Television show research

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Television show research

Television Show ResearchHemit Dhanji & Declan Tyldesley

Within this PowerPoint we have put together Primary and Secondary research

on reviews, ratings and so on. Are research is based on Sitcom shows so we

have looked at popular Sitcom shows in the UK and U.S.A so we can create a

similar Sitcom show to the highest rated show and we can also look at what

people did and did not like about a specific show.


For our primary research I have conducted a questionnaire which I then sent

out and share for multiple people to answer, the questionnaire consists of 10

questions related to the research that I am doing which is Television Shows

Primary Research


Primary Research


Primary Research


Primary Research


Primary Research


Primary Research


Primary Research


Primary Research


Primary Research


Primary Research


Primary Research

Within our Secondary Research I have conducted ten pages of Research, which include ratings,

reviews and comments on certain Sitcom shows in the UK. By looking at this type of research we

can see what TV channel we might want to host on to get a good amount of views on our TV


Also with Secondary Research we can look at reviews related to our Sitcom show to see what the

public like and do not like about a Sitcom show so we know what to include and what not to

include in our show.

Secondary Research

Secondary Research

Secondary Research

Secondary Research

Secondary Research

Now we have finished talking about our research for our Sitcom show, we will

now start to decide what we want to include on our Sitcom show from our

research, so we can get the maximum views that we want to achieve for our

Sitcom show.
