Technology Transformation

Post on 09-Mar-2016

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JOUR 232 ePaper project about the transformation of technology through time and how it connects us to pop culture.

Transcript of Technology Transformation

Technology Transformation

People learn about pop culture through several different mediums. A major one of these is TECHNOLOGY. It’s always been around, but it has changed in drastic ways through time. From the way we listen to music, watch movies, browse the Web, take pictures or play games, our access to pop culture, among other things, has grown immensely thanks to technology. Throughout this spead, we’ll take a glimpse at the technologies of the recent past, the present, and what may come in the future. Get ready to take a trip down memory lane, see some familiar products, and maybe even be surprised at the ideas of what’s to come...

Technologies of the Past

Throughout the 20th century, technology made several leaps and bounds. Televisions were a staple in basically every American home.Movies were able to be watched and filmed in people’s homes through the use of VHS tapes.Children no longer had to go to the arcade to play their videogames. They could plug them into their own televi-sions.Music transitioned from records, to cassette tapes, to compact discs.Cell phones began to gain popularity, despite their bulky size.Little by little, computers began to be seen throughout homes, as the Internet was just getting its start.Back then, it was difficult to believe that things could become any more advanced. Boy, were we wrong...


Technologies of the Present

In today’s time, it seems like there is always a new advancement in technology out there. It’s hard to keep up! Televisions continue to get bigger, flatter, and higher in definition.We can watch our movies on Blu-Ray discs that make the films clearer and more realistic than ever before.There’s a videogame console for just about anyone out there, including Xboxes, Playstations, Wiis, and more.

One small device can hold thousands of our favorite songs, and instead of buying an album we can hold in our hands, we just download it to our iTunes library.Cell phones continue to get smaller and smaller, but able to do more and more things.We can now take our computers with us, through laptops, iPhones, iPads, and much more.Once again, this leads us to believe that there’s not much more that can be done. However, ideas of future technologies are already being brought to the light...


Technologies of the Future

Ideas of new technological innovations are being re-searched and brought to light each and every day.The use of holograms has already been showing up at concerts and on television programs. Before we know it, professors may be giving their lectures in hologram form.More and more movies are being released in 3D and thoughts of 4D are quickly coming to fruition.Moving even further forward than consoles, virtual real-ity gaming is becoming more prevalent, where you can feel like you’re inside the world you’re playing in through the use of a simple helmet.Ideas of implanting micro-chips into the body has also been discussed.Who knows what kind of in-formation they could contain?Before we know it, our bodies could become technologies.Until then, I guess we’ll just have to keep an eye out for the next big thing...