Team management

Post on 19-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Team management

team management Building and Leading your team

What is a TEAM?

•Together T

•Everyone E

•Achieves A

•More M

Building your TEAM

Building a team – what are the steps?

1. Changing a group of people into a high performing team

2. Get to know your team

3. Set a team vision & goals

4. Agree on roles and responsiblities

5. Planning & tracking

6. Team identity

Changing a group of people -> high


team • Even with the best players, a team doesn’t start great, but

goes through fairly predictable stages until it performs on its best “Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing”

• Team building is a constant everyday process. Every action the

team leaders takes (or does not take) shapes the team culture and what is acceptable or not as behaviour.

Get to know your team

• IMPORTANT: don't confuse team bonding with team building. Bonding is just one aspect of team building. Remember that team building is not an event, but an everyday process. Everyday, the team is being built.

• Informal moments – do not forget that having informal fun moments with the team (and it should not only happen in the beginning).

Some tools that you can use

• MBTI Test

• Belbin Test

• Competency Assessment

Remember that no test is 100% accurate so don‘t rely ONLY on the test.

Set a team vision & goals

• USE a team vision – building a vision is quite easy, but it’s also very easy to forget it afterwards. You as team leader should constantly bring the team vision to make decisions and track the progress of the team towards the vision.

• One example of doing it is each quarter painting the vision sentences in red, yellow or green, depending on how close of being true on the present moment.

Agree on roles and responsiblities

• This means

understanding each individual job description

& what is the link between my job description

and the team’s vision and goals

& how different people in the team should work

with each other.

• JD!!!

Team rules • Team rules puts everyone on the same page of what is acceptable and what

is not (example):

– What is the periodicity of team meetings?

– Are the team meetings required (what is an acceptable excuse to skip one meeting)?

– Can I be late (how much time is acceptable)?

– Can I interrupt others when they are speaking?

– What is our involvement in certain rojects?

– How is the planning being tracked?

• USE the rules –It’s the team leader’s role to call early team members’ behaviours that are not following the set rules. Other good action to do is to remember periodically the team rules, evaluate their effectiveness and see if the team wants to add, remove or modify some of the rules.

Team meetings • Team meetings – one of the most common problems on

team processes is poorly managed or not frequent enough team meetings.

Some Golden Rules

• The team meetings should have a clear defined PURPOSE

• The team meetings should be REGULARY

• The team meetings should be EFFICIENT • Idea, when you have team meetings if also to assign some roles in the team:

• Time keeper – that will let you know how much time you still have to discuss different subjects (based on the agenda set before)

• Output keeper – that will note down the discussion points and main decisions taken

• Meeting leaders – who runs the meeting and has the overview on where you need to get

• The team meetings should be used for: • Updates on each area

• Taking team decisions

• Planning

• Allocating resources better in the team

Planning & Tracking • Involve your team in the team planning and setting deadlines.

After allocating individual responsibilities, ask your team members to build their individual plans.

• Sit with each team member and evaluate their planning progress, as well as the team progress. If necessary, adjust the planning to keep on the right direction.

• Milestones and recognition – it’s important to have not only end goals, but also milestones to achieve, so your team can see if they are on the right track. Don’t forget to recognize people for their achievements and also celebrate these smaller achievements as a team.

Leading by example

• As a leader, you should act as you expect your team members to act. If you follow all the rules, if you are an example, people will see that as important. If you miss deadlines or break the rules, for sure they will do the same. Do you want your members to offer

feedback to each other? Start offering feedback


Team identity

• Having team logo, motto, t-shirts,

roll call is something that can

create a sense of unity, being part

of something :)

Leading your TEAM

Take in consideration where each member of your team is in terms of their development…

You can use the

Situational Leadership matrix

By using this, you know

which leadership style you

should have with each of

your team members

• Telling / Directing (S1) – Leaders tell their people exactly what to do, and how to do it.

• Selling / Coaching (S2) – Leaders still provide information and direction, but there’s more communication with followers. Leaders “sell” their message to get the team on board.

• Participating /Supporting (S3) – Leaders focus more on the relationship and less on direction. The leader works with the team, and shares decision-making responsibilities.

• Delegating (S4) – Leaders pass most of the responsibility onto the follower or group. The leaders still monitor progress, but they’re less involved in decisions.