Televox iAPPS ds Analzyer User Guide · See Search Engine Optimization. Pageview A Pageview is...

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Transcript of Televox iAPPS ds Analzyer User Guide · See Search Engine Optimization. Pageview A Pageview is...

iAPPS Analyzer User Guide v. 5.1  -  August 2014 This User Guide is for Televox and their designated users of iAPPS® ds




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 Table of Contents

 Copyright Notice 2

 Table of Contents 3

1 - Introduction to iAPPS Analyzer 5

1.1     iAPPS Analyzer and Analytics Terminology 5

1.2     Logging In 6

1.3     Analyzer Control Center 8

1.4     Dashboard Button Options 8

1.5     Site Activity Containers 8

1.5.1  Customizing your Dashboard 9

1.5.2  iAPPS Menu 10

Top Line 10

Bottom Line 10

1.6     User Profiles and Passwords 11

2 - Site Analytics 13

2.1     Seeing Statistics for Variant Sites 13

2.2     Basic Report Management 14

2.2.1  Changing the Reporting Period 15

2.2.2  Plotting and Comparing Data Points 16

2.3     Viewing Overlay Statistics in Site Editor 16

2.4     Visitor Reports 17

2.5     Traffic Reports 19

Overview 19

2.6     Asset Reports 22

2.7     Referral Reports 22

2.8     Navigation Reports 24

2.8.1  Inbound/Outbound Analysis 24

2.8.2  Visitor Path Analysis 25

2.8.3  Visitor Path Analysis 26

2.9     Other Reports 27

2.9.1  Watches Reports 27

2.10     Email Alerts 27

3.1     Managing Watched Events 29

4 - iAPPS Analyzer FAQs 30

4.1     Site Traffic Analysis 30

 Table of Contents

4.2     Questions on Overlays 31

4.3     Troubleshooting Analyzer Data 32

 Index 33

1 - Introduction to iAPPS Analyzer

iAPPS Analyzer provides detailed analysis of your iAPPS website performance, allowing you to review

reports on traffic, visitors and page performance.

Analyzer’s seamless integration with the other products in the iAPPS suite allow you to create and track goal-

driven marketing efforts.

1.1     iAPPS Analyzer and Analytics Terminology

Many of these terms are quite common in the world of web analytics and web marketing, but it is helpful to

define them here to help understand how iAPPS Analyzer works.

Term DefinitionATOP Average Time on Page. This is how long users spend looking at the content on an individual page.

ATOS Average Time on Site. The average length of a user’s entire web visit.

Bounce Rate

A bounce rate is the number of visitors who come to a site and then leave without viewing another page. This is also called the rate of single-page visits. The bounce rate is the ratio of the total number of visitors viewing only one page to the total number of visitors for a given time period. A website with a decreasing bounce rate is keep-ing more of its visitors on the site.

Click-Through Rate

Many pages are built to be viewed in a sequence. A CTR is the percentage of total users that proceeded from one step in a sequence to the next.


Content is anything the site user will see on your website or in your marketing campaigns.Generally your content should be desirable and useful so that more users will be attracted to your site and stay longer. Within iAPPS, iAPPS Content Manager creates website content, including images, flash and other multimedia, links to files (PDF or Word documents) and all types of text. iAPPS Marketier can create email campaigns.

Conversion rate

A conversion occurs when a visitor to a webpage completes the goal of that web page, which might be down-loading a certain PDF, completing a registration form, or perhaps purchasing a product. The conversion rate is the ratio of the number of goals achieved to the total number of visitors in a given time period.

Direct Entry Page

A direct entry page is a request for a domain page that does not originate from a search engine or another web-site site. The request can originate when a visitor types the URL into a browser, uses a bookmark, or clicks on a link in an email. See Entry Page and Referring Site.

Entry Page

An entry page (also known as a landing page) is the first page in a site that a visitor reaches. It will typically be a home page but can also be directed by a search engine, a user bookmark, or campaign to specific parts of your website.

Understanding which pages on a website are the most popular entry pages can reveal how search engines are assisting users to find your site or how your campaigns are driving visitor traffic. See Referring Site.

Exit Page

An exit page is the last page in a user’s domain visit. Every visit needs to come to an end. However, under-standing where this occurs can be important to understanding usage patterns on your site. For example, if your site has three web pages that when viewed in sequence meet the objective of the content but page 2 has a much higher exit rate than page 1, then it is a good idea to review the content on page 2.

KeywordA keyword in iAPPS Analyzer refers to the word—or words—typed into a search engine by a potential site visitor carrying out a search. These are not usually a single word, but rather multiple words or a phrase, known as a "long-tailed" keyword. An example might be "dentist near Long Beach."

Organic In web analytic terms, organic results are unpaid traffic to your site. Organic results show up naturally in a search

Web-Analytic and Marketing Terms

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Term Definitionengine results list because they are the most relevant, rather than through paid advertising. Good SEO and con-tent helps improve organic results. Many of your Analyzer traffic reports let you filter by paid and unpaid traffic, so you can see the different sources leading to your site.

OverlayOverlays represent the percentage of clicks on each link in a given webpage. iAPPS Overlay Mode provides the ability to view a facsimile of a webpage with its analytical data embossed on top. This is also called a "heat map” and tells you what links on your page are the most attractive to visitors.

PageRank PageRank is the link-analysis algorithm used by the Google search engine. Other search engines have different algorithms for ranking pages in response to a search query. See Search Engine Optimization.

Pageview A Pageview is defined in iAPPS Analyzer as viewing everything associated with a single URL and occurs when all the files affiliated with a URL are loaded into the client’s browser.

Referring Site

The referring site is the web address, or uniform resource locator (URL), of the previous webpage from which a link to your website was followed. These are sometimes known as referring pages.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the manual or automated process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a website from search engines. SEO considers how various search engine algorithms work and incorporates changes to the site's con-tent, coding, and layout in order to improve the site's ranking and ROI. SEO activities include researching keywords, creating targeted content, building links, and making sure your content is visible to search engine indexing.

Search Referrer The search engine that orginates a request for a page.


Tags are tagging that you can use programmatically to aggregate web pages or filter lists. Tags are created by administrators but can be assigned by all those with authoring permission.

Tags can be used throughout your site and the product suite for varying types of material from individual text items, images and files, or at the page level. Even users can be assigned index terms, which can also be assigned automatically or manually.

VisitA visit is a pageview or series of pageviews from a unique visitor within a single session. In iAPPS Analyzer, a session consists of any number of pageviews until 30 minutes of time between pageviews is reached. The-oretically, a visit could last for many days as long as a new page is viewed every 30 minutes. See Pageview.

Watched Event

A Watched Event is a specified client-side event in the user's browser, which may include downloading a file, filling out a form, or making a purchase.


1.2     Logging In

iAPPS can be accessed only with a valid user name and password. Each iAPPS user is assigned a unique user

name and password.

To log into iAPPS

 1. Access iAPPS by adding /admin to the end of your URL, i.e. So, if the web-

site URL is, then the login page would be

1.2     Logging In

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 3. Type in your user name and password. You should have received these in your registration email.

 4. Highlight the Module you want to log into. Depending on your licensing agreement you may not see all


 5. Click the Log In button.

 6. The Control Center/Dashboard for the module you chose will appear.

If you have forgotten your password, click “Forgot Password?” in the login screen. Type in your user name and click Submit. An email with instructions for resetting your password will be sent to the email address associated with your username.

* Note: Once you’ve logged in, your iAPPS session has a default log-out time of 20 minutes. You should save often to avoid

having any content lost if your session times out. After 20 minutes, a warning message appears with the number of seconds

left in the session. Click Reset if you want to continue your session. Otherwise you will be logged out, and unsaved content

will be lost.



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1.3     Analyzer Control Center

After you have logged into the iAPPS Analyzer software, the Control Center, a dashboard of menus and con-

tainers is displayed:

iAPPS Analyzer Control Center


You can access iAPPS Analyzer Control Center at any time by clicking the Dashboard Link in the top-left corner

of your screen:

1.4     Dashboard Button Options

You can customize your Dashboard and choose up to 8 options to show as Quick Link buttons. The quick links

take you to areas that are the most commonly used. Not all areas are available as Quick Link buttons. You can

always reach other areas of the site by using the drop-down menu options. Your options for Quick Link buttons


 l Site Overlays

 l Visitors

 l Traffic

 l Asset Watches

 l Visitor Paths

 l Referring Sites

 l Help

1.5     Site Activity Containers

The bottom half of the screen is devoted to the Site Activity Containers.

1.3     Analyzer Control Center

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Users can customize which containers are on their dashboard and can have up to four options at any one time.

 l Direct Traffic

 l Top Pages

 l Traffic

 l Visitors

The Default timing for what displays in the Site Activity containers is the last 30 days, but users can choose

other times ranging from today to the last 365 days or All. Choose a date from the drop-down menu on the

left side of your Dashboard.

The Direct Traffic container provides a quick overview of your traffic sources.

Traffic gives statistics about the number of Visits, Pageviews, Bounce Rate and Average Time on Site, and links

to that reporting section.

Visitors gives the numbers of New, Repeat and Return Visitors and links to the Visitor report screen.

Top Pages lists the top performing pages on the site and links to that report.

1.5.1  Customizing your Dashboard

Users can show or hide any of the buttons or containers.

 1. Click on the Customize button in the top right corner of the screen.

The options are divided into two sections one for the Quick Link buttons and one for the Site Activity con-


 2. Click on Add/Remove for the appropriate section and simply check or uncheck options as you desire.

 3. Click Save to preserve your changes.

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Depending on your site permissions or role, all users may not see all options.

1.5.2  iAPPS Menu

The Menu at the top of every iAPPS administrative screen is divided onto two lines. The top line has product-

wide information, such as links to other modules and user profiles. The second line has menu information for the

specific product you are using.Your organization may not have all iAPPS modules licensed so you may not see

all of the options below.

Top Line

Modules The iAPPS menu provides quick access to other products in iAPPS Product Suite to which you have a

license. To switch to another product, you can click the link to go to the Control Center/Dashboard for each


The Site Editor Menu

To see your pages in Site Editor, use the Site Editor link at the top of the screen. The Site Editor menu provides

two options: Jump to Home and Jump to Last Visited Page. These options open either your home page or the

last page you visited in the Site Editor.

Additional Options

You can also Search and Replace, access your iAPPS User Profile and switch to using other iAPPS sites. See the

iAPPS Content Manager documentation for details.

Bottom Line


The menu bar at the top of the iAPPS Analyzer software environment contains other options. Not all users see

all options. It depends on your role and permission level.

Menu Is used to...Dashboard Return to the Control Center for Analyzer

Watched Events Set up and manage Watched Events.

1.5     Site Activity Containers

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Menu Is used to...Site Analytics Provide access to custom reports, alerts and export setup.

Administration Provide administrative access. 

The Watched Events Menu

The Watched Events menu allows you to monitor current Watched Events and create new ones. Watched Events

track specific user behaviors on the site, such as reaching a certain page from a email or downloading a white


The Site Analytics Menu

The Site Analytics menu is used to:

 l Get access to standard Analytics reports

 l Create Navigation Analyses

 l View Email Notifications

The Administration Menu

The Administration menu allows you to set up parameters for exporting your reports, if desired

1.6     User Profiles and Passwords

iAPPS Users can edit their user and password information through the User drop-down menu in the Admin inter-

face. Simply click on your username and a menu will appear with options including a My Profile and Change

Password. Some administrators will have additional options in this menu.

User Profile

iAPPS users can update basic profile information.

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Changing Your Password

To change your password, you must be logged in with your current password.

 1. To change it, choose Change Password from the Username Drop-down Menu.

 2. Enter your current and new passwords. All fields are required.

 3. Click Change Password to save.

 4. Alternatively you can also change your password in your profile information.

 5. Choose UserName > My Profile .

Resetting a Forgotten Password

If you have forgotten your password, there is a Forgot Password link on the main iAPPS login screen.

1.6     User Profiles and Passwords

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2 - Site Analytics

iAPPS Analyzer includes a number of analytic reports to help you track your website usage.

The Site Analytics menu gives you access to a number of reports, navigational analysis and email notifications.

Reports are divided into categories: Visitors, Traffic, Asset Watches and Referring Sites. Many of these also

break down again into more detailed options.

Clicking any of these menus brings you to the Site Analytics screen, which also offers the reports as clickable

tab links:

See related sections for details on each type of report.

2.1     Seeing Statistics for Variant Sites

With iAPPS ds, users who own or manage more than one location or website can sometime group these sites

together so that they can access all of their websites, often known as variant sites, with a single user name and

sign-on. In this case, they can view the usage statistics for their websites "rolled up" together.

If this is the case for you, you will know if you can do this when you see the option "Rollup Data for Child

Sites." in your iAPPS Analyzer screens.

If you are not managing more than one site, you do not need to worry about this. And you can always see the

data for any site by switching to that site using the top site switch box in the iAPPS dashboard.

Seeing Variant Rollup Data

In any reporting screen, choose a Variant grouping and check the box next to "Rollup Data for Child Sites."

The information for any site that is lower in the hierarchy that the site chosen will be included in the report.

Whatever site is selected in the drop-down, the rollup aggregates any data for any child sites under that one

(but not for other child sites). Wherever you are in the hierarchy, the rollup starts there.

 l To view only data for a some sites that are lower in the Variant hierarchy, choose the parent name in

the drop-down list and check the box next to "Rollup Data for Child sites"

 l To see only data for the site you are in, uncheck the box.

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This function bypasses permissions, so a parent site can see all child site data without having to log in/log out with sep-

arate users. However, being able to view more than one site only works for reporting and statistics. Other Analyzer site

functions such as watches remain site specific, and you will need to switch from one site to another using the drop-down at

the very top of the iAPPS screen.


2.2     Basic Report Management

iAPPS Analyzer aggregates your website traffic statistics and stores report data. You can then view the data

using the tools in Site Analytics.

These reports offer graphical and numerical tools to help you understand how your website traffic is per-

forming. You can view snapshots of site statistics or observe trends at different time intervals.

You can also access the Site Analytics Reports from the Quick Statistics container in the iAPPS Analyzer Control Center.

Selecting a report tab automatically runs that report. The plot in the container shows the reporting period on

the horizontal axis and the selected statistic or statistic on the vertical axis.

2.2     Basic Report Management

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2.2.1  Changing the Reporting Period

To change the reporting period, click the Change tab in the right-hand column of the container title bar and

choose a new date range from the calendar:

To change the unit of time (Day, week or month) used on the horizontal axis, select a value from the “View By”

field in the top right-hand corner:

in the Traffic reports section, you can see more information about any web page by right-clicking the table

row and selecting a menu item:

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2.2.2  Plotting and Comparing Data Points

For many reports, you may want to view more than one plot on the same graph. For example, if you are ana-

lyzing visitor statistics, you may want to compare the visits to specific pages against the total number of site vis-

itors. You can do this with the table at the bottom of the container. To plot the data for a table entry, click on

the appropriate row of the table. A legend for the data you just plotted will appear on the main graph:

For reports on your website traffic, you may want to see the date on which various pages were published. You

can see the impact of publishing a specific page on your overall web traffic with the “Publish Date” item in the



2.3     Viewing Overlay Statistics in Site Editor

Not only can you view the statistics for your website in reports, but you can also see them in Site Editor itself.

This allows you to clearly see how content is performing in the actual context of your website.

In Overlay mode you can see not only which pages are most popular, but which content is clicked on the most,

including links, Calls-to-Action and videos.

iAPPS Overlay Mode provides the ability to view a facsimile of a webpage with its analytical data

embossed on top. This shows you what links visitors are using on a page. If there are multiple links on one

page to the same page elsewhere, Overlay Mode aggregates the data and shows the same value for each


Overlay shows how many visitors clicked on each clickable area in the page and the percentage of all clicks

on this page received by each clickable area.

To view a page with overlays, select the Site Editor menu and go to Site Editor.

2.3     Viewing Overlay Statistics in Site Editor

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If you enter Site Editor from Analyzer, you should see overlays automatically. If you do not, or you would like

to see overlays after completing a different task in Site Editor, click the Overlay icon on the Site Editor tool-


You can also view a page in overlay mode from the Traffic Report Summary (Site Analytics >Traffic) by right-

clicking the page name in the report summary table and selecting View Page in Overlay Mode.

. See Questions on Overlays 

2.4     Visitor Reports

Visitors reports provide statistics about who is visiting your website.


Visitors indicates how many visitors are return, new or repeat. Repeat visitors are defined as those with mul-

tiple sessions in the reporting period. Returning visitors had a session in a previous reporting period.

In some cases, a high number of returning visitors is a positive statistic. For example, a high number of return-

ing visitors could be a positive statistic for an internal website that provides regular company updates, since

repeat visits may indicate that employees are reading the updates provided.

Direct Entry Pages

Direct Entry Pages indicate when a page request originates without a referrer page. This means that the visitor

accessed the page by typing the page address into the browser address field, used a bookmark, or clicked

on an emailed link. This report helps you understand how well your marketing is working in channels that are

not web based.

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If you are using iAPPS Marketier, you can see report data on clicks that are originating from your email cam-

paigns. See the iAPPS Marketier User Guide for more information.


Loyalty shows your visitor traffic grouped by number of visits per unique visitor. The columns in the report table


 l “Number of Visits:” the number of visits to the site.

 l “Visits:” the total number of visitors who visited the number of times given in column (a).

 l “% of Total:” percentage of visitors to site represented by an entry in column (a)

 l “Average Time on Site:” the average duration of a visit to site for the visitors in column (a)

This report is useful if you are trying to understand how often visitors return to your site.


Region indicates where the visitor session initiated. You might use this if there was a sudden increase in visitors

from a single country. Further research could help you understand what pages were driving the increased


Operating Systems

Operating Systems indicates the operating system running on the visitor’s desktop.


Browsers indicates the browser that is running on the visitor’s desktop. Often, the browser type can dictate what

features can be supported for a particular website.

JavaScript Enabled

JavaScript Enabled indicates whether JavaScript is enabled in the visitor’s browser. If your site relies on

JavaScript, it’s helpful to know if visitors have this feature enabled. Generally however, very few users or

browsers do not have JavaScript, so you really don't need to worry much about this.

Flash Capable

Flash Capable indicates if Adobe Flash will run on a visitor’s system, and, if yes, what version is on their sys-

tem. However, due to the increasing number of devices or browsers which cannot handle Flash, your site

doesn't include Flash, so you can ignore this section.

Monitor Resolution

Monitor Resolution indicates the resolution (the number of pixels per inch) of the monitor that the visitor is using

while displaying web page information. If your site relies on a wide screen, it's helpful to know what per-

centages of visitors are accessing the site with smaller or older monitors so you can adjust your content accord-

ingly. The higher the resolution, the sharper (but smaller) a picture will appear. Resolution and screen size are

2.4     Visitor Reports

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different, however. A number of new smart phones often have screens with higher resolutions than many laptop

or desktop monitors. Pictures that are very large in size or with a high resolution can be slow to load, but those

with too low a resolution will not look their best when expanded to be seen on a very high resolution monitor.

Most of your pictures will resize when put on the site, but you should keep this in mind when preparing images

for the site.


The Mobile Report gives you information on the number of visitors using the site via a mobile device, including

which mobile operating systems are the most common. It includes common statistics such as ATOS (Average

Time on Site), the percentage of mobile visitors who are new, and Bounce Rate.


2.5     Traffic Reports

Traffic reports provide statistics regarding the pages most frequently visited. The traffic tab is accessible

through the Site Analytics > Traffic menu item. Alternatively, you can select the tab in the Site Analytics Reports


Traffic reports include:

 l Overview

 l Pages

 l Entry Pages

 l Exit Pages

 l Pageviews per Visit

 l Single Page Visits


Overview is the default view for Traffic Reports. Overview statistics provides summary information on:

 l Top Pages: pages visited most frequently

 l Top Entry Pages: pages visitor used most often to enter the site

 l Top Exit Pages: pages visitor was on most frequently when exiting the site

To get full reports, click the “View Full Report” link next to the report name:

When you right click on any of the page names in of the summary reports above, you get options to view more

information about the page. 

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Choosing View Page Detail Statistics will bring up a popup window with key statistics.  You can email the stat-

istics or export them to an Excel or PDF file.

View Inbound/Outbound Analysis will take you that report (which can also be accessed from the Site Analytics

> Navigation). 

You can choose to view the page in a new window, in Site Editor, or in overlay mode.  If you have the appro-

priate permissions you can Assign Tags.  Lastly, you can choose Email Author, which sends email to the person

who last published the page.


The Pages report provides a list of the pages visitors viewed most frequently. It shows which pages on your site

are most and least popular.

You should take care in how you use this report. You might assume, for example, that the home page will be

ranked highest for a new website. Yet, after the site is enhanced and gets more frequent visitors, it might be a

concern if the home page continues to be the most frequently visited.

2.5     Traffic Reports

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Entry Pages

The Entry Pages report shows the pages that visitors see as the first page when entering the website. Mon-

itoring entry pages is important when there is a marketing campaign underway that is intended to point users

to a specific page (or pages) within your website. For example, a Google Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign

might point users to a certain page in your site. In this case, you'd want to know how many users are beginning

their site navigation at that page.

Exit Pages

The Exit Pages traffic statistics report lists the most common exit pages, which are the pages the user was on

when exiting the site. Knowing where visitors are when leaving your site can often point out problems with bad

navigation or content. If an unexpected page is moving up on the list of exit pages, iAPPS Analyzer allows a

user with Administrator privileges for that content to view or edit the actual content of the page in the Site

Editor. For more information on Site Editor, see the iAPPS Content Manager User Guide.

Pageviews per Visit

The Pageviews per Visit traffic statistics report shows the average number of pages that were viewed in a vis-

itor session. Presented as a time-series graph, this metric is an important trend to watch as the amount of con-

tent on your site grows.

Pageviews per Visit is sometimes referred to as the “stickiness” of a website, since it measures how likely it is

that a visitor who finds one page of your website stays on your site to view more pages. If you are using con-

tent marketing to try to draw vistiors to the content on your website, this is good.

A large number of pageviews per visit is not always desirable and may sometimes be an indication of inef-

fective site navigation. It's possible that pageviews are high because a visitor is having trouble finding what

they need. If the navigation of your site has changed and the average Pageviews per Visit stays the same, it is

possible the change did not have the desired effect.

So along with the number of pages viewed, you may also want to look at one types of pages visitors are look-

ing at. If it is blog or other "attractive" content, that is good. If it is more random, you might want to look at

your navigation categories.

Single Page Visits

The Single Page Visits traffic statistics report shows the number of visitors that came to your site and then left

without viewing another page. Sometimes this is referred to as the “bounce rate” of a site. The report lists the

bounced pages.

It is helpful to see how this metric changes over time. Most sites expect a visitor to accomplish a task, such as

viewing product material, registering for an event, or visiting advertisers. If the number of Single Page Visits is

increasing you usually want to do something about it. For example, consider if you purchased a certain

amount of search engine Pay Per Clicks. If your overall site traffic went up, but your Single Page Visit metric

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also increased (especially for the entry page of the click) then you could conclude that the PPC campaign did

not work as effectively as it could have. and the landing page would need to be changed.


2.6     Asset Reports

Content reports provide statistics regarding the content that is being used on the web page. The tab is access-

ible through the Site Analytics> Asset Watches menu item. Alternatively, you can select Asset Watches in the

Site Analytics screen:

Files Downloaded

The Files Downloaded report shows you downloaded files that have been designated as Watched Events. The

files in the report are grouped by file type.

You can go directly to iAPPS Content Manager from here. Right-click on a file name and choose Jump to File

Library. This takes you to Manage Data Libraries in iAPPS Content Manager.

Although the Pageviews report provides information for all clicks, the Files Downloaded report allows the admin-

istrator to tag certain files of special interest. These then show up on a separate report, and are not lost in what might be

a much larger list of statistics.

Images Served

Images Served indicates the images that have been downloaded by the website visitor. This works similarly to

the Files Downloaded statistics report.

Brightcove Video Views

You can also track the number of times videos served through iAPPS Brightcove integration have been

watched. Your integration does not include Brightcove, so you can ignore this.


2.7     Referral Reports

Referring sites reports provide statistics regarding what other web pages visitors came from. Access to your

site can be from an external site or from a search engine. You can filter the reports by paid and unpaid


For some reports, you can segment between paid and organic (unpaid) searches. A sample Referring Sites

report shows a search filtered by Paid and Non-Paid Source.

2.6     Asset Reports

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Referring Sites

The Referring Sites report shows the traffic being driven to your site by other websites. Any sudden increase in

activity could show that one or more external websites are driving visitors to your site.

For a more complete list of links pointing back to your site, use the Google search phrase “link:”. The result

will be a complete set of backward-pointing links. In order to boost your search rankings, this number should continue to


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Search Referrers

The Search Referrers report is a specialized subset of the Referring Sites report. iAPPS Analyzer maintains a

configurable table of search engine domain names. When one of these domains is present as a referrer,

iAPPS Analyzer treats it as a special case. The Search Referrers report allows you to drill down and analyze

how certain key words are connecting to site pages. This report will display information related to the pop-

ularity of different search engines and the kinds of search terms that are being used. This report can be a valu-

able tool for understanding how the effects of search engine page rank optimization and keywords affect

access to your site.


2.8     Navigation Reports

Navigation reports can help the site administrator understand not only which pages were accessed, but in

which order they were accessed. This is different than the reports from the Visitors tab, which only show page

access activity.

Navigational reports can help you understand not only what a visitor to your site is accessing, but how a visitor

is using your site.

Navigation reports are available on:

 l Inbound/Outbound Analysis

 l Path Analysis 

2.8.1  Inbound/Outbound Analysis

The Inbound/Outbound Analysis report is a tool for providing further insight as to how visitors are navigating

within your site. For any content page that you select, the Inbound/Outbound report will display the 10 most

frequent pages where the current page was accessed from, as well as the most frequent 10 pages where the

user went from the selected page.

 1. Go to the Inbound/Outbound screen (Site Analytics > Navigation Analysis> Inbound/Outbound).

 2. Choose Menus and Pages

 3. Navigate to the Page you wish to analyze.

 4. When you highlight the page, the Top 10 Clicks to and from the page will appear on the right half of

the screen.

 5. You can choose to export the report using email, Excel or a PDF.


2.8     Navigation Reports 

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For more information on Inbound/Outbound Analysis, see See Where (and perhaps why) are people leaving

my site?


2.8.2  Visitor Path Analysis

The Path Analysis report is a powerful tool in understanding visitor behavior on the site. Quite often a site

designer has no way of knowing whether the navigational structure is working or not. With path analysis you

can see right away what click paths visitors are most frequently taking on the site.

The Path Analysis report differs from the Inbound/Outbound Analysis report, in that an iAPPS user inputs both

a starting and end point to generate the Path Analysis report. Most often a site’s home page is selected as the

starting point and a specific target end page is selected. When the report is run it will display a list of the

most common paths between the two pages that website users took. These reports help you see if users are nav-

igating as expected.

 l For example, if a page had a higher-than-expected exit rate you might want to know what previous

pages users visited prior to that page. Running the report might reveal an unexpected navigation pat-

tern that might have confused the user and caused them to exit.

 l Conversely, take the example of that newly discovered external referral blog link. Where did the vis-

itors go once they came to the site?  What were the next pages they saw?

Quite often you might have a defined set of pages that need to be viewed in order before the last and final

page is visited. This might be an event registration or perhaps a checkout process. Since these steps are

designed to be taken sequentially, the report is one way of validating the design. If, for example, a path ana-

lysis of an event registration sequence shows that visitors are moving in and out of the sequence (even if they

are completing it) then work needs to be done to be sure that visitors have enough information to proceed with

the next step in logical and preferred order.

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2.8.3  Visitor Path Analysis

To create a Visitor Path scenario:

 1. Select Site Analytics > Navigation Analysis > Visitor Path from the toolbar:

 2. This opens the Visitor Paths screen.

 3. Choose a Start Point

 l Pageview

 l Product (only for users with iAPPS Commerce)

 l Watch

 l Maximum Number of Clicks

 4. Choose a End Point

 l Pageview

 l Product (only for users with iAPPS Commerce)

 l Watch

 l Maximum Number of Clicks

 l Left Site

 5. Choose any options

 l Number of Paths (5, 10 or 15)

 l Any applicable Audience Segments

 6. Click Run.

 7. The Results appear on the right half of the screen. They show

 l The number of times the Path was followed

 l the number of clicks in-between

 l The paths followed

 l Average Path Time

 l Average time on each page of the path

 8. If you want to limit the results to a certain time period, change the reporting period before running the


 9. You can choose to export the report using email, Excel or a PDF.


2.8     Navigation Reports 

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2.9     Other Reports

2.9.1  Watches Reports

Watches reports provide information regarding events that the administrator has tagged as Watched Events,

such as:

 l A particular file or image that was downloaded

 l A client-side event that occurred in the user's browser.

 l Rankings of the top viewed pages or assets

You (or your administrator) sets up Watched Events. See Managing Watched Events.

2.10     Email Alerts

Alerts allow Analyzer users to be notified when high-water marks have been reached. When a designated

number of a certain event is reached, an email is generated. The alert can be reset when either the number of

events is reached the first time, or when a calendar period is reached. Alerts can be one of two types:

 l Pageviews: When a page is viewed a certain number of times within a given period

 l Visitor Count: when a certain number of visitors come to the site within a given period

To create an email alert for Page Views:

Go to Site Analytics > Email Notifications > Pageviews .

 1. Right-click an existing alert or the empty grid and select Add New Alert:

 2. Fill in the necessary information.

 a. Choose a page from the drop down.

 b. Choose the number of page views for the alert to trigger.

 c. Choose a reset time.

 d. Enter email address for the alert.

 3. Click the Plus icon to save.


To create an email alert for Visitor Count:

Go to Site Analytics > Email Notifications > Visitor Count.

 1. Right-click an existing alert or the empty grid and select Add New Alert:

 2. Fill in the necessary information.

 a. Choose a name for the visitor alert.

 b. Check the box if you only want to count unique visitors.

 c. Fill in visitor count that will trigger the alert.

 d. Choose a reset time.

 e. Enter email address for the alert.

 3. Click the Plus icon to save.

You can edit Notifications the same way.

To delete an alert, simply right click and choose Delete Alert.

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You can also make an alert temporarily inactive rather than deleting it.

 l Highlight the alert, right-click and choose Make Inactive.

 l To reactivate, highlight, right-click and choose Make Active.


2.10     Email Alerts

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3.1     Managing Watched Events

Watches are used to track events that a website user performs. Asset Watches track downloads of files or

image. You can use this watch when you want to see if a particular file or image is popular with visitors.

To access Watched Events, select the Watched Events menu.

Asset Watches

 1. To create Asset Watches, select Watched Events > Asset Watches.

 2. Right-click the name of an existing watch, and select Add New Watch:

 3. This creates a new entry in the table. Give your watch a name and description. To select a file or image

to watch, click the page icon in the “Asset” column of the table:

 4. This opens the iAPPS Content Manager File Library.

 a. Use the browser to navigate to the correct file and right-click the file entry to select it. For

example, if you wanted to select the file SuperbowlProgram.pdf from the directory Superbowl

2011, right click the PDF filename in the table and select Select File.

 b. To include this watch in your Overlay reports, click the “Include in Overlay” check box.

 c. To make the watch active, click the plus in the “Actions” column.


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4 - iAPPS Analyzer FAQs


Why are the numbers in my Analyzer reports different than what I see in other analytics tools?

You control what is included in your analytic reports. iAPPS Analyzer allows you to view your web traffic

through various filters. You will want to exclude some forms of traffic from your reports, for example, traffic

from you own website developers using the built-in IP filtering feature, as well as testers or traffic generated

by search engine crawlers like Googlebot. iAPPS Analyzer also has built-in bot and crawler filtering to elim-

inate such automated traffic. With that, and depending on how you are filtering data or IPs, your total num-

ber of visitors may appear differently than in other analytics software.


How can I get my analytics reports emailed to me? Can I get one consolidated report?

You can use the Administration > Export Setup menu item in to create an export of any report to which you have

access. Since these reports are generated independently you cannot consolidate them with Export Setup; how-

ever if you choose Excel as the report format you can easily consolidate the reports with Excel.


How can I track download results by file extension?

Go to Site Analytics > Asset Watches > Content. This will allow you to view Files downloaded, images served

and video views.


4.1     Site Traffic Analysis

iAPPS Analyzer contains features and reports that allow you to understand the visitor traffic on your website.

Where (and perhaps why) are people leaving my site?

Every user will eventually leave your site. In fact, the number of visits should equal the number of exits.

However, it’s important to understand for your site what is normal and what should be considered out of the


The Site Analytics > Traffic > Exit Pages report will provide you a list of where your visitors left your site. It

should be expected to have your home page listed first. Since most search engines will (at a minimum) point a

user to the home page, you will normally see a much higher percentage of exits from the home page.

By tuning your search engine optimization (SEO) for your home page you should notice that this number (as a

percentage of total exits) should go down. There may be a situation where a high exit count should be of con-

cern. For example, if you have a hierarchy of pages that introduce product information, you could expect that

a user might leave the site after reading the final amount of content that describes the product.

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If however, you notice that the product introduction page is getting a high exit count, perhaps the content of

that page might be redesigned and made more compelling—encouraging a user to click onward instead of

leaving the site.


4.2     Questions on Overlays

Overlays can be a common cause of questions.

How Do I Set Up and Use Overlays?

iAPPS Overlay Mode provides the ability to view a facsimile of a webpage with its analytical data

embossed on top. They should be enabled by default (or in earlier versions of iAPPS by a developer).

Overlays show you what links visitors are using on a page.

If there are multiple links on one page to the same page elsewhere, Overlay Mode aggregates the data and

shows the same value for each link.

To view a page with overlays, select the Site Editor menu.

If you enter Site Editor from Analyzer, the Overlay Mode will be displayed by default. You can display a

page in the Site Editor in one of the following modes by clicking overlay mode icon in the top toolbar:

You can also view a page in overlay mode from the Traffic Report (Site Analytics > Traffic) by right-clicking the

page name in the report summary table and selecting View Page in Overlay Mode.


Why do overlay links appear without percentages?

There is also a maximum number of links that iAPPS can display for performance reasons.  If your site has

more than 200 links or has very dynamic content, this maximum may have been reached.  For example, while

the current page might have 50 links, there may be more than 200 links for the reporting period you chose, so

not all links on a page are returned. 

Try refreshing your screen.  Some sites use hidden panels in the form of tabs or dynamic functionality.  Over-

lays are only rendered for visible links.  You will need to refresh the overlays on tab change.


Why are the overlay link percentages not equal to 100 percent?

Actually, it is very rare that the number of clicks will sum to exactly 100 percent. There are a number of reas-

ons for this.

4.2     Questions on Overlays 

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 l The percentages displayed are a percentage of clicks vs pageviews. If a website user visits a page and

bounces, they will be calculated in the page views but not the clicks.  Many sites have a 20% to

40% bounce rates on some pages causing the percentages to sum much lower than 100%.  Crawlers

and bots can exaggerate this issue.

 l Not all the links on the page might be included (see the above explanation on maximum links) or be


 l The page might have been recently redirected and may not match the URL of the menu item that dis-

plays the overlay. 


4.3     Troubleshooting Analyzer Data

How to check your results and deal with error messages.

Why do my reports have references for error pages?

If your site was setup with an error page in iAPPS (so you can manage content on the error page) it will auto-

matically be included in site statistics. This might be good information to have in order to fix broken links on

your site. On the other hand, it can also be a problem if you are generating errors for minor things like a 404

for a small image on a header that a user does not notice. If you export your reports to Excel, you can use the

editing functionality in Excel to edit out error pages.


I set my Reporting Period to go through today. How come today’s data is not included in my reports?

The Analyzer database updates overnight. This means that any reported statistics are available up to the day

before the current day, even if you choose the current date as the final day in the Reporting Period.


Why am I seeing home/home in the Page Title column of my Analytics reports instead of home?

If you have a menu item called “home” and a page called home then iAPPS Analyzer tracks the page rather

than the menu item. To make clear which is being tracked, it labels the page home/home.


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Administration Menu  11

Administrator  11

Alerts  27


Troubleshooting Data  32


Bot Filtering  30

Bounce Rate  5


Changing Your Password  12

Click-Through Rate (CTR)  5

Control Center  8, 27

Conversion rate  5


Dashboard  8

Data Libraries  22

Default Session Time  7

Direct Entry Page  5


Entry Pages  5

Exit Pages  5, 30

Export Setup  30


File Library  22, 30

Funnel  26


Inbound/Outbound Analysis  25

IP Filtering  30


Keyword  5


Login  6


Automatic  7


Overlays  6, 16, 29, 31


PageRank  6

Pageviews  6


Changing  12

Resetting  12

Path Analysis  25


Reports  13

Changing Reporting Period  15

Entry Pages  21

Navigation  24-26

Pages  20

Referring Sites  23

Search Referrers  24

Variant Site Data  13

Visitor  17

Watches  27


Scenarios  26

Search Engine Optimization  6

SEO  6

Site Activity Containers  8

Site Editor  10, 31

Statistical Analysis container  13-14, 19, 22, 27


- 33 -


Tags (Index Terms)  6


User Profile  11


Visit  6


Watched Events  6, 27, 29

Asset Watches  29


- 34 -