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AS / A level Spanish

Induction and Key Course


2016 - 2018

Teddington School

Sixth Form

Advanced Level 3 Spanish

Exam Board – AQA

The AQA Examining Board course is designed to enable students to develop their linguistic

skills alongside their understanding of the culture and society of countries where Spanish is


Students study social and technological change looking at diversity and the benefits it brings

alongside highlights of Spanish-speaking artistic culture, including music and cinema.

Students also explore the influence of the past on present-day Spanish-speaking communities

and will learn about political engagement and who wields political power in the Spanish-

speaking world.

Throughout their studies, they will learn the language in the context of Spanish-speaking

countries and the issues and influences which have shaped them. Students will study texts and

film and will have the opportunity to carry out independent research on an area of their choice.

Assessment tasks will be varied and cover listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

AQA AS and A Level Spanish Course Content

Year 12

Time Phase Content

September –

October half-


Phase 1: intensive grammar

programme linked to thematic


Aspects of Hispanic society: social issues and trends

Artistic culture in the Hispanic world

November –



Phase 2: development of all skills

through theme-linked learning.

Aspects of Hispanic society: social issues and trends

Artistic culture in the Hispanic world

Chosen film or book

February –

study leave

(for those

taking AS


Phase 3a: practice of exam-

specific skills and assessment

tasks in speaking, essay writing,

listening, reading, summary writing

and translation into and from target


Content focus according to assessment


essay-writing on book or film speaking and stimulus cards

reading, listening and translation according to sub-themes and aspects.

February –

end of year

(for those by-

passing AS

or taking AS

en route to A-

level exams)

Phase 3b: 'top up’ teaching on film

or book for A-level needs.

Developing skills in speaking,

essay writing, listening, reading

and translation into and from target


Independent research possibilities.

Transition between year 12 work (sub-

themes) and year 13.

Year 13

Time Phase Content

September –


Phase 1: development of skills in the

two theme areas of year 13.

Intensive first phase of learning for

the second work.

Aspects of Hispanic society: social issues and trends

Aspects of political life in the Spanish-speaking world

Study of second work.

October –


Phase 2: as for phase 1 with less

time spent on the 2nd work and

more time spent on social issues.

Aspects of Hispanic society: social issues and trends.

Aspects of political life in the Spanish-speaking world.

Study of second work.

January –


Phase 3: phase 1 and 2 continued.

Content and skills practice with

independent research (ie outcomes

are shared with teacher, planning

and preparation for speaking).

The content and skills aspects of the

A-level course are now completed.

March – study


Phase 4: intensive and

comprehensive exam preparation.

All skills targeted on a timely basis

according to the needs and priorities

of the schedule of the exams.

Year 12

AS Paper 1

Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes

Listening, Reading, Translation into English

90 marks: 45% of AS

AS Paper 2

Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes

Translation into target language, Essay on set text or film

50 marks: 25% of AS

AS Paper 3

Oral exam: 12 – 14 minutes (plus 15 minutes preparation time)

Discussion of two sub-themes, based on stimulus cards

60 marks: 30% of AS

Year 13

A level Paper 1

Written exam: 2 hours and 30 minutes

Listening, Reading, Translation into English, Translation into target language

100 marks: 50% of A level

A level Paper 2

Written exam: 2 hours

2 essays on set texts/films

80 marks: 20% of A level

A level Paper 3

Oral exam21 – 23 minutes (including 5 minutes preparation time)

Discussion of a sub-theme based on a stimulus card

Presentation and discussion of individual research project

60 marks: 30% of A level

Preparation activities for A level Spanish Learning a language is like learning a musical instrument and we need to practice it regularly to make progress. A gap in your learning can have a negative impact so it is important to complete some revision tasks during the Summer holidays for your Spanish to remain at its best!

Here are a number of activities for you to try out, separated by skill so you can target specific areas.

¡Qué lo pases bien!

1. Listen to the songs on the following pages via Youtube and fill in the missing words

2. Try to roughly translate the lyrics & research the singers online

3. Watch Spanish language films. Here are a few suggestions:

El orfanato

El laberinto del fauno

Todo sobre mi madre


Hable con ella

El mar adentro

Voces Inocentes

Como agua para chocolate

Abre los ojos

Maria llena eres de gracia

David Bisbal Ave María

Ave María, ¿_______ serás mía?

si me quisieras, todo te daría

Ave María, ¿_______ serás mía?

al mismo cielo yo te llevaría.

Dime tan _____ una palabra

que me devuelva la vida

y se me quede en el _____

Porque sin ti no tengo nada,

envuélveme con tus ______

refúgiame en tu guarida.

Y cuando yo te ___, no sé lo que siento

y cuando yo te _____, me quemo por


y más y más de ti yo me enamoro,

tú eres lo que quiero, tú eres mi tesoro.

Ave María, ¿______ serás mía?

Si me quisieras, todo te daría.

Ave María, ¿______ serás mía?

Al mismo cielo yo te llevaría.

Sin ti me siento ____ perdido,

enséñame la salida,

llévame siempre contigo,

protégeme con tu cariño,

enciéndeme con tu ______,

y ya más nada te pido, nada te pido.

Y cuando yo te ___, no sé lo que siento

y cuando yo te _____, me quemo por


y más, y más de ti yo me enamoro,

tú eres lo que quiero, tú eres mi tesoro.

Ave María, ¿______ serás mía?

Si me quisieras, todo te daría

Ave María, ¿______ serás mía?

Al mismo cielo yo te llevaría

Ave María, dime si serás mía,

dímelo, dímelo, dímelo ya.

Ave María...

Ave María...

Ave María...

Ave María.

Enrique Iglesias Quiero ser tu Héroe

Quiero ___ tu héroe.

Si una vez yo pudiera ______

a erizar de frío tu piel,

a _______ qué sé yo, tu boca

y morirme allí después.

Y si _________

temblaras por mi,

lloraras al verme sufrir,

y sin dudar tu vida entera dar,

como yo la ____ por ti.

Si pudiera ___ tu héroe,

si pudiera ser tu ____,

que salvarte a ti mil veces

______ ser mi salvación.

Si supieras

la locura ____ llevo,

que me hiere

y me mata por dentro,

y ¿Qué más da?

Mira que al final

lo que importa ___ que te quiero.

Si pudiera ser tu ______,

si pudiera ser tu Dios,

que salvarte a ti ____ veces

puede ser mi salvación.


Déjame tocarte, ______ acariciarte

una vez ____, mira que al final

lo que importa es que te quiero.

___ pudiera ser tu héroe,

si pudiera ser tu Dios,

que salvarte a ti mil _____

puede ser mi salvación.

Quiero ser tu héroe,

si _______ ser tu Dios,

porque salvarte a ti mil veces

puede ___ mi salvación,

puede ___ mi salvación.

Quiero ser tu héroe...

Juanes Tengo La camisa negra

Tengo la ________ negra

Hoy, mi amor está de luto

Hoy, tengo en el _____ una pena

y es por culpa de tu embrujo.

Hoy sé que tú ya no me quieres

y eso es lo que ___ me hiere,

que tengo la camisa negra

y una ____ que me duele.

Mal parece que ____ me quedé

y fue pura todita tu mentira

que maldita mala suerte la mía

que aquel ____ te encontré.

Por _____ del veneno malevo de tu


yo quedé moribundo y lleno de dolor,

respiré de ese _____ amargo de tu


y desde que tú te fuiste yo solo tengo…

Tengo la camisa ______

porque negra tengo el alma

yo por ti perdí la calma

y casi pierdo hasta mi _____

cama cama, com’on baby

te digo con disimulo

que ______ la camisa negra

y debajo tengo el difunto.

Tengo la camisa negra

ya tu ____ no me interesa

lo que ayer me supo a gloria

___ me sabe a pura

miér-coles por la tarde y tú que no


ni siquiera muestras señas

y yo con la camisa negra

y tus ________ en la puerta

Mal parece que solo me quedé

y fue pura todita tu mentira

que maldita mala _____ la mía

que aquel día te encontré.

Por beber del veneno malevo de tu


yo quedé moribundo y lleno de _____

respiré de ese humo amargo de tu


y desde que tú te fuiste yo solo tengo…

Tengo la camisa negra

porque negra tengo el alma,

yo por ti perdí la calma

y casi pierdo _____ mi cama

cama cama com’on baby

te digo con disimulo

que tengo la _____ negra

y debajo tengo el difunto.

1. Complete the AS Level reading activities on the June 2013 AS Spanish paper (search on AQA website).

2. Buy Spanish language versions of books you have read (e.g. Hunger Games) 3. Read the headlines in Spanish online using the following websites:




1. If you are lucky enough to visit a Spanish speaking country over the holidays, take full advantage and try to converse with the locals whenever possible.

2. Try to speak for a minute in Spanish on the following topics:

La familia

La vida sana

Las vacaciones

La copa mundial

3. During the holiday, keep up to date with world news. Choose three news stories which interest you and be prepared to present and answer questions on at least one of these new stories. Bring pictures or clips from the Internet to enhance your presentation. Make a list of key vocabulary which you will give to the rest of the group during your presentation

You will need to have revised the basics over the summer holidays

Log onto Languages Online and revise the following;

Present tense Preterite tense Imperfect tense Future tense Conditional tense Adjectives

Then complete the following ten gap fill questions.

Q1. Aunque hago ejercicio, también me ....................................... ver los deportes en la tele. (encantar)

(Total 1 mark)

Q2. Cuando grabo vídeos en mi móvil, los ....................................... a mis amigos. (mostrar)

(Total 1 mark)

Q3. Mañana, mi hermana ....................................... a Madrid y saldremos a cenar. (venir)

(Total 1 mark)

Q4. Cuando mis padres van a un restaurante, ellos siempre ..............................pescado. (pedir)

(Total 1 mark)

Q5. El fin de semana pasado, ....................................... mi primer partido para el equipo escolar de baloncesto. (jugar)

(Total 1 mark)

Q6. Los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres en 2012 ....................................... un éxito para el país y el deporte. (ser)

(Total 1 mark)

Q7. El año pasado el gobierno ....................................... una nueva ley de divorcios rápidos. (introducir)

(Total 1 mark)

Q8. Pasado mañana yo ............................... entradas para el concierto de Lady Gaga. (comprar)

(Total 1 mark)

Q9. Mañana empieza MiTeleOnline.com donde tú ..............................................más de mil canales de televisión. (encontrar)

(Total 1 mark)

Q10. Si tuviera más dinero ....................................... un crucero alrededor del mundo. (hacer)

(Total 1 mark)

Now check your answers: M1. encanta


M2. muestro [1]

M3. vendrá / va a venir / viene [1]

M4. piden [1]

M5. jugué [1]

M6. fueron [1]

M7. introdujo [1]

M8. voy a comprar / compraré [1]

M9. encontrarás / vas a encontrar [1]

M10. haría / habría hecho / hubiera hecho / hubiese hecho [1]

Useful Spanish Websites

Research & Reference: 1. www.wordreference.com Online dictionary – use this and not an online translator 2. http://www.conjugation.org/ Online verb conjugation tool – you type in the verb and it shows you all forms of all tenses 3. http://text-to-speech.imtranslator.net/ Paste in some (corrected!) text to the text box and choose Spanish from the drop-down language menu – listen to how to pronounce it and practise yourself!

4. http://www.spanishlanguage.co.uk/palabradia.htm Sign up to the palabra del día and get your own Spanish word of the day emailed to you daily.

Grammar Practice:

1. http://www.colby.edu/~bknelson/SLC/index.php All the grammar you could possibly wish for!

2. http://classtools.net/widgets/dustbin_6/k2uC7.htm This link takes you to a tense sorting activity. Great for speed. You can also make your own grammar activities from the classtools site though. 3. http://www.studyspanish.com/tutorial.htm Use menu on left to choose your area and explore!

4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9rn-yhnjMI

Congugation’s back – absolutely horrendous and cringe-worthy but maybe just watch it


Vocabulary Building and Topic Knowledge:

1. http://www.linguascope.com/default.htm

(username = teddington / password = kingfisher)

2. www.vocabexpress.com

3. http://www.freerice.com/index.php?&t=18127850318&s=Spanish

For each answer you get right on this website 10 grains of rice are donated to help the

world’s hungry.


1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/

All sorts on here, including listening, grammar, cultural information

2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/revision/spanish/ BBC Bitesize revision