Techniques of Pruning. 1. To remove dead, diseased, insect-infested, or broken branches. 2. To...

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Transcript of Techniques of Pruning. 1. To remove dead, diseased, insect-infested, or broken branches. 2. To...

Techniques of Pruning

1. To remove dead, diseased, insect-infested, or broken branches.

2. To change the size or proportion of the plant.

3. To develop a special form or shape, such as in hedge pruning or topiary and espalier work.

4. To remove wilted or dead flowers and seed pods.

5. To rejuvenate a declining shrub.

5 Reasons For Pruning

More Tools• Pole pruner: has a saw and a hook; used to remove branches 10-12’ overhead

• Chain saw: used extensively to remove large branches that are 3” or more in diameter

4 Types of Pruning:•Thinning•Heading•Renewal•Root


1. Thinning removes certain branches to open up the plant and keep the natural shape.


• 2. Heading back removes the end section of branches at the same height so that new shoots make the plant thicker.

Renewal Pruning

3. Renewal pruning removes old branches that are large and unproductive by cutting them back to ground level. It is usually effective on flowering shrubs.

• That's cutting a branch back to just above a good bud.

• Limbs that cross or rub together should be pruned. This opens the inside of the tree up to let light in.

Root Pruning• Root pruning is usually done one growing

season prior to transplanting. The general rule is that one inch of stem diameter equals 10” of circle diameter for pruning roots around plant.

• Cutting at the proper angle:

- Cut the plant stem at a 90º angle

- When pruning, be sure that the natural shape and form of the plant is maintained.

• When:

- It depends on when the plant flowers or bears fruit.

How And When To Prune