Tedx hacktivism

Post on 09-May-2015

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This is an English translation of my slides from my Tedx talk about hacktivism. Probably would not mean much without the video, so here you are: http://ow.ly/o47FS

Transcript of Tedx hacktivism

hacking + activism =


knock knock!

Visa Mastercard


cyber war

digital criminals


“We all have something on each other - a mutual deadlock. I feel really bad about it. Moral reform is the only way out of it. Let’s grasp this opportunity” “z toho ven“ in Czech Jan Hamáček (ČSSD) -> RNDr. Alexandr Vondra (ODS)

Maybe it does not look like that, but I like you anyway.

Hackers build things, crackers destroy them

Eric S. Raymond

service for society vs. ego

real moral values vs. states

looking for solutions vs. throwing a rock

art vs. kitch

@jurbed juraj@progressbar.sk

+421 910 865222