Teaneer your companion_for_performance

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Tea for its immensely salubrious nutrient contents has multiple benefits for human health. This set of deck expound the facts that transcends beyond the body and how tea drinking helps your mind and brain achieve performance that you truly deserve.

Transcript of Teaneer your companion_for_performance

Mandatorily and constantly attempting to innovate.

Remain extraordinarily focused, for crazy length of times together.

Meet unrealistic deadlines.

The prevailing high performance work culture has inevitably made YOU

YOU are not alone. Much earlier some thousands of years before Zen Buddhist and Taoist monks lived an even more rigorous regime.

Their quest to attain wisdom kept them meditating for some extraordinarily lengthy periods even extending to several days at times abandoning food and sleep.

However in spite of this they miraculously maintained their mental and physical health.

These monks adopted tea as a regular and essential aid in keeping them awake and focused during their meditation .

Tea provided them with their much needed replenishment from their deprived sleep and food and yet providing a calm awake fullness and focus during their meditation.

Spritual Science


Theanine in its natural form is available only from

Bay-bolete mushrooms

Tea (teaneer)


Able to cross the blood–brain

barrier, theanine has psychoactive


Theanine improves

cognition, and boost mood and

cognitive performance in a

synergistic manner with


Theanine has been studied for

its potential ability to reduce

mental and physical stress

Theanine also promotes alpha wave production

in the brain.


Promotes a mindful state of relaxation and decrease


Increase your ability to multi-task, and multi-task well.

Increase speed of perception and improve learning ability

and concentration

Increases performance under stress and reduce task-

induced fatigue

Drinking Tea


Drinking tea (teaneer)

• The best quality tea is made from the top 2 leaf plucked along with a bud. (more than 200 mg EGCG/100 ml water).

• Tea bags are made of grades called fanning/dust.(lesser than 10 mg EGCG/100 ml water).

Whole Leaf

or Tea Bags


The Handmade range of teas from Vijayalakshmi Natural Farms Pvt Ltd

Oolong Tea

Green Tea

Silver Needle White Teas

White Tea

Post Fermented teas

Yellow Tea