Telecommunication Development SectorThe primary purpose of this performance report is to provide a...

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Telecommunication Development Sector2nd Quarterly Performance Report

January – June 2014

Strategic plan Operational plan

Financial plan

From Strategy to ExecutionThe progressive improvements of the Union’s budgetary and financial structure reached a significant turning point with the introduction of the result-based budgeting and result based management.

In addition, the introduction of the re-structured operational plan of the Telecommunication Development Sector enhanced the integration between strategic planning, operational planning and financial planning.

The primary purpose of this performance report is to provide a quarterly assessment of the implementation of the BDT strategic, financial and operational plans using several facets and dimensions.

This report provides an assessment of the implementation of the strategic, operational and financial plan.


The quarterly assessment of the strategic plan implementation provides a means for monitoring the implementation of the mission, objectives, outputs and priorities of the Telecommunication Development Sector.


The quarterly review of the operational plan puts emphasis on the outputs of the Sector as well as on the actions and activities undertaken by the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) in connection with the implementation of these outputs.

It provides information regarding the implementation level of the outputs and actions as well as other pertinent operational data.


The financial quarterly reports highlight the financial elements of both the strategic and the operational plan.

It provides an overview of the budgetary performance for the period as well as the annual year end expenditure forecast which in turn may allow management to adjust its plans in order to achieve optimal budget performance and implementation of activities.

Implementation of the:


Overview of the strategic plan implementation

2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014


ITU’s duties and


in the



sphere are

consolidated in the



Sector (ITU-D)

The following is a summary of results achieved, for the period January to June 2014, on the overall implementation of the six ITU-D strategic objectives of the Strategic Plan by the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT).

Strategic objectives

Objective 1

“To foster international cooperation, among ITU-D members and other stakeholders, on telecommunication/ICT development issues, by providing the pre-eminent forum for discussion, information sharing and consensus building on telecommunication/ICT technical and policy issues”

The results achieved during the first and second quarter of 2014 (January – June) are as follows:

– WTDC-14 agreed on a new scope of work for the Study Groups, which consists of some revised and other completely new study Questions. In the new period, the Study Group will be dealing with 17 study Questions in addition to the joint ITU-D/ITU-R work on WTDC Resolution 9 dedicated to spectrum management. A new management team, made up of two Chairs and 21 Vice-Chairs, was also appointed by WTDC-14. The first meetings of the Study Groups will appoint the Rapporteurs and Vice-Rapporteurs for each of the study Questions, as appropriate. A circular letter was sent to the membership calling for nominations for the open positions, and as a result over 110 candidatures were received. The necessary revisions have been made to website, databases, and tools to taken into account the new structure and scope of work. Preparation is under way for the first meetings of the two ITU-D Study Groups for the new 2014 to 2018 study period which will be held from 15 to 26 September 2014. The main focus of these meetings is to appoint the Rapporteurs and Vice-Rapporteurs for all Questions, agree on work plans and the methodology that will be used to reach the expected results for each Question and for the Study Groups overall, and review contributions and liaison statements already received for consideration by the Groups.

– Cooperation was further enhanced with APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Center) through participation in APRICOT (Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Operational Technologies) meeting in Malaysia (24-27 February 2014) and further development of partnership.

– Cooperation with FAO in the area of developing e-Agriculture strategy was initiated.

– Strengthened cooperation with ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) by contributing to the ASEAN TELSOM Joint Working Group and Dialogue Partners’ Meeting (15-17 January 2014) in Malaysia.

– Cooperation was renewed with WHO to assist countries in Africa Region in developing the e-Health and m-Health initiatives.

– Continued the cooperation with ATU (African Telecommunications Union) pursuing the coordination of Africa Common Position for PP-14 and harmonization on various matters e.g. Digital Terrestrial TV Migration, Spectrum Coordination, etc.


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

– Strengthened cooperation with AUC (African Union Commission), UNECA, UNWomen and UNESCO by collaborating in the organization of the Girls in ICT day.

– Strengthened cooperation with NEPAD (New Partnership for Africa’s Development) through the elaboration of an ITU/NEPAD collaboration roadmap in the realm of ICT related policies and projects development in Africa for the period 2014-2017.

– MoU signed between Gabon and Congo in February in the framework of CAB project (Central Africa fibre optic project).

– The Conference of Post and Telecommunications of Central African countries (COPTAC) and the subsequent ministerial meeting were held in Yaoundé end of April 2014 in presence of the ATU and PAPU respective Secretary Generals. Countries decided on ways to restart this institutional body’s work by organizing a ministerial meeting each year. Cameroon was retained as Country Manager for one year while Gabon was Depositary of the Status. Projects have been endorsed by Ministers in the two sectors Posts and ICT.

– A meeting was organized in Brazzaville in mid-May by ECCAS and NEPAD with ITU as Moderator, for the restitution of the study of the PACDICE-AC on the ICT priority scheme in Central Africa.

– Collaboration between ITU Arab regional office and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN-ESCWA) on various issues related to Arabic Digital Content, Cybersecurity and incubators.

– Continued Cooperation with Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) by partnering to organize Media summit on Climate Change, ICTs and Disaster Risk Reduction (CC&DRR) in Jakarta-Indonesia from 4-6 June 2014. Presentation on ITU’s work in the domain of Climate Change adoption and Disaster Risk Management & Mitigation was made.

– Cooperation was made with Asosiasi Satelit Indonesia (ASSI) by participating in Asia-Pacific Satellite Communication Systems (APSAT) 2014. Presentation on work of ITU Working and study groups activities related to WRC-15 was made with emphasis on the identification of spectrum in C-Band for IMT/IMT Advanced services while giving due consideration of the technical requirements of Fixed Satellite Services (FSS).

– Partnership has been reinforced with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on a joint framework initiative on ICT Development for Asia-Pacific region (ICTD-ASP) which was launched in Manila, Philippines on 29-30 April 2014. The framework will facilitate and implement projects aimed promoting universal broadband access and services as well as e-government and ICT applications in the region.

– Strengthened cooperation with regional organizations such as Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL), Central America Telecommunication Commission (COMTELCA) and the Caribbean Telecommunication Union (CTU) towards to assist the memberships in their needs as well as in their preparation for the ITU Conferences (WTDC-14; PP-14 and WRC-15).

– Strengthened cooperation with INICTEL - UNI (PERU) by organizing in partnership, the Girls in ICT day.

– Participation and collaboration with Chilean Government on Digital Government initiative.

– Strengthened joint cooperation with UN Agencies such as UNESCO and ECLAC in the issue of ICT.

– Ongoing coordination with Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) to develop two courses for the Centre for Advanced Studies of Broadband Development (CEABAD).


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

Objective 2

“To assist the membership in maximizing the utilization of appropriate new technologies, including broadband, in developing their telecommunication/ICT infrastructures and services and in designing and deploying resilient telecommunication/ICT network infrastructures”

This objective has the following priority areas: Spectrum management and radio monitoring, Next-generation networks, Mobile communications (2G, 3G, 4G, etc.), Broadband networks, Rural Communications.

The results achieved during the first and second quarter of 2014 (January – June) are as follows:

– Partnership between ITU and MSIP (Ministry of Science, ICT and future Planning) of the Republic of Korea with the aim to provide assistance to at least 3 countries in the Asia-Pacific (ASP) region and to establish modern spectrum management Master-plans. MSIP provided funding for this 2 year project. ITU and MSIP formulated the scope of activities and conducted a Spectrum Management profiling survey of the countries from ASP. Based on the responses received and established criteria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Dar-as-Salaam and Fiji were selected as beneficiary countries. Experts for all the beneficiary countries have been chosen and approvals have been taken from respective beneficiary countries. Mission dates for both the phases for Bangladesh and first phase for Fiji have been finalized. The process for visa approval for expert for Brunei has been initiated which is expected to take 3 months.

– New project for further development of Spectrum Management System for Developing Countries (SMS4DC) started in 2014 with support from MSIP of the Republic of Korea. During the first quarter of 2014, recruitment of experts to update/add propagation curves was finished. The first phase of the development was done, for second phase recruitment was done and the additional modules are under preparation. More than 10 countries were assisted with higher resolution terrain data and with additional assistance (e.g. time-limited version for testing the software).

– A first draft of the Guidelines on development of National Table of Frequency Allocations and for Spectrum management assessments was prepared. In Q2 BR comments on the NTFA Guideline is under insertion.

– For Barbados spectrum management assessment was provided in May 2014.

– For Swaziland assistance was provided on some spectrum management and monitoring issues in April 2014. Next mission is expected in September 2014.

– In close cooperation with BR, Argentina was supported in the revision and in the future evaluation of a spectrum management tender.

– For the revision of the ITU-R Handbooks on National Spectrum Management and the Computer aided technics contributions were provided to ITU-R SG1 on SMS4DC and SMTP.

– For the African frequency coordination agreement (HCM4A) more countries declared their intention to join, now 19 sub-Saharan countries are interested.

– Concerning EMF contribution was provided on the ITU-D activities to the ITU presentation at the WHO 19th International Advisory Committee (IAC) meeting in June.

– The case study on Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting implementation (DTTB) in Thailand with the support from MSIP, Republic of Korea, has already been completed. The additional


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

two cases study DTTB implementation from Australia and Japan with the support from Comms Australia and MIC Japan are in process.

– The report on Interactive Multimedia Services in Asia Pacific Trends & Insights with the support from Comms Australia is under completion.

– Country assistance has been provided to Mongolia in June 2014 on Policy and Regulatory aspects of introduction of IMT/IMT Advanced Mobile Systems in Mongolia.

– Within the framework of the joint projects with the KCC/MSIP Republic of Korea, MIC Japan, Comms Australia (Department of Communications, Australia) and BDT’s direct assistance programme, 19 countries in the Asia Pacific region were assisted directly in developing their own roadmap on transition from analogue to digital terrestrial television broadcasting during 2010-2013, thus contributing to narrowing the digital divide. During January-March 2014, Samoa, Kiribati, and Nauru received assistance and their roadmap reports have been completed. In Q2 roadmaps were drafted for Afghanistan, Solomon Islands and Guyana. In addition case study on DTTB roadmap implementation in Thailand was prepared. In addition a report on interactive multimedia services in Asia-Pacific is under preparation.

– Within the framework of the joint project with the Latin-American Development Bank the Guidelines on the digital broadcasting transition was translated into Spanish, beneficiary countries have been selected and experts were agreed for the further assistance on roadmap developments for the digital terrestrial television broadcasting transition.

– In close cooperation with BR, Albania was supported in digital terrestrial television broadcasting frequency issues in June 2014.

– Based on a request of Council 2014, draft of a Digital Switch-Over database was prepared and existing data entered.(see The data have to be updated based on the contributions from the administrations.

– Regional Seminar on IMT towards 2020 and Beyond – Technology & Spectrum was organized in Ho-Chi Minh, Vietnam in February 2014. The Seminar was attended by around 156 participants representing 16 ITU Member states from Asia-Pacific Region, 8 ITU Member states from outside Asia-Pacific Region and several worldwide ITU Recognized operating agencies and Scientific or Industrial organizations. Fellowships were provided to delegates Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Lao P.D.R, Myanmar, Nepal, Samoa, Mongolia and Papua New Guinea.

– ITU Asia-Pacific Centres of Excellence Training on Digital Broadcasting Technologies and Implementation, 5-7 February 2014, New Delhi, India The training workshop was organized by the ITU and the TRAI in partnership with ABU, AIBD, MIC Japan, MSIP, Republic of Korea and FICCI. The event was attended by 78 participants from 16 countries.

– The ITU Asia-Pacific Centres of Excellence Training on “Smart Technologies and Services in the LTE-Advanced Era” was successfully held from 13-16 May 2014, Hotel Nongshim, Busan, Republic of Korea. The training workshop was organized by the ITU and the PNU with the support of Busan Metropolitan City and it built capacity of 26 participants from 10 countries in this area.

– The ITU Asia-Pacific Centres of Excellence training on “IPv6 Infrastructure Security for Telecom Networks” organized with MICT (Thailand) and APNIC from 30 June-4 July, 2014 in Bangkok built capacity of around 30 participants in this area.


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

– Mongolia was assisted through participation in lab based training on standardization issues.

– Within the framework of the Conformance and Interoperability (C&I) programme, based on the priorities outlined by Member States, Region by Region, the 2014 C&I training selected theme is “Homologation Procedures of telecommunication/ICT equipment and Type Approval testing for Mobile Terminals C&I”. The following agenda of implementation has been concluded:

• Arab Region: Tunis, 17-22 March 2014: 13 participants from 7 countries attended the training course ; Support was provided to Mongolia for participating in this training event

• AFR region: Tunis, 23-27 June 2014. Fellowship has been provided to nominated official from Sri Lanka to participate in this training event; 22 Participants from 20 countries attended the training course.

• AMS region: Sao Paulo, Brazil, 12 to 16 May 2014. 16 participants from 10 American countries participated. The training was delivered in Spanish. ITU fellowships were provided to support the participation of Cuba and Haiti.

• CIS region: Russian Federation, 20-22 August 2014: 30 participants from 5 CIS countries. A regional workshop for CIS on Conformance and Interoperability was held in Moscow to dialogue on procedures related to conformity assessment and interoperability regimes review the implementation of the ITU/ZNIIS Project on a C&I Virtual Laboratory and discuss the ITU/BDT project on a Regional C&I Laboratory.

• ASP region: collaboration agreement (MoU) on C&I activities with China has been initiated. A training event funded by the host country has been planned.

– Assessment studies in the regions are being conducted to increase regional integration and ICT infrastructure development by encouraging the establishment of harmonized C&I programmes, notably through the development of MRAs (Mutual Recognition Arrangements/Agreements) between countries and/or building labs, as appropriated. An assessment study on C&I for SADC Region was finalized in April 2014, same study for Maghreb Region was initiated in February 2014 and is ongoing. For the Caribbean Region the same ongoing study will be finalized by the end of October 2014. The results and the recommendations coming from these studies will be presented in a regional workshop to be held in S. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, from 2 to 4 December, for SADC (Southern African Development Community) region, 13-15 October 2014; for Maghreb region, 9-11 December 2014.

– New guidelines on Establishing Conformity and Interoperability Regimes – Basic Guidelines were published in February 2014. These guidelines address challenges faced by developing countries as they plan and review their own C&I regimes. Aspects covered by this publication include, inter alia, conformity assessment procedures, legislation to promote an orderly equipment marketplace; surveillance; coordination across regulatory agencies; and relevant international standards. The complete version of the guidelines on establishing C&I regimes has been finalized and it is under publication.

– With the support of the Americas region, as from April 2014, the guidelines are also available in Spanish. These guidelines address challenges faced by developing countries as they plan and review their own C&I regimes. Aspects covered by this publication include, inter alia, conformity assessment procedures, legislation to promote an orderly equipment marketplace; surveillance; coordination across regulatory agencies; and relevant international standards.

– The C&I Portal has been constantly updated. All ITU activities on the C&I Programme led by BDT (Pillar 3: capacity building; and Pillar 4: assistance in the establishment of test centres and C&I programmes in developing countries) can be found at one place.


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

– Elaborated by the ITU-D Study Group SG 2, Question 26/2 – Migration from existing networks to next-generation networks (NGN) for developing countries: technical, regulatory and policy aspects, the final report on migration to NGN was sent for approval to the WTDC-14.

– The elaboration of new guidelines on Implementation for Evolving Telecommunication/ICT Infrastructure for Developing Countries: Technical, Economic and Policy Aspects is ongoing. These guidelines will introduce essential telecommunication/ICT infrastructures and their technologies, economic and policy aspects supporting effective adoption of Next-generation Networks.

– Training events and forums has been organized by BDT to assist developing countries on migrating from existing networks to NGN (Next Generation Networks).

– Broadband Wireless Project: Pre-installation activities and site preparation were accomplished for Lesotho and Burkina Faso. Interferences from Djibsat with the implemented Broadband Wireless in Djibouti-Ville have been solved.

– Master Plan for Wireless Broadband Access in Africa: This project aims to facilitate deployment of wireless broadband access in Africa with support from MSIP, republic of Korea. Malawi, Congo Brazzaville, Eritrea, and Guinea Bissau have been selected as beneficiary countries during the 2nd quarter 2014.

– In collaboration with PKM department, emergency telecommunications/rural ICT infrastructure project in the Philippines on the Movable and Deployable ICT Resource Unit (MDRU) funded by MIC, Japan was proposed. Details such as place of implementation, and scope and schedule of the project have been negotiated.

– BDT is contributing to bridging the standardization gap between developing and developed countries. Instructed by PP-10 Resolution 123 and the new WTDC-14 Recommendation 22 on Bridging the Standardization Gap (BSG), regional workshops and other regional activities are receiving support from ITU Regional Offices. ITU Academy has started collaboration with TSB to develop two online courses: Next-generation Networks and Quality of Service.

– Delivered the Americas Regional Radio Communication Seminar in Trinidad & Tobago from 14 to 18 July 2014.

– Continued assistance to Guyana with the Second phase of the Roadmap for the Transition from Analogue to Digital Terrestrial Television

– ITU provided support to CONATEL, Haiti to meet the Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad to assist them with the design of a DTTV network, in February 2014;

– ITU in close coordination with UNESCO delivered the event: “Building inclusive knowledge societies through ICT: brainstorming session on priorities ICT initiatives for Latin American countries”, held in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 13 March 2014.

– As the Facilitator of WSIS Action Line C2, Information and Communication Infrastructure:

i. Preparations towards the WSIS+10 High-Level Event was done. 3 physical meetings were held since April, finalizing the draft WSIS+10 Statement and Vision Documents, which were endorsed at the WSIS+10 High Level Event in June. ii. WSIS Action Line C2 held its annual meeting focusing on “Broadband: ICT infrastructure for

the next 10 years (ITU)” in the framework of the above mentioned WSIS+10 High Level Event.

– WSIS Action Lines C3, Access to information and C9, Media: Presentations were delivered during the WSIS meeting in June on the ITU activities on the subjects.


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

– ITU Regional Workshop for CIS: «Shift of the Modern Infocommunication Paradigm in the Post-NGN Networks: New Technical, Economical, Legal, and Political Aspects» was held by ITU in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, from 23 to 25 June 2014, in cooperation with LO ZNIIS, with participation of over 50 representatives of 7 countries, which increased awareness of the participants of the latest trends in the post- NGN network development.

– Under the ITU- KCC/MSIP (Republic of Korea) Project of Master Plan for Wireless Broadband and Broadband Policies / Plans and Applications, 17 countries in the Asia-Pacific region received technical assistance in developing their Wireless Broadband Master Plan and National Broadband Policies during 2012-2014. During January-August 2014, National Broadband Policy for Brunei Darussalam was released by the Minister on WTISD day on the 17th May 2014, and Philippines, Marshall Island received technical assistance.

– ITU Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar on “IMT towards 2020 and beyond – Technology & Spectrum” was organized by ITU on 11 February 2014 and was hosted by MIC-Vietnam at Ho Chi Minh City. The Seminar was attended by around 156 participants representing 16 ITU Member states from Asia-Pacific Region, 8 ITU Member states from outside Asia-Pacific Region and several worldwide ITU recognized operating agencies and Scientific or Industrial organizations. Americas Regional Office in coordination with AHCIET, GSMA, CAF and ASEP toward to delivery the Regional Forum on IMT Systems to be carried out in Panama on August 2014.

– ITU and the NBTC (National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission) of Thailand entered into an agreement in 2013 to jointly implement a project on the study on spectrum licensing of the 1800MHz band and related spectrum under the concession. This project aims at assisting the NBTC in its preparation for the spectrum auction of the 1800 MHz and/or the 900 MHz bands. Within the framework of broadcasting frequency project with NBTC frequency plans for digital terrestrial broadcasting on existing and new sites were prepared. For the NBTC satellite project a report on satellite regulation and a Symposium is under preparation.

– Assistance to Somalia was provided to support and train to use the Test Mobile Systems equipment that ITU provided to Somalia last year to enable the Ministry of Telecommunications to monitor their spectrum and identify the free and occupied frequency bands and enable them to grant new licenses to operators and generating revenues.

– Assistance is being provided to Argentina in the framework of the new Spectrum Management System that Argentina is acquiring.

– Technical assistance was provided to Lebanon for the “Lebanese Digital Terrestrial Tv (DTT) migration Project”. The aims of this assistance was to validate and refine the existing technical plans provided by TRA (Telecommunication Regulatory Authority), to increase the coverage percentage, to help in the preparation of the technical specifications and documents that will be included in the RFP, to help in the technical evaluation of the pilot network performance and testing and to help in the design of the final DTV network plan. Ongoing technical support to 8 countries in the Americas region for transition from Analogue to Digital Broadcasting in the framework of a technical cooperation agreement signed with CAF - Corporación Andina de Fomento (Latin America Development Bank). in Campinas, Brazil, to deliver a Training Programme on “Conformity & Interoperability Training for AMS Region on Homologation Procedures and Type Approval testing for Mobile Terminals” to be delivered to Americas Countries from 12-16 May 2014.

– Arab Regional Office (ARO) is coordination with Mauritania and Palestine to define the terms of references based on their needs to provide a technical assistance with regard to the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting.


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

– ITU Arab Regional Office ARO had participated in the conference on Libyan Digital Strategy held in 4-6 March in Tripoli and organized by the European Broadcasting Union. ITU Arab Regional Office (ARO) conducted Workshop from 4-5 March for the Arab regulators in partnership with the regulatory authority in Morocco on the issue of Broadband. On the same occasion, and from 5-6 March, a workshop on NGNs (Next Generation Networks) was conducted with the presence of all stake holders from the region.

– ITU Arab Regional Office (ARO) in cooperation with the League of Arab States represented by the Arab Spectrum Management Group (ASMG) and the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) co-organized with the BR the ITU Regional Forum on Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting Services and First Arab Coordination Meeting of the GE06 Frequency Plan for the Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting in the Arab Region, 17-20 May 2014 in Dubai. 135 participants from 18 Arab countries in addition to many regional and International organizations shared their experiences and improved their knowledge in the field of spectrum management and digital broadcasting.

– The Arab regional Office (ARO) facilitated the launch of the GE06 frequency coordination process for the Arab region by collaborating with BR in organizing the First Arab Coordination Meeting 19-20 May 2014 in Dubai and by providing fellowships to encourage the participation of the LDCs in the region. The second meeting will be held in September 2014 in Tunisia.

– Conducted a study to assist Yemen issuing a new license for broadband access.

– ITU Area Office for CIS in cooperation with Moscow Technical University of Communications (MTUCI) held Regional Workshop for CIS on LTE Mobile Communication Networks: Technologies and Practice in Moscow, Russian Federation, on 3-5 March 2014. 55 participants from 8 CIS countries improved their knowledge in the field of LTE Mobile Communication Networks.

– Training on SMS4DC provided to CONATEL, Venezuela to improve the management of the ITU software SMS4DC and its diffusion in the region. Ongoing coordination to deliver in September 2014 a SMS4DC workshop in British Virgin Island.

– Training on SMS4DC was also provided to Guinea in April back to back with a training session on spectrum management.

– Interactive terrestrial transmission map in Americas Countries: collection of data for Building the Interactive Transmission Maps was completed from 47 stakeholders from Latin America and the Caribbean and 40 others are ongoing.

– Ongoing coordination with CPqD (Accreditation of Tests Labs & Certification of Telecom. Products) in Campinas, Brazil, to deliver a Training Programme on “Conformity & Interoperability Training for AMS Region on Homologation Procedures and Type Approval testing for Mobile Terminals” delivered to Americas Countries from 12-16 May 2014.

– In the framework of Centre of Excellence, was delivered a face-to-face training on “Spectrum Management: Using New Generation Tools”, upon the request of the Bolivian Administration (ATT), from 21 to 25 April 2014.

– 4th Generation Network Technologies on line course was delivered from 14 April to 16 May 2014.

– Basic LTE online course was delivered from 2 -27 June 2014.

– Additionally, coordination with INICTEL-UNI Peru started for the delivery of an online training course on 4th Generation Network from 15 September to 10 October 2014.


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

– ITU assistance to Barbados on an Assessment of Spectrum Management policies and procedures combined with the delivery of a one day training workshop for TO’s technical staff on the subject of spectrum engineering methods and practices, including radio propagation modeling.

– Ongoing activities in the framework of technical cooperation project:

i. Technical cooperation project for supporting transition from Analog to Digital Broadcasting in the Americas Region signed with CAF – Corporación Andina de Fomento, Latin America Development Bank, in January 2014 and its implementation is ongoing.ii. Brazilian Regulatory Body ANATEL, Brazil:

1. This project foresees the institutional strengthening of ANATEL (National Telecom- munications Agency) by providing technical and methodological support for the development of the fundamental regulatory aspects of the Brazilian Telecommunications.

2. In the framework of this Project, ITU is supporting Anatel in the implementation of its Electronic Information System (SEI), involving the recruitment of experts and procurement of goods and services. An expert was recruited and ITU and Anatel have finalized the Terms of Reference for at least 3 international bids and a similar number of direct purchases from software providers. Official request from Anatel to launch the bids is expected soon.

iii. Honduras “Illegal Telecomm Traffic Assessment

1. This Project aims to monitor the behavior of the network traffic to contribute to the income assurance, detection of failures and eventually achieve an increase in inbound international telephone traffic to HONDUTEL’s network, through the detection and elimination of illegal routes of irregular traffic. It includes the acquisition of hardware, software and tools, and the contract of services that will be used to perform traffic control, including the detection of routes and telephone lines used to enter international traffic illegally into HONDUTEL’s network, better known as bypass. The project has been successful and it will be closed before the end of 2014.

iv. Colombia, “Institutional Support to MINTIC Colombia in the field of Spectrum Management Solution”.

1. The Project’s overall objective is to support MINTIC-Colombia (now Ministry of ICT) in the implementation of a turn-key software solution on Spectrum Management, including documentation and training. ITU is working with MINTIC-Colombia to sign a new technical cooperation project on Spectrum Management.

– TU Regional Office for Africa continued providing support to the frequency coordination efforts between South Sudan and Sudan as agreed in the coordination meeting between the two countries hosted by Regional Office for Africa in November 2013. All agreed has been practically implemented except RR AP26 (civil aviation frequencies) which is expected to be resolved soon with the acceptance of the solution proposed by the BR.

– Assistance for Spectrum Monitoring system was delivered to Swaziland end May 2014.

– Spectrum management training organized in Guinea (Conakry) in March followed by a workshop for western Africa French speaking countries on the use of SMS4DC. It contributed to the elaboration of an updated frequency allocation table.

– Similarly, BDT sponsored a C&I training course on homologation procedures and type approval for Africa was held in Tunisia from 23 to 27 June. The workshop was attended by 21 participants representing 17 countries.


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

– ITU/McCaw foundation broadband wireless network project fully implemented in Burundi, in Djibouti and in final stages following the shipment and infrastructure deployment in July 2014 in the Kingdom of Lesotho. The Broadband Wireless Network is being implemented in Burkina Faso. Procurement process for Broadband Wireless Network in Mali is ongoing.

– The Third African digital Migration Summit was organized by ATU in Nairobi 27-29 May in collaboration with ITU (BR & BDT). This important meeting gathered ministers of several countries and the BR director presented the efforts made by ITU for all the African countries to migrate on time. The Ministerial session endorsed important decisions among which:

2. The summit encouraged all administrations to make their maximum effort to implement the DSO as soon as possible, in respect with the recommendation 1.3. The Summit re-affirmed its recommendations to African Administrations for the adoption of DVB-T2 with MPEG-4 compression, and the adoption of the dual HDTV/SD format for the set-top boxes.The Summit noted that the majority of African countries are committed to implementing the recommended DVB-T2/MPEG-4 standard for DTT.

• BDT in coordination with ITU-T, is organizing the 4th Forum “EMF - What does it really mean?” with the collaboration of the Government of Dominican Republic. The Forum is planned to be held on 4 September 2014 and will contribute to the implementation of the recommendation ITU-T K83.• Preparation of the First Regional Connectivity Forum for the Americas held in Asuncion – Paraguay on 4 August 2014 with the collaboration of Paraguayan Government. The main objective of this forum is to review all the activities related to Interconnection of National Networks of the region to evaluate future regional activities.• ITU collaborated with and assisted Suriname with consultancy on their Electronic Communications Act. This is an ongoing assistance carried out through the Telecommunications Authority of Suriname (TAS).• Ongoing coordination for ITU assistance provide to the Caribbean countries (Dominica, Grenada and Saint Lucia) to support them to establish self-sustainable community centers. Dominica and Saint Lucia are expected to be finished in August 2014 and Grenada in October 2014. In addition, the rationale for such Community Telecentres is that these shared sites would provide and increase public access to the Internet and to services available over the Internet. This also forms part of the Beneficiary States’ policy in relation to Universal Access, to increasing Broad Band Connectivity and creating the platform for access to content, facilitating and promoting E-government, the creation of local content, stimulating and to improving community life. In the case of Grenada, it will provide for greater Government connectivity among Cabinet Members and ease in interacting, accessing, transferring or storing and managing documentation.• Assistance provided to Argentina on May 2014 on radio electric Spectrum Management Solution• ITU is giving assistance to seven countries (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Dominican Republic) in preparing Guidelines for a Sustainable Broadband Infrastructure in Rural Areas. This assistance is expected to be concluded by October 2014.


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

Objective 3

“To foster the development of strategies to enhance the deployment, security and safe and affordable use of ICT applications and services to-wards mainstreaming telecommunications/ICTs in the broader economy and society”

This objective has the following priority areas: ICT applications and services, Cybersecurity, and Critical Internet resources.

The results achieved during the first and second quarter of 2014 (January – June) are as follows:

– The ITU Asia-Pacific Centres of Excellences Online Training on “Wireless Security Practices for Policy makers and Regulators “ was held from 31st March to 25th April, 2014. It was co-organized with IMPACT with support from Globeron.

– ITU assisted the Ministry of IT, Government of Pakistan in reviewing and advising on the Cyber-crime Bill. A review report with recommendations was submitted to the Ministry of IT in January 2014.

– Enhanced country capacity to perform national e-sectoral strategy development through the development of Training of Trainers (ToT) materials to train experts in supporting national eHealth strategy development using the ITU eHealth strategy guide. A ToT workshop will be planned soon to prepare a first group of experts ready to work with countries to develop their strategies.

– Enhanced knowledge sharing about ICT for Development through the publication of a report, based on a 64-country survey, on “eHealth and innovation in women’s and children’s health: A baseline review” was co-published by ITU and WHO. The report demonstrates the vital role that information and communication technologies (ICTs) and particularly eHealth are playing today in helping achieve those targets. It demonstrates how, every day, eHealth is saving the lives of women, their babies and infants in the some of the most vulnerable populations around the world, in a wide variety of innovative ways.

– Improved country capacities to leverage mobile for development in Senegal where, in the context of the ITU-WHO mHealth for non-communicable diseases programme, an mDiabetes programme is being launched with the Ministry of health in collaboration with Ministry of ICT and private sector companies such as Alcatel Lucent. An SMS awareness campaign was launched during the month of Ramadan to help diabetic patients in Senegal to safely manage their illness and reduce the number of emergency hospitalizations that normally peak during the fasting month. Another awareness and patient education campaigns will be launched at the World Diabetes Day in November 2014.

– UK government officially joined the Be Healthy, Be Mobile ITU-WHO as a key partner and pilot country and announced this collaboration during the Commonwealth Games that took place in Glasgow. UK Public Health England will focus on up-scaling particular mHealth interventions around Wellness (physical activities) and hypertension and share its best practices with other countries. Norway Ministry of Health and Care Services has also joined the mHealth initiative to upscale interventions around Ambient Assisted Living and supporting home-based care for elders. Norway will also share their experiences and best practices with other interested countries.


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

– A meeting was organized at the ADB premises in the Philippines with the undersecretary of the DoH/Philippines and several representatives from DoH, DOST-ICTO, ADB, WHO and ITU with the objective to present the mHealth for NCD programme and discuss concrete opportunities for the Philippines. The Undersecretary confirmed DoH interest to pilot mHealth for NCD in the country. DoH has sent an official expression of interest letter to seek technical support to launch, as a start, a large scale smoking cessation program in the Philippines. Support of DOST-ICTO was also manifested through their participation at the national eHealth steering committee of the Philippines. Project proposal and document for a mHealth for non-communicable diseases for the Philippines in currently under development.

– A New Partnership agreement was signed with Novartis, a leading Pharmaceutical company to provide both financial and in-kind contributions to support activities on using mobile for health in targeted countries. In the same line and to mobilize additional resources, a mission was organized to the European commission to submit and discuss a proposal related to establishing a “Knowledge and Innovation mHealth Hub” to support country projects and efforts to leverage mobile for health.

– Enhanced knowledge sharing about ICT for Development through the organization of several events such as:

1. A facilitation meeting was held during the WSIS High-level meeting on Action Line C7 eHealth in Geneva on 12 June to discuss achievements of eHealth following 10 years of WSIS and future priorities. • A three-day Global mWellness Workshop was co-organized with University of Southern

California, Los Angeles, California on February 5-7, 2014 to bring together universities, governments, private sector and philanthropic foundations to profile successful mHealth interventions and assessing the current evidence base and perspectives on mobile technology as a tool to promote wellness.

• An expert panel was co-organized with Bupa (International healthcare company) in London on 31 January 2014 to discuss the transformative role of mHealth. There was a consensus that there is an immense possibility and challenge in tackling non-communicable diseases (NCDs) via innovative wellbeing and health interventions, mainly through mobile devices.

• A side event on eHealth was organized during the WTDC-14 in Dubai to share experiences from leading technology partners who have a long standing experience in developing and deploying scalable, open, secured and integrated eHealth platforms.

• Regional Workshop for CIS “Recommendations on Transition from IPV4 to IPv6 in CIS Region was held in Tashkent, Republic of Tajikistan, from 16 to 18 April 2014 with participation of 55 participants from 8 countries.

– Finalized the establishment of a National Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) for Tanzania -

– Initiated the implementation for the establishment of a National Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) for Lebanon.

– CIRT readiness assessment for 5 countries conducted (Ethiopia, Liberia, Congo, Swaziland & Zimbabwe) 10-14th March 2014 -


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– CIRT readiness assessment for Cyprus conducted 10-12 March 2014.

– INTERPOL-ITU-IMPACT Cybercrime Investigation Seminar, from 19-21 February 2014 at the premises of IMPACT, Cyberjaya, Malaysia -

– ITU assisted the Ministry of IT, Government of Pakistan in reviewing and advising on the Cyber-crime Bill. A review report with recommendations was submitted to the Ministry of IT in January 2014.

– ITU/UNESCO Events on Smart Sustainable Cities, March 11-14, Montevideo Uruguay. Cooperating with ITU-T.

– Ongoing coordination (ITU-IMPACT) to deliver a Cyber Drill training in Peru, “Cyberdrill for Applied Learning for Emergency Response Team (ALERT)” which will be held from 8 to 10 September 2014 in Lima, at the kind invitation of INICTEL UNI and with the support of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Peru.

– Ongoing coordination (ITU-IMPACT) to support Bolivia with a national CIRT Assessment to be held in September, 2014

– In the framework of technical cooperation projects ITU has assisted:

i. Argentina with the implementation of project “Digital inclusion strategy of ICT”. This project was closed and a new Project was signed to support the Government of the Republic of Argentina to generate human abilities to promote the participation of the academic and universities, and research institutions associated in the work of the three sector of the ITU. The first activity of this project will be conducted in closed coordination with ITU in September 2014.ii. Jamaica with project “Establishment of national CIRT (Computer Incident Response Team)”.iii. With Trinidad and Tobago for the establishment of a national CIRT to serve as a trusted, central coordination point of contact for cybersecurity, aimed at identifying, defending, responding and managing cyber threats. Project signed on April 2014.iv. Signed MOU with Government of Barbados for the establishment of National CIRT to commence in September 2014.v. There is ongoing discussion on the establishment of a CIRT for Suriname and to also address Cybercrime and Cyber Security issues.

– Ongoing coordination with Trinidad and Tobago to sign an ITU Project to assist the Government to establish its national CIRT (Computer Incident Response Team) to serve as a trusted, central coordination point of contact for cybersecurity, aimed at identifying, defending, responding and managing cyber threats. Project document signed in April 2014.

– “Child online Protection (COP) Strategy Framework for Zambia” workshop held in Livingstone from 26-28th March 2014 to assist stakeholders to plan and deploy a practical Child Online Protection Program strategy framework.

– Finalized CI- CIRT implementation for Cote d’Ivoire, 6-17th January 2014.

– International Cyber Shield Exercise 2014, 15 – 16 May 2014, Istanbul, Turkey

– Regional Cybersecurity Summit 2014, 20-22 April 2014, Oman


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– Enhancing Cybersecurity for LDCs, Guinea, 24-28 March 2014

– Conference on Safety & Security in Cyber Space: building up Trust in the EU, Athens, Greece, 6-7 March 2014

– Successfully completed a competition on Arab Digital Content as three winners were awarded prizes in a Ceremony that took place during WTDC in Dubai 2014.

– A report on Arab Digital Content was published in three languages (Arabic, English, and French) and was launched in a joint workshop with UNESCWA that took place on the 12th of June during WSIS +10.

– Enhanced knowledge sharing about building trust in the use of ICT through the organization of several events such as:

• A three-day Regional Cybersecurity Summit was organized under the umbrella of the Regional Cybersecurity Innovation Centre for the Arab region (RCC), Muscat, Oman on March 20-22, 2014. The Summit focused on the Critical National Information Infrastructure protection and aimed at connecting public, private and academic sectors with the main purpose of providing an appropriate platform for up to 200 senior ICT and cyber security officials from the MENA region to discuss, formulate strategic directions and plans to tackle emerging threats to the global and regional CNI.

• Two capacity building workshops held in parallel to the Summit in cooperation with RCC and IMPACT:(i) Malware Analysis Workshop: aimed to provide a basic understanding of malware analysis and handling as well as to lay a path for the participants to explore opportunities in the field of reverse engineering and build an in depth understanding of modern attack methodologies like APT, ROP based attacks etc. The workshop also provided a brief overview on current practices and methodologies used by malicious software to attain persistence and hide itself.(ii) Incident Handling and Response Workshop: The workshop was designed to provide insight into the work that an incident handler may perform. It provided an overview of the incident-handling arena, including CIRT services, intruder threats, and the nature of incident response activities. This workshop went through a variety of security incidents and how to recognize and respond to incident attacks, avoid common mistakes in incident response, communicate and coordinate incident response services both internally and externally.

– Regional Workshop for CIS “Recommendations on Transition from IPV4 to IPv6 in CIS Region” held by the ITU Area Office for CIS in cooperation with Communication Administration of Uzbekistan and with support of JSC Uzbektelecom with participation of 55 representatives from 8 CIS countries. Enhanced knowledge of participants in the IPv6 transition through provision of practical information and exchange of experience in the field.

– ITU Area Office for CIS fostered the development of ICT–related strategies of the Republic of Moldova through, the Strategy and Policy Advisor of Department (SPM) by representing the ITU at the Moldova ICT Summit 2014 and introducing the ITU and its role in the development of the Internet, in particular through delivering the information on NETmundial.

– Ongoing coordination to deliver a Cyber Drill training in Peru, “Cyberdrill for Applied Learning for Emergency Response Team (ALERT)” which will be held from 23 to 25 June 2014 in Lima, at the kind invitation of INICTEL UNI and with the support of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Peru.


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

– In the framework of technical cooperation projects ITU has assisted:Argentina with the implementation of project “Digital inclusion strategy of ICT” and Jamaica with project “Establishment of national CIRT”.Launched revamped common ITU cybersecurity website during WSIS 2014 see This was done in collaboration with TSB, BR and SG Office.

– Presented the Global cybersecurity index project in a side event during WTDC in April 2014.

– Africa region Global cybersecurity index preliminary results were elaborated and presented in a side lunch time event to representative of African countries during Council in May 2014.

– Cyberwellness Country profiles are being elaborated and are accessible on the ITU website as from August 2014.

– In line with MoUs with Trend Micro and Symantec, ITU was given access and distributed customized versions (some with SG’s foreword) of key reports (other documents include E-guides and Infographics) to members states (email and on website) namely

• 19 March 2014: Trend Micro Security Predictions for 2014 and Beyond • 7 April 2014: 2013 Trend Micro Annual Security Round up • 26 May 2014: Trend Micro First quarter security round up 2014 • 5 June 2014: 2014 Symantec Internet Security Threat Report• 30 June 2014: Half year report from Trend Micro• 21 August 2014: Trend Micro Second quarter security round up 2014

Objective 4

“To assist the membership in creating and maintaining an enabling policy and regulatory environment, including the establishment and implementation of sustainable national policies, strategies and plans, through sharing best practices and collecting and disseminating statistical information on telecommunication/ICT developments”

This objective has the following priority areas: National strategies, policies, plans, regulations and economic and financial mechanisms, and measuring the information society.

The results achieved during the first and second quarter of 2014 (January – June) are as follows:

– The 14th Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR14), organized by ITU’s telecommunication Development Bureau and hosted by the Government of Bahrain under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al-Khalifa, Prime Minister of Bahrain, was held in Manama, Bahrain, from 3 to 5 June 2014. Under the overarching theme of “Capitalizing on the potential of the digital world“ participants examined ways to ensure that the full array of benefits of the digital world is brought to all citizens of the world in an informed, responsive and safe manner. The first two days were dedicated to the Global Regulators-Industry Dialogue (GRID) with the private sector, while the third day was for regulators alone. More than 700 leading specialists from 113 countries worldwide registered to attend the event, which also attracted around 80 high-level participants, including government ministers, heads of regulatory agencies and industry chief executives.

– The third Private sector Chief Regulatory Officers (CRO) meeting was successfully held in Manama, Bahrain (2 June 2014), as part of the pre-event programme of the Global Symposium


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for Regulators (GSR). This meeting attracted more than 30 senior industry executives from the ITU-D Sector who discussed common issues and provided valuable inputs in particular for the next GSR’s agenda (e.g. impact of regulation on investment for infrastructure, impact of taxes on sector’s products and services and spectrum management).

– The MIIT ITU Seminar on “Broadband Development and Innovation using Internet” was successfully organized at Yinchuan, China on 30th June – 1 July 2014. The Seminar built awareness of senior level policy makers, others from China and 12 experts in this area. (Detailed program available at

– Competition Regulation for Telecom and Broadband Industry in Bhutan where ITU prepared Consultation Paper on Promoting Effective Competition in ICT markets in Bhutan, Draft Competition Regulation and Recommendations on use of USF

– Technical assistance to Nepal Telecommunications Authority on assessment of Nepal’s Telecommunications Market involving Techniques for measuring and evaluating the telecommunications market, Recommendation on the number of viable unified licenses, Model for calculating telecommunications sector contribution to GDP and impact on economy, Training material for capacity building workshop jointly organized with the Ministry of Information Communication, NTA and GSMA.

– The third Private sector Chief Regulatory Officers (CRO) meeting was successfully held in Manama, Bahrain (2 June 2014), as part of the pre-event programme of the Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR). This meeting attracted more than 30 senior industry executives from the ITU-D Sector who discussed common issues and provided valuable inputs in particular for the next GSR’s agenda (e.g. impact of regulation on investment for infrastructure, impact of taxes on sector’s products and services and spectrum management).

– Enhanced dialogue and knowledge exchange between national regulators, policy-makers and other telecommunication/ICT stakeholders by providing training, forums and seminars, such as the Regional Economic and Financial Forums of Telecommunications/ICTs organized in coordination with the meetings of the ITU-T Study Group 3 Regional Groups for Africa (SG3RG-AFR) (Republic of Congo, 18-21 February) and Latin America and the Caribbean (SG3RG-LAC) (Costa Rica, 11-14 March). These Forum counted with the participation of 73 delegates from 15 countries, including Ministries, National Regulatory Authorities, Operators, Industry, Regional Associations and invited experts. Participant’s satisfaction and feedback expressed in the final reports of the events, available on the website:

– A series of activities have been carried out in view of collecting and disseminating accurate regulatory, economic and financial information of the telecommunication/ICT sector through the ITU-D Regulatory and Tariff Policies surveys. The 20th annual Telecommunication Regulatory Survey was launched in June 2014. Data dissemination has been made more user-friendly, through the enhancement of the Public ICT Eye portal interface (

– Increased capacity, knowledge and skills of Membership in designing ICT policies, legislations and regulations through the wide dissemination of publications and development of guidelines such as Trends in Telecommunication Reform Special Edition Fourth-generation regulation: Driving digital communications ahead, available at; the ITU Report on Regulatory analysis of International Mobile Roaming Services, which offers practical advice on investigating international mobile roaming services prices and provides the context and information needed to choose the best approach for a bilateral or


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multilateral action. A new portal on International Mobile Roaming (IMR) Resources is now available at The objective of this website is to consolidate in one portal all the work done by ITU on this area, to list the activities that are being taken place by other regional and international organizations, as well as the initiatives at national, bilateral, regional and international level.

– The 2014 edition of the ITU Manual for Measuring ICT Access and Use by Households and individuals was released and disseminated to all member countries. The use of the Manual will result in increased capacity and skills of producers of ICT statistics to carry out data collections at the national level using internationally agreed methodologies and definitions.

– Enhanced capacity of countries from the Caribbean region on the collection of ICT data and statistics according to international standards was achieved through the organization of a regional workshop entitled “ITU Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Indicators”, which took place in Gros Islet, Saint Lucia, from 24 to 27 February 2014. The workshop covered key topics such as statistics on telecommunication infrastructure, revenue and investment, ICT prices, household ICT access and individual ICT use, measuring international ICT development targets (MDGs ‘’Millenium Development Goals’’, Broadband Commission and WSIS targets), ITU’s data collection mechanisms, and a roundtable discussion on the topic of national coordination of ICT statistics. A specific session was devoted to the presentation of the Measuring the Information Society report, and the explanation of the IDI and the ICT Price Basket. The Workshop strengthened the Caribbean countries’ capacity to produce national statistics and indicators on ICT to be submitted to the ITU for further fuller presence of the region in the Measuring Information Society yearly report. The Workshop was attended by 40 participants from 12 countries, representatives from ECTEL (Eastern Caribbean Telecommunication Authority), the Secretariat of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).

– Increased awareness of the international statistical community about ICT statistics through the presentation of the report of the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development at the 2014 Meeting of the United Nations Statistical Commission, which took place in New York City from 4-7 March 2014. Delegates expressed strong support for the international work on ICT statistics, and endorsed the revised core list of ICT indicators presented in the report. They also supported the recommendations proposed to improve the availability of ICT statistics. Many delegates emphasized the increasing importance of ICT statistics, the importance of tracking ICT developments, and the need to revise indicators that track a rapidly changing environment. The Partnership was congratulated for its work and highlighted as an excellent example for international cooperation.

– Enhanced capacity of ICT data producers in Albania through the organization of a national workshop held on 4-5 June 2014 in Tirana, Albania. Participants included those who are directly responsible for collecting and/or producing ICT statistics in the Ministry for Innovation and Public Administration/NAIS, the Electronic and Postal Communication Authority (AKEP), the Institute of Statistics of Albania (INSTAT) and the Albanian operators.

– Increased visibility of ITU statistics from the release of “The World in 2014: ICT Facts and Figures” in May 2014; the ITU/ World Bank publication “The Little Data Book on Information and Communication Technology 2014” in June 2014; and the June 2014 version of the World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators database.

– Enhanced information and knowledge of policy-makers and other stakeholders about progress made towards achievement of the targets identified by the World Summit on the Information Society by publishing the report “Final WSIS Targets Review: Achievements, Challenges and the


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Way Forward”, jointly prepared by ITU and the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development. The report was launched during the WSIS High-Level Event held in June 2014 in Geneva.

– Regional Forum for CIS and Europe on Shared Use of Infrastructure as a Tool to Promote Development of Broadband Networks, held in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, from 20 to 22 May 2014 with participation of 112 representatives of 11 countries from CIS and Europe increased awareness of the participants of the shared use of ICT infrastructure and elaborated recommendations for the CIS countries aimed at improvement of the legislative framework relating to effective implementation of the shared use of infrastructure.

– Direct country actions implemented in Lao PDR (Draft Implementing Rules and Regulations for the Telecommunication Law of Lao PDR, completed in Feb 2014), Cambodia and Timor Leste on Licensing Rules and Regulation ( March – June 2014 and the Philippines on the Review and Amendment/Revision of the Philippine Telecommunication Law (ongoing).

– The ITU and in collaboration with SUDATEL Telecom. Group-Sudan organized a workshop on Submarine Cables under the theme “ Access and Regulation” to build capacity of Arab Least Developing Countries with the knowledge of the importance of Submarine Cables, including the best practices to be used for regulation of submarine cables and its landing points. The workshop was attended by more than 60 participants representing 13 countries including all Arab LDCs.

– Started collaboration with Comoros to organize a capacity building workshop on data collection for ITU indicators for francophone countries in the region. This workshop is organized based on their request along with Djibouti.

– ITU in cooperation with Ministry of Communication in charge of Posts and Telecommunications of Djibouti, IRU Arab regional office organized a workshop on “Functional /Operational Separation: Road to the Regulation”. The workshop is to give an overview to ideas of functional, structural and accounting separation in telecoms sector also to examine the impact and consequences of functional, structural and accounting separation in telecoms sector for industry and consumers. Best regulatory, technical, economic impact and options were presented and the workshop and was attended by all Arab LDCs, Palestine, Egypt and Jordan.

– Negotiation has started with stakeholders in the region, to formulate a capacity building project for the Arab region on measuring and collecting data for the impact of ICT on other sectors such as Health and Education. The project is planned to be finalized before the end 2014 with the aim of starting implementation in 2015.

– Ongoing Assessment Study on economic regulation – guidelines for regulators to be delivered to countries Central American Countries in June 2014.

– ITU provides to American Countries a Study on the Regulatory legal framework and Research on the behavior of consumers of telecommunications services in Latin America. The Study and research were developed with the support of CITEL and aim at assisting ITU State Members in formulating adequate policies for the protection of consumers of telecom services.

– Assistance to Dominica in developing its National ICT policy in a coordinated, holistic and coherent approach that is centered on the development of a knowledge-based society that will enhance every citizen within the Commonwealth of Dominica to take full advantage of technological advancements. Workshop scheduled for September 2014.

– Dominica hosted the “ITU Caribbean Regional Training Workshop on Dispute Resolution and Competition Law in the Telecommunications Sector” in Roseau, 22-24 April 2014.

– ITU delivered an Expert-Level Training Workshop on Effective Price Regulation for Broadband for national regulatory authorities and policy makers. The workshop was held at the kind invitation


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

of the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sports, Information Technology, Telecommunications and Post in St Kitts and Nevis from 7 to 10 July 2014.

– In the framework of Centre of Excellence, an online course was delivered from 31 March to 16 May 2014 on Regulation in the Telecommunication Sector in coordination with Universidad Externado de Colombia (UEC), in the framework of ITU Academy. Due to demand a second edition of this on-line course was delivered from 9 May to 27 June.

– An online course of Telecommunication for non-technicians was delivered from 28 April to 30 May 2014.

– Marketing customer service on line course was delivered from 26 May to 4 July 2014.

– Project Risk Management online course was delivered from 9 June to 11 July.

– New project was signed with the Secretary of Communications (SECOM) of the Government of the Republic of Argentina on its initiative to generate human abilities with high level of expertise in information and communication technology (ICT) through promoting the participation of the academic sector, universities, and research institutions associated in the work of the three sectors of the ITU.

– In the framework of technical cooperation projects ITU has assisted the Administrations in the implementation of the following projects:

• Brazilian Regulatory Body ANATEL, Brazil: After a successful execution of a USD 10 million dollar Contract to develop Cost Modeling for Telecommunications Services for the Brazilian Regulatory Body, Anatel, ITU and Anatel have approved final deliveries to Consulting company ADVISIA. Final Acceptance Certificate has been issued by ITU and Anatel.

• Organization and Development of CONATEL’s Capacity as Regulatory Organ, Paraguay, activity is ongoing since January 2014 to provide to Paraguayan authorities have been provided an analysis of the Paraguayan telecom market and draft regulations on regulatory accounting and tariffs.

• International Best Practices on Supervision and Audit of the Telecommunication Services for the Audit and Supervision Management Department of OSIPTEL, Peru. The Project’s overall objective is to analyze and prepare a diagnostic of the current practices of OSIPTEL on audit and supervision and compare them with the international best practices to identify opportunities for improving Osiptel’s related Department towards a better management and to improve the quality of Telecommunication Services in the country. Work to be developed by a Multidisciplinary Group (MG) integrated by 5 (five) consultants recruited by ITU to work with OSIPTEL as from April 2014.

– In the framework of the Americas Centre of Excellence Project, two online training courses were delivered through ITU Academy from March to July 2014, on Regulation in the Telecommunication Sector. These courses were delivered in cooperation with Universidad Externado de Colombia (UEC). An online course on Project Management, Formulation and Evaluation was also delivered in the framework of the Centre of Excellence, from 3 March to 11 April 2014, in coordination with COMTELCA.

– ITU Support to Jamaica with ICT Consultant, to provide expert services on Privacy and Data Protection validation and to deliver a workshop during the period 14-16 May 2014.

– Perform a case study review of the electronic communications and broadcasting sector reform that led to the creation of the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) in The Bahamas. This case study examines the background and key drivers of the 2009 sector reforms that led to the creation of URCA, and reviews the scope of URCA’s mandate and powers in the areas of electronic communications, broadcasting and competition law enforcement. It


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also addresses the BTC privatization process, the upcoming liberalization of the mobile cellular market, and URCA’s role in promoting broadband availability and take-up in The Bahamas, as well as its role in the regulation of privacy and data protection.

– A draft National broadband framework for the Kingdom of Lesotho was completed in January 2014.

– Continued the assistance to the INACOM, Regulatory Authority in Angola in the implementation of its Strategic Plan 2013- 2015. Studies on market access, licensing regime and regulations for Postal Services were drafted.

– Provided assistance to the Government of South Sudan in its efforts to establish the National Communications Authority. On request from the Government, ITU exceptionally assisted the Government with the process of selecting the DG for the new regulatory authority

Objective 5

“To build human and institutional capacity in order to improve skills in the development and use of telecommunication/ICT networks and applications, and to foster digital inclusion for people with special needs, such as persons with disabilities, through awareness-raising, training activities, sharing information and know-how and the production and distribution of relevant publications”

This objective has the following priority areas: provision and delivery of high quality ICT information sharing, education and training, and assistance in the development of national strategies, policies, plans, practices and awareness-raising on the importance of digital inclusion for people with special needs.

The results achieved during the first and second quarter of 2014 (January – June) are as follows:

– Three training workshops and one online training organized under ITU Asia-Pacific Centres of Excellence built capacity in the areas of infrastructure deployment and security.

– Interconnection Cost Modeling Training for Telecommunications Regulatory Communication of Sri Lanka involving the operators in the practical hands on experience for developing and using cost models.

– The Centres of Excellence (CoEs) Strategic review and recommendations for the future as well as Processes and procedures document for the implementation of this strategy have been translated in all ITU official languages. At the same time, within the framework of the implementation of the Centres of Excellence project, a number of face-to-face and online CoEs training activities took place within the regions (see details below for each region).

– Application process for the new CoE network was launched on 20 June 2014 with a deadline of 29 August 2014.

– During the WTDC-2014 a Cooperation agreement for Building Skills on Telecommunication/ICT Technologies was signed between ITU and Intel.

– The ITU Academy Event on Fostering Innovation and Partnerships in Human Capacity Building: Enhanced Engagement of Academia in the International Telecommunication Union was successfully held in Prague, Czech Republic on 28-29 April 2014. This event strengthened cooperation between the ITU Academy, Academia and other stakeholders from the private and public sectors and opened the door for further collaboration.

– 15 modules (Basic and Advanced levels) of Spectrum Management Training Programme have been prepared. Editorial work is ongoing in order to ensure alignment with ITU conventions.


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The framework for the second ITU Academy training programme on Quality of Service has been prepared by a subject-matter expert in collaboration with TSB. The development of the Quality of Service Training Programme will commence in the fourth quarter of 2014.

– The publication on Mobiles for Lifelong Learning and Skills Development has been prepared and is currently going through the editorial review. Each thematic chapter of the publication addresses skills development, lifelong learning and community learning with mobiles from a specific perspective, each with policy option challenges built in.

– The Guidelines for Quality Assurance Assessment of the ITU Academy programmes is being developed in order to harmonize all ITU Academy training products and ensure their quality.

– The ITU Academy platform upgrade also started during this period, in three main directions: upgrading of the core business applications, upgrade of the templates and implementation of the new functionalities. This upgrade should be completed by December 2014.

– Preparation for the biannual Global ICT Forum on Human Capacity Development also started. A host is being sought in the Americas region, and to date two countries have expressed an interest to host. The topic for the Forum approved is “Opportunities for Capacity Building in an era of Mobile Technologies.”

– The WSIS +10 High Level Event Action Line C4 on Capacity Building was successfully held. The topic of the session, “Digital competences towards an inclusive Information Society”, was debated by six panelists from the local, national and global perspectives. Workshop on transition to Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting within the framework of the European Regional Initiative was held in Budapest, 29-31 January 2014. Presentations on the transition status of the countries and on the planned utilization of the digital dividend empowered 87 participants from 15 countries.

– ITU Centres of Excellence for Europe Online Training on “NGN, Future Networks and Cloud Computing” was held from 27 May to 23 June 2014 on the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia enhanced capacity of 130 students.

– Over one million women at the bottom of the development pyramid in 79 countries around the world are now benefiting from newly-acquired information and communication technology (ICT) skills thanks to a partnership between ITU, the UN specialized agency for ICTs, and Philippines-based NGO Foundation. The Women’s Digital Literacy Campaign, launched in 2011 with a target of training one million women around the world, leveraged the combined reach of Foundation’s global network of 100,000 telecentres worldwide and ITU’s 193 Member States and 700 private sector members. The campaign reached its goal in early March 2014 with a total of 1,014,096 women trained in basic computer skills, through the efforts of 153 participating organizations and 20,000 telecentres around the world.

– The 2014 International Girls in ICT Day campaign was launched in the first quarter of 2014, with outreach and awareness raising activities, including through the ITU Girls in ICT Portal, ITU Girls in ICT Facebook events page, Twitter, letters to ITU Members and presentations in high level events, including the “Woman Is . . .” conference organized in Rome by Italian broadcaster RAI (where the Girls in ICT Day slide advertising the 24 April 2014 date was tweeted and retweeted with an estimated reach of 25,600 views) and Commission on the Status of Women side events in New York City.

– Since International Girls in ICT Day was first celebrated in 2011, almost 3,500 events in 140 countries have taken place, empowering over 100,000 girls and young women globally. In 2014, Girls in ICT Day events were held in 121 countries this year, with nearly 42,000 girls participating. This includes events held in 24 countries in the AFR region, 25 countries in the


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AMS region, fifteen countries in the ARB States, 24 in the ASP region, six in the CIS and 27 in EUR. The Netherlands attracting the most participants, with 8,400 followed by Senegal with 8,000, in an event organized by the Ministry of Communications, Telecommunications and ICT and Germany with 6,000 participating girls. Many events focused on hands-on activities, designing mobile apps, using 3D printers and robots, sending the clear message that women and girls are ICT creators.

– The Girls in ICT Portal includes 385 programmes, including almost 80 active scholarship opportunities, to support young women and girls in ICT careers and studies. The Portal posts videos, pictures and other information about the 2014, 2013 and 2012 Girls in ICT Day events organized by stakeholders around the world.

– Seminar dedicated to International Girls in ICT Day was held by the ITU Area Office for CIS on 24 April 2014 with on-site and remote participation of 98 female staff of Communication Administrations and Sector Members of the countries of the region.

– ITU identifies the role of digital solutions in national strategies to overcome youth unemployment in an ITU report released on 31 March 2014, entitled Digital Opportunities: Innovative ICT Solutions for Youth Employment. These solutions include ensuring that youth around the world obtain digital literacy skills to qualify for the growing number of jobs that demand ICT skills, and that governments promote youth entrepreneurs by supporting innovation hubs, mobile app competitions, co-working spaces for digital entrepreneurs, online mentoring networks and a host of other innovative ICT-enabled resources. The report aims at raising awareness about new trends, entrepreneurship strategies as well as sharing resources to address the needs of youth and supporting governments in implementing youth employment.

– ITU has collected a range of ICT-enabled resources in a database available for young job seekers and entrepreneurs, including links to training opportunities, crowd funding for start-up capital, mentoring networks and job-matching services. See

– Over 80 digital inclusion best practices were shared with ITU Members on the Digital Inclusion news log at

– BDT raised visibility for the key role of ICT accessibility policies, legislation and regulations with a wide range of stakeholders including during a side event to the Human Rights Council in March 2014 in Geneva; the Third Annual Conference on ICTs for Persons with Disabilities, organized in April by the Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology in Cairo; an informal working group meeting on accessibility issues organized by the US regulator, the Federal Communications Commission, during GSR14 June 2014 and at the M-Enabling Summit held in Washington, DC in June.

– BDT raised visibility on the importance of providing youth with digital and web literacy skills to combat youth unemployment as well as using innovative learning methods such as hackathons, mobile app competitions and shared working spaces during the UNICEF Activate Talks organized as part of the Digitally Connected Symposium at the Berkman Center at Harvard in April.

– Within the framework of the implementation of the Centres of Excellence project in the Asia-Pacific region the following workshops and online courses were conducted:

• Training on Digital Broadcasting Technologies and Implementation, held from 5-7 Feb 2014, enhanced the capacity of 78 participants including speakers in the area of digital broadcasting technologies. The training workshop was organized by the ITU and the TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) in partnership with ABU (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union), AIBD (Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development), MIC (Ministry of Internal


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

Affairs and Communications) Japan, MSIP (Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning) Republic of Korea and FICCI (Telecom Committee, India).

• Online Training on “Broadband policy for universal access” for the Asia-Pacific Region was successfully held from 27 January to 23 February 2014. This course was designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to policy and regulatory options for promoting universal access to broadband. The training enhanced the skills of 51 participants in the area of broadband policies for universal access.

• Online Training on “Wireless Security Practices for Policy makers and Regulators” was held from 31st March to 25th April 2014 to build the capacity of participants in the area of wireless security.

• Advanced Level Training on “Smart Technologies and Services in the LTE-Advance Era”, was held on 13 - 16 May 2014 in Busan, Republic of Korea.

• Training on “IPv6 Infrastructure Security for Telecom Networks”, was held on 30 June - 4 July 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand. This training addressed IPv6 infrastructure security issues in telecom networks.

– ITU Centres of Excellence for the Arab region training on “Deployment of Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS)” was held in Tunis – Tunisia on 9-11 June 2014. This training was organized jointly with the Centre of information, training, documentation and the studies (CIFODECOM).

– Started collaboration with Egypt for the engagement of an expert for the development of a National Policy on e- Accessibility. The work should be finished by the second half of 2014, in order to establish a regional centre for e-accessibility.

– Regional Seminar for CIS “Policy and Strategic Issues related to Human Use of ICTs” held by the ITU Area Office for CIS in cooperation with Odessa National Academy of Telecommunication (ONAT) n.a. A. Popov in Odessa, Ukraine, 19-21 March 2014, raised awareness of the 80 on-site and remote participants (including persons involved in the education process) representing 7 CIS and 3 non-CIS countries of ICT-related health issues and of secure use of the technologies, as well as of the opportunities provided by ICT for education, including trainings for persons with disabilities.

– ITU Area Office for CIS in cooperation with Moscow State Technical University (MTUCI) organized a videoconference seminar dedicated to Girls in ICT Day on 24 April 2014, which promoted ICT as a very attractive industry for female students for potential professional career. The 98 on-site and remote participants of the seminars from 5 CIS countries used the opportunity of speaking and asking career-related questions from the women who had made a career in ICT.

– Ongoing coordination with UNESCO Brazil and Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidencia da República (SDH) for the organization of a regional seminar entitled: “Accessible Americas: Information and Communication for ALL”. The event will take place in November 2014. Target audience of the event is policy makers (regulators), civil society (end-users) and developers (content, apps and devices). Representatives of these three segments will address challenges and opportunities related to the accessibility of mobile phones and services, television and websites, public access and public procurement as well as innovation in ICT accessibility. The main objective is by the end of the event to have a proposal of a Regional Action Plan, establishing goals to be achieved in the short (by the Paralympics 2016), medium and long term. Partners have the support of the Brazilian regulatory body Anatel.

– In the framework of Americas Centre of Excellence Project, three (3) face-to-face training courses were delivered; one course in Spectrum Management was organized in Bolivia and two courses


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

on Diameter Protocol in Costa Rica. Nine (10) online courses were delivered through ITU Academy platform to America’s countries.

– A three-Module on-line training Programme is being delivered on Project Management to benefit Indigenous People of the Americas. Module 1, already implemented, focused on Project Planning and Formulation to develop the necessary skills and knowledge for the formulation, planning and development of projects. Module launched in July and focuses on Project management and implementation. The training programme is delivered through ITU e-learning platform and counted with the collaboration of the Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas de Latino America y el Caribe (Fondo Indígena) for content development.

– As part of the C&I ITU programme, Pillars 3 and 4, ITU organized and delivered a training course on Conformance and Interoperability (C&I) testing, held in CPqD lab facilities from 12 to 16 May 2014. The course programme focused on homologation procedures and type approval testing for mobile terminals, covering theoretical and practical aspects, including laboratory experience.

– In the framework of technical cooperation projects ITU has assisted: Costa Rica for Knowledge Development in Technologies for ICE Specialists. The project’s main objective is to improve the knowledge and skills of ICE human capital involved in the development of systems (platforms, infrastructure, and equipment). The project has already achieved 75% of implementation and negotiations are currently ongoing to increase scope and extend implementation.

– ITU and Argentina have recently signed a Project Document on an important initiative proposed by the Argentinean Communications Secretariat (SECOM) to generate human abilities with high level of expertise in information and communication technology (ICT) through promoting the participation of the academic sector, universities, and research institutions associated in the work of the three Sectors of the ITU.

– Delivery of the first of a three-Module on-line training Programme through the use of ICTs on Project Management to benefit Indigenous People of the Americas. Module 1 focused on Planning and Formulation to develop the necessary skills and knowledge for the formulation, planning and development of projects. The course was delivered from 28 April to 20 June 2014, with 120 registered participants and had an approval rate of 81% (95). ITU collaborated with the Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas de Latino America y el Caribe (Fondo Indígena) for content development.

– Delivery of the second of a three-Module on-line training Programme through the use of ICTs on Project Management to benefit Indigenous People of the Americas. Module 2 focuses on the management and implementation of projects focused on peoples indigenous: to analysis models and tools to promote proper management and implementation of development projects, the models for the determination of indicators and means of verification proposed by the logical framework methodology. Delivery started on June 23 and will finalize on August 8, 2014. The results will be reported on the 3rd Quarterly Report.

– In the framework of technical cooperation Project ITU has assisted the Administration with the implementation of the following project:

• Desarrollo del conocimiento en tecnologías, para especialistas del ICE, (knowledge development in technologies for ICE experts), Costa Rica: The project’s objective is to improve the knowledge and skills of ICE human capital involved in the development of systems (platforms, infrastructure, equipment, etc.). The project has had a 75% of advance to date and it is under negotiation the inclusion of additional training courses

– In the framework of the implementation of the Centers of Excellence project for English and French speaking countries in Africa region the following workshops were conducted:


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

• “Revenus, assurance et gestion de la fraude dans les telecommunications” (revenue, insurance and fraud management in the telecommunications sector) workshop held from 24 to 28 February in ESMT school in Dakar, Senegal with 14 participants from RDC Congo, Djibouti, Burkina Faso, Comoros, Cape Verde, Ivory Coast and Senegal.

• “IPv6 Migration, Challenges and Applications held from 17 to 21 March 2014 in AFRALTI in Nairobi, Kenya sponsored by BOCRA, the regulator of Botswana.

• “Atelier de formation du staff management au Leadership, coaching et développement stratégique des ressources humaines”, (Worshop on staff management training on leadership, coaching and strategic development of human resources) held from 25 to 26 March, 2014, in ESMT school in Dakar, with 30 participants from the areas of communications, telecommunications, education and audiovisual in Senegal and regional and sub-regional institutions based in Senegal that rated a satisfaction level of 100 %.

• “Formation des formateurs sur l’enseignement à distance pour les pays d’Afrique“, (Training of trainers on e-learning for African countries) held in ESMT school in Dakar from 24 to 27 March ,2014, with 55 participants from Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Comoros, Guinea, Gabon, Niger, Togo and Senegal.

• Interconnection principles, organized by COSTECH former Kigali Institute of Science and Technologies (KIST) in Kigali, Rwanda from 11 to 13 June 2014 as part of the capacity building relationship established between the ITU and KIST Interconnection Principles. . The workshop was attended by 38 participants drawn from private IT companies, ICT officers from the government and lecturers from the University of Rwanda CST, and CEIT.

• Television Numerique Terrestre TNT -Elaboration du signal -Diffusion en SD et HD (Digital Terrestrial Television DTT o -Elaboration signal its distribution in SD and HD ) Lomé Togo from 07 to 11, April, 2014. A total of 15 executives from the following countries Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Niger, Togo, from operators and regulatory agencies in the ICT sector and audiovisual took part in this workshop. The satisfaction rate was 90%.

• Aspects Techniques et Services de la TNT (Services and Technical Aspects of the Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) ), ESMT DAKAR; Senegal, from 5 to 9 may, 2014 In total 41 participants plus three experts from the following countries Burkina Faso, Burundi, Niger, Mali, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, DR Congo, Chad and Senegal participated in this workshop. An impact that this workshop will be the development of technical equipment and operation of DTT broadcasting by the Offices and coordination between all stakeholders to ensure the success of TNT and a better future for African countries.

• ITU Regional Workshop on “Human Capital Development and Digital Economy in Sub-Saharan Africa Issues, Challenges and Prospects ,Niamey , Niger from 16 to 17 June, 2014 and round table on Development of National Plan for projects <>(NSCP) in Africa (Refer to Action 13649) , Niamey, Niger 19 June 20214: The workshop was attended by 102 participants from 33 countries and institutions: Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Cape Verde; Ivory Coast; Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea; Guinea Bissau ; Guinea Bissau; Guinea Equatorial; Kenya; Lesotho; Malawi; Mali; Mozambique; Niger; Nigeria; Rwanda; Senegal, Sierra Leone; Tanzania; Chad; Togo; Uganda; Zambia. Zimbabwe, ICT training centers ESMT and ESATIC A flexible tool breaking down key phases of policies, strategies, plans / programs / projects to the operation and sustainability of the achievements in the digital economy has been developed and made available to participants.

• Round table on exchange of experiences and prospects of the project “connect a School, Connect a Community” in Sub-Sahara Africa was conducted. This round table was preceded


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

by a projection on implementation cases of the project, initiated by ITU in some African countries. The concept of NCSCP was well understood by Africa countries.

– In the framework of the implementation of the Centres of Excellence project in the Americas region the following workshops and online courses were conducted:• Online course on “Comunicación Empresarial (Module 7)” from 10 February to 21 March

2014.• Online course on “Regulación en el Sector de las Telecomunicaciones (Modulo 8)” from 31

March to 9 May 2014.• Online course on “Tecnologías de Redes de Cuarta Generación” from 14 April to 16 May

2014.• Online course on “Telecomunicaciones para no Tecnicos” from 28 April to 30 May 2014.• Online course on “Gestión de Riesgos en Proyectos TIC” from 9 June to 4 July 2014.• Online course on “Curso Basico de LTE (Long Term Evolution)” from 2 to 27 June 2014.• Training on “Formulacion, Evaluacion y Administracion de Proyectos” from 3 March to 2

May 2014 in Honduras.• “Gestión del Espectro Radioeléctrico: utilizando herramientas de ultima generación” from

21 to 25 April in La Paz, Bolivia.• Regulación en el Sector de las Telecomunicaciones (2nd. Edición) from 19 May to 27 June• “Atención al Cliente y Marketing en el Sector de las Telecomunicaciones (Módulo 9) from

26 June to 4 July 2014. – Undertook the Connect a school connect a Community project in Niger, following completion of

the same in Lesotho, Sierra Leone, Gambia and Tanzania. The facilities of the three sites in Niger continued throughout the period and are scheduled to be fully completed by Aug. 28, 2014.

– The second phase of Connect a School project in Palestine was started by the identification of the various sites. Detailed specifications are being drafted for the call for proposals to implement this project.

– Within the framework of Connect a school connect a Community project in the Kyrgyz Republic, 2 Trainings for informatics teachers of rural settlements were organized in cooperation with Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication under the Kyrgyz State Technical University in April-May 2014. 111 informatics teachers improved their professional skills.

– Capacity building activities are ongoing in Lao PDR in the assessment, development of a national ICT statistics database.

Objective 6

“To provide concentrated and special assistance to least developed countries (LDCs) and countries in special need, and to assist ITU Member States in responding to climate change and integrating telecommunications/ICTs in disaster management“

This objective has the following priority areas: Assistance to LDCs and countries in special need, Universal access, Emergency Telecommunications, and Climate-change and adaptation.

The results achieved during the first and second quarter of 2014 (January – June) are as follows:

– Ongoing Project implementation of an Early Warning System in Uganda, has reached its final phase of implementation.


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

– Preparations for the Pre-event Connecting SIDS, High Level Dialog at WTDC-14. Preparations for Assistance to Albania in field of emergency communication and climate change – a draft questionnaire has been sent to the Member State.

– Disaster Response and Assistance for Tonga, 10 Satellite Phones have been sent; request for additional 3 months extension has been received and currently is in process recalling the equipment.

– Supported the regional team for the preparations for a workshop on emergency telecommunications held in Indonesia.

– Participation at FP7 EYE (Empowering Young Explorers) Project of EU held in Belgrade, Serbia 10-12 March 2014, which was organized by the government of Serbia and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (ETF) of University of Belgrade. Participation at the ITU Workshop on ICTs for Disaster Management jointly organized with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University. The event took place the 30th of April 2014.

– Participation at the Luxembourg International Satellite Conference 2014 held in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg from 6 to 8 May 2014, organized by the Ministry of State, Department of Media and Communications and the Luxembourg Regulatory Authority.

– Preparations for the WTDC-14 Conference, summary reports on the contributions submitted.

– Inter-Agency, Inter-Sectorial and other contributions:

• Ongoing participation and contribution to the work of Emergency Telecommunication Cluster and WGET meetings, last meeting was held in Luxemburg in April 2014.

• Ongoing participation and contribution to the work of HLCP - Senior Managers Group on Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience, for the UN preparations for the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) in 2015.

• Preparations for WSIS 2014, AL C7 eEnvironment and coordination activities for the workshops that were held during WSIS 14 by WMO, UNEP and ITU.

• Division represented ITU at a workshop in Belgrade, Serbia. – Direct country assistance on Submarine Cable Connectivity Framework for Timor Leste (Feb

2014, Report under editorial review).

– Direct assistance by providing training on International Computer Driving License (ICDL) Core modules will be provided for Somalia and concluded by 15th of August 2014.

– As part of the ITU Concentrated assistance to Yemen, assistance in transition to IPv6 based networks is ongoing and planned to be completed by end of August, 2014.

– In the framework of ITU Concentrated assistance to Yemen, a dedicated training on SMS4DC was provided in cooperation with NTC-Sudan, the trainings aimed to train 7 staffs of the MCIT of Yemen on the use of new ver. Of SMS4DC program.

– Ongoing coordination to assist the Governments of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Dominican Republic in National Emergency Telecommunications Plan (NETP) development. The final report will be delivered to countries on September 2014. It has a 50% of advance with the development of an ideal NEPT based on identified best practices and draft NEPTs delivered to 6 of the 7 countries. It is expected to have the final report by September 2014.

– A Caribbean Telecommunications Union’s Workshop on Emergency Telecommunications and Harmonized Caribbean Spectrum Planning and Management was carried out in Barbados from 19-21 February 2014 in close collaboration with ITU Radiocommunication Bureau.


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

– TU hosted a workshop (Georgetown, Guyana: 16th – 19th June, 2014) on “Climate change and proposed ICT solutions to bridge the digital gap in remote areas of Guyana” with the objective of Enhancing Emergency Communications and Disaster Relief mechanisms. It was conducted in partnership with the Government of Guyana through the Civil Defense Commission, the National Emergency Operations Center (NEOC) and National Frequency Management Unit.

– ITU assistance to Guyana providing coordination guidelines to bring information awareness to help persons in the remote parts of the country where Information Communication Technology infrastructure and systems are limited, as well as recommendations to improve inventory and tracking of relief supplies in a timely manner at all locations.

– A multi-stakeholder conference on the impact of ICTs for development took place in Port of Spain from 26-28 May 2013. The meeting is convened by the Commonwealth Secretariat in partnership with the Caribbean Telecommunications Union, Organization of American States, International Telecommunications Union and Microsoft.

– Ongoing coordination to assist Madagascar in the regulatory and institutional framework after the Presidential election and the setting up of a new government.

– Ongoing coordination with Burundi and Equatorial Guinea elaboration of agreements for developing the ICT cluster.

– ITU, Japan and Philippines agreed to work together on the Mobile Disaster Recover Unit Project, which was signed on June 2014. It is on its implementation phase.

– Direct country assistance for building the skill set for Afghanistan CIRT on enhanced capabilities of proactive and reactive response to combat cyber threats.


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

Implementation level by Objectives (RBM perspective)

Chart 1 provides a distribution of the actual use of the resources among the six objectives of the sector for Q2.

Chart 1Breakdown of the implementation level by objective

(RBB perspective)


Highlights of the operational plan implementation2nd Quarterly Report January - June 2014

The operational

plan framework

provides a

thorough view of

the implementation

level of the di� erent

objectives, outputs

and actions

This report highlights the results achieved as regards the implementation of the Operational Plan for the period January 1st to June 30th, 2014 for the Telecommunication Development Bureau. It also provides information by objectives and regions.

Overall implementation level

As at June 30th 2014, out of a total of 231 actions planned for 2014, 51 have been completed, 90 are under implementation and the remaining 90 have not yet started.

Implementation level by objective

Chart 1 below highlights, in terms of number, the status of actions (completed, under implementation and not yet started) by objective for the 2nd quarter.

Chart 1

Acti ons Objecti ve 1

Objecti ve 2

Objecti ve 3

Objecti ve 4

Objecti ve 5

Objecti ve 6

Completed 0 24 7 10 6 4Under implementati on 4 15 14 30 17 10

Not yet started 0 25 15 26 13 11


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

Budget implementation level by regions (in Swiss francs)Chart 2 below highlights the expenditure level by regions to Q2.

Chart 2

Action Plan Extra-budgetary (Global projects)

Budgeted 3’707’200 2’645’341Consumption 1’784’458 756’806

% of activation

48.1% 28.6%

World or Multi-Regional

Action Plan Extra-budgetary

Budgeted 598’000 1’167’832Consumption 258’182 487’624

% of activation

43.2% 41.8%


Action Plan Extra-budgetary

Budgeted 617’000 3’586’053Consumption 150’399 1’378’994

% of activation

24.4% 38.5%


Action Plan Extra-budgetary

Budgeted 260’500 160’318Consumption 152’102 122’832

% of activation

58.4% 76.6%

EUROPEAction Plan Extra-budgetary

Budgeted 347’400 124’746Consumption 136’302 95’982

% of activation

39.2% 76.9%

CIS Countries

Action Plan Extra-budgetary

Budgeted 719’000 9’861’942Consumption 248’830 3’741’732

% of activation

34.6% 37.9%


Action Plan Extra-budgetary

Budgeted 791’800 5’621’191Consumption 206’787 2’186’701

% of activation

26.1% 38.9%


Implementation level by objectives and regions (number of actions)Chart 3 below shows, in terms of number, the implementation level of actions by objectives and regions to Q2.

Chart 3

Completed Under implemen-


Total planned

Obj. 1 0 0 0Obj. 2 2 2 8Obj. 3 1 2 4Obj. 4 2 4 10Obj. 5 0 2 4Obj. 6 1 2 4


Completed Under implemen-


Total planned

Obj. 1 0 0 0Obj. 2 2 2 5Obj. 3 3 1 5Obj. 4 1 2 3Obj. 5 1 1 2Obj. 6 0 0 1


Completed Under implemen-


Total planned

Obj. 1 0 0 0Obj. 2 4 1 7Obj. 3 2 2 5Obj. 4 0 0 1Obj. 5 3 0 3Obj. 6 0 0 1

CIS Countries

Completed Under implemen-


Total planned

Obj. 1 0 0 0Obj. 2 4 2 11Obj. 3 1 1 7Obj. 4 1 5 14Obj. 5 0 2 7Obj. 6 0 2 6

ASIA & PACIFICCompleted Under


Total planned

Obj. 1 0 0 0Obj. 2 10 1 16Obj. 3 0 1 4Obj. 4 3 1 7Obj. 5 1 0 2Obj. 6 1 2 3


Completed Under implemen-


Total planned

Obj. 1 0 0 0Obj. 2 2 1 9Obj. 3 0 2 6Obj. 4 1 4 9Obj. 5 1 3 6Obj. 6 1 2 5


Completed Under imple-mentation

Total planned

Obj. 1 0 4 4Obj. 2 0 6 8Obj. 3 0 5 5Obj. 4 2 14 22Obj. 5 0 9 12Obj. 6 1 2 5

World or Multi-Regional

Extra-budgetary excludes UNDP funds


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

Budget implementation level by objectives

Chart 4 shows the global budget implementation level and charts 5 to 10 highlight the budget activated1 for each objective to Q2.

1 Budget activated: Amount of the budget of the action (under implementation and completed) which has been committed and/or spent.


This report highlights the expenditure level as at June 30th, 2014 (Q2) for the sector and the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT). It also provides information by objectives and outputs.

Result-based budget statement by objectives

Table 1 below provides the expenditure level by objectives in a Result Based Budget perspective as at June 30th, 2014.

Table 1 (in thousands of Swiss francs)

Strategic objectives Budget Expenditures BalanceLevel of

implementation Q1 2014

Level of implementation

Q1 2013Objectives of ITU-D

D-1 To foster international cooperation on telecommunication/ICT issues

8,360 3,824 4,536 45.7% 45.3%

D-2 To assist in the development on telecommunication/ICT infrastructure

4,237 1,524 2,713 36.0% 48.3%

D-3 To enhance the deployment and the safe use of ICT applications and services

3,353 1,363 1,990 40.7% 41.3%

D-4 To create a policy and regulatory environment conducive to telecommunication/ICT development

7,183 3,007 4,176 41.9% 48.2%

D-5 To build human and institutional capacity and foster digital inclusion

4,048 1,603 2,445 39.6% 38.3%

D-6 To provide concentrated assistance to LDCs, SIDs, LLDCs, and assist in disaster management

2,714 1,149 1,565 42.3% 37.2%

Costs of ITU-D Strategic Goal 29,895 12,470 17,425 41.7% 43.5%

Financial statement for the Telecommunication Development SectorTable 2 below, shows by section, the ITU-D expenditures as at June 30th, 2014 and the 2014 year end expenditure projections. As at Q2, expenditures amounted to CHF 12.5 million or 41.7% of the ITU-D budget for 2014. At this time, it is projected that the total ITU-D budget of CHF 29.9 million will be fully spent.

Table 2(in thousands of Swiss francs)

Financial plan implementation

2nd Quarterly Report January-June 2014

The financial

framework within

which ITU-D

operates requires

rigorous forecast

and management

of the resources


Budget Expenditures Balance Level of implementation

Projection to 31/12/2014

Section 3 World Telecommunication development conferences

1,367 953 414 69.7% 1,367

Section 5 Telecommunication Development Advisory Group

132 0 132 0% 132

Section 6 Study Group 412 12 400 2.9% 412

Section 7 Activities and programmes 5,145 1,467 3,678 28.5% 5,178

Section 9 Bureau 22,839 10,038 12,801 44.0% 22,266

TOTAL 29,895 12,470 17,425 41.7% 29,895


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

Financial statement by objectives and outputsTable 3 below shows the expenditures by ITU-D objectives and outputs as at June 30th, 2014. As at Q2, expenditures amounted to CHF 2.4 million or 34.5% of the budget.

Table 3(in thousands of Swiss francs)

Budget Expenditures BalanceLevel of

implementation Q1 2014

Level of implementation

Q1 2013

Objective 1 WTDC 1,367 953 414 69.7% 24.7%RTDCTDAG 132 0 132 0% 0%STG 412 12 400 2.9% 24.3%Total 1 1,911 965 946 50.5% 22.1%

Objective 2 ICT Infrastr. Dev. 1,520 322 1,198 21.2% 25.0%

Objective 3 Cybersec. & ICT appl. 758 246 512 32.5% 25.7%

Objective 4 Enabling env. & ITU-D publ. 1,646 550 1,096 33.4% 29.9%

Objective 5 Human Capacity & digital inclusion 807 229 578 28.4% 15.6%

Objective 6 Special ass., emergency tel. & climate change 414 120 294 29.0% 41.9%

Activities and prog. (obj. 2 to 6) Total 2 5,145 1,467 3,678 28.5% 25.9%

Total ITU-D activities Total 1+2 7,056 2,432 4,624 34.5% 25.2%

Financial statement for the Telecommunication Development BureauTable 4 below highlights, by category of expenditure, the expenditures for the Telecommunications Development Bureau as at June 30th, 2014. As at Q2, expenditures amounted to CHF 10.0 million or 44.0% of the Bureau budget.

Table 4(in thousands of Swiss francs)

Budget Expenditures BalanceLevel of

implementationQ1 2014

Level of implementation

Q1 2013Categories

1 Staff costs 16,497 7,498 8,999 45.5% 49.9%2 Other-staff costs 4,836 2,048 2,788 42.3% 53.2%3 Travel expenses 620 191 429 30.8% 36.1%4 Contractual serv. 211 80 131 37.9% 56.8%5 Rental & mainten. 104 17 87 16.3% 17.9%6 Purchase of equipmnt 65 30 35 46.2% 45.0%7 Acquisition, furnit. 240 26 214 10.8% 25.7%8 Utilities & services 172 118 54 68.6% 32.3%

9 Auditing, inter-agenc. 94 30 64 31.9% 49.2%TOTAL 22,839 10,038 12,801 44.0% 49.5%


2nd Quarterly Report January – June 2014

Level of implementation by objectives

The chart below shows the budget and expenditures by objectives to Q2.

(in thousands of Swiss francs)

Telecommunication Development Sector2nd Quarterly Performance Report

January – June 2014

Strategic plan Operational plan

Financial plan

From Strategy to ExecutionThe progressive improvements of the Union’s budgetary and financial structure reached a significant turning point with the introduction of the result-based budgeting and result based management.

In addition, the introduction of the re-structured operational plan of the Telecommunication Development Sector enhanced the integration between strategic planning, operational planning and financial planning.

The primary purpose of this performance report is to provide a quarterly assessment of the implementation of the BDT strategic, financial and operational plans using several facets and dimensions.

This report provides an assessment of the implementation of the strategic, operational and financial plan.


The quarterly assessment of the strategic plan implementation provides a means for monitoring the implementation of the mission, objectives, outputs and priorities of the Telecommunication Development Sector.


The quarterly review of the operational plan puts emphasis on the outputs of the Sector as well as on the actions and activities undertaken by the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) in connection with the implementation of these outputs.

It provides information regarding the implementation level of the outputs and actions as well as other pertinent operational data.


The financial quarterly reports highlight the financial elements of both the strategic and the operational plan.

It provides an overview of the budgetary performance for the period as well as the annual year end expenditure forecast which in turn may allow management to adjust its plans in order to achieve optimal budget performance and implementation of activities.

Implementation of the: