Technological trends in libraries lilian okello

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Technological trends in libraries lilian okello










Technological trends in libraries in the digital platform.

Definition of terms


• Technological: (“Technology - Science Definition” 2013) Applying a systematic technique, method or approach to solve a problem, much of today's technology implies the use of computers.

• Trends a general direction in which something is developing or changing: an upward trend.

Libraries: is an organized collection of information resources made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. It provides physical or digital access to material, and may be a physical building or room, or a virtual space, or both.Digital: is using a system in which information is recorded or sent out electronically in the form of numbers, usually ones and zeros.


The advancement in technology continues to drive the direction of today’s libraries, through the developments in the information technology field, library software, user expectations and budgetary constraints.


. Acquisition

. Organizing


Ordering processes:

.Emails attachment.

.Library systems eg. Koha.

.Direct from publisher i.e. Amazon.

. Electronic Acquisition System is a centralized web-enabled electronic procurement system.

Format/ Mode of acquisition

.Digital videotape format the D1 introduced by Sony in 1986.

.CD-ROM, DVD, e-book, e-journals, online databases

.Consortia, Subscription to Online Databases e-books, Subscription to online reference tools, Access to open access materials and Patron-Driven Acquisition.


.MARC was developed in the 1960s.This Allows copy cataloguing from; publishers and

cataloguing services: world cat, LC. .The current trend is Resource Description and Access (RDA ) designed for the digital world.

Search engines/ information retrievals .Electronic information resources .Print information resources

Electronic information resources .Gerald Salton and Ted Nelson. Salton, who some consider the “father of modern search technology,”

. Salton developed the SMART (Salton's Magic Automatic Retriever of Text) information retrieval system.

. Nelson, developed hypertext in 1963, significantly influenced search engine theory through his Project Xanadu (Wall 2011).

. The electronic databases began to appear in libraries 1990s, the introduction of the electronic databases, led to federated search which is an evolved form the ‘broadcast search’, with Z39.50 protocol

.Federated searching aggregates multiple channels of information into a single point.

. The federated search has the following drawbacks; such as slow speed, incomplete result sets, and conflict of multiple ranking algorithms between multiple electronic databases .


. Most current trend is Web-scale discovery service, it provides a single search box, the search is “super-fast.” Thus providing relevancy-ranked results in the type of intuitive interface that today’s information seekers expect e.g. libhub

Print information resources

. In 1960 online Catalogue.

. In the 1980’s, (OPACs). Were implemented, they were integrated with library management system.

. The current trend is through the use of union


Library Security Systems

.Print information resources

.Security of electronic resources

Print information resources

.Electronic surveillance camera (CCTV), 3M electronic security systems (electronic security gates have been using (Electro-Mechanical) and RF (Radio Frequency) systems.

.The latest technology in libraries is the RFID-based systems that combine security with more efficient tracking of materials throughout the library.

Security of electronic resources

.This include security of data, networks. and electronic devices and software used on such devices use passwords on all computers and other devices, through antivirus and anti-Spy ware software set to scan and update daily, Installation of firewall applications Setting operating

system to update automatically ..The latest is through securing resources through cloud


User services .Reference services

.Charging and discharging services

. Current Awareness services .Selective Dissemination of information

Reference services reference services move towards digital reference through the incorporation of communication technologies.

. using various methods such as email or chat .

. Creation of tools for reference instruction such as digital subject guides, bibliographies, videos and tutorials on how to use the library’s web resources,

frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) and ASK librarian.

.Reference services

.Tiered reference services to better use a librarians time and efforts

.Roving reference services to ensure patrons are getting the attention they need through a service.

Charging and discharging services

.With the adoption of barcode technology in the 1970's- 1980's many libraries were able to streamline workflow within circulation process through proprietary systems such as Alice graduate and open source software such as Koha.

. To the most current technology of RFID which is faster in charging and discharging and allows for self services.

Current Awareness services

The CAS is best described as delivering the right information to the right user at the right time in the right format to keep the user up to date with latest information in his/her respective areas e.g. using of library thing on print resources.

Selective Dissemination of information .SDI is a part of CAS but a highly is a service to restricted to members of the library .

.In this service a user registers at such a system with keywords representing his or her fields of interest, called a search profile.

. The current trend is developing a system which is able to send alerts to informs the user and Routing function for instance through Koha serials module.

Digital preservation of information resource

.In the late 50's and 60's Digitization of archival information using

microfilms and microfiche for active preservation of material was proposed.

. Then storage in the computer drives.

. The digital repositories.

. Lastly the current technology is the cloud storage.

Collection Maintenance

.Shelve checking

.Inventory process

Collection Maintenance

.Collection maintenance is a continuous process of prolonging the life span of information resources. Collection maintenance helps to keep the collections current, attractive, responsive, diverse and useful to the needs of the community.

Shelve checking

Augmented reality: an augmented reality Android app is capable of allowing librarians to tell at a glance when books on library shelves are out of order or miss shelved, the process involves using a built-in camera to read tags attached to the spine of shelved books and superimposing indications of which books are out of place and it can also generate inventory reports.

Inventory process

.An inventory is a detailed, itemized list, report, or record of things in one's possession.

.With the invention of barcode technology, libraries for instance could use notepads to load the barcodes into the system.

.The current trend is use of RFID technology.

Electronic Readers

The libraries started with microfiche and microfilm readers.

The current technology is using e readers such as the smart phones, iPods, a net book, iPad, Kindle, Nook, and Sony Reader that are used by students and faculty for academic purposes.


In order for the Libraries and librarian to remain relevant in this era of information overload and the developments in technology there is need for them to go an extra mile and be on their toes to be able to cope with the changes.

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