!~u:~erc~~ssn~:~'~:l~~ ~!;~:g:~eytoco;:~est:e b~t~~~~~~ Letters !~~ezl~~ Oa:rsp~itin~~f c:u:~:~;~ tU~;:~I~~~. end of 1907, a tuber,children because someday they a senior study hall, such as the who has active TB." culosls hospital in Delaware was

might commit murder. . ~~es~~o~~s~eat:~~~hi!~e~ea~!O~~ to the di: :e~t ~~uthem:~~~~n:~rra~~ ~~~:~~g: ~ : s:o: t~~~:d :~e~cti :

~V,c have. been promised special appeared from the scene. Many th all taat rk TB'" Red Cross worker mss Emily Bisprivileges In the past, and they other ideas would be found it the Editor ~~ome ~~pj;:~~;y 'di~eas-e~ are gel! who was exp'e;;enced in rais:~e.ver tame into .b~ing. First, our Student Council was proddeQ out not contagious. Emphysema which ing money in behalf of goodjoint pep-rally WIth _L~sseter was of its lethargicaj mood by our Dear Editor, involves air being trapped in the causes. After encountering dUIi.~upposed ~ be a pilvlle~e allow- faculty. which can prod vigorously lungs, bronchitis whil/b is the culties in getting people to the semors at Mark Smith to a.t. for its own desires. As a new student at Mark SmI~h dogging of a l i -tubes w'rth mucus, port the idea, she carried hertend a pep-rally at Las~eter. TillS Our school has the best school I am shocked at the over-emphasis bronchiectasis which is the dam. plan to a Philadelphia newspaper.c~me to an end when It was do- spirit in the city of Macon, yet on sports, especially. O D football. aging of the lung walls by certain With the paper's help, Miss Bissellctded tha,t both schools ~'e~e to be faculty members and. administra- Although I am all: avid supporter dusts, and lung cancer are all res- convinced many people that tuber.cro:\'ded Into the Mark Smith gym, tors try to destory said spirit with o.f physlcal education, there is en- piratary diseases not caught Irom culcsis, then called the "Whitewhile separating the schools w~lh rules ann restrtctrons designed to brel~ too much money spent on sick persons W Id not ca'Used by Plague", could be prevented an da text-book curtain. Then, a senior do so. I beg of the faculty; allow varsity athletics. germs. cured. This first American Christ.table was suggested. but a,fter the student body to grow in free. The extra money spent on sports Contagious acute respiratory di. mas Seal campaign raised tenhopes ~ad been ~a.lsed, the Idea dom, don't strangle it with restrlc- e.quipment could be used on our seases include flu, pneumonia, times the amount of its originalpassed mto the twilight acne. ttons hurting every Iacat of stu. hb:ary. To my surprise, there are acute bronchitis, and the common goal.

The only senior privllegea reo dent life. twice as many books In my former cold. In 11)08 and 1909, the Americangram~ar school's library than in Breathing air which contains Red Cross sponsored the cam--our hbrary. There Is also a ee- certain fungi causes histoplasnosis, paign. In 1910, the National

W H A 1' W O ··ULD BEfInite nee.d for more- spa~e in the .C(lccodioidomycosis, and blastomy- Tuberculosis Association joinedlibrary. We COUld. also, l:ke Lass- costs. in the campalgn; and by 1920, theeter, have carpet III our libral'}'. Respiratory diseases also include National TB Assoctanon was able

YOUR DECISION? There . ' .9 a greater need .for diseases of allergy such as asthma to carry out the Christmas Sealschool faCilities rather than foot- and hay fever. In recent health Campaign alone.

• ball equipment. There are not interviews some 12 million Amen. The annual Christmas Seal Cam-

S h ~ ;~a ';:owa go~~inm~nntt~~! ~~ ~~~o~:e t~:\:::~:u;e:!n~e W~o:rs: : : : c ~ .~~al~e ~~snee ~0~or :~~ ~:::r ,r~:~,

t : : t b ~ ~ ~ 'ave hay ~a ~:: .:~a ~ol;~;e ~c ~i

;:~:r:~in a -democralic country going on we can gather the facts and fO~ tc-xtbo.oks. More laboratory equip- "Do smoking and air pollution associations."in Georgia today. Certainly we at am opinions. If we do this we wlll ment IS needed both for the sctanc- have anything to do with respira- "How is the money which is

Mark Smith are vitally int~rested he better able to fulfill our reo es .r:~dq~~:ti~hne f~:n~~~:~ student to?, diseases?" . raised in ~ach loc~~, Christmas

~:'~O~a;~~b: ::~~. ~;n;e~~ ~P~:i~::h~:e:u~u~~;~::~~~ b~; of M M kSmith is this: do y ou ap: !: :' u;m~y a;~a~:~ :~see~~~~ se~h~:~~I::s s:r:n~ed in manyus will exercise our right to vote discussion ~ow, help others to ~~~~~nttht~nS~or~O:r:d':~:n~i re~c smoking and ~ir pollution." way~ and are spent at the ~.for the first time during the ad- work .harder to p~csen·e our right hope you students, . faculty and How can I tell If .1 have ~ creucn of each local TB assoera-

mi;S!~~!~~s O;t t~:i:C~:i~i~\;r~~:t ~~xvo~i~~~~ °f~~lO~U:t ~~d~:!~~t admInis,tration of Mark S~lth will :as:;,~e other respiratory di - ~~\ea~~ehfO;n~r:: ~~y;~t p~:

the supreme court is faced with Surely, we can learn more about ~~:h:;~~s~ good education more "Begular ~edieal checkups, a venting or even curing tnber~.

:!~~s;~;g ::;e~~t (~~ i:~re~et~~; !~I~~;n~;n\;i~d a~~t~~~n':~e:~~~:~ A Sub-Freshman ~~~~~: s~~n:~~~ C~::~s,x-r~~ ~~:eg.all?u:t~;~al. r~~::rati~legislature pick the governor; (2) than from a study in our text. other Iabcrntory tests show whe- works With hospitals and otherto have a run·off between Maddox books. Should we let this oppcr- Dellr Editor, thee you ~ave tuberculosis,. certain age~~ies to find, treat; and re-and Callaway; (3 ) to have a new t.unit:,. for thought alit! practice . fungus diseases, chest ailments, habilitate TB and resplratD"~y dt -election open to all, and let the pass us by, 01' should we listen October 28th will alwlI-Ys 00 <In how well you bre.athe, and whether seasc cases. It cooperates In ef·one with the most votes be de- read, watch, and speak up? A important date in Mark Smith's germs are multiplying, damaging forts to control. air pollution andc la red win ner. If you were judge good discussion concerning which history. On the nIght of that Iate- the body, or are being spread by cigarette smoking. In short, ithow would you vote? V,'hich alter. alternative is - most democratic ful date, the Bulldogs proved to coughing, sneezing, or spitting.:' seeks .to work with individualsnative would most rightly allow would help us all to darify our the Poets that "River Rats are "I thought vaccines had elimi- and crganizatinna in trying tothe people to make their true thoughts. No.1." nated diseases such as these." wipe out TB and other r-espirato17choi~e? It is ver tru th t t M k A vital part of the 35·14 victory "A vaccine for TB is being used diseases."

Nothing should ever he done to Smith are ~e le~der~ o;~o~orr::. on t~ playIng field was the vic- but a ~etter one is being. sought. "Gee Dad, I ne:er realized thattake away our right to vote and Shall we wait until our eighteenth tory In the stands. ~n hour and a There. IS also ~ flu ~acclUe but !IO much was being done abouthave that vote count. We may dis- birthday to take an interest in our half before game time,. the Bull- ther: IS DO vaccine which can lm- TB. :My care:r may. even h~veagree as to for whom we vote and governmental affairs, or shall we dog ~ans b~gan pouring Into Porter mi..uuz~everyone from all resplra- some. connection Wlt~ rldd1D:gwe may not select the best man beain 11· th t '11 b d Stadium, Throughout the game, tory diseases. manW.ind of all respiratory dl'in the end, but we must keep the on 0 that~~~~ a we e rea y these lana cheered loude~, l?ngcr, As for elimination of thes~ di- sease~. Anyway, I'm .glad my ts -right to make our choice. and much more e nth usia stica lly se ase s. about l l O, OOO Americans the r IS a doctor who 15 concerned

The present pr.edicament bas 1 We urge that each of you than the iarg,er group of Lanier have active tuberculosis and about with this high goal. I'm glad toopointed out to us the flaws in earn as muc~ as .you. can about fans. 50,000 new eases are found in the that we can share in this fightour etecttcn laws. Surely, we will why we are m ~llls S.ltuation tc- Why did the Mark Smith fans United States each year. Chronic now by giving to the Christmascorrect them before another sltue- ~ay, ~~d .to decide what is tbe have 50 much spirit? Of course, respiratory disease is the direct or Seal Campaign.tion such as this arises. In the est ec uncn . our first game with our mothermeantime, let's pray that wisdom Be t.hinking now sc you'll b e sch oo l I ll~k cd the be~inning nfwill lead the Court to make the able to act intelligently when what promises to be a fierce cross-right decision for a democratic your time comes. Surely there'll t?wn rlvulry. This, ~nd the predte.el-ection. still be something left for us to ttcu of a Bulldog fiasco, forecast

fU:::~'~::rt~o~t ;::r~;~~t:~r~! ~~s~ s:~~ear:f t~ll~ake Georgia the ~~d C~::~~e;~~C~;nt:~~~rt;;~~er:~tentlon on the game, nec essitatingII Bulldog victory for the sake ofscho ol p ride .

'I'he events of the week preeaed-lng the game greatly enhanced the

Someone has said that there is The above say we never ''be- enthusiastic spirit. Numerous post-no further point to one's life when come" all we hope to be during en decked the school's halls andbe can finally say, "At last (have our lifl'time; we are always in the crassrooma. A hugh bonfire andachieved sucess." pr ocess of "be coming." Th e pro. pep rally on the day of th e game

But somebody gave the rouow- cess has this characteristic _ a contributed more to our schooling definition of success and it clear sense of direction toward spirit than any other single factor.seemed to hit the nall right on the challenging hut realizable goals. My purpose in writing this let-head. It was this: ter is to expre ss my gra titude to

"Success is a journey, not G . des- When -:e come to ''the po~t .. everyone who had a part in pro-tlnatlcn." of following a program ~f daily meting school spirit. With spirit

There is no 'point when we ean improv~ment w?lch. pushea us such as was displayed before, durosay we have finally achieved sue. along, Inch ~y inch, toward our ing , and after the Mark Smith_

cess .. There Is a ''point'' in out g.oals and objectives - then we Lanier game I sincerely believelives when we can rightfully say, are on. t~e "pathway of succeee." that ''River·Rats'' will alwaya be"I'm on the right pathway of sue- And this )5 all the success we can No.1,"

What Is Success?

()~/slar(Established 196G)




Ralc$: $1.50. y.. r; 25 cen f$8 copy

Published six times a year


Editor-in-Chief RaymondI' KeDeS'Managing Editor _.._.~. ._~_ Joel KnightAssceiate Editor Paul RowlandNews Editor Carl DohnFeature Editor .. .~ __ John PorterSports Editor Gene WilliamsExchange Editor Jerry KellyBusiness Manager Bill BrannenEditor Assistants _ .. ._.._._... .runbo Berg,

Jac k Eva ns, Cliffor d Goa d, Jac k Kotler, Pe te Peterman, N ellSttuby, Floyd Williamson, Steve Worsham

Head Typist __ ._. .__ .. _.._... _ Rnger TurnerPhotographer __ ._ ..__ . _ Tommy Lee

Artist ._. __ Lynn Kitchens

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''The Nutcrackers," whose scoreby Peter Ilitch Tebaikovsky hasmade it one 01 the most popular01 all ballets, will be rebroadcastas a full-hour color special 00 theCBS Television Network Friday,Dee, 23 (7:80-8:30 P1;I, EST), per-formed by en. int erna ti onal castof some of -the world's most ae-claimed dancers .

Dancing the leading roles in thisproduction of "The Nutcracker,"initially seen on the Netwnrk as Coac.h Butch Clifton

.----------- a Christmas special last De c. 21, SPOTLIGHT TEACHERMERCER UNIVERSITY CAMPUS a re Edw ard Vi ll el la, Mel i". Hay. :.:.:.:.::.:.:.:..:...:..::.:::;::;;

~:~;~r:~~i~!~,~~:;d~e~!ri~~~e Professeur Dans LeRay Barra and Hugo Dellavalle of P' 0 . blthe National 0pera Stuttgart, M,,· rejeeteur nenta egot Werner of the National Opera

Munich, and Niles Eleth of the The spotlight teacher for the ccivcd a B.A. degree in social stu.Royal Opera Copenhagen. second issue of the TELSTAR is dies, and was hired by Greater

Eddie Alberl, co-star of "Green COACH DONALD "BUTCH" CLTF- Macon Chamber of Commerce forMercer University is a co-educe- Tests - the English Compollition Acres" on t he Net wo rk, will again TON. Coach Clifton lives at 1040 public relation, Later he was

tional institution established in 'rest and Mathematics Level I - serve as host-narrator of the pro- Haselctt wlth his wile Mary Nell. hired by Coach Williams. Coach1833. It is OW'D1!dand controlled of the college Entrance Examina- gram, which was filn:ed in w :est Coach Clifton wasbern ill Albany, Clifton is an assistant to Coachby the Baptists of Georgia. tlon Board; willingness to work; Gerl~any . at Bavana, Stu(h.os, Georgia, where he attended AI. Brown in ·"E" team football, is

The different colleges in Mer- character, health, purpose, breadth Munich, in C<l-~r.oduchon with hany High School. While at Albany "EO, team basketball andcer are: Liberal Arts, a School of of interest, and achievements. [t Seven Arts 'relevisioa. he lettered in basketball, baseball is 8th grade track NotLaw, a School of Pharmacy, and is recommended that the high With Ttihaiknvsky'a delightful and also played football, but it only does hea Graduate School of Education. school student who seeks admit- music coupled to the charming was in basketball that he excelled Clifton teaches

The facul ty is composed of 100 tunec to Mercer, take a pattern of fairy tale by E, T. A. Hoffmann, He led Region "1.AAA" in aeorlng, and world

members. Its seventy-acre campus academic subjects as follows: En- "The Nutcracker" ha~ b:cn .0. was All-Region, All State, and anyone you could point outhouses thirty-four- buildings. gllsh, four units; algebra, tw o staple, in ballet repe:tOlre since It came to Mercer on a basketball about Coach Clifton it would be

itsTh;a~~~~c~~alst~~~~~tset~~~~e~~r. ~~!~~nPl~::Ua~:~~:~~n~t~~ w~~~~ :::gi~~5tl:;~.dU;:: ~~o;~t·f:l'et:~rs ~~~~l:r~~~rton ':!~lecap:1in ~fel~~:·his fine per.sonalit y , for he. always

ness administration, teaching, law, history, one unit; natural SCience, television version was played by basketball team, was first string has something funny to say andmedicine, dentistry, social work, two units; and electives from non- the Philharmonic Or<;·hest 7a of for four years, and became All. he is a true friend to every stu-government, home-making, and vocational subjects, three units; Budapest, under the direction of College. Upon graduation, he re- dent here at Mark fields. The admis- making a total of sixteen units, Franz Allers.slon committee doesn't admit an In Mercer, there are one thou- The simple and beguiling storyapplicant to the college on the sand men and seven hundred w o o of the ballet begins when a littlebasis of a single criterion, but men, girl,. Klara (Miss McBride), israther' gives speefal attention to Fraternity and sorority members given a nutcracker for Christmas.the following factors: graduation live in the dormitories and eat in She is attracted to t he u ngai nlyfrom an accredited high school; the university cafeteria. object, which becomes even moreacademic perfo rmance in high The tuiton and fees are 825 d el- misshap en a fter it is manhandled The world's first greeting card of WIde-eyed, elaborately dressedschool,.~.s measured Ly rank ill lars, room and board is 630 dol- by her cousins. was the majestte message of the children, such as r-ibboned andgradnafing class and pat~ern of lars, and books and supplies arc When Klara faTI:' asleep, the Angel to a group of humble shep- ruffled little gifts, were the usualuurt; score on the Scholastic Apti- 100 dollars. The total oi these ex- nutcracker In her drea~IlS herds on a hillside near Bethle- subjects.

tude Test and two Achievement pcases is 1,555 dollars. :::n~~~~m~i~n:: ~!~:ll~~ w~~ hem.. . During the early 1900's, however,

land of sweet!·'and the palace from Today, Just as Christmas Carols the entire concept of Christmaswhich he has ~ abducted. Klara are sung}he wo~ld ~ver to express cards changed. Elaborate creationsjoins the prince In his search fer the. Christmas JOY ill our hearts, were avoided, The message .becamethe Sug ar- Fai !ty (Mi ss Hay den), and Chri stmas ca:a s are sent to ex- the important thing and tllustra-after many adventures they finally press good wfll toward our fellow tions were- minor. Some c,,:ds

reach the palace, and the prince men.. ., were "Christmas letters" to whichregains his true form, . The first Christmas Card "vas de- the sender would sign his name.

The br-oadcast was directed by signed in 1843 by. Jo~n C. ~o~s. It is only in recent years thatHeinz Llesendahl , with chorec- I~Y, R: A., for Sir .enry. 0 e, Santa Claus has appeared on a sub.graphy by Kurt Jacob, Charlotte first director of the dVlct~la I an: stantial portion of the ChristmasFleming dId the costumes, Rolf Albert Museum; ~n don, . n g an . cards produced. Early cards tended

Zebetbauer the scenery, lli"h1846, ~~ thO:S"'~ ~OPI~S wer~ to feature roses, robins, cherubs,

t o-gmp e, an -co ore an and people of all kinds.sold. Modern Christmas cards reflect

On the walls of many homes of both work of contemporary Amert-the 1880's hung color.iul "chromo~" can artists and traditlonal . nos.

~t:~~r~~he~t~~g~:;~~rpr;~~ii;h~l~ talgia,

BREAK OFTEN America's first line of Christmas ~ne trend, .int~esti~g,. is t~e ap-.. cards in 1875. Soon Prang was plymg o.f glitter-ing 0lttcr a~d

A wtse student IS one who takes world-famous, and was holding sof~ feeling felt of which the VIC-care of himself, The sluggard, the $ B000 prize competitions for new tenens were fond. Yet, equallycompla ine r, t he se~~e .r o f th ; ,easy c~d designs. These cards, now ~opular are canis Df abstract de-

way out, and .the wise gll.y who valuable museum pieces, were Sign. .wants something for nothing are often elaborately decorated with Christmas cards, like Christmasharming themselves and have an fringe, tassels, satin, plush or carols, help to spread the spiritevil effect on everyone else. blown glass. . of brotherhood and friendship,

'I 'he Un ive rsity of Georgi a is a Iestic and personal rec-ords are • ~k yourself at the end of each In 1868, the designs of a zz-veer- They have become t~e. means by

co-educational state-supported in. admitted. The criteria used in de. crol),. old London art student, Kate 'which countless millions send

stttution. It is the oldest state- ter~ining admission include sebo- ~~;: ~~~h~;d s!y r:~~~~~~ne" Greenway, . started a brief trend Christmas greetings to friends and

c~l "tcr ed unive rsit y i n America, la st I~ ach ie\ ·emen t,. ~e~ult ~ of stan- or "Your homework shows Im- to storytelling cards. The activities loved ones.with a rich past dating back to dardiacd tcsts: activities ill school provement"?

January 27, 1785. ?ver 11,000 stu- and cu.mmuTIlty, and. the reco~- r£ you received no applause ior It ' Y R ....ns.b·.I·ltydents are enrolled m its 12 schools mennatton of responsl~le a~quaJO' this day of your life, then per- S OU r espv, I I

;~u~~~:~e~~;~~!h~t~~~:te~t ::~ !~;~~~llga5c~~ra~~~r a;~~~~7~~ ;~:: haps you \\:t~d ! t.~ :wroan~' d~YS Since each student is ultimately . Develop a self-discipline that

37 fureign-eeuntrtes. The Univcr- pose. ca~ ~oua ~U~y a:d le::ina;':;~ak responsible for the kind of per- can resist peel·. group pressuressfty of Georgia has 6,975 men, and . . a : son that he will be and the kind when they contribute to a v iola-4,119 women. Adm:~slOn Is dependent .upon 60 mmu~s every hour of the of life that he will lead, he has tion of community standards.

'I'he c-olleges in the University eomplctlon ~f .at le~st 16. unlts of sc~oo~ ~~~'t be sort later a vital obligation tf.!- . Respect the inviolability of

of Geor~ia are: the College of Arts :~t~;~:~~;se:tu~~~s~nt~~h,u!~~ y. Understa~d th,e ~e~d Jor law public and private property.

and ~clence, th~ SChOO_lof Law, mathematics, two units; science, and order In m.'untamm g a stable Understand and appreciate t.h~t he School ? f Pharmacy, ,the Col- two units. other academic units, and secure society. protectton guaranteed to all citi-

~;:es~~~~~C~l~~~e t! :i~~o~~o~: four; and' other, two units. leiter:e~~~cts:~t ~~s~e l~~~h the ~~~sU~;t!~W~t::es~ur state and of

the College 01 Business Admtnls- The annual expenses are as fol- . Assist public officials in the . .tration, the School of Journalism, lows: matriculation fee (Georgia ~;;~,,{ exercise of their duties in enfor- . Recognize th~ direct relatl?n:the School of Home Ee~nomics, residents) Is 253 dollars; matrt- ',,,W;;~-'·· cing the law. ship between being a g~O~ ~~ith e Schoo l of Ve te rina ry Medic ine , cu lat icn fee (o ut-of-st at e resi dent s) ,~ ~ X < " " '~ " . : 'Recognize the' need for and zen at h?me, at schoo,!' an 1D dthe School of Social. Work, and the is (l03 dollars; University room <t. . ;a : ,d .r : ; : , · . display a respect for the establish- comm.umty, and being a goo

Graduate Schoo-l. rate is 240 dollars; books and sup- ..

'AII'~ed authority of parents, teachers, American.

Dilly students with strong echo- plies are 75 dollars, and law enforcement officers, These are your responsibilities.


'The Nu tc ra ck er 'Suite To BeRebroadcast







8/2/2019 Telstar Vol 2 #2 4/8

TElSTAR _________ "'Frc_idayDecember 16,,1966

City Championship. Columbus and Dodge County 14-7,

Th.~ Muzzle to n : :e W ~ ~ ~ o ~ b ~ : .D ene~eIO~li ~~:!~ri~~\oTby Gene Williams Smith placed its first victory in the "big one," Yes, next on the list

Bulldogs Dark - All Take Notice l·AAA records, Still, this was only was Lanier.Coach Minton Williams, his the beginning. What a week, what a night; what

staff and Mark Smith's unbeliev- Unbeaten and untied, the num- a game! ! ! School spirit Wa·~ Ilt aable Bulldogs have astounded more ber one ranked Albany Indians peak every day tbe preeeedingpeople in less time than anyone came to Macon to tack an "easy week. Posters covered the walls atwould have ever thought possible. win" onto their string of victories. Mark Smith, and a bonfire and

Perhaps the greatest shock of all What a surprise there was wait- pep-rally brought spirit to theis that in just three months the ing for them! A 130 pound half- point of overflow.Bulldogs have accomplished more back, and a 135 pound center Finally on Friday night, Octo-than the:v did in 1965-66, when combined to hand Albany their her 28 Mark Smith took the fieldthey staggered everyone with their only loss, 7-6. Fullbac k Thoma s against Lanier, the Poets beIngsuccess lllI a new school Edwards churned up yardage to three touchdown favorites. M the

Mark Smith's entry into l·AAA keep the 'Dogs in posession, final whistle sounded, Bulldogoccurred in Columbus on August Michael Harrelson scampered 65 fans experienced a feeling of saUs-26th. Although Jordan defeated yards for ~ touchdown, .an~ .Ran. faction and SUCCruiS, All the e ffortsMlU'k Smith 26·13, most coaches dan Browning made 11 Individual and frustrations. practice, and hardand critics considered it an accom- tackles. They proved themselves works had paid off. The Markplfshment for the "newcomers" to a fearsome threesome to the dazed Smith Bulldogs had defeated La.stay on the field 'with the Red Indians. nter 35-14-Jackets. However, a pat on the Mark Smith now had all theback for effort was all that people recognition they could want, but As a' result of this season, Mln-were willing to give the Bulldogs the Bulldogs had their sights set ton Williams was elected Coachuntil. _ .. , .• on a special goal somewhere in the of the year. This distinction should

1st City Champions-hip Trophy, September 2, 1.966, at Henderson future. . speak for itself, but you reallyField Mark Smith tied the mighty The Tift County Blue Devils can't say enough about a coach

BULLDO GS PU NISH LAN IER A shocked and completely dis· Willi~gham Rams 14-14: Now a tie, were ready fOT Mark Smith, an.d who in two years, has turned a(Continued From Psgil 1) m8yed band of Lanier Poets to most, is no amazement, but fought off the. 'Dogs' 2'1·13. ThIs ~l"OUp ? f small In.experienced. !">YS

.' fought frantically to' catch the far Mark Smith to frustrate tevcr- gave Mark S':.lth a 2.2.1. rec~rd, Into CIty C~;:mPlOns, and g~O~five yard hue, moving 95 yar~s Ilred-up Bulldogs. Bonifay filled ed Wil1in~:ham in. this way, and and placed Tift County In first more than J~st a foothold In

In seven plays. Bob McDaVId the air with passes, but Mark hold the edge in statistics is some- place. legendary Region I·AAA. The skypunished the Laniel' defense with Smith covered the field with de- thing dllfercnt. Mark Smith had In games that Iollowed, Coach is definitely the limit for Marka 54 yard jaunt, Edwards r~ for fenders. One of these defenders taken the first step toward the WilHam's chargers defeated both Smith.five, Kilgore for ten, McDaVld a- was Bob Mcl)avid, who hauled ingam for four, and Edwards for a Bonif ay aer ia l at the Poet 28three to put the ban on the. Poet yard line. Since the Poets couldn't23. Quarterback Billy Kilgore get into the end zone very muchpitched to fullback Edwards, ",:bo that night, Bob was kind enoughsped around left end to paydIrt, to carrr two of them in a lo ng withparmg Poet defenders to try and him us he added sill: mor e pointstackle him. As the scoreboard re- to the Mark Smith column, Alonggistered 28 ~o 0 at the half Jim. with the final extra point, ChipNolan of ~r ~egan to ~eculate llidley booted Lanier's hopes right

!~~'~o:~a~~ idea of powder between the uprights.

After a field goal attempt by How did Mark Smith do it?Smith failed. the favored Poets. There is an awfully long story be-managed to put seven points on hind it. Tbis story is one of hard

the board, a s : the desperate Bonl- work, school spirit, and a desirefay connected with Rcx Putnal for to w in . Whil e the Poets ponder50 yards and a touchdown. James .their- fate, Mark Smith continuesDunn kicked the extra point. its plans for the future. It has

Midway of the fourth quarter been a long climb for the Bulldogs,Bonifay tossed his second scoring but it has paid off. I'm sure thatstrike, this time to end Mixon Coach Williams, his staff, and ourRobinson. The conversion atte mpt Mark Smith Bulldogs will agreew as g ood., but this ended Lanier's when I say that success is. whatflare-up, The Mad Dog defense dug happens when preparation meetsin and stopped everything else opportunity. Yes, the Mark SmithLanier trIed. Bulldogs are here to !;tay.

Angry from their 108S to the the scoring in the second halfLaGrange "B" team the week be- when they reached paydirt fromfore, the Mark Smlth "B" squad the Smith thirty on a sweep around

wall narrowly edged out in a left end. The extra point was againclose game with their bitterest blocked.rival, Lanier. Trailing 12·'1, the Bullpupa dug

ra ~~e ~~etfr s~:t:; l;~:y:~,set: ~a ~~~i:;a ~~dp~:~e r~~n;:e~:f~~~~ "S" TEAM SURGES! > : : Y b ~ t ~ d ~ ~n:!~h~:::ie~a~~~ To ~ : h a C ~ ~~ v : g t ; : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~! ~ i ! ~ I ~ : 'AST NORTHSIDEsquad. The Bullpups won the first Danny Sloan then tore through 'rhe Smith "B" team wound up Tues. Nov. 29half . of play, with their only the line on the next play to block its football season this year by Fri. Dec. 2touchdown coming .on a forty.~ard an intended Lanier punt. ~efore pIaying the Same opponent they Tues. Dec. 6pass teem Chuck wens to William he could filII 011 the loose pIgskin, played to open it, Northside, do- Frid. Dec. 9Simpson for the score. The extra however, it rolled out of the end Ieating the Eagles 19-0. Sat. Dec, 10point was good. . zone, forcing. the "Pup': to settle The game <opened slowly, wtth Tues. Dec. 13

Lanier also managed a tally In for a two-point safety Instead of neither team even mounting a Fri. Dee. 16the first quarter, but tbe extra a touchdown. Time ran out shortly threat in the first stanza. The Bull- Sat. Dec. 1 '1point was blocked, making. the afterward .wlth the baby 'Dogs pups finally broke the ice, how. Wed. Dec. 21 "Lanier Home (C l!J

SC~e a~~ ~ ~r:t=:ed ~~~:~, ~~~. closest game of the ~;~~it~j;p!:uC!~;: : : :5t~~ Tom Porter Tournament _ Dec. 27, 28, 29, and 30, at City Auditorium

baby 'Dogs' out in front 7·0. Tues. Jan. 3

Smith's ~ec~nd is.core of the }I'rL Jan. 6 "'LaGrange LaGrange

~~e t ~:~~:o~ l~!~~ !I ts~~e:n w!Cs~ Sat. Jan. 7 "Albany HomePlaying away from home for the sustained Dullpup drive from mid. OJ] the Northside 45 yard line lind Tues. Jan. 10 "W .. Robins W. Ro bin s

first time this year, the "E" team field. The Grangers put the game simply out-ran his opponents to Fri. Jan. 13 -Dougherty AlbanyBullpups lost a disappointing 20·14 out of reach, though, in the third the end zone. Sat. Jan. 14 Stratford Homedecision to the Lagrange "B" team quarter when they marched fifty 'l'he tough Bulldog defense dug Wed Jan. 18 ~Lanier There (C It:)

in ; h ! a r ! ! ~ u g : ~h~:~ut~venly. ;::j~~~~':lti~~e a:~e1:ue O ~ f f ~ % :~~~r~~a ~: t!a~US~la~O~:bsi~: Fri. . Jan, 20 "Moultrie Moultrie

matcbed contest , with both teems call to' score their third touchdown rlo w"J1 to deep within their own Sat. Jan 21 -Cclurnbus Columbusmoving the ball well, but neither of the night. The extra point was territ{lry wtth third down and Tues. Jan. 24 .Willingham Willingham Gvmbeing capable. of scoring against no good. long yardage coming up. John Skat- Fri. Jan. 27 "Hardaway Homethe other's defense. The Granger's TIt n 1J d to I ko crashed t hrough the line on tbe Sat Jan. 28 "Jordan Home''B'' team unit; was greatly aided, the g :ps~~:~a~:~~ay th~:;~ n~ play and knocked the North· Tues. .tan. 31 *W. R.obins W. RobiD"however, by better than two-h~n. the fourth period when Danny side quarterback .loose from the . Tiito.udred yards ~orth of penalties Sloan scored on a Churchwell ball, with dc!enslVe. tae~le . SC<Jtt Frl. Fcb. 3 ·Tifton

~~~ut ~au:ur:~f :U!~: erial ::: z~a~~~~r o~:~:~~s~~lc::c~ :~ s . ~ : : :~ ::J~:gham ::::mg. . The Bullpups were unable to This final victory gave the b!lb:: Fri. Feb. 10 Dudley Hugbeil McEvoy Gym

ca!!e w~~t;; ci!::o~e:S;e:cC:~.:~~~n~:a;~dinth~~i:~~r:co~~ere~~ :;~::~rtb~eer~=o:fl!~:S w~~! Sat. Feb.11 =vatdnsta Home

paydirt from th e one following a 20.14, LaGrange over Mark Smi*, tlJ.eir five game ~~!l'! !>~~dule. • Denotes region baskethall games ''a'' Team games at 6:;J')

L a n ie r S n e a k s P a s t '8 ' T e a m , 1 2 ·9

U p "N· dbps Ippe y Grangers

RI! ferae'& look clote for foul play by Lanier,

1 9 6 6 ·6 7 B a s k e tb a l l S c h eFacultyDudley HughesDud ley Hug hesFt. VaHeyHardaway

"w . Robinsstratford

HomeHomeHomeFt. ValleyColumbusHomeStratford

8/2/2019 Telstar Vol 2 #2 5/8

8/2/2019 Telstar Vol 2 #2 6/8

Bob Md)avld Pete Peterman

HIT SONGSTHIS WEEK1. wlm Am]1 • THOMAS HAVEYZ. Holy Cow • AG BOYS3. Don't be a Dropout • zeus

SERCV4. Psychotle F.e ac ti on . D O U GL A S

SMITH5. POOl' Side of Town • TONY

HARR.ISON6. Rea(!h Out 8 MATrHIiW


7. Mustang Sally. TOMMY LEE8. Want Tall· TERR.Y DONAHUE9. Try a Little Tenderness •

COA,CH MEEKS10. It 'renrs Me Up " LANIER

POETS 12th grade office-r& I. to f.: Thorn as Edwards, rmuident; Chip Ridley,11. Please Say You're Fooling . ;ice-p!'eSident; Ramo Richardson, scciretilry; ilnd Mike Harre/5OM,

BENTON EVANS eeesurer,

12. C o m i non Strong • JULIUSMULLIS


L'etudiant Dans lieProjecteur Orientable

Bob McDavid was chosen as spot- Bob is very active in his spare 13. winchester Cathedral • "LIT.hght student from the Hth grade time. Wa are honored to have TLE PAUL"for this edition. He resides at 1443 Hob at Mark Smith. 14. Love is a Hurting Thing •Lone Oak Drive. Pete Peterman has been chosen TERRY GROOVER

ye ~:~ti~~r ~~n~~~.y~:t~sd:n~~: !~~~ilu~~: :~!~~i~~a td:t~~e~~~ ~c t~~~ 15. Papa Was· CARL DOHNber of the Mark Smith. Student sides with his mother and father, Ui. Single Girl· MISS STROUDCOuncil, the Beta Club, and is atso Mr. and Mrs. G. Peterman, at 2375 17. Ain't Too Proud to Beg· CON·a junior class officer. Bob takes Mayfield Drive. RAD MASSEYseveral advanced subjects at Mark Pete is one of ,JUr many out- 18. Keep Talking· SURF BUMSmith, and has an outstanding rc- standing athletes here at Mark 19. That's Li!e . I'JOE HU$TLE"cord o! all A's through. the years. Smith. He plays flr,<;t"strln~ on our 20. Do You Believe in Magie? •

He IS very nutatanding athlete a-team, and runs severn! events FOOTBALL TEAM

:~ :o 's : :o ~ :o ~ ::~ ;~ t~ :~ :O :n ;a ! inr: 0 0 1 "of the few students 21. I Fooled You This Time •g reat run ner l'Jr the Bullodgs. He who has maintained an all "A" REMO RICHARDSONreceived the Bi·City Honorable average s incecoming to Mark 22. Sugur Town • LUNCHROOMMention Tropby for his outstand- Smith. For this he w a shonoredillg playing at the first Scholastic Banquet

Bob is also a track star. He last year.runsthe 440 relay, the 440,.and Pete is also President of thethe mile relay. 10th grade, and is active in Iurther-

A member of POB fraternity, lng his class and school.

B IL L M E RIW ET HE RPhotographer

737 Walnut Street742-2055 Macon

nth grade officers I. to r.: J. W. Me-Kinnie, treasurer) Jeff Bridgu,",icc'pm!sicrent; Billy Kilgore, president; and Bob McDa vid, se cretary.



Constitution Aids Student CouncilThis year the Student Council The entire Student Council

hilS reorganized Into I> . much more meets at least once every month,

functional group than it was last hut the executive committe meetsyear, A new constitution paved whenever they feel it is necessary.the \ » 3y for this. Among other All matters to be voted on mustthings spelled out was the espan- go before the body of the Studentston of membership from just five Council end (lot just a particularmembers from each yearly class, committee. Thus, with the additionto an elected representative from of the supervision representatives,each supervision, in addition to the Student Counctt has become athese five members per class. much more representative type of

The representatives are: 103 • government. " : = = = = = = = = ~teve Lord; 105 . Ronald Green; The Student Council does many r

201 Carl Dohn; 202 • Robert things besides have meetings.D r a k e ;203 - Casey Jones; 204 • Hight nnw, a direct.ory of the stu-Ricky Gurley; 205 . Alan Dickens; dents at Lasseter and Mark Smith2U7 - Pete Peterman; 301 . Neil is in the making, and should comeRedd; 302 . Jerry Paramore; 303 - out around Christmas. It wi ll COIl ·Roy Griffin; 304 • John Skalkf); tain the names, addresses, and305 . Lee Berg; 306 • Bill Watson; telephone numbers of all the stu-308 • Jeff Granade; 401 • 'Larry dents. In addition, the Student JOHN DIXON

Johnson; 402 • Steve Heathj 403 . Council has sponsored several TelGvlsion& Radio Co.Phineas Mills; 404 . Danny Gor- buses to go to out-of-town toot- Records - TV',; - Stereo.don; 406 . David Long; 501 - Ro- ball games, and was responsible RlldlcllIbeet Campbell; 503 - Stanley Betts; for the tremendous bonfire the 476 SI;!;(lond 5t.

and P. E.· Mike Kitchens. night before the L a : n , : " . . . : " : _ : , m : , : . , _ - = = = = = = = = = = : :


~ = = = = = = :

BIIlB MUSI C CENTEII.31 7 Cottl)ft AvenUioPbontl SH 603232

Guitars - Amps!Sand IMtnnntftb

Mulical Accusorla

-'"ESSONS; Guitar, Electric S-,"nd Indrumann


S(:wing at WalnIJ1 St.

Mllc:on, Ga. 5H 2-2511

Bloodworth'sIndian Mound Pant Shop

WHY PAY MORE?1184 Emory Hwy.

Roinwoter-Mills rorge ~oundryRoofing Co. Dry ~Ieaning


P .O .B o x3 0 2 1 M a c : o n ,a . ~ : :::- ::-= = = = = = = ~Phones Res, '""" I~ ,- - ~ ~89 Cotton Ave. Bus. 743·1508 New ,& Used Cal"$ & TrucksBankers Ins. Bldg. J. T. Mills 225 Second StreetMACON, GEORGIA 4110 Plo Nono Ave.

~ = = = = = = = - - = = = = =BARBO'S U-DO-IT STORES, ;:I~ . PHILIPS

IAm::ie:an Service Stat ion

Housewares, Hardware , Floor coverin9~ Sport ing Goods IS H6-8112 1604 Gray Hwy.




658 Ai-,h Street

and Paints

8th grade off!c." I . t o r.: Chris Clt,ne.y, vlce-p ~"idcnt ; Tommy S" ,e ll,'----------- ....J L- __ pr~ident; a MJ Tommy Weber, se l:r~tary.

889 SECOND ST, SH 5-7 11 46Ic per gallon discount,

October 5 thru Nov. 20

8/2/2019 Telstar Vol 2 #2 7/8


1. ''Whatever else an educationmay be, it should not be a sourceof confusion." - -CARL DOHN.2. "Any coward can quit smokinl.but it takes guts to face .deathfrom lung cancer." -RICKY GUR·LEY.

3. ''If you're not sure what tosay, t ry th e truth." -YDU-KNOW·WHO.4. "A fool and his school aresoonparted." _EDWARD DARBY.5. "He resigned himself to theworst and his r esignation w a s .ee-cepted." -MR.. WRIGHT.6. "Green is the most popularcolor of Christmas, and it is manu-factured by the u.s. 'rreesurr De-partment" -SCROOGE &LLER.7. Solving problems paves theway to progress. -MR. DUNN'S

J I J I N TP E p· R A L LYP R O V E S E F F E C T IV EMATH CLASSES. Donnie Wayne Churchwell Is a and the star plteber on tbe baUi1\ 8. A long time ago, the good old constantly active fig",e around b,1I team.

It's a scientific fact that twelve Brown, Brooks, Snipes, and Clif- ~~;s. w~~eHI~~ledsc~~~eL tr:~~~ ::r~l~~~thio ~sei.<;f:;~~:S io~~ti~}cademically, Donnie Wayne IIhundred pairs of lungs can yell ton led In cheering. As always, the DENTS. the school He is the son of Mr an "A" student In almost everylouder than six hundred, and Senior section, under Leo the Lion, and Mrs W C Churchwell, wh~ subject He is the President ofthat's what }\.L'U'kSmith and Lasse, won the B-U-L-L D-O-G-S cheer D 0 9 t a 9 5 reside o~ Ri~gin~ Mill Road Student Council and was namedtcr set out to prove on October 28. that has soared to popularity at In athletic Donnie Wa~e is a a superlative. Be Ia-a-memhar of

The day cvcryonc bad been wait- Mark Smith. three-letter' ~an He plays first- Chi Delta fraternity. '.¥e a re prouding for since the school opened its when the girls arrived a roar 1. DOUGLAS SMITH was shocked strtna back on th e football team to have a student such as Donniedoors had finally come. All the went up and the serious ~heering at M~. DUNN'S foul language when ii'rst ~tring on the basketball team' Wayne at our schoalbets hart ~een made, forecasts. set, got under way. With both bands ~~~~~~~~~dlebug on you, PAUL ,.-

~:~i:;t;\~~~ldd~e t~~ ~~~e~td~f ~~~v~~~ ;:~~:~!e~Oa~~Sf~~:~U~~~ 2. SKEETER PETTEY and SAMtruth. The tension had built up ilia~ any of the previous ones. As MERRIT wer~ heard ~o say thatto a point that you could cut it Coach Williams made nis talk, he they were gomg to grve COACHwith a knife. There Vias a feeling remarked that at that moment an MEEKS .a brenk and go out for'

~~i~5eta~~ ~~a~n~~Ogt made your airplane "was ~roPping l.e~ilet~ ;~ac~Et~~G~arDUPREE vowed toAs the student body of Mark bearing B~1~do7S Smear La C1" r oot for Hughes in their next game

Smith filed into the gym during ~;lljsl1~~m~a~l~~;!~e;:eer :;l~u~: because he would rather switchfifth period, there was not a wall in Effigy on the basketball goal than iight.

~~r~~\i~C:so~n~h~;n~::t e~~~~r~;~ and the goal raised to the ceiling: :d~:\:thto~ra~O~:hEfO~OY~O~~

ing the Buljdnga to win. Once in- As the last cheer ended and WESTON. He broke his arm play-s ld e the aud itor ium, it looked like everyone was leaving, there were ing football with them.a national political party rally. no doubts as to who the winner 5_ CONRAD MASSEY told every-More than a hundred boys had would be. No one even considered one the d ay afte r th e varsl ty -Iacul -posters on the end of broomsticks losing to our crosstown rival, and ty game- that h is l ifelo ng amb ition

showing their feelings about who the score told the story-that, they had been realized when he flooredthey wanted to win. were right, and that the first COACH CLIFTON taking a re-

As everyone waited for the Lesseter-Merk Smith pep rally was bound.arrlva!., of the girls, Coaches ~ ~~!.a~ SEC~~.e~s.__ _ _

senior advisors, and the names of president; and John David Mullins, vice-president.the girls elected were announced

:~s~h~u~:la~~e:i~~ f:~~~~~:BETA CLUB BEGINS SECOND YEAJleluded: Terie Becker, Candra This year the Mark Smith Beta during the week following theirPhillips, Susan Stevens, Teresa Club has a new advisor. She is first meeting. At the time of the

Excitement ran high among Las- Adams, Pam Kelly. and Valeria- MTs. Carswell. At its first meet- first meetlug, the Beta Club wasseter and Mark Smith students as Murphey. Ing, the Beta Club elected officers composed of only seven members.the time approached for the bi'" Congratulations to Mark Smith for the coming year. They are: However with the Beta inductiongame with our cross-town rival on winning the inter-city football President-c-Dcuglas; Vice- still to be held Pres. Smith hopesLanier. To set the spirit rolling a ttitle, and also for compjetlng their President-John David Mullins; to add thirteen new members to

brought to a peak, Lasseter, a huge red and black fi~st Region l-~A football season Secretary-Thomas ~dwards; and bring Ute total members to twenty.By the making of signs sign reading "Dogs are Dynamite" With an e-xceptlonal 5-4·1 record. Treasurer - Jeff Bridges. Th: Beta Club mee-ts every 4th

and dummies that week. was placed in the main hall. The

IThe club members voted to Fnday of each month.

The bonfire and pep rally !~~~~~ntth~a~t~~~~~ a~::: :ooo~ Ingleside Music ~: ; . : ; r::~~:l~~~~:e~~:, Wa~I:~ At t~e end ot the year, the Beta

was surely the spark, making orange and green voodoo Center age, to an average of three "A'.S" Club Wlll hold its annual Bela Club

that encouraged the young ~~~~e~;cr~~d t:~i~p~~e:s al~~c=~ 2320 ~~~~~~d;4~~e773Maeon ~~:t~:w"!:~:::S p:r : :ei;~ 3anquet.

Dulldogs, to make their fierce bark. mg "Go Dogs." Then the day flnal- ~=====: : : :==~The Poets.c -eunsldered both ~a:.ri;::r~~~e o~~~~stitjO!:l~:mighty and strong,-hadn't concentrate on their studies, while

thought of things gOing wrong. waiting for sixth period to arrive.

But this was the case, as many ;~;~ ;t~hec~~:~~~~r t~ee ::!~~:~ore than just a drug store

have seen, for the embarrassing cheers of two schools can raise the ~ = = = = = = = = ~downfall of the Orange and Green. ~~~f ~::Ol:Ui~~:r ~~~fi~:os:~! rThere's one thing I'd nke for you pro v~d to be a success, as manyto know, students gathered fOT the cheers,

Befo re y ou judg e me friend o r foe , ;~r (>~.~r~~sg mO:c~h:Pi~~e~a :n s~o~~

My lines may rhyme and I not for each game, the Bulldogs wouldnever be in doubt of a victorrcus

Spirif intensified as fire burns in Bulldog country.

Churchwell's Poem Rays From'The Lantern'he moisture in the air

began to swell,

with a tingling sensa tion

that soon would tell,

Of the emotions and feelings

know it

C a m p u s Q u o te s


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season.On November 2, the senior class

officers distributed ballots toevery senior for the election of

by Donnie Wayne Churchwell their six superlatives. The votes

.-- -. were collected and counted by the : : :========~So spare me please!


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8/2/2019 Telstar Vol 2 #2 8/8

"'ag.8 TELSTAR

Tom Boren National4-H Composes Demonstration 4-H ('luhs' Winner

The Science Club Is another new that bas been formed at Mark The Science Club will hold ItsSmifh this year. The advisor for meetings on the second Friday ofthe Scien ce Club is Mr. Goodman. each month during acU v ity period.

At its f irst official meeting, Members 'O fthe scteace Club areofficers were elected. A motion planning to either enter separate

452~213v was made that officers come only projects or one project for the en-from the Senior Class. They are: tire club in the Science Fair this

MlIledgevill., Ga. President _ Gene Will iams; Vice- year.One of the new clubs at :r.lark slides were quite entertetnten and L__. ..! President _ Raymond Kelley; Sec- Also, the Science Club will have

Smith this year 1:: the French Club. included some of the most rcmoue ~.. rotary and Treasurer _ C.alVln pal.' a banquet or some other festivity

~!t!;o~~~~~~ ~t~ll ~!~C~UId:~~ sP~e i~r~::~iub is planning to mer; and Sergeant-at-arms ' Dickie near the end of the year,

French 'IT. meet with Lasseter's French. Cluh

At its first meeting, omo"" whenever meetings CLAX.TONHlIJ., Lihrarv Club Elects Officerswere elected and are as follows: will have school,

Advisor, Mrs. Elkins; President, probably at Mru>k DRITGS , This year Ihe u:ral."! Club meets District IJbrary Association Coa.

~ ; £ b : ~ ' ~ ~ : ~ ~ : : ~ ! ~ : ; ~ ! l : t~ ~ ; ~ : : : : : :ctivity P '' ' 'd ~ : ; \ : 9 M IIR L IN G T O NL A Z A 4 t~ :are " d : : ~ ~ £ " ~ ; ; ' :: ! £ : :~ t~ ; ~ n : r J: : . :~m~~ at~~ ~~~~la:~e~~:!, B~~fr~;dh~~:r:~~i~:b ; i ~ ;~~n~l~~~~ NiII«IIt, htrgt. _ Audy Shalko; Vice.Pres~. the Georgia Library Association

Goad showed slidcs which he had directed toward n French Club dent" Roy Griffin; Secretary - Joe Convention to be held at Lakemade when he was in France. His banquet at the end of the year. Hamman; and 'I'reasurer . Stephen Jackson. woodrow Sorrow, a memo" : = = = : . . : = = = = ~Shimmel. Mrs. Harwell is the ad- ber or the Library Cl ub , will b e in~ --; s- visor for the Library Club, and is charge of the reeecettcn at the

Iassisted by Mrs, Lillian Jones. At convention,the present the Library Club has Library Club members ~eep bUB?'

WaVRfJ Kitchen ~ 2Q members. by helping Mrs. Harwell In be Li" '! brary before and during school.

Construction ce , Li: :;nt~lU: igb~t: ::~ersth:f ~:~ ~~~ :;IP~.w~tteh a~pre-

G.n... IC.nlr.""' rs !I MO F F E T T 'S



At the- first meeting of the 4-H quirements for being a good 4-H A high ecbool pupU from M a c o n .Club, offh.:ers were ejected. They member, Tommy Boren, was honored by thea_~e: Pr~ident, Monte Thompson; Two boys from M,1rk Smith who ~ationaJ.r' 4-H Clubs Congress, ~eVlce.President, Steve Worsham; attended land jtid~<f last April 18 fhe _lith Georgian to receiveSecretary and Treasurer, Tom~y were honored by th; "Macon Ri. n ational b onors at the annual.Con .Boren; and Re~orter, Ferrell Kitc- wants Club. They were Mickey An, ~()SS, . Bor~n won the ~ahona1hens, The adviser is Mr, Dewey derson and Ferrell Kitchens. Both ehamplcnshlp in conservation and~axweII and the assistant advisor ucre received a reversable 4-H natural reso,urres. .is Mr. Paul ;Sulloch: :Mr. Maxwell Club tacset. • R.epresentmg Georgia 4 : - I_ I .Cli!~Salso galle an interesting demonstra- • in Interstate club compehtion IS

tion on' the ontltne and steps of Mr. Bulloch presided over the not new for Tommy. In 1965 heg:iving a demonstration. last club meeting, and talked about was selected state winner in Iund

At the second meeting, Mr. Max- a trip to the University of Goorgin. juclging, and was the recipient (Ifwell's assistant, Mr, Bul loch, gave He invited the junior and senior 11trip to Oklahoma Ci ty, Thi s year

~n v~~e;~~r~::~;~s d:~~n~~:ti:; ~i~~bh~~~~ ~ h o : e ; ; ; ~ r C ~ ~ ~ h . t oo ~:o;;i: i \ a ~ ~ r n j b u e : g ~ g:ilm ~;~;na;:~~:,O~fica;~. to r.~v;ce.preSld&tt, R~~r f Turner;. prosl,- competed in Oklahoma. 3illh' ,.. an, an l'Olna a ers, seen· ary &n u reaSUi"er,

County Agent Dewey L. Maxwellsa id Bore n has been actively up-pi)'ioS his esuts In conservation ofnatural resources in his home cern-munity. He has parttctpated in thesehoul ground beautification pro-jects, the "Make Georgia Beauti- This year, the Dramatics Club duce and present a dramatica l

The Mark Smith Bulldog Band the music. U","ually. these judges Iu!" campaign, and road-side clean- is 'ON to a flying start. They have comedy entitled She Stoop! to Can-joined with the Lanier Senior High are band directors from other high up campaigns. already held several meetings at qUl!f. Mrs. Earl, the advisor fDr

::,:~r : : ; . ~ : n ~ h ~ W p ~ ~ S C t ~ ~~ ~~:~I~:fthe~!:~cs;l~ae~;::'~~ which officers were elected and Lasseter's Dramatics Club, will be

Smith-Lamer foo tball gam e. Happy in th is e ve nt, ~~V('~:~b!,;l'3 war welcomed Into ~~~;~~tOi:::o~:ti~~~~'t~~!

~:~~ o~;u:!~~:r ~:erM~~~~~~' ~~: tw!h:u!:~s :ha:t i~lt\~;i~~~l~~;~~:~ Mr~~~:~~; ~:e:i~!~EoJ~I~ ;~;~:~~ ;::s:,~~~ i:a:e:~~~ :~~~ting

:~;~;!~:fee;efO:o:~~~1 r : : ~ ~ : ~ -a~II:~~F~;:;C;u~a~~h~·Ia~·~~ Vice-President, Roger Turner; S~· The two Dramatics Clubs hope

Although this game ended the ~ilitary ,Bands. by ,!ostav rrorst. :~;!~~a:~1~1e~:~~:~~rKe~~o:a~=I~: ~c p:oe!:~~ ~~:~t~e:!°~m~:'Sue~football season, the band is far _l'hl~ year ,s festival WIll be held In Program Chairman, Jack Kotler, They plan to inaugurate the firstfroni Iluishing its season. The ~10~li Smith g~m and the Mnrk end Publicity Chairman, Douglua performance lit Lasseter Highband still has to pln>" (01' all the Brnith .Band ';'111 ~~s~ the ather Smith. School. The locations for the tw ohnme basketball games. ba~~;.s~~tl~e :~: d~~~~~d'i;; sight- 'rne ?ltuk Dramatics Clu,b remaining per formances will be

A JJio , the band is. going to com- rending in fm- cneos- '1rommy 'Sor,," ~.~s ~~ided FTi~ha~r ~~ee~~~~ an~.~~n~i~~n~ia~ ~~tl~~Sd~~e'producepete in th e 6th District Music Pes- ing the it will play at the month during eetivity period. their play, both Dramatics Clubstlval. This Is a eompetitve f,estival [csti.val. Als?, t~lC band pn~~ared The 211ark Smith Dramatics Club will combine their efforts to sellentered .hy a ; 'the bands In the .w the Annual Jl.-I1dd.le Vllth:a son like Tommy around bJ.8 planned ttl cnmhina with the Mark Smith Bulldog tags and pen-

:e:!;;~;:'re~a~~n:::tdn~~~te~l~~' ~:~~~Ia;h~~~~:v~~;~deD~;ldN~ ~~C2~;~r~:~\\~1~~: v ~ n ~ e ~ - r. ~ : o ~ ~asseter Dramatics Club to pro- naots.

their own choosing and also sight vemcer 25. have seen what plannIng and landread two numbers which they have The Merk Smith Bulldog Band work in a IJ-H Club project cannever seen before. A panel of is also planning a spring concert )1ield. Tommy has cleared six acresthree judges is selected to evaluate for this year. of underbrush, briers and ucde-

strebte ereee, seeded a two-acrehillside to stop erosion; and gra . ..·ejjcd the family road and banks toprevent early erosion.

In addltlon to his activities inecnserveucc of neeeeet reso urces,poultry, and veterinary sciencesTommy has been busy in leader-ship .ereee.

Htl is curl'ently serving as thestate 4· H Club rerortcr. 'Yuls st:rtehas giVe)l 'l'ommy opportunities toparticipute in State 4-H counen,State 4·H Congress, 4·J{ SunatlY.4..H sronsorcd horse shows, andseve-rill planning meetings andbanquet~ I}ver tlle state.


L . G . B ALFO U R C O .,



Sci.mce Clt;h._ Offic~rs _ L 1-0 R Calvin Palmer, seec GeneW Hl il i tT l $ ", P r es . ;R.aymDnd Kelley, Vlcll ' .Prelt.



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