Technology in the Classroom

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Technology in the Classroom

Technology in the Classroom

Photo By Lizette Greco (flickr) Marissa Pereira

Can technology be positively integrated in the classroom?

Photo By Matthew Paulson (flickr)

“teachers today are using different classroom technologies like smart boards, tablet computers, smartphones, projectors, digital videos, and games which are great tools for helping students learn” – EdTech Team

Photo By Kathy Cassidy (flickr)

If children are taught how to use technology,

it can be extremely beneficial

to their education.

Photo By Brad Flickinger (flickr)

Students Love Technology

Photo By Brad Flickinger (flickr)

Photo By Brad Flickinger (flickr)

“The inability to focus and sustain attention can rob us of relationships, deep knowledge, career accomplishment, peace of mind, and high test scores” –Maurice Elias

The use of technology, on the other hand, keeps students focused longer and keeps them excited about what they are learning.

Photo By Anne Davis 773 (flickr)

Technology will enable students to learn at their own pace and will allow them to continue learning at more

convenient times.

Photo By Enokson (flickr)

Technology has the potential to educate students of all learning styles as it comes in many different forms and has multiple uses.

"65 percent of children entering grade school this year will end up working in careers that haven't even been invented yet.“

–Rebecca J. RosenPhoto By PhOtOnQuAnTiQuE (flickr)

Photo By Juhan Sonin (flickr)

By integrating technology into the classroom, students will develop essential skills that will prepare them for success in the future.

Photo By Rosipaw (flickr)

"When we ban, rather than embrace, real-world technologies, we leave students (1) ill-equipped to know how to harness the power of technology for learning, (2) unprepared to develop a respectable digital footprint and, (3), without adequate knowledge to safely navigate the social web.“ – Lisa Nielsen

In the "Report on Effectiveness of Technology in Schools 1990-1994," researchers found that technology can lead to improvement in performance most notably in math, science, social studies, and language arts (Wes Rodgers)

Photo By US Department of Education’s Photostream (flickr)

Photo By Enrico Stocchi (flickr)

When “at risk” students use technology their attitude and confidence improves.

Photo By woodleywonderworks (flickr)

How can a teacher successfully integrate technology in the classroom?

Photo By Houston Museum of Natural Science (flickr)

Technology needs to be engaging.

Photo By Brad Flickinger (flickr)

As children learn more

through hands-on

activities, it is essential that the students

use the software.

Photo By Gerhard Palnstorfer (flickr)

Children cannot watch passively while the teacher operates the software.

Photo By Mark J. P. (flickr)

It is essential that technology, used in the classroom, ties to the curriculum.

Photo By Arne Kuilman (flickr)

“Technology has the potential to expand our learning environment into a global classroom. There is no doubt that technology is the way of the future. Our challenge is to find a way to integrate the tried and true practices of the past with emerging tools to optimize success and outcomes” – Erinn Bourassa and Reanne DeCairos

Photo By Danny Nicholson (flickr)


All images are from under the Creative Commons License.